Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, July 29th, 2024 / The summer Olympics and how do they ship Olympic horses, Chantel has 2 of the same shirt, nothing worse than waiting for a package, how does your house smell, Chantel thinks she ordered a soft pretzel, Josh is the world’s favorite bald man, Chantel can’t see in the dark, women… right?!, and aura points.

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It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. A replay of today's full show. It's Monday, July 29th. Today on the show, the Summer Olympics, and how do they ship Olympic horses? I have 2 of the same shirt.

Nothing worse than waiting for a package. How does your house smell? I think I ordered a soft pretzel. Josh is the world's favorite bald man. I can't see in the dark?

Women. Right? Right. And aura points. Okay.

Thanks for listening to the show. You can hear it live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Classy 97.

It's Josh and Chantel. Hi. It's Monday. Hey. Good morning.

Well, today is national lipstick day. I don't wear lipstick. No. Me neither. Okay.

We won't be celebrating that one. Next, it is, let's see. National chicken wing day. I like boneless. Yeah.

Boneless wings. Yeah. I'm not big on the bone in wings. Not it. No.

You don't. You had a story once where you bit into something gross. It was bad bad times. So you haven't eaten chicken on the bone since? Yeah.

It's not my thing. But I I like boneless chicken. That's fine. It's rain day. Oh, is it supposed to rain today?

No. I don't think so. No. There is a celebration, though, that happens in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, to really kinda celebrate the rain. I I don't know about it.

I'd like a little bit of rain. We could use a little bit of rain. We had some rain over the weekend. Not enough. We need a little bit of more.

I don't know. I was on the freeway. It felt like enough. It did feel like enough if you were driving. It was a lot of rain.

It is International Tiger Day. Yep. That's it. And national lasagna day. Your favorite.

Love lasagna. Well, maybe I'll make lasagna for dinner then. Maybe. What? Delicious lasagna.

Lasagna is so good. Alright. Well, that's what's happening today. That's it. Easy.

Easy. It's Monday. Here we are. Almost the end of July. It's July 29th.

Oh, it's almost the end of July. Yep. Holy. July in the books almost done here in a minute. Oh, man.

Oh, man. Oh, man. So it's I don't like that. Today. Why?

Because summer is almost over, it sounds like. No. We still have all of August. Not all of August. Yes.

School starts at the be the middle. Yeah? Kinda close to the end. Okay. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer.

I just I need Let's just enjoy the day. Alright. And, and then we'll we'll worry about the rest of the summer later. Alright. Alright.

Good morning. Good morning. For the first time ever, Twinkies is launching a mystery flavor. What's the flavor? A mystery flavor.

I know. Do they give any kind of clues? Nope. Do they they don't say anything about it? Nothing.

Nope. Is it the Twinkie cake that has a mystery flavor, or is it the filling that has a the filling. The filling. It's easier to put filling flavor into the filling? Is that, I guess, it What?

Than it is to put it into the cake? Yeah. Possibly, I guess. What do you think it could be? I bet it's gross.

If you guess correctly, they're they're taking guesses. Mhmm. Hostess has teamed up with a content creator. Oh, boy. Doo dad.

You heard of him? Negative. Doo dad? Doo dad? K.

So they're accepting guesses. And if you guess correctly, then you can win a weird a year's supply for free. Guess the flavor of the mystery limited edition. I'm just looking at the contest. Some of the some of the guests has already have been Fruity Pebbles, birthday cake, coconut, marshmallow.

Mhmm. A lot of people have guessed really gross things like mayonnaise Ew. Goat cheese. This guy says he picked up a box, and he wants to say that it's something along the lines of banana pudding or some kind of banana dessert. There's definitely a strong what does he say?

Isoamyl acetate flavor base? Oh, it's already for sale? Yeah. Apparently. Oh.

You can go pick them up. So you could you can eat it and then make a guess. I thought you could I thought you were only you only had a guess based on no knowledge. No. You gotta taste it and then guess.

This guy said it smelled, like Zingers when I opened the box, but then Zingers. I got red licorice on the cream filling flavor. Weird. Yeah. So maybe I wonder.

You know how Airheads has mystery Yes. And they're all a little bit different? It's never the same one? Oh, maybe. Maybe it's different.

Maybe we've got a couple of different accessories. Palette's a little bit different, so I don't know. I here's the thing. My mom used to work Yeah. For Hostess.

Hostess. Mhmm. So we ate a lot of that stuff. Twinkies has never been my favorite snack. They're it's not that good.

It's not. I like the chocadiles, which was a chocolate covered Twinkie. The one that I That's the whole face. That's I like that the chocadile came just wrapped in foil. Here you go.

Yeah. I don't remember. Yep. Here you go. There's your foil wrapped chocolate covered Twinkie.

And Snowballs. No. I don't like the coconut on those. I do. No.

I gathered you liked them when you brought it up and went I wasn't like, oh, she must not like those. But thank you for confirming what We might we might have to pick up a box just to make our own guess, though. Okay. And then get rid of them because There's 10 in the box. 10 in the box?

