Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, August 29th, 2024 / Peanut butter is a liquid, Josh is teaching our son how to drive a manual transmission, Chantel had to turn the heat on in her car this morning, the UBU photo shoot, we have terrible pillows, our daughter’s friend thinks Josh hates her, you break it - you buy it, cheesy romance, and we’re going to sample all the fair foods!!

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Thursday, August 29th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Peanut butter is a liquid, Josh is teaching our son how to drive a manual transmission, Chantel had to turn the heat on in her car this morning, the UBU photo shoot, we have terrible pillows, our daughter’s friend thinks Josh hates her, you break it - you buy it, cheesy romance, and we’re going to sample all the fair foods!!

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show from Thursday, August 29th. On today's show, peanut butter is a liquid. I'm teaching our son how to drive a manual transmission. Chantel had to turn the heat on in her car this morning, the UBU photo shoot. We have terrible pillows.

Our daughter's friend thinks I hate her. You break it, you buy it, cheesy romance, and we're gonna sample all the fair foods. Thanks for listening to the show. You can catch it live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast.

Enjoy today's show. It's Classy 97, and it's Josh and Chantel. Classy 97. It's Thursday, and, it's kind of our Friday because, the long weekend just starts tomorrow. And so, just as a heads up, anybody listening this early in the show, you're not gonna hear what day it is tomorrow.

Oh. So I'll try and touch a little bit on what's going on tomorrow on the weekend, for Labor Day. But for today, it is more herbs, less salt. Oh. Because low salt doesn't mean flavorless.

Find some healthy new recipes or make an old recipe healthier by substituting some of the salt for more flavorful herbs, unless you're Chantel, in which case, use the salt. Yeah. I was gonna say that's not what my doctor told me to do. I need more sodium, so I'm not gonna adhere to those rules today. Should still, you can you know, there are people that go completely without seasonings.

Yes. Get some herbs, ma'am. Yeah. Get some flavors. It's lemon juice day.

There's another flavor. Oh. A zesty, tangy twist. I just read well, I haven't read it, but I was gonna read it, that you're supposed to if you toss half a lemon in your dishwasher, it can kill bacteria and help with lime scale buildup Well. On national lemon juice day.

Lemon can help with lime? Yeah. Don't tell the people to make Sprite. What? Too early?

Oh, okay. My fault. Too lame. It's international day against nuclear tests. I mean, I would rather they test than just go throwing stuff around, but I I don't know.

Whatever. Maybe it's a historic day. Individual rights day. It's important that people have their own rights. It's pottery's bottle oven day.

Yeah. That's what it says. But what is it? 'Tis But what is it? 'Twas, twer, a way that they would make pottery, back in, the early early days.

What's it called? Pottery ovens is what they're called. Well, yes. Day is pottery's bottle oven day. What's a bottle oven now?

So, we could actually take a trip about an hour outside of East Idaho. You can head west, and there is a whole line of these pottery bottle ovens. Really? Not all of them in great shape, but they have been marked as a historic landmark, and you can visit them. Old native American pottery bottle ovens.

I had no idea. Mhmm. Where are these? Out toward Birch Creek area. Oh.

Which we went and and visited. Out toward Mackay, Idaho. Okay. Yeah. Out in the middle of nowhere.

Cool. We should go take a visit. There's a cool monument out there. Let's see. What else is happening?

Oh, it's chop suey day. There's a song about that. There is a song about chop suey. Let's see. For tomorrow, tomorrow's National College Colors Day.

Oh. It's toasted marshmallow day. Oh. And it is whale shark day, also national slinky day and Frankenstein day. That's That's a little early, buddy.

Sure. Sure. Saturday, it's all about cosplay. It's international cosplay day. It's also national zoo awareness day, and there's a bunch of other stuff to do that.

It's also Chantel goes to see Hamilton. There you go. Alright. Sunday is pet rock day and, waddle day? Waddle.

Waddle? I don't think it's it's with t's. So, it's a celebration in Australia, waddle day. Something about flowers. Monday is Labor Day.

It's also Pierce Your Ears Day and, mouth guard day. Mouth guard? Why does mouth guard get a whole day? Wow. Now you know.

And coconuts too. Same day. Mouth guards and coconuts. That's Monday. Okay.

And then we'll be back on Tuesday to tell you all the days. For sure. For suresies. For sure. Good morning.

Good morning. Here is a controversial question for you. Why is it controversial? Because there's a lot of people that disagree. Well, that's how controversy works, I think.

Yeah. It is. Alright. Talk to me. What's up?

The TSA Yes. The people that you have to go through when you take a flight. Yes. Uh-huh. They tweeted, peanut butter is a liquid.

Oh. That has been viewed more than 20,000,000 times in the last few days, and people are really running away with it. Alright. There are people that are like, peanut butter is not a liquid, clearly. Look.

There are sort of 3 states of matter. Is that correct? Would you agree? How are you get you're getting nerdy on us? Only only slightly.

K. Here we go. Go for it. The 3, states Solids. Of liquid.

Solid or of of matter. Solid Liquid. Liquid. Gas. Gas.

Peanut butter is not a gas. It's not a gas. Peanut butter is not a solid. See? I would It's not a solid.

I feel like it's more of a solid than it is a liquid. No. It's way more liquid than solid. This is solid. Solid.

Solid. Solid. I'm more liquid. I'm I'm less liquid than peanut butter, but I'm not a solid. Okay.

Okay. Oh, god. There were some nerdy Internet people who pointed out that, technically, peanut butter is not a liquid. It's a non Newtonian fluid. Okay.

Fluid. Yeah. Fine. The point is they're not like, TSA is not wrong here. Okay.

And they have to categorize things like peanut butter all the time. They're gonna tell you the same thing about cookie butter. They're gonna tell you the same thing about Nutella. They're gonna tell you Yeah. They're gonna tell you the same thing about toothpaste.

What about well, they said okay. Hold on. They said there is a subset of non Newtonian Fluence called Bingham Plastics, and toothpaste and mayonnaise are also Bingham Plastics. Is mayonnaise any different than peanut butter? That's peanut butter, toothpaste, and mayonnaise.

