Clydesdale Media Podcast

We check in with the crew to see what is happening, has there been any updates in Ft. Worth and whatever else may come up.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clizomedy Roundtable.

It's lunchtime with the ladies today.



All right, guys.

Not much.


The temperature.

The temperature's true.



So I took Walter for a walk

today because I was like,

I'm going to be in the heat all week.

Let's go do this.

And got halfway down the

street and Walter's like, nope, I'm done.

Plopped down in the grass

and couldn't even tug him

up to walk again.

Sounded like me this morning

at the 515 class.

I mean, seriously, I've been like not,

I've been doing a lot of my

workouts this week from home.

Well, last week and part of this week.

And it's been nice to like

not race the clock with

this heat just because I'm

already working harder with the,

with the heat that it's nice to just like,

I'm still getting the work in,

but take my intensity down

and it's been nice,

but I'm still drained the

rest of the day.


at least you're it's summer for you

and you get lots of naps.

Yep, I do.

And I'm going to have to

start easing off my nap

schedule because I'm going

back to school.

You're in training now.

Yep, yep.

Back to school training.

Yep, ease out.

Quick, quick follow up.

Amy, how are the eyes?



That's awesome.


it is amazing to wake up and not have

to stab myself in the eye

to start my day every day.

And still no readers, right?

Like you're fine up close.

Had you always been fine up close?



Every once in a while,

like there's something that I'll,

I'll need a little bit of a reader,

but like if I'm reading a

book or just looking at my phone, no,

if there's like something

small print on my phone,

I might need them, but.

Or just do a little one of these.



But so far it must be nice.


That's awesome.

What sucks for me is when I'm in an arena,

I can't wear my glasses.

I get really sick and

lightheaded because of the

transition part of the lens.

When I look down,

then it goes into that

reader part and everything gets wobbly.

At Syndicate Crown,

I had to take my glasses

off because I was getting sick.


we can figure something out in

Fort Worth.

It's hard when you're taking pictures too.

Cause I know like if I have

my contacts in and I'm

trying to take a picture,

I'm using my short vision,

like my nearsightedness,

which I don't own any.

And so I would,

you know, would be blurry.

And I'm thinking,

I'm hoping that it's correct.

It's why I started wearing

one contact for correct for near or far.

And then I take,

I leave this eye just naked.

And so I use this side,

but this is the eye I have

to look in the camera at.

And I'm like right-handed.

So it's weird.

I have to like look on the

other side to make sure

that I'm getting the shot.

It's yeah.

It's a hassle.

I'd much rather just wear glasses,

but then you're like on and off,

on and off, on and off.


It's, it's hell getting old.

I know the beauty of it.

It's amazing.

It's better than the alternative.


I don't know if you guys have heard the,

the interviews I've been

doing with these masters athletes.

I am in just drop jaw awe of these people.

How about the guy that the

60 to 65 guy you did just

recently who looks like not

a day over 40.

What the heck?

And strings, 10 ring muscle ups.

I mean, he's going to win, right?



I think he has some other limitations.

His goal is just top 10,

but he's a former green

beret special forces guy too.

This is his first time at the games.



I'm excited to see him.


He looks like he's going to crush it.

We had Denise more on over the weekend.

She was practicing her

handstand walks at 65.

Like they're,

they're flipping what it means to be old.


I love it.

I love it.


And one of my coaches, Mark Peters,

he's going.

He's going to be there.

Very excited.

I had to take him off the

schedule for the rest of the month,

which I'm very sad about

because now I have to coach

three to four mornings a

week instead of three.

But I'm glad to do it for the time being.

What division?

I think he's either 60, 65, or 65 plus.

He's right on the cusp there.

He'll be mad at me for not knowing,

but he's in that grouping.

And his gymnastics is great.

Like he, that's his strength.

His top line strength is,

is not his strength.

And he'll joke around that

he can't do double unders,

which he can do double unders,

but it's one of those

things where it's like,

are you having a good day or a bad day?


Just you're getting by.

I'm not consistent.



But I'm excited for him.

