Flip the Script with Vic

In this week's episode, we chat about becoming who you're meant to be, and my secrets for lasting change and success in your life.

We chat about:
- Unwinding and unpacking old versions of yourself
- The dedication and commitment it takes to becoming who you really are
- Shifting from the idea of discipline to devotion
- The power of letting go of old stories and identities
- Objects holding energy and the importance of clearing physical environments
- Embracing change and riding cosmic waves
- Cultivating trust and belief, no matter what your external reality looks like

Want to explore working 1:1 with Victoria? Click here to send her a DM on Instagram.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice, for the special founder's rate of $17/mo.

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:

Hello, loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. I've been thinking a lot about what got me to where I am today and the profound amount of change that I have seen in my life over the last three years. And it really hit me that it takes courage to be become who you've always been meant to be, that everything is always working against you, that life is not always kind to you or easy. And that in becoming this person that you signed up for right before you even came down to earth, there's so much that you have to unwind and unpack and almost undo to get back to that state of alignment with your highest self. And it really takes commitment and it takes dedication and discipline even. But I started to get a little icky on the word discipline.

Speaker A [00:01:06]:

I was like, oh, that feels really masculine and also just feels negative. And then I realized that the word that I really wanted was devotion. And it takes devotion to yourself to become who you're really meant to be in this lifetime. And it's in the big things, but it's in a lot of the little things, too. Something I've been doing this week, if you saw on my Instagram stories, is I've felt really called to just go through my closet and donate any of the pieces of clothing that no longer speak to me, no longer feel like they're in alignment with the woman that I'm becoming. And they're still beautiful pieces. I have a lot of corporate clothes from like, Banana Republic and Loft, and I even have pieces in the donation pile that I used to wear over and over and over again. And I realized that it was really symbolic of these old versions of myself that I'm now ready to let go of, because you have to let go of things to make space for what's coming in.

Speaker A [00:02:14]:

And the letting go doesn't have to be a bad thing, right? It can be letting go of old stories and of old identities, of old ways of being in the world. And that's really powerful to be able to let those things go, because they hold energy. Objects hold energy just as much as you hold energy in your physical body. And so if you are not going through the things in your physical environment on a regular basis, you're literally just living in old energy and you are keeping yourself stuck and stagnant because you're not allowing that new energy to have a space and a flow and somewhere to go. And I really think that the people that are the most successful and I say that very loosely, right, because everyone has their own definition of success. But the people that are most successful at this Earth school, at this thing called life, have a few things in common, right? They don't take things too seriously. They realize that it's all just one big experiment that no matter what, you're not getting out of here alive and you might as well enjoy the ride. And they also realize that these attachments that we have to people and places and things maybe aren't so healthy.

Speaker A [00:03:38]:

They have to be able to ride the cosmic waves of change because things are always changing, right? That's the only constant in life is change. And you have to be able to be a cosmic surfer and ride that wave when it's high and when it's low and when it's everything in between. And when you're able to do that, you don't have an attachment to the outcomes or the things around you. And it really cultivates a lot of trust, right, and belief that you're going to be okay, that no matter what's happening, it's going to be okay on the other side. And I think that trust muscle is something that I have really cultivated over these last couple of years. Starting with the miscarriage. Trusting that a baby was on its way again and trusting that I am eventually going to leave my corporate job and trusting that this business is going to be wildly successful. And realizing that there is no other outcome for me right.

Speaker A [00:04:36]:

That it's a non negotiable. And that's really how you manifest, is that these things that you want in your field, you realize that they're a non negotiable and you treat them as such. And so you act from that place, you come from that place. And how do you get to be that person? With discipline and with devotion and with letting go of everything you thought you knew and letting go of that old person. I'm sure it's a quote on Instagram or something somewhere, but it's like your new life will cost you your old one. And that's so true because all of the things that you did before don't work when you're at a higher vibration, a higher frequency, calling in more for yourself, you cannot walk the same paths that you've always walked. You cannot do the same things that you've always done because then you're going to get the same outcome. You're not going to create lasting change.

