The Jonathan Kogan Show

Welcome to our ⁠live coverage⁠ of the groundbreaking UFO hearings in Congress! 🛸👽

⁠In this riveting livestream⁠, we delve into the most significant revelations and testimonies presented by credible witnesses and experts. Join us as we uncover shocking evidence and never-before-shared encounters that could reshape our understanding of the cosmos.

Witness firsthand accounts from military personnel, government officials, and renowned researchers, shedding light on mysterious sightings and unexplained aerial phenomena. As the world eagerly awaits answers, we bring you real-time updates and expert analysis on the implications of these jaw-dropping disclosures.

Prepare to be captivated by the ⁠uncharted territories⁠ of space and the potential existence of extraterrestrial life. Our dedicated team is committed to presenting this momentous event with utmost objectivity, ensuring you receive the most accurate and comprehensive coverage available.

Don't miss this exclusive livestream that has the world on the edge of its seat. ⁠Subscribe⁠, hit the notification bell, and join us in this historic journey of uncovering the truth behind UFOs and their connection to Congress. It's time to embrace the unknown and be part of a conversation that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on humanity's perception of the cosmos. 🚀🌌
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The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
And we are live everywhere. What's up everybody. Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I am your host, Johnny K. And today we have an awesome live stream. We, by the way, it's on in my ear, so hold on one second, but we have a live stream of the UFO hearing. Okay. That's going on today in Congress. So whether it's real or the, a massive, massive Psyop, because obviously the elites are losing control. and they need to hold on. And so they would pull anything. Are there UFOs? Are there not UFOs? Let's get into it. It already started. We're a little bit late and Mrs. Luna is talking. Let's just get right into it and let's live stream this baby. Subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show wherever you get your podcasts. And that's it. Let's do this. Real time, baby. Real time data. All right, here we go. I wonder why. No, you can't do that. We need sensors. Of course not, you can't handle it. Is anyone else just skeptical that all of this chaos is going on right now at the same time when the world seems to be going in five million different directions and we got literally the most crazy psyops going on of all time and now all of a sudden we want to dig deep into UFOs. Now we want to look to see if there's extraterrestrial activity. Now that the elites and the institutions are totally losing their grip, we really want to do a deep dive. Now I'm not... discounting that there's other life forms and all that stuff. That's why we're listening. And, you know, maybe I'm just saying, I don't trust these people, these politicians. I don't even think they're human. Okay. They may be a form of AI that is put here to pretend to be human and are being operated by a different energy source. I do not know, but they don't seem human. They just don't seem trustworthy, but I can't wait to get into the data. Let's go back to it. I just had to make that clear. I'm skeptical. It's interesting that you want us to have an open mind now, but they censored everything for three years, but now they want us to filter information. dude's got a bright blue suit on. Pretty cool actually. That same Chuck Schumer said the CIA has six ways to Sunday to do something about it, so watch what you say. doesn't the government work for us? Like we, the people, why do they get to classify whatever info they want? Oh, here we go. 9G. Has anyone ever replied no to that? This man doesn't seem very excited for them to speak. Like a robot, just reading whatever's in front of him. All right, here we go, baby. Intro statements. Mr. Graves, let's go. We should follow the science. Okay, okay. Witness number two. Interesting speaking style. It's like you read a textbook on how to speak. He talks very interestingly, if that makes sense. Or if that's a word. Next witness. Sounds like unelected bureaucrats are running the country. It could just be crazy weapons like that we have. He keeps saying TikTok, but the guy said Tic Tac. the aliens are nice. Sounds like power for central planners concerning. Wow. Tic Tac. Ahem. Orange is the best flavor. What's this guy doing? We're supposed to be talking about UFOs, man. He's a comedian. Why? I don't understand. What? Wait, what? Someone's been killed by a UFO? sketchy. Is this dude about to get partisan and attack him? He's going to ask for more centralized power. Listen. Really? This dude attacks whistleblowers all the time. I like to see it. Putin. That's a football field. Oh boy. Whoa. Whoa. Oh my god. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Oh, interesting. time. Interesting. Oh boy. weird this is really strange actually Alright, we get it. We got it. We want that. a long way to say we should do our job. Oh boy. Oh my goodness. Oh my god, 1930s. Jeez. Since the 1930s? That's crazy! matter. We still giving them money. We still give it to them. No one is above the law except the Pentagon. Did they ask this question? what they said on the News Nation to put in the record. Oh, here we go. This should be interesting. Now she likes whistleblowers. Doesn't like IRS whistleblowers though. longitude latitude. the bed. Oh my God, this dude sounds like he knows everything. This is how a hearing should operate, by the way. This is fantastic. This is a pro-human, non-political hearing. This is great. Everybody's getting along. No agenda. So nice. A lot of shady stuff in Arizona, by the way. There's way too much classification. There's no question. They work for us. We should have the info. I mean, this is ridiculous. coming out of the UFO closet. What? Wait, what? What? This is getting juicy now. What's