If this will be his second games,

he was there last year and

I'm glad that he got to do

the whole Madison, you know, thing.

And now he gets to

experience it a little bit differently.

So that'd be cool to,

to see the contrast there.


the cool thing with them or the

interesting thing with them

is it's hard to research

these people because they

don't use social media.

They don't have LinkedIn accounts.

They don't.

So like it's a lot of like

an exploratory interview,

which is very different

style that I'm used to.

And it's it's keeping me on

my toes because it's really

like asking a question, hearing clues.


Diving deeper.

And I didn't know that Mike

was a green beret until he said it.

And then it was, it's like dive into this.



Let's let's touch on that.

Yeah, that's cool.

The biggest surprise.

If you guys remember a

couple of years ago at the games,

when I interviewed the,

the female athlete coming off the floor,

And we talked about,

I had this question

prepared about lifting heavy things.

And she's like, yeah, well, you know,

my son died last year.

That was the heaviest thing

I ever had to lift.

And I was like, oh,

like jaw dropping question.

I was like, oh shit.

Like that was like a Barbara

Walters moment that I

didn't even know was happening.

Donna Bruce is her name.

And I think she's still in the game.

I don't know if she's

qualified for the game,

but she's still very much into CrossFit.

So that was cool.

Yeah, when you don't know the details,

sometimes it's a little

more exciting to interview

versus these people that we

know so much about already.

It's kind of hard to, like,

what do you talk about?


I'm finding them fascinating,

and it's given me, like,

a new sense of excitement

meeting all of these people.

And the fact that we're

going to get to do a behind

the scenes with them in

Birmingham is going to be

freaking awesome.


So excited.



but before we get to all that master

stuff, we have, it's games week.

Just packed my camera bag.

So those who have been able

to make it to Dallas have made it.

Others have had their

flights canceled repeatedly.

I guess there's like a

little hurricane going on in Florida.


Causing some flights to be delayed.

I Danny Spiegel's on her

third shot at making it out of San Diego.

Oh, so stressful.


but it's exciting to see like

everybody's Instagrams of

this is Fort Worth.

This is what Tiki's arena looks like.

This is, you know,

and then following Dave's Instagram of,

Hey, the demo team here,

they're at the lake here.

They're running the track.

So how, how excited is,

are you guys for this?

I can't wait.

I like am so excited now

about this new venue and

excited just to see what

it's going to look like.

And, you know,

I think it'll be interesting

for us to compare notes

since you guys will be there.

And then just for, you know,

me and Charlie can, you know,

be watching it on the

stream and then kind of

compare notes what it looks

like from both points of view.

For me,

it's been two years since I've been

to any event, I think.

It's been a while.

I'm out of practice,

so I cannot wait to just

see all my friends and just

be in that atmosphere.

I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm anxious to see what it's like because,

you know,

a lot of our friends came from

the volunteer world, but it's,

it's going to be way less of a crew.

There's only teams.

You didn't,

you don't need the staff you

need for like the big festival.

So it's going to be

interesting to see who even

made it there.


And they're going to be busy, you know,

even though it's, it's, it's fewer,

fewer judges, but fewer events.

I think they're going to,

they're going to be taxed for sure.

I'm already following like a

bunch of them on Instagram

and they've already gone

out to dinner a few times

and are going shopping.

And I did hear the humidity is no joke.

So like get a,

get a good look at this

pretty hairstyle because

anything happened.


I don't know what I'll be

wearing a baseball hat or something.

Yeah, the humidity.

So the best, best poster.

So is Emily Rolfe posting

her out in the sun?


Doing the heat and Kyle and

complete misery in the shade.

And she's like, one of us likes the heat.


So I think that's going to

be interesting as well.

A couple of big things that happened.

Zeus was erected into the arena yesterday,

which I know that the

ceilings are high and I

know it's possible,

but this is this big

outdoor rig with the big

tall rope climbs and all that.

And here it's going to be indoors.

So cool.

That's insane to me.


Um, they, their demo team were trying, uh,

clean ladders.


It's all that.

