Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with Carolyne after her first Hyrox Attempt, and she is less than a week away from her debut at Crash Crucible.  Arielle Loewen talks for the first time since the CrossFit Games and gives us a peak into this years games, what happened with the athletes and what her future looks like.  Also, looking at the completion of the 3rd party investigation this week.  What does all of that mean?

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

You know,

I've done a whole day of football.

I've got to put on my

football announcer voice at

least a little bit.

Yeah, we're here.

We're back every week.

I've got a little bit of

news to talk about this week,

but how are you guys doing?

Let's see.

I got sick on Tuesday.

Just, like,

super head congestion and chest cold.

Lucas had senior night

Monday night for tennis.

And then Wednesday was leagues.

They won the league.

Lucas took third overall in the league.

But the team won.


tomorrow we're going to Hope College

for an all-day tournament.

And then Wednesday is regionals.

And they have to finish top

three in the region to go to states.


hoping for a good performance.

He's getting sick now,

so I'm like super nervous.

It baffled my mind that you

go all day during a school day.

Oh yeah.

To compete.

They would never allow that

to happen when I was in school.


I was,

I had sent Scott that we were at

tennis and he,

he had mentioned that and

it was count day for our

day for our school.

And I was cracking up that

none of our kids were there.

I don't know how, if they worked that out,

if they had them, because that,

not that I know of that,

did any of those kids go

inside and like check in for first hour?

I don't know if someone

walks out and is like, Oh,

they're all right here.

I'm not sure, but yeah, it was,

it was a little count days in Canada.


I don't, I've never heard of that.

I don't know what you guys

are talking about.

Count days.

So get the money.



you have a day where they come in and

count your, your student body.


And so like they send out

this stuff all to the parents.

Do not let your kids miss

this day of school because it,

depending on how many

bodies we have in the

school that day is how much

funding we get.


From the federal government.


I think that's irrelevant for us.

Yeah, probably.

Like, I don't understand why.

Don't you just have the

other hundred and eighty?


I mean, for us,

like the secretaries would

just have the numbers of

the students that are at the school.

And if someone was asking

how many students attend our school,

like they would just give that number.

The number of students can

obviously increase staff,

like the amount of staff

that we can have on board,

or we might need two principals,

like a vice principal if we

grow to a certain extent,

but I don't think it has

anything to do with that.

Like we just,

the secretaries would just

say what the number is.

Lexis, that's too logical, Kara.

Leave it to our government

to add stupid steps to a

process that make absolutely no sense.

Because literally,

just what's your enrollment?

And send that to us.

Why is it on this day of the

year it matters more than any other day?

A lot of times it's like

when there's a rule, there's a story.

So I don't know if people

were just lying before and

trying to get more funding.

Especially if your school is...

funded based off of how many

students like the way that

we run our schools is

obviously different in

canada um so I would assume

that there's some slight

differences there well and

this is not a bragging

anyway but the district I

live in we have supported

the school so much through

taxes we don't get hardly

any funding anyway yeah

So it's very minimal what we get,

but they want to get every

dollar they can of that minimal amount.

So they always make sure

that your kids are in school that day.


So, Carolyn, your number one fan is here.

Yeah, she is.

She's letting everybody know.

She's coming to Canada in a few weeks,

so maybe we'll do a show

together on one of the nights.

Oh, yay.


Craig is reminding me that

the Bears won today.


Which they did.

And Lex is asking if I'm

drinking anything good.

This is actually just iced coffee.

It's what I have a lot of

times when I've had a long day.

And I'll explain that after

Carolyn's done.


this week has felt like the most

regular week of school

since the beginning of the

semester in September when

school started.

I just feel like I've been

on the go from the get-go

in September with NorCal.

just traveling with different things.

And then this week, my schedule changed.

So I got that.

So I was teaching a

leadership class at the

beginning of the year,

which I've never taught before.

And they gave me back my grade ten math.

So I now have,

which I was teaching since I

got back from NorCal anyways,

like I was teaching four

classes instead of three.

which we always teach free during the day.

So now I have math grade nine,

math grade ten, and then a fitness class,

which is my regular

schedule the last year.

So I just have – I just know

what I'm doing with that class.

I have everything planned.

So it just was like a relief

to get given that class.

So excited to –

Get going,

and then I'm missing school

again this week.


Well, I've had a pretty good week,


But this weekend,

I still have my wisdom teeth.

And every once in a while,

they try to break through

the skin in the back of my mouth.

And this is one of those weekends.

And it's just very painful.

you can barely eat because

it hurts to chew um and

then they'll recede like

the one is already receded

I'm now I'm just waiting

for the other side to

recede um and it's just

made like the last day and

a half kind of miserable

because I can't eat I can't

sleep um and thus the iced

coffee at eight p.m um to

get through the show


and my body processes caffeine pretty

quick anyway.

So usually I can drink

coffee and then fall asleep anyway.

But, um, but that's been kind of my week,

but the week started out

really good because I

weaned myself off of insulin this week.

I did see that on your other show.

I was like, Oh, yay.


So yeah, it was,

the deal was every time I

could get three days under

a hundred and ten blood sugar,

I could lower the insulin

to units and I was at ten

and so I've weaned it down

and now I've been under one

ten enough times that it is

totally gone and hopefully

never to take it again.

And that was a big, crazy, thank you,


And that was a big,

crazy thing that happened

during the AFib where during that time,

my blood sugar spiked and

been trying to get it down ever since.

And yeah,

I've been working very hard at

that and a huge accomplishment.



Super stoked for that.

And then to feel miserable

this weekend is just kind of crazy,

but it's just my teeth.

It's really nothing else.

Um, and it'll go away as it always does.

It only flares up like once

every couple of years, but man,

when it does, it just really hurts.

So that's that.

Um, Carolyn, you got,

you tried something new this weekend.

I did.

I showed up to the high rocks in Toronto.

There were so many people

from the CrossFit community,

like the local community.

A lot of people came down from Quebec too.

Like I saw a couple of

people from Pro One.

Sam Cornoyer was competing.


Emma Lawson and Jack Farlow were doing

the mixed doubles, uh,

and then just like local

CrossFitters that I would know.

Um, yeah, my, uh,

one of my best friends at

the gym who I used to

compete with years ago, um,

I think the last time we

competed together was and

he asked me to be on his

team to do a high rocks,

which normally I would not.

Cause it's a lot of running and

it's a lot of running.

Um, but I was like, for you, I'll do it.

So I said yes to him.

And, um,

he's like more of a weightlifter now.

So, um, we just decided to do it for fun.

And honestly, I was really impressed by,

by him, not like lasting the whole time.

Cause he just had,

he's had three knee

surgeries in the past year and a half, um,

for his like ACL reconstruction stuff.

So to last that volume was, was good.

Yeah, when I first got to the venue,

like it looked like just a

shit show of things going on.

And people like running in a

circle and then going to

stations and then people are like,

like that are trying to get

to places like are waiting

for people to run by and

then like cutting.

