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Swell AI Transcript: Interview 2 - Lalo - No Edit.mp3
00:00 Lalo Castro How many people have you had here so far a lot really why you jealous Why was your first right?
00:15 Jimmy Purdy How many girls have been in this bed Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. It's all good. You're here now, you know, you're here now smell the desperation You're just here for the drinks anyway, I'm here for the drinks man. That's all I'm here for That looks dangerous We're just gonna do a little bit. I don't have any ice so I'm not there yet Figure we start out with a little old-fashioned, you know Let me mix this up real quick Give me on the rocks hold the ice, please We're gonna do it. Oh, was that too much? Like you don't know that was pretty neat I'm gonna finish it Look at that Even the sound of it. It's trying to get the sound did it pick it up? Did you hear it? I heard it Local place is pretty good It's Costco special is that right You know what It's not like warm because it's been cold lately, you know, oh so this is mixed yeah, it's already pre-mixed Oh ready to go. Yeah, no wonder Yeah old-fashioned in a bottle Where do you get this Costco? Oh Yeah, it's not bad. Oh, that's it's local too. It's right here slow slow slow stills He's saying let's miss bill. Let's stay on the top there Yeah Slow stills and those stills
01:58 Lalo Castro All right, man, what's this right there get you warm get you warmed up on Says right there it pours 12 cocktails. We have two down ten ago It's gonna be interesting rod and hammers, I like the name on Rod and hammer I Get your juices phone tasty, you know, it's got a good bite to it it does it's not bad. It's not too It's not overpowering. It's just a little sweet. Just a perfect. I didn't think you'd be into something like this Just your Background I don't have any tequila. I'm sorry There's a whiskey I'm a I'm versatile I'm not your normal Mexican dude
02:57 Jimmy Purdy That's all I care Well, what do we talk about now? You know what's a good topics going on right now what's that in here everything You read about that, you know firing a customer you got any of those lately this year You know, I can't well can't say that I have but I I already had one this year did you know I just I Feel like the the more money you make or not the more money, but you know the more I Know what you call it you get more revenue through the door, right? You're not making more money, but you're making more money as I make sense And so you should get more more selective your schedule gets you know then you can start picking and choosing what you want and who you want in the shop and then then you then you forget about the Nuisances. Well, I mean when you first started right was that not like the hardest thing in the world to deal with was like like the Clients that like wanted to come to your shop that is your shop now, but also Not deal with like you They wanted to go there because it was the old owner and it was like well I'm still gonna come here, but I don't want to deal with you and you had to like fire these people But not like fire them in a sense is like totally different than like having a bad like Situation where you got to come in and be like look We provide a service That's no longer what you're looking for What we provide is something that you're not looking but it's like it was so much different than that in the beginning wasn't it like And you're hurting for work like you're just trying to get anybody, you know, you know, I think in my case
04:44 Lalo Castro I think a lot of them fired themselves because I think they say they self-correct or self-eject something. Yeah, something like that. So After a while I stopped seeing them, yeah, I mean I was gonna change the way I did things just because Certain customers got certain privileges from the previous owner. Yeah, I was like, well, he didn't ever charge me for that or he never You know, he did this for me for free or whatever. I said well It's not the case anymore. Yeah, so After that, I think a lot of people Bumped up, yeah, I think that also kind of Cleaned up a lot of that too where now a lot of the customers that I have now i'm happy with right? I mean I I don't get no ifs or buts or just I don't know what the problem is. I mean, I think it's like I think it's like I think it's like I think it's like
05:44 Jimmy Purdy I'm happy with right. I mean I I don't get no ifs or buts or just yeah, go ahead and do it Yeah, you pay twice as much and you have to work. Yeah, I mean that's it's it's hard. It's hard I mean, it's easy to say now, but it's it's hard. Like we're still in the kind of the I don't know the early years of it. I feel like five six years is still pretty Pretty nuanced and the whole grand scheme of things. We're still kind of green around the What do you say green behind the ears? Is that what you say?
06:12 Lalo Castro but you know what even I can see myself still having some of those habits that you know, the previous previous owner had Yeah, but i'm still kind of catching myself doing the same thing he used to do. So now My customers that I have now Are going to think the same way if once the day comes I pass this on to somebody else
06:32 Jimmy Purdy They're going to do things differently now my my customers. Yeah, but is that is that the right thing to be doing? Like when you buy a business, don't you want to like just just turn key? I mean, I feel like that's my biggest learning Turning point or the biggest thing i've learned is like Everything just needs to be processed. Everything just needs to be a process like someone that is going to buy a business Isn't going to buy an auto shop and not saying like they're not going to buy an auto shop But they're they're buying a business. They don't care what the business is I mean, of course it matters because you got to look in the logistics of it But I think like on the just on the surface of it if you're buying a business you're buying it the systems and the people and the the revenue obviously and whether it's an auto shop or bakery or Hooters, I don't know whatever Whatever returns money No, whatever you're personally interested in and in as well But like yeah, of course you're gonna be interested in and passionate about and that helps a lot too
07:32 Lalo Castro But I just feel like you always want to set it up like you said just to sell it right and I think no matter what No matter what you do. I mean you're always gonna
07:44 Jimmy Purdy Have those type of customers. Yeah, I mean that's true. I think you just forget about them you do You don't like forget about them But you definitely don't want to think about them and you definitely don't want to change your entire operation over like the five Percent that's a big percent two percent of the people that are going like that But you know, but you do you change your whole operation over this like one person
08:06 Lalo Castro You know and it shouldn't like you're saying it should be a it should be a process. Yeah, and no Once that process is established I think that goes for all customers and because it happens too where you know when you're not there They don't want to talk to anybody else. You know, these ones i'll come back tomorrow. I need to talk to him Whatever because they know What you're gonna give them and it shouldn't be the case. It should be where No matter who they talk to it's gonna be the same thing whether you talk to me you talk to this guy Right service rider. It's got to be the same standards standards. Yeah, you know, and it's not like that And I think no matter what you do
08:43 Jimmy Purdy That's gonna be pretty hard to establish. Yeah, I mean, but it's possible what's doable. I just oh there's plenty I mean, we're I mean we're kind of turning the curve a little bit on I think mostly because lianne's Is really good with the front, you know, she's being able to yeah, she's she's good at what she does. I mean Is it to the point where they only want to talk to her No, if I walk in the shop if I walk in the office, they obviously like hey and then all of a sudden The conversation kind of directs towards me and I got to kind of direct it back and I think it's a little bit of that like Trying to understand or like make sure that okay everyone's doing what they need to do You know, and I need to understand that this is the process I I have to step out of it And it doesn't need to be my expertise or my explanation every time It's like this is what we do and this is and it's like maybe it is one too many steps for most people and I think I think when when you say a standard like operating procedure everyone gets kind of uh, I don't know freaked out by it and they're like How do you do the same thing for every single car? It's like but it's not we're just doing the same test and sometimes it is maybe a little overzealous on some stuff it comes in for you know some like you're talking earlier when you came in it was a misfire like Comes in for a misfire and you do the old swap tronics and a misfire is fixed and in a way it goes and it's a quick Quick cash flow, right? But that is not how the operating procedure for For me would go we would definitely take it Step by step and charge every step along the way, you know We didn't do relative compression tests, right? And then we're going to do Um, you know whether we go Towards fuel or towards spark that's going to determine on what the next hour and a half of advanced assessment looking into fuel trims and looking into the mass airflow and doing a Volumetric efficiency and just kind of checking all these boxes as we go down of course checking the mechanical with a with a relative compression step one making sure the mechanical is good, but then but then moving through that process and it's like Which way is the right way? You know, like I hear your store and i'm like damn that's like Then it's quick, you know and and the customer satisfied and the tech gets paid and everything goes good, but You do that to the next one or this one kind of sounded like it turned into kind of a nightmare but But if it didn't go as simple or whatever and you have another one that's kind of complicated it's like oh now We got to go five steps back in a sense to like check all those other things that should have been checked in that process to begin with But then the but then you're like are you charging the client too much like am I now am I turning into that expensive shop? Where i'm like man, I just paid six hundred dollars to get a fuel injector replace. It's like six hundred dollars for an injector It's like well the injector job was two hundred dollars, but there was four hundred dollars of Testing that was involved to condemn that injector and it's like what's what's the right way here, you know
