Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with Abbie Domit after qualifying for the CrossFit Games for the 2nd Year in a row.  What changes in the strategy heading into the season when you have more confidence in qualifying for the Games? Was there an expectation to win the Semifinals and What changes in her 2nd attempt at the CrossFit Games.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale media podcast.

And we're so pumped to have

today the North America

West semifinal champion and

two-time CrossFit Games athlete,

Abby Domet with us.

What's going on, Abby?

Nothing much.

Just here enjoying my Sunday,

talking to you.

How are you?

I'm good.

I'm good.

It's so much fun.

You know, we talked to you years ago now.

in our semifinal series.

And to watch your

development from that first

time we talked to you,

I think it was 2022?


this was the first podcast I'd done ever.

And it was 2022 before semifinals.


And then you did good that first year.

You did better the second

year and qualified at Pasadena.

And then this year you win semifinals.

So what has that road been

like from just starting,

making your first semifinal,

then to making your first games,

and to winning your first semifinal?

Um, I feel like for me,

the way I explain it is

just going in order of how

we kind of had it planned to do.

Um, you know,

that first year that I made semifinals,

it was like, okay, yeah.

I mean,

the goal obviously is to make the games,

but we knew like,

that's probably not going to happen.

That's going to be very hard.


And so I kind of just took

whatever I could get.

And then it was like, okay,

well next year I'm going to

make the games.

And that's what happened.

And then the year after that, it was like,

well, I need to do better than that.

I want to make the games,

but I also want to kind of

prove to myself that I

don't have to just kind of

get one of the last spots

I'd rather get in the top three or,

you know, something like that.

So yeah, it was literally just,

just going in order of the trajectory of

of progression really so so

when you're in it and your

goal is to make the games

like last year let's go

back to last year your goal

is to make the games you

make the games and then now

the games are of fruition

and you have to go how do

you switch the goal in two

months from you put all

this effort into making the

games to then I want to do

well at the games you're

talking about last year


Um, well,

I think at that point it was kind

of just like,

it was a little bit kind of

survival mode at that point.


cause you put so much into just making

it where coming off of that, you're like,


now I have to rebuild and recover

from everything that I just

did and try and do all,

do it all again and do even

more for the games that

were a couple months after.


and so I feel like in a situation like

that, where you're like, okay,

peaked out for semifinals

rebuilding after that,

it definitely takes some time.


and I feel like you're kind of just

like pulling from sort of

nothing at that point.

So just kind of,

you're just in survival mode.

At least I was just doing

whatever I could to try and

gain more fitness or be

better for the final event.

But yeah,

that's why I feel like this year

is totally different

because it wasn't like that

for semifinals.

There wasn't like this huge

rebuild afterwards.

It was kind of just like

building off of each other.

The reason I find it

fascinating is I talked to

Colt Mertens the first year

he made the games right after he got cut.

And he said that you work so

hard to make the games and

semifinals are so different

that you have to work on like X, Y,

and Z. Then you make the

games and all of a sudden

now you have to work on A, B,

and C. And you weren't able

to do that because your

main goal was just making

it to the games.


And even like this year,

how they released the workout so early,

it was kind of hard to be like, okay,

we want to like work on

these workouts that we're

going to have to do at semifinals,

but it's so early.

We still need to train and

we have so many other

things we need to do.

Cause you can't just do

those workouts over and

over for three weeks, you know,

mentally it'll make you crazy,

but also physically it'll

take a toll on you.

just from reworking the same

muscles over and over.


and so that was just kind of something

interesting that happened this year.

Um, cause yeah, then after that,

you're like, all right, well,

they're going to be testing

a whole slew of different

things at the games anyways.


but that's something I've noticed this

year, as far as open quarters,

semis games,

I feel like all the

progressions have been very clear cut.


And not like super obvious,

but you can kind of expect like, oh my,

my cat food is coming out right now.

You can kind of expect like

what's coming in a way, like not exactly,

because there's going to be

surprises here and there,

but I feel like at least

for the open quarters and semis,

you could kind of expect

the movements that were like, okay,

this is the next step.

This is the next step.

This is what comes after.

And so that's why I'm really

interested to see how they

do the games this year because

just because it feels like

it's been different from

any other year as far as programming,

as far as how clear the

progressions have been.

Yeah, and you have a new venue,

a new location.

They say it's primarily

going to be done indoors,

which is very different from past games.

But it was just announced

they're going to do a

Friday Night Lights on a football field.


I'm so excited for that.

It's so cool.

That was something cause I

loved the outdoor events

and I love competing outside.

That was something like at semis this year,

I was like, man,

it's so cool that we get to,

we're the only people who

actually get to be outside

the whole time.

Um, but yeah,

as soon as they announced the

Friday night lights thing, I was like, Oh,

let's go.

That's awesome.

And it's cool that it is at night versus,

I think we're all kind of

thinking there's going to

be one outdoor event, if any,

and it'll be early in the

morning and then that's it.

Everything else will be inside the arena.

And so it's cool that it's like, okay,

we get an event, it's at night,

it's outdoors, it's on the field.

I think that's really cool.

Well, and you live there in Texas,

so that's kind of a home

field advantage for you.

Oh yeah.

I mean, cause I'm in San Antonio.

It's like,

four and a half five ish

hours south of Fort Worth and Dallas.

