Sunday Blessings Podcast with Jay Hildebrandt

Jay Hildebrandt interviews the three teenage sisters who make up the Christian singing group called Hingepoint. Kali, Kassidy and Kandy’s  goal is to share their love of Jesus through music. They’ve been singing together for years and have recorded several albums.

What is Sunday Blessings Podcast with Jay Hildebrandt?

The Sunday Blessings Podcast is hosted by Jay Hildebrandt and features stories of faith, hope, and inspiration. You'll hear extended interviews, musician & artist spotlights, and more. Sunday Blessings can be heard weekly on Sundays from 5am-5pm mountain standard time on Classy 97, Sunny 97, and Classy 97 Lite.

Sharing stories of faith, hope, and inspiration. This is the Sunday Blessings podcast. Welcome to the Sunday Blessings podcast. I'm J Hildebrand. This is an interview I did with 3 Utah teenage sisters who share their love of Jesus through music.

I wanna see what you have for me, Lord. Please open my eyes. They call their group Hinge Point, and it's made up of twins, Callie and Cassidy, and their younger sister, Candy. Tell us a little bit about when you started getting interested in music and singing and stuff. Oh, yeah.

Well, we really started when we were really little. We just always liked singing. We had always put on little plays and shows just as little girls, and that kinda continued throughout our whole lives. We just always love singing. We're always singing, and that's kinda how it started.

Let's see. Cassie, do you have anything to add on that about what you think about singing and how you know, some of your early memories of it? Yeah. I love singing. I think it's so fun to be able to do it with my sisters, some of my best friends.

Yeah. It's been super fun. Good. And, Candy, do you follow kind of along the same lines as your sisters? Yeah.

I feel like music's something that has helped us to be close. That's great. So you're you all get along pretty well. Most of you. All the time?

I am done. Yeah. Well, that's great. I wanna talk a little bit more about Hinge Point. First of all, who wants to tell me how you got that name?

I'll tell. Okay. Yeah. So during the pandemic, you know, that was kind of a hard time for us. It was a hard time for a lot of people.

And we were kinda just discouraged and, you know, kinda lonely, separated from our friends and things like that. And where we'd always had this love of music, we we wanted to start a group at some point, and we just felt during COVID that that was the right time. We really felt like that was when we should start. So we we started doing it. But the thing was is that starting this group kinda changed the whole direction of where we were going.

And so we had heard this word hinge point, and we thought that's so fitting because starting this group and starting making this music just changed the direction we were going. So that's where the name came from. So the the hinge shifted and and your whole life shifted in some ways too. Exactly. Yeah.

So let me ask you, Cassidy, why do you do this? Why do you record for this group and and share your feelings and write music and all of that? Yeah. I feel like, growing up, with the gospel as part of my life is something that I wanna share with other people. And my favorite way to do that is through music and singing about Jesus.

Okay. And tell me your feelings, Candy, about when you're singing, how do you feel inside? It makes me feel happy. Music honestly just brings me joy and especially when it's music about Jesus and can bring hope to people, that makes me happy. Oh, great great answers, you guys.

So tell me about some of your songs. You know, I'm looking at at some of your songs. You know, the titles living water, turn to Jesus, thank you, Lord, come back, unbreakable, all these, and they each have their own message. Let's start with you again, Kelly. Pick one of those songs and tell me any kind of personal experience you've had with with that message or special feelings you may have had about that one.

Okay. Well, one of my favorite songs that I'm really liking right now is one that we wrote, the one called Come Back. And I think that the message of that song is so important. I know that a lot of us in life feel like when we make mistakes that, you know, we're too far gone or, like, we can't be forgiven. But I personally know that Jesus Christ always wants us back no matter what.

He always wants to forgive us and so that song's just been a really special message in my life. And, did did you participate in in writing the words and music and stuff? Yeah. I did. It's it's really fun.

We do kind of a it's kind of a family thing, honestly. We all help, but, yeah, I was part of that too. So That's neat. Okay. Let's move on to you, Cassidy.

Tell me about one of your favorite songs, what how the message speaks to you and why you wanna share it. Yeah. So one of my favorites is called living water. It's about just how much we need Jesus in our lives. I feel like sometimes we can kinda distance ourselves from him, but he's always there ready to accept us when we come back to him and we just love the message that he is everything that we need.

Oh, it's great. And, Candy, any song that's a particular favorite of yours and what why you like it so much? I really like the song that we wrote called thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, for loving me enough that you would let me hurt so I would turn to you even when I felt alone And I think it's really powerful that sometimes our trials, it seems like, how can this even help me? Like, we've sometimes might not feel so loved when we're going through something hard, but really it's showing God's love for us because those hard things will make us better and make us stronger.

Okay. Well, wow. These these are great answers, you guys. You have so much confidence in stage presence here. That's that's neat.

You must have some experience doing this kind of thing. Your, message and this the kind of music that you have, it's something that probably, you know, speaks to teens because it's it's more the kind of thing that they would wanna listen to. Tell tell me any of you about that, how that's why that's such an important element of your music. Well, I really like listening to upbeat Christian music because it just makes me happy, and you can listen to it while you're doing something, and it's exciting and fun. So I think we wanna bring that element to our music and have it be something that's joyful and fun to listen to.

What is your message to teenagers out there listening to this interview and listening to this mute your music? I would say our message is Jesus Christ knows you, he loves you, And he wants you so bad no matter what you think of yourself. He knows you perfectly and he loves you. Tell me about your personal feelings about Jesus Christ. I would say he's everything to me, and I'm so thankful for what he did for me and just wanna share that through music.

You've been listening to a Sunday Blessings podcast with Hinge Point. I'm j Hildebrandt. Thanks for listening to the Sunday Blessings podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Sunday Blessings is hosted by Jay Hildebrand and is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

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