In this episode, Donald Marquez shares insights on auto, home, and life insurance, blending his passion for insurance with the excitement of the upcoming Super Bowl in Las Vegas. With 28 years of experience, Donald delves into the importance of life insurance, recounting real-life stories and offering valuable tips. From policy reviews to handling debts, he simplifies the complexities of insurance, making it a jazz-filled journey toward financial peace of mind. Join Donald every Sunday morning at 8 am on KUNV 91.5 for a unique blend of insurance expertise and jazz vibes.


We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a key when V studios original program. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more. The University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:35
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez. On your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:55
Good morning. My name is Donald Marquez. This is another edition of your insurance connection broadcasting right here at KU envy 91.5 Jazz and more happy Sunday Morning everyone. And it's going to be a beautiful day right here in our valley. Super Bowl is coming up next week. Everybody's so excited, including me. Went to the grocery store bought all my little party snacks and party treats and because I want to get there early. Because I know this is our first Super Bowl right here in Las Vegas, Nevada. Born and raised in Vegas, nothing is ever this big has happened in our city. I don't think I know we've had the races which is great. And the Golden Knights and you know the WNBA and good but this is different. It's a lot of electricity in the air. Hopefully everyone enjoys it. It's gonna be two great teams and Super Bowl. I'm a football fan. And I like both teams but I'm pulling. I'm pulling for Kansas City. My man Patrick mahomes. He's the best he is the best out there. But my name is Dan Marquez, this is an insurance show sound like a sports show. Just just sharing some of the excitement. I brought cash ready a K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more. Every Sunday morning from 8am to 830. I'm an insurance broker. And I love talking about insurance. That's my favorite subject. And I've been in the business now for 27 years going on 28 years coming up in a couple of months. And I enjoy sharing with you my valuable information my years of experience in the insurance industry. I specialize in auto insurance, homeowners insurance, yes and life insurance. And I find that their auto rates in Vegas a very competitive battle people are moving around trying to find the best rates for the auto insurance. I get it. If you have a Hyundai Kia, you need to stay put. I can't stress that enough. But when it comes to your life insurance, you know a lot of people don't do a lot of you know shopping around for life insurance, what they do the they, if they have life insurance, they buy a policy. And sometimes that policy runs out of coverages and they don't understand what's going on or the policy rates go up. I just hear, you know, experience I had a couple of weeks ago I had a young man come in and mid 30s. And he wanted a life insurance policy for his family, growing family of three young children a wife, and he in his mid 30s. He showed me a policy currently paying on a he only had $100,000 worth of life insurance coverage, which I said you know what I applaud them. Because I told him something is better than nothing. He did not have any life insurance on his job. However, he wanted more because listening to the rope program on K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more every Sunday morning, when I come on, he said I need listening to your program. It made me realize I need more life insurance to protect my growing family. I have three young children, a wife, I'm getting ready to buy a home. What can you do to protect my assets and my family? Well, we break it down. What I love to know is how much can you afford to pay. I can write a policy, any face amount that you can come up with, I can write it. If you want a million dollars to five 10 million, I can write it. However, doesn't matter how much I have to offer you is what can you afford to pay each month? This is how we get the conversation started. Because I want to make sure the policy fits in your budget. What's the point of buying life insurance if you can't afford it? Or you don't have enough life insurance? Spend your money wisely when it comes to life insurance. I'm an licensed insurance professional right here in Las Vegas, Nevada for the last almost 28 years in the insurance industry. What I showed him was a policy that he could easily afford what he was paying for his current policy because what he told me, he said I'm gonna cancel this policy. and purchase a policy with a lot more face amount. So he canceled his 101. Well, he will cancel his $100,000 life insurance policy, because now he has a half a million dollars worth of life insurance, paying the same amount for he was for the 100,000. But now he's has 500,000 and pan, the same dollar amount he was paying before. However, he has a lot more insurance. And we also covered his young children, as well. My name is Don Marquez, I help him I hope I can help you. My contact phone number is 70223626247022362624 located right around the corner of Sahara Brancheau. In the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor, my business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm 702 to three 626 24 Now I know some of you who work nine to five to during the week. And if you need to come in on a Saturday, I can make accommodations for you to come in on a Saturday 702 to 362624 Just give me a contact my number and just call me and we'll go from go from there. You know when it comes to life insurance, a lot of questions people want to know

