Seek the Magic

Erin invites you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Joined by Andrea, a transformational coach with a fascinating story of transitioning from a career in law to a life dedicated to energy healing. Andrea shares her personal journey, filled with challenges and revelations, and how the pandemic was the catalyst that led her to her true calling.

Andrea recounts her strict upbringing, her initial career in law, and the profound shift that occurred when she discovered personal development and energy healing. Her story is a testament to the power of following your joy and curiosity, even when the path seems unclear. Andrea explains the incredible impact of working with a coach, the unblocking of her chakras, and the concept of limiting beliefs.

Andrea’s story is not just about healing; it's about finding alignment with your true self and living a life of purpose and fulfillment. Her experiences and insights provide a roadmap for anyone seeking to break free from limitations and embrace their highest potential.

Don't miss this conversation filled with wisdom, practical tips, and inspiring stories. Click play to listen now and take the first step towards awakening your true potential!


Join me on the Seek the Magic podcast as I share the insights I discover, the joy I experience, and how we can all find more magic in our everyday lives. ✨🚀 

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Connect with Erin McMahon:

Connect with Andrea Fung:
  • (00:00) - Welcome Andrea / The Transition from Law to Energy Healing
  • (01:52) - Catalyst for Change / First Encounter with Energy Healing
  • (04:28) - Lessons from Law
  • (07:15) - From Social Media to Mindset Coach
  • (09:24) - Discovering Data Healing
  • (11:28) - Integrating Therapy with Energy Healing
  • (15:10) - Navigating Theta State: Techniques and Guidance
  • (20:00) - Exploring Past Lives: When and How to Approach
  • (22:14) - Connecting with Inner Self
  • (24:00) - Practical Applications of Energy Healing: Personal and Shared Experiences
  • (28:02) - Embracing Joy and Inner Work / Key Takeaways
  • (30:06) - Connecting with Andrea / How to Learn More and Reach Out

What is Seek the Magic?

Hi, I’m Erin, an spiritual adventurer, tech marketer, and wife and mom of 2. I’m here to share the insights I learn, the joy I find, and hope to help others find a way to seek more magic in every day.

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;24;16
So welcome to Seek the Magic, where we are on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I'm your host, Erin, and today we're joined by Andrea, a transformational coach who's on a mission to help us awaken to our true potential. She has a background in law, but a passion for energy healing. And I'm so excited to have her on and speak with her today.

00;00;24;21 - 00;00;49;00
Welcome, Andrea. Thank you Erin. Thank you for having me. I am so excited to come in here and share wisdom and have a side conversation about wherever it is that this conversation wants to take us. Lovely. So can you start by sharing your story about how you went from being a lawyer to an energy healer, and what the catalyst was for this transition.

00;00;49;02 - 00;01;09;05
yeah. Let's do this. Well, just to provide some life background and context. So I grew up in this, like, you know, strict Asian family where you're either like a professional or nothing at all. And so that was what I was to become, right? You know, a professional it did. And it did seem like there were other feasible or acceptable options.

00;01;09;06 - 00;01;31;24
I was so blinkered. You know, I didn't know anything about personal development as it the first time I heard of the term mindset, it was like end of 2020 and what I understood to be spirituality involves going to church and pray to a white man in the sky and seeing other Christians being morally bankrupt outside of church. So in essence, I knew nothing about spirituality.

00;01;31;27 - 00;01;52;29
So the catalyst for this transition was actually the pandemic. You know, I had quit law once before in 2017, and when the pandemic hit that I decided, you know what? I'm going to go. I'm going to try and quit law again because now I'm really, truly miserable. My friends were taken away from me. I couldn't go to parties, the social life, all the fun things.

00;01;52;29 - 00;02;24;04
So at that time, like, I just didn't really know what to do. I didn't know where to turn. I supposedly had everything the world had told me was going to bring me happiness. Glamorous job, white picket fence life, everything else. And sure, I was stuck, miserable and feeling more alone. I have ever felt lost in relationship. It was actually my best friend at the time who strongly pushed me towards working with a coach that he had been working with and to drive home.

00;02;24;04 - 00;02;47;16
How much I knew nothing about personal development. I thought coaches were like sports coaches, but me soccer coaches, basketball coaches, I didn't know that there were any other kind of coaches. And the coach who I worked with was actually an energy healer. I didn't know that that was what she was at the time, but she, blocked me in, like, a massive way.