They went out to the lake.

It looked like they tested

the team paddleboard event,

which actually had paddles.

Uh, they did it for people on the big,

massive paddleboard, uh,

knees and paddling.


That looked fun.

I don't know if you saw that.

Wait, it's Kat that's supposed to sneeze,

not you.


You went off script.

I said no, sorry.

Dave did the swim run with

the run swim with the demo team.

And did you hear the humble brag?

No, no.


And Chase did it too.

But yeah, I heard it.


He was like, yeah, the fastest was 42.

Slowest was 51.

I went 49.

So just telling everybody that he was not.


How about this comment?

I'm curious about the demo

team wearing anything, but go rec.

I bet you once we get there

and it becomes the production,

they're wearing GORUCK.


they're probably in their own stuff

right now.

They're probably still doing

posts for their sponsors

and everything else.

The other thing is the

athletes are just checking in now,

and GORUCK probably doesn't

want to release what all

the uniforms look like

until the athletes get to

go through that process.

Yeah, that's a good point.

That's a good point.

One of these, one of these years, Scott,

we need to go early and be

there for athlete check-in.

I think that would be really cool.


I'm just not,

I'm not confident we would

have had access.

Oh yeah.

Well maybe as we, you know, gain fortune,

we could, you know,

stay in the good graces and

maybe get that sometime.

I, you know,

one day when I don't have to

cover gym hours, I want to, you know,

spend like a whole week at

the games and do like the whole thing.

And not, cause as it stands right now,

I'm not getting there until

like Thursday afternoon and

it's totally stressing me out.

Cause I'm like missing two events,

maybe three.


I, my guess is,

so I'm getting there tomorrow afternoon.

I think I get in at like one,

one 30 like that, uh, in Dallas.

And then I have to go out to Fort worth.


I'll get my media stuff and then I

don't think I'm going to

get go unless we can get

finish line access to the run swim.

I think it's pointless to go

just sit on the run course

and see three seconds of

prevent whizzing by.

Yeah, I agree.


but if I can get like finish line access,

I'll go check that out.

Cause you would be able to

see them swim in finish and all that.

So, yeah,

I'm thinking I'll get to see the

last event on Thursday and that's it.

Assuming I can even get my

credentials that late.


They put the schedule out, right?


There's nothing wrong.

I had to send a note to

Chris to ask him when I

could get my credentials or

if you could get them for

me because I'm not going to

be there until Thursday afternoon.

He just said just reach out

to him or Laura and they'd

figure something out.


What else has happened this week?

Just before we went on air,

we saw Dave Castro.


Sewing machine to fix Brookwell's top.

So he's working hard.


with that um they did flip

the friday night farrington

field event instead of it

being sprint rest run 1600

it's 1600 rest sprint yeah

I called that actually and

they they gave more details

of the sprint it's sprint

then sprint with bag then

sprint then sprint with bag

Yeah, and it's, I mean,

I think that changes the whole event too,


Because you can't really,

you can't try to PR your mile.

I mean, you could, but you don't want to.

But I think it's cool that

we do get to see fresh legs on the mile.

Yeah, oh yeah.

I'm happy about it.

Sydney, if the times are correct,

running a 536 is pretty freaking awesome.


now she I bet you that time

if that truly was her time

I bet you that stands with

her track experience I

would agree yeah um but I

think it's going to be

exciting I think the mile

is going to be kind of an

exciting thing and it does

look like it's a group

start so uh which will be

which will be pretty fun um

So I think that's really

like all the news that's kind of broke.

They didn't announce that

one workout with the 50 deadlifts,

or the five rope climbs, 50 skier.



And then back.

And it's 25 rope climbs.

That's a big workout.



Because if it's new set,

it could be over 15 feet.

That means, right?

Because they're like 20 feet.

That could be nasty.


Do we know from what vantage point we,

with media access,

will be able to watch inside?

So if you look at the media guide,

there's a row,

like a front row on this side,

that those are for media.



So there's no pit this year.

There's just like a row of seats.