Unknown Speaker 6:26
how much do I need to pay? How often do I need to pay? Can I get the direct build? Now these questions are easy to answer. Insurance companies rather pull the money directly out of your checking account each month. Now you can select your due date between the first and the 28th of each month on your life insurance policy. And the reason why they want to pull the money directly out or the your debit card or, or your checking account is because we don't want the policy to lapse. When you mail in the payments each month, there's a great opportunity for the cheque to get lost in the mail. And your policy could lapse or you you know you simply forget to pay it that happens from time to time and your policy lapse. Once your policy lapse now you got to play catch up, or you might have to get reinstated or you might have to submit a brand new application. It depends on how many months go by or now when you have to play catch up, because you your policy lapse for four to six months. Now you don't have to pay all those bad premiums. The brain the policy up to date is a lot easier for you and a lot easier for for your policy to stay in force when you have it directly taken out of your account. The reason why we do that because again, you can select the due date between the first and the 28th of each month a lot of you like the middle of the month or the beginning of the month. Either way, the money will be pulled out of your account. On the day you select if you select the 15th of each month, the funds are come out on the 15th of each month. Very easy to manage, very easy to manage, we can set up a direct monthly draft, or if you'd like to paint annual people don't want a monthly payment. Yes, I rather pay my insurance in full for the year you can make one payment for the full year or if you prefer, you can make semi annual or quarterly payments. Very simple very easy to set up 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. Now I do have policies you don't have to take a physical when people with underlying health conditions, benefits are paid in 24 hours, whole life benefits up to $40,000 There's no health examination to apply just a few health questions. Easy one page application that I fill out and then you just sit there I answer all the questions now for whatever reason you can't not come into my office. We can do a lot of business over the telephone 702-236-2624 I get my phone number out a lot because sometimes people call the station to get my number. But it's easy to you can find me also on the web. I do have a website is called your your work insurance connection. And my name is Donald Marquez. Rates and benefits are locked down for the life of the policy. Also we have accidental benefits that you can select accidental on to cover those accidents. So those you know common accidents that sometimes people have in a car accident that also is covered with a life insurance policy. But however if you have an accidental only policy, it does not cover from natural causes. What do I mean by that if you have an accidental only life insurance policy, and for an example you have a heart attack and you pass away from a heart attack stroke, cancer any natural cause, the accidental only life insurance does not pay for natural causes. Keep that in mind, if you, if you hold on to that accidental only policy, you will not pay for natural causes. We can also add a child rider on your policy, your child is 18. And under, we can write your child to add on your policy as a rider until age 25. Now, once they turn 25 years young, they'll spin off on their own policy, and they can pay for their own life insurance. Now, when people say, Well, you know, I cannot make my children the beneficiary, I don't recommend having your child as a beneficiary, especially, I've had an I had an incident with this gentleman came in to see me and this was this happened probably about three to four years ago. He came in to see me he lost his ex wife, she passed away. They had a 14 year old daughter, and he, he was the beneficiary on the life insurance policy. And he was wondering, could he get the money? No, I'm sorry, the daughter was the beneficiary. On the life insurance policy at 14 years young, the daughter had to be 18 they received the funds. So the gentleman came to me and he tried all kinds of ways he went to see a lawyer. So no matter where you go see a lawyer. He's phenomenal. And my daughter's legal. I'm the Guardian doesn't matter. She sees a beneficiary at 14 years young unfortunately, she protrude prematurely lost her mother. And now the policy is, is the money's locked up until she turns 18. Now, once she turned 18, she received a significant amount of life insurance, it was well over well over $200,000 worth of life insurance that she received over 200,000 All life insurance to 18 year old all at once tax free. Now, this is why I do not recommend young children and less on a life insurance policy has beneficiaries and less, you set yourself up with a trust and what a trustee and administrator