After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff

Today I talk with former 1LT Mark Bashaw.  He has been a previous guest on this show.  He was taken to a Court Martial and convicted by the judge for not participating in Emergency Use Authorized masking and testing.  He was given no punishment.  The Judge recommended that his commanding General throw out the conviction, the General had a different plan.  

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What is After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff?

Welcome after after hours with Dr. Sigoloff. This is a place where Dr. Sigoloff can share some of his thoughts and ideas with you. Dr. Sigoloff is a board certified Family Physician and he has been practicing medicine for almost a decade. Dr. Sigoloff is a Doctor of Osteopathy and therefor he has a slightly different approach to medicine. He likes to get to discuss the heart of the issue so that you can be better informed.

95. Mark Bashaw

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: [00:00:00] Majority of service members didn't want to participate with this. And so they were trying to shape that perception to increase the uptake. But when the mandate just before the mandate came out in July, 2021, what they did was, and this is in the evidence that I provided to Senator Johnson's office.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Their goal was to decrease the percentage of exemptions that service members would file and just increase uptake. Nothing about that is scientific. That is purely a psychological operation. We know these products are experimental. We know they're emergency use, authorized. We know you, you have to provide proper informed consent.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: They had a perception management project going. It was a psychological operation that was weaponized against service members and doctors like yourself who didn't go along.

Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff where he can [00:01:00] share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the U. S. Army, D. O. D., nor the U. S. government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave, and Dr.

Nurse Kelly: Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time of recording. Now, to Dr. Sigoloff.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Hey, I wanna, first off by... Start by thanking all of the Patreon supporters. Shell Pace, at the 50 level, we have an anonymous family donor that's giving 20. 20 a day. We have the Plandemic Reprimando at 17. 76, and in that tier is Ty, Charles, Tinfoil, Stanley, Dr.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Anna, Frank, and Brian. We have Kevin, who's made his own 10 a month level. We have the Refined Not Burned level at 5, with Linda, Emmy, Joe, Pat, and Bev. PJ, Rebecca. Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Jennifer, Ken, and then we have Frank at the 1. 50 a month. And then our last tier is Courage is Contagious at [00:02:00] 1 a month with Amanda, Jay, SpessNasty, Dorrell, Susan, BB King, and Rick.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Now today I have a very special guest. He is recently out of the military, so he doesn't have to give the disclaimer that his views do not represent the U. S. military because his, he's no longer in the U. S. military. And that's what we're gonna talk to him about today. Talk to him about today Mark Bashaw, pleasure to have you back.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: appreciate you having me, Sam. Good to be with you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Give us, we've had you on a while back and I can't remember if it was just after you were convicted. I think it was shortly after you were convicted and you were going through the process because there was an interesting thing that happened. You were convicted and stop me if I get any of this wrong, but you were convicted for not getting the shot, which was illegal and unlawful to tell you to.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: To take it, but then not only were you convicted, you were given no punishment and wasn't there a recommendation to to dismiss the conviction, if I'm not mistaken.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, so the, I was convicted for [00:03:00] refusing to participate with the emergency use authorized masking testing and testing because I was unvaccinated.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And you're correct. The judge gave me no punishment and even recommended to the commanding general to. to drop the findings entirely. The findings, which over my shoulder here to drop them entirely and recommended that the commanding general do that. Now the commanding general obviously has the command authority to either.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Take that recommendation or not, he chose not to take that recommendation and instead use the conviction as means for justification of elimination from service after 17 years of active duty in which I served 14 years. Enlisted in the Air Force all the way up to E 7, Master Sergeant. And then I did a direct commission back in September of 2019 into the Medical Service Corps where I spent the last close to four years serving.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: So how many years total was that? [00:04:00] So I have just just under 17 and a half years total. Wow.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So just shy of...