Um, so yeah, we, we get to,

we're just going to drive

up there and bring all our

stuff and we're close by.

I've been telling everybody, I'm like,

guys, like,

it's probably never going to

be here ever again.

So take advantage.

And if you live nearby,

just get your ticket and go.

Well, especially for those outdoor events,

you're used to the heat.

So, like,

it's like you and Ariel and those

people who live in Texas, like,

you get to train in that

weather year-round.

Yeah, I mean,

that's definitely a big

reason why we were like, oh, man,

it'd be cool if there was

more outdoor events because

that would be such a huge

advantage to us.

But I guess we have to understand that...

they can't do that to some of the people.

So, yeah.

But you have like,

I've been to Wisconsin the

last couple of years.

It has not been cool in

Wisconsin in August.

I mean, it's, it's summer,

but like whenever we arrived there,

cause I mean, so I'm from the Midwest,

but I hadn't been there in, you know,

several years or however long and,

whenever we went back and we

were in Madison last year, I was like,

man, I just, I miss this amazing weather.

And like,

just the grass is so lush and like,

just at night, it's like chilly.

You can wear a jacket.

I was like, this is amazing.

Um, versus like here,

it's definitely a bit warmer,

but that's actually something that, uh,

we were talking about right

before we got on about the rain.

And I was like,

Man, like, yes, I mean, it's summer here.

It feels like summer.

It is hot,

but it is nothing compared to last year.

Like last year was

unbearable as far as the temperature.



And we're getting it in the

Midwest this year where

it's been 95 the last week

and a half and no rain.


It's almost like the United

States is flipped upside down.

That's crazy.

Cause like even, I don't know,

it's just so weird.

Cause that's like this far

into this late spring, early summer,

it never rains.

And there's been a couple of

times where it's rained.

And like,

I feel like last year from April

to September, it was,

it was over a hundred like every day,

like every single day.

And then this year,

like it started feeling

like that a little bit in April.

Like we had some days that

were really hot or just

like really humid.

And I was like, oh man,

like this can't be happening already.

Like it's too soon for this.

Like I'm not ready for this yet.

And then all of a sudden,

like we had a few days

where it was like 101 and

then it just kind of dropped.

And lately, I mean, it's in the 90s,

but I was expecting like

106 to 109 every single day.

And it hasn't been like that.

So I'm very thankful.

yeah so let's rewind a bit

you go into west coast this

year and you said it was

different like you because

of what you've established

did you feel less pressure

about making the games yes

because that was the thing

when I whenever I went to

semis like there was like

no doubt that I would make

the games like there was no

doubt I'd be in the top eight you know um

Cause that's the thing I

that's like the goal of Sandy's right.

It's like,

that's your ticket to the games.

That's how you get there.

Um, but I wasn't even thinking like, oh,

I hope I make it again.

Like I was like, oh no,

I'm making it again.

Of course the goal was like,

I want it to be podium.

At least I was like for sure

in the top three.


and then as a weekend kind of went on

and the goal kind of

changed a little bit and I was like, Ooh,

maybe I could win this thing.

Was there pressure on you

winning or just it was a possibility?

No pressure.

I mean,

I have goals for myself and I put

pressure on myself,

but there was nobody like

putting pressure on me.

It was definitely when I

realized it was a possibility.

I feel like before the final, I was like,

OK, well,

I'm for sure going to get second.

I'm not going to do any worse than that.

But I knew that if the

weekend ended and if I ended up in second,

I would have been a little bit like,

I would have felt like I

left something on the table.

You're very competitive.

It's very obvious when I

look at your Instagram and

when I've talked to you

over the last couple of years,

you love to compete.

Would the disappointment

have been more that or more

the loss of money?

Um, that, that maybe, because I feel like,

I don't know what the second place gets.

Um, but it's like,

if it's something that's

like a very small,

I think it's seven grand.

Okay, so the difference of, like,

three grand.


That would have been annoying, I think.

Like, I've been like, oh,

if I would have just done this different,

then I could have, like,

made a little bit more money.

I think that definitely would affect.

But, no, I just, I knew I could win it,

you know?

Like, why not?


Well, and I'm not trying to, like,

put a financial thing on this,

but you guys get very...

small op there's only a few

opportunities for you to

make money to support

yourself for the year most

of it is done through

sponsorships and you get

very little prize money

throughout the year yeah

competitions is definitely

not where you're gonna be

making the bulk of your

money it's definitely gonna

be through your sponsors um

but yeah I feel like for

something like semi-finals

it's definitely kind of or

even just competitions it's

really more about the win than the money

Because it's not like we're

getting 100K to win semifinals.

10K is like... I feel like

that makes it seem smaller

than what it is.


But 10K is still a nice

chunk for a weekend of work.

It's a nice chunk for a weekend of work.

But I feel like for how much

work that we put into it

and how big it is,

I do think it kind of...

makes it seem like less.

So I wasn't going to go here,

but I'm going to go here now.

I was talking to Alex Kazan a week ago,

and we were talking about

the difference between

sponsorship money and prize money,

and that now there are

these new things popping up

on the internet, like Kill Taylor,

like Reps Ahead,

like these different ways

to make money as a

CrossFitter and get exposure.

And then there was this

Taylor versus world where

Taylor took on Jason Hopper,

Dallin pepper and Colton

Mertens and quarterfinals.

They broadcast it live and

they all won prize money.