These are all part of these Yeah. Subsets. Those all feel the same. Yeah. They are.

And and they have to do that for safety reasons. Right? You're only allowed to bring so much of any one thing onto the, onto the airplane. So Yeah. If you do wanna carry your peanut butter on a plane, it has to be 3.4 ounces or less.

Correct. Somebody commented back on the TSA tweet and said, this is why no one likes you. No. That's rude. I think that's rude too.

Don't be mean to the TSA. They're just doing their jobs. They're just keeping everybody safe. Right. And, plus, I've never like, you were afraid of that woman.

Oh. But I was never, like, like, she doesn't like me, and I don't like her either. What an inconvenience this has caused for me pre flight. No. I'm glad you're there.

I'm glad you're doing what you're doing. Thanks. I appreciate it. I know it's a pain to go through the gates, but maybe show up earlier and you won't be so stressed. Sounds like a passenger problem to me.

If you're fine with peanut butter, 3.4 ounces or less. Thanks for the info. Google looked into the top questions people ask about their birth order. As in, like, who is the oldest person better than the rest? Wrong.

No. That's no. I didn't ask you. Oh. Because I already knew your answer.

I'm you're not Google. I want the real truth. Do you wanna start with the oldest, the middle, or the youngest? Oh, let's start with the baby. Because the baby We always have to go first.

Alright. Go ahead. The youngest? Sure. These are the top three questions.

That the youngest sibling asks. Not necessarily the youngest one asks, but that are asked about the youngest. Alright. Why is the youngest child the favorite? Because we're so cute.

Could you be cute? Lovable. Why is the youngest child always spoiled? Because we're so cute. You don't need to provide the same answer to every one of them, but go ahead.

Why does the youngest child get away with everything? Yeah. I think this one is just because parents are like, I'm not I give up. I've given up. I'm done.

Tired of parenting. Well Next, do you want middle child and then we'll do oldest? Yep. That sounds good. Why is the middle child always hated?

Is the middle child hated? I don't think so. Why is the middle child always forgotten? Yeah. I've heard about that.

Why is the middle child always left out? Oh. Okay. These are sad, sad things for the middle child. And now the old one.

Not all. Why is the oldest one responsible for everything? No. Why is the old one always get in trouble first? The oldest child the shortest?

What? That's not true. Go ahead next. Not true in my family either. Right?

Why does the oldest child get blamed for everything? There's one. Why is being the oldest so hard? It is hard. Get out of here.

Why is it hard? It's just you wouldn't understand. I wouldn't understand. Old old siblings, first siblings, we get it. And you'll never get it.

And that's why. I never will. Because you're the baby. Yeah. I know.

And we're the best. If you're the baby See. High 5 to you. It's statements like that. Like what?

See? Because we're the best. You know it's true. No. Yeah.

You do. Now you do. No? What would you ask Google about your being the oldest child? I would just ask Google why are you the way that you are?

Have you has anybody tried googling that? Why are you the way you are? Google? Yeah. I'll ask right now.

What you're gonna get a weird answer. K. Here we go. It brings up a bunch of office clips. Oh, you it's you should ask the Google Assistant.

What's the Google Assistant? On your phone. Oh, why? Are you the way that you are? That's the answer.

Like but you'll have to talk to her. We'll see what it says. Okay. We'll see. We'll see.

We'll see. That's what I would ask Google. How hey, Google. Are you the oldest sibling? No.

Do you have siblings? I bet Google is the oldest sibling. You think? She gets a little snarky at me sometimes. Yeah.

Probably. Because they're the baby. Get over yourself. I'm over it. I've been over it for a long time.

Thanks, though. I believe you and I participated, in this charity last year, but I'm not for sure. Let me tell you about this, this group. Back in 2005, there's a bike enthusiast called Keith Oberg Okay. From Rockville, Maryland.

And, Keith founded a charity called Bikes For The World. And his vision was to take discarded and donated bikes and deliver them to help mostly rural people Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. In developing nations, allowing them to get around for work, school, even medical appointments.

I've heard of this before. Yeah. And I hadn't heard about this until, last year or the year before or whatever it was, and we had some old bikes. And and so we said, let's you know, we're not using these things. This is a great cause.

And they take these bikes and they clean them up, and they make sure they've got good tires, and they make sure the gears are all working right. And then they, they ship them off all over all over the world. Yeah. They send bikes to the Philippines, El Salvador, Barbados, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Rwanda, and other places as well. And along the way, thousands of volunteers, including but not limited to Olympic gold medal swimmer Katie Ledecky, have helped with the mission.

K. Bikes for the world today is going strong. It celebrated bike number 200,000. Really? Yeah.

Might have been one we donated. I don't know. That's pretty cool. Bike number 200,000. Keith, the founder, he said a bike is a simple machine, but it's also a powerful tool for personal and community empowerment.

Yeah, it is. Cool, cool mission these guys have. And I'm sure if you wanna find out more information about them, you can visit their website. Let me see what it is. Bikes For The World.

And their website is bikesfortheworld.org. And you can donate bikes. You can get involved. You can kinda learn more about it. But, oh, Costa Rica.

But if that's They donated bikes to Costa Rica. Donated like, they take all kinds. It doesn't matter what condition your bike is in. They take whatever they can get, and they refurbish them. Right.

Because we have pretty nasty bikes. And any size and recumbents. And I think they even do some stuff with wheelchairs, but I would double check on that. But, yep, they have, they have hit 200,000 bikes donated, and they estimate 800,000 lives have been improved by those bikes. So That's great.

Pretty awesome. Pretty good group. It's good news to get you going. Back in 2021, that's, what, a couple of years ago anyway, the New York Times reported that only about 1% of cars that were produced for sale in the United States had manual transmissions. Okay.

Only 1%. That's not very many. No. It is not. What happened to all those cars?

Well, listen. Back in 1980, it was about 35% of cars that were manual transmissions. So even then, it wasn't, I mean, it was way more for sure, but it was a lot less. I think what happened is people got real lazy about driving. Okay.