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Just shy of that 18 year mark where they can, where you meet that I forget what they call it, but it's almost once you hit 18 years it's pretty hard to eliminate somebody at that point. But yeah, so they eliminated me and gave me a general discharge with. A characterization of unacceptable conduct for my refusing to participate with these products, but also refusing to, also trying to communicate the risks associated with these products and the whistleblowing activities. And all of that information that you and I worked with a little bit behind the scenes and submitting that information to Senator Ron Johnson's office, only to see the department of defense completely ignore a sitting Senator, which [00:05:00] was. It should be disturbing to every American listening to this right now.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, and the retaliation that you've received due to this whistleblowing. Whistleblower has there's actually an act, a whistleblower protection act, that prevents and makes it illegal for people to retaliate against you. And I would say all of this is retaliation.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, you're absolutely right.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And it specifically says an army regulation lays it out black and white that anytime a service member submits or communicates violations of regulation, violations of federal law, the constitution, or specific and substantial dangers to public health and safety, that's considered protected communication and covered under that statute that you just mentioned.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: But for the past three years, a chain of commands have. completely ignored what their service members have bringing to their attention, and instead have destroyed them and many of them have been, find themselves in the situation I [00:06:00] find myself in where, we've given a general discharge with this characterization and that has a far reaching impact.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so what does general discharge mean for the lay person?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, so you have different different characterizations. So you have honorable discharge. You have a general under honorable conditions, and then you have a general discharge other than honorable conditions, and then you have dishonorable discharge. And so what they're doing, what they've done with service members is given them a a general under honorable conditions for a lot of them, but gave them a characterization of like for mine, for example, was unacceptable conduct and some others was discharged for a a serious offense or something like that.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: So it goes along with for the lay person at home. It goes along with some of the [00:07:00] benefits that a service member may receive after being discharged. So an honorable discharge you maintain all your benefits your reemployment rights, your post 9 11 GI Bill and things like that. When you get a general discharge, those start to fall off, so I no longer get post 9 11 GI Bill, completely lost that, I lost re employment re employment I forget what the proper term is, but re employment rights, I guess you would call them and a few other things.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And then the farther you go, let's say you get a general other than honorable, then even more benefits drop off the table to where they start flagging you in a database to where if you happen to go purchase a firearm, a flag goes up on your record. Which is, so that's a little explanation on those characterizations.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: When you say a rehiring that the limitation on the rehiring is that because there's a service member, you typically have [00:08:00] a slight advantage because you were a service member. Is that advantage taken away? Is that what that means?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, exactly. So if you wanted to get potentially apply for federal employment Your constructive credit. So mine, for example, the past years of service wouldn't apply to towards retirement or give me any benefits over another applicant that might be applying for the same job. They lose that as well. Yeah that's awful. And that's all for a lot of these service members.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, exactly. It's all for me doing my actual job as a medical officer trying to communicate risk, refusing, lawfully refusing and legally refusing to participate with these experimental products. Communicating properly to my chain of command and anybody who wants to see some of this documentation, they can go over to ff1776.[00:09:00]

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: com and click on Lieutenant Bashaw Saga and start with the article 138. That was my official complaint to my chain of command to perform a redress for the unlawful orders that we were receiving. And the, and then you can see the retaliation that ensued after that with the charges for a court martial sending me to a court martial and all the retaliation afterwards.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: So it's all there on that website again, ff1776. com.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But I want you to say that throughout this so that we know how to get to you so we know how to, if you have a give send go set up, please share that. Often you got to say it at least three times so the people can remember so I can remember.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, for sure.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: I've got that over there as well. On that website. And like I said, I think the documentation, anybody who opens it up and reads it can get a good understanding on what was going on, what I was trying to communicate. And then what [00:10:00] happened to me after the fact