And I asked her,

would you rather earn money

through competing,

like doing quarterfinals live,

or would you rather get to

sponsorship deals where you

have to be on Instagram all

the time and posting your stuff?

And she said,

I'd rather win it through competition.


But there just aren't that

many opportunities.

I definitely agree with that.

I feel like, I don't know, having to...

do all like be on Instagram

all the time and social media,

like that just,

it becomes very tedious and it, it just,

it's, it's work.

It just, it's,

it's just a work that you have to do.


if you could just go and just compete

and make money through that, I,

I would definitely prefer that.


I do love my sponsors and I think it's

awesome that we get to do that, but, um,

yeah, I think,

I would choose just

competing and making money through that.

If you were given the opportunity to do,


quarterfinals live and a chance to

earn prize money,

would you be game for that?

I think I'd be pretty cool.

Especially now because I'm a

lot more confident during

that stage of the season.

So I'd be willing to do that.

Whereas a couple years ago,

I would have been...

like too nervous of like, oh, okay,

are my scores going to be good enough?

Am I for sure in?

But now I'm like, okay.

It's funny because Carolyn

Prevo is my co-host on Sunday night.

And she said that she feels

that women hold their

scores closer to the vest

than the men do.

Like the men...

like the men talks back and they,

and they trash talk all the time,

but the women are very

secretive about their

scores and where they are

in the leaderboard.

And if she believes that

less women would be

inclined to do the live quarterfinal,

I do think that like,

it would have to be

athletes who were like very

confident that they're for

sure making it.

I do think that would matter.


as far as the women, but it's just,

it's funny you bring that up.

Cause I I've heard that.

And I've heard that through

like qualifiers for just

like random off season

comps all the time.

Like my guy friends versus

my girlfriends are like, yeah,

like the women,

they never want to say

their scores or unless

they're like saying it to a

guy or that they're not

competing against or something like that.

And I was like, huh, that's interesting.

But yeah,

I definitely feel like whoever you choose,

it would have to be just

people who are like, okay,

I'm for sure in or for sure

going to be in the final

heat or something like that.


Well, everybody I've talked to were like,

I'd be game for it.

But those people are all

like people that like Emily

Rolfe and Ariel and Alex

and they're all like, yeah, I'm worried.


Especially at the quarterfinal level.

Like you guys will know

you're making semis.


Yeah, for sure.

So I think it's going to be

interesting to see where we

go over the next couple of years,

because I think the more

media outlets there are,

the more opportunities like

that are going to be out

there because of the

success of what people saw

with Taylor versus world.



I think so.

I think what those guys have been doing,

I think it's great for the sport.

I think it's, it's super entertaining.

And I mean,

it's also entertaining for

people who might not be

involved in CrossFit at all.

You know, they're like, oh, okay.

They're just throwing down

and they're working out and

there's money on the table

and you show up and do it.

Um, I think it's great.

We'll definitely see more of

that stuff pop up here and there.

When I think it's a lot

easier to explain to your

friends what CrossFit the

sport is by showing them

this one event that say, Hey,

you got to sit through this

weekend of four events or

four days of 15 events.

And at the end you'll kind

of see who wins.



Like it,

it's much quicker and easier to

show than like the CrossFit games.

Yeah, I think so too.



Even like the amount of

times people ask me, they're like,

oh wait, so,

so it's different events every time,


Like it's, it's different events.

Like they, they still like,

don't get that.

Like, yes,

it's different events every time,

but I do think showing them

something like that would

definitely help be like, oh yeah,

you just do a workout and whoever wins.


You have a better score and

then multiply that by however many,

and then, okay,

that's the CrossFit games.

Like, all right.



I think.

And it, and it shows the beauty of it,


Like there's this big

competition between high

rocks and what we do and like, yeah,

they do the same thing every time,

but that can get boring

over time if you're not into that, right?

It changes all the time and

that's why it's more well-rounded.


I mean,

when I look at something like high rocks,

to me,

that's just the same as like

signing up for

a half marathon or a 5k or

you know I mean obviously

you're doing more than just

running but that's I see

that as like kind of the

same thing you know you're

signing up for a race or a

better comparison would be

the I don't know what

they're called where you're

running through mud and

climbing walls and you know

like stuff like that yeah

spartan race which they had

their heyday for a year or

two too and then kind of fell off

I think that's where High

Rocks is headed as well,

but I could be wrong.


I mean, to me, it sounds fun to go do,

like go do it one time or whatever,

but I couldn't see myself

doing it like all the time

or like as my lifestyle necessarily.


So it's funny.

I was watching behind the

scenes West coast today.

The new episode dropped like overnight,

I think.

And you're in there and you're,

you say to Savan that this

is the chillest you've ever seen.

You've ever seen a semifinal

B it wasn't just you.

It was like the whole thing.

And that was on Saturday.

Did that stay that way the

whole way through the weekend?


I definitely felt like that

on the first couple of days.

And I don't know if it was

just cause we were outside

and we were like working out,

we have the sunshine,

like it's great weather

where there's like grass and trees.

Um, it changed a little bit on day three.

Cause that's kind of where

you could see there's more

tension in the air.

Like people were starting to,

it was settling in whether

they were not going to make

it or they're on the line.


but it was still, it was still very pretty,

like a relaxed environment,

at least for myself.

And part of me thinks like,

I do think it was the environment,

but I also think that I was

just much more relaxed.