11:25 Lalo Castro You know the perfect good example, too for example just today, I mean I had this car ford edge that It just you know, normals. It's what at that time. It seemed as pretty normal simple straightforward misfire It had codes for misfire codes Certain cylinders and the only thing that was odd about it was the fact that it had codes for coils I was like that's kind of seems kind of odd but you know Red flag red flag right there, which I should have it should have caught but I just kind of you know, you're just rolling. I just like, you know, it's simple but based on what the customer I got from the information I got from the customer was that You know, it's got 115 000 miles tune up hasn't been done Spark plugs is like what's the perfect good exact perfect good place to start spark whether it needs it or not It's time to get it done because you're going to be in that area. It's getting done All right, so I said, all right and impossible one and one or two coils And then at the end I decided you know what if they all if the rest of them were going to fail down the road Just do them all. Yeah, I don't want to I don't want to mess with it later. Just this is v6 by the way It's got the plenum all that. So anyways, so we did all that and sure enough Misfire was still there I was like, oh crap What I do now, yeah, so I said well, you know go back to You know testing and checking things out. So at the end they ended up being Bad drivers in the computer as I will crap, how do you Prepare for that. You know, I mean Even doing the testing something's impossible just because you can't have the vehicle running without the plenum back on. Yeah Well, that's where the pico scopes comes in exactly
13:10 Jimmy Purdy The right equipment, you know that helps that helps a little bit But no, you gotta get I mean you got a point. I mean you got a point in that and Was it the chicken or the egg wood failed first? You know, I had a similar um With a toyota corolla a 2016 That's good stuff. Oh, that's good. I can tell tasty Making me hungry So same similar, uh, and so was 2016 corolla same thing. Misfire came from another shop Similar shop who were talking earlier But anyway, so they had done their whole swap tronics on it and swap the coils and whatnot This was a one in four Misfire under load only And it was really strange It wasn't under a load specifically but i'll get to that in a second So, I mean you could rev in the shop power load it take up a hill. It's fine As soon as you get on the freeway every single time you get to on the freeway right about 40 miles an hour full power shutdown cylinder four Misfire About a thousand counts all of a sudden full, uh injector deactivation Dead miss you can watch you can watch on the scan tool. Everything's shut down So I go through I go through fuel injector, uh, waveform coil and this is the four wire coils so you have the you know, um The the injector t injector d whatever you're gonna watch like the so i'm watching those both the coil driver staying fine But as soon as it picks up that misfire shutting the injector down i'm like what the what? Injector's fine. The current ramp looks fine. It's like everything is testing out the way it's supposed to be Pull the plugs out because i'm like, I don't understand what what's going on here plugs look great. They're brand new. They were just replaced I'm not gonna start swapping coils. I'm not i'm not gonna do that But that ended up doing it same thing miss fire stayed on four and then it started happening on one We'd have cylinder one would do the same thing and shut the injector down on one Then it would bounce back to four and I was like, I don't understand Like this is driving me up a wall right now and it was only when you're getting on the freeway So to get to the end of it It was a pcm. I ended up Calling out the pcm at the end of the day. There's only so much testing I can do I couldn't find I couldn't catch anything on to do anything and it was it was shutting down the injector so quickly that I could not catch What if if there was a bad coil, but before I did the the ecm I said we need to do coils We need all four brand new oem coils Right, and that's like the next step for me is like, okay. I'm about to call out this ecm And the only thing that kills an ecm could be could potentially be a coil. I know the the injectors were good There was not a high current but the the the coils were on the high end They were like 7.5 amps when they were running so I was like, okay, we're gonna do all the injectors sure enough the misfire came back Um, and then we did the ecm and it was good. But what I what I found out on that one Being that it was a cvt It's got the it shifts for you, right? It makes a shift or when it shifts it defuels So through the shifts it's defueling itself to give you your shift feel and it was right when you hit about 40 miles an hour Get on the freeway It gave you that upshift feel And then it would defuel and then it would deactivate and it would go into in the in the limp mode It was so it was such a weird one Like i've seen one like that like I don't think i've ever dealt with one like that before it uh I mean I I fell for the other shot that was like one of the only ones i've ever got from that particular place I was like, wow, you guys actually got a good one. It wasn't just out of gas this time. Good job guys
16:37 Lalo Castro They brought it to the right place and it seems like you're the lucky guy to get all these wonderful vehicles, right? I'm gonna put that one on the belt for sure. You know what? Coming from that shop we're talking about. Yeah, that's something that would have would have been there for
16:52 Jimmy Purdy Months, I think I think at the end of the day. I mean that's If you're swapping parts, that's the next thing on the list You know what? I mean like Maybe they would put injectors in it But then at that point it's like you put an ecm in it. There's really nothing else. I mean obviously not mechanical mechanical would Yeah, no, I mean the way the way it ran and everything was like no, it's but right so But I mean I guess getting back to the thing I was like that's if it wasn't from a shop and that's and you're dealing with with a client one-on-one, that's a tough thing to work through right and then they get upset about it and you're trying to And you know and you get someone that's like I just want to fix the problem. I don't want all You know what? I mean, I was honestly I was just like and then how do you how is like so you you sold all six coils? We're so we're in this thing. I don't know eight nine thousand dollars at this point and now we're calling on an ecm and
17:46 Lalo Castro You know, like if they don't go for the ecm now what now what you know, but luckily like I said, I I was sweating it Calling this customer. I was sweating telling them Sorry, we did all this but sorry your car still the same. Yeah, but luckily you understood You know, we explained everything to him and say hey, you know communication Yeah, and then you know It's a very common issue on these things that you know The coils take out the pcm take out the drivers and that's the number one thing that fails and even From ford it says right there Replace all coils and spark plugs then do the pcm, right? I mean, yeah, so it's like he understood he was like well, obviously who's happy to spend more money
18:27 Jimmy Purdy Nobody is but he understood he's like well, I mean that wasn't the direction you were going with putting in the parking You know, it's nice when you can make the call hey We're gonna need an ecm and we need to replace all the coils
18:39 Lalo Castro but that would have been that would have been nice if I had my
18:42 Jimmy Purdy I didn't bring my magic wand today my your crystal ball crystal ball Yeah, yeah, that's part of the grind when you're in the middle of it. You know, you're just Hey, I mean ecm diagnostic is like replace everything else or or check everything else if there's no other faults then replace the ecm I mean, there's probably other ones that are a little easier to to to assess and to call out but I think for the most part it's like A bad ecm is like everything else is you know is good You know like that that's the only way there's no like this is bad here I'm gonna show you what's bad and then this is why we have to replace it
19:15 Lalo Castro It's like these are all the good parts. And so this has to be bad, you know, it's it's it's it's a no-brainer I mean, it's you know, you got everything there that's working now. It's supposed to be working. You got anything else tested
19:28 Jimmy Purdy You can't even think about it twice. I mean, it's see that that's like You gotta have the right clients you gotta have the right clientele to help help you with your own communication with your own process because You get that job and it's with someone that you don't want to deal with or someone that's not um In tune with the way the repair process is going to go And they think you're ripping them off. Yeah, like how's that next job for you gonna go? You know, like you're gonna be you think you were nervous this time like you You're gonna spend so much time driving yourself in circles checking stuff that you don't need to be checking because you just don't want to make
20:06 Lalo Castro That call because you don't want to make that call and that's and that's when you make the most mistakes Is when you're second guessing yourself and it's like man, is it really this or I don't know
20:16 Jimmy Purdy Yeah, and the other 15 cars in the back of your mind you're trying to think about as well exactly like you just got to make a call move on but if you're worried about this guy freaking out on you coming in and and screaming at your service advisor screaming everybody's like Like and then if it's not you doing it and it's when you're text doing it and then every single job you're text Doing you're like looking over their shoulder. Hey, you sure you do. Hey, did you check this? Hey, did you check that? Well, what about this and you're like going through their own repair process like talk about a waste of time like all because of the mentality of having to deal with somebody coming in that's like not Need doesn't need to be in your shop in the first place
20:50 Lalo Castro You know what? I think I mean this might go off a subject a little bit, but you know the other thing that I think I blame quite a bit for that It's like the whole You know ratings and reviews. Yeah. Yeah, because now because now you live up to that hype I say, okay, you got this, you know all your reviews are pretty high and and everybody that comes in there tells you i'm coming here because You know, you got the best reviews and whatever and whatnot. And so now they put you on this pedestal Yeah, it's a now you're afraid of making a mistake. Yeah So making mistakes part of the process sometimes yeah it is. You know, you know you learn, you know I gotta I gotta admit, you know, i'm i've been Out of the I guess you could say out of the workforce for a while now since i've been attending more of the front end now Which i'm becoming a little rusty You know a lot of the stuff that goes through the shop. I used to be able to catch right on for off the bat as I now Something comes at me and i was like, oh man, I don't know you gotta rely on the text. I gotta relay the text now Yeah, so that changes your your operating procedure, you know now i'm waiting for them to tell me Okay, this is what it needs before it was just like Comes in I kind of listened to it here or here was the hell it's running. I was gonna be that Yeah, you know now i'm relying on them. It's like well, is it really that or do I have to go check on myself?