And I'm hoping that we don't

have to sit in line and

wait and get a sub and have

to go to the seat.

Like hopefully someone will just be there.

What would be really cool is

if we got an assigned seat

for the weekend.

Yeah, that would be nice too.

If they've reduced down the

media team to this,

then you all get a seat.

Yeah, there you go.

yeah maybe maybe that will

happen yeah maybe we'll do

that when we check in that

would be really cool I know

that the crew that um like

my boyfriend's coming with

me his first crossfit thing

is he excited yeah I'm

trying to get him to wear

like cool clothes though

because like he's not he

doesn't wear um crossfit

stuff you know he just

wears like cargo shorts and

he's a big under armor guy

so I he does have two pair

of lululemon shorts so I'm

hoping that he'll bring those

I told him we're going to

get him a pair of CrossFit

shoes because the Skechers

are probably are not going

to cut it for the weekend.

But he's sitting with my

friends from CrossFit Equity,

Paul Palmer.

Remember Paul, the guy I was coaching,

the 60 to 65 athlete that

went to NFC or Legends rather.

He got a bunch of tickets for everybody.

He had an extra one.

So Mike will be able to go

with them and they're like

fourth row finish line.

seats probably better seats

than than me but he'll be

with that crew I think

there's like eight of them

um which is cool because we

can hang out outside

together and then when we

go in he'll have a place to

go I'll have a place to go

and we can meet up later

but I'm excited uh if you

shave your head and appear

bald you'll be given all

the credentials well I

heard that sean woodland

didn't get any really did

he try to get some


Drama right there.


he's not announcing the games for the

first time since 20... Yeah, I know.

That's why I'm saying if he

had tried to get access, though.

Because, I mean,

they still have Talking

Elite Fitness is still their podcast,



Do we know who's calling the games?



Chase and Adrian.



That's it?

Who's on the floor?

Mike Arsenault is the on the field guy.


He's awful.

He's great.


So I think that's the team.

I don't know if there's like

a B team because there is no, you know,

it's a reduced.

Oh, right.



There's no age group or teens to break to.


So, yeah.

And there are built-in

breaks if you didn't see the schedule.

Barbell's been doing an

awesome job making it a

one-sheeter that's just

like start times of every

event and break times.


And I'm going to print that off, I think,

and laminate it to take with me.

Great idea.

Because you know what it's

like being there, guys.


Caught up in the chaos.

You're like, when's the next event?

When's the first event?

And you're just like scrambling.

Corey said he's on the

standby list for play-by-play.

Fair enough.

He's doing the foreign

language broadcast for the Cajuns.

Oh, that's great.

So, yeah.

Speaking of spin, if you have not done it,

he did a really cool post

of athletes' first

appearance at the games

side by side with their

most recent photo.


It is amazing how young some

of those athletes look.

Vellner and Cole Sager is

almost unrecognizable.


I mean, yeah, it cracks me up every time.

When I think about baby...

Baby Velner.

And I think about him on a

cargo net in 2017.

Do you guys remember?

I was at the regional when

Pat Velner tore his bicep.

And he's still finished and qualified for,

I think that was,

that may have even been his second games.

I don't know if it was second or his first,

but he was sitting,

him and his girlfriend and

his parents were sitting

behind us at a restaurant and we met him,

you know, while he was all, you know,

recovering or whatever from his injury.

And I remember I didn't even, this,

the funny story is,

and I've told this before,

we thought his name was

Matt Belner because we were,

we were live.

So we weren't like watching

the feed or like seeing it

on any kind of media because

and you know it's like yeah

and we thought his name was

matt belner so we were

calling him matt belner the

whole time we went to the

restaurant and I'm like

guys guys it's matt belner

because every time I see

patrick I remind him of

that I'm like remember when

I thought you were matt

belner he's like yeah yeah

that's a good one he's like

you're crazy stop talking

like whatever yeah yeah I

had to fess up to kenzie

riley the other night on

when I interviewed her

because I thought she was

jen dancer oh really okay

she was pushing a stroller

Oh, okay.