I used to get so much more nervous when

I competed,

especially before the first events.

Um, but now I'm just so much more in tune.

It's almost like a meditation for me.



I feel like I can actually be like

calm and relax and just do my thing.

But I just,

I really felt those vibes from everybody,

at least for the first

couple of days and a little

bit on the other day.

It's funny because seeing you at the semis,

I've always felt you to be chill.


Like you, even you might be tear,

teared up inside or tore up inside.


But out outside or externally,

you always look chill.


I mean,

I do think like you kind of want to

present yourself that way.

Um, like there's sometimes like,

even like years ago,

I would like tell myself, I'd be like,


I'm just going to admit it to myself

that I'm nervous.

I'll say it one time and

then I'm going to let it go.

And that was something that

I would have to do with myself.

Be like, it's building up,

it's building up.

And I'd be like,

okay, if I'm just going to like admit it,

look in the mirror and be like, yes,

you're very nervous right now.

Let it go.

And then it would help me tremendously.

Now I don't have to do that so much.

It's more like, okay,

before the competition starts,

if I feel I'll start

getting that like subconscious,

like build of like,

I feel my stomach is like

rising to my throat and

I'll just like close my

eyes for a second.

Just like take a couple of just big,

deep breaths and then be like, all right,

let's go.

And then I'm like, good from there on out.

Do you make a concerted

effort not to have too many

highs as well?

Because even like when you

have like a great event,

I don't see you like

pumping your chest or doing

anything like that.

You just kind of cross the line,

raise your hands and get

your water and you're done.

Cause I never,

I've never had an event win also.

I feel maybe that would change things.

And I do,

I do eventually want to be that

person who can have event wins,

but maybe I'm just not there yet.

I feel like I'm just so kind

of like right and smooth, um,

which is great, but it would be cool to,

you know,

win an event or two here and there.


But yeah,

even if I do something where I'm like, oh,

I was really proud of how that went.

I've learned,

especially from the games

last year to not let it, you know,

bring me way sky high

because that's just so much energy.


and this is something I've said before,

like when you have a really

bad event or a really good event,

whether you're super,

super up and positive or super,

super negative,

both of them just drain your energy.

And the best thing to do is

just stay neutral the whole time.


you're just like this all weekend long.

And it's exhausting.

And it'll take a lot more from you.

It's so funny because I

watch a lot of pro sports, right?

And the athletes will say

that they have to stay even keel.

They can't get too far up or too far down.

And the great ones all say that.

So you're kind of in this

like Catch-22 where you're

in a sport where to be the

most well-rounded is the best.

And that may mean that you

don't get event wins.

A la Justin Medeiros, right?

Two-time CrossFit Games champion,

one event win.


How do you balance that?

So it does depend.

So it worked out for me at

semis to just keep

everything in the top 10

and then end up on top at

the end of the weekend.


depending if I was competing against

everybody that would have

looked a lot different or

if I was competing elsewhere or, you know,

cause if you look at like Tia Toomey,

she wins,

but she also wins a lot of events.

Like most events she ends up winning.

And so it's like,

if you're competing against

people where they can win,

like their idea or their

version of being

well-rounded is by winning

so much where it's like first place,

first place, first place, second place,

first place versus like

sixth place across the board.

It's a little different.

So I feel like it worked out

in my favor this time.

But I do think at a bigger

stage or at some point down the road,

that needs to be better.

Do you look at,

so like we have a stats and

information person who did

a combined leaderboard for all the semis.

Oh, yeah.

Do you ever look at those?


even if there wasn't somebody

out there doing those stats,

sometimes I'll still be like, OK,

how did this end up here or there,

and do a little bit of comparison.

I know you can't really

fully compare because the

circumstances are always different.

But you can still get an

idea of how things could have gone.

But still, like I said,

it's just when you know who

you're competing against ahead of time,

it also changes your

mindset going into the competition.

Like if you know you're

competing against this

group of people versus this

group of people, then you also,

you kind of know what you have to do.

You know,

like when I finished the weekend at semis,

I wasn't like, oh, I did great.

Like there was so many

things that I was like,

This all needs to be better.

This wasn't great.

This wasn't great.

This wasn't great.

It just so happened to work out for me,

but it's like, okay,

I go compete against these

people that you just,

it's just a different mindset going in.

And so it's, you can compare a little bit,

but you also have to take

it with a grain of salt.


And I always say when,

when we're putting this information out,

like they're not racing each other,


If you had,

if you had people from Europe besides you,

you may change the way

you're doing the workout

because they're a tick ahead of you.

And then you could push

harder to get past them.


So it takes all of that out of it,

which does you the numbers a little bit.


And I think even if we all

went and did these workouts

by ourselves in a dark room,

it would still,

it would look completely different.

It's just when you're going

and you're toe to toe,

you're changing things.

Or if somebody's up here,

you're changing things.

And it's just,

you can't do that unless

you're literally with those

people on the spot.

And you had by far the most

difficult run of any semifinal.

It was definitely, I mean, if you,

obviously our times were like,

way longer than everybody else's.

I really liked it.

I really liked the stairs.

It just made it more time.

But I don't know.

I don't know if it was even

more difficult.

It's just different, you know?

I do think because it's like, okay,

you have to push going up the stairs,

but then going down,

you can only go so fast.