Mhmm. There were 10 in the box, and the little one said We were watching the Olympics yesterday, a little bit of the Olympics. Uh-huh. And we were watching the kayaking slalom. Yeah.

And I asked, do they have to bring their own kayaks with them? Yeah. I believe they do. Like, they do. Because you'd want the thing that you practiced in.

Sure. You would want your own equipment, I would imagine. I'm sure they have to have to bring your own gear. They have you have to bring your own horses. I just found out.

For the equestrian events? Correct. How do you ship a horse? I'll tell you. Well, I boat.

You'd have to. You can't fly them on an airplane. They've no. They flew. They flew.

No way. Way. How are they flying horses? They have to have a passport. For the horse.

That makes sense because they they eat different foods. Right? So they like and that's probably the bigger part is the grains and things that you have to bring to feed the horse. Probably. Anyway, well, the horses also have to have vaccines and blood tests, and you have to have that's all required before you can even check the travel.

They gotta bring those over in, they're not they're not flying coach is what I'm saying. They've gotta probably get, like, a military airplane to be able to bring over horses. They were they met all of the horses that were going, all the American Olympian horses, met on a farm in Pennsylvania, then they were driven to JFK Airport in New York City and then flown 8 hours to Luxembourg. Yeah. Then they were transported from Luxembourg to a Luxembourg?

Borg. Okay. It's b o u r g. I just like how you're saying it. Like, it's star trek.

Go ahead. And then they were taken to France. It's like a a France space 4 hours away from Paris. Okay. Here's the deal.

What's the deal? This is so wild. They have, like, a horse crate Okay. Essentially. It's huge.

But it's It's not that big. I mean, it holds, like, one horse, and so the horse has to get into this transport crate, and then they put that transport crate onto an airplane. And it is it is a big cargo airplane. It's like one they would use for, shipping mail or whatever. It's not, it's not a passenger airplane.

And they load them on in their little crates into this big cargo airplane, and they fly them. Wow. How many can they fit on a plane? It's quite a few. I mean, the whole plane, is is empty, and I don't know how many Olympians and how many horses and if they have to bring, like, a backup horse.

I don't know how all that works, but I would imagine so. If what if something happens to your horse on the flight? Like, what if he has major anxiety? And does the horse get a medal? Oh.

I mean, look. I'm not saying that the the the person riding the horse isn't doing some work in controlling the horse and and, you know, navigating the course and riding Right. Steering. That horse better be good, though. Is doing the work.

The horse better get. Well, then the kayaks better be getting the medals too. Well, I guess you could make an argument for that. It's an an inanimate object where the horse has gotta, like, physically do the thing. That's fair.

Also, what about jet lag for horses? Do they get a downtime where they have to, like, Good question. Recuperate from jet lag? There's time zones. Do horses know how that works?

I bet not. I bet not either. They're just like, why am I awake right now? This feels wrong. And they go about that than I thought I needed to know.

They have to go through animal and plant health inspection services. That's what I was saying. That's like customs for animals Yeah. Because that's a big deal, plus all the food. Like, you're bringing over grain and stuff.

That's they've gotta have maybe they get fancy, French grain. That'd be so stressful, not only for yourself to travel and to compete in the Olympics and then worry about your horse. Yeah. I'm sorry. I missed your joke.

What did you say? Nothing. Say it again. I just said maybe they give fancy French grain. That's all I said.

Maybe they maybe you don't bring your own. Maybe you get there, and they're like, bonjour or whatever. There's some fancy baguettes. Fancy horse baguette crumbs. Right.

See? You get it. Hey. You know those, inflatable life jackets they have on the airplanes? Yeah.

And they they show you the demo one, and they're like, put it over your head and pull the cord. And if it doesn't inflate, use the straw. Yeah. Like that? Yes.

So, apparently, there's regulations on those, which I'm grateful for, but I didn't know this until today. Those have to be switched out every 8 to 10 years. They have a a lifespan k. To make sure that they're gonna work. Right.

Well, those life jackets have have mostly, up to this point, just been discarded filling up landfills Oh. Which isn't great because there's a lot of them Yeah. That have to be changed out on a lot of airplanes every 8 to 10 years. Well, there is a, a lady who works at United Airlines. Her name is Erin Taylor, and she said there has got to be a better way.

So here's what she came up with. She discovered there is a company in Germany. They're called Bag 2, the number 2, Life, and they specialize in reusing materials, turning those materials into fun and practical products, which I think is kinda cool. So because of her big idea or figuring out this company exists, Bag 2 Life's, receiving 900 pounds of life jackets from airplanes that are turning into laundry bags, laptop cases, beach bags, all kinds of cool stuff. They're using the Fun life jackets.

Yeah. They're using the life jacket material to make bags and backpacks for stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Practical.

I wonder if they leave it a little strong. Only for you. I would like one with a straw on it. Okay. Request it.