00;02;47;19 - 00;03;14;07
And that propelled me to have the courage to leave law. And after that, it was a matter of just, you know, following my joy, a curiosity. And that led me down bit by bit towards the path of energy Union like to years two and a half years. Wow. That's amazing. That's amazing. So what was the first thing you noticed when the coach helped you with energy healing?

00;03;14;07 - 00;03;35;25
What was that like? Well, she took me through. She's a spiral practitioner and she took me through, like, I think a ten week process of unblocking all of my chakras in her own way. the first four weeks, healing from your roots until hot. It was quite difficult, but by the time we arrived at hot, it was a lot lighter.

00;03;35;25 - 00;03;56;22
At that point, I felt like a lot of energy had shifted, and I couldn't explain it at the time because I didn't know what a healer was and I don't know what energy work is. And it was also the first time I learned the concept of limiting beliefs. I learned what shadow work was. And so it was just really, really painful to process.

00;03;56;25 - 00;04;19;11
But by the time we got to the heart chakra, it was a lot lighter. It just felt like a weight had lifted and a weight that I did not know that I had been carrying. Because we get accustomed to a certain state of being from the time we were young up until now, and so suddenly to have that state of being just switched, it was quite phenomenal, actually.

00;04;19;14 - 00;04;41;05
So my first foray into personal development was actually energy work. But do you know what that is? Wow. That's amazing. And what was your experience like as a lawyer and what do you what did you learn from that journey? That sort of helped you in your in your current work? that journey as a lawyer was an interesting one.

00;04;41;05 - 00;05;16;07
I think I experienced everything on the spectrum from being incredibly fulfilled, even if it was just momentarily, to being incredibly burnt out. So the first three years I worked as a family, so dealing with divorces, child custody battles, domestic violence, child protection matters. So very, very heavy stuff. Really emotionally heavy stuff. Yeah. And at that time in that year I was also working with just the worst law firm ever, like the most unsupportive boss ever.

00;05;16;07 - 00;05;40;06
Terrible pay. My goodness. And so after that, I took a sabbatical and I was hoping to find a career inspiration, but obviously I didn't get that. So three years later, I switched all bills in the States. This time the work was more try. There was, but it was also more calm. I had great colleagues, great superiors. I had perfect client to paperwork ratio and everything was perfect.

00;05;40;06 - 00;05;59;29
There was no reason for me to feel miserable or feel like I had to move on. I get it just wasn't it. It's so. The one thing that I can say about Victoria working in those areas of law and in the fields that I did, is that you had to learn how to be able to wear multiple hats at one time.

00;06;00;03 - 00;06;19;15
So sometimes you put a therapist hat, you're empathetic and compassionate, and you could listen up and then you put on a lawyer's hat so you can analyze your client's cases so you can identify the root cause of problems and decide how you want to present your client's case in the best light. And sometimes you put on the head of a friend so you can, you know, they're going through a difficult court case.

00;06;19;15 - 00;06;45;03
You want to bring a smile to your friend, situations like that. So wearing all those hats and cultivating all the skills that I had outlined really helped me do my current work as a coach and energy throughout quite easily because I know how to listen. I know how to draw out the main points of what kind of beliefs or uncomfortable situations or approaches that my clients are actually experiencing.

00;06;45;06 - 00;07;06;26
And because a lot of that comes so naturally to me now, it comes so naturally to me, naturally that I can't even teach it. It's almost like muscle memory. So, yeah, those are, the skills that I learned that has been so important. She'll make hard work. Yeah, well, what I love about that is that, you know, even work that you knew wasn't quite a fit.

00;07;06;26 - 00;07;25;22
You were thinking about what you love and what you didn't like about it, and then that kind of like that led you down the path that you were in. So how did you, when you started down this journey with energy after you had a coach? What what did you what steps did you start to take to make that change?

00;07;25;24 - 00;07;50;13
Well, when I finished off working with this coach, I didn't know that what I wanted to be was a transformational coach. That was not the first thing that came to mind. And I at that time, I even though I've heard of the term healer, I don't actually know what that is. And so it was like just to know what it was and I did it feel the draw to go look into it either.

00;07;50;15 - 00;08;21;01
At the time, the coach asked me to write up a list of 100 things that I would do for free forever. and the top three was I was going to be prancing around in bikinis and beautiful pictures, spreading positive messages. and so I thought, okay, you know, let's just start an Instagram account. So I was a social media influencer for three months, and then I was a social media manager for three months because two people came to me and said, hey, I'll pay you to help us grow your accounts.