So you can kind of use that to like,

like almost recover a little bit,

but then it's like a

counter effects because

then you're going up the stairs,

which is much different

than running on flat ground, obviously.


the other thing that I think that is

not taken into effect is

what happens to your legs on the stairs.

And then the next day you

have to do front squats.

Like that's going to be

different from your region to another,

to another region.


It's just, it's just different.

That's the thing.

I mean, you just,

you can't really compare you.

You can look, but it's just,

there's so many little

things that just change things.

And then it's,

being outside and like and I

mean I love being outside

but it just it makes it

different you know versus

being inside ac you know

yeah and if it's hot there

in california you you guys

are being drained from the

heat and not in ac yeah

there's there's so many

factors so many factors um

so so I take it you don't

look at that and it doesn't

matter to what anything you're doing um

I do, but I also know the other factors.

I'll check it out and be like, okay,

but then I'm also going to be like,

you know, it's not perfect.

So what I look at there as

an analyst is you finished

in the combined leaderboard

way better than you did at

the games last year.



and you have all this stuff against you

with, you had to run stairs,

you were outside, all of those things,

and how that could lend to

even a better performance with the games.

So as an analyst,

not as like an athlete or

anything like that.



I know I'm doing much better at the

games this year than last year.


So last year you made one

cut and then got cut.

Is that motivation for this

year to not get cut?

Or do you have bigger

aspirations than that?

I mean,

I definitely don't want to get cut.

I definitely want to compete

all four days.

But I also want to do better than that.

I don't know what the cuts are.

Is it the same?

They never tell you until we're there.

I mean,

let's say if it is the same where

it's like you do two days

and it cuts to 30, one day cuts to 20.

I mean,

I for sure want to do better than

that because I definitely

want to be better than just top 20,

you know?



Do you sit down with your

coach and talk about like

what your goals are?

And are they even

leaderboard related or is

it more personal?


I feel like whenever, pretty much anytime,

whenever I come up with a

goal kind of for myself,

I'll go and tell my coach,

like I'll discuss it.

Like me and my husband will

be like talking about it all the time.

And then I'll talk to my

coach and then I'll be like, okay,

now it's like, it's more real.

Like, okay, we're going to do this.

So yeah,

I'll like sit and like have a

whole conversation with my coach.

Um, and yeah, it can be anything.

It could be, you know,

just doing whether I just

want to do better at the

games or if I want to, you know, do this,

or if I just want to be a better rower or,

you know, something like that.

Um, or like, you're like, Oh, I just,

let's get stronger.

Let's, let's do this.


or it could be like enjoying

what I do or it could be anything really.



Speaking of your coach, uh, Matthew Bryant,

correct with golden line, uh,

that he seems to be growing.


I talked to Jamie Hygieia before semis.

She talked about him as their coach.

Um, uh,

And then Trayvon who I've

gotten to know over the

years is now with him.

Do you ever get the

opportunity to work out with,

with those other people

under him or are you guys

kind of do your own thing?

So most part,

everybody has completely like

individual programming,

but there are several

people kind of around in the area.


I would say as far as like competitive

level wise, the,

the closest one would be Trayvon.

And he's just like an hour,

like an hour and a half ish less away.

So when it's like,

we're coming up for like semifinals,

we'll definitely get

together and train as much as we can.


and then just like other times kind of

random throughout the year, like we'll,

we'll go do water Palooza.

So we'll get together before that.


train or just you know get

some workouts in or um yeah

just get together um does

that help you uh-huh how

much does that help you I

mean it's great I love

working out with other

people because then I mean

I'm used to training alone

so it's just like a fun

little treat to work out

with someone especially

someone who's obviously

really good and competitive

and um can definitely

beat me in a lot of workouts.

So it's very beneficial to me.

Um, so yeah, I love it.

And he's gotten so much

better since joining gold line.

Cause I don't think he's

been there as long as you have as he.


So he's been there.

I don't know how long he's been with Matt.

So he,

that was how I kind of first got

introduced to Matt.

Um, one of my friends was like, Oh,

this is a guy that coaches Trayvon.

And then I was like, okay.

Cause I didn't really,

before I got a coach,

I didn't really know.

I was like, do I need a coach?

Is that something I should do?

And then I was like, then they,

they were like, oh,

well they do like individual programming.

And that was something that

I was initially interested in.

I was like, okay,

maybe this is something I

should be doing.


instead of just doing a general program,

I should probably have

somebody who's actually going to

Gimmie stuff specific to me.

So I'm not just kind of like

trying to figure out what to do.


and then that was one of the things

that they said, they're like, oh, well,

he's been coaching treatment for,

you know, I, at this point,

I think he had been

coaching him for like a

year or something.

And so I was like, oh, okay.

I know treatment treatment's really good.


Um, I'll check him out.



So how long did it take you

to develop the trust with

that coach and Matt to do that?

Because that's gotta be

important at this level.

Um, I mean, we met,

I went and did a training

camp with them and we kind

of just started working

together right away after that.


I feel like the trust was kind of

developed over time.

We definitely,

we communicate all the time.

We talk to each other, um,

pretty much every day almost

um and so yeah it's just a

lot of just going back and

forth and just like

communicating um and I feel

like when I first met him I

kind of told him I was like

hey because this was in

november of 2022 so it was

before the season started

for 2023 last year I was

like hey um this is what I

plan on doing next year um

I plan on making it to the games

So do you want to help me do that?