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: can you give a Reader's Digest version, the highlights of some of the big egregious things that you can go through?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah. So after I submitted that protected communication of my chain of command, I was charged with disobeying. Disobeying orders so article 92 UCMJ, they call it disobeying orders. I was threatened with Leavenworth imprisonment. I was sent to a court martial, I was convicted, I was given no punishment, but the commanding general decided to use that as means for elimination.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: I was called an insider threat, and this was documented after I submitted medical data to a federal court case that showed 1100% increase in viral vaccine injuries in 2021 when the, when these injections, these experimental injections were rolled out among active component [00:11:00] service members and service members in general.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And yeah, they took my. Government computer for me strip me of all my access to all army public health center facilities. So I was banned from even going into my place of duty for 413 days. And my record was flagged for 573 days. A promotion was withheld from me after getting notified of promotion to captain.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: They withheld that promotion and family advocacy program was then. And then weaponized against my family.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You said you were deemed promotable, but you were never given your promotion. So that means that you were so good amongst your peers, that not only did you already reach E7, which is a feat in itself, but then you, amongst your peers, you were selected to be promoted to captain, but someone put something on your, put a flag on you that kept you from being actually promoted.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Is that? Am I hearing that correctly?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: That's correct. So I even got [00:12:00] emails and a notification from the two star two star medical service corps general who notified me of my promotion and said, congratulations. And this was only for me to be, later court martial. So I also got various different emails from different places notifying me of promotion only for it to be stripped away from me during the process of retaliation.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wow. And then let's talk about the it was a family advocacy that was in used as a hammer against you and your family. If it's okay to go into that, I know that some of those details might be a bit much to talk about here. And if you don't want to talk about it at all, I completely understand.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: No, it was completely egregious because what happened was I was trying to communicate the fact that at the childcare my son was going to that these kids were being forced to muzzle with these face diapers these experimental [00:13:00] masks. And then they were notifying their employees that if they were unvaccinated, they were forced to test.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And I was simply communicating the same thing I was communicating with my chain of command. The fact that these are experimental products, you must give the individual the right to accept or refuse. You cannot force these upon children at, and so that's what I was communicating anyway. A month goes by, CPS calls, and there's some bogus neglect case.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: That popped up. And then later on after that was unsubstantiated the commander decided to open up and bring forth a neglect case on the military side. So even after the local CPS unsubstantiated based upon no evidence whatsoever the command decided to bring one forth.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So you were found.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Not in any violation by Child Protective [00:14:00] Services, and then your commander said let's just hammer him again. Let's just use the military version of CPS. Just to make his life a little more difficult. Paraphrased, obviously.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, I mean, I don't know what they were thinking because I notified him.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: I said, hey, this has been unsubstantiated. They decide to bring it forth. Based upon no evidence whatsoever. And it's just more of that coercive retaliation that we see across the board. And they did the same thing with the behavioral health. They escorted me to behavioral health appointment to, to for what reason is there was no probable cause as a commander to command, direct somebody to behavioral health.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: You have to have some sort of behavioral issues going on. You have to have some sort of. probable cause and They didn't and decided to weaponize that system as well.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Is there any Blowback for the commander for that issue. Is there any like legal avenues that you have to [00:15:00] help prevent this from happening again?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: I certainly have standing in in a federal court, to my understanding, after going through all internal processes to obtain redress for this to no avail and then continuously being retaliated against for bringing this protected communication. So there's definitely an avenue there. And my goal at this point is to do is to conduct a discharge review board.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: At this point in time because prior to being eliminated, I went all the way through the Army Court of Criminal Appeals System and they just kept on Rev refusing to review my case, not even reviewing it, but refusing to review my case, denying me over and over again to the point where, I ended up emailing the Secretary of the Army directly after she authorized my elimination laying out the facts of the situation.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: The fact that you [00:16:00] can't force and coerce and manipulate people into participating with these experimental emergency use authorized products, but that's exactly what was going on.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: So after that, they ended up on substantiating the case.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay. So after they unsubstantiated your FAP, your familial advocate, family advocacy program case did they leave you alone or did they try to mess with you more again?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: No. So they left me alone and they ended up unsubstantiating it.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: The commander ended up signing off on the closure letter, which arguably wasn't highly advised given the fact that there's known retaliation for the past. 473 days at that point. And then they proceeded to have an they handed back my access badge to me, but they didn't document the, they didn't document that process.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: They gave it [00:17:00] to an enlisted soldier to hand me back. And so it was it was really under the table Oh, give him his access badge back. And then I'm walking out the door after being After being counseled and getting my government computer back and things like that. And they have a sergeant first class hand made my access badge back to all the facilities after 473 days.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: It was just. It was complete insanity, but not, nothing was logical the past three years,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: so you're allowed back in there, because personally, I was escorted out as well. They took my badge. Still haven't gotten it back. Still not allowed in the building, even though there's a new commander.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's probably, that, that counseling has probably been removed now, but I'm not going to chance it because I don't want to get arrested or anything like that. But they allowed you back into the building after they gave you, or they didn't say anything.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, they just gave me my badge back and then tried to give me new duties new duties that were [00:18:00] completely unrelated to my actual specialty as a preventive medicine officer, entomologist, medical entomologist.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And yeah, I basically did more or less of that until they finally eliminated me on what was it, June 26? So Last week, Monday last week, I think it was my, yeah, Monday last week was my last day after 17 years of service. They they gave me my discharge papers, which I refused to sign because it's not a lawful discharge.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: None of this is lawful yeah. I refuse to sign and you see my DD 214 at the bottom, it says member refused to sign. I'm not going to sign something that's completely unlawful. And I have an oath to the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. And this is a complete foreign belligerence of our executive branch.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And anybody who doesn't realize that at this point in time and can't see the writing on the [00:19:00] wall. Now, I don't know what it's going to take for those individuals to see what's going on.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: As part of that unlawful part of all of this, it's clearly unlawful because it all stems around emergency use products.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But I also did an episode a while back with Todd Callender where he talks about the Secretary of Defense and not being able to FOIA a oath of office from the Secretary of Defense, meaning that every order that he's given, if true, there is... No legality to anything he's put out,