Hey. Guy. I think that's cool. I like I like a good upcycle. I do too.

It's good news. Fun and practical. Yeah. It's good news to get you going at classy 97. Do you remember, last week, I think?

What happened last week? Oh, last week, I told a story about how you had 2 of the same hat. We were camping, and I was Yeah. I found out your hat, and I was like, oh, he might want this hat. I've seen him wear this hat before.

So I threw it in the trailer, and you already had 1 in the trailer. 2 of the same identical Right. And they were both hanging on a hook side by side. It was very, very cool. Yeah.

My 2 hats together. 2 of the same hats. Right. I was doing laundry yesterday, and I pulled out a shirt, because I like to hang dry some stuff. So I pulled out a shirt.

Yeah. And I went, oh, good. I love this shirt, and I can't wait to wear that shirt. I don't know. I didn't say that.

I just said I gotta hang up this shirt. But in but in your head, you went, yes. This shirt is clean. I get to wear my favorite shirt. Kind of.

Yeah. K. Then I threw some stuff in the dryer. I took out more shirts to hang, and then I pulled out another shirt that was the same color as the first shirt, and I went, wait a minute. This looks exactly like that first shirt that I pulled out.

Do you have 2 of the same shirt? Of the same shirt, and I had no idea that I had 2 of the same shirt. Is that right? They are slightly different in color. 1 is a little more cream.

Which shirt is this? It is it's like a cream white shirt. Uh-huh. And it has sleeves. Oh, I know the one.

What are you talking about? I don't know how to explain it. It's just too sure. You'll have to show me. But I'm not surprised to learn that that's happened.

I'm surprised to learn that I didn't realize that I had 2 of the same shirt. Because I don't know. Well and which one's your favorite? I don't know. I I like them both.

Right. I've I have have said to myself when we've gone to the store shopping, and you'll be like, I really like this shirt. I should get this shirt. And I go, I swear you have this shirt at home. Like, I just know I've already seen this.

And that's happened a handful of times over the past, I don't know, 10 years or something where I've been like, for sure, you already own this shirt. The I, yeah, I would agree with you. I own a style of shirt. Yeah. With sleeves.

Look at I look at a specific style, and then you go, you already have that shirt. And I go, I know I have one that has polka dots, but I don't have this one that has stripes. So different. So But this one, a cream one and a white one, but But the Otherwise the same. Completely the same.

Uh-huh. Same brand and everything. Kidding. No kidding. Listen.

I have a a sweater collection, so I get having the same item in different styles and colors. I'm all about it. But you knew that you had those. I did that intentionally. I did not know that I had the same shirt.

So now I'm thinking this is probably the first time that they've been in the wash together. Dangerous. What a what an experience for you, though. It's not dangerous. I just No.

They're gonna make more of them. That's why it's dangerous. You put 2 of the same thing in the wall in the laundry, you end up with more of them. Or you lose a sock, and then you go, well, I got this one orphan sock. I like that shirt, so I need more of them.

But you have 2. Do you need more? I was probably really excited, like, every time I wore it. And then couple days later, I'd go in my closet and be like, oh. Oh, wow.

My favorite shirt. Didn't I just wear this the other day? Must not. Everyone around you was like, she only wears that one shirt all the time every day. You've never noticed.

So what does that say about you? It'd be like if you just had the same outfit and you open the closet, and the same outfits just hung on, you know, 7 hangers, one for each day. And you're like, oh, good. I know what I'm wearing today. I'm wearing this.

Yeah. It's my look. Let's talk a little bit about the big, Paris games that are going on. What are the Paris what what are these games? The Olympic games in Paris?

Oh, the Olympics are happening? Stop it. I haven't heard. Yes. You have.

You have. So, Yeah. Let's, let's talk about what's going on. Metal count, that's a good place to start. Okay.

Do you know, anything about it? Do you know where we're at? I know that we had 594 athletes That's a good number. That are competing k. From the USA.

Well, as of right now, we lead the total medal count with 12. Okay. China is in second with 9. France is also tied for 2nd with 9. Yeah.

But That's total medals. That's because we have a lot of people, and we have a lot of So does China and France. Exactly. Sure. There's a lot of people competing.

So, of course, our count is gonna be higher than Because of the game of averages? Yep. K. You got it, pal. Alright.

Here's, here's what I know. We have 3 gold. China leads the gold count with 5. Japan has 4. France also has 3, and the Republic of Korea has 4.

So there's there's a lot of medals moving around. We have medaled in swimming. We have 2 gold, 3 silver, and 2 bronze. So 7 swimming medals so far, which is pretty good. And I was watching, some highlights last night.

Nick Fink tied for 2nd place, in the men's 100 meter breaststroke. It was crazy to walk. I understand it. Because he was behind the pack for a good amount of time and then just burst at the end and tied for a second, which is really cool. And then we've got, 2 medals in fencing, a gold and a silver.