And I was like, what is going on?

Like, it's nothing like a CrossFit event.

And then I was like, this is so confusing.

But then once I got briefed

and saw everything, I was like, okay,

like it made sense.

And then once you were actually competing,

it was very easy to follow.

They had huge like yellow

signs of like station one, two, three,

all the way to eight.


Not many judges on the floor, I felt.

Like when you're doing different,

and I don't know if it was

just the Toronto one or if

this is a standard of high rocks.

I will assume a lot of them

probably don't have as many judges.

But like when you're competing in CrossFit,

you always have a judge for

every movement that you do, every rep.

And here you don't,

you kind of had like a

judge just kind of rolling,

like looking at a few things sometimes,

um, only the wall ball.

I think we had a specific judge and maybe,

maybe another station or two.


so like there was a lot of no reps from

people that I was like

looking at the whole day.

Um, but it was really fun.

Like to me, it just felt like a

a good long workout, like a long grind.

We got to do the runs

together and then share the

workload how we wanted.

Did it, did it feel like a community?

Did it have the community

aspect of like a typical

CrossFit local comp?

Yes and no.

I wouldn't say as much

community just because

there's so many people that

are just going through this race.

It's just like you get to

your briefing like ten,

fifteen minutes before and

then you go through the

race and then it's over

before you know it.

It's long,

but it's hard to see people and

really sit down and chat.

There wasn't that much seating.

There was one bleach area

and then everyone's just

kind of spread out around

the course looking at different stations.

Um, super boring to watch, like,

cause you're just watching

the whole thing the entire day.

It's just like, I mean,

for hours and hours and hours,

it's the same workout.

So you just look over the

bleacher and you look at that station.

You're like, okay,

I'm sick of watching wall balls.

I'm going to watch the burpees.

I don't really want to watch the burpees.

So it's like something

that's like really fun to

do less fun to watch.

Um, very accessible for people.

There's different versions of it.

Like there's a relay version.

There's, um, scaled weights,

stuff like that too.


I can see why it's very popular for sure.

Um, cause yeah, it, it is,

it's not as intimidating as, you know,

going into a CrossFit gym

and having some of the skills that we'll,

we'll have.


But I don't know if I'd want

to ever train just for high rocks.

Like it's,

it would get so repetitive to me.

Uh, Anderson says,

sounds like a Spartan or a Tough Mudder.

And that's kind of like what it is.

You show up, you go to your start time,

you go, when you're done, you're done.

And you kind of like move on.

That's what it felt like.

It was fun though.

Like I'd like to do one,

let's say like with Lex,

like as a doubles, just to, you know,

see what we can do together.

Um, but yeah.

Did you guys beat Jack and Emma?

No, no, no, no.

I'd be curious what,

how they did together.

They got an hour, one hour.


pull up the leaderboard.

Yeah, you could pull up the leaderboard.

I think they were like today

there was a few people.

So there was two days of divisions today.

There was a few people

within like the fifty seven, fifty eight,

fifty nine minutes range.

But they were they were within the top.

I think they were I think

they may have been second

in their age group.

overall second or third

within their age group.

So they were in like the

sixteen to twenty nine.

And then there's like a

thirty to thirty nine,

forty to forty nine.

It's just like the average

age of both of them where it falls.

So I was in the thirty to

thirty nine division with my partner.

I was curious what what the

vibe was like and and, you know,

because you hear about it all the time,

but I've never been to one.


but now I know because

you've been there and you

told us yeah it's just like

a like I said more fun to

do than to watch like I

couldn't stay there all

afternoon even though like

some of my some of the

members from my uh

affiliate were racing I was

like there's no way I'm

staying here until seven to to watch


probably kind of mind numbing to

watch some of those reps.

If you're sitting there

watching all of that,

get away with all that.

I didn't know if it was like, I mean,

you look,

you go to local CrossFit

competitions too.

And like,

they're not as strict on some stuff.

So like,

I didn't know whether it was

they're strict on the pro

division and maybe less so

on some of the other

divisions that aren't as competitive.

So like that, I don't know for that.

I have heard that,

that the pro like gets a judge that's,

you know.

Which I would assume.

And you know what?

Like we also do that in

CrossFit competitions often too.

Like you let things go as a judge.

Sometimes when you see people, you're like,

they're like,

especially if they're like

older or like in the amateur division,

like things are like going

CrossFit as well,

but not to maybe not to the

extent that you'd see at a High Rocks.

Yeah, I mean,

I've judged at local comps

where the person said, hey,

give a warning before you

give a no rep and stuff like that.


they have this box for the wall balls.

If you feel like you can't squat to depth,

go to this box.

This box is way above parallel.

You may as well go to the box if you can.

It's literally like you're

not even close to parallel

if you're squatting to the box,

but it is what it is.


All right.

So next on our list is

episode five of the

documentary series behind

the scenes at the CrossFit

Games comes out tomorrow at

twelve thirty p.m.

Eastern time.

And that is what nine thirty a.m.

Pacific time.

And we have a trailer.

So here we go.

I would say the people, you know,

just being around everybody.

I really like the

competition standpoint of it, of,

you know, warming up,

talking to people in the back, you know.

I think one thing that's,

I was glad to see,

because it's generally my personal,

I don't take this stuff real seriously.

You know, there's a bunch of us,

I talk to them about it, and be like,

listen, I could win this event,

I could win this entire competition,

and I still gotta go to work on Tuesday,

and I'm gonna have a bunch of emails,

and my boss is gonna say,

here's what you missed,

let's get to work on it.

So, I think everybody has,

a lot of people have that mindset,

so it's just good to just be like, hey,

you worked really hard for this,

it's a heck of an accomplishment,

so to be able to turn

around and try to perform on the floor.

They call me the magic man.

Got a trick up my sleeve.

Always pulling the upper hand.

I win and I win and repeat.

My method is so advanced,

like a super computer.

I wind them up like a rubber

band and I send them back to the future.

I can do anything, believe it or not.

I make it look easy when I'm

taking the shot.

Precision is critical

Breathin' and let it go

Break through the physical,

this is the pinnacle We

goin' over the top

Rough cut, but quick trailer.

I loved when Brett talked about, you know,

he has a full-time job, and yeah,

he loves competing at the CrossFit Games.

And what's cool about these

Masters athletes is he had

a job to go back to on Tuesday,

and Carolyn knows that as well as anybody,


No matter how he finishes in that event...

He had to go back to work on Tuesday,

and his boss was going to

expect all the same things

they expect every other day of the year.

And so I thought it was

really cool that he had

that perspective and shared

it with us for the behind the scenes.

So that comes out tomorrow morning.

It's a snatch ladder event.

The only thing that may

change up after this week

is going through some of

the videos for the echo bike workout,

which is actually event six.

The snatch ladder was event four.

I may combine with event

five because nobody wanted

to talk after the echo bike workout.

So we have very limited,

I'll put in the little bits

we have and you can just to

show like how it wiped

everybody out and they had,

they had no interest in

talking to us at all.


and I'll put all that in after like a

little montage,

but I think I'm going to

combine next week events five and six.