00;08;21;01 - 00;08;43;23
What did I know about being a social media manager? Nothing. I know how to grow my account and then I came across a digital nomad coach, and I wanted to do what she was doing. But what I realized was it was hard for me to teach someone how to build their own business, to become a digital nomad. When I was still in the process of building my own business, and in a time where none of us could fly anywhere.

00;08;43;23 - 00;09;07;02
So how could we be digital nomads so that that shouldn't be yet? Okay, but then shortly after that, I pivoted to becoming a mindset coach because I got offered a job on LinkedIn out of nowhere. And so it's just been following my joy and curiosity and allowing myself to pivot as it when I need it to, with having zero attachment to that outcome.

00;09;07;02 - 00;09;35;13
And bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit. next thing you know, I was in a situation where I was feeling quite sad. I wanted to look for my star family and we're talking about like Etsy stuff at that point. And the trans channel that I hired happened to do with data healing. And what I experienced with data healing was so phenomenal that I see that to sign up for all the courses and become a DNA healer myself, and and after that I learned another modality.

00;09;35;15 - 00;10;05;09
Know what? I'm still learning now? And that's how I came into energy healing. It was just by bit by bit by bit, allowing my joy to lead me to the next stage until the final chance. That is beautiful. Explain a little bit about data healing. I'm not as familiar with that. So data healing is basically going into a theta state and then accessing source energy and utilizing that source energy to shift what's limiting beliefs.

00;10;05;11 - 00;10;30;01
So for example, you could come to me and tell me that, I believe that I have this belief that I am not good enough. And I think all of us have that belief at some level. Right. And even if we clear the first level, we can go down to, depending on the situation. So what I do is I go into a data state with, with you, and then I will request energy to change that at least to remove that program.

00;10;30;09 - 00;10;59;18
I am not enough on all four levels, on a physical level, emotional level, down to the level that to a soul level. And I can request that a new program be installed, which is that I am enough. That I can also request with source energy to say like you know, can I train your body and obviously everything is done with your consent and I teach your body so that it knows what it feels like to feel right, feel that it is good enough and that it is safe to feel good enough.

00;10;59;21 - 00;11;27;29
And then I just download all of that into your whole body. Yeah. And then after that, we do like a muscle test to make sure that your body has actually take that on this link. And then it says just like that. That's beautiful. Yes. And I feel like it's so amazing because, you know, thinking about these different energy levels and stage that even just just learning about that is, is so eye opening and freeing for people.

00;11;28;01 - 00;11;47;17
So I know you talked about data. Do you mind just outlining the different like states that you're in. Like are we always in theta or how does one get in theta. Well, theta is just basically like like a meditative relaxed state. I can't remember exactly the full details. I think theta is like when we are just awake right now.

00;11;47;17 - 00;12;13;18
Right. Right now. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. And then was it like yeah I think it was at Alpha State that were asleep. I'm not gonna lie I yeah I did remember this when I was learning theta here. Yeah. The theta theta the theta is the one that right before you are like full almost asleep. Yes, yes, yes. And when you're in that hypnotic state, that's the time where your subconscious takes on is the most impressionable.

00;12;13;18 - 00;12;38;10
It takes on you and takes on suggestions. Easily. And from that point onwards easier to to download it. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And that is that's so empowering because it's like you know we don't exist just in this one you know way we're talking. But you know you can actually get in a more relaxed state and that can change your life and how you, how you navigate through things.

00;12;38;13 - 00;12;57;18
absolutely. And a lot of the time is when it comes to identifying, you know, the deep beliefs. There's, for example, you know, these I would have a conversation with you right now about where it came from or what you believe that we will come to a limit where your conscious mind can only give me an answer up to a certain point.

00;12;57;21 - 00;13;22;10
But then when we take the people together into that theta state, and then I'm speaking to your subconscious mind, the answers that come up, I just a lot deeper. The ones that are, you know, supposedly unconscious and those that is when we know that we have reached the most basic beliefs that we can address. And just like a house of cards, if you take out the card at the very bottom, then everything else just collapses, right?

00;13;22;13 - 00;14;04;23
So if we take out the bottom belief that everything that is built from the thoughts of most unconscious beliefs just collapses. And it's quick and it's like it's like, you know, you can go through five years worth of therapy in a few sessions of data healing. Yeah. You know it's amazing. Yeah. It's amazing because you're, you know when you're when you're talking in traditional therapy or you're mainly reviewing what's going on in your mind, but then when you get into a more relaxed state, you uncover other parts of you that you know, your your mind's not necessarily concentrating on.