What were you gonna say about fencing? Oh, I wasn't gonna say anything about fencing. I thought we were gonna talk about it. Oh, we are. We're gonna talk about other stuff here in a second.

I just wanted to go through the metal count. That's where I said, let's start there. Okay. Okay. Keep going and sit tight.

A silver in diving, a silver in mountain bike, which is really cool. That is actually, Haley Batten. She won team USA's 1st Olympic silver medal in mountain biking. That's a big deal. And we have a bronze in road cycling.

Okay. Well, what what do you got? I was just I was gonna say because the only thing I've even seen is the opening ceremony. You need to get on it. It's okay.

Do you think what's more nerve wracking? The halftime show at the Super Bowl or the Olympic opening ceremony? Which would you think would be more nerve wracking to perform? I would probably say that they're they're kind of equal scales, but here's here's the thing about a halftime performance. The the halftime performer during the Super Bowl, is one performance of, like, a medley of all their songs.

Yeah. Where as the opening ceremony, it's one number from lots of different people. Okay. So you'd have, like, one short performance, and then you'd be able to move on. Also, you've been in a parade before.

You know how long it takes for everybody to get lined up and squared away? Yeah. Now imagine you're in a boat. You're in a parade boat With 600 people. Yeah.

Now you have to stay in your boat and wait for your turn in the parade. That's true. I bet that took forever. Rain. Also, have you seen the toddler Olympics?

Yes. Because that's amazing. And I could watch that all day. You showed me a couple of clips. Yeah.

And, also, you know, the river Seon how do you pronounce it? Filthy, and they had that dirty water spraying everywhere during the celebrations. Ew. Gross. They did.

Contaminating everybody. Also, these are just my notes from the Olympics. Uh-huh. Who puts together the or the logistics for the Olympics? That's gotta be a nightmare.

Committee. Yeah. Good for them. I'm glad I'm not in charge. And, one of Beck's favorite bands was at the opening ceremony.

Yeah. And they did really, really well. They, that was the metal band Yes. Called Gojira. And, man, was that a performance?

It was a performance. And he was like, guys, did you know Kojir was gonna perform? It was it was cool. He loves that. That was a big deal.

Well, here's what's happening today if you're into it. There is sailing, windsurfing, skiff stuff happening today. More skateboarding. You've got the men's street preliminary round. There's tennis happening today.

Lots and lots of tennis. Let's see. What's happening tonight? Equestrian stuff, volleyball stuff, going on. You've got, men's singles.

Lots of tennis. More cycling and archery and canoeing. More tennis. Lots of tennis. Okay.

It's a lot of tennis. Here we go. Alright. Go go team USA. You hate waiting for a package.

It's one of the worst things in the entire world. You get obsessive about it. Yeah. I like to check tracking far too often. I'll tell you what happens.

They gotta quit giving me little bits of information. They need to give me every single second of movement on my package. Like, that's that's it. I just need to know, like, okay. They have, packaged my order, and it has been, sent to, the front counter where it is sitting, waiting for the UPS person to show up at the business and pick it up and load it into his truck and take it to the next stop.

I need to know all the moves. Like, oh, it's on the truck with this guy, and he has got 75 more stops before it makes it to the distribution center. Bro. I these are things I need. It's obsessive.

Yeah. I need more information. I don't like when they're like, your package hasn't moved for 2 days. It's still sitting there. And then all of a sudden, it moves like, like a chain reaction of things happen.

I don't like that. I order something, and then I just wait for it to come. I never check unless it's been far too long, like a couple weeks, and I go, oh, I haven't seen anything. I should probably have seen that by now. And then I'll check and be like, oh, okay.

No way. It's almost here. I'm a tangible guy. I like to go to the store and shop with my hands and hold things and look at them. So I'm I'm grateful that I can shop online because it's a nice convenience.

Yeah. But, man, do I hate weight. You hate it. I I don't And you've passed that trade along to our daughter, which has been super fun. Thanks a lot.

She ordered something over the weekend. Yeah. And then she was getting step by she was getting the thing you wanted. Her thing was In preparation. In in preparation for, like, hours, and that drove her nuts because she kept checking it.

Oh, I gotta check again. Oh, it's still in preparation. Oh, it's still in preparation. It's still in preparation. Still it's not here.

It's not here. It's not here. It's still in prep and then she finally got update that it was gonna be delivered, but the person delivering it had other stops. And so it said, like, your stop is, like, 6 stops away, and then you can see the little car driving on the map. Crazy.

I need that. That's what I want. I want, like, oh, it's on an airplane right now flying over Kansas. Like, I want that information the whole time. You guys are nuts.

There's gotta be a way for me to have that. Like, oh, why is it still sitting there at that airport? Why is it just sitting there? Move it. Get my package moving.

How about you find something else to do to occupy your time? No. When your package arrives, your package arrives. And then the worst is when it just gives you out for delivery. And then you're just like, well, should I just wait at home?