It's it's work to drive a manual transmission. It's not that much work. You can't you can't be on your phone. No. You can't be jibber jabbering.

You can jibber jabber it. Eventually, after you get used to it. But it's like they also said about 18% of Americans even know how to drive a manual transmission. And I'm sure that goes down every single year. I think so.

96% of Americans own and drive automatic vehicles. 96% of Americans own and drive automatic vehicles. That's huge. I know. I'm really surprised by that number.

It may mean 96% of American drivers own and drive an automatic vehicle, but 96% of Americans own and drive an automatic vehicle. I'm surprised by that number. That's much larger than what it would be. Even in, like, the state of Idaho is one of the highest per capita vehicle states. Like, there's more cars to people in the state of Idaho.

Well, I read a study once that said that manual transmissions are often less stolen vehicles because people do not know how to drive them. That would be absolutely correct. Yeah. I mean, even just trying to figure out how to start it. Like, you can't oh, I know how to hotwire a car.

Good for you. Hotwire a manual transmission. Good luck. Like You've had some experience teaching both true. Me and now, Beck, how to drive a manual transmission.

I the first truck I had was a manual transmission truck. Motorcycles, in in my late teens. And then, yeah, as I got to select a vehicle, my 1991 Toyota Camry was very cool. Had automatic seat belts, manual roll down wheels, wheels, manual roll down windows, and, and was a manual transmission car. Loved driving a manual transmission.

There's something special about it. You're connected with the vehicle. Our son, Beck, has purchased a vehicle that is a manual transmission because he wants that driving experience, and I'm like, yes. I'm all for it. He mostly just loves that car, and that was the only option.

No. No. He specifically sought out a manual transmission. Okay. I gotcha.

He wants that driving experience. It's way cooler to drive a manual transmission, especially in a car like what he's looking at, a sporty car. So, last night, he gets done with work, and we went out and drove the manual transmission because he wants to get used to it. He wants to feel how it works so that when he gets into traffic, he doesn't, like, stall every time he gets to a to a red light. So, so we spent a good hour or so last night just driving the manual transmission.

And he did great. He's getting better and better and better. And the more you practice it, the more you, like, get that concept down. True with anything. Yeah.

The more you practice, the better you get. For sure. But, yeah, he'll he'll get it figured out really quick. You taught me how to drive a manual, early 2000? Yeah.

Yeah? It's about right. And you had, like Same car. That same 1991 Toyota Camry. Missed that car.

I really enjoyed that car. But you had this you're like, you gotta give it some gas and some clutch. It's the same way that I teach you how to snowboard. You gotta give it some toe. You gotta give it some heel.

You gotta give it some toe. And you're a very patient teacher, but I could not listen to you say, you gotta give it some gas and some clutch one more time. I couldn't even listen to you say that one more time. I was like, if you don't stop talking about the gas and the clutch, I'm gonna throw you through the windshield. Well, that's everything you need to know about how to drive with Chantel, even in an automatic.

If you tell her how to do something, she'll throw you through the windshield. That's not true. Oh, it's not? It's only when I get frustrated. Just don't frustrate me.

You tell Chantel how to drive, there's a risk you're gonna end up going through the windshield. You just never know. Good job teaching Thanks. Teaching me and Bec. He's learning.

It's it's been a lot of years since I've driven 1, so I'm I kinda wanna drive it just to see if I can still remember. It's a good time. It's a lot of fun. It comes back that quick. Does it?

It really does. Yeah. You now that you understand how to how the the ebb and flows of clutching gas work yeah. It's like it's like driving a manual. Just stay away from the hills.

Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah. I don't do that. You avoid roads with hills?

What if you just ended up on 1? Well Well, I guess you just have to deal with it. They're fine unless you have to stop on them. Yeah. And then you're like happen.

Yeah. Not that I would just park it and say, somebody come help. You would park it. I'm done. I'm done.

I can't do it. This morning, I got in my car. Yeah. And I went, oh, it's a little chilly in here. Mhmm.

I looked at the temperature, and the temperature in my car said 51 degrees. And I said, I am not gonna turn on my car heater. That seems ridiculous. It's only the end of August. I'm not turning on my car heater.

I have seat warmers. And so I said, well, I'm gonna turn on my seat warmers because that'll keep me a little bit warm. Yeah. Sometimes I turn my seat warmers on even when it's not cold just because it helps my back. Okay.

Because I'm old. Okay. So I turned on my seat warmer, and then I got maybe a block away from the house. And I went, no. This isn't enough.

So I turned on the heat in my car this morning. I'm not happy about doing that. I've been running my heat all week Have you? In the morning. Have you really?

Yeah. Because I'm wearing shorts. It's a little it's a little brisk. Yeah. There's a little nip here.

Little edge off. It's nice. I'm not worried about it. I'm not too good to use the heat. It's what it's there for.

I know, but I just delay delay the inevitable. I really and I really hate being cold. Yeah. So I suffered all the way to work all week because it's been a little bit chilly in the morning, but I gave in today. Yeah.

I'm not worried about it. I I use the heat when I'm chilly. I don't I don't even give it a second thought. I go, it's a little chilly. I turn on the heat.

It's good. It's chilly. Yeah. Not worried about it. If it's a little warm, we'll turn on some air.

Sometimes I feel like I get too cold with the air conditioning, but it's too hot to run the heat. Yeah. But then if you turn off the air, the air gets thick and, like, clammy. I hate that. I do too.

So I don't know. I need a mid setting, one that is not so cold, but also not dry, gross, thick air. You know? Well, let's keep a tabs on the first day that we have to scrape the windshield. Let's not even talk about that.

What are you doing? Well, because it's coming, Josh. Like, we know. I just said it's inevitable. Like, we live here.

This is what we do. I was at a part of town yesterday that I don't I go to very often. Trees were turning yellow. No. Yep.

It's not even September. I know. Tell the trees. Tell them to put the brakes on it. Also, if the trees are already changing colors, we gotta get out there and take some family photos.

Okay. Because we always miss it. Every year, I go, oh, no. Photos? We gotta go take some fall photos, and we're always too late.