00;14;04;23 - 00;14;30;08
Right? Yes. Yes, absolutely. And look, you know, like I have a break. I'm a big advocate of therapy because therapy helps your brain understand when it comes to energy work. It's like we work on the energy. We work on energy. Everybody. The body will work at the body. But then we live in this 3D world, right? And our brains with human brains are always the latest to get the information.

00;14;30;10 - 00;14;59;00
So yeah. So utilizing combining therapy together with like energy healing, it allows I think a person to be able to understand what's going on and also work together with the body. So to move forward. Otherwise it might be a bit of a jumble. And people might be wondering like, oh my gosh, I'm feel. So at the same time, I'm not used to it, but it is going on and it's intellectualizing and analyzing deep into it and go into another spiral.

00;14;59;02 - 00;15;33;26
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So having both both therapy the talk therapy and like the energy healing working in tandem. Sweet spot. Yeah. Absolutely. How does one sort of navigate and try to get into a theta state and then maybe explore. Do you have any thoughts about that. Would you mean explore or would you mind elaborating a bit like I guess so if one is so usually where we're talking now, we're we're in beta and then, you know, we get into theta.

00;15;33;28 - 00;15;53;08
How do you help someone explore once they get there. Where is it you basically navigating through their energetics or how does that work. So I guide them through it. You basically it's kind of like, you know, when you listen to like a guided meditation. So they relax like a very good five minute. Yes, yes yes yes. Got it, got it.

00;15;53;12 - 00;16;20;17
And what and what other parts of energetics do you help people through? I would say that it's mainly just beliefs and also another one that I've been doing recently, and this is the most like deep one. It's basically taking someone into the in heart space. And then obviously before we get into that meditative point, I would be having this conversation with them about like, okay, what exactly it is that you want to work on?

00;16;20;19 - 00;16;44;05
you know, where do you think these beliefs are held? You know, do it's in this life or this a past life, stuff like that. And so then I go into the energetic body and then see which Chopra it is that these issues are located in. and then I will go to each of those chakras and clear it, not just in this lifetime, but also in another lifetime.

00;16;44;07 - 00;17;06;03
and there's like a number of tools that you can use, like, I utilize are utilized that healing in that space. Sometimes I use a healing bed, sometimes I just put them in like a pool sometimes. And all of this, I do this with the guidance of their highest selves within that meditative state. And so every session is quite open ended.

00;17;06;03 - 00;17;29;07
Yeah, yeah. It's not like I can really plan because the occasions where I plan something. But then I have a client might come to me and tell me that, oh, wait, hang on, this particular thing happen. Can we work with that instead? Because it has to be relatable to the client as well. Right. And then based on that, then I get to, you know, chop and change and see what, what, what is required for the client at that particular time.

00;17;29;09 - 00;17;56;09
Is this what the client needs at this particular time and take it from there. Yeah. That's that's lovely. And, and can you share some examples of how energy healing is help your clients just a few different regulatory situations. Okay. Well for example I had a client this afternoon. So he is he has been doing like earth work. You know, he's very connected to guy, stuff like that.

00;17;56;09 - 00;18;15;29
He has been wanting to travel for so many years, a few decades now. But he just never got around to it. So he's finally decided, you know what, I'm going to come to Australia in December. He's looking to fly from Denmark. And I said, like, okay, so what do you want to work on? He said, like this book on money issues and stuff like that.

00;18;15;29 - 00;18;34;20
And so as we were taking him through it, you know, going through the questions and asking the relevant questions, really, he had this belief that having money was that, only evil people had money. And then we later found out that his mum was the one that's been telling him, like, you know, you sure you don't need to have money or be evil?

00;18;34;20 - 00;18;55;11
People have money, or money is the root of all evil. And subsequently he told me that he had this past. He had remembered. All of a sudden, he suddenly remembered that there was this past life where his head was chopped off. Oh my goodness. Because apparently. Who is this? Yeah, apparently he was this really, really rich merchant taking money from all the poor people.

00;18;55;14 - 00;19;16;14
And so this was in a past life. Yeah. And so you went in there and cleared everything that's placed on the root chakra, cleared it from the solar plexus as well. And right after that I said like how do you feel. He was like I thought that I felt okay when I came into the decision. But now I feel amazing.

00;19;16;14 - 00;19;32;28
I feel like I can take on the world. I feel like I want to charge the prices that I want to challenge. I feel like I'm good. I want to put all my services out there. And you know what? I am not going to accept less than what I charge. If they can afford it, that's fine. Yeah, it's probably just not a match at the moment.