Should I just sit on the front step until it till he hands it to me? I'll just be I'll be out there swinging my feet waiting. Sometimes it says before 9 PM. Yeah. You'd be When is that?

You'd be waiting on all day. I know. Because it could show up at 1 PM. It could show up at 10. It could be there anytime.

I'll just sit out front, swinging my feet, waiting for him to hand it to me now. 2 of you. Thank you. You know my thing. Yes.

And then the worst thing is when it arrives, and it's the wrong thing. Oh, that was a bad day. That was a very bad day. I did not care for the day I ordered, some technology and received some earrings. Here's the thing that happened too.

You ordered some technology, and you had waited and waited and waited Yeah. And checked your tracking I know. Constantly, constantly, constantly. And then you had seen that it was at our post office, at our local post office. Well, but it was also after hours.

Yeah. But I know a guy. So I said, hey, guy. I know. Can you help me find this package that's sitting at the post office?

And it was because I needed it because I was leaving, like, in a couple of days, I was headed out of town, and I needed this technology for that trip. And So he went and He found the package for me. Got your package for you. Yeah. Pulled it out.

Earrings. It was so you couldn't even use the technology. I'm frustrated now thinking about it. I can't even. That was the best.

I can't even. They didn't want the earrings back. They let me keep the earrings. Oh, lucky. Do you have any idea where those are?

No. No. Me neither. Did you you ever wear them? No.

They weren't even cute. They were like little orange, like they look like runts, like candy. Like the little orange runts. Yeah. That somebody had stuck a pin in and said put that through your ears.

The fancy earrings, not the technology I had ordered. I don't wear those. Well, you could. I could. I have no idea where they are.

Wear them, and I'll go like, oh, those are those silly earrings that they sent me. There's a lesson in there somewhere, I think. What is it? I don't know what it is. You're such a patient person too.

So one of the most patient people I know, except Yeah. When you have to wait for Just give me the thing I ordered. A package. Yeah. Quit ordering things online.

How about that? Try that. Some things you have to. Just walk yourself to the store. Pick it up.

Not everything goes not everything is at the store. Well, then you're just gonna have to be more patient Okay. When waiting. Good morning. Good morning.

Why did you sound like that? You sounded funny. Well, I guess it's just my voice. Okay. Good morning.

Had Emery, our daughter, stayed the night at a friend's house, the last couple of days. And when we picked her up, she smelled like her friend's house. Right. Not in a bad way. Just you can smell people's houses on people.

Sure. And so I wanna know what my house smells like to other people. Delicious? Does it I don't know if it's think our house smells too. I don't want it to smell gross.

Well, you can smell it. You know, when you, like, go away for a weekend and you come back and the house has a smell, that's the house smell. No. That feels a little different. Because if you leave for the weekend and you come back, it smells like your house is empty.

It doesn't necessarily house smells like. No. It doesn't that's not necessarily a good representation of your house smell, I don't think. I'm pretty sure that's it. That's what your house smells like.

You you're not you don't buy that? Buy that. I think, I think that's it. I don't it doesn't smell like you know that old people smell house? Don't be rude.

I'm not being rude. I'm saying you know that smell where you're like, old people live here. If it doesn't smell like that Maybe it does. No. Don't know because we live there.

Our noses are attuned to our house smell. Sure. I will say I came upstairs last night from downstairs, and as I hit the top two steps, there was a different smell in the upstairs than there was in the basement. What do you think that is? I don't know.

So then I go, oh, is that the smell? Is that our house smell? I called out. It nice? No.

Oh, well, then you were probably smelling the garbage can that's just around the corner in the kitchen. Didn't smell like garbage, though. It smelled more like dirty carpet, which is weird because we don't have We have hardwood upstairs. Yeah. I know.

I'm just saying. I smelled a weird smell, and I went, I hope that's not happening. You're a sniffer, so you smell stuff all the time. You do. And when you smell something, you go like, you really wanna get a whiff.

Like, you'll smell something once, and you'll be like, I don't know what that is. I better get a good 3, 4 in there to see if I can spot it. Well, you have to. You have to figure out what it is. It's from all those years of having babies.

That's what it is. Oh. Is that No. You don't smell that. Did that come out of that end, or did that come out of that end?

I don't I don't know about any of that. I'm not a big, baby smelling guy. I don't like to do that. I don't like to do it, but sometimes you just had to. I think there's other ways.

Such as? I think the smell will find you itself. I don't think you need to go looking is kinda what I'm trying to get at. I don't think you need to be like, what is that? And then go find it via smell.

Like, if I smell it, I'm gonna go, I know what that is. I don't need to go hunting around. I know what it is and what has to be done. Let's just part bloodhound. That's it.

You're part bloodhound. No. You're you're not. You're 0 parts bloodhound. If I was part bloodhound, I could identify the house smell of our house now.

True. You'd be like, that's not dirty carpet, but I don't know where that came from. Know what that smell is exactly. Can't quite place it. Put that bloodhound nose to work for good.