But it's not We we we only take fall photos. That we're never like, let's go take spring photos. You're right. Let's go out in the snow and take winter photos. No.

We have done that. We our last photos were winter photos because we missed the fall photos. So then So you're saying you want fall photos? Yeah. Again?

We haven't had them in a long time. Last year. No. We didn't. Winter photos because we missed the fall.

It's what you've just said. Yeah. Oh, okay. Fall photos. Family photo shoot.

Are we gonna do an outfit thing? You know, there was 1 year I haven't been, like, super strict on, like, matching clothes or getting a color theme. There are families that are super strict about that. I haven't been that way, but I tried to match a little bit. We tried to match a little like, we coordinate a little bit, except last year or maybe the year before, I said I went downtown?

Yeah. Yeah. And I said, I don't care. Just whatever you wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. Right.

Wear whatever you feel good in, wear whatever you want. And that was kind of the best photo shoot we've ever had. Right. Because everybody felt relaxed and comfortable, and it was easy breezy. Are you on to something there?

On to something. Yeah. The the what would you call it? The UBU? The UBU photo shoot.

You're welcome, moms. Hey. I was going to bed last night Yeah. And I looked at our pillows. We have some sad pathetic I hate the pillows we have.

We need some new pillows. I don't like them. I don't like them either. And I also feel like we just bought those pillows. No.

It's been how often are you supposed to replace your pillows? Put that up. Good question. Good question. Because we've had terrible pillows for a long time.

Not just these pillows, but every pillow we've ever had. You replace your pillows every 1 to 2 years, and I guarantee we're, at least that. We're probably yeah. We are at least that. Time to get new pillows.

So I'm looking here. I'm at I've I've I've pulled up some stuff because I wanted to find out. People are talking about what's the best pillow that you've ever had. K. And so this person said, I'm looking for something higher loft, not too soft, but not so stiff that it hurts my ears to lay my big head on it all night.

Alright? And this person said, you should look at the latex pillows that have a shredded in, interior. Interesting. That is interesting. Let's see.

Yeah. These these shredded pillows, people talking about these, These are shredded pill I gotta I gotta find out about these. What's what's shredded in here? I don't know. Shredded latex pillow.

Yeah. They're, real expensive. How much you wanna spend for 1 pillow? I don't know. How much are those?

Wanna guess? 60. $90 for a pillow. For one pillow? That's right.

But how good is it gonna be? I'm telling you, I Do you want the king-size pillow, the big one? $104. Holy moly. For one pillow.

We need 4. I just hate I'm not spending a $100 We don't need 4. 100. Yes. We do.

Need 2. No. Look. What's the deal when you go to a hotel and you lay down? Yeah.

And it and I've I've convinced myself it's the duvet because we do not have a duvet. We have, like, a quilt thing. And I think that duvet adds a little something. K. The mattress for some reason is great.

I don't always like the mattress, but the pillows are always amazing. Pillows are always good. How do they keep their pillows so lofty? They buy them in bulk, and they replace them way more often than 1 to 2 years. We gotta contact somebody that runs a hotel.

What we need to do is find out when we go to a hotel and we really like the pillow, we need to say, excuse me. Can I buy 4 of those? That sounds like such an old person thing to do. Yeah. Our kids would lose their minds if they were with us if we did that.

Excuse me. Can I ask you about the pillows here? I'm trying to find out if you can buy pillows from hotels. You you their companies, you can actually buy Four Seasons sells their pillows. Do they?

Yeah. Marriott sells their pillows. Hotel quality comfort. Buy luxury hotel bedding from Marriott Hotels. You can indeed buy hotel pillows.

New pillows? Yeah. Or are they used? No. No.

New. That's a valid question. It says most hotels buy pillows from American Hotel Supply or Guest Supply. You can buy those pillows. Let's buy some of their pillows.

I gotta find out. How much are those pillows? $400. I don't know. I haven't looked.

I I we don't need to sit and talk while I shop online. I can I can look it up later, and we'll find the pillows? Good. But we definitely need some new pillows for sure. Yeah.

I tried to fluff mine up. They just went flat the second I put it back on the bed. I know. They're awful. Memory's friend thinks you hate her.

Okay. I heard about this last night, and I didn't even realize this was a thing. Emory had a friend over. They were talking, and we were gonna order some pizza for dinner because it's easy, whatever. And, and I said, what kind of pizza am I ordering?

What kind of pizza do you guys like? She said she was lactose intolerant. And I said, oh, have you been tested? Because my own curiosity, our son, sometimes is a bit hypochondriac. Yes.

And he said, I'm lactose intolerant. I don't feel good whenever I drink milk. So he quit drinking milk. It was a whole thing. Never got tested.

Just self proclaimed Yeah. That he was lactose intolerant. So when she said, oh, I'm lactose intolerant, I went, oh, have you been tested? Because not because I was like, I don't believe you, which is what she thinks I was saying. I was curious what that testing was like so I could tell Beck, let's go get this test.

So she tells Emery, I don't think your dad likes me. And then she great. I like her friend. Emery. And I'm like, what?

Dad likes everyone. There's no one dad doesn't like. Even people that are mean. He's like, oh, well, there's something good about that person. I'm like, no.

We hate that person. But she says, my friend thinks you hate her because you didn't believe her. I know. Or she thinks you didn't believe her. Because I asked a follow-up question.

Instead of being like, oh, really? I said, oh, have you been tested? Because I was curious if what that process was like. I mean, do they, like, give you milk and watch and see what happens? Right.

Yeah. I don't know. Like, how does that work? So I was curious. But, anyway, that's that is interesting.

Gonna have to make a you're gonna the next time you see her, you're gonna have to say, hey. I believe you. Or I'll just say, hey. Prove to me. Ow.

Prove it. Drink this milk, and let's see what happens. I'm just getting on my watch. Here you go. Drink up.

Nope. And I'll hit the bottom of the cup. All of it. Keep going. Come on.

There you go. Alright. What happens now? She'll never come back to her. I I feel bad that she doesn't that she thinks that I don't like her.