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: right? And then we have this this squatter in the White House, this puppet who's sitting there in the White House. Anybody who has a brain realizes the election was fraudulent at some point in time. And now we have the evidence coming out more and more. But even early on, we had.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: We had civilians going out of their ways to write affidavits of truth to to tell, to show the American [00:20:00] people, to show, to file this, the fact that they were seeing fraudulent activity. And now this guy comes in with all of his quid pro quo whatever connections in Ukraine and China and everywhere else.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And then we see the unlawful orders start coming down to the force. And being weaponized against these products being weaponized against the force almost immediately. And so I actually, I just released a, I just submitted a declaration to Senator Ron Johnson's office on. What was it June 6, 2023 that shows that the public health apparatus was running psychological operations against service members to increase uptake of these injections and decrease the possibility for for exemptions that were, that we're going to possibly come through.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And so they started this program. It was called the COVID 19 vaccine perception [00:21:00] management program. The public health apparatus started this program in February, 2021. And basically their target was individuals like yourself. Doctors at the local military treatment facility level. And what they would do was they would create informants out of them, record their conversations, and they would get a read on the patient population's perception towards the injections.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: So for example, if somebody, a pregnant woman came in to her physician, a pregnant service member came in to her physician, and she had concerns about. The vaccinations X, Y, and Z because of whatever her concerns were, they would take those perceptions that she had and they would weaponize a risk communication strategy to.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: To increase the uptake. So basically, take the information, whether it was legitimate or not, that this [00:22:00] individual, her concerns and basically say, oh, no, that's, that's not a concern, safe and effective for pregnant women, or or women who want to get pregnant in the future, or... The infertility issue, it's not an issue and they would basically counter those perceptions with this psychological operations that they were running at the strategic level and push it down through the flight surgeons and public health personnel at the military treatment facility levels, local level.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They made videos at the beginning of all this. That we were required to watch this propaganda if we decided to refuse this shot, this EUA shot. Is that part of the same propaganda? Because it seemed like propaganda when I watched it.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, so it evolved. So it, initially this program came out in February 2021.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And if we remember at the time, [00:23:00] in February 2021, there was no mandate. But they were still, they still had this perception management project going to shape the perception towards these injections because nobody, majority of service members didn't want to participate with this. And so they were trying to shape that perception to increase the uptake.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: But when the mandate, just before the mandate came out in July, 2021, what they did was, and this is in the evidence that I provided to Senator Johnson's office. Their goal was to, they said it in the communication, to decrease the percentage of exemptions that service members would file. And and just increase uptake.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: But here's the thing. Nothing about that is scientific, nothing about that is a health that is purely a psychological operation, because if we're talking science, we're talking the scientific method, [00:24:00] and we know these products are experimental, we know their emergency use authorized. We know you, you have to provide proper informed consent.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: That's the proper way to do it, right? Look at what happened to you. You tried to provide informed consent. You tried to... Provide exemptions to your service members and got absolutely crushed in the process and we wonder why They had a perception management project going. It was a psychological operation that was weaponized against service members and doctors like yourself who didn't go along and properly applied the scientific method of the first thing to a scientific method is question and build a hypothesis that was completely devoid in their programs.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: It was, if you and I want to highlight this again, FF. 1776. com. You can go over there. It's the second file from the bottom and Lieutenant Bashaw saga. You can read this [00:25:00] whistleblower declaration and what they were doing with this perception management project. But It was all hands on deck, let's weaponize the information, whether it was social media, whether it was senior leaders, get senior leader buy in to, to push this upon service members.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: It's no surprise to us because we've lived it. We were. We were the targets of this program, but I think for the average American to hear this, to read this information, to read this documentation, it's quite startling how the Department of Defense, how their hands were in every aspect of what I call a Hegelian dialect, which is a problem reaction solution.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And they didn't want to talk about the real problems which is mental health, which is which is proper nutrition, which is the holistic approach to health. They don't want to talk about that. [00:26:00] All they wanted to talk, which is hydroxychloroquine, possibly ivermectin, some therapeutics. They didn't want to talk about any of that.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: It was simply shots in arms, psychological operations problem reaction solution. And it was very evident for anybody who was paying attention in the very beginning that was the case. But for the average person that's coming along now to realize. It just came out yesterday, I believe, that in a federal court the government was targeting social media were.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Side by side with these social media executives in their companies and censoring individuals like yourself and myself who just might happen to share some information about the FDA documents, for example, or there's data on Twitter that was being cut down by our own government was censoring that information, so they had their hands in the problem, [00:27:00] the reaction and the solution.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: All the way around full circle. And now we're dealing with the problem, which is the problems from these injections.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's interesting. Let me have you say your website one more time. And then there's a point that I want to bring up just because I can't remember the website. What's the website.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yes. Yeah, FF1776.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: com. You can get there also through FreedomFighter1776. com, but I've made it easy and just FF1776. com, it'll automatically bring you to FreedomFighter1776. com where you can click the menu, you can click Lieutenant Bashaw Saga and read all these things. declarations, all these complaints and court documents, transcripts and things like that.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And that's FF as in Foxtrot one seven seven six dot com FF one seven seven six dot com. Okay. Just so people remember.[00:28:00] What I wanted to tell you was. Is when I first got my onboarding at this duty station that I'm at now at Fort Huachuca at the time, the hospital commander she met with me, the whole meet and greet when you first get a new commander, man, I wish I knew more.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I wish I was more wise in the ways of the world and I wish I had a video or audio recorder on me at the time as Arizona is a single party state. But she told me, how are we to know what the truth is when the White House is suppressing speech? My response? Ma'am. That's my boss. We can't be talking about my boss like that, even though it's your boss as well.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And she certainly showed later that her face was a different face. And she came down on me hard like a hammer to destroy any, anything that disagreed with the propaganda. But I wish at that time I knew how the world worked so that I could have had a recorder with me to show how that is disparaging remarks to the president of the United States.[00:29:00]