22:04 Jimmy Purdy Well, you like if you like bottlenecks, you gotta keep it that way, you know, yeah You're gonna diagnose every car by your by the seat of your pants like But the reviews is definitely one that's like constantly I mean i'm i'm not wouldn't say i'm over it. I mean we're always Yeah, it's good. It's good for marketing But I think but personally I i'm not really offended or I care about it But I just it's a good marketing tactic and you gotta have it and so it's important it's not not important, but like you said it's just like this weird thing where You can see other shops and you know how they run You know how their processes are and they got the same exact review and it's like because it's like really that's those are not The same that's not the same Those two are not one is not like the other you know, like what is taught what? So can you pay people for reviews? You know, you know like so does it really matter? But we're looking at it from our side of it and it's like looking at from a consumer or client standpoint You gotta have it. You gotta have you gotta have the high rating, you know, it's minimum. It's a minimum now I guess it's the bar and so when that bar starts going down you're like Like is that it was like a rookie mistake, you know Like that's like it's such a low thing on the pedestal but it's still important enough to like pay attention to that when that when you get about when you're like, oh my god, like I'm so past that like i'm so You feel like you've already stepped over that plateau and you're like you're working on other things, you know Like oh and I gotta take a step back and what the you know, like I made a mistake, you know And I guess it's humbling so it's it's it's not a bad thing. But yeah, it's
23:34 Lalo Castro No, I think I got to the point where I kind of I welcome all that negative and positive Because I know that I hope so that over time, you know the positive or you know overshadow the negative So as long as you're doing your job As long as you're doing a good job. That's the idea that also that also keeps you in line too You know you want you want to do a good job You want you want to do you know, but throw a job on everything comes in You know Like is your own vehicle? Yeah pretty much so that kind of case keeps me on my toes too making sure That you know everybody everybody comes through happy when they leave. Yeah, you know, but That's what the big job is for you now. Yeah. No. Yeah, that's
24:18 Jimmy Purdy What I've learned that you know the mistakes of the vehicles and the diagnostic process is not what's important what's important is Keeping certain people out of the shop firing certain people and then you know Paying attention to little suzy that comes in and spends 25,000 a year and and and recommends three or four of her family members come and spend $20,000 a year like, you know, I need to spend more time with you Even though every time she comes in she's like I don't want to waste your time and uh, you know Here's my car and i'll get out of your way and just let me know it's like No, no, no, come on. Like let's talk a little bit like you want a candy you want to I got some chocolate
24:53 Lalo Castro Let's catch up. You want to drink like Yeah, yeah, catch up. Hopefully hopefully lian doesn't take it the wrong way
24:59 Jimmy Purdy You know, but just just catch up. Oh, I had and then you get clients that pass away I had this sweet little lady come in all the time and she just loved me She just she loved me and lian could tell too. She's like getting kind of flirty. She's like 90 something Just a sweetheart though and I'd you know, I tell her great she looked and her lipstick looked really good today And stuff like that. She loved it. And uh, yeah, it's sad. She passed away last year, but
25:24 Lalo Castro I see I like those I like those I like those customers because I kind of see them as a As a grandma like part of the family. Yeah, exactly. It's just like hey, this is my grandma from work Yeah, that's what I usually call and I got a few of those too And I just I just love talking to them and and make them, you know make them feel comfortable and warm when they go in Right, not only they're gonna be taking their money, but you know You want to feel like they're gonna be taking care of it. I just want to be a decent human being Yeah
25:51 Jimmy Purdy At the very least and then you get a few like I said a few of the bad ones that make you Appreciate the good ones and then you're like, you know I'm gonna spend more time with you and the ones that come in is like I don't have time for you man Like you you need to go because I have you know, sweet little Gloria here that wants to talk to me. So Oh, you got the same Gloria? No Yeah, was it glorious? Oh my god a little refill. Hold on a second. Yeah top it off Get that thing to the brim this time, you know Be playing around with it There it is. Oh, there it is. You gotta get that pop. Oh There we go That's pretty good, huh? Yeah, i'm gonna call it sick tomorrow Can you do that? No We don't get that on We don't have that luxury Yeah, so I had one this year come in and um Yeah, i've had it in a long time but And lian's really good about frotting off those people like she can she can handle her own, right? I had to step in because it just it was getting not out of control to the point where like people were yelling It was just he was starting to become unreasonable. He was becoming an unreasonable Person and so let's start to begin this thing comes in Colorado like 16 or 17 Tons of tons of maintenance work and he's on it doesn't want to do a lot of the maintenance work Um concerned about an oil leak Um, I i'd have to look back. I don't remember what the guys found But I think the brakes were under a minimum So the brakes were needed to be done and I don't remember if there was a ball joint that was like way out But anyway, we did some suspension work to it bottom line. Um, and he came back an oil leak still there Okay, but yeah, we know we talked to you about this Yes They don't they don't listen to they don't listen to anything the damn thing is like no, okay So we did we did the suspension work. Okay, and and now it has an oil leak, but we had the oil leak Remember remember the remember The conversation we had remember the email remember the digital vehicle inspection We sent you with pictures of where it's leaking from and all no none of that mattered. So Leaking oil he's upset We're not a big price uh Discounter where when you get a problem like that, but this guy was kind of a problem child. So Valve cover gaskets were leaking or so we thought but we Could get it in to do valve cover gaskets on it and deeply discount this thing Um, it was like I think 150 or 200 off the ticket Yeah, it was it was very generous of lian to head that off and That's where the problem she she did that. It was she I had no idea. She didn't tell me about it Yeah, so that that's I guess that goes to like, you know people that are running everything You gotta just let them handle handle the thing, you know, and she's not like that though She's not like that. No, okay I would I mean I might have done. I don't know this guy was kind of a pain to begin with like we definitely shouldn't have just like Passed on the whole situation to begin with but hey, don't you love that you do a job and then at the very end he's like Man, I should have just said no. I could have it was tough because he he was kind of bipolar a little bit. I mean he was frustrated but it's difficult to peg a client on being when they're frustrated because You know when they lose their car, they're losing their freedom And so everyone's upset, you know And some of them get a little more upset than others and some of them are in a bad place And so he wasn't necessarily being unreasonable when he came in and I had I mean there was empathy for him I think I think he got lian with a little bit of empathy and he's a small business owner and You know, he already spent a certain amount of money and whatever whatever the emotional discount that she gave him She gave him and I don't blame her like To help the guy out. It was a valve cover gasket job Whatever That didn't fix the leak. So that was a big problem Okay, so on these particular engines, there's a cam retainer plate that's under the valve cover gasket I don't know if you've seen these before so I don't think I've had the pressure of taking ones off now that I mean it's like I can't the 37v6 or whatever it is, but it's got the You have to pull the valve cover gasket pull the camshafts and then there's this Retainer plate that sits down on top of the cylinder head Yeah, and it's and it's sealed with rtv So it's like the toyotas with that timing cover that had that big problem with the timing covers leaking So they didn't use the right rtv or they didn't put enough on or whatever the hell the problem is but It's right above the exhaust manifold So as it's leaking it leaks down on the exhaust and it smokes and it stinks and And whatnot and you and it doesn't really make a lot of visible Trails because it's it's it just leaks right down on the exhaust manifold. So I don't I don't know. It was tough. We we talked about this with the guys, you know after the fact and we did a lot of Conversating about it to say the least because at the time I'm definitely frustrated that we missed the dyad but really looking back on it And at the time we're talking to this guy when I get in the conversation a minute about what we talked about Um, I just had to I had to Hey, we did exactly what we were supposed to do, right? And I I still stand behind that because if you have a leak And it's in that area And you're not Yeah, maybe it's a lack of knowing better But I mean also is like if you have a leak in that general area you start you start from the top Top down, right? I mean, that's just do you call it because the job was like 18 hours to do the that cam plate You gotta pull you gotta pull camshafts. Oh my god. Yeah, it's like 18 to 20 something hours it was like Yeah, it was something like $3,000 job to reseal these cameras and of course we didn't look into that before because you know ignorance We didn't know there's a camera turner plate there There was no need to look any farther He does he does his checks with the mirror because of course there's no freaking room But he pulled the wheel wheel fender off He got in there with a mirror and he he looked and saw the oil coming from the top and it's like the valve cover Gascus must be leaking. It's like that makes sense. Let's do that. Why like does it need to go any further than that? Now we know But if if you add that into your process every time there's a damn oil leak You're gonna be spending two and a half hours to tell someone where the oil is coming from. It's like I don't know about that And so that's basically what I told him. So we deeply discounted this valve cover gassing job. He comes back. He's upset Naturally by the time I get to him. He's already You know gone through a half hour with lian so he's Not worked up, but he's definitely like grasping for straws. Let's put it that way. He's definitely reaching for whatever So he wants the interior clean. He wants the interior of his car detailed Because the oil is burning and it's sticking to his headliner and his seats and his car now smells like oil like okay I'm just gonna roll past that and pretend like I didn't hear you say that Right. Yeah, like i'm just gonna go ahead and keep we're just gonna keep Conversating and act like you didn't that didn't come out of your mouth because i'm trying to I'm trying not to be upset right now and that would upset me that would be a trigger word I think they call it but so we're we're right past that like okay What is it going to take for you to go away? I mean that was the that was how the conversation looked. I was like look I don't need to be here We do a good job here. Okay, we have processes in place lian handles this I need to be out doing other things. I don't need to be in here Discussing this with you and this is after about 10 minutes of us going back and forth about what I just explained Hey most important thing we started with the valve cover gaskets We're gonna work our from our way from our top down if you don't agree with our processes Then we're not the shop for you, right? Like that's just how we work That's just that is the most logical thing the most common sense first thing for us to do right Like that that was our beginning of our conversation is me just explaining the diagnostic diagnosis process on an oil leak You need gravity works, you know, if you drop something it falls to the ground So let's let's start with gravity. So let's go to the highest point And start sealing from the top down. I just hope it's the same process for every shop. That's ours. That's our process Yeah, I mean, I don't know. What are you gonna do pressure wash it a thousand? I mean we have another leak here and it's it's and you know we we cleaned it and ran it for a little bit on the rack and we could tell it's coming from the oil pan gasket, so And it's because we didn't want to call out a rear main seal and And it would end up being so I mean every situation is a little different for oil leaks and every other Process but in this particular process being that it was right above the exhaust manifold Soon as you ran it long enough it started smoking everywhere. So Like what are you gonna, you know, like I don't know. I just think this situation That was the right thing to do for the tech. I don't see another way Of of handling that other than the way he did and I think he handled it correctly