That that's a weird thing to not like somebody about it. She's lactose intolerant. I can't stand her. Funny is I said, well, what does she think that I think about her? And she goes, oh, she really likes you, and she she knows that you like her.

And I went, yes. Winning winning in the parent game this Maybe I'll just call her lactose. Sad. She comes around. What's up, lactose?

And then she'll think you're making fun of her because maybe she's got A thing about being lactose intolerant? Oh, that she lacks toast? Yes. This is a bad joke. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

Yeah. That's 2 of them. That is coming out next weekend. I had the date. Hang on.

September 6th. So, yeah, next weekend, that movie comes out. It's the sequel to Beetlejuice. The second Beetle, which I'm excited for. I think it looks good.

Excited for. Like Michael Keaton. I think Michael Keaton's a great is the best. He's he's a great Batman. He's a great Beetlejuice.

He's the only Beetlejuice. I'm glad that he's back. Did you see there was a picture of, Katherine, at the red carpet event? No. You gotta see it.

I love her. So Winona Ryder was so wanting to do another sequel that she wrote into the contract. She's in stranger things. Yes. She wrote into her stranger things contract that if Tim Burton decided to do a Beetlejuice sequel, that she would be guaranteed the time off to Really?

To film that. That's fantastic. Because for her that in her sequel for stranger things. Into her contract. Yeah.

Now a lot of people are like, where's Alec Baldwin and Gina Davis? Why aren't they in the sequel? I thought the same thing because they're such a huge part of the first movie. They Tim Burton said, well, really, like, I didn't I didn't wanna just add them in just to add them in. And the story that I had in mind didn't necessarily involve their characters, and so I didn't wanna just put them there to put them there.

So he has he has a plot or a a storyline in the new movie about how their characters Oh, okay. That will be called. Bit of closure. Yes. So they they they have their little storyline in the next movie.

So we'll find out what happened to them, but they're not going to be in the movie. So if you look up the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice red carpet, and this was at the Venice Film Festival, where they premiered the movie. And, Katherine is stunning. Like, the dress she wears is unreal. Like, it looks very, Tim Burton.

I don't know. It looks like it's made of Venom, that character. Yeah. Venom from, the Marvel character. Like, it's very Okay.

It's very cool. And Jenna Ortega looks great. That red dress looks like, Silly String. Or it looks like the film from cassette tapes. Okay.

Yeah. All just everywhere. Yeah. It's very cool. And then, of course, Demi looks great, and Michael looks looks handsome.

He's got all black. He went all black. Black tie, black shirt, black jacket. Michael Key. Which I think is kinda cool.

So love Michael Key. Yeah. Anyway, Catherine O'Hara, her dress is, like, the coolest thing. When I saw the picture of that and it like, the top, it looks like it's, like, fighting. Because it's tape.

It because it looks like cassette tape. Yeah. You're right. That's that's a great explanation of what it looks like. But, anyway, I'm excited.

And that movie's out next weekend. September 6th. Let's go. We will be coming. I I'm so excited.

I've I've been waiting for this one ever since they first started, like, teasing that they were even filming it. So I think it's gonna be really good. There are parents who are changing their lives, so to speak, the quote, unquote. Their their words, our lives are changing because they are starting to serve their families dinner as early as 3:45 in the afternoon. That's a after school snack.

Well and so that was the problem. They found that kids were often starving, famished when they came home after school. And so they would feed them snacks, and then they would want more snacks, and then they would want more snacks. And so they were just gorging on snacks to the point where when it came time for dinner, they were not hungry enough to eat dinner. Yeah.

So parents were saying, I'm gonna feed you dinner now, and then after dinner, you know, 6, 7 o'clock, then we can have a snack, and then it'll be time for bed. I'm not mad about that. And they'll and they're saying it has worked wonders. The kids are eating their dinner. They're also eating their snack, and then they're going to bed with full tummies, and there's not a lot of wasted food.

Okay. I know. I think it's kind of smart. I think what would also work is limiting the variety and quantity of snack. If you're if you're doing a healthier snack or you're do you know, if you're stopping, you're you're going, I'm having a whole bowl of cereal or 2 or, you know, something crazy like that.

Like, you're you're overdoing it as a snack after school. Been there. I did it. I did it for years. Know.

For years, I'd get home from school and be like, no. I haven't cereal. What was your yeah. Was that your after school snack of choice? Cap'n Crunch.

So good. I like to have, chips and salsa. That was my go to. Or As an after school snack? Yes.

Okay. Or cinnamon toast. Lot of cinnamon toast. I did the cinnamon, tortilla thing where you spread the butter on it, and then you sprinkle the sugar cinnamon, and you microwave it, and then you roll it up. K.

I I did a lot of those. I didn't that wasn't my jam. Bunch of those. Cinnamon toast, though. I think mine was faster to make, and How?

It's delicious little roll up of cinnamon. How is it faster to make? I bet I could make my cinnamon roll tortilla in half the time it takes to make a toast. Okay. And when you only have time between commercials before Saved by the Bell comes back on, that's valuable time.

It was a rerun of Saved by the Bell usually anyway. It doesn't matter. It didn't matter. I still watched it. That's all I did.

Oh, I know this one. Saved by the Bell, cinnamon tortilla. That's after school. This is the one where Jessie gets mad at, what's her what's her character's name? Her boyfriend's character's name.

AC. AC Slater? The one where Jesse gets mad at AC Slater. I've seen this one. There she's always mad at Slater.

What are you talking about? Boy. Yeah. Oh, this is the one where Kelly and Zach have a fallout. Oh, weird.

I can't miss it. Oh, no. Get my cinnamon toast crunch. Must see TV, they called it. Cinnamon toast or cinnamon roll up or too many bowls of cereal.

Chips and salsa. I never did that. I did chips with cheese sometimes Yeah. With the Rotel on it. I've done that.

That was pretty tasty, but not very often. That takes too much time, and we had to grate the cheese ourselves. We had the whole brick. So you had to really you had to you had to have a long break if you were gonna shred cheese on top of cheese. To put it on hold and then watch a show and then wait for the next commercial break.