going on? What he saw was disturbing with his wife. This is bizarre. Here we go. They keep asking the same questions. Whoa. I skiff, I skiff, you skiff. Hunter Biden. Whoa, okay. Is this guy legit? That's what this is all coming down to. If this witness is legit. That's what this all hinges on. If he's legit, this is unbelievable. If he's not, it sucks. What do you guys think? You think there's something going on? I'd love to know in the comments, seriously. By the way, this is the most normal I've ever seen Jamie Raskin. So it just shows that a lot of this other stuff is theater. He's a total normal person that's hearing down to earth, like not making up some, like it's crazy. Usually he's just totally unhinged and just lying. And now it's just like, oh, he's a normal person. You see, like it's all theater. It was good. We need more info. We need a skiff. Yeah, why do they keep things quiet for so long? Like the JFK fight, all of it. It's just super sketch. Just let it all out, man. All right. Listen here, first things first. The best part about that was that it had, it had nothing to do with your political party. Okay. It had nothing to do with the whole fake theater of political parties and being political hacks. It was literally everybody working together and just trying to figure out what's going on, what's true and what's not true. Why that doesn't happen. Like it's crazy. You even see the people like, you know, like rascals usually totally unhinged and just crazy. And just totally normal. So you know that the other ones are theater, you know, they're just, you know, acting in some way because they were totally normal on this one. Everyone was cool. No one was psychotic and lying. It was just like questions. So that was a good thing. I think every hearing should go like that. A lot of the stuff they couldn't say, uh, because they need a skiff. They're all about this skiff. You need to have a skiff to be able to talk a little more deeply. So we got to skiff it up real soon. That middle. Uh, uh, whistleblower David Gorsuch, uh, is the most interesting one. It's basically all this is going to come down to is, is he legitimate or is he not? If he's legitimate, then what he knows and has said and has reported is mind blowing. So we got to do research on this Gorsuch guy and. He, if he's legitimate, I'm just saying if he is legitimate, there is crazy stuff. Highlights or something along. He said, uh, that. Non-human bodies have been recovered. Like non-human biological parts, I think is the way he put it. Okay. That's first. He know him and his wife saw something disturbing when he was asked, like, has anyone been hurt by these non-human, uh, technology and stuff? And he's like, let's just say my wife and I were disturbed by what we saw. Okay. What? Uh, so this guy, if he's telling the truth and knows some stuff, then there's some serious. There's some serious crazy stuff going on and there is a lot of there are a lot of things that we don't know as the Public and they're hitting they're hiding from us and it's potentially and I wrote this down that a lot of this He says dates back to the 1930s The 1930s he's saying this has been going on since the 1930s. That's absolutely insane So I don't know if you saw he went on a news nation and And that's like what he referenced all the time about his, uh, his NewsNation report, like I can't get into it. Just what I said on NewsNation is the extent I can go into it. Otherwise we need a skiff. It was all, it was always, I either said on NewsNation or we need a skiff. It's basically what he said. So I just want to revisit the NewsNation clip. Um, by the way, if you're new listening to this, subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show podcast, wherever you're at your podcast, subscribe to the Rumble channel, YouTube channel, at KOGZ on Twitter. Always drop in just truth bombs like this. We're apolitical. We don't, we don't believe in politics. We just care about truth and nothing but the truth. That's it. Very basic stuff. Very few people pursue the object objective truth. Many people are biased. They play on their emotions for whatever reason. We just care about the truth, no matter what that truth is and where it leads. So let's play this video. Let's go back to this news nation that he referenced all the time. Cause he references so much that we must know what's going on. So I think this is it. Uh, I, I sped up pretty quickly, but here we go. This is the guy that was just, uh, you know, giving his testimony. He was in the middle, David Gorsuch or whatever his last name is. Uh, let's just, uh, revisit what he said on news nation. Cause he referenced this interview. Dozens of times. I don't know. He doesn't rub me off as a hundred percent. By the way, who's behind News Nation? Like if I wanted to create like a Psyop of like a credible news station that facilitated using their words disinformation campaigns to the public, I would create something called News Nation and make it into this professional news studio and then talk about UFOs. So I'm just saying I'm suspect because we've been lied to so much the past few years to be lied to for decades is not surprising at all. It seems pretty logical and probably correct. Uh, it is correct. We, a lot of stuff we were told with nutrition, the food pyramid, all that stuff was lies, so no surprise. Um, and why is this being set up now? Why is news nation getting this? You know, exclusively, it's just weird. Why would you go there? Of all people? It's just odd. So I don't know. I'm just suspect of it. Um, and he was so willing to just say, yep, you know, we found bodies. Yeah. Yep. It is what it is. Maybe it's true. It's just, you know, we're suspect here. We question things because questioning things is how you get to the truth. And that is what must be done. So we raise questions. that I don't believe. Well, we just did the testimony. They just did the congressional hearing. So yeah, I mean, uh, they took it seriously, but the biggest takeaway, if you didn't catch the first like