34:34 Lalo Castro Yeah, I mean I
34:37 Jimmy Purdy the way I look at it sometimes too is like How would it have been the same outcome if you would have handled it? I mean more than likely. Yeah. Yeah, so I mean it's not I mean, it's definitely it's definitely him and I have to I guess not change the shop depending on how he necessarily works, but He's the tech here at shifting gears garage Like he's the way he does it is the way we operate and I trust what he does If I don't then we're gonna have a conversation about it But I have to stand behind what he does and I did I was like hey look This is the way he did it the way we do it and that's how it was done If you don't agree with that, we're not the shop for you like bottom line and at this point I didn't know it was discounted. So I want to make that clear like I had no idea that it was discounted I didn't up to this point in time. I figured he paid full price for valve cover gasket job So i'm i'm feeling a little empathetic for him But also like i'm not gonna like, you know, you know what i'm saying like you're not gonna you stay on your ground you know, if I did something wrong, I would have said it but So we have the conversation and it gets to the point like look, um, so I don't need to be here Right. Let's let's like move on with this with our lives here. What does it take for you to go away? Like I mean that's what I get to when I get people like that. That's how I handle it. Like what? So what is it going to take for you to leave here today happy? That's it like that's the bottom line how much how much do you need everybody wants money it's when they're at that point in time and you know who i'm talking about there's certain clients out there, you know, like They don't want things from you. They just want stuff and when he starts talking about Detailing his truck and then it gets to the point. He says well, what if i'm driving down the road And it's leaking so much oil right onto the exhaust manifold. What if it catches on fire and burns my truck to the ground? Like okay now we're done That's like that's what I said like we're done here now like we're done. What do you mean? Like I I know what you're doing and I don't appreciate it. Like i'm not doing anything I'm not i'm not insinuating that you would burn my truck to the ground. Like I know you're not Because we're done here now yeah, this is like three weeks ago, but Yeah, it was crazy. It was like After that it was like and it came out like so what's it gonna take for you to go away? So I look back and he's like well I i'd like for you to give me my money back and then pay the dealership to fix what's really leaking What like holy moly what that's quite an ask there Yeah, he wanted me to give his money back for the job that we did because it didn't fix his leak And then he wanted us to pay the dealership to repair the the actual leak How does that make sense? I mean i'm telling you I started this by telling you he was being unreasonable And so I did not escalate to the point where I was yelling or screaming, but I definitely lost all Empathy for him at that point in time It was like yeah, we're not doing like no like So now I wouldn't say that because I still helped him out in the end because I needed to pay I knew I knew I needed to pay to get rid of this guy Like I knew it was going to turn into like I need to pay to fix this leak Like I knew it was going to turn into like I need to pay to fire this guy You know what I mean? Like this is going to cost me money to get him out of my shop without getting a bad review Like that was like that's the bottom line back in my head. I was like, I want to get this guy Like I want to like drag him out right now I was just like get out right now, but I knew I was like in my mind I don't need a bad review over this. Yeah, you know
38:02 Lalo Castro Yeah, then that's what i'm talking about at the very end That's the back of your mind is when you have customers like that is like the last thing you want is a bad review Right, but you know Yeah, I mean at the very least Okay, I mean for me I would have been okay. You know what you're right about that. Let me pay you what you paid me What at that time? Did you even find out there was discounted? No, so I saw I saw it was discounted
38:25 Jimmy Purdy The win-win for you right there. So he says so he says and this is like the night before Of us realizing there's a cam plate underneath the valve cover gasket Like me and actually everybody in the shop. We all were like we're on the computer and we're like, oh check that out We got a whole diagram break down the engine Oh, that makes sense. Like that's where it's leaking from, you know, I was like That okay, like that's got to be where it's at, you know And so we're like yeah, that's where it's leaking like obviously He's like, I don't well if you guys couldn't fix it the first time How can I trust that you're gonna do it like right the second time? And you're quoting me like three thousand dollars to prepare and how am I supposed to know it's gonna not ever leak oil again I'm like, okay, look, it's not never gonna leak oil again And as soon as he said that I had to change it again I was like I was so guaranteed in myself that we were gonna fix that particular leak And then he says how do I know the engine is never gonna leak any oil again? I was like, that's not what we're doing here That's not that's not what i'm doing. Like you just like have your way of like with words here bud
39:23 Lalo Castro No, and that's I found myself that I had to be very careful especially with oil leaks That that's one of the things i've been dealing with quite a bit lately You know, it's once I figure out a leak And I tell him straight up. It's like I'm gonna fix a leak this leak this leak Doesn't mean that it's the leak You can have more leaks and I thought with that on a actually now you're talking about that. It was on a jimmy Can you believe that? You know jimmy's having leaks. I do leak. I know So it was uh, yeah, it was a I forget what year it was in 90 2001 jimmy that Man, the whole engine was soaked with the oil was like holy crap. Where am I gonna find this leak at? I mean everything from top to bottom. Yeah, that's the first thing I told him too. I said listen Everything in the top is soaked with oil. So I gotta start off with the valve covers and the intake that Will ensure that at least the top end is going to be sealed so Who knows what's at the bottom and you have You have the oil cooler lines at the bottom you have the oil filter adapter you have the oil pan you got the the cam seal you got the crank seal crank seal you get the on and on the timing cover so I was like It'll since everything's running down. I was like we got to start off with the valve cover and the intake. Yeah And then we'll go from there. Yeah, so we did that clean things up Took it out for two days took it off for a couple of drives and that now it's leaking worse Well, luckily for me, that's the thing with the oil
41:00 Jimmy Purdy Like you start cleaning it up and you get all the dirt off of it and the dirt was like a gasket in the
41:06 Lalo Castro External gasket exactly exactly. It was like a it's like the gb was a dirt. Yeah, you know, but You took it off for two days. He had it drove it. No leaks. Okay, cool before it will actually leave a good Puddle on the ground. I was like, it's pretty obvious leak and it I said, okay cool We did that and no leaks for two days He picked it up took it the next day called There was a puddle on the ground I said wonderful But i'm bringing back. Let me check see kind of check we check our work and make sure there's nothing leaking at the top So we did everything in the top clean dry I said cool Look at the bottom and sure enough one of the cooler lines was rubbed Against the front differential and that's where it was leaking I said Is that well, I just paid this much to fix the leaks Correct. We paid this much to seal the top end. Yeah, which we did as you can see no leaks
42:05 Jimmy Purdy And there's no way in no way that oil cooler line was spraying oil
42:10 Lalo Castro Yeah, so it's like so no so it's like you have a no leak like I mentioned to you at the beginning I said we need to start from the top work our way down. I said I drove this thing for two days. No leaks It's just a big coincidence. Yeah, and then so I said well now we got to do this cooler line Get that fixed but as you can see everything underneath is just Coated with oil and dirt and there it's like You're gonna have other leaks I guarantee you but I could use one step at one thing at a time. Yeah So at that time we decided not to want to fix it because he already spent so much money on the top end Well, okay
42:50 Jimmy Purdy Sorry, yeah, I think that's the hardest thing too is like There's a lot of like the whole retainer thing. Have you heard that with the assessment process? There's a diagnostic process pulling like a retainer so if something comes in and From another shop is going to be a good example or Very obvious that someone else has had their fingers in it um, or just Can can communication faults just any sort of like, you know, like the you know the ones you know, you get the misfire ones for the most part not so much, but No, you could even put misfires on this category But anyway, the point is like instead of doing your normal hourly you just say hey look, you know We did our initial assessment. We don't see the plugs look good. The coils look like they've been replaced. Whatever. It's a misfire We're gonna need like a 500 retainer from you And that's basically like look like i'm not gonna spend all that money But I need to know like as i'm working through this process that I have this budget that I can That can play with you know deal with have to keep moving forward and like the oil Like would be a good one, you know, like hey look this thing's a mess. I need a thousand dollar retainer You know because you know, he's upset, you know, he's running, you know, he's oh I paid all this money get my oil leaks fixed and and and everywhere he goes like everywhere he goes He's leaving oil and people are like hey your car's still leaking. Didn't you have it at the shop? Oh, I did they charged me 600 700 dollars and they didn't fix it You know, that's how the story's going like doesn't matter what he said to you You know, that's what he's saying it's frustrating because it's like you don't get you don't even there to say your side of the story You know, it's like you know, like oh I paid all this money up and they couldn't even figure it out like oh my god So it's like you start that thing with hey, look, I need a thousand dollar retainer from you Right like I need to know your willingness to spend a thousand bucks to fix these oil leaks It kind of guarantee that it's going to be fixing that time I can give you a pretty good possibility It's going to it's not a guarantee And we're going to bring it up to that amount and then we're going to see where we're at and reassess our our situation but you know that way you're not dealing with like Four or five hundred dollars and then you're like, oh this oil leaks oil cooler line. That's 80 bucks is leaking too But he doesn't want to do that because he's already he's already spent four or five hundred dollars You know like so you can kind of look at a vehicle and say hey It could be like you said oil cooler lines oil pan gasket could be intake manifold gasket and you look and you know Estimate it out like hey, that's fifteen hundred dollars worth of work. Hey, I need a fifteen hundred dollar retainer what it's going to be Fifteen hundred no, no I'm saying that I'm going to take it up to as close as I can to or not as close as I can but it could be up to Fifteen hundred dollars to ensure all the leaks are taken care of Could be 500 Could be 1200 could be 1500 you right like This is a good idea. Never thought about that that way Yeah, yeah, I like that. I mean, I mean it works for oil leaks. It works for diagnostics. It's definitely I mean attorneys been using it for years, you know, they give you a 20 000 retainer. I take this case I need 20 000 retainer. They know how much Reset, I don't know what they do. I don't want to talk about attorneys. They're good people. They're good people They're good people they're good people They're people like you and I they're people like you and I They're normal They're human beings So they they know what it's going to take to get into a case or whatever and they know like hey I'm going to this is probably going to be 20 30 grand to do this