And he was like, all right, let's do it.

But yeah, I don't know.

I mean,

we're at this point now where

there's just like a ton of

trust and we have a really

great relationship and yeah,

he's the best.

So he liked that confidence.


I mean, I guess, because I told him,

I was like, I don't know.

Cause I know, I feel like as a coach,

you probably deal with a

lot of people who are like,

they say they want to do something,

but they don't like really want to do it,

you know?

And then I was like, well,

this is what I'm doing.

It's not even if I want to or not, like,

this is what I'm doing.

So otherwise I'd just be wasting my time.

All right,

we're going to finish up with

some fun stuff.

And so in researching you,

I looked through your Instagram.

I noticed you have like a

really killer garage gym now.

Yeah, that was new this year.

We did that a couple months

after the games last year.

We started putting that together.

Can you do pretty much

everything in there?

No, I, so I work out in there a lot.

Um, maybe, maybe the majority, maybe half.

Um, and then I go to the gym a lot.


I have a gym that's pretty close by and

then there's also some gyms

in the area if I need to go there.

Um, just kind of have a lot of options,

but I definitely do a lot

of the work in my garage

and it's been so helpful as

far as being efficient, as far as,

okay, I can,

if I have to do something

where I'm just going to wake up and go,

I can do that.

Or if I need to come in and

eat something real quick, or if I need to,

you know, get like, there's just,

it's never a,

cause I remember last year I

would go to a gym that

wasn't really close to me

and I would have to just

like pack up all my stuff.

And then I would be there

just like all day.

And I'd have to like bring

my lunch and like do all this stuff.

And like, now it's like, okay,

I'm either at home or I can

run to the gym that's close

by and then run home really quick.

And it's just so much more convenient.

And I feel like I can get a

lot more work done that way

and just be more productive.

I noticed it looks like in recent months,

like all your name placards

have been hung and all of

that stuff on the one wall

to make it your garage gym.

Was that a concerted effort or?


I was like, I didn't really care that much,

but it was, it was more Anton.

My husband, he was like, he's like, yeah,

we got to hang up all your

posters and everything.

And then once we did that, I was like, oh,

okay, this,

this actually looks a lot cooler.

And I do like this.

And so, yeah,

we have a few more that we

still need to put up right now, actually.

But yeah, I like the way it looks.

It's much less boring that way.

uh your gold medal from the

west semi-final is it hung

anywhere or just in a sock

drawer it's it's in the

garage it's just like

hanging on a handle right

now um we're not sure

whether we're gonna leave

it there or not I really

like it because it's like

it's so heavy it's just so

it's solid gold and it's so

thick I was like this is a nice metal

but we'll we'll have to find

a good spot for it because

it's like it's just like

hanging next to like

another metal from another

comp was there but did you

hear what happened to ariel

lowen when she tried to

hang her metal from

wadapalooza in the on the

wall no what happened uh

dylan was hanging it for

and hit one of the main

water lines with the nail

and it started spraying all

through the gym

Oh my gosh.

Okay, I remember that.

I remember seeing something about that.

But I couldn't remember what it was.

Oh my gosh.

So if you ever permanently hang it,

just make sure not to hit a water line.

We will avoid that for sure.

I think she hasn't hung her

bronze medal from the games

because of that.

They're afraid they're going

to hit something else.

Maybe just put just like hooks.


I don't know.


Don't want to break the waterline again.


It's cool.

It's cool because people

that do the garage thing,

like I'm close with Emily

Rolfe and like they built a

shelf for every event win

she has at the games.

So those like little plaques that you get.


That she has a little shelf

that has those across it.

See, that's why an event wins.

I need to win an event.

There you go.

We'll see.

If you were going to win an

event right now with your skill set,

what would it have to be?

I don't know.

It'd have to be like the

perfect combination of like, I don't know,

like long,

grimy movements that like slow you down.

I don't even know.

Just something's ugly, I feel like.

Is it hard to think about

winning an event with Tia Beck?



I think... I love that answer.

She's such a beast, but she is human,

and I don't know.

I think...

I mean, as far as myself,

because like I said,

I don't know if I'm there

yet where I'm just like event winner here,

there, everywhere.

I hope to be one day.

But I mean,

I know plenty of other people

who can definitely get their event wins.

So if that means anything.


I mean, she dominated the East,

but she did not set like

the records in every event.



Like other people beat her

in events around the world.

But that's another thing

where it's like when you're

not competing against everybody,

it changes things.

So it's like maybe she could have,

but I don't know.


But there are people that

are so good at certain things.


Like Laura's so good at machines, right?

Laura's just great at machines.

Alex is great at legless rope climbs.


Like there are people that

are just great at certain aspects.


Yeah, like, I don't think, I don't,

there was no way Tia was

going to beat Alex on event

three with the Legos real times.


I think even if they went to head-to-head,

I don't think so.


And same thing with a bunch

of other events, so.


Well, speaking of Alex,

and we talked about Colton, Swolverine,

like, when I go through your Instagram,

I don't know if there's a

company that backs their

athletes as much as

Swolverine backs theirs.

They're the best.

I, and it's crazy.

Cause I swollering was,

they like believed in me pretty early on,

which is really cool.


cause I started working with them like

after it was like,

I want to say early February of 2022.

So that was before like

I hadn't even competed as an

individual at semifinals yet, you know,


and they had already like kind of

reached out to me and I had

met Alex and all of that.

