Strong Opinions Weekly Held

For those of you who aren't aware. I have an internet troll. Her name is Ali, and she is my wife.

She is hilarious and people have asked me to have her on so we decided to give it a try. Hope you enjoy!



What is Strong Opinions Weekly Held?

The watercooler for ideas, opinions, and fun topics as it relates to product, design, and engineering in the world of software...and maybe more. Guess we will find out!

Alright, another week, another episode.

This one's gonna be a fun one.

You may recognize her
from my Twitter replies.

But we're gonna have a good time
this week because on this week,

Episode 7, Strong Opinions.

Episode 7, Strong Opinions Weekly Held.

This is my wife.

Let's do it!

Ladies and gentlemen, this.

Ladies and gentlemen, you asked.

And, uh, ready or not, you are about
to receive, you may recognize her.

Uh, from my replies constantly.

Uh, with her sick burns,
but this is my wife.

Allie king.

Sup nerds.

Oh, okay.

Let's not be belligerent.

Keep it, keep it in the replies.

Um, we have a list of
some things to talk about.

And we're just going to talk
about them and just see.


I have a boat in Vickery.

Review and this bot guests, because I
have beautifully decorated our home.


Right, right.

And you pick.


Where are you like haphazardly?


This poster.

And this is what you show the world.

So well, Okay.

In my defense.


This is the rest of the room
for those of you wondering.

Allie is a fantastic.

Fantastic interior designer and
the rest of our house is beautiful.

And maybe one day, one day,
we can do a, a studio tour.

If you will.

Nailed it.

Okay, but it's also lighting.

There's a lighting issue because
I don't have fancy lights.

Because I don't want to
spend money on it yet.


And during the day that is like the world.

That's a nice window.

So it's backlighting so I got to do
this so that I'm not backlit, so at

least I have like decent lighting.


Does that work for you?




If you want it.


So we've got a list of these things.

Um, and we're going to just, I'm
going to pick a couple Allie, if

you want to jump in at any time.

That felt weird calling you Allie.

Um, he did that.

Babe, if you want to pick, uh, any of
these at any time you just hop on into,

um, so like to add a disclaimer that I
had no warning about this, that I was

literally rocking the baby to sleep.

And I get, Hey.

We're going to rope court.

APOD guests.

The tonight felt like
the best night for it.



Went to get the kids have gone down.

Monday Monday night.

Okay on Tuesdays, we
have soccer, Wednesdays.

We have church.

And Thursdays, we have soccer again
and then Friday, it's the weekend.

Like we're not recording a podcast.


Contact like five to seven
business days ahead of time.

Just to keep me, I got to keep you on.

You got to keep you on your toes.

You're too clever.

I got to have some chance.

I'm just going to go with
the, the first bullet point.

It's just a mantra of the king family.

This is rule number one in the king veins.

Rule number one.

But there's a reason why it's rule
number one, it is not always been rule.

Number one.

It is.

Rule it happened.

Oh, was it a summer or was it.

No, it was the fall.

It really doesn't matter.

It was, it does matter because
of what happened that day.

Or that week.

Uh, it was fall.

We had just had Palmer.


And on Monday I had this great idea
to go to the store and get steaks.

And I cooked.

Fantastic steaks.

And some twice big potatoes.

And Neil was nothing to
remember other than it.

It was literally the best
thing that you could have.

That's the whole reason.

This is what it is.

All right.

It was the best thing that you
could make for a meal at home?

It was steak.

It was potatoes.

It was fantastic.

It's all the stuff we love.

And we had it on a Monday.

And that week proceeded to be.

The worlds.

Worst week, it felt like Palmer.

She was like an infant infant.

For four or five months at the
time, we're talking blow outs,

bad attitudes, bad sleeping.

I think the air conditioner.

Conditioning broke for a day.

Car died.

And then to cap off the week,
a tree fell on our house.

Um, I forgot that.


No it was that week.

That's why we did this.

So now the Kings have a mantra
that we say no steak on Monday.

That's the rule.

And it means more than obviously just
no steak, but it's like, okay, we

don't do the highlight of our week.

Start here and expect in here.

I'm sorry.

So just delightfully mediocre Monday.

And then your days are just like, oh,
Tuesday was a little bit better and you

just kind of inch on up so Friday and the
weekend, you're just rocking and rolling.


So that's, that's the king mantra.

No steak on Mondays.

I have filets Monday.

I have.

The world's greatest idea for like an app.

Oh, snap.

And ladies and gentlemen,
this is unplanned.


That's what I'm planning
is on the list yet.


Where is it?

This one.

That's one in an app.




She said it's.

She said it's on the, we've never
talked about it being an app.


And, you know, it.


Lay it on me.

This is a good one.