00;19;32;28 - 00;19;52;17
But I want to charge what I charge because I believe that what I have is, is of high value. And so you went and you just put up all of his devices, all the things that previously he was afraid of because you felt like oh I can't afford it. What if people don't pay me. And he just didn't care anymore.

00;19;52;24 - 00;20;17;17
Yeah. Wow. That's beautiful for navigating like past lives or concurrent lives. How do you approach that or explore the the thought of a past life? Well, that one it depends on what stage of, I guess, consciousness. I guess the client is. So for someone who maybe is very, very new to personal development, I would never bother going there with them.

00;20;17;17 - 00;20;37;28
I would just go in myself and I would speak to the highest and ask the relevant questions that I want, and that it's about trusting what it is that comes to mind. And I think what I've done is quite a few times now, so I know exactly what it is that I can trust it. And when is it that, when is it that maybe I'm required to discern the situation a little bit more.

00;20;38;00 - 00;20;57;20
But if it's someone who has more experience for example this client that I had this afternoon, it was basically taking him into a theta state and, and asking him those questions while he is in that state and whatever it is that freedom, I will trust it. And he will also know because if something doesn't feel right, he won't know.

00;20;57;24 - 00;21;19;11
But if something feels right, it's a full body. Yes. You would just. Yeah. Yeah. You feel it. You feel it in your body is something that can really only be experienced when you can find past the frame. So if somebody is listening is like dude do I have a past live. How do you think they can explore that.

00;21;19;14 - 00;21;41;03
Well there are so many like past life regression systems. We hire the one that I trust is Q how was it like quantum healing hypnosis technique. Is that program what that modality created by or is cannot I think it's the ultimate past life regression is. But she's already passed away. Obviously there are many facilitators that have trained under her.

00;21;41;10 - 00;22;06;03
So if anyone was who wants to look into, you know, that old past life, that is a way that is one way to do it, is to get someone that you trust, someone who is very experienced in this, to take you through this and eventually the best ones would be if you could speak to your own guides. If you get to that point, that like that level of consciousness where you are very, very connected to all that is connected to, so it's connected to your own guides.

00;22;06;09 - 00;22;25;25
And if you would just want to set the intention to explore what past lives you have, then that is where you will be guided to. Yeah. Yeah that, that sounds like the right, the right path to go. And on this podcast I've talked about, you know, your inner voice, which I think is somewhat connected to higher self.

00;22;25;27 - 00;22;52;21
You know thinking about that which is, you know, really taking a deep breath, quieting that crazy mind that is, you know, turned on in the beta brain and, and really just listening. And once you do that, you know, you can kind of think, okay, what what is true for me. And you know, if you are newer to thinking about past lives or things like that, something may not come up immediately, but just just listening, which is helpful.

00;22;52;23 - 00;23;23;28
Yes, yes. Like listening. It's really, really helpful listening, feeling and discerning. Right. Because when you're doing things like that, you're really opening yourself up through something. Really. Yeah. And so I think like having that very, very high development of intuition and awareness with that. And also, you know, cultivating the ability to discern, I think those are the two such the two most important things when it comes to doing this kind of work.

00;23;23;28 - 00;23;45;25
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that is really the magic in, in listening and connecting with your, your inner self, which my brain likes to listen to podcasts and everything all the time, like my husband's like, please turn off everything. That's like going on. But that's my, my mind is like, I need it, I need to listen and I need to learn.

00;23;45;25 - 00;24;07;06
Which is, as you said before, it's that's such an important part of it. You need both, you know, you need to talk to the, the beta part of the brain that's busy, busy, busy. But then you also need to listen and listen to that wisdom too. Yeah, yeah. Are there any specific areas of life where you think energy healing can be beneficial?

00;24;07;06 - 00;24;33;00
I it's it's like all the time. Right. But are any turning points or moments that you want to bring up in terms of specific moments in my life in terms of how that has helped. Yeah. Or for others, you know, just thinking when you know, when would this be useful. I would think that when you are in this for me it has been most useful when I have felt stuck.

00;24;33;02 - 00;25;07;08
Stuck in something like I can't move, but I also can't really identify where this emotional stuckness is coming from. And this happened to me just last Saturday. It was leading up to is it just last Saturday it was leading up to this seven, seven gateway and the energies coming in were like instant like I don't know how you navigated that, but I think the seven seven gateway was on a Sunday and on the Saturday I was just I was just feeling so emotional.