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, there's a lot of that out there. Yeah, it's incredible the I, sometimes I'm just left speechless. I don't know what to say. It's crazy.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But she's now been taken out of command after two years of command, which typically most commanders are in there for three years. So I don't know, maybe she got promoted.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Maybe she got relieved. I don't know any of the particulars of that situation. All I know is she's no longer the commander after two years.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, I'm sure she'll get promoted. With this upside down world we're living in and this up is down is up. I'm sure she'll get promoted. That's my pessimistic attitude coming through.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: There's an optimistic side of me. But that's my pessimistic side of it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I'm hoping that eventually all these people will be breaking smaller rock, or big rocks into smaller rocks and will be restored. But we'll have to wait for that day. [00:30:00]

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, Lord willing. God will have his vengeance. That's all I got to say to that.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: God will certainly have his vengeance. And The thing is the entire time, I've been working with you for quite a while and the many other service members who have been retaliated against the entire time we've been communicating with these individuals like, Hey you're breaking the law.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Here's your chance to work with us instead of against us. And they chose to just destroy us. But my God is so much bigger that, I'm not worried about a 20 year retirement. I was worried about glorifying my God and carrying out my oath of office. And making sure I didn't break the law, but communicate when I saw those issues so I could perform a redress properly so we could work together instead of against one another.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And what I witnessed was service members with the same uniform, destroying me for the past 573 days. [00:31:00] Yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's almost as if truth is not allowed in the military at this point.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: They're just dull. And it's crazy because being in the scientific medical field, that, that's the basis, when you're looking at like vector borne disease or risk communication strategies, you're having to evaluate this information, the signals, safety signals, medical signals and promote a proper risk communication strategy to protect service members, but that was yeah.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: That's been completely thrown out the window with this plandemic, I call it from the start. We can go back to the PCR testing and all that stuff, which is highly manipulated. We know the department of defense was running these tests at 45 cycles. It creates an immense amount of false positive but not just the department of defense.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Look at these hospitals and these various hospitals that were running [00:32:00] these at immensely high thresholds and it was all incentivized. To do so by the government because they were paying these stimuluses For positives and all this other stuff during a this quote unquote emergency