So instead of eleven episodes,

it'll be ten.


but that'll be episode six and I'll

combine those two together.

Does that sound accurate, Jamie?


I had like four messages in my inbox.

Like, are you okay?

Because I was apparently not

okay walking around after that event.

So Andrew asks,

did I interview any staff

or volunteers or did I only do athletes?

I did athletes and coaches

this year because I didn't

know the kind of timeframe I would have.

And I had to put together

something as a proof of

concept so we could do this

more and expand more.

But if I would do it in the future,

I'd love to talk to judges

and event coordinators and

stuff like that as we went

through it to equipment movers,

whatever medical team.

I mean,

I talked to the medical team a lot.

It wouldn't have been too

much to just turn the camera on them.


But I had just one sole

focus for this year to do a

proof of concept and then

kind of put it together and

see how it turned out and

what I would need to expand that.

I'd probably have to take

one more person with me to

ensure we had enough

material for each event to do that.

So I'd need three

interviewers to pull that off.

with all the divisions,

the masters has to offer

and to be able to cover everybody.

Cause we tried to get a

little bit from seventy

plus all the way down to

thirty five to thirty nine

and make sure that

everybody was included.

At least every division was

included in this.

So there's that.

I don't know if anybody has seen this,

but there's been breaking

news in the last little bit.

It popped up on Instagram

that James Townsend was doing a lift,

something he does all the time.

And he got out of position

during the lift and ended

up pulling both quadriceps

muscles and suffering a

left vastus medialis quad tear.


And with that, there's surgery looming,

and he is very upset with himself.

If you want to go check it

out on Instagram,

he talks about how the

competitor's mindset

sometimes puts you in bad

positions because you push

your body to limits.

And he knew he was in a bad position,

but he tried to fight through it.


and right now he's in a frame of mind

where is that he is under the thinking,

is this the end of his

athletic career as he knows it?


For people that don't know James,

he's like the most explosive athlete, um,

probably in our space.

Um, what he's, what he does for numbers is,

is ridiculous.


I think he power snatched the other day,

like, um,

three, fifteen.

He can clean power, clean four hundred,

I think very easily.

If you look at the video and

he's like great jumper,

like just just raw athleticism,

he's unreal.

If you want to get strong,

you basically go to him.

And if you look at the video,

like he often power cleans,

he like he he does better

with like power cleans than squat clean,

I would say like

He's just a power athlete.

And I think he caught it low.

And I don't know if he

warmed up his quads enough to, um,

squat the clean.

And I wonder if like,

that was the factor that

made him like pull there

just cause he's so used to like,

he catches so high at ridiculous loads.

So he just caught it very low there,

which he, like,

I never seen him catch really low.

Um, did you watch the video?

I did.



and James has been on the show a

couple times.

He's a good friend of mine.

Always talks to me,

and I always talk to him at

different events.

He was also Mal O'Brien's

coach her first year at the

CrossFit Games.

And then famously, Mal moved to HWPO.

And Tudor's coach as well.

He's coached a lot of great athletes.

But he was also a Chicago Bearer.

And that's how I first kind

of reached out to him is he

was a former football player.

He played for my Chicago bears,

had him on the show, talked about it.

He has a fantastic story

that leads up to his

athletic life and some of

the mental struggles that

that put him in.

Um, if you've never heard that before,

I know he's been on other shows as well,

talking about it.

You should definitely check it out.

He's a very interesting person.


And my heart goes out to him,

prayers that he heals up fast.

And this is something that

can be corrected and he can

get back to coaching.

He loves coaching and he

loves coaching kids.

And he has two amazing

daughters that are gymnasts

and they hang out with him at the gym.

And yeah,

I just hope he can get back to

being a good dad and

coaching again because he's

really good at it.

His post was tough to read

because there's lots of

CrossFitters who put their

identity in CrossFit.

If a season gets taken away from you,

you kind of lose yourself.

You can tell he's nervous

that he'll never be

the same.


And I don't,

I pretty sure we had a member tear the,

his vastus medialis like

two or three years ago at a comp, um,

doing like a power clean squat,

front squat combo lift.

Um, I don't know.

I don't know.


I don't know.

Just to bring up Lex's question here,

will he have to be in a wheelchair?

If he has to do surgery on both of them,

then yeah.

One of the strong men pulled

both quads last year or

maybe two years ago.

I forget which one.

I would assume that he might

have to be in a wheelchair

for a little bit as the

surgeries go because you

can't just do one if they're both pulled.

Yeah, if you pull a muscle,

you are tearing the muscle fiber.

It's just to what degree has it been torn.


And there are grades one

through three of a pull or a tear.

And he did not mention what

that was on the pulls.

But he did pull both quads

and tore the one.

The medialis on the one.

So, yeah.

I would guess at least for a

few days he'd probably be

in a wheelchair.

But these days,

whenever you have major surgeries,

they want you up moving

because the blood flow is so important.

For him,

it's tough because he's not in his

early teens or twenties.

I think he just turned forty,

maybe not long ago.


and I know he was training for like

masters, um,

track and field stuff and

working on his sprinting.

And I'm sure he had plenty of goals there.

So, you know, you, when you have a major,

uh, injury like that, you start, you know,


it's defeating in all of your goals

that you had set and plans for that year.


Not knowing how you're going

to recover and if you're

going to have that same

explosion again is it's the uncertainty.


So thoughts to him and speedy recovery.

And that's not just for high

level athletes.

Like when my back went out,

I went through the same thing here.

I find this thing that kind

of saved my life and.

brought me back to something

fun and athletic and lost a

ton of weight.

And when my back went and I couldn't do it,

like it tore me up.

It tore me up mentally.

It's very, very bad.

Did you ever get back into swimming?

I remember like months ago

you were saying that you

wanted to do that for like lower impact.

So I was going to do it

right after the games.

What happened at the games

put me in a funk.

I do still want to go back to swimming.

And I probably will at some

point this winter.

Cause once the snow comes,

my garage is not going to be as easy,

easily attainable.

And so I think that'll be

the perfect time to get into swimming.

But yeah, so,

but I think I'm getting in a

better position where

swimming is even going to

be easier when I do it anyway.

Like, so yeah.

um yeah uh lex says also

being a gym owner having

three young kids he has a

physical demand he does

sure does all right so the

next topic did you guys

watch the barbell spin this

week or I think they call

it the spin now the show

where Ariel Lohan was on for

the first fifteen or twenty minutes.

If you have not seen that,

please go to the spin and

watch that twenty minutes.

It's really the last ten

she's on that are what

we're going to talk about now.

But she actually opens up

about some things she

posted on her story on Instagram.

um about that one of the

posts was someone asked her

about the games this year

she said they were horrible

and I it I'm paraphrasing

at this point they were

horrible and if I never

competed in them again I

would be okay with it

And then in another post,

she was picking out

different off-season

competitions that an elite

athlete would never do if

they were competing in the

games because they kind of

run around the same time.