46:12 Lalo Castro But yeah, I mean it makes sense and that way that way you're not like so stressed like working through this process of like You know, no because it is nice because I mean i'm just thinking about it right now. It's like man All these jobs that i've had if only I had I like saying this retainer like a budget a budget and I was like
46:30 Jimmy Purdy But you ask anybody what their budget is and they're like a couple hundred 50 balls like what come on man, let's get real I'm not trying to rip you off. Like I just need to know like where are we at? Like what is it like? No, yeah exactly what makes you uncomfortable? you know like because at the end of the day if you're thinking it's going to be Two three hundred bucks and we're looking at replacing your transmission. We're we're not we're not going to start this conversation like You know what I mean? Like right? Let's just let's just end our relationship right now or this conversation right now like we You're here at a transmission specialty shop More than likely you're going to be spending three or four thousand dollars to replace or rebuild what you got So if you're thinking you're getting out of here for three or three hundred bucks, let's not waste anybody's time Or money, right? Like let's just let's just cut the ties and that's kind of the conversation how we start And that's when I heard it. I was like That makes so much sense. Like we just say it differently. We just communicate look we can we're going to try these tests It may or may not help the situation we may have a bad solenoid we may have an internal wiring harness issue We may have a tcm whatever end of the day We can't roll that money into the repair of the transmission So do you want to cut to the chase and just replace and just pull the trans out and rebuild it? All that stuff's going to get replaced when we do that You want to just do that or do you want to try to spend some money to further? You know advance assess the situation and some people don't mind gambling Whatever. I'll I mean cameras I love those cameras, right? Sometimes they come in. It's very obvious this thing needs to come out Like there's nothing else I can do but pull it out rebuild it or replace it. But sometimes it's like hey, you know what? There's there's certain, you know Qualifying standards that I see in this vehicle that would warrant us going a little bit further to seeing if there's other things we can check You know, um, there's some transmissions that have weird issues that happen that you pull fix them by pulling the valve body You know, but then also the conversation is like well, I can't warranty this You know like I can fix your third gear problem your second gear problem your sixth gear problem or whatever the issue is But if you go to put it in reverse one day and it don't go backwards, I that's not covered So do you want to spend seven eight hundred dollars to fix the valve body? With no warranty on the rest of it with 200 000 miles you just want to replace the thing and move on with your life Yeah, you know and be and be covered for the next three years is like so But this was like we just there's a lot of words behind all that So just cutting to the chase and saying hey, we need a three thousand dollar retainer. What? It's going to cover the testing to see if there's anything we can repair if not Then we're going to move forward and do with the replacement, you know
49:00 Lalo Castro Damn buy me a drink first. Yeah
49:03 Jimmy Purdy I did Three thousand dollars Oh, that's cheap, too I'm still i'm sorry. I'm still 10 years ago, too Six thousand six thousand. Yeah Five thousand six thousand They just keep going up But anyway, so so this guy um So basically at the end of it it's like He is wanted me to pay the dealer to do the repair and I was like no look what i'll do is I will pay for the I will gladly pay for the assessment at the chevy dealership here. Um, I had told him go Pass the chevy borjon, but um, I was like whatever one you want to go to i'll pay their assessment fee And I guarantee the leak like I guarantee they're going to say it's the same thing Is the same thing right like i'll i'll pay for their assessment if you don't if you don't think we're Doing if we called it outright, you know like to back up our assessment take it there I'll pay for the assessment call it a day. He liked the sound of that But then he didn't want um to pay for the repair still He still did not want to pay for the repair and and come to find out he's already been at the chevy dealership And they gave him the boot So that basically was what it was he couldn't go back to the dealership because they already So that we called after the fact to let them know. Hey this guy's coming down new And his name is you know, is a oh, yeah. Yeah, he's he's he's in our blacklist. Yeah, he's yeah He's already been blacklisted Oh I see so this is after the whole situation of found out the guy can't even go back to the dealership So now you're the union's option right there. Yeah, but I didn't know that at the time he knew that so it was like It was kind of weird he didn't like I'll do that but I don't want them to do the repair and I was like I want you guys do the repair because you know Any like try to like give me the flattery thing and of course i'm like biting it a little bit I'm like, oh, okay, like he like but come to find out he's got go back to the dealer. So it was just a bunch of bullshit anyway, but uh Yeah, so yeah, he was all over the place with this thing. But then there was like so basically what i'm gonna do here We're not we're not paying the dealership for this stuff if he wanted to do it. It's you know, twenty five hundred dollars Okay, okay, you know and I basically talked him down and I was like look, you know, and it kind of like got To the point where we're both kind of like on the same page You know, he I think I think what it was is I basically I basically fired him You can't come I don't want to do work for you. You're going to the dealership He realized he can't go to the dealership on his last option. And so he reined it in real quick Got me believing that he really liked me Got me believing a lot of stuff and I was like look up All right, so We'll do it's gonna be 2600 dollars and what i'll do is i'll take the 500 dollars and i'll take it off the bill So it's gonna be like 2200 dollars for this job. I was like i'll just take it off the top of the job we're doing get your money back and we'll do the job and But we're only we're only gonna warranty the leak that on the on the whatever whatever the conversation was after that was like We were both like, okay, that's fine. Whatever. Okay, cool. Well, let me know he leaves and uh And then um, that was about the time I realized that the valve cover gasket had been discounted And so i'm like pulling up this estimate and i'm like, okay Let me look up your history and discount what we did on the valve cover gasket I didn't know it was 500 bucks. I was like, let me just go ahead and discount this and we already taught already told me Like look we'll do it Let me just discount your job and I go and I look see it's like 500 bucks for these and it was like a 900 dollar or whatever was 800 dollar like estimate and then like knock the The 300 off it was like 200 and something dollars that was knocked off and i'm already like over this guy i'm exhausted. I'm like I haven't dealt with this like in a long time. I was like, I don't want to like oh my god, how do I change this site now, you know like so we'll take the $500 off your estimate here It looks like it was and i'm like looking at lian like it looks like it was only looks like it's five hundred dollars Right, is that right we 500 that's what we're taking off because that's what he paid for valve cover gaskets, you know You know what I mean, so I was like, okay, so it looks like your bill is gonna be 2200 which at that point i'm like Well, that kind of works because I don't have to give You know like that much off of his job But at the same time was like it kind of it kind of worked out because at least You know if it was 900 bucks, you would have right and that's so that basically like kind of like, okay So I don't have to take a thousand out but then it was also like but I already lost the money like it's already gone you know and so I was like look just what we're scheduled is we're not gonna do this today. It's gonna be you know, probably two weeks from today I'm definitely not like jumping on this thing anytime soon. Go ahead and leave And then uh, yeah, I talked to lian after that. I'm like, what's with the 500? He's like, yeah, I already dealt with him and I was like that's the only way I could make him happy I was like, yeah, go ahead and call him at the end of the day and let him know that we're not We're not doing this she's like, oh yeah, i'm i'm there's no way I was gonna schedule that She heard me say it she's like no, I was not gonna reschedule him. It was already a no for me. I'm like, yeah She's like I figured you just did that to end the conversation I was like, I guess I kind of did like, you know, because it was just not going anywhere and it was like, all right Well, you know, here's what I was like. Yeah, just go ahead and tell him. We'll we'll credit him back his 500 bucks and uh, see you
54:17 Lalo Castro Good luck
54:19 Jimmy Purdy So yeah, she did so she called him. Yeah, I called him call him at the end of the day. He's like look we you know, we talked it over and Um, you're just an you're unreasonable. You're you're not you know, we're not aligning our What we do is not what you're looking for and then what you say Um, you already expressed how uncomfortable you are with our prior repairs and we don't feel comfortable moving forward with any more repairs
54:44 Lalo Castro So this is gonna be the end of the man. I gotta take some classes from her, man Damn that's that's pretty good
54:50 Jimmy Purdy I thought it was pretty good. I mean we talked about a little bit. It was mostly she basically took the reins But that was like the gist of it like this If he's uncomfortable with what we do, you know already like there's there's no way like and that's why I told him We got the beginning conversation. It's like you already have your mind up. He's like what i'm like you already have your mind made up You don't want to hear my explanation about the how we do our oil leak checks or whatever like your mind's already made up You already know you you want us to give you all this stuff like you're you you don't even you're not even here to have a Conversation with me you're here to talk at me and tell me what you want
55:20 Lalo Castro Like that's not gonna happen. It's not being reasonable. Yeah, no, that's no once Once you get to that point you're better off. Yeah cutting ties and because from that point on no matter what even If they come back for another repair in the back of their mind, they're gonna say well if they're gonna do it, right?
55:36 Jimmy Purdy I don't even think it's that I don't even think it's like I think it's just the manipulation Like they just it's like You know you you you find the manager somewhere and he gives you a discount like you go back to that place looking for the manager For your discount, you know, and it's not even about like doing it right or wrong It's just you know, if you throw a temper tantrum, you're gonna get your cookie, you know, like It's just like a child, you know, like I just
55:59 Lalo Castro And you can't you can't break that mindset because it's them and they know it too. Oh, yeah. Yeah, obviously Good example. I mean they kicked them from Dealership so yeah party to try to do the same thing
56:11 Jimmy Purdy Didn't work. Yeah Yeah, I don't like it's just make sure what's his name Make sure uh, he came to me after make sure I don't He comes in here. I don't ever hear me but uh, it's just You never know who he knows, you know, you never know
56:27 Lalo Castro But make sure what's what color is the truck?