Speaker A [00:05:30]:

And that's not to say that you're not going to have two steps forward, one step back, or you may fall back off the wagon from whatever it is that you've quit, but it's worth continuing to try and persevere through, because that grit, that resilience, is what's going to really allow you to be successful and reap the rewards. Right? Because that's when you make that change and it's little by little. It's not an overnight success story. That's very rare. I feel like people don't always see the behind the scenes of how much change or work or things shifted for a person, for them to be able to be successful and call in that abundance. And they kept that vision for themselves no matter what anyone else said or what their outside reality was. Showing them, I think that's really important of a successful person as well, is that even if your external reality is not yet mirroring what you want internally or what you're calling in for yourself, they don't get discouraged. They double down.

Speaker A [00:06:38]:

They do it again. They continue to devote themselves even though they are not necessarily seeing in their reality the success that they're calling in. But so within, so without so you've got to cultivate that within you to then see it mirrored in your reality around you. And so I really feel like these last couple of years has been a devotion to myself. And even though I am a mom of two and I've birthed both of those boys, during that time, I have always come back to myself through it all. I have always wanted to take care of myself, nurture myself, and better understand myself. And those three things have never led me astray and have allowed me to thrive, really. I don't think our kids hold us back by any means.

Speaker A [00:07:29]:

I think they give us more, actually. I think with each child, a new perspective is born within you, a new way of seeing the world, of being in the world. Because birth is a portal. It's a literal portal that you're opening through your womb space to call in a new energy into this world and into this field. And so how could that cosmic energy not change you? And I feel like I'm digressing a little bit, but it's true. It's how you view things as opportunities or as crises. I was listening to a lecture from my Kundalini yoga teacher, Guru Singh, this week, and he was talking about how that change comes through crisis, that big transformation comes from a pivotal crisis moment. And we talk about that a lot too, in business of your messes, your message, but that pivotal thing, and in healing too, that thing that happened to you, that is the catalyst for your growth and for your expansion, that was my miscarriage.

Speaker A [00:08:36]:

For me. It allowed me to wake up, and it was such a beautiful opportunity, even in such a tragic moment. And life is always going to present crises to you and moments of opportunity where you can either double down or you can give up. And you are the only person that's going to create this change in your life. You are the only person that is going to suffer if you don't go for what you want, if you don't support yourself, if you don't let what am I even trying to say? If you don't let everyone around you dictate what's happening. Because it's your life. And you're the only one that's responsible for your energy, for your actions, for your choices. Because the only time you don't have a choice is when you don't make a choice.

Speaker A [00:09:30]:

Because you're doing things out of habit or you're doing things out of not having a strong enough opinion to carry either way or you're excuse me, just doing things because it's the way that it's always been done. That's not choice. Those are habits, those are patterns. Those are grooves that you have made into the world because you have walked that same path over and over again. And you can't expect a different result if you're going to continue to walk that same path. And so, yes, it's scary and yes, it's unknown, and yes, you're not really sure what's going to happen, but how fun and magical is that? That you can take a leap and just see what happens? I think if you start to do that with little choices in your life, then when it comes time to make a big one, it's not so scary. So something else I've been contemplating a lot is the fact that I'm straddling this corporate world and spiritual world and it's not black or white. I don't really have to choose.

Speaker A [00:10:37]:

Everyone said I did. It was kind of like I jumped into this spiritual entrepreneur world and it was like, oh, well, then that means that you have to quit your corporate job and you have to go all in on the business. No, you fucking don't. Actually. Right now, for me and my family, this melding of both worlds is perfect because I have the financial security of my corporate job and it's allowing me to have fun and experiment in my business. And that energy of joy and fun and inspiration can be felt by every single person that's interacting with any of the things that I'm creating and putting into the world. If I'm coming from an energy of lack and scarcity, because I need it to make money, because my family, their health and wellness is on the line. If I don't sell and succeed, that energy doesn't feel very good, and people can feel, you know, I really feel like that my first business spirit, Mamas, which is still around, was getting to that point for me because I stayed home with Rocky.

Speaker A [00:11:35]:

I didn't have another income coming in and I said, let's give it a go for six months. Let's see what happens. And I was beginning to create from that energy of lack and saying, I need to make X amount of dollars doing this. And that didn't work for me. People could feel that energy. No one was signing up for things. And so what I did was support myself instead in a way that made sense for me. And I feel like that's really what this is all about, right? That you're supporting yourself in a way that makes sense for you, so that you can cultivate that courage, so that you can feel safe taking that leap of faith and that step into the unknown.