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, and being in on your side of it Do you have a much more clear view of that with your history and what you do for medicine?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, and I would attribute that to my experience in the air force. When I was in the air force, I dealt with a lot of real problems and had to implement real solutions and I would need to understand the problem. So when I was in the air force, I did civil engineering, pest management. Vector borne disease entomology type work.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And if you didn't understand the problem you were facing with, you would have to go out and reapply [00:33:00] a new strategy. And so it was very advantageous to do a proper inspection investigative work to figure out what we were dealing with and how we could effectively implement a solution. And there's a right way of going about it and there's a wrong way of going about it, particularly there's a psychological aspect, for example, when I was in Africa.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: There was black mambas and black mambas are the fifth deadliest snake. They're their world's fastest snake. And the psychological aspect is this, the improper way for me to take care of the service members at that location would. Would be through fear. I, and that's Hey guys, you gotta be careful.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: We got black mambas fifth world's deadliest snake. They're the world's fastest snake. If you get bit by one of these, you're going to die. And if you get the anti venom, there's only a 50% chance of living, right? Which all of that is [00:34:00] true, but. But it's not completely the whole story. And so the proper way to go about it is, yes, we do have Black Mambas here, but the Black Mambas are more afraid of you than you are of them.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And more times than not, they're gonna go the opposite way. It is important to stay Cognizant of your surroundings. And if you see one of these reported so we can come over, we can look at it, we can do an inspection and what we'll do in that inspection is we'll make sure, we'll look at the cracks and crevices and the avenues of entrance and we'll help you out where we can.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And the best way to kill a snake is to cut the head of the snake off. And sometimes you had to go in and cut the head of the snake off. And so we would do that. That was my primary mission was to deal with these problems and implement proper solutions. So those service members can carry out their mission and not have to worry about a black mamba in their room [00:35:00] while they sleep or whatever the case is.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: There's many different examples. So when we apply this to the public health apparatus. It's not that at all. It's fear. We've got a deadly virus and the only solution is going to be an injection. And that is so far from the truth. It's ridiculous.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: First off, we need, we still don't even understand what we're dealing with here because we're using a faulty PCR method to categorize this, whatever the body's going through what is it going through? What is it being? Is it a virus? Is it a disease or is your body detoxifying from elements in the environment, whether it's the water you drink the air you breathe or the food you intake, right?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And so we've got the test to where we can categorize the body and say, you've got COVID 19 because we ran it at 45 cycle thresholds. And [00:36:00] then you've got the media in your back pocket with the reaction, and then you swoop in with the solution, which is this another beginning to a problem, which is an injection that doesn't work and has been incredibly.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Dangerous and deadly, or at the very least injurious to the person who participates.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I'd go even a little bit further and have the listener go back and listen to the episode I did called in the COVID with Alex Zek and or in COVID with Alex Zek and in there, he gets into our viruses, what we think they are they a thing or are they something else?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Are they some anomaly that we see everywhere that we're looking at incorrectly?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, no, that's correct. And I believe, yeah, I believe the answer is somewhere in the middle. I don't, I think you have to take a holistic approach. I, you, in my opinion, again, that's just my opinion. That's just my thoughts.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: I, [00:37:00] you have to, from my experience, taking a holistic approach to something is a much better outcome than saying, Oh, Hey, it's this. It's this, and it's only this, and this is what, no, I'm sorry, but nope, I just don't buy into it. I don't buy into that fear propaganda.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I think that's, I think you're absolutely right.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: The answer is in the middle. And when you buy into the fear, you're more susceptible to become ill because your body gets dragged down and it can't fight whatever is there or whatever toxin is there, whether it be a virus or not a virus.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, you're absolutely right. It puts a stressors on your body and it just creates an environment.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Ready to create some sort of process to where you're having symptomologies, whether it's headaches runny noses your body's trying to get rid of that stuff, trying to purify itself. But that's the beautiful thing [00:38:00] about spirituality and the fact that this is largely a spiritual warfare that we're in me personally, when I submit to my Lord and Savior and I asked for that divine providence the power of God is amazing and the ability God has to heal oneself in the individual is, it's second to none it's but there are other options out there on the table.