56:30 Jimmy Purdy You know what? I've always thought about doing and like the auto shops is like Having a like a legit blacklist You know, that would be awesome like like the yelp for shop owners for bad customers, you know, like Like that'd be awesome. You know, you can just like put a last name in like this guy's getting kind of weird today He put his last name in and all of a sudden like oh, oh, I own them like blacklist from 15 places
56:54 Lalo Castro Across the united states. I kind of I kind of do that on the street I was like as soon as I get his custom just customer map and whatever I usually put him on blast right there to start texting everybody in the street Look out for this car. It's like an amber alert. I don't get a text. Oh, you're way out here, man You won't get that you don't everything on everybody in the street. See you would be in the street still
57:15 Jimmy Purdy And in our in our blog this perks the passage street on damn it. So I just say I lost all my benefits So watch out for this brown four tours going your way. I think that's like a smog thing though That's for you. That's for you guys in your small cars and you guys get all freaked out like you just do your job right? They're gonna leave you alone It's like watch out for this guy It's like when the county rolls around the hazmat and everyone's like, oh that's that's counties and towns like, okay Well, I mean it's everything's clean. So
57:44 Lalo Castro You see everybody closing the doors right away closed No, yeah, we just had that not too long ago man Word spread down the street like fire as a case. They're on the street. Watch out I was like, oh man I just had to run back to the shop and make sure everything's on To part so you just roll down the front bay door and it's a picture of everything. Perfect. It's like It looks legit
58:11 Jimmy Purdy I'll go to the next one. Yeah Like nice clothes for the day. Yeah clothes for repairs come for lunch. Don't know when i'll come back Yeah, you gotta love those customers I don't know. I mean it's it's just amazing How just those few stick in your mind, you know And how much I enjoy now versus how Petrifyingly terrifying it was no, that's that's that's that's dramatic. I think it was way too dramatic It was different In the beginnings, I mean like when you first start because you want every job you want everybody to be happy You always hear you can't make everybody happy But your shop's gonna be the one that makes everybody happy, right? Like you're gonna be the exception you're gonna be able to take these guys and you're gonna turn there It's like you just think you can fix Everybody and anything, you know, that was for me. Anyway, and it was like that's what I thought too Yeah, are you right? Like that's the mentality that is the mentality like I is like this is
59:21 Lalo Castro Yeah, it's funny. That's funny, you know, everyone thinks like that but you're like i'm the only one that's thinking like this I'm the one that's gonna fix the whole world right now he's like yeah, you think you're like you're gonna be the hero and take care of everybody and
59:32 Jimmy Purdy So so when you got a fire that very first one or even like 10 down the line of like in that first year it's like you're just trying so much that's like You're being unreasonable Like I definitely look back at some situations like holy crap. I was being unreasonable like I just It's like breaking up with a girlfriend like in high school or something And you're like, well, they'll always see it easier in their car. So I can't let them leave me I'm gonna have to burn all those cds again Right like you're just like so worried about the most unreasonable things Like this guy just needs to move on with his life, but it's like you won't let him and like you gotta let him fly Let him fly It's like crazy is like and so now And because I mean the guys the texts I had at the time You know like everything like I didn't trust Anybody to do anything right? You know, and so anything had anything bad happen. I'm like immediately Customers always right because you hear that just pounded in your brain like customers always right and then so of course like well Everything everyone else is doing here is wrong And so now i'm just like my back's turned on my own shop and i'm trying to like appease this client. That's like Unreasonable and it's like and there's no way i'm gonna do that I'm just keep I just keep getting myself more and more worked up trying to help this helpless situation You know what I mean? Like and so now when i'm like dealing with that, it's like We've done everything right and I can just like lean into this guy a little bit, you know, like no, no
01:01:06 Lalo Castro I'm gonna straighten you out right? Yeah No, after a while you get to know you guys, you know the work ethic that they have Yeah, so there's no doubt about you know, somebody comes in and complains is No They I know they did everything the way they should have done. Yeah, you know So let's get this checked out and sure enough and ends up being something different something else. I mean, you know
01:01:28 Jimmy Purdy There's always checks and balances. So you always got to be humbled and you always got a first look inward Yeah, is there something I did is there something? In my checks and balances. I need to change is there something that we've been missing and this is just the first client to bring It to our attention. So of course you're going through your little checklists in your mind, but once all that's checked Once you got your checklist done and you're like, I don't know. This is you not me
01:01:52 Lalo Castro That's you know, that's when the big old smile comes out. Exactly. Let's talk. You're not it Yeah, you're not even like upset about it anymore. You know, I used to get all shaky and upset like oh my god How am I gonna handle this and oh and i'm so sorry, sir And i'm so i'll never do that again, you know
01:02:08 Jimmy Purdy And now it's like, you know what? No, like you said i'm just smiling the whole time like no That's not gonna happen like
01:02:16 Lalo Castro No, they know that just you know, when you know, you guys do something right that just builds up your confidence knowing You know you can send out to the customer. Tell them No, no way. We know we did everything right We checked everything everything we did is correct. Yeah, good builds a good culture, too Yeah, it's good when the guys hear you. Yeah, and that kind of yeah when you back them up. Yeah Oh, yeah, I was like today. I had to do that a few times today. I mean because you know they some Customers scuffle about some certain stuff and I was like no No, he did everything he should have done. Yeah, correct so but it also comes you know goes The way you talk to them too. I mean if you're pretty straight up and rooted by it then yeah they're gonna be all defensive side, but For the most part I think i'm pretty Pretty laid back when it comes out. I mean there's got to be certain man to push me to the edge to that I don't even know what that looks like. I know I mean nobody had no really nobody's in there. No, no, not not yet But it's it's it's coming out right? I can feel it. I mean it's just it's it's It's coming out. I mean, it's very rare when that other side comes out and when it does man, it's it's Some people there's only a few selected people that have seen it and it's like He's kind of you take your glasses off You know what? I black out. I don't even know. I don't even know. I just like I don't know if I do I don't know You know, but I just it's like it's oh man you get down on all fours or what I don't Turn green. I don't know what I do. I don't know what happened But it yeah, it's it's there's certain there's it takes that certain person to get you to that point but
01:03:56 Jimmy Purdy Yeah, I mean they call it emotional discounting for a reason, you know get all worked up for no damn reason at all And it's like you just you know about it You just can't help it You know, but I think building that culture and like trusting what everyone's doing and knowing that everyone's doing what you want them to do We're not what you want them to do what they need to do it's just it just turns into like a Just a formula. It's like a a nice mixed drink, you know Exactly what we're having right now. No, no beautiful. So whenever all the ingredients just come together, you know And the whiskey's still there, you know, I feel like the whiskey is like like the owner like the whiskey's like the leader You know like it's right there, you know, it's got your stamp on it But then you get these little notes of like, you know, you get the little bit of orange in there Orange in there. Maybe that's the service writer, you know, it's like That's the first it slowly fades away and then you get back into like the smoothness of like of the rye in the whiskey and may so the rye the whiskey is kind of like the text right like They're like a part of the leader but they're different because it's like, you know, am I getting like i'm getting way too deep I'm loving right now Whether the bourbon the smoothest of the bourbon or the rye just depends on what shop you go to Maybe you want that little rough edge on there. Maybe you want a little more smooth, you know, you got options
01:05:13 Lalo Castro You want a strong and rough?
01:05:16 Jimmy Purdy Come on over You know And then you got the bitters in there. What are the bitters? What part of that would be the bitters? I guess that's the price Yeah, that would be the price. Yeah, the price is gonna put a bit of it's a bitter taste in your mouth no matter what? No matter what? Yeah, it's a little bitter a little bitter
01:05:32 Lalo Castro But it works with the drink after after you mix it in with everything the good service and all that You know, you know what? It's a little better, but I like it. It was it was it was you know, I got a good service I like the way they work. I like the way the the whole atmosphere was there. I like everything. It's like You know what? And I go back. Yeah for seconds. I could have another one of those. Yeah, that wasn't that bad. Exactly I'm feeling a little broken. I'm having myself old fashioned. Exactly I'm like, what do you do when you're having a bad day? Come on over You know, yeah, these heartbreaks. It's like it's like it's like a real recipe a little cocktail recipe Yeah, it's a good analogy. It's a good analogy to put it in Couldn't be better. Yeah, I don't I don't know where to put the tex in the drink though Because I think like the bourbon and the rye is like not it's like that's like part of the Leadership, I think the tex had to be the ice. It just cools things down cools it down It cools it down makes things smooth
01:06:29 Jimmy Purdy Okay But that's tex, you know, you can't yeah, but you can have an old-fashioned without ice on it you can but Like we're kind of like right now it's not bad Could have a little maybe one cube of ice in there Yeah, see see but you need the tex the tex of the backbone So I feel like I gotta change my analogy a little bit. Maybe the tex of the whiskey and the leaders the ice I looked at it all wrong. I looked at it all wrong man, because I did I screwed it all up The leader doesn't have to be there right as long as it but it makes it run smoother I'm sorry. I definitely I put myself on a pedestal man I wanted to be the whiskey so bad in the drink, but it's not me the tex the whiskey sometimes being humble being in the back Right and you got tex that are a little rough You got tex a little smooth. So you got the bourbon you got your ride like that's it right there That's it. Damn. I can't believe I did that See what happens when you have a little bit of drink. I know I got all cocky and stuff. Damn it I'm working on it though as you can tell in the last five minutes. I worked on it. See that it takes time It takes time, but i'm working on myself. Everything gets better with time. I gotta humble myself a little bit, you know Yeah, and you got the leaders on the big ice and small ice all that stuff. So that makes sense
01:07:49 Lalo Castro I like the sound of that. You could be the They make that what that um That crystal looking ice cube, whatever the clear one. Yeah, you know how to make a clear one. No, I don't you don't It's like a trick to it or something. I'm not i'm not i'm not that sophisticated I'm not there yet I think I have a feeling the more hanging out with you the more I don't know. I don't know how to do that. I have the little I have the little mold You know, I tried that I tried it with the sphere Yeah, didn't work Maybe once or twice, but it didn't work all the time But it gives it the look though. It's like man
01:08:24 Jimmy Purdy That does look sexy Yeah, I like the square ones The squares are nice. You gotta go with the square ones But even better the diamond looking one Yeah, I love it So what do you think about uh talking about we'll just keep we'll keep it on the topic of uh of upset clients Because I don't know why I guess it's just working right now It's flowing. So what do you think about when they say that you need to pay for something? like in that instance where I need to