And she had her hair up in

the bun and I was running

up behind her and I thought

we had just interviewed Sam and Jen.


So I was running up to say hi and I'm like,

Hey Jen.

And she turned and goes, I'm Kenzie Riley.

And I was like, yes, you are.

I think I was with you.

I think I remember that.






So I had to fess up to that

when I interviewed her the other night,

but yeah, I'm getting,

I'm getting really excited.

So Scott,

we'll be your chauffeur for the

week once we get there

because we got a car.


And I think you're on the

way to the venue from us

like by a half a mile.

So we're really close.


it seems like there's a lot of people

staying out where we're staying.

It's like 10 minutes away

and not in a pretty decent area.

But the hotels were like half the price.



So, well, I got to ask you guys,

who's your top three?

Let's start with the women,

top three women.

That's probably the easiest one to do.

At least the first two.

Tia, Laura, Emma.

Emma Carey.

I'm just kidding.

Emma Tall.

I'm going to go Tia, Emma, Alex.

I have Alex as number four.

Mine is Laura Tia Alexis.


I like, look at you.

I like, I like where Alexis's head is.


and watching what some of the stuff

from TTT.

Um, I just,

she wore the leader's Jersey

last year and everybody

kind of forgets that.


If she could have lifted a sandbag,

she would have been podium last year.


What about on the men's side?

Roman, Ricky, Adler.


I got Ricky, Roman, Adler.

No, sorry.

Ricky, Roman.


No, who's the cute young blonde guy?

What's his name?



Dallin, Pepper, yeah.



so gerard so jeff adler wins

the games and everybody

says he can't do it again

I'm not I just yeah the

most well-rounded athlete

out there he can run he can

lift he can do all the

stuff so adler is my number

one okay ricky number two

pat velner number three I

would like I hope you're

right I would love that yes

I really would

I just, he just always is like, what?



Like, so I don't know.

It's exciting.

I mean, it really is anybody's game.

And I hope that we see a lot of shuffling,

you know, top 10,

top five throughout the weekend.

It's I'm just super excited.

i I truly think the men's

side is the deepest great

field we've ever seen at

the games yeah I mean it

could go so many ways I

feel like the winner it's

gonna it's gonna come one

day yeah it's gonna come

down to like mistakes made

or injuries happening I

feel like yeah

unfortunately because

that's not fun to watch so

we have we have some from

the audience here uh

Kenneth DeLapp, low and lost in Gazan.

I think that's a hard pick.

I like it.

Kenneth with the men, Dallin, Ricky,


Dallin's not ready.


Maybe that's the other way.

Third, second, first.

I have Justin in fourth.

And then Corey goes Ricky, Ricky,

and then Ricky.

No, I was going to make a joke.

I'm not going to make the joke.


So, okay.

Um, and then the teams,

the teams are stacked.

They are.

I know nothing about the teams.


You have peak three 60 with no Olson,

Mathilde Garness, um, Lana,

how Frick is that right?


And Chandler.

Is it Ricky?


Oh, Tola.


And then Chandler has his

team with Mrs. Smith, Lauren Fisher,

and Joshua El Chama.


Let's not forget the Down Under team.

Oh, is Khan going to be there?


Khan, Nubre, Kara, and Emily DeRoy.


Oh, okay.

I'm liking that.

And then there's Jamie Stevens.


amy james james simmons yeah

eliot simmons uh

christopher and somebody uh

uh mia hesketh I mean how

adorable are a couple

crossfit people teams yeah

like holy moly that is the

cutest I love it I think

it's cute I think it's adorable

uh denise moore ricky roman

justin lena richter lena

richter that's the one I

always forget on uh peak

360. who was blue the last

two years got it nice

I used to be the biggest

Noah hater in the world.

And then I met him and then

I've been friends with him.

I want him to get a gold so bad.

And I can't believe I

flipped this far to the other side.


how about the new announcement about

the fan favorite award?

Yeah, that's exciting.