And that is like NorCal Classic,

Crash Crucible.

She picked a couple others

that were kind of in the summer range.

Um, and, and that's, she said,

that's how I would like,

I would focus on those

types of competitions as

opposed to the games.

So they, they opened up, they actually, um,

talked to her about that.

And I thought Tyler was the

best at kind of getting a

summation of as to what she

was meaning by it all.

Because he was like,

I get what you're saying here,

but I don't understand the

emotional thing you're talking about.

Can you explain it to me better?

And she was basically saying

that from the time of Lazar's death.

until eight in the morning

the next day when they went

back out on the floor it

was crossfit trying to do

everything they could to

get the athletes back out

on the floor and that she

felt like a circus monkey

and they just wanted like

her quote is like they

wanted circus monkey go out

and dance go out and dance

and um and it really and it

came to a head on saturday

morning doing chad when

you're doing a hero workout

thinking about fallen

heroes and the announcer

just talking about the race

and then everything that

happened in the weekend

kind of came to a flood to

her and right after that

event she packed up and

that's when she left

We talked about the hero

workouts prior to the games.

I had mentioned that I

personally don't like the

hero workouts in terms of

in a major competition like

this because if we're

acknowledging and honoring a hero,

it's always, to me,

weird to do a race for it.

have the time be a huge factor.

Like you normally, you just, you know,

you suffer and you,

you think about that person or whatever,


hero that you're doing it for and you

do it.

So, um, I don't, um, I'm like, I'm not,

I wasn't surprised by

anything that Ariel said.


I've heard similar things from a couple

other athletes as well,

that that's how they felt as well.


I'm going to kind of be

putting words in her mouth,

but it felt like she was

saying that in her mind,

she felt like they were

being told whatever they

needed to be told to get

out on the floor.


Which included things like, you know,

having the blessings of the

family and a lot of athletes did,

you know,

do it as soon as they heard that.

And then when they heard that it wasn't,

you know, through Luca,

that that wasn't necessarily the case.

I think some of them felt

guilt and felt conflicted

in this whole situation.

And then they're like,

we're just here to

basically make money for

the company and stuff like that.

So, um,

I think a lot of them were

going through those, those thoughts.

And again,

I can't put myself in those

athletes because I wasn't there,

but just from things that

I've had conversations with

athletes about and yeah,

it was that kind of get back on the floor,


like do whatever it is feels right

for you type thing.

But it was like,

the blessing was a huge

part of people continuing

and this is what Lazar

would want and this and that.

And yeah,

And I guess when the story

was a little bit different backstage,


people had conflicting feelings

about what was happening on

the floor and the rest of

the competition and how it was going on.

I mean, I can see,

I can see people looking

back and questioning that

like the blessing and feeling duped.

And I can see some anger

beyond around that, but

Again, I don't think,

I obviously wasn't there.

I have not listened to this,

but from most of the

statements I've heard,

and you just said it too,

like they were given the

choice to walk out on the floor or not.

Do what you feel is right.

Like nobody said you need to

get out here and do this.

like it was a, it was your choice.

They gave them the right to

not even compete that day and,

and think on it more and

come back the next day

where you weren't even normally,

if you don't step out on the floor,

you're done.


I feel like they gave them a lot of


I, and this just seems like, I'm sure when,


Like plenty of people had like their own

mindset of how things should be handled.

And when things just, and,

and some people are just wired this way,


Like, like something happens,

this is how they would handle it.

This is how they feel it

needs to handle be handled.

And it doesn't,

and they're not happy with the,

the outcome in the situation.


but there was a lot of people who

wanted to continue a lot of

athletes who wanted to continue.


there were definitely a lot of

athletes that wanted to

continue and that was their

way to honor Lazar and to

finish the competition and

their seasons and stuff like that.

But then there's another

group of athletes I think

that felt like while they

did have a choice, they felt lied to.

They felt manipulated to continue on.

So you have that separation there.

So like some people that

want to and then other

people that were on the

fence and kind of going back and forth,

not really sure what to do.

there are a big group of

those or there are athletes

that I should say that did

feel like they were

manipulated into thinking

this is what is the better choice versus,

um, like not,

not putting that kind of

statement out there and

maybe allowing athletes to

make a choice based off of, um,

don't know if you want like

if I if you understand what

I'm saying just like

without that statement I

guess behind because if

you're making the choice to

continue because you think

that that's like the

blessing and everything and

then it ends up not being I

think that changes your

your perspective but that's

for the the group of

athletes that I'm talking

about that right and then

there's another one that

they were set no matter what right

She also said that there

were athletes that wanted

to keep participating,

wanted to keep the prize money,

wanted to keep at the games.


And she went on to say she

almost didn't compete in

Tier Cup because there was

a perceived divide amongst the athletes.

Now, when she got there,

she was relieved that it

was not as bad as she thought it was.

But they did it, and again,

go to the spin and listen

to the full interview.

It's really worth the ten

minutes of that part that she talks.

But they ask her about the PFAA,

and if her demands or her

decision for next year are

the same as the demands for the PFAA,

and she said they were not,

that her only real demand

is that she wants a

committee to run the games.

She wants it to be more than one person.

And she went on to say she

doesn't care if Dave Castro

is a part of that committee.

Would you not want it to be

just yes men either?

Yeah, I can see that.

I mean,

would you not consider Heather and

Adrian a part of the games team?

See, I don't think what,

I don't think people even

know what the games team is

or who has what authority.


I think normally they have a

lot of back and forth

between ideas and stuff like that.

But through all the

interviews of this year,

Dave had continuously said, I got this.

I have my creative juices going.

I will do the individual

side of the games and you guys take that.

So I think that perspective

made it seem like he was

the only person involved.

And he is a huge person involved in this.

the final decision making of stuff.

So I understand what Ariel saying is,

you know,

get more people thinking about

the programming to have, you know,

different creative people

and opinions on on

movements and take take experience,

maybe also from other competitions,

like Pat brought that up before,

in his interview in terms

of watching other

competitions to not make

the same mistakes and

different things that they could program.

So Larry says here, if Dave is involved,

he will have the last say.

And I, and, and then he said,

I understand that she didn't want that.

I agree.

If Dave stays involved, he's, I mean,

that's just Dave.

He's going to end up having the last say.

So he like,

I think there's already a team.

I truly believe that.


With programming,

Dave probably has the final say.

As to whether the games continued on,

I think that came down from the board,

and they dictated, we can't lose money,

you have to go on,

and Dave was the face that

had to go out and announce that.



The thing is,

if there's other people involved,

they have to have equal say.

If Dave is still at the top

and they have opinions,

but then everything at the

end of the day falls on

Dave's ultimate decision,

I think that that's where

Ariel was saying she wants

it to be more... You're not

just a yes-man to Dave and

anything that he'll say.

You can have differences of

opinion and have...


like you're saying the programming

and changes can happen with

your ideas as well.