01:08:56 Lalo Castro Pay to have another shop fix my what I missed that right there I mean unless Unless they like in your situation you didn't Pay for the repair. Oh, they they didn't pay for the repair the whole repair. It's not like they they paid Let's say the valve covers were leaking. We're actually leaking. They did it and they went to another shop and they Fixed it again then My question would be welcome you to come back to me. Yeah, correct it but if somebody else paid for if he already paid somewhere else for it then like yeah, I guess I gotta give you money back or That's what I would do. Okay. I mean
01:09:33 Jimmy Purdy Yeah, but why are you why are you giving their money back? I mean Again, I guess for me it would be just to just to be done with the situation. Yeah for me Of course, well, there's gotta be there's gotta be a better way to handle that situation though You know like how do you retain that look like you know, because Most of the time they're not bad clients at that point. They're just misinformed. They're uneducated They feel like you did a disservice and they're just moving on They're doing exactly what you're doing. You're giving your money back to them to to to get rid of the situation And that's what they did. They went to you. It didn't fix it They went somewhere else to get it fixed just to get the situation dealt with and then now they feel like they should get their money back and It's hard to say I understand that but you can't you know what i'm saying? No the mindset's there
01:10:21 Lalo Castro Yeah, but I think it all depends. I gotta look at the customer who the customer is What kind of relationship we've had for over the years if it was a pretty good customer that That um been coming in they spend good money here um Then you know what? I think I would I would Spend I would bend over backwards for them try to make things right smooth things out right? But if it's somebody that I only seen twice a year Spend a couple hundred bucks or whatever. It's you know, what you're not worth it. So I'd rather just You know what? Return pay them back their money Don't go back again and just I think for me. It's just a lot easier better just to just here you go go away
01:11:00 Jimmy Purdy It's it's tough because it's like every Everybody's important in a sense and I get it There's some of them that need to be sent on their way But some of them like you said are just they're just not educated enough in the process and so For me, I kind of look I definitely look internally and just like do we not follow up enough? Should we should we be following up on every repair? Like hey like just wanted to make sure that I fix it But does that like open the does that open up like you're not confident enough? What you're doing so you're like every time you're doing a repair like hey this guy texts me like every time he like
01:11:31 Lalo Castro Do they know what they're doing? No, I thought about that too and I was like I wanted to implement that but then that's the first thing that came to my mind is like if I do that Yeah, that just kind of Makes him kind of second guess at work. It's like are they checking up just because to make sure it's not still leaking There's something loose or that's something loose. Yeah, did they find a part on their toolbox? Yeah. Yeah, exactly So i'm just like man, that's I don't think that's a good idea Maybe I shouldn't do that But at the same time you're just following up and checking up as they're making sure everything's all good Like just like you would do for a friend, you know, just hey making sure you're still doing a good
01:12:04 Jimmy Purdy I haven't heard you I guess it depends on the conversation how you started it. I guess so you gotta have like a good A good like line that you're sending them like hey, you know but yeah, I don't know I don't know how to not make that sound like a generic a generic follow-up, you know, like Because it can't be generic. It's got to be like hey, you know, it's gonna make sure that water pump We're gonna show that water pump. So, you know holding up no other cool links or I don't know like I mean for our transmission work. We do a 500 mile checkup like it's standard Haven't come back haven't come back and go put 500 on it come back. I'm gonna get underneath it I'm gonna check for codes. I'm gonna drive it All complimentary like we're just gonna do a follow-up 500 miles same with differential rebuilds transfer case rebuilds basically all that stuff and I started thinking about Do we do that for every repair? Oh, we need it
01:12:53 Lalo Castro You're you're lapping me a little bit i'm already yeah Hold on a second. Come on, man Oh Check out a little bucket of ice I think that would have sounded good. A little clink clink little clink clink on the mics. Yeah Sorry, I have no idea totally lost that one now I think the next the next I think i'm gonna lose my mind right now. I ain't gonna remember anything so you better You better I mean I start asking questions because
01:13:35 Jimmy Purdy So so so the standard so the standard so it's like basically taking the 500 mile checkup and kind of like Blanking that across all repairs, but that's insane. That's insane. You're gonna spend It'll come to a point where you're spending half the day on people following back up for a 500 mile check for every damn repair Like so I don't know it's like in this in the in this industry. It's like you have your You have your repairs that need To be followed up on but How do you make that? into a standard operating procedure for the next service advisor coming in because obviously I could obviously you could Sit there and look at every ticket that's going out the door. Okay, that one flag that one Okay flag that one then you'll just put those in your 500 mile check pile and then And then you got your checks that you need to come back. It's like how do you You couldn't you couldn't involve that, you know Not without a really really talented knowledgeable service rider, but if you have that put that guy out in the shop If he knows if he knows that stuff he should be out in the shop working, you know Unless you're lucky enough to have a retired one or something like that. Do you have a uh, sop? For almost everything do you yeah? Wow That's one of the things i've been I mean it's for everything you just got to start with one one Process at a time and we start with our initial intake. So when we pull a vehicle in they call Hey, I got this engine line. Hey, I got this noise And it's like that doesn't matter. I mean it matters. So we make a note of it, but it's like hey look This is what we do We're going to spend an hour with the vehicle It's a charged hour. It's our 150 dollar an hour assessment. That's where we start We're going to do a digital vehicle inspection. We're going to encapsulate the issue you're having but we're going to obviously catch that anyway Because we're going to do check windows check lights check tires brakes belts leaks We're going to we're checking everything we're putting the car on the lift. We're doing the full thing driving it So typically if they come in for a problem, it's going to be written down anyway So codes we've got an engine light on well, we're going to pull codes we can see what the code is in that hour We're just going to get a full rundown and then lian or i or we'll spend time writing up estimates for all the things that we saw And then here this is what you just paid for Sometimes say O2 sensor code Uh, you know, it's the wires hanging on the on the exhaust and it's melted more than likely Needs an o2 sensor the wire is melted It needs to be replaced regardless So our advanced assessment now is going to be replace this oxygen sensor and then retest see if the code comes back You know, there's no need to go any further So sometimes we can catch a lot of problems in that time frame. Sometimes you get a suspension noise You put it up in the air Um, and the wheel bearing is way out of spec right or whatever You can find a lot of stuff in that assessment and we have a really good assessment that we put together where we Constantly, you know fine tuning it and looking at different stuff and so we can catch a lot of things in that hour That's what we tell them. Hey, look, this is our system. This is our operating procedure. This is what we do We don't pull it in we're not going to check codes. We're not going to do it like this is what we do We're going to look at everything and then we start there now. We know the car we've built a relationship We didn't find anything with the engine light obvious So we needed another hour and a half two hours to look into the assessment of the engine light specifically And that way I mean I started doing that really because of all the transmission issues. I was having come in and It doesn't move it needs a trans the fluids folds burnt fried polar pan is full of metal We need a trans put it in got brake noise. We got differential noise. We got a leaky water pump We got all these problems. They just spent four or five thousand dollars transmission this vehicle and now it needs another fifteen dollars maintenance work Hey, if you'd have told me that yeah before I wanted to put a trans in like You know That's the operation I put in place, yeah It was specifically for that situation But it's worked so well for so many other reasons And I feel like it's just kind of a hybrid or just a different way of other shops that do it because they'll do like The free inspection But then they'll charge for a service and then they'll add the inspection but they just add extra time or however creative way You want to go about it for me? It started with well I'm a specialty shop. So i'm going to charge you an hour to assess this transmission I can assess the transmission in under 10 minutes if it goes if you put it in gear and it doesn't move And you know right like most of the time you can like it needs a trans like it's easy Yeah, but i'm not gonna charge 10 minutes for that. I'm gonna charge an hour. It's like well What else can I do in that hour? Let's let's well, let's do a full inspection, right? And let's just do that with everything, you know, and it was a good revenue generator It's like that's just every car that comes in. It's a price tag price tag price tag price tag price We should be doing these in 30 to 45 minutes. It's gravy work for the techs It's a good revenue generator and it's a good starting point and we can catch a lot of problems in that time
01:18:35 Lalo Castro Yeah, just like oil changes, you know, you know, I wasn't big believer that I thought it was just a waste of money. I was like, well You get an oil change in for Well back then it was like 50 bucks or so now it's the way things are going now hundreds for yeah, whatever Yeah, so I said there's never been no money in it. But If you have a guy that does a pretty good inspection man, you'll find Revenue generator. Yeah
01:19:02 Jimmy Purdy And that's what we found and it's just been working out for us. I mean it's like my problem with that is that it forces a sale It's a hard sale not for me because I suck at selling so I I don't I don't capitalize on a lot of that. I don't but I don't want a higher service advisor That's trying to hard sale. So that was also deterrent for me. And then also I just don't like oil changes and it's like
01:19:31 Lalo Castro I never did either but you know what I mean You don't have to be pushing and then that's a lot of people a lot of people It's a bit of a gamble though. It is a lot of people have mentioned to me commented to me You know what? I like it because you don't push me. You're not pushy. You know, you're not a salesman you you let me know what's wrong
01:19:51 Jimmy Purdy And you give me a I feel like that's being a salesman. No, you're just like a different type. Yeah You're all nice. Maybe that's what it is. Yeah I'm just so rip your shirt rip your shirt a little bit and you're like, oh, you know, I was gonna buy a new shirt, but but you know I was trying to put food on the table for my kids and You're still you're still selling the job right now. Have you seen the price of eggs? My kids didn't eat breakfast this morning. So, you know You know, whatever you want to do with here, you know, there's these things that you need and you don't have to do it But just so you know, i'm not eating tonight
01:20:24 Lalo Castro so I'm just like with the sign there like That's still that's still a hard sell just so you know any help helps, you know The typical pushy salesman is not a pushy salesman, you know, but they appreciate that they appreciate that You know, they they don't you know, they're not being pushed and they're cornered in to try to get something repaired and it's like I'm straight up and that's I think it's one of the things that works for me is that i'm straight up and honest with them About it. Yeah, you don't have to do it now. I mean you still have maybe next level change You're gonna need your breaks then So they keep that in mind. So when they come in and they come in as a gay last time we told me any breaks
01:21:01 Jimmy Purdy that's tough man, because They're not going to be back in the shop for six months And I mean that's tough man, like if you're calling it out now, you got to call it out now like you're here now Let's do it now. You don't want to be back in a show And you know what most of the time they're probably going to be on the other side of the grade and they're going to have someone in San luis do it and you just missed out on that and then you know, and then you lock your gamble