two hours that we covered it, everything, um, is that most of the information he cannot talk about and he says publicly and that he needs to do it in a private setting, but he's willing to tell people are willing to give them the information, but it needs to be in a skiff. It's about, uh, you just need a skiff. Um, so, um, the rooms were, um, a skiff, the rooms where Congress keeps secrets, skiff requirements. So if you have really confidential stuff, uh, you need to have a skiff, a sensitive, compartmented information facility. That's what it is. It's a U S department of defense term for a secure room. It could be a data center or a secure room that guards against electronic surveillance and suppresses data leakage. of sensitive military and security information. Uh, if you watched, if you watched, uh, the testimonies, if you watched all this stuff, I'm so curious, just what do other people think, like leave in the comments, like just say, uh, it like, is it believable? Just yes or no, or just right. Maybe if you're still determining or need to see more or something, I'm just curious. I would love to hear it. I think in the test, in that interview with news nation, He was much more suspect. It was much more sketchy the way he was talking so confidently. Like, yeah, I'm the real deal. Look at me. I know everything about UFOs. Yep. That's kind of like how we talked to. It was like, so what's the word? Like braggadocious something. It was weird, but in the testimony, the way he was talking, he still had that same weird communication style, but he was very articulate and very believable and seemed very authentic for sure. Like definitely in Congress, it was much different than that. That interview was. just like rubbed me like, what are you doing here? Are you here to, are you running an op on us? Is kind of how I felt. In that testimony, I was more like, wow, this guy is exposing something. So they're radically different. I see him both differently and he was the same person, obviously. Like in Congress, he said he couldn't answer if they're running disinformation campaigns. The first time or first few times you'd ask, but then on News Nation, they're like, are they running a disinformation campaign against the American people? Like, yep, absolutely, absolutely. All I'm saying is, is that there's so much chaos going on in the world. We talk about all the time on this podcast, how the elites are losing grip. Everything's falling apart. The current structure, the fabric of society as we know it has changed with AI, all this stuff. And it seems like they're willing to run any Psyop possible since like, you know, 2019, 2020, they're willing to do anything Psyop after Psyop after Psyop. And now they're running out of stuff. And while we're getting reports that Ukraine's counter-offensive isn't working out, now they're coming out immediately with UFOs. right at like it's a it's like the timing is perfect. The timing is so perfect that. You have to be like, what is going on here? It's just too perfect of timing. It's way too perfect. It lines up perfectly when you need a sign up, you need a new sign up and turn UFOs bam, like to the day, like July 26, 20, 23. It's like perfect. I think more stuff's going to come out. They talked about a project blue book. So that's something to look into. Um, Very interesting stuff. Very, very, very interesting stuff. So listen, I'd be curious to know what you think. You heard what I think. We covered it all here. That's what we do. We cover everything. We tell the truth and nothing about the truth. We just in the search for the truth. We don't put spin on it. We don't have an agenda. We just care about facts. It looks like another new, well, we'll just stick with UFOs today, but there's some other stuff going on too. Um, and, uh, yeah, that's all I'm going to cover for right now. Uh, As more stuff comes on, we'll do another podcast. Again, subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show, wherever you get your podcasts. If you're new to the Rumble channel, subscribe to the Rumble channel. I also got a YouTube channel for Jonathan Kogan, The Jonathan Kogan Show. And Twitter is at KOGZ. If you want updates, videos on all current stuff, real time, and just, you know, just facts then at KOGZ on Twitter, those are the best places. But The Jonathan Kogan Show, wherever you get your podcast is obviously the best. Um. And, uh, we're going to end it there. I would love to see some comments. I would love to get some feedback. What you thought of that hearing, what you thought of parts of that hearing, what you think of this guy. Um, it's up in the air, man. It is up in the air. He could be an incredible actor. He could be incredibly authentic. I see both sides of it. I'll give you more determination as I look more into it. Um, but I just want to leave you with the evidence and what's going on. And, uh, I don't want to filter message. I don't want to filter the information through me to you. I just want to give you the information. And then you. Use your God given or whatever given critical thinking skills and you come to your own conclusions. Okay. That's your job. We don't need to censor information for you. Uh-uh. That's not what needs to happen. What needs to happen is you need to hear all information and then you need to discern fact from fiction. That's your job. Okay. We don't need a ministry of truth or some sort of like big tech filter to give you the information that you is appropriate for you. Okay. Those days are over. You're getting all the facts every day. And then you decide what to do with it. And that's it. We'll leave it there. All right. I love you all. I hope you have an amazing day, amazing night, wherever you are in the world. Uh, listen, love yourself. I hope, I hope you love yourself as much as I love you. Uh, thank you for watching. Thank you for being a part of The Jonathan Kogan Show. I hope to be with you on future podcasts. And, um, other than that, that's fantastic. God bless. That's all we got for today. I'm out. Deuces.