to to, you know, make sure the money is handed out evenly to the children however you want to set it up. This is ways to do it, but without a trust without a will, without any instructions just having a child as your primary beneficiary. And I've had people ask me, Can they you could put they can they put their grandchildren on as primary beneficiaries and your grandchildren a young you know, I don't, what I'll do whatever you ask me to do, but I just want to let you know how this works. Putting a young child or as a beneficiary, the money's locked up until they turn 18 years young. And a trust account or unless the the life insurance policy is part of the trust with with the trustee or administrator to work out the benefits paid to the children over a period of two years. My name is Dawn Marquez for more information 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 We can work that issue out with Christine Banagher. See as a team member of your insurance connection, and she can help you with a will a trust. If you need if you have a policy, that you can request a loan, make sure that you pay the loan back. Now if you don't pay it back, it does minus from your death benefit. When that day comes and it costs for all of us, the money will be minus from the death benefit. Now if you go out and borrow $20,000 on your life insurance policy, right? Keep in mind, you're talking about 789 even maybe have a 10% interest rate on the money borrowed against the life insurance policy, that 20,000 or $10,000 You borrowed on a life insurance policy could double in seven years. Now it will decrease the face amount of the life insurance policy. When that day comes and it comes for all of us. Once we add your child on the policy, there is going to be health questions to ask about the child make sure they don't have HIV or AIDS. And make sure the child is

Unknown Speaker 14:03
you know, just healthy. And most children, all the child writers that I've added on as a writer, there's no physical for your children, just keep that in mind. But as a few house questions we may ask if the child has Down syndrome or if the child has any type of lupus, cancer history of lupus cancer, you know, in in those type of underlying health condition and most children are now now you can also do if you have a loved one that's getting ready to go into a nursing facility or you know they they may want to transfer ownership of their life insurance policy before going into the nursing home. Because somebody needs aren't nursing home and you have to check into it. They will take all your assets and the money that you receive your retirement to Bob and to my understanding and also if you have a life insurance policy, they may take the life insurance policy, claim ownership of your life insurance policy. But if you believe or you go into a nursing home, you can Axwell form is called transfer of ownership. Before you go into a nursing home, you could transfer. Like you're the insurer, okay? For example, you are the insurer, your your loved one is the owner of the life insurance policy. Now the nursing home cannot claim ownership or your life insurance policy, although right now you could be the owner and your loved one is a beneficiary, you want to make the future owner of your policy, you can do that. And in the future owner of the life insurance policy, also can be the payer of the policy come in direct out of an account, all that can be done. For more information, 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 Change of beneficiary, or beneficiary change form could be done, if you lost your primary beneficiary or he listened to his program. He said, Hmm, I don't want a young child as my beneficiary on the policy because I want the money, it could because at that time in need, you know, your loved ones may need the monies to take care of some of your final expenses, your funeral expenses, your your final expenses, your home, your rent, your auto, your auto insurance, I mean, these are final expenses, and your loved ones may need that money right now. That's why it's not a good idea to put that young child as 100% primary beneficiary or beneficiaries on your life insurance policy, because you may need that money right away to take care of the farmer expenses. Now, if you listen to this program, and you said I do need to change my beneficiary, you contact your insurance company and get a beneficiary change form. And that they will send you the form, you can fill it out, send it in, and they'll update your beneficiary change request doesn't cost you any money. Because you don't want to, you don't want to pass away, and there's no beneficiary or husband and wife, sometimes the husband passes away before the wife, and the husband is the primary beneficiary on the wife's policy. Now the wife passed away, there's no beneficiary, your policy could go into probate, until next they can prove themselves as next of kin. And then they'll pay that next account. But that that takes your family through a lot, a lot of red tape a lot of hoops, you know in a simple forms that don't cost you any money. This is why it's very important to get an insurance review offered no obligation insurance reviews, that means you could bring your life insurance policy. Regardless of Isola to you or not come in, let's have any review, let's review your current policy to see exactly where you are. Now, if you do have loved ones that have a life insurance