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: It's just, we're not even discussing them as a medical community. We're not talking about holistic approaches. We're not talking about healthy lifestyles. We're not talking about any of that inside the military. It's, and in the medical mill, industrial complex in general is not talking about that.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And that's why a lot of doctors have left and gone off to do their independent thing, which, I think more of that needs to happen because at the end of the day, those are the individuals I want to work with. I want to discuss with, [00:39:00] I want, if I'm going through something, be able to go to them for assistance and help versus this mainstream establishment that.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Has nothing to do with helping oneself heal,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: right? It's about take what we're going to give you and you can't have your freedoms until we give it to you. That's not freedom, right? That's slavery.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, it's, yeah, it's complete and utter slavery and just, tyranny. And for the service members out there some, for the service members out there at what point in our documentation in that contract we sign, whether it's a, whether it's our oath of office, which is an official document, it's a department of the army form 71, or if you're enlisted out there.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Which is a department of defense form four. That's your oath of enlistment. What part of that document, open it up, find it, look at it, read it. And what part of that document [00:40:00] says, when you sign that dotted line, you lose your rights, your God given rights. What part of that document says that you become the property of another man.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Or woman what part of that document says that another man or woman can administer right with a property without right? None of that does. And that's the beautiful thing about an all volunteer force. It's an all volunteer force. We all voluntarily raised our right hand, signed that dotted line to support and defend the Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: But at no point in time do we lose those constitutional those God given rights, we are to secure those rights. Those rights aren't even given to us by the Constitution. They are God given, unalienable rights, which is unalienable. A lien cannot be placed upon those rights. And those rights are your [00:41:00] property.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: So again, what part of your documentation, when you signed up to serve show me where it says you signed away those rights. It wouldn't make sense because that's why we serve. We serve to secure those rights. We serve to protect defend and protect the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: And it surely looks the past the past two years plus that we have a domestic foreign belligerence within our ranks. And get your minds right. Get your minds right and you better whip out that book that Dr. Sam Sieloff raised up there, the Constitution, and read it and understand it because that's exactly the only legitimate contract you have, is to support and defend that contract, which is between the we, the people in our form of government.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's beautiful. That's exactly right. We never give up any rights, and our rights don't come from any [00:42:00] state. They don't come from any other man or woman. They come from God. And if you're not a believer in, in, in a god, they come from the mere fact that you are a human. That you are alive. It doesn't matter what state of being you're at, you could be mentally incapable.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You could be a single cell human. There are single cell humans out there, and they're gaining more cells as seconds progress. They have the same rights as you and I do.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, in the beginning, God created man and woman, and he gave man, woman, dominion over the water, Genesis 1, 26 through 28, go read it but if you don't know who you are. In a man or a woman, how could you possibly stand upon your God given, unalienable rights? When you think you're a woman, when you're an actually born biological male, how could you stand upon your unalienable, God given rights?

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: You're turning yourself into a [00:43:00] slave is what you're doing.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And you're lying. You're lying to yourself and you're forcing others around you to lie.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yeah, it's a big illusion. It's a demonic illusion. It's a deception. It's not real. It's fake.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: All right, Mark. This has been great.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Thank you so much for coming. It's always great talking to you, Sam. I think that is a perfect place to stop. God bless you. I

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: can't see topping what you just said.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So people can find you at, tell me one more time, in case anybody wasn't listening.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Yep freedomfighter1776. com or ff1776. com

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And we'll be praying for you, I'll be praying for you. And if there, I hope that you'll have some legal [00:44:00] recourse in the near future where you can set all this right. And if not definitely God will make all this right someday.

Former 1LT Mark Bashaw: Appreciate it, God bless you Sam.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: God bless you, thank you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there, in duty uniform of the day, with full armor of God, let's all make courage more contagious than fear.

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