Is it?

popularity contest yes what

it is that's exactly what

it is somebody called like

homecoming queen and king

or something like that but

yeah yeah I just I don't

like how they're doing it

like from now until

Thursday you vote and then

they whittle it down to the

top 50 and then from Friday

to Sunday you vote I think

the voting should only

happen like on Sunday I

think the games need to

happen first for us to have

like a favorite like who's

who's voting on Friday night like unless

know there's some dramatic

you know like the capital

type scene right and

rebecca fusile you know

does her thing which she

won't because she's not in

it but you know what I mean

like I don't know I would

have engineered it a little

bit differently and that's

all but I'm an overthinker

so that's my job that has

taken the place of spirit

of the games as the my

least interested award ever yes

it's not like I like the

concept of spirit of the

games yeah I just think in

the last few years it's

become a joke about who

they pick but I do that's

what I like that's what I

liked though about that at

least there was more input

being considered for that

yeah favorite you know I

mean like because because

of that it's like we we

would be like why did they

get it just because they

got injured you know like

now we get to, it's,

it's just going to be

whoever has the most

followers or whatever.

And that, you know,

that's assuming that people

are campaigning for themselves,

which I don't see that happening.

But if you haven't seen

Andrew Hiller is

campaigning for Dwan Young.


And wants to see her win it.

That would be awesome.

It's just a joke then, right?


It's like American Idol.

You pick someone way longer

than you thought, right?



But I think that's his point.

He's trying to make a point

that it's stupid.


If they do just go by Instagram followers,

it's going to be Danny Spiegel.

Danny Spiegel, yeah.

I think Tia has more.

Oh, okay.

But with followers,

you don't even know what's

real and what's not.

So now we got Denise Moore

coming in with Tia, Laura, Alexis.

Kind of similar to mine.

And then Corey, actually,

my heart really wants Shelby Neal,

Ariel Loewen, Alex Kazan.


And on the men's side,

his heart is picking Brandon Luckett,

Travis Mayer, James Sprague.

No way.

No way.

I know, but he's awesome.

Yes, 100%.

Yeah, I was just talking to Kyle Ruth,

who was saying that, you know,

TTC moved locations and

they closed United Performance and,

or not closed, TTC bought it.

So now the gym and the

training camp are one.


but Travis was moving the whole weekend,

like exhausted.

He's the one that put the flooring down,

the rig up, all that stuff.

And now he's going to the games.

It's his version of a deload.

CJ says,

the whole games this year has a

real Dunder Mifflin company

sports day vibe with

Castro's Michael Scott.

I kind of love it.

That's amazing.

I kind of love it.

That's my pick for the fan

vote comment of the week.



Fun fact,

I coach a guy named Michael Scott.

Do you really?

Yeah, he prefers to be called Mike,

and I'm like, never.

Michael Scott it is.

That's what she said.


That's great.

And speaking of like fan votes of the week,

I have talked to some

athletes and I've printed

off some pictures that

we've gotten over the last

couple of years.

And I'm going to get them

signed when we're at the

games so that we can give

them away on the show as prizes.

I also have some mint trading cards,

extra ones that are going to,

I'm going to get those signed as well.

And then those will be just

giveaways that we do throughout the year.

So I have like a really cool

picture of Ariel like

wrapped in the American flag.


Her podium last year.

She's agreed to sign some of those.

Oh, cool.

And so then we'll give those

away as prizes.


I do not get to coach the assistant to

the assistant regional manager.

I don't.

That's a good idea, Scott.

Maybe I can take some of my

favorite photos that I've

taken and like get them,

get them printed.

before I leave on Thursday.

That's a really good idea.

I like that.

It's also a way to get to

talk to some of the athletes too,

you know?


So I've talked to all of

these ahead of time and

there's no guarantee I'm

going to see them,

but I know like they're with,

and so I've like envelopes

ready with a pen, pictures, the cards,

and then I'll just hand the

envelope to the person they have there.

And that way when they go back to the room,

they can just hang out and

do it in the evening.

Are you putting like a

self-addressed stamped

envelope on the outside so

that you get it back or?

They've all told me that

they are going to get it back to me.


I mean,

cause we're in the media room or in

the media area on.