I think that's what she

meant for if Dave is to stay.

She wants to make sure that

the other people are not

just trying to please him.

I do agree.

I think you're correct.

And that she was saying that.


she was also asked in this interview

and again, the spin did a great job.

She was also asked if she

was a member of the PFAA

and she said that she was not,

and she was not,

and they asked her why she was not.

And she said she didn't want

to get into that publicly,

but she would say that

actions speak louder than words.

And, uh, and so that,

that hit with a pretty good thud,

I thought, um,

I'm trying to find something,

and it was probably a story,

and I'll never be able to find it again.

But the one thing I want to

say about the PFAA,

which brought back this memory of mine,

last year at the games,

the PFAA made a post on Instagram.

It was probably a story,

but they had given a list

of ten items to CrossFit

that they wanted fixed.

CrossFit came back with

answers for all of those.

Eight of those were addressed and,

and complied with two of

those couldn't be.

And CrossFit gave the reason why not.

So when the PFA keeps saying

that CrossFit never listens

and CrossFit never pays attention,

like I think that's

misleading because there is

evidence out there.

I wish I could find it.


They did send something to CrossFit.

CrossFit answered them on all ten counts,

and the one that couldn't

be done was risers stacked

too high because their

insurance company would not

allow them to be stacked

more than too high for reasons.

And then the other one,

I can't remember what it was,

but I know there were two

they had to say no to.

I remember seeing if you

remember bar heights were changed.

So they had an option on the

final event to go to the

high bar or the low bar to

do to do the bar muscle ups

at the end of the games.

And that was one of the

requests that was put in there as well.

I think most of like those

things are pretty like

self-explanatory things

that like CrossFit can change.

And it's more so like what

you see at different comps

and what works and what

kind of should get standardized.

I still think the biggest

issue with the PFAA and

CrossFit is the fact that

we have it's based off of

its current athletes that

are in this PFAA and we

have a sport of unknown.

And until like, because our sports unknown,

like there are certain

things that like are not

discussed with current

athletes or should not be

discussed with current

athletes outside of just

like regular

standardization of certain

equipment and stuff like that.

Like having access to any

type of information that

other athletes don't have

access to is a huge advantage, right?

Um, so I, like,

I feel like the CrossFit side has like a,

maybe it's, it's hard to, to,

to talk fully open on

certain aspects because of the unknown.

Like, it's just like, you don't, you don't,

it's not a,

it's not a thing in other sports.

Like you can have the NHL PA

or NFL PA and like there's,

and have literally like a

union and discussions with

the commissioner or with

the league about different

rule changes and stuff like that.



I think the biggest thing for us is

the unknown.

Well, and to be honest,

every players association

and executive committee do

not get along in every sport.

They want different things.

They want two different things,

and you've got to come to an agreement.

And to me, at this point,

I think both sides are

having a hard time with compromise.

I wonder like if you could do, you know,

every competition,

the events need to be out, you know,

one week in advance or

something like that.

It's still unknown in terms of like,

you didn't really train for,

you're not able to test everything.

And then in that week,

the PFA could look at the workouts and,

and if there was any safety

concerns or anything like that,

or I don't know, um,

I guess it's somewhat of a compromise,

but, uh,


I don't know.

I just don't know what the

solution is because of that

part of our sport.



while it's super important to our sport,

I think it's the biggest

thing that hinders the

growth of our sport in my opinion.

And we've talked about a lot,

like the minute someone

gets an edge because they

know something ahead of other athletes,

then it puts into question

everything around the, the event.


And we see it every year,

every single year, people have, uh,

leaks of different information.

We saw it this year.

We saw in other years,

like the amount of people

that were practicing Chad this year with,

with the boxes that were like that.

Um, the leaks and the leaks in the open,

the leaks came from, was it Sydney?

Did anyone haven't heard?

I am not in that circle.

but, uh, it could be like, they're all,

the thing is they're all

friends with competitors.


like Tudor's friends with all of those,

those young people like

Dallin and them that were like,

was doing it.

Like you have no idea.

Sydney has a twin sister competing.

People are part of training camps.

Like it's so hard to people

are testing workouts are

part of training camps or

have friends that are

competing or friends of friends.

Like it's


Crash Crucible is coming up this weekend.

We know every single event,

and we knew it last Sunday night.

Does it hurt that event that

we know them two weeks ahead of time?


I think there's nothing

wrong with releasing the

workouts one or two weeks in advance.

It's not like you train the

whole year for knowing these events,


Like now you get to practice

and have a better showcase there.

There's less questions about

the flow of the events,

the standard of the events.

Like JR sent out everything on the flow,

the equipment that was used as well.

Like what types of barbells

are used in like everything.

So you can literally

visualize the workout and,

and see it happen.

Like, I think that's, that's professional.

And it avoids having mistakes there.

And if someone sees

something that they can,

that might be problematic or could be,

maybe they didn't think of,

you have a week or two to

talk to JR about it and

maybe it gets addressed and

they change something.

Because now people are

trying the workouts and

this is the time that you

can figure out if there's

something that needs to get changed.

Like that's, that to me is professional.

Like you, you know what to expect.

Without killing like the unknown.

It's still like it was

unknown for like this whole time.


So then this week, supposedly,

the rumor is that the third

party investigation will be

completed and done this week.

What do you think the

chances are we know

anything once it's done?


I mean,

I feel like the medical examiner's

report or whatever has to become public,


The autopsy never was publicized, right?


No, because I think it's being held.

Like they blocked that for

the investigation, you think?

I'm betting, yeah.



I think even if the investigation is done,

I think there's still going

to be lawyers involved to

figure things out,

so I don't think we're

going to know anything for a while.

Well, John Woolley said this way back when,

and so I'm just kind of quoting him,

and it makes sense to me,

and that is that due to HR law,

you have to protect your

employees that are named in

the investigation until you

finish out whatever you're doing.

And even at some point,

you may never be able to

release their name.

So I think if we do get it,

it will be very redacted

with names because they have to,

by HR law,

have to ensure the privacy of

their employees.


Unless the employee gives

them permission to release the name.

The things that I'm more

curious about is people on

the paddle boards.

Did they have any certification,

any equipment that they

were supposed to have and

just didn't have out there?

Most times,

if you're running an event in a city,

there's a bare minimum of

safety procedures that you

have to have in place.

Was this the bare minimum?

Stuff like that, I'd want to know.

But for the most part,

I don't think it's going to

change most of people's

opinions on what happened.

We all had two eyes and saw what we saw.

and will conclude.

I feel like most people have

their minds made up,

whether there's whatever

proof or not proof of what happened.


at the end of the day,

I just hope and feel like it's,

things are going to change

in the sense of they're

going to have to find ways to,

to make the sport safer.

And hopefully they've learned, you know,

how many people should be

on the water and all of the

protocols that need to be

in place to really keep the

athletes safe.

And it's,

tragic and unfortunate that

it had to come to someone's

death to make real change.

But I'm hopeful that things

will get better and nothing

like this will ever happen again.