Right? I'm gonna ask this question on Facebook. Community? Yeah. What's your What's your at?

What's your go to after school snack? Good. Yeah. Good question. Wanna know.

Well, go ask it. I I'm asking right now. On Facebook, Classy 97 Community, you can chime in. Good morning. I was just reading, some of these cheesy relationship gestures, but that sometimes people secretly love.

Like? Like coming home to a room filled with roses. Is that a thing? Is that something you would enjoy? No.

Because I feel like I would look at that and go, how much money did you spend on this? Okay. And, also, I like flowers, but I don't need a room full of flowers. Okay. So that's not necessarily the thing.

There's certain things where I see and I go, is that something that that you, my wife, would actually enjoy me doing? Like, it's beyond, it's nice, it's the thought that counts, whatever whatever. You're, you know, you're being romantic. That's sweet. Yeah.

Is that something where if you walked into the house and there was, you know, rose petals and and candles and stuff, you'd be like, woah. Like, you'd be taken aback and this is big powerful moment. I kind of would, actually. Rug. I was really hoping that went a different way.

I know. But here's all some smaller ones that I also think, like, okay. I kinda would like that. Kissing in the rain. That sounds cold.

Having a dance sesh in the living room. We do that all the time. Yeah. We do. Between there and the kitchen.

And it's mostly just to embarrass the kids. But it's mostly me who initiates it, so you should take the lead on that one too. You're right. I never dance around ever. It's I just mope.

I just mope from room to room. There's no joy. Giving each other cutesy nicknames? We have nicknames for each other. They're not necessarily cutesy.

Mine is turkey nubbins. What? Yeah. That's old. Like, you went way into the archives.

Did. This is when I like walking to a house where you have music on and dinner cooking. That I'll never get sick of that. I do that often. I know.

And you walk you walk home you get home, walk in the door, and you're like, hey, everybody. And I'm standing there sweating over a stove. No. I enjoy cooking. I really like it.

How can I help? And you say, oh, nothing. And I go, okay. Great. I'm gonna disappear.

Do you know the hardest part for me is trying to figure out, like, what music I wanna listen to while I'm cooking? Because I like for it to sort of accompany the meal. Yeah. You do. I might just listen to what I like to listen to.

Yeah. I I don't care for that. Like, when it's that you're making, like, a breakfast and you got, like, punk rock. Like, easy. Easy.

It's early. Like, let's let's get some slower, you know, Saturday morning music going a little bit. No. It's getting me pumped up. There's there are also songs I hear and I go, oh, no.

She's in a cleaning mode. That hasn't happened in a while. That's fine. I don't miss So It's all good. I don't need cleaning playlist Chantel.

Alright. Here's some other cheesy things. Leaving random love notes. No. Haven't had that, and nobody's ever done that.

Whatever. Whatever. And bringing us breakfast in bed, which I know not a fan. I don't like that either, actually, because I don't think it's weird to eat in bed. It's weird.

Breakfast. Do you think it's weird to eat breakfast in bed? You sure don't mind snacking. That's different. Yeah.

I'm not gonna have a full meal in bed, but some crackers. With a handful of stuff that leaves crumbs on the bed, that's sign me up. A bowl of ice cream? Yeah. Sure.

Yeah. Why not? Yeah. But not a meal. No.

How weird. I could never. Well, I apparently need to up my romantic gesture game, so I will I'll be working on that, I guess. 19 years. Sometimes the romance feels like it's dead.

Oh, it is not. And, no, it does not. I turned my hat backwards. Isn't that enough? It's Josh and Chantel.

Have you ever been in a store where there's signs that say, you break it, you buy it? I've seen that. Yeah. And that makes me so nervous It does? Because I'm clumsy, And, I have to hold my purse really close to my body because I go, what if I accidentally bend over and then I stand up?

Falls and I see. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

And it's always, like, the most expensive of things. Well, it doesn't matter what it is. It's more than you wanted to spend in any given moment on something that's broken and garbage. Yes. Have you ever had to pay for something that your kids have broken?

No. But I was that was kinda what I was thinking. I think those signs exist to force parents to pay attention to their kids when they're in a shop that has fragile items. I don't know that there's a bunch of of, like, adults running around haphazardly smashing things that they were like, this has gotta come to an end. I think it's people bringing in their little kids, and little kids are curious, and they look with their hands.

And how many times as a kid were you told, look with your eyes, not your hands Yes. Yes. All the time. Constantly. You're like, but I wanna know if that's heavy.

And that makes me wanna touch you. About it. More. Right. And so, that probably is what those signs were invented for, I would think.

And so, you know, you worrying about it as a as an adult woman is nice. It's considerate, and you should be cautious, but I don't think the sign's there for you. There was a family at a museum in Israel, and there was a a different animal. There was a 4 year old boy who saw a jar, a 35 100 year old jar. Oh, man.

And he was curious to see what was in the jar. And so he tapped on the lid. And a genie came out. He pulled on it slightly to look, which caused the jug to fall off the pedestal and shatter. Yeah.

35100 years old. That's a priceless item. The store the museum not the store. The museum is being cool about it. They're like, you don't have to pay.

Like, what we love about our museum is that you can get up really close to our pieces. We want that's, like, a special charm about our museum. We want people to be able to get up close to our artifacts and check them out. So it must not have been that important. I mean, it's pretty important.

You would think it would have been in a case of some kind if they were really wanting to avoid it getting touched. Yeah. For sure. The other thing I would say about this museum is now they have a cool, story to tell. So they can just put all the pieces of that jug kind of in a pile artistically Oh.

With a picture of what it looked like before, and then they can say, Billy broke it. Compliments of Yeah. Billy. Yeah. This used to look like this, but Billy broke it.

They are going to glue it back together and say it should be finished by the weekend. And then they did invite the family to come back to the museum again once the jug is restored to take a peek at it. Oh, if he breaks it again. Oh, if he breaks it again. What a sad tragedy that would be.

Nice. Just curious. I know he is. Yeah. I I totally get it.