And so I'm sure people.


That's a good idea.

I'm going to,

I think I'm going to do that.

but I'm going to keep the idea.

I gave you the aerial one,

but there's a lot that are a surprise.

And so I'll keep those.


I won't be,

I won't be auctioning mine off

or I'll be keeping them for myself,

but it's a really good idea.

Maybe if I get,

maybe I'll get to one of each, you know,

two of each and I'll share them.

I have some that I can think about.

And like Danny Spiegel is

actually one of my favorite

pictures of hers,

her back with like her

tattoo that she's got on the back,

like the flowers.

And it's like a closeup and there's,

Even like Ellie Turner.

I have a really good one.

Ellie Turner.

I know she'll be there not competing,

but she's got like all

these beads of sweat on her face.

It's like a close-up super

detailed and it's just like

the coolest picture.

I'm going to do that.


a lot of mine are from either

eCapture who worked for us

at West Coast Classic this

year or Rosie View

Photography who worked for

us last year at the Games.

So better than anything I could take.


I like the idea.

I think it takes some good pictures too.

So any last question for you

guys and then we'll get

going is any predictions on

a workout announcement that

we haven't already seen?


I'm waiting for the what's

the weird movement upside down this year.


That's what I'm waiting for.

Did you see Royce Dunn

posted a video from Mayhem

and he was doing,

he had those little like

hurdle hop things and he was stepping,

they were sort of staggered

in a line and he had to

step over them doing the

handstand walking.

And I thought that was interesting.

And yeah, I don't know.

What will the, what will the weird.

movement be and and it will

be you know it'll be prime

time because and then we'll

be like oh god so is the

weird movement a boss thing

or is it a dave thing

because dave's done all the

individual programming well

I mean there's been weird

stuff in the past and there

was only one year that dave

wasn't doing it so I i

imagine that he still has

some influence on

And maybe not weird.

Maybe weird's not the right word,

but sort of the... When

they would do the handstand push-up.

Walk, handstand.

Kettlebell pierce post from Tori Leonard.

Got to be a max lift, right?

I don't think... This clean ladder.

That's going to be the fun one, I think.

Amanda variations.

I mean,

maybe they're going to do some

weird ring tricks.

tricks on the rings remember

handstand push-ups on the

rings if they bring back a

handstand push-up yeah yeah

that was uh especially

after the olympics being on

we don't want to we don't

want to highlight that no

that not on espn please

yeah that's what I'm saying

we'll get laughed off the

yeah we will off the camera

amanda with burpee ring

muscle-ups heavy amanda

Speaking of bring muscle ups, Amy,

what's your progress?


Still don't have one.

Still working on them.


But we did.

I was just going to say,

most of the time when I

work on them on Sundays,

we are not even attempting muscle ups.

We're mostly doing holds

like here to build up just

that last piece.


You know how we started this

show with the former Green

Beret who does sets of 10

ring muscle-ups?

He got his first muscle-up

by getting a pulley system

where he hooked rings to the pulley.

And he just kept adding

kettlebells to the other end of the rope.

And he would just do the

movement and build the strength.

That's interesting.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I love it.

So his first ring muscle-up was strict.


That probably will be mine.

And so we got to go to power,

power monkey.

I have one.

I have that.


And we have to go to the thing.


We could go save our money or,

or have someone sponsor us to go.

Corey really wants to Amanda.


That interview with the, with the guy.

And he was like, I'm 47.

I can't even string 10

muscle ups together.


That's crazy.

So, yeah.

All right.

Are we going to talk about

my level one or are we going to do that?

No, go, go, go.

Level one.

So, so I took my level one this weekend.

Um, uh, no, I didn't need to take it, but,


it's part of the CEU process to renew

your level three.

So I'm on my coming up on my

second three-year renewal

of my level three.

I actually had my level three since 2018.

That's awesome.

It's like a long time.


Um, but anyway, so I needed the CEUs and,

um, I called in a favor for some from,

from some friends at HQ, um,

And I got hooked up with the seminar.

So I went last weekend.