policy, but they're terminally ill, you can get what we call an accelerated death benefit. And accelerated death benefit means that you can get up to a certain percentage depends on the life insurance policy, you can get the funds now, while they're still living up to let's say, 50 to 80% really depends on the policy. While they're still living. Now, of course, they're gonna contact the doctors to make sure the doctors say that you only have less than 12 months to live, and they can accelerate that benefit. And they may charge you a fee up to 10% To my understanding the life insurance company. Now if you have $50,000, they could charge you up to 10% the pool of the fear, you know, pull it a percentage of that $50,000 death benefit. So you have the money now to take care of your final expenses if you only have less than 12 months to live. You know being in the insurance business for quite some time. I've seen a lot of things in my many years of experience. And what I do see consistently and I've heard this from funeral homes, people go to the funeral homes, with their loved ones with no money to pay for a funeral or they find out the cost of a funeral and they have no means to pay it no way to pay it. The goal fund means the car washes the bake sales. If you plan on cooking food and selling it. Just imagine the effort that takes the effort that it takes to wash cars to to ask for people to go find me. And sometimes these churches don't they don't have the funds to help you out. To bury a loved one. You have to understand every day someone's on their own GoFundMe to ask for money to bury their loved ones. Why Why would you want to take your family through that? You know life insurance is very simple, very easy. If you're not really good with saving money. This is a good way to this is a good way to save money because it's an instant savings. You have the face amount of the policy will pay when that time comes in it comes for all of us now if you're getting up there in age and a lot of you are listening to the program because this is a Jazz Radio Station Okay, jazz and more but you know, we we Isn't it 91.5 Jazz and we're gonna we love to jazz. And the more to but many years, I've listened to this radio station because I it's a jazz part that I really liked it I sold the music. And the more to is fine. But that that creates a group of people that's 55 and older to listen to K, u and v 91.5, jazz and more. But when you're at the age that you're in your 50s, and 60s, and 70s, with no life insurance, I can write a policy up to 85 years young. So if you need life insurance, and all of us do need life insurance, you know, you don't want your family go to the funeral home, or the mortuary as you call it, the mortuary with no way to pay now, when you go in there, and they say I my dad, he just passed away, they show you exactly what it cost to bury your dad. And so how are you going to pay for this? And well, my dad didn't have life insurance. I don't have any money to pay for this. Can you work with me? And they don't say no. They'll tell you no, no, when you go to the grocery store, you can't go to the grocery store and say you know what I need I need $200 with the groceries. And you know as soon as you get to the cash register, you have to pay for those groceries. These funeral these mortuaries or business that make money. And this is service they provide and they have to provide a very unique service. You know, people are not kicking the door it out and to be in that type of business. It takes very special individuals to to work that type of business. Thanks a strong stomach. I've been offered to be at some of these mortuaries just to be there and offer them them life insurance. But I can only say You know what, I appreciate it. But no, I don't want to be in the mortuary every single day talking to people about life insurance. I don't want I just I have an office, I don't want to be in that environment. But you don't you only go to that environment when you have to you only go into that business when you have to. But when you go to the mortuary, you want to make sure you do have a life insurance policy, or way to pay for this very expensive funeral. Because when you know when you don't have any money, they will turn you away. And now you have to find the resources along with your loved one being stored at the mortuary and that's a daily fee. Every day they're stored at the mortuary it adds up very quickly. Very quickly. My name is Donna Marquez, let's be proactive. This is 2024 Let's be proactive. How can you write your life insurance policy from $1,000 into the millions if you like, very easy to qualify give yourself the peace of mind. Knowing that you have a life insurance policy. Take care your families final expense when that day comes. And it comes for all of us. 70223626247022362624 My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection, broadcasting radio K, u and v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday mornings from 8am to 830. And I want to thank the listeners that came in and purchase home auto and life insurance. I'm a licensed insurance broker here and in our beautiful city, Las Vegas, Nevada for almost 28 years. I love what I do. I'm not looking to retire anytime soon. You can bring your policy in, and we'll go over it line by line to make sure you fully understand because some of you buy your life insurance policy through the mail. Now where are my smokers?