He's 4. Yeah. Like, he just wanted to know what's in that jug. In that jug? What do you got in there?

What do you think he thought might have been in there? Probably mummies. Mummies? Mhmm. There's mummies in that jug.

Mhmm. It's a jug of mummies. Mhmm. No. He didn't think it had mummies in it.

Bees? Did you say bees? Yeah. Or beads? Yes.

Bee bees? Yes. They did a survey. You love a good survey? Some people.

Because that's always a piece of information where you're like, school teachers did a survey. No. I don't. They polled US reality TV fans, and they split it between generations, so they had some Gen z, millennials, Gen x, and baby boomers. K.

And they said, what are your top reality shows that you like to watch? And? Number 5? Yeah. 90 Day Fiance.

No. Have you seen that guy? What's his name? I don't know. Do we what what what is his name?

I don't even know what that show is. Yes. You do. Do I? Yes.

You do. I mean, I can assume the premise based on the title. What is this guy's name? I've gotta see I'm looking him up. Yeah.

His name is Big Ed. Of course, his name is Big Ed. Yes. You know Big Ed? I do.

I don't know him, but I have seen him. Big Ed took over the Internet. That's the only reason I know that show is because of Big Ed. Was he a contestant on this show? He was somehow involved in that show.

Yeah. Okay. Does he have a fiance? I don't know. Number 4.

Okay. Number 4 is Catfish. It's from MTV. Yeah. So they took the premise of, of catfishing to a whole different level and turned it into, like, a reality show, which I When we were in San Diego, it was the I I think I remember I couldn't sleep.

Yeah. And it was the only thing on their cable TV. Yeah. Uh-huh. So I watched an episode, and I was like, oh, this is interesting.

Oh. Yeah. Catfish the TV show. I was trying to see when this thing started. But it was kind of interesting.

I think the idea of investigating whether or not someone was a catfish would be interesting. Yeah. Oh, they actually did this in the UK. Of course, they did, and they've done it in Brazil as well. Oh, because once it's popular somewhere, somebody else has to steal the idea.

Probably popular in the UK first. Probably. Number 3, Family Feud. Now does that count? Why?

Why wouldn't it? It's a reality show. The game show? Yeah. It's a game show.

It's reality. Okay. I guess, but that's that feels like outside of the reality TV genre. That's a game show. Again, this was something we watched while we were on vacation when we were watching Yeah.

Hotel vacation TV. Vacation TV. Yeah. Number 2, American Idol. Oh, okay.

Again, we're we're blending lines. It's a competition show, so it should count. Yeah. But it's a it's a singing competition talent show, not reality TV, in my opinion. Look.

I'm just saying. Go ahead. Number 1. You're getting all worked up. Do you wanna take a guess No.

At the number one favorite reality show? I would say in the in the spirit of competition, it should be something like Survivor, or Amazing Race or something like that. But it's down a little bit further. The number one show is America's Got Talent. Yeah.

See, again, a different that's not reality TV. That's a competition of talent. That's its own category. Judge Judy was also on this list. Now I when Bec was first born Yes.

We had one channel. We had one cable channel. Yes. We were very poor. As you as you are when you have a brand new baby.

And I would sit on the couch, and I would feed back my newborn baby. Yep. And it we didn't have any air conditioning, and it was hot. Yep. And we would just watching at watch judge Judy.

Judge Judy. And I'd be like, oh my gosh, Josh. I would get home from work, and you would tell me the crazy judge Judy stories. This woman and, like, you play by play. Like, it was It was all I had in my life.

I understand. I know. I know. How was your day? I can't wait to tell you about Gladys.

She got in trouble. She sued her neighbor. Yeah. Yeah. I love judge Judy just because, man, it made those long newborn days feel exciting.

That's funny. Well, she, she should be on the list, I guess. But is that totally reality TV? Is it sorta scripted? No.

It's they're all scripted. Yeah. It's made for TV. That's for sure. But okay.

Well, it's been kind of a TV kinda day today. Has it? Yeah. With our after school TVs and our reality TVs, me being all hot about competitions not being counted as reality t it's a whole TV vibe. Oh, doggy.

There is a new walking trend. What is it? It's called rucking. Okay. Hold on.

This, the word ruck reminds me of rucksack, which was like the bandana on a pole Okay. That that, you saw in in movies and cartoons where they were like, I'm moving out. I got kicked out of the house. I put all my belongings in a can of tuna fish in a bandana and tied it to a stick, and I'm walking away a rucksack. I don't know why they're calling this, but it is simply just walking with weight on your body.

Weight on your back, typically. It's because it's a rucksack thing. So, yeah, beyond the stick thing, rucksack is is basically a backpack. Yes. So It's a it's a military term for me.

A weighted backpack or a rucksack. Sack. Yeah. And all you do is just start walking with weight on your back. Yeah.

They say know what I call that? What? School. Yes. It's just a it's a school backpack.

Walking through all the way. It's just, going to school. They are saying it's a low impact exercise that is pretty much based on military training. Yep. And they say it's it's pretty low impact, but the rewards are pretty substantial.

Yeah. For sure. And walking in general is good for your health, good for your heart, good for your oxygen intake. Walking is good. Yes.

But doing it with a little weight, that's just advanced walking. It's it's walking 2.0. Yeah. But Yeah. They didn't wanna just call it that, so they wanted to give it a cool name.

I don't like that. I don't like that. They could've done better. They could've done better. Walking 2.0.

Maybe we'll just call it that. Yeah. I like it. At least that's a better start than rucking. That's they gotta have a better they gotta do better.

Do better. Do you know what time of year it is? I do know what time of year it is. What time of year is it? It is time for the fair.

That's right. Eastern Idaho State Fair, kicking off this weekend. As is tradition, the day before the fair starts, they kind of introduce all the new fair foods. So later on this morning and into this afternoon, you and I are going to be, on the grounds of the fair. We will be sampling a lot of different foods.

Yes. I've got a whole list of all these new entrees that they're doing. Yeah. K. I I think some of these are gonna be really interesting.