It was the hottest.

So when I took my level one,

it was in December.

And when I took my level two,

it was probably October.

I don't actually recommend

taking level one in an

on-air conditioned gym in

the summer because it is

not pleasant for anyone.

Here's my takeaways.

It was small.

There was only about 30 of us.

my first level one,

there were 60 of us easily six,

five or six seminar staff.

This was just three, one flow master, two,

two other staff.

And the other staff were pretty junior.

You know,

the one guy was pretty much the

demonstrator person.

And, and then the other, the other gal was,

that was like her third seminar.

So it was like a kind of an

immature group.

I was telling Amy before,

I remember when I first,

when I took my first level one,

I wanted to be on seminar staff.

Like I left,

that weekend being like, I want their job.

They are so cool and like

energetic and you know, whatever.

And I didn't get that

feeling this time around.

I don't know.

Maybe it's because I've just

been around the space for

so long and I'm sure there

were other people that were just excited.


I felt like an asshole because I was

the only one not taking

notes the whole time.

Like everyone's like,

every time they write

something on the whiteboard,

everyone's like on their

notebooks and I'm just kind of like,

did you have to take the test?

Yeah, I took the test.

The test wasn't easy.

I got a couple of questions wrong.

I hate to say that, but it was very much,

I give credit to anyone that passes it,


Because it reminded me,

it gave me a little bit of

PTSD from the level three,

like those questions,

the way they're worded and

some of the specificity

that they ask about.

And a lot of it,

some of it wasn't

completely covered in lecture, right?

You had to read that manual.

um, to get, to get it.

So yeah, it was, it was fun though.

I'm sore, so sore.

I mean,

your girl has not been fitnessing lately.

And so those breakout

sessions of front squats

and overhead squats and

medicine ball cleans and all that were,

uh, were a challenge.

And the,

the cat was not out of the bag

until like the second half

of the second day that I was a

six people coming around me at lunch,

asking me all these questions like,

you know, Oh, you know,

how did you do that?

And where's your gym?

And I felt like a real jerk saying that,

you know,

I had to unaffiliate the gym

that wasn't actually affiliated anymore.

And that kind of sucked.

Um, but it was, you know, it was,

I'm definitely reinvigorated.

I came back Monday morning

and I coached my ass off, you know,

more so than I had,

which I really needed.

So I think that was good, but it was,

you know, it was a good week.

I'm super hot.

Just, well,

it's a really badly written test.

It's just, um, CJ, it's very specific,


Um, you have to really,

you can't just kind of

browse the question and pick your answer.

You have to read the

question and understand the question, um,

what they're asking.

Cause a lot of times it's

like all the answers are right.

Um, but there was like a best answer.


And some people, I know if I go quickly,

I just see the question.

I see the first thing is like, Oh, yep,

that's it.

And it's like, Oh no, wait, slow down.

Um, do that.


Yeah, it was good.

It was a good experience.


I was happy to take it again.

Yeah, the first time I took the L1,

there was like 80 people there,

it felt like.

Yeah, it used to be huge.

But it felt like 160 because

the person beside me was so nervous,

she was shaking all the chairs.

Because Julie Fouché was there.

That's so cool.

Real quick too, guys,

and then I have to run.

I looked up,

I had to look up my CFID

online to register for the test, you know,

and I just went on my phone

and looked and I pulled up

my athlete dashboard and it said,

you know,

that I was in the open last year

under the affiliate of CrossFit Clarity.

And then in parentheses next to it,

it says departed.



yeah I started to cry a

little bit I was like I

have to renew I have to

earn forty five hundred

dollars and I have to get

my affiliate back because

that made me really sad

when I saw that crossfit

clarity departed like two

two things to finish this

show corey where's your

affiliate oh yeah funny

story about that and then

kenneth the lap the cat's

out of the bag should be

the name of a weekly

segment hey let's do it

yeah let's do it with that

all right thank you for

being here it's fun as

always you guys in the chat

make this show what it is

we'll see everybody

probably this weekend live

from fort worth see you soon bye guys