We're trying to figure out our house smell. It smells fine. I'm sure it smells fine. I'm just curious to know what the smell is. That's all.

Delicious. We went out to get a treat on Saturday evening. It was, like, in between lunch and dinner, and we set up. We're a little Afternoon, they call that. Snackish.

Afternoon snack. So I went and got a little refreshment. Yeah. And then we got some tater tots and Well, because I like to get a a drink, but then I also like a little bit of something to to, like, munch on, like tater tots. Tater tots are great.

You hate ordering food. Listen. If everybody in the car could get it together, that'd be great. We had it together. You weren't listening to us.

Oh, I heard everything. You didn't. You did not hear everything. No. I heard everything except one thing.

Because I asked for a soft pretzel. Yeah. I didn't, I didn't hear that at all. Three times. Not once.

I said, oh, can I get a soft pretzel? I you know you didn't. And then you ordered some things, and I said, and a soft pretzel. I'll take a soft pretzel. Said soft pretzel once.

And then I said, 3rd time, I said, don't forget a soft pretzel. And she said, is that everything? I said, soft pretzel. Nope. None of that happened.

And then she said, great. You said, no. That's everything. Thank you so much. I did not hear a soft pretzel, so that's everything.

And then she gets off of the intercom, and I said, I wanted a soft pretzel, but that's okay. And he said, oh, I'll just ask her for when would she Yeah. And then you changed your mind. You're like, no. I don't want it.

No. Well, because then And then I'm like, hey. I need I need to order a soft pretzel. And she's like she goes, oh, okay. And you're like, no.

No. No. I don't need it. Don't need it. I'm like, this is ridiculous.

Didn't want her to have to take my money again. Right. It's fine. I was handling it. Yeah.

You were handling it, and that's fine. But I was arguing from the passenger seat. No. I know. I don't need that.

I don't need it. I don't need it. Which I heard all that. Not once did I hear you say soft pretzel until I didn't order it, and you're like, I wanted that. So That's not the kids in the back heard that I wanted a soft pretzel.

I said I don't wanted a soft pretzel, and you said, I didn't hear that. You didn't say that. And the kids go, she did. Mm-mm. She said that.

No. My favorite part was when you try to order me after she brings out our food and you go, oh, can we get in a soft pretzel night? I'm arguing from the passenger seat going, no. I don't I don't want it now. I don't want it now.

It I'm arguing, you're arguing, and Emery from the back seat goes, embarrassing. Yeah. Like, it needed a label. This is embarrassing. Hello?

There are other people on Earth that are embarrassed right now. I was fine. I mean, I I wasn't embarrassed. I wasn't embarrassed. I just here's what I don't like about the drive through.

Like, I know what I I've I've gotta figure out what I'm gonna order. That's the that's, like, job 1. But then as I'm as I'm getting there, everybody's going like, oh, I want this. I want this. That sounds good.

Oh, what about it? And I'm like, can I just read the menu, please? I don't need a 100 different pieces of input. I'm trying to figure out one thing, and I go, okay. I think I know what I want.

And everybody's like, oh, I I want this. I want this. And I'm like, hey. Hey. I'll call on you individually for your order in a moment.

Alright. Here we go. Why don't you just tune us out? You tune us out normally anyway. Like, when you say you want a soft pretzel?

Exactly. Yeah. Exactly my point. Allegedly. Allegedly.

We were watching a show. We like to watch the show on Netflix called receiver, and it's, as you guessed it, about, NFL receivers. Yeah. Wide receivers. Yep.

I really like that show mostly because my Justin Jeffersons is on there. Okay. Is it Jeffersons? Justin Jefferson. My Justin Jefferson's.

It was apostrophe s. Justin Jefferson is on there. You said my Justin Jefferson's is on there. I didn't. I said my Justin Jefferson's is on there.

Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm pretty sure you said my Justin Jeffersons is on there. I'm pretty sure you're wrong. So Alright.

Moving right along. Go on. Okay. I made a note of what this guy's name was, and then I think I deleted it accidentally. There was a guy on there, and Beck said, oh, that's so and so.

He is everyone's favorite bald man. And I immediately thought that's rude because your dad is bald. So your dad should be everyone's favorite bald man. We're gonna start what what do I wanna say? We're gonna start advertising you as that.

Radio's favorite bald man. That's you, Josh. Radio's favorite bald man? East Idaho's favorite bald man. That's me.

Do I want that title? Do I think so. Don't you? I don't know if I do. Okay.

What title do you want? I don't think I want East Idaho's favorite bald man. Like, that's a terrible way to be introduced. It's you're somebody upon the baldest man. You're somebody no.

No. No. It's not that you're the baldest man. It's you're the favorite bald man. Yeah.

That's not better. You're the favorite of the bald men. There are much better bald men doing much better things. Yeah. Like this guy who used to be a NFL receiver.