And so I don't know, to me,

that was really cool.

And like, here we are now and they're just,

they're the best.

They seem to be the best at

talent evaluation early on.



noticed that just the people

who like they work with I'm

like wow like how do y'all

even how do y'all know this

like how do y'all find

these people but yeah it's

amazing but they like it's

it seems like every fourth

post of yours is them

saying something nice about

you yeah oh yeah they are

totally like hype squad all

the way I remember when I

first made the games last year like I


like she comes up to me and I think

she just,

she was just like shaking with


And she just like, like she could,

she almost couldn't even talk.

And I was like, oh my gosh, like, like,

oh gosh, I love her.


I've seen an interview with her on Savant.

She just seems like such a

genuine person and the

company is just amazing.

So she's such a sunshine.

I like that.

That's a great way to put it.

Um, so here's another question for you.

What's it like being married

to your media guy?

Well, he,

he got like super into like

cameras and lenses and photography,

videography, all that.

Um, just like randomly, he just was like,

Oh, I want to learn about this stuff.


and I feel like he's always kind of had

like a really good eye for it.

Like even like when we were younger,

like before the CrossFit

days and I would just have him like,

you know,

take a photo of me if we're on

vacation or something.

And he was always just really good at it.

Um, and then one day he was like, wow,

like it'd be cool.


cause if he was like hanging out with

people who had their cameras and stuff,

he's like, oh,

I want to like learn how to do that.

Like that, that looks really nice.


And so he just started

getting into it and he's

really good at it.

Um, and then he was like, you know what?

I maybe I'll make like a,

just like a media page so I

can like post my work, you know?

Cause he,

at first he was like putting it

on his own account.

He was like, well, I feel like,

I don't know, this is weird.

Maybe I should just make my

own page to put the stuff on.


And so, yeah, it's,

it makes things easier if I

need something quick or on the fly.

I'm like, okay, I need this done, you know,

this weekend,

or can we get this done by

tomorrow or something?

I can just be like, all right, let's,

let's knock this out.

So it helps with a lot of things.


And it's gotta be awesome that like,

he can just walk out to the

garage and shoot you on a random day.

You don't have to have anybody come in,

into your house, any of that stuff,

because he's just there doing it all.

And he is really good at it.


And I mean, that's the thing.

I mean, he has a million hobbies.

He does so many things.

So it's like,

I'll try and bug him as much

as I can if I need something done.



And he,

he puts a lot of work into it if he

does do it.

And I'm like making him like, okay,

I need this.

And then he's like upstairs and he's like,


now I got to edit it and do this and


And, but he does, he does a lot for me.



The thing I hate most about

media is editing.

If I had somebody to do all my editing,

I would be, I would love this 110%.

Now it's just 98% because I

got to do editing.

Yeah, like with videos and all that,

I mean, that's a lot of work.

So, I mean, like photos, it's pretty easy,

you know,

especially if you can get it

right out of the camera and

then just do like maybe a

quick filter or whatever you want to do.

But the videos, that's a lot of work.

So, explain this to me.

My shirt.

Your shirt.

Uh, it's,

it seems to be a collage of you

with the main picture.

I think you've got a cup of,

or a scoop of Wolverine in your mouth.

That's my grains powder.

Um, so like people have been asking me,

cause it's like noble did

the jerseys last year and

everybody's like, Oh, like where,

where can we get the jerseys or all this?

And then I'm like, Oh, well,

it's go rock is the title sponsor now.

And I don't think they're doing that.

I think that was just a noble thing.

So there's nothing.


and then a couple of weeks passed by

and I was like,

maybe we should just do a shirt.

Like, you know, it wouldn't be that hard,

especially cause I'm good friends with,


Rocky who owns Cambro and he makes

just super awesome apparel

and shirts and all this stuff.

So I was like, okay, well,

Maybe I could get with him

and tell him the idea that we have and,

you know, do that.

So the main thing was like,

we really liked the picture.

And that was something that

I'd done for Swolverine.

Just something different.

I was like,

I'll just have the scoop and

have it like it's a pipe,

but it's like nutrition.

It's my greens and reds.

Um, so we'll use that.

And then I was like, okay,

if you can like cartoonize

it or stylize it or do whatever you do.

Um, and then he was like, well,

maybe we could add in some

more shots and here and there.

I was like,

I just want something that just

says Doma in big letters

that people can wear so

they can wrap something at the games.

So yeah, we decided to make a shirt.


any thought behind the iron maiden shirt,

big fan, or just like the shirt?


I like Iron Maiden.

I just like rock in general.

And he gave me that shirt and I was like,

this is just an awesome

shirt and I love it.

And that's also kind of how

I wanted my shirt to be

because I like the fit.

And so I was like, if we can just do the,

like kind of the same thing there.

And it was just perfect that

it happened to also be the main photo.

And so.


So cool.

I'm such a music buff.

Like that's my second love.

My first love is doing this and CrossFit.

Second love is music.

So I always notice those

like little touches of things.

Um, Oh, I know.


I was thinking, cause,

cause you're in Columbus, right?



I was confusing with, uh, Cleveland, the,

the rock and roll hall of fame.


We, my daughter is into music too.

And so like for her birthday,

every once in a while she

wants to go to the rock and

roll hall of fame.

So we've done that.

And it's a lot of fun.

It's fun.