This is a good idea.

This in an app form.


Clearly you were all the people
to talk to get as my people.

Well, you called everyone
nerds, tick things off.

So I don't know how well their.

How does it feel knowing you've probably
like double or tripled your audio?

Just because I'm sitting next to you.


So anyhow.

We don't have.

I have to talk about that.

And I try to do this thing where we take
our day in like 20 minute increments.


You have to look at those 20 minutes and
think was that a win or was that a loss?

And so whether it be like the kids
are in a great mid there, you.

You know, happy everybody ate really
well, or I don't know, whatever it is.

You know, you get a win,
you give yourself a point.


And if it's.

Easy to tell if it's an L.

I mean, it's, we're a loss like meltdowns.

We're in the midst of potty
training or two year old.

So we're taking a lot of ELLs.


But then you could lose a point and
I want to be able to calculate at

the end of the day, if it was a win.

Or a loss.

Because honestly the record man.

And wait, it gets better.

You can be friends with
all of your parent friends.

And y'all can all see who had.

Like what their scores were.

And tell what the loss was.

It's just, it's better.

I want to know, and then I can give
shout outs to people like, whoa, fourth

quarter, you really coming in hot.

Could it have a big turnaround?

You're not saying.

It's a million dollar.

And like a good way to build a parent
community and I wanted to happen.


We'll throw all these other
projects you're doing.

We'll throw in a mountain
tip, rest button or whatever.

I don't know.

We'll throw it to the audience.

You can tell us you, you can just reply.

Why don't y'all reply to Allie's Twitter.

She loves that.

I only loves it when y'all
reply to her Twitter.

I think at least once a day.

Logs on to Twitter or X or whatever.

And she goes,

Not reading Twitter folks, by the way,
she is specifically talking about like

replying to me and making fun of me.

But, uh, she, she always logs on and
goes, why is my Twitter feed just full

of all of these nerdy computer things?

I don't think I said nerdy, but.

Point point.

Needless to say, because
it, I feel like it's karma.

You know, like you can't sit
there and like engage with my

content by making fun of me.

And have all of these techie, uh,
product D people like your stuff.

And then like, it's a,
it's a for you feed now.

So like, I needed to go back.

That's the bonus is you
get to make fun of me.

The curse is now you just
got your feet all messed up.

And need to go back to like bachelorette.

And Auburn.

Football basketball stuff.

Like that's really all on there.

You know, we'll we we'll see if we
can get your feedback to reality TV.

I'm a righty.

Um, Okay.

But yes.

Okay, great.

It's a great app idea.

I love it.

I think it will be wonderful.

Um, I don't know how to build.

Um, apps you tell her.

Before for a phone right now,
but I'm sure somebody does.

I am, you know, with AI these days, it
can, it can tell me how to deal with.


But don't hold your breath, everybody.

They bring initiative into this.

I get out my laundry list.


I think this one should be like a
recurring segment for our podcast

because yes, we're going to say.

Our podcast holding the phone.

Let me tell you, she.

She always has something funny
to say, she's not gonna run

out of her humor anytime soon.

I want to talk about this
as a recurring segment.

Parenting fails because I
have a good one this week.

And I probably will have a good one every
week because I'm, if y'all don't know,

Allie is a kindergarten teacher, which
means not only is she like an incredible

human, but she's also like really good
with small children, 95% of the time.

So like most parenting field stories.

The five.

Oh, okay.

W Hey.

I have a little


you know,


Most parenting field stories will be mine.

Because of, uh, the choices that
I make, but I had this great idea.

I had a really great idea
this week, week, baby.

I heard Wilson playing in Palmer's room.

We have Magna-Tiles, which if y'all
don't know, are these like little plastic

things with magnets in them and you can
connect them and build towers and stuff.

Um, and towers and stuff.

So we needed that.

So Wilson's in there playing Magna-Tiles
and as you well know, Wilson's

favorite thing to do is when Palmer,
our oldest who's five, Wilson is too.

Is playing with Magna-Tiles.

He will come in and he
will just smash them.

Like he will just come in and he
will crash them and then he'll

laugh and she'll get mad and
then we'll have to deal with it.

And it's about as fun as it sounds.

Well, you could put that in the app
and that would be considered a lot.


So Wilson's in there building, Magna-Tiles
and I'm holding Davis, our youngest.

Who's about to be one and.

I think.

Here's a chance for Wilson to
learn a good lesson, Harma karma.

You know, you keep knocking over
Palmers, making her frustrated, not

understanding why she's frustrated,
or maybe you do understand.

And you're just a little sadistic child.

Sometimes it happens.

And so I think, well, I'm just
going to put Davis in there.

Davis is going to crash his
Magna-Tiles tower, and then he's

going to understand he's going to
be like, wow, I feel frustrated.