I cannot think of his name. But he's not from East Idaho, so that that doesn't apply. What I'm saying is in East Idaho, there are better bald men. Oh, I see what you're saying. When he's told me that too, and I also thought this, like, The Rock is bald.

Everybody likes The Rock. I feel like he's more of a favorite bald man than that NFL guy who nobody even knows his name. The point is, in the NFL circle Yeah. He's known as that. He's known as that bald man.

He's yeah. They go, oh, there's that bald man. Favorite bald man. There's that bald man. I don't know.

There's a lot of bald people. Like, I I'm just one of many. I don't need to be the best bald man. Why? Because that's okay.

Alright. Suit yourself. Plus, I'm lazy about being bald. Well, I just looked up famous bald guys. Yeah.

The Rock is number 1. K. Bruce Willis. Alright. Woody Harrelson.

See, these are all great bald men. Larry David, Ed Harris, Jason Alexander. These are not any of the NFL guys. No. Brian Urlacher is a bald man.

Who's that? He's a big, huge Chicago bear. I've never heard of him. And that's it. Lot of bald people.

Yeah. That's what I thought too until Beck said this is Maybe that's just maybe that's our son's favorite bald man. I just looked it up. I said favorite bald man, NFL. And you got Brian Urlacher?

No. I got zed Zidane. I don't know. Alright. I wish I could remember his name.

It doesn't matter. He's not my favorite Baldi. Drew Brees is bald. Oh, yeah. Andrew Luck is bald.

There's a lot of Baldis. I know. This is what I'm saying. We got a bunch of bald people. I'm not the best bald man.

I am one of the many bald men. Well, you're my favorite bald man. So Thank you. Great. This is a real story K.

That happened in my real life Yeah. To me. When? This weekend. What happened?

I, was walking through our house. It was dark, and I couldn't see. And I had to Is this this morning? No. No.

No. This happened, Saturday night, I think. We had gone out of town. We were coming home. It was late, and I was running in the house because I needed to use the restroom.

K. And I've had 2 children. So you're in a hustle. You were in a hustle. Yeah.

And it was dark inside the house, and I ran into the bathroom door that was closed. What kind of noise did that make? It was like a thud Yeah. Followed by a giggle. Okay.

Yeah. So that's just the life I lead Uh-huh. Wherein I run into stuff quite often. So this morning Mhmm. You were in in the restroom.

I was getting dressed in the bedroom, and then you walked into the bedroom and went, and I said, what? And you said, you can't just stand there. And I'm like, what are you talking about? And you said it was dark in the bedroom, but you had had the light on in the bathroom. And so when you walked into the dark, your eyes hadn't adjusted, and so you didn't know I was there.

No. You were standing right in the door frame. Why were you just standing there? No. I had about?

I had just gotten dressed and was headed to the bathroom when you walked around the corner and went like that. That's what had happened. Life is hard. Isn't it hard to live? What?

No. Can't go to the bathroom Run-in the bathroom. Go to the bedroom normally. It's hard. Aw.

Don't just stand in the doorway in the dark. I wasn't just standing there. Like, she's coming around the corner. I'm just gonna be standing here like a strange person. No.

So there we are doing some shopping, running around on Saturday. And, for some reason, you got separated from the pack. And I don't know where you went. I don't know why you went a different way. You got tired of waiting behind people.

Something happened. Yeah. We were walking out of the store, and, you disappeared. And so I did. The kids and I I did.

Were looking everywhere going, where did she go? Hello? Where did she go? And from clear across the parking lot, you go, That's not It that's exactly how you did it. God.

And I said, oh, there she is. I can hear her. I can hear her now calling from the distance. Jack. Okay.

I see you. We'll catch up in a minute. So Emery runs ahead to catch up with you. Beck is slowly walking back with me to the vehicle. I'm like, man, what is this about?

Like, yelling my name like that across the parking lot. He just goes, women. Right? Like, what? No.

Not right. What happened was Okay. The 3 of you, I had my sights on you the entire time. Mhmm. But you guys walk faster than I do, which is fine.

I'm happy to go my own pace, but people were pushing me out from walking with you guys. So I said, I'm gonna just take my own way. And then people would stop in front of me and chitchat again. Fine. I don't mind.

I have to jump around. You mind a lot. I did kinda mind. I walked around all of these people, then I really got separated from you. And then when I get to the truck, I turned around to see where you guys were, and you're looking back at the store like I'm still in the store.

We couldn't find you. And so You And I you had done disappeared. No. I had my sights on you the whole time. I knew where you guys were at all times.

Good for you. You guys abandoned me. Josh. So then I tell quietly, Josh. No.

That is not The first time, I said very quietly. Like when you ask for the pretzel? Yes. I said, Josh. Use your loud voice.

I did. Yeah. I know. And then I got it. You know what's funny is there was another guy in the parking lot.

His name must have also been Josh because he turned around like, oh, I've been in trouble. Or maybe he went, who is yelling like that? What maniac is yelling across the parking lot? Felt sorry for that. He was like, oh, no.