I mean, I feel like there's, I mean,

there's probably multiple

outcomes of this, but like,

I feel like the

investigation could have

come back with something

something in Lazar's ownership.

And I think if that's the case,

we'll probably hear about it.

And, and, and then other, other than that,

I think unless they found

just gross negligence by the team,

whoever put it in place and

that's revealed and someone's,

someone's fired or I don't even,

I don't even know if there could be like,

jail time over something like this,

but I'm sure there's going

to be a civil lawsuit.

So until like that's named

and you see why it,

is there going to be something in the,

in the middle there?

Like something, I mean, probably,

I don't know,

like there's probably gonna

mean really nothing drowning.

This was the plan that was

approved by the city of Fort Worth.

Everyone did their job.

You know,

it just wasn't a good plan and

probably a plan is going to

have to be revised moving

forward is what the result's going to be.

Like safety plans will be

written a little bit more

stringent in the future.

Cause it's going to be really hard.

Like it's going to be really hard to put,

I think most people would

say the blame's on that

paddleboard lifeguard.

But I, you know, I don't know that you can,

like, what are you going to do?

like here's what's going to happen.


I think people were already,

like Carolyn said,

they're already entrenched

in whatever way they believe this.


And they're going to find

what they needed.

They saw everything that they saw.


It's going to,

it's going to be worded in

ways that you're going to

pick the part that you need

to support your argument.

And it's your,

and so my fear is it's going

to create a greater divide

than to unify the community.

then we're gonna have to

recover from all this again

like I think tear cup

helped us like move forward

a little bit and then this

is gonna get released and

we're gonna be back to

square zero or square one

and we're gonna be all

going through this all

again rehashing everything

again yeah it'll be all

over the news again


And then we,

those of us who are there are

going to have to relive

those days again and

everything that happened

and it's going to take a

while to recover.

And hopefully rogue happens

fast enough that we have

something positive to like

look forward to.

But my last thing about this

whole safety thing,

like I don't think people

really give a shit about safety.

I think it's just that they

either have an ax to grind or they don't.

And they're using Lazar's

death to make whatever thing they want.

I watched NorCal Classic and

people dropping barbells

almost on each other's heads in videos.

That wasn't from NorCal.

It wasn't?

Well, okay.

The one that Andrew Hiller

posted that went over someone,

that is not from NorCal.

I thought it was the

intermediate division or whatever.

That was from another competition.


My bad.

I retract that.

Tear cup.

I watch a floor that's soaked with dew.

People are skating around.

People are slipping off bars.

And nobody said a word.

I think that people are just

pissed off at CrossFit HQ because

And they're using this

tragedy to grind that ax at

what's going on.

I agree.

So, and maybe I'm wrong.

I think when money's involved,

people like ignore or will...

Guadalupalooza last year was

a shit show in Miami.

In the rain, people sliding,

trying to do wall walks,

banging their head on the

seating because the rowers

were set too close to the seating.

There just was so many

things that were of safety concern.

I think safety is important.

I think that like you want

to make sure that there's

some like there's inherent

risk in doing any type of

physical activity.

And I think you you as an

athlete need to take that on.

But then there's other

situations where it is like dangerous,

like when it's raining and

stuff like that,

like you want to make sure

that you're protected and stuff.

Um, but you just hope that people don't,

the problem is with some,

some of those competitions

when they have a lot of

money on the line is they

just ignore those safety

things because of the money

that's on the line.

And I think that's where

Ariel was talking about,

like actions speak louder than words.

Like when the, you know, when,

when the money is there, like put your,

what's the saying,

put your money where your mouth is,

whatever the saying is.


Where your mouth is.



Like if, if you're talking about safety,

let's talk about safety and

let's change the sport and,

and let's put the money to

the side and make like actual change.


because if we just keep coming back to

water Palooza and they get

thousands of competitors, then, you know,

they're getting away with

certain stuff all the time.

But if people don't come back and,

you know, change it,

change is going to have to happen.

Um, but I think like,

I think safety is important.

It's just.

It's sometimes like the

money's on the line and

people are going for it.

Like it's just truth.

And they're like, well,

if they want to slow down for safety,

like I'm going to go for,

for this event and yeah.

I don't know.

I get upset because I knew Lazar.

I I'm, I am sad that he died.

And I feel like people are

using his tragedy for their

own benefit sometimes.

So that's why I get upset

and think that people do things.

But I'll take a breath and

be okay with that for now.

So on to like...

some better news crossfit um

I learned of this when I

was at the crossfit masters

games uh mariah moore and

tyson oroid were at the

masters crossfit games and

they were tasked with doing

vignettes of different

people that were at the uh

masters crossfit games the

first one of those was released last

this last week and it's

really good it's a little

five minute vignette about

one of the head judges at

the masters crossfit games

who had a gym locally got

hit like eleven or twelve

people from his community

to also come volunteer and

then they kind of followed

them around and went to

dinner with them and they

went around the table and told

their story of why they did CrossFit,

why it's important to them.

And like almost all of them

had major weight loss stories.

And it was the best thing

that CrossFit has put out

in a very long time.

It was awesome.

If you have not seen that,

you should definitely,

definitely check it out.

And according to Mariah,

because we talked a little bit there,

I think there's at least

five more coming out from the master.

Is that on the new YouTube

channel or something?

Or wasn't there like a new YouTube channel,

like a CrossFit training or

something that they're doing?

Is it on that?

Or is it on Instagram?

It might be just on the games channel.

On the games channel.

I think there was a link

from Instagram to the full video.

I watched it on YouTube.

So wherever I did not note

down which channel it was on,

but it's really, really good.

And like I said, it's five minutes.

So it doesn't even take much

of your day to kind of check it out.

And again, there's more coming.

And I think that,

I think they went to the

adaptive and the teens too.

They sent some crews to those.

So hopefully we'll hear some

stuff from there too.

And it wasn't just athletes.

So Andrew asking about staff

and all that earlier

CrossFit actually with this

was a head judge, um,

at the masters CrossFit games.

So I know Becca Voigt is the

subject of one of them.


But I because I because

Mariah actually filmed me filming Becca.

For that one,

and I don't know if it'll

make the cut or not,

but but that's she

explained it to me

afterwards that she wasn't

trying to steal my interview.

She just was.

And I said, it's all fine.

We're all good.

We can work together.

so yeah go ahead and check

that out um it's really

good and then I just wanted

to finish up with um reps

ahead as announced they're

doing uh reps ahead five

and it looks like

thanksgiving weekend maybe

I put the dates down on the

twenty-third and

twenty-fourth in denver

which is where they first got started

I wanted to.

That's the week before Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is like the

last day of November this year.

So I'm going to share my screen.

The venue they are using is super cool.

So it's November,

and it is during another company,

the MBS Turkey challenge.

So they're doing it in

conjunction with that event,

but check out this venue.

Is that not the coolest

venue for like a one-on-one competition?

Yeah, that's awesome.