Speaker A [00:12:12]:

So whether it's cultivating a community of amazing, badass spiritual women who are around you, showing you what's possible, being expanders for you is huge or it's creating, like we said in last week's podcast, that safety within the body or within your environment so that you're able to have healthy relationship with these things. Because when we are not in a healthy relationship with these things, that's when we find disease, the mental blocks, the mental chatter, the scarcity, the lack, all of those things that keep us from fulfilling our full potential. Because the universe, I believe is a loving, giving universe and it wants you to fulfill your potential. And the only reason that these blocks or crises or things are coming up for you is because they are trying to show you ways and areas in your life that you need to pay attention to, that you need to shift, that you need to adjust, that you need to maybe give more love to. It's coming up for healing, it's coming up for your expansion. And so I think that's really the big message maybe of this episode is to shift your perspective on some of these things because that's how you become, quote unquote, successful is because then you redefine what success is for you. Maybe it's not the million dollar home and all the shiny things. Maybe it's feeling good and well within your body and safe within your environment and joy in your everyday and that is enough.

Speaker A [00:13:42]:

And so I really feel like that's worth it. That to me is worth it. It's why we're here. And so that's why it's easy to dedicate myself and devote myself to becoming the best version of me. And again, that doesn't mean that I'm perfect in it every day. Right now I feel so empowered and so on top of the world and I can see the shifts in my reality that I have cultivated. But it's taken three years to get here. There were moments probably two years ago where the shifts hadn't happened yet and I could feel it in my internal world but it wasn't mirrored in my external world.

Speaker A [00:14:18]:

But I didn't give up and I didn't get down on myself and I came back to it. I came back to these practices. I came back to all of the things that have allowed me to live this held and fulfilled and connected life. And so I just want to cheer you on that wherever you're at in your journey right now, I want to cheer you on and say that you're amazing and that you can do it. And even if it doesn't feel like there is change happening around you, there is. You're listening to this podcast because you want to be inspired to make a change. And just by listening you are opening yourself up to that frequency of change. And so now maybe when the podcast is done, can you go make a physical change in your environment? Can you get rid of some of the clothes in your closet that no longer serve you? Can you change your sheets on your bed.

Speaker A [00:15:11]:

Can you do one thing, one small thing differently over the next couple of days and feel that shift within you? Because all of those small things add up. Again, it wasn't just one magic overnight thing that happened to most successful people. It was small things compounding over time, just like in your bank account or in your stock brokerage account or whatever. I'm bad at that stuff, but you know what I mean. You're compounding the interest of your life by showing up for yourself in the small ways every single day and doing it for yourself, but also for others. So I have found that there needs to be a little bit of that give and take, right? So you have a selfish reason and a selfless reason. And that has allowed me, I think, to again stay this course because I have the things that I want to do for myself and how I want to feel. But I also want to provide for my family.

Speaker A [00:16:08]:

I want to retire my husband one day. I don't want him to have to work anymore. And so having both of those energies keeps things in balance. And so I'm not swaying too far one way or swaying too far another way. And again, I don't have it all fucking figured out. This is how I feel today. And this is me winging it. Nobody knows what they're doing.

Speaker A [00:16:28]:

And anyone that says what they do is lying to you. They have no idea. And so all you can do is make a choice in the moment. And it's okay if nine times out of ten you make the same choice you've always made, that 10th time that you make a different choice will be the one that shifts you. And that's enough. Thank you for listening today. I feel like this is another kind of Ramble Babble episode, but a lot of juicy nuggets. I would love to hear from you.

Speaker A [00:17:03]:

What is resonating most with all of the topics on the podcast? Please, like, rate, share, subscribe, all of that good stuff. I am opening two one on one spots over the next couple of months for any woman that is wanting to make a change in her life and is wanting someone to walk with her as she makes these changes, is looking for support to change energetically, spiritually, physically and using all of the tools in my magical toolkit to get you there. I would love to hear from you. Send me a DM. And I think that's it. Have a good one, you guys be kind to one another. I love you. Bye.