And she got it all for me

for that part for sure.

So, so yeah.

So that's all I really had for you today.

I'm just super excited for you.

It was fun watching you out there be the,

the picture of consistency.


Love it.

And now, now you're, you're going for,

because in this day and age,

like when you get to the games,

a hundred points means a lot.


So like event wins are super important.


That was something I saw actually.

Cause I mean, I didn't even know this.

I mean, well,

I know how a lot of times

when the further it goes down,

you're placing, you get even less points.

Like instead of doing three each,

you'll only get two each.

But even when I was looking at people,

if you got last place on an event,

at least at semis, you got zero points.

I was like, man,

I would really suck to not get any.

I'm like, what a difference.

I would be remiss in not

asking about the barbell incident.

Because we've all done it.

We've all done it.

I've chipped teeth.

I've done all those things.

You took a barbell to the head.


What exactly happened?

So we're lifting.


we had done clean and jerks and then we

were going to snatch.

So I was really pumped.

Cause I had,

I had P I hit a PR on my clean and jerk.

So I was feeling really just

like jazzed up and I'm like, yeah,

I feel strong and powerful.

And I was like, let's snatch.

Let's let's hit a PR on the snatch.


And there was this cue that

someone had given me

literally like a couple of

days before about when the bar path,

when the bar passes to snap

your chin down for that stability to,

I don't know if it's

something about loosening the traps,

but it's like more of just

like a stable position with

your chin down.

Um, and I was like, okay,

I'm going to try that.

And I was just literally

warming up with the barbell

and I snapped the chin down.

definitely too early.

And I basically just pulled

it as hard as I possibly could.

Cause I was feeling good.

I was like, Oh, and next thing I know,

it's just like blackness

and I'm on the floor and, um,

all this liquid is coming

out and I'm just like,

why is my nose bleeding?

Um, and why are my eyes closed?

But then I realized that my

nose was not bleeding.


and it just took me a few minutes to

understand kind of what was happening.

Um, we, we walked away and I like,

cause my head was,

my hand was holding my head,

but I didn't register why I

was doing that.

And then eventually I

started asking the question, I'm like,

can I move my hand?

And they're like, um, let's try it.

And then I move it,

but it's just continuing to

just squirt out all the blood.

And so I'm like, Oh, um,

but I was just so annoyed.

I was like, man,

like I really wanted to snatch.


But my coach and I kind of

decided that it was a good thing cause it,

it slowed me down.


it forced me to take a little bit of a

step back, um, when it was necessary.

And you said it was an empty barbell.


Yeah, I mean, that's the thing.

That's what people would ask about, like,

oh, how much weight was it?

I'm like, guys,

if there was weight on the bar,

it would have moved slower.

I wouldn't have pulled it as hard.

Or I would have pulled it as hard,

but it would have, like, when it's empty,

you can pull it so much

harder and faster versus, like, you know,

the bar's going to move so

much slower when there's a

bunch of weight on it.

Yeah, every time I've hit myself,

it's been with an empty barbell.


Every time.



The only exception is I went overhead once,

my shoulder gave out,

and it came down on me.


I don't.

I thought about that happening.

And I'm like,

I need to stop thinking about that.

I don't want that to happen.


It actually,

that was more of like a glancing blow.

It didn't hurt as much as the up,

the power like up through it.

yeah it because that's the

thing like going up that's

why it like turned into it

was just like a flap the

and that's I think that's

why it was so hard for it

to stop um the bleeding for

so many hours was just I

don't know just like the

way like the u-shape was

like I don't know well

here's here's a hint if

you're a male and you shave

your face and you cut your

face it just will not stop bleeding

there's something about like

the the blood vessels in

your face are so close to

the surface like it's hard

to get it to stop yeah like

your head is just so

vascular that's what

everybody was saying you

know like the head just

bleeds it just bleeds and

bleeds and I was like okay

but it's it's interesting

because I had literally I'd

hit myself in this exact

same spot before when I was

like 12 and it was the exact same thing

I didn't cut this,

like the skin didn't cut or anything,

but I had got a concussion

in the exact same spot that

I got a concussion a few months ago.


but it was just like that time it was

like concussed.

And then my nose was like huge.

Cause I had broken my nose

and it was just like bright yellow,

but this time it was like

concussion and then stitch,

but it was like the same thing.

honestly last question once

you podium at the games

where are you going to go

to like relax after the

games because I know you're

an outdoors girl that

you've got to get out and

do something yeah

definitely got to get out

and do something just kind

of like whatever I don't

even like I don't even care

to like plan anything I

just want to like go

completely just like rogue

No plan, no cares, no routines.

Just like, I don't know,

get in the car and just

like drive somewhere and

don't come back for a while.

There's certain things that

we do have planned.

Like there's like this,

a couple of camping trips

and stuff coming up.

But yeah,

I just want to get out of town

and not care.

Is there any plan to go to

Scotland for the Rogue Invitational?

Yes, we are definitely,

definitely planning to do that.


and it's just perfect time of the year.

It's early November.

So the idea is that we would

go compete and then hang

out for like a week or two

and just run around a little bit,

whether we want to hop over

to Ireland or go to main

Europe or whatever.

Yeah, that would be a blast.

Well, Abby, as always, super fun.

Thank you so much for doing this.

Thank you to everybody listening.

We will catch everybody next

time on Gladstone Media Podcast.

Thank you so much.