So what it made me think

about is I've been watching

Mr. McMahon on Netflix,

which is the Vince McMahon story.

And in the nineties,

there was the Monday night

wars where WCW was going up

against the WWE for ratings and WCW had a,


like a studio where they would do a

lot of their events and the

wrestlers didn't have to

travel like they did in the WWE.


wouldn't it be cool to have

like this dedicated arena

like this for these

one-on-one competitions

yeah um but anyway I

thought it was pretty cool

they have not announced the

lineup but I just wanted

for fun wanted to ask you two

If you could make,

like they always say in the

fight game that styles make matches,

meaning that not

necessarily one versus two

is the best matchup,

but two people that have

equal abilities at certain

things make a better match

than maybe one versus two.

And with that being the thought process,

Who would you want to see in

a one-on-one battle like

this in the CrossFit world?

Pick one on the men and one on the women.

A pairing.

I mean,

I feel like they've already sort of

done it.

To pick body types,

you pick someone like

Colton and Scott Tetlow.

That's the perfect pairing.

They have the same levers.

So if you're going to do

anything short range of motion,

they're at least going to

be pretty equal.

Same with like Kyra and

Annika who just went.

Very, very similar levers.

I think I'd like to see... I mean...

I would I would like to take

find somebody who's like

almost like a specialist at

some something and then

find like their equal and

give them a shot to see

like how close they are.

I'd almost like to see

somebody like Emily Rolfe

and Sidney Wells do something together.

Like a running.


Running toaster bars thing.



I think I'd almost want to see the


Like someone who's strong,

but like still proficient

at gymnastics and someone

who's a specialist at a

gymnastics movement and

maybe not as good like on a

machine or strength and how their styles,

like where they make up

time could be different on each other.

I think that would be like a

good race to watch as well.

As long as you pick the

movements that they're good

at and a little bit of their like,

weaknesses, I guess.

Cause if it's not balanced like that,

then it's not going to work.

You have to know the

athletes very well and their strengths.

It's for the matches.


I picked Gabby versus DB.

I mean, Laura versus Tia and you put,


And you put like a machine

echo bike that Laura will

crush Tia anytime.


any amount of echo bike.

And then you pair that with

some sort of ring muscle up.

And Tia is one of the best

in the sport in that.


like you could just do like a high

enough volume where the,

the amount of time that Tia

would lose on the echo bike,

she can gain on the next

movement and it becomes a race.

Um, but who knows?

Yeah, I, um,

Cause people want to see the

top people though.

That's, that's a thing.

They're not good matchups,

but you still want to see the top.

I want to see,

I want to see the top person

maybe go up against a specialist.


Like, I think that would be cool.


and one thing that like popped into my,

my head was,

I would love to see a rematch

of Velner versus Guy in a

gymnastics workout.


where they don't have to...

One of them doesn't have to

be in debt based on the

women who work for them.


Right, because that was a close,

close race.

And then you could do that

in other aspects as well,

like... I don't know.

I'm having a hard time on

the women's side.

like Alex Kazan benching

with something else with somebody else.

Let's see how close somebody else can get.

I like, I don't,

or even like Kazan and Emma

tall with some legless rope

climbs mixed in with some other things.

I don't know.

That would be a good battle.


I just,

I feel like reps ahead is getting

in a rut of kind of the

same athletes and say it's

a very similar workouts.

It has a lift, it has a box jump,

and it has something on the bar.

And I'm ready for something

a little bit different.

And I think it's okay, like you said,


when one's good at one thing and

one's good at another,

let them get a little bit ahead,

but the other person has

the ability to catch them.

So maybe twelve reps isn't ideal.



Or maybe you just do it for time.

It takes away from their concept.

That's why I think the Fit Wars before,

just like the workout is

there and I like the

matchups and everything,

the reps ahead is a unique

concept which I like,

but I also like the Fit

Wars where it's just like

you grab two athletes, let's see,

this is the workout,

who wins this battle?

There was something that was

nice about that format as well.

Like the,

the reps I had took that aspect

of the head to head and

then made it unique in the

differential scoring system.

But I missed the fit wars

aspect of just doing a

workout and who wins.


Get to point A to point B,

however you want.

If you want to go out hot

and then die and the other

person goes out slow and then catches up.

Like I like that.

always thought it would be

cool to do a fit wars and

basically like everybody

that comes to watch donates

money and whatever the

winner when the winner wins

they get all that's donated

from the chat like that is

something you could do

through our software

two phone a phone in one gym

a phone in the other gym do

the workouts and and go one

thing I would love to see

is carlene matthews and

jamie latimer yeah their

heads are epic we're

similar they are yeah and

it happened the whole

weekend at the masters crossfit games

I would love to see that.

And that's,

what's cool about this format

is that you could do it from,

you could do teenagers,

you could do masters,

you could do whatever.

And it'd be very easy to pull off.

I just, yeah.

The more opportunities we

give the athletes to get exposure,

the better.

agree which is why I'm like

trying to think of somebody

you know like when you

think of those pairings I'm

not just trying to pull out

dale as much like I love

watching like dalen and

hopper and like those are

the colin they're the ones

on all the time like

somebody else needs to do

workouts yeah like right

now we're getting the same

group yeah over and over

again we need we need new blood

One thing I left off the

notes is Crash Crucible is this weekend.

I thought I put it on there.

You did.

It's up top right after Carolyn went.

You wanted to talk.

I just wanted to get your

impressions on we have

Crash coming up this weekend.

Carolyn is competing.

I wanted to get your

impressions on who you

think will do well at Crash, but take

I think Carolyn's going to do very well,

but I'm taking her out of

the mix for this exercise

and saying who I think will do well.

So who do you guys have?

And Carolyn, we'll start with the men,

and you don't have to do

the women's side because

you're competing against them.

I mean, coming off the games,

I think you have to go with Chris.

Is it Ibera or Ibera?



Um, I'm, he's a favorite.

I think Taylor self and Colton, I think,

um, to me,

those are the three that on

paper are the favorites.


now on paper and in execution is a

different thing.

Yeah, I agree.

I think it's going to come

down to Colton and Taylor,

whether Chris gets third or

not is the question for me.

The thing with crashes,

it's a different scoring, right?

So, um, if you have a bad event,

it can really crush you.

Um, do you think, and I don't know,

they're going to have a bad event though.


but it just takes one blow up to happen.

You just don't know, right?

Like you,

you get caught up in a race and

something happens.

Um, but yeah.

I don't think so,

but I'm just saying it's a

different scoring system,

and it definitely rewards

specialists versus consistency.

I would pick Chris.

To win the whole thing?


Oh, I don't think so.

I think it's going to come

down to Taylor and Colton.

I don't know enough about

Chris in terms of his

strengths and weaknesses yet.

He's been slowly getting

better and better every year.

For sure.

And he made the games the

other two did not.



And he was very consistent at West Coast.

I think that he... I think

he... That's my pick.

Heard it here first.

That's a good pick.

But my surprise, my dark horse...

is Tristan Harrison.