Some of the best new entrees, and we'll talk about some of the best new desserts you can look forward to seeing at the fair. All your favorites are back, of course, but best new entree from BJ's Bayou, Cajun cheesy fries. Oh. That sounds nice. That sounds nice.

Mama and papa Leo's, they've got a pickle pizza. Oh. This is fair food. This sounds fair food. I'd I I'm excited to try it.

I don't think that I'm going to love that one. Alright. Sounds interesting, though. La Casita Mexican food has Flamin' Flautas. Oh.

Sounds like they're putting some of that red hot in there from the Flamin' Cheetos and stuff. Okay. That's okay. K. Camille's Crepes has, Chicken Cordon Bleu that's new this year.

There is from the Blackhawk barbecue pit. They have the Blackhawk beast. I bet that thing's gonna be big. Loaded. It's gonna be huge and full of meat.

Big Guys Hawaiian Barbecue has a sweet Hawaiian pork that's new. Chop and Crab Shack has a krabby patty melt that's new. Crabby patty. La Casita Mexican food also has a gourmet stuffed nacho bites. Yum.

Let's go. And, Mexican Krazy Korn has a lime Krazy Stick, and Between the Buns has a best new entree, Surf and Turf. Okay. So that's that's the new entrees. There are new sweet treats as well, including cheese curds with caramel sauce.

There is Cheese curds and caramel sauce. A raspberry cream cheese brownie. Oh, that one's that one's not new. New new new. New sweet.

Peachy Keen from Camille's Crepes. Sweet Temptations has a Devil's Delight. Okay. That sounds pretty good. Yeah.

Best new sweet from Creamy Creations as well, strawberry butter cake. Okay. I'm listen. Before I was on the radio, and you were just on the radio Yes. You would tell me, it's media day.

It's a fair. We need to go taste the foods, and I'd be so jealous. And you would send me pictures all day long of, here's what I'm trying next. And I'd be like, I hate you. You don't have to be there.

Now I get to go. I know. So today is the day, follow us on socials, classy 97 KLCE. We'll post photos and videos and things, from this event so you can get a little taste of what's to come at the fair. What does it look like?

I don't know. We're gonna find out. We're gonna find out. Yeah. We'll share it with you, though.

Atclassy97klce on Instagram and Facebook and everywhere else. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon? Boy. Dinosaur. I'm taking dragon.

Why? Why are you taking dinosaur? Because they don't shoot fire. You don't know that. Dinosaurs?

You don't know that. I'm pretty confident that they don't. But you don't know that. But I'm 99.9% sure that they don't. So You but you don't know.

They could've. Why are you taking dragon? Because they shoot fire. Exactly. I really know.

I just think, I don't know. I feel like, a dragon, you can you can have it guard your gold. You have so much gold. If I have a dragon, I'll also have gold. Yeah.

Yeah. In a castle, and it'll be in the dungeon where I keep my dragons. Aw, you're gonna keep your dragons in the dungeon? To guard my gold? Bro, that's so rude.

They I'll take them out every once in a while. Let them stretch their wings and stuff. Don't let them be caged. And that's when someone's gonna try to steal my gold is when I take my dragon out for a flight. I hope PETA comes for you.

And they're like, bro, you can't keep your dragons in the dungeon. That's not where dragons belong. Oh, no. Yeah. I can't believe you.

Well, I'll also store them next to my unicorns, so good luck. Well, you Who do you think would win in a fight, a dragon or a unicorn? A dragon. Why? Because they breathe fire.

Allegedly. Yeah. I you don't know. They might not. It's possible.

They might not. And your dinosaur is gonna be 2 inches tall, so have fun with that. Why is he gonna be 2 inches tall? Because they might have been. You just don't know.

You're right. You're 100% right. Plus, it's a pocket dinosaur. That's the best kind. I want a pocket dinosaur.

I know. You just carry him around, and he'd you feed him like little leaves. Let him walk around the grass. Yeah. A little tiny roar.

Roar. Yeah. Would you rather this or that? Ridiculous. That's gonna do it for us.

Is gonna do it for us. And this has been our Friday. Yeah. Because we are off until Tuesday. Which will be our Monday.

4 day weekend. Yeah. Hopefully, you get a little bit of a break on your weekend. Yeah. Enjoy the Labor Day holiday.

The whole point is to not work. So hopefully, that works out for you, and you get to have a Labor Day weekend. And, and then we'll be back in the studio on Tuesday. Now if you're like, what? What am I gonna do without wake up classy 97 and Josh and Chantel?

I can't. How? What am I gonna do? Listen. They get my day starting off right.

That's right. You can listen to Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, to fill your time in the morning for 1. For 2, you can listen to it anytime. So if you're like, hey. I I wanna hear that show at lunchtime.

Fine. Listen. You're gonna be cooking. You wanna throw on, the podcast while you're doing some grilling? Oh.

Cool. Do it. You can listen anytime on the next go take a walk? Yeah. Put us on the podcast.

And if you're saying to yourself, I don't have 4 hours, I can't listen to 4 hours. You You don't have to. No. You don't. Because what we do is we take the entirety of the show and all the music and stuff we take out.

So you just get the show parts, and it's about 45 minutes to an hour long, and you get the whole day show. It's magic. And it's free. The way you do that. Yeah.

It is. Totally free. It's a lot of work is what it is. It's not magic. It's work.

It's work that I do. It's magic to me. Yeah. Well, you can sit over here and do it one day, and then you'll go, no. It's not magic.

It's work. Anyway, we appreciate if you listen, live while we're doing the show every day. That's awesome. Great. Thank you for being a part of it.

If you wanna listen on demand, we love you just as much, and you can totally do that too everywhere you get podcasts. So if you are an iPhone person, look us up in Apple Podcasts. If you're a Spotify person, we're on Spotify. If you listen on Pocket Casts, we're there too. We're on Amazon Podcasts.

We're everywhere you get podcasts, you can get wake up classy 97. That's creepy when you do it that way. But, yeah, listen to the show. Have a great Labor Day weekend. We're excited to, have a a couple of days off here, and we'll be back on Tuesday.

Have fun. See you. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.