Unknown Speaker 23:34
I don't get a lot of people. Everybody come see me down smoke is really unique. Do you smoke? No, I don't smoke. But you know, if you're smoking and you're listening to this program right now, I would love to have to have a conversation with you. We can find a policy that will fit in your budget. It's not that difficult to do and most people say get when they leave this and you know I'm so glad we did this because now I have the peace of mind that I need to take care of my final expenses and my family don't have to go through you know grief that I give them time to grieve. They don't have to go through finding money for running their credit cards up going into debt, passing on generational wealth. Let's talk about that. You pass on generational wealth every time you go out and buy products and services. Every time you buy gasoline for your car you're doing it you're generating generational wealth for for other families for rich families that you know when you go to the store and you buy Coca Cola cigarettes, the ones that do smoke Okay, when you buy alcohol when you buy groceries you're creating creating generational wealth for other families when you go buy that burger at the at the burgers they no oh you know that drive thru burger. You creating wealth for other families. Why not create wealth for your own family? Yes, you are you are creating wealth for other families. Why not create wealth for your own family or just keep your family out of debt? As simple as that. Now again, if you listen to this program and you're And you're in your mid 30s, or two all the way up to your minute, up to 85 years young, I can write your life insurance policy, even if you're younger. If you even younger than that, I can write a policy from from day one to 85 years old 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection, my location is on a corner of Sahara Rancho, in the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor, I'm here to help you, you know, when a time of need comes in, it comes for all of us. You know, how you going to, you know, get the money? Are you going to pull money out of your 401 K? Are you going to charge your credit cards? Max your credit cards out? How are you going to pay for this very expensive funeral, the average funeral cost is around $15,000. If your loved one has a life insurance policy, no obligation reviews, I'll sit down with your loved one to go over your policy line by line. And if we need to call your life insurance company, I don't mind picking up the phone and call your life insurance company to make sure that you know you are good. Some people tell ya, I've had this policy for many years, I've been with my company for a long time. I'm good. And maybe you're not good. As you get older, you may find that policies going up. Or if you've borrowed money against the life insurance policy, what are your options? Do you keep the policy, you may be able to get another policy and get rid of the debt. So these are things that I do own a review. Now I had a lady come in, because she owe $23,000 on her life insurance policy. She borrowed money in over the many years over 20 plus years, borrowing the money it added up to be $23,000 She owed so when we did call her insurance company, they were located in Texas. Policies canceled. We wrote our brand new policy. They sent her a little over $1,000 Because that's all she had left and our cash value after $23,000 She only had an added face amount of a policy was only $50,000. Now on $23,000 Only left $27,000 I wrote a policy for $100,000 and started her fresh. She was so relieved. She was like oh my god. That's odd order 23,000. After we all sat down, wrote the brand new policies. She asked me, she said you just made it look so easy. Do I still owe the $23,000? I said no, you don't owe the $23,000 which your current life insurance company is going to do it the one we're cancelling out, they're gonna send you the money of a little over almost $1,500 it was and that policy is over. Now we're gonna start with a brand new life insurance policy with a different company to start you fresh to relieve that debt and she just couldn't believe and this only took an hour. One hour of her time. I helped her I can help you. My name is Donald Marquez. This is your insurance connects and broadcasting, K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more. I'll do this again next week and it's gonna be civil bow next week. I can't wait. I'm very excited. 702 To 3626 to four we'll do this next week from 8am to 830. Have a good day everyone. It's a next week. Just keep it crisp.

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