If people did not see

Tristan at West Coast,

he made a lot of noise for

a person nobody knew.

He was up in the top ten for

a while at West Coast.

Did he call in for Kel

Taylor the day it started

or the day before?

It almost beat Taylor the day before,

but messed up because he

tried to do it all in one round.

He was done, though.

But he he's a good guy.

We interviewed him for the show.

I, I truly believe in him.

I think he'll be top five for sure.


The men's race is going to be exciting.

Then on the women's side,

we'll let Carolyn sit this one out.

Who do you got?

I think I think Lydia Fish

is going to be on the podium.

um I think fee will do well

I'm a little worried about

a couple of these maybe

being on the heavy side for

her um although fee moves

weight really well so I

don't know um and I think

jordan chefs is gonna do

awesome I gotta go with caroline stanley

she got better this year she

did well at the games which

was weird who knows what

that really means and then

this is really a question

for you Carolyn Elizabeth

Wishart killed it at NorCal

she's good that was my dark

horse pick ish

um I will be shocked if she

if she wins crash um I mean

she's good she caught my

eye last year at norcal

classic and I've been

following her stuff since

then and she's impressive

yeah she's my dark horse

stan karen caroline

stanley's my pick um but I

do I do think that

with this athleticism is an aspect.

And I think that really

plays into our co-host hands.

And so I'm really excited to

see Carolyn throw down with

all these young ins,

her and fee going against the young ins.

How old is she?

She's probably like, she's not.

I would say, how do I say this?


I would say she's probably around thirty.

I think she's right around thirty.

She's a young'un.

I consider that young'un.

Yeah, but Lydia Fish is a real young'un.

Lydia's young.

I think Lydia's going to win

the midline sadness workout.

She's impressive at syndicate.



I don't know how her strict deficit or

it's strict deficit, handstand pushups,



So I, for me, that one's killing me.

I'm picking women because I

just think there's so many

women that are going to get

stuck there and not even

get through that workout,

which is going to kill.

I guess it, I don't know,

like if a ton get stuck,

I guess with this P scoring, I don't know,

maybe a bunch of them will

wind up at zero.

or two points or something like,

I don't know.

I'm just,

I'm trying to figure out who out

of this group will get

through that workout.

I feel like if you, the rest is fine.

Do you have any dark horse picks is Jordan,

Jordan, your dark horse or just Jordan?


Jordan's my dark horse.


I like Jordan a lot.

It was Kyra competing.

I didn't even see her on the list.

Yeah, Kyra's competing.

Oh, I didn't.

We always put her down low

and she gets pissed at us.

So we might as well like

just keep it rolling.


She should do well.

She should do very well.


I just I don't like her endurance

right now.

Yeah, there's not.

It's not a ton of endurance.

just a lot in a couple days

right yeah there's not too

much quads for chiro like

quads yeah like there's not

much light like there's one

workout that has squatting

with the thrusters and the

lunges but other than that

a lot of it's cardio or um

shoulder dependent or skill

like a skill dependent like

there's overhead squats in

the last one but you're not

doing you're not failing

overhead squats because

your legs are tired it's

because your arms from

like rope climbs or

something like it's it's

arms it's she has like

because she's got really

good uh lower body strength

I mean she's a great puller

too um I think has very

good handstand push-ups as

well yeah she with her

shorter levers those

handstand push-ups might be

easiest for her jordan's

got long arms lydia's got

long arms so that sucks I

can deadlift with my long arms yeah

Nobody say anything about Nick Matthew.

We just forgetting about him.

I saw him.

I, again, no, it's,

I feel like he's like your squatter,

like a Kyra.

I, I don't,

although I think he's got great,

like strict handstand pushup.

I don't know what his ring

muscle up capacity is like.

I think both Colton and

Taylor will kill him on some of these.

Ring muscle.





Don't keep ignoring my pick.

I think Nick will be

relevant the whole weekend.

Oh, yeah.

He'll be in the mix.

Don't know where he's at

training-wise right now.

I just think he might be a

little bit behind those top three.

Not much,

but just enough that the other

three separate a little bit.

But again,

this could be his CrossFit Games.

That's what he's been training for, right?



Did you see her?

Good luck, Carolyn.

Thank you.

Shout out to Lana,

who has been helping me

with names for the Masters documentary.

I just send her screenshots

of my editing software.

Lana, do you know who this is?

Josh had to do that with me at the games.

Who's this?

Who's this?

Every person.

Who did that?

yes rosy view photography uh

yeah yeah yeah another one

sorry I just thought about

on the woman's side uh

britney weiss that won the

qualifier so she's one also

that could do a dark horse

I'm actually seeing Molly McGrandy, too,

after a year with the Mayhem team,

coming back individual,

how she does on the individual side.

She was on the Mayhem team.

She's a home run hitter,

so she's going to have some good river.

I would expect the bike

Double under?

The bike double under.

The power output that she

has on the machines is

better than anyone in the sport.

In the quarterfinals, I think,

demolished that rowing

workout that had the step-ups.

Any type of machine, she crushes that.

I'll expect her to do very,

very well there.

There's no max lift, right?


See, that's why I didn't,

I didn't put her in the top for me.

Cause if she, you, she had like a mat,

if you had a max lift or a

big handstand walk,

like I would definitely go with her.

And because her P score would be huge.

The handstand,

there is a handstand walk in midlife.

But it's not like one,

it's not like a sprint.

Is she fast on her hands?

I've never, I don't remember her.


She killed it at a West coast.

But is she killing it because of the row?


because it was because the Smith that

was super fast on her hands.

That's true.

I think and I think Olivia

was crushing the row,

which then buys her time on

the handstand walk.

We already, we've already debated this.

That was a rowing workout, Scott.

A hundred percent.

Unless you had like a tutor,

like handstand walk that you could just.

We'll be doing this show

five years from now.

And I'll be talking about it

being a handstand workout.

I don't know if I should

talk about tutor's handstand walk though.

Cole grease shaver is,

has become the handstand.

I mean, Victor Hoffer too.



There's some good hands in one.

Cole was blazing fast at West coast.

That was impressive.


All right.

Well, maybe, um,

Jamie and I'll pop on if

she's not at tennis

tournaments next weekend

after some of the crash.

I should be free.

Uh, talking about what we saw that day.


and we will be back next

sunday I'm actually going

to pittsburgh next weekend

okay um but I'll be back in

the hotel in the evenings

so you're definitely not

going to crash no my

daughter just got a new job

she's giving us our car

back yay so going to

pittsburgh to get that

celebrate with her uh

because she's now going to

a studio to be a photographer

Did she take the NRA job or whatever?

No, she did not.


she got another job offer right after

that at a photo studio and

is taking that job.

And we're super excited for her.

So head into Pittsburgh for

that and celebrate with her.

And yeah,

and then we'll be back to do the

show next Sunday night.

But look for maybe some crash updates.

We will see you all next time on

Lydesdale Media's Sunday

Night CrossFit Talk.