01:21:20 Lalo Castro No, you're right. It's a gamble. You're right about that, but you're like me like you don't want like you just you're just trying to help I'm just trying to help but you know what? I'm yeah, you know what? It's a gamble, you know I'm a gambler. So, you know what? I was straight up with her. I'm honest Maybe she'll take that into consideration and you know what? And that's the first thing they're gonna remember back then when they start hearing their break squeak or whatever You know, those guys are treating me good. They were honest about it. I'm gonna go back to them And most of the time I do but you know a lot of a lot of the customers that I get are just regular customers So they come in no matter what? So, um, I mean if you're expecting that you're you needing that break job to come in For sure then yeah problems. I mean I got other work that I could get done Yeah, I don't if they don't come make they don't come in. Oh, well who cares? All right, but but I know I know they will so and if If it's doable, then I'll say yeah, I could do it right now if you want me to get it done We'll get it done. But It all depends on the circumstance. But yeah for the most part for the most part I I gotta say that I do generate quite a bit of work out of that was inspections
01:22:23 Jimmy Purdy Yeah, I mean if it's keeping you busy, that's all that's important but for me it's like it was always I always looked at like a gamble and I just I'm not much of a gambling man. I just like the guarantee stuff. And for me the guarantee was you pay me We're gonna look at it. I'll tell you what's wrong Then you can leave and we're good like you paid me for my service and we're good and we can reschedule you or whatever but i'm not like Doing this 80 oil change with the hopes of it turning into a larger sale, which it will I mean the numbers don't lie. It works. It's an average. I mean, yes It's pretty much a guaranteed thing right to do the free inspection with the oil change or whatever Just for me starting out when I started the whole thing I just I couldn't wrap my mind around it and I just wanted I just I need to I need to be paid right now I need revenue right now. I don't want to like gamble. I don't want to risk it I don't want to do this cheap discounted oil change with the risk of it turning into like an engine replacement or whatever You know because that can happen. So this is like, I don't know. I just wanted to Mitigate all the risk. I wanted to just get paid. Here's what everything you need You know and I would do at first I would do hey come back and i'll knock that hundred dollars off the repair I definitely did that Um, and that just helped like that way you have some incentive to come back for one But I have the I have the you know the money for now
01:23:44 Lalo Castro If you want to go somewhere else. Yeah, no, I get that because yeah, I mean it's You never know you never know they may not come back I see I mean I totally see now that you wouldn't be able to make it in vegas
01:23:57 Jimmy Purdy Make it in vegas. Yeah, why you like to gamble? I don't like the game I mean, I like to I mean, I don't know you like to for sure things I like to for sure things for sure. Yeah, I mean I like to mitigate my risk. I just I don't know I had the I had I thought I had the slot machines figured out for a minute there, but I come to find out I did not
01:24:16 Lalo Castro No I said I said for the longest time I I I never thought oil changes were money makers. I didn't care much because that also brought in some of the Oh god, yeah riff raff. I guess you could say talking about clients. Yeah, you know, you know cheap oil changes, whatever. So I was like You know and so That's when I decided you know what if i'm Pretty close to what some of these other oil change facilities are then yeah, i'm gonna get all these People that just want the oil change and that's it. They don't want nothing else. So that's what I decided. You know what? I got I got guys That i'm paying You know 40 bucks an hour doing oil changes. How is that a winner? Right? It's not so you know if I Make my oil changes a little more than these other oil change facilities and at least those that Know the quality that you're going to be getting from getting asc certified techs Doing the oil changes Don't know And they appreciate that they're still going to bring it in no matter what yeah, you're not you're not you're not Coupon clipping. Yeah, you know, you're not getting you know this high school kid Learning how to work through oil changes on your car doing the work, right, you know, so um That kind of helped quite a bit because you know, even though we're our oil changes are a little higher than most places That doesn't stop them from coming in they still continue coming in and and you know We do a full inspection on it and hey you need Filters you need you know belt you need brakes you need that for the most part You know go ahead and do it the 300 rule. Yeah, the 300 rule exactly, right? Remember that oh, I know and I live it. Oh you live it. Okay Ain't no secret ain't no secrets here. No, there isn't you look like you think I don't know but I know I used to I was trying to up You you know, you're not gonna beat my eye arrow. I know I was trying to I was trying I you know, I went for it. I tried it and I guess it didn't work
01:26:28 Jimmy Purdy Okay, you got too many transmissions man. It just like bumps up the gross of the over the uh, yeah, the gross profit is not too good, but um, Keeps it keeps the averages high. So that's good
01:26:39 Lalo Castro And what and what? Yeah I think I was having a little bit of trouble with that Lately with the gross profit and stuff like that. And I started doing That the uh The uh matrix, okay and I noticed A bit of a difference there. I wasn't a big believer that either you don't like the matrix
01:26:59 Jimmy Purdy I didn't I didn't believe that well, how's your matrix work though? What do you I mean you run the nappa tracks, right?
01:27:04 Lalo Castro You know what? I don't have it set up here because I don't What do you know? I got the nappa tracks, but but I got a Like a cheat sheet that I have right there on the counter that You know, I kind of look okay You put them in manually? Yeah That's wicked man, I'm sorry, that's wicked No, I feel bad for you I feel bad for you. That's why I didn't want to bring it up. I was just like man
01:27:32 Jimmy Purdy I'm still in the stone age man. I still oh man. Wait till you see shopware. Oh, really? Oh, dude I'm I do mitchell right and it's got a parts matrix in it and it so it does like You can put the percentage in and you can have it tiered right? So every price break you change so shopware comes out with one And they're all cloud based. Have you have you seen shopware? I don't think i've clicked into yet Okay, I was I pushed against a little bit once I got a good demo on it It was like night and day and they got this parts matrix It's crazy. It's it's like it's cloud based and it's an ai platform Yeah, and so It literally will as you going through the month it changes your gross profit to help meet your goal Yeah, and then it stays that way So it's like you start losing your ass on spark plugs because it's tough spark plugs stuff like that You sell six or eight of them, you know, and and you and you drop that price on it or whatever because you don't want to sell 30 spark plug But so then it'll it'll like find some of your other spots that it can bump another 20 bucks or 30 bucks on
01:28:40 Lalo Castro You know, whatever and it'll you know, it does its magic. It's magic. I don't know how it works. It's wizardry as long as it works Well, I know nappa tracks
01:28:50 Jimmy Purdy And you're over there writing it with a freaking number two pencil over there Freaking ai. I don't even know how it's like a wizard and the computer is just like oh here you go You're 65 like I don't know how that happened, but it did. I mean, i'm not there yet I'm not using it, but I just did a demo like oh, that's a game changer, man
01:29:05 Lalo Castro I know I know nappa tracks does it has the capability of doing the matrix, but I just Haven't looked into it and how to set it up. I've been wanting to do that just to try it out and And also stop them having to do it manually because Every every part
01:29:23 Jimmy Purdy How do you know what your how do you know what your gp is at the end of the month? Well never track that but tracks does keep track of all that But you know your percentage on your on your purchase though. Yeah. Okay. So I input I input it I tell you no, I input so then the next month you just add like another
01:29:40 Lalo Castro Yeah, zero. So I might be job ticket I mean obviously when I when I order stuff from nappa It automatically downloads onto the preparer and all that right and then and I look at the gp and everything and I said, okay and Pretty much a setup at 50. Okay, so I look at the what the cost of the part is and my cheat sheet that I had there on the desk Kind of looked there. I said, okay was supposed to be bumped up this much Let me see if it's within range and you know, it's within a few dollars difference So I just bump it up to whatever it's calculated not to be and change it no wonder why you're so busy all the time That's why I don't have time for anything Barely had time to come here. So So anyways, that's why I was like man Would it be nice if there was a matrix that you could set up on the computer and does it all for yourself?
01:30:34 Jimmy Purdy Yeah, that'd be nice. You know, yeah, look into that. It's like beyond that now So ai technology You're like hey mr computer I'd like to run a 65 percent parts margin, okay And that's it. That's nice. And that's it like, you know, I literally have to just look at it at the end of the month Like oh I got it. Good job computer
01:30:55 Lalo Castro Good job small wizard. I gotta look into that But at the so at the end of the at the end of the month or whatever a week you can look it up and see what? Your margin is at? You see if you're falling within Where you need to fall? Yeah. Yeah, so I kind of implemented that kind of the middle last month and I noticed that it made a difference because prior to that my parts gp was was horrible. It was like Maybe high 28 maybe 34 or something like that. Damn. I was at 40 and I felt bad, you know, but I gotta say somewhere in the somewhere in the in the Uh, no, that had to be someone in the 30s 30s 35 36. I gotta say that Um, but then after I did this change to the matrix It bumped up to I mean almost 40 some 47. I was like, all right, cool. I'm i'm within range now. Yeah, that's cool um, and then my also my Well, that's different now, but my also my gp on labor too also changed which went up too. I was like Everything seems to start coming together and all that was perfect. Yeah, so I said, all right Well now let's as of this month i'm still using that so I want to see how I do in this full month and see if it does change things for me if it does imperfect, I mean i'm gonna probably try to figure out learn how to Implement or set that up on the computer for nap attraction that way it automatically do it. Yeah
01:32:25 Jimmy Purdy It's gonna have me having to think about it. Yeah, so you're just gonna check some balances. Yeah Just kind of playing around with it. See. Yeah, it's good. It's good enough. I don't have a Ai that does it for me wizard or whatever like you have I don't have it. I told you I didn't have it I said I was looking into oh
01:32:41 Lalo Castro No, no, I said I said I don't have it. You have you have the capabilities if you have it right there in your doorstep piece Need to invite him. You have the same cable. You have the same you need to invite him in just invite him in Hey, you can do the same thing, you know I mean I don't know. I don't know if I want to change my system That's the other thing too and that's the other thing too is like I'm afraid of that changing the system and then What if I don't like it? But no, I think I will I mean it's just working. I'm seeing the difference It's it's whatever works for you know, what's up? So
01:33:14 Jimmy Purdy I mean Yeah with metrology you just have a you just it's just a tiered matrix. So you just say Zero to ten dollars zero to twenty or zero fifty whatever. I want that at you know, 120 percent and You know 20 to 50 at 90 percent or whatever and he just averages out so the pain in the ass thing about that is that sometimes you do a lot of transmissions a lot of big parts a Lot of big ticket items and then your the GP drops, right? And then I got to look back and be like, okay Do I need to adjust something or do is it just all these big ticket parts? You know and that's a pain because it's like it's just one more thing that I don't need to do right like it's just one more thing I don't need to worry about like so you start changing stuff around and then Your spark plugs start coming out at thirty dollars a piece and you're like, oh my god Then you got to go back and manually adjust those because you can't sell spark plugs at thirty dollars
01:34:05 Jimmy Purdy It's like this cut. I mean you could you can pretty good or so. Maybe pretty good ourselves Have you over there? Yeah, I mean like You could probably you could probably sell it. I just gotta blink my eyes and then just I can see that take glasses
01:34:19 Lalo Castro Okay, let me take them down a little bit. I'm putting my shirt a little bit inside Smell Rico suave in there. It's like start doing the cha-cha. It's like a Do the little salsa move you do? Whatever it takes to make the cell, man