That man's in trouble. I'm like, what is happening? I'm just walking to the truck. Like, we have a common rendezvous point. We'll be okay.

You just didn't hear me. That's why I had to say it louder. It wasn't aggressive. I was just louder. It was I wasn't mad.

I wasn't upset. It just needed to be loud so you could hear me. That's it. It had a tone. It didn't.

I swear it didn't. I you just didn't hear me. And then I was And you were frustrated, and so it carried a tone. Take it down a notch. Oh, right.

Okay. We're just walking to the truck. Everything's gonna be fine. Just listen to me. Listen to me the first time.

Didn't hear you. No. You never do. Do you know what an an aura is? A u r a?

Isn't that just like, the energy you give off? The energy you give off. Gen zers are using this as a way to track how cool they are. Alright. I don't know if anybody's keeping track, but they're they're using ARRA points.

So for example, if you pull a door that's supposed to be a push door Alright. Gross. Negative aura points. Who does that? If you trip and stumble in front of a crowd of people, ew.

Sick. Negative aura points. Who does that? If you a perfect dab in front of your friends Yeah. Positive aura points.

The dab. Okay. I like the dab. I don't know who's keeping track of all of these points, but I'm sure, almost positive, that I am in the negative. Oh, no.

Run into the bathroom door in the dark. Yes. Negative points. Very cool points. I just wish I could've heard the sound it made.

Like, I bet it rattled. It did. Yeah. It did. Bad aura points.

I know. Yeah. You you're probably in the negative. I bet I'm negative too. I think I do some, pretty nerdy things.

I don't think so. I think you're cool. I'm not. I don't I'm pretty sure I've got some negative aura points. That's that's the noise it makes.

When you get good aura points, it goes, ah, and and or and then. Shouting for my pretzel that you didn't hear is embarrassing. Sorry about your aura. Negative aura points. This or that question of the day.

Would you rather have a water slide in your backyard or an indoor pool? I'm gonna go with the indoor pool. Yeah? Yeah. What are you gonna go with?

I'd rather have a lazy river. That was not an option. I know, but that's what I'd really like to do. In the backyard or indoor pool? I think an indoor pool.

I think it's easier to maintain. I disagree. And I think you could use it all year long rather than just main point for me. Because I could have a little slide into my pool indoor. I could have a little diving board if I want depending on the height of my roof Yeah.

And the depth of the pool. Those are both really important for a diving board. But, yeah, I think, the indoor pool is way harder to maintain than the water slide, because you don't have to do a bunch of chemicals in the water slide. Yeah. You do.

No way. You still would, I think. Water's moving. It's it's refreshing itself all the time. Yeah.

But then There's not a pool to put chemical in. That water slide is gonna rust and wear down over time. Made of metal. What's it made out of? Like, plastic and fiberglass stuff.

It's still gonna wear down over time. Sure. You're still gonna have to upkeep it. Not like a pool. Nuh.

Nuh. I don't know anything about water slides. I'm telling you, you don't put chemicals in the water slide. If it's just a stand alone water slide. If it goes into a pool, then that's different because the pool will have chemical in it, and the water will be pumped from the pool water to supply the water slide.

So then there would be upkeep there. I feel like there's more to do in a pool. You could have more fun. More activities? More activities.

I see. Mhmm. I agree that. Mhmm. Yeah.

You could swim laps. You can't swim laps in a water slide. No. You can stand on your hands. Yep.

Yep. Your favorite thing to do in pool, handstands. Because I'm good at it, and no one else can do it. No. I don't think that's true.

Well, there's lots of people who can do it, but I'm nobody in my family can do it. So What are you talking about? I do it all the time. You're not very good at it. Wow.

Wow. You're better today than yesterday daily challenge as we kinda wrap up the show today. It's to write down 3 personal past achievements that you're proud of. Remind yourself of all you've accomplished and know that there's more of that to come. Okay.

That's the idea. Give yourself a little pat on the back. Write down 3 personal past accomplishments that you're proud of. That's your better today than yesterday daily challenge. And that's gonna do it for for today on your Monday.

Woo hoo. Yeah. That's it. Make sure you check out the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show.

So anything that you might have missed or anything you wanna listen to again, it's in the podcast. So head over and, subscribe. Everywhere you get podcasts, You can listen online at riverbendmediagroup.com, on our wake upclassy97 page, the podcast page. We got you all linked up there. Hey.

Hey. Take a listen. Take a listen. We're a lot of fun. I say some really dumb things a lot of the time.

You'll make yourself feel better if you listen to me. Is that right? You'll say, hey. I'm not as dumb as she is. Alright.

Head on over and subscribe and listen. This episode, from today will be posted very soon. And if you subscribe to us on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, whenever we post a new episode, you get automatically notified. And if you subscribe to us, hey, you'll get more aura points because that's cool. Oh, good aura points.

It's a different awe. Have a great Monday. Fantastic Monday. Talk to you later. Bye.

Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more