I don't like that he did that.

And then I can come in and just drop
some parenting advice of like, Hey son.

You know, how Davis did that and
that made you feel frustrated.

That's what happens when you do it?

The Palmer and Palmer feels frustrated.

It's a lot of self-reflection
for a two year old.

I applaud the effort.

I have thought it was a great idea.

And, you know, as you can tell Allie
kind of would've known beforehand whether

it was going to turn out great or not.

And so I'm there.

I dropped Wilson off, uh, Davis off
to Wilson and I like go out of the

room and walk around the corner.

I mean, he's like waiting.

I'm going to around the corner, just
so excited because I'm about to hop

in and I'm about to be like, Ha karma.

Uh, but instead what I hear is crash.

And then I hear Wilson laughing.

And then I hear both of them
laughing in, more crashing.

Turns out Wilson just thought what Davis
did was hilarious still and continued

to crash the Magna-Tiles with him.


The thing I don't get.

It's like that's typical of bullies.

Like you have a brother
and don't tell, okay.

Knocking over towers.

Wouldn't be hilarious.

Did two small boys.

It was going to be so good.

And then it wasn't no one.

It wasn't really one.

But, you know, if that's
your biggest fail.

Then, you know, what.

I'm going to give us a
point in the way in college.

Yeah, nobody was angry.

Oh, you're that's fair.

Nobody was yelling.

Nobody was upset.

So I didn't, I didn't get to correct
him, but at least they had a good time.

I feel like fails or, you know,
like a little bit more substantial.

Okay, so now you're, now you're giving me
a hard time about my parenting fail story.

Just saying like, The town Wilson
got a Sharpie here, office.


On your watch.

That feels like a failed to me,
but, you know, But that was a fail.

But that.

Clearly Allie is Allie
pulls out her notebook.

Well, well, let me talk
about October the fourth.

All right.

Well, okay.

Enough of my stories then Ms.


Why don't you tell me a story?

Got any good ones.


I mean, All right.

I know you've got to have
a funny one from school.

Tell me, tell me, um, oh,
uh, tell me about that.

Uh, the VHS one.

Okay, well,

We are studying 3d shapes in
kindergarten, which is super fun.

They get to unit.

Pick them up, understand things.

Aren't just circles, squares, you
know, give them real names like.

Cylinders fear, rectangular prism.


And it asks the kids the
important stuff, right?

Big time.

You know, so they can build this tower.

Their magnet.

Um, so.

We had some pictures we were looking
at from our math curriculum and it

was like police identify, which one
of these is a rectangular prism.



Do you have the photo?

I got to enter in into evidence.

Uh, we just finished
watching presumed innocent.

So now everything Allie talks about
is in the form of like a trial.


So where's the camera.

Here we go, guys.

You say it right?

Yeah, I think they can say.

They were like, oh, that's
a rectangular prism.

And I just happened to take the
teaching moment and say, let's,

let's do a pause for a minute.

Can somebody tell me what this is.

And they were like,


And then, you know, you started
having a couple people start raising

their hands and I'm like, oh, okay.

Yeah, tell me what it is.

And they're like, that's a tablet.

And I was like, Hmm.

Um, and then somebody raises
their hand and we're like, oh,

you listen to music on that.

And I was like,

And so they were like, well,
we don't know what that is, Ms.


And I was like, all right,
well time for me to tell you,

I said, that's a VHS tape and.

When I was little, you had to rent
them or shut up on blockbuster.

I know I've talked about how every
Friday night we went to movie

gallery, you got to rent a movie
and, you know, He put it in the VCR.

You can just press a button on your TV.

And somebody had the audacity to
look at me and say, that's how you

watched movies in the olden days.

I don't remember you telling me that.

You are correct.

However Ms.

King is not old.

And we swiftly moved on.

They can not, not at all.

Handle it anymore.

We've got a birthday this month.

I won't say his or how old she is.

I think that's enough for tonight.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for.

I got to stop saying that.

Uh, this.

The most chaotic.

Thing in the world.

It was good though.

It was good.

I liked it.

I thought it turned out great.

Uh, we have ice cream to go eat.

And we have more, we
will have more episodes.

And in fact, The ice cream
thing is a bit of a ritual.

Um, For us and we have lots of those.

So maybe next time, we'll just
talk about all of our king family

rituals, as well as just the fact
that I think everybody loves a good

ritual, especially if you're a parent.

You also wearing out the word ritual.


Chill out, man.

We will, we will dig into that next
time, but ritual's a good word.


I'm just saying.

The plane.

I'm just land it, landing
it I'm landing it.

Rituals are good.


We like rituals.

One more time.

We like rituals.


Thanks everybody have a good night.