The Power Life Coach

The Power Life Podcast, hosted by Sabine Schoepke, takes listeners on a journey through personal reinvention and the delights of European travel. Sabine shares her experiences of traveling from Switzerland to Athens, emphasizing the affordability and ease of exploring Europe. A significant encounter with a fellow traveler on a flight to Athens becomes a pivotal moment for Sabine. This traveler, a seeker of life's meaning, challenges Sabine's perspective on what's most important in life, leading her to understand the profound value of choice in every aspect of our lives. Sabine's adventures in Athens, and her subsequent travels back through Milan to the Swiss Alps, illuminate her realization about living life consciously and making choices that align with one's desires and values. The podcast episode is a reflection on enjoying the journey of life, not just the destinations, and the power of conscious choice to shape our lives.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of The Power life. As I've been taking you along my journey of my own personal reinvention, I'm excited to take you on last week's trip to Switzerland, in Athens. So I went to Switzerland to pick up my daughter and her best friend. And from there, we drove to Milan, and then flew to Athens. And one of the reasons why I decided to move back to Europe was to do exactly that was to travel and to explore. And based on super cheap flights, like Friday flying from Milan to Athens, which costs about $20 for the two and a half hour flight. This luxury of exploration and city hopping in Europe is quite affordable and therefore possible. So you know, when you're exactly where you're meant to be, it's when you have the most incredible person randomly sitting next to you on a flight. Honestly, those were the most amazing two and a half hours of my life. I did not want this flight to end. It turned out the person next to me, was a seeker seeking the meaning of life. Now, going to Athens, I was convinced that he was a spiritual monk. However, after diving into the great philosophers of Greece, I want to say he was as much a philosopher, as he was a spiritual seeker. And here's the lesson I learned from him. He simply asked me, What's the most important thing in life? I thought about it for a second. And I answered with love. He smiled. And he also kindly and gracefully shook his head. The answer was choice. The realization that we have the power of choice, all day long, we function on autopilot. We have habits. And we mostly do things. Because that's just how we do them. There are no thoughts and energy wasted. We forget that everything we do, is based on a choice. And I love that lesson. It definitely gave me something to think about. I want to say, a new perspective. I got off that plane was a new friend, and definitely on a spiritual high. My days in Athens were amazing. I can only recommend going to Athens for the food, the people, the history of that philosophy. And I will definitely post some pictures on Instagram from my trip. And I will go back to Greece, and I will explore some of the islands and definitely visit my new friend. Now, fast forward five days later, we went back to Milan, I drove back from Milan, to Lugano in Switzerland. And I dropped off my daughter and her best friend and made my way back from Lugano to the German Alps, where you have to go over the Godhead pass the mountain pass through the Godhead tunnel. It's an incredible mountain range. And the drive from Bellinzona of the Swiss part of I mean of the Italian part of Switzerland to the Goddard tunnel is just absolutely breathtaking. The gutter tunnel, the one depart for the cars is about 10 miles long, and it's the second second longest tunnel in the world. It's actually four, they have a separate tunnel for the trains. And that's the longest one in the world. I think it's about 15 miles long. But on my way up there. I was so stunned by the beautiful villages that are built into those mountains. The architecture of the stone houses is so special and it's very particular to that region of Switzerland, which just called it to Chino it's again, it's the Italian part of Switzerland. While I was driving by myself, I kept saying out loud. Oh my god, this is so good. utiful over and over again. And I thought, how cool would it be to just check out these little villages, maybe have a coffee? Now, just get home, if about three and a half hours to drive. And then it occurred to me, what the hell was I doing? There was nobody waiting for me at home, why not go explore it, it really didn't matter whether it was going to get back in three and a half, four and a half or five hours, or even the next day. And this is what we're starting to come full circle with this entire trip. I realized my brain was still so goal programmed. I had changed geographically, I'd moved from LA to Europe. Mindset wise, I was still in LA. Do you know the saying, you can take the girl out of the city, but you can take the city out of the girl. That was me. I wasn't making any conscious decisions. I was still on La autopilot. For me, it was all about the rhinovirus. Let's get that maybe we can beat the GPS. That was my head. And I realized that and I was shocked. I immediately took the next exit. And I went exploring the beautiful village of San bernandino. And I was in awe. And I was so happy. I was happy to explore about all so happy that I realized what was going on. And what came next was something we have all heard a million times. And honestly,

I think it's so cliche, and it's really annoying.

But I have to admit, for the first time ever, it really hit me. And it made total total sense. Here comes we need to enjoy the journey. Life is not about the destination. Annoying, right? This trip, and even the drive home wasn't about the final destination. I didn't go on this trip. So I could get back home. This wasn't a race. There was no finish line. I wasn't competing with anybody. There was nobody waiting for me it was stupid. So the next important question is, how do we change that behavior? Especially in midlife? How do we stop to smell the roses? How do we get to actually enjoy this journey of life instead of constantly focusing on the destinations. Now this is where my new friend comes in. By realizing that we do have a choice.

Now this is where my new friend comes in. By realizing that we do have a choice. And really, that's only part of the thing that's important. Because even more importantly, realizing that we have a choice is one thing, but actually making a choice is another thing. And the really, really, really important part of all of this is we need to make a conscious choice. Isn't that cool? How this all ties in together? Because after realizing that, I started to make conscious choices all over my day. Like really simple stuff like how do I get out of bed on autopilot? Well, then get back into bed and start over. Really feel your feet touch the ground. Do they feel a little stiff, a little tight. circle them around, circle those ankles before you put your entire body weight on them. consciously decide on how you spend your morning. Mix things up. Consciously break out of your habitual doing and change your routines just do things differently. I check in with yourself. What does your body need, what feels good to you? And what feels good to you today might be different, what feels good to you tomorrow? And then choose, don't just do. It's about having an inner dialogue. Ask yourself, okay, hold on. Why am I doing this? Is this really what I want? Is this in line with how I want to live my life.

This has felt good to me.

Once I got back to my beloved mountains, I was standing in a supermarket, it was about 3pm. And I was starving. I looked at a freshly baked pastries, and they looked amazing. But I stopped myself, I practiced what I had just come up with. I checked in with myself. Was this in line with what I knew that was good for me right now? Was this really going to satisfy me? And the answer was no, it was a quick fix. Instant gratification, give me a little sugar. But what I really craved was some substance, some real food. So I chose not to go for the cakes, but for steak, and freshly roasted vegetables instead. And I kept the cake for a later option for the afternoon, with some tea. From there on, I started to have this constant inner dialogue with myself. It's kind, it's loving, and it's nurturing. But more importantly, it's the voice of freedom, the freedom to choose consciously, and with that, design a life that I truly love. So now for this week, I want you to lean into the power that you have, that we all have the power of choice. And again, more importantly, choose consciously. Have a dialogue with yourself, like you would with somebody that you actually love. Be the architect and the tenant of real life. And when in doubt, ask yourself, Is this in line with how I want to live my life? I wish you all an amazing week. Choose consciously and enjoy it.