00;25;07;14 - 00;25;35;01
Yeah, over and over. Certainly nothing I was thinking like, okay, like I'm upset about something and I am I sad about something? I'm angry about something, but just nothing. Like nothing was going wrong with my life. Okay? And then I happened to have a conversation with a friend and she also does energy healing. And what she did for me was she went into my space, into my energetic field, looked into what was actually going on.

00;25;35;01 - 00;26;00;08
And then, you know, gave me a few messages of wisdom. It turns out like, you know, I had this lease of not feeling good enough. And it was a pattern of behavior. Every time I experience a new reality, whatever I move house, whatever a new relationship or a new new shift or something. So she took me through like an energy healing process using like the violet flame, using the silver ray of transcendence.

00;26;00;08 - 00;26;21;22
And I just felt like when I was done, I felt like awake. I felt like I could breathe again, you know? And I just thought, oh my God, I felt so energetic. I went to the gym and I ran for so long, and I hate running. I break and running so much. I would rather do anything else than run.

00;26;21;24 - 00;26;49;00
But I ran for ages and it's just that feeling of lightness. I cannot stress enough how important it is that we allow ourselves to level up in our state of being, and that is true. And I would destroy shadow work, or just be aware of whatever shadows you have as an example because like, wouldn't it be so much more beneficial to make decisions big or small, from a state of lightness at happiness?

00;26;49;00 - 00;27;15;18
Yes. Yeah. Compared to HIIT and trauma. Yeah, absolutely. And I think I think that's a that's a beautiful point that you know people you know they, they're, they're often caught and it's like okay it's it's the knowledge that you don't have to be in this one space. You can reflect. And sometimes it's it's a combination of, you know, you're looking inward.

00;27;15;18 - 00;27;50;18
But then as you said, you're also connecting with other people to to help you find what that energy state is. Yes. Yes, absolutely. And in that situation, in situations where you just don't know what it is, it's good to enlist the help of your friends. Yeah. You can work on yourself like I can. There have been so many times where I would go in and look into what is the limiting belief that it's holding you back, whether it's or I don't deserve to be happy, or I feel like if I had wealth and was in a position of power, then I was going to be a terrible person or that I would lose my humanity.

00;27;50;18 - 00;28;20;16
So I would go in there and just work on it myself. And it's been so life changing. Like shadow work amplified you right? Yeah, yeah. So what's one important takeaway you'd like listeners to remember about your journey or the work you do? Well, the work I do is a lot about healing and doing the inner work so that you can experience a life of joy.

00;28;20;19 - 00;28;54;05
Joy is such a big part of my life. To me, joy is the way that our soul communicates with us. And I feel that the joy and passion of yours that you follow will draw you into a series of synchronistic events that will expand your about your ability to experience more excitement and joy until you reach a point where that very same joy is going to support you, in your life, if you are brave enough to take it that far.

00;28;54;08 - 00;29;16;19
and you don't need to understand how things will happen or how things are tapping into your joy or whatever it is, all you have to do is act on it at any given moment, knowing that it will and the more you move towards it, the more you allow your joy to show you your shadows, the more you allow your joy to show you what limiting beliefs are.

00;29;16;19 - 00;29;38;25
That. And at this point, when you're in a state of joy, you have so much more capacity to deal with your shadows and unconscious beliefs and limiting the list of the things that feel something yucky. And when you do that, when you allow yourself to do the inner work and the healing in the process of following your joy, like life is just going to organize itself for you.

00;29;38;27 - 00;30;00;28
That's beautiful in the most logical effortless flow. And so all I want to say is that allow yourself to follow your joy. And the left of you follow through that process and a long process along the journey. And through all of that, everything that you're looking for, everything that you didn't even know that you're looking for, is going to land right on your lap.

00;30;01;00 - 00;30;28;17
That's beautiful. Well, thank you. Thank you for that wisdom. And if listeners want to learn more about your work and working with you, how can they connect with you? Well, the best thing to do would be to connect with me. You can check out my website, Andrea Volcom. if you connect with me on Instagram. my username is, Andy purchased t h e and I know you are.

00;30;28;17 - 00;30;54;15
Yes. I have LinkedIn as well. there's also Facebook, but I can't remember the full you're on right now, but I trust everything, so I'll include it in the show notes. Yeah. For sure, for sure. Well, thank you so much. And, thank you for sharing the magic of energy healing and your journey and, you know, bravery to navigate this journey.

00;30;54;15 - 00;31;13;24
So thank you so much. And, I hope everyone can see the magic in their day to day.