The Choosing Ease Podcast

Adina, an ELEVATE graduate and human design expert, shares her journey of overcoming self-doubt and increasing her confidence as a business coach. Through belief work and receiving help, Adina was able to shift her mindset and launch a successful group program, doubling her revenue in the process. She also discovered the power of speaking in front of other people's audiences and the importance of doing things her own way. Adina's advice to her past self is to ask for help and receive it without feeling ashamed or inadequate.

In this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast, we talk about:
  • Belief work and receiving help can lead to a shift in mindset and increased confidence.
  • Launching a successful program requires doing things in your own way and detaching from the outcome. 
  • Speaking in front of other people's audiences can be a powerful way to attract clients and generate leads. 
  • Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a way to grow and learn. 
  • It's important to challenge the belief that success has to be hard and embrace the idea that it can be easy and joyful. 

Tune in to the full episode.

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What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.

Relinde Moors:

I'm live today with the amazing Adina. Adina is, Elevator Thrive graduate. She is an amazing friend. She is an amazing coach. And Adina is a human design expert, a most amazing 1, a belief coach, and a business coach.

Relinde Moors:

She has, in the past year, done some amazing things, doubled her revenue. She has launched her group program and filled it like with super ease and flow and people that wanna stay on and like all the things. So we're gonna talk about all of that. Adena, welcome. Is there anything in your introduction that you wanna share that I didn't say?

Adina Kroll:

No. You said everything beautifully. Thank you so much for having me here.

Relinde Moors:

It's so nice to have you here. We've been working together, and, I would love to know from you. Like, we already wrote I've set some points, but what is it in your words? Like, what is it that you feel has shifted and how come?

Adina Kroll:

Oh my god. So much. I had a really big stint of losing a lot of my confidence. Like, a really big stint. Everything was going really like, as we know in our entrepreneurial journeys, everything kind of went up, and then all of a sudden

Relinde Moors:


Adina Kroll:

I had this stint where anything that could go wrong would go well, wrong, quote, unquote. Right? But that's how it felt, and it really dented my confidence. It dented my confidence in selling, which kind of, as a sales expert,

Relinde Moors:

Didn't feel congruent. Yeah.

Adina Kroll:

Right. It didn't feel congruent, which was a huge thing, that we then later found out because 1 of the things that I sort

Relinde Moors:

of have was just like,

Adina Kroll:

man, how can I sell to people if I don't feel that I'm good enough at doing these things? Like, how can I coach? And I just basically had, like, a huge identity crisis if you Yeah.

Relinde Moors:

Can I stop you there for a moment? Because I, first of all, just wanna say thank you for sharing that honestly, because I was talking about this with somebody yesterday, and it's almost like we always have to keep it up. And this is part of entrepreneurship. We have all been there. I've been there.

Relinde Moors:

There's moments that I think, you know, that that the world comes down and then on me, and then it comes back up. But you were in that point.

Adina Kroll:


Relinde Moors:

This is already now a little while ago, but yeah. Where you felt like, okay, my confidence is down and I'm a sales expert. And why am I not selling as much as I would want to? Yeah. Yeah.

Adina Kroll:

Yeah. So that was a huge thing for me, and I am and I was working with a couple of people, but, basically, what has happened is that I never really got deep enough to understand what was actually the root cause. And then, you know, you you being you, you just, like, okay. Well, let's try. Let's look at what's underneath.

Adina Kroll:

And I'm, like, okay. Okay. Okay. Great. And so you were really, really good with these things and so an ETA and then the belief sessions and all of these things.

Adina Kroll:

And what essentially has happened is there were a plethora of good memes. When I have attached a sense of identity to, and I'm gonna I hope does it make sense if I share what those beliefs are?

Relinde Moors:

Yeah. I think that's amazing. Please share. Yeah.

Adina Kroll:

So some of the beliefs that that came up were these things that that might I must always disappoint people. Right? Anyone who knows me or is been following Linda for a little while knows that when I hear these things, I look at my human design immediately, and I'm like, okay. Well, that's such a typical 5th life problem. Yeah.

Adina Kroll:


Relinde Moors:


Adina Kroll:

Excuse me. And, 1 of yeah. So 1 of them was that I must always be a disappointment, that I'm a failure, that I can't be, you know, earning too much money because that would mean that I'm arrogant and all of these things. And I'm like, where do all of these things come from? And you did such a great job at helping me release these things because I didn't even know that they were that they were there.

Adina Kroll:

I didn't I didn't realize because I was too afraid to go there myself.

Relinde Moors:

Yeah. Yeah. Which makes sense because you can get lost in it. It can feel overwhelming if you don't have a pathway out of it and shifting them and actually in empowering beliefs. Yeah.

Relinde Moors:

Beautiful. We did a lot of deep work on that. So I also am happy to share, like, Adena is also certified in my method, which are not a lot of people yet because that is something that I've only done with people that I already knew. But so we did a you the belief work that I do across everything, across, like, everything I've worked on with my clients, if I work with them 1 on 1 or in ETA, and that is what we did, and that's how those shifted. So when those beliefs started to shift, so you shifted, the belief.

Relinde Moors:

Do you remember what you shifted it to or what kind of beliefs you shifted it to that runs around, disappointing people, for example?

Adina Kroll:

1 of them was definitely around trusting my intuition. Just feeling that, I think 1 of them was really cool and I've written it down somewhere, but I, like, I'm gonna paraphrase myself and not very well. That's a weird thing to do. 1 of them was that I am I am wise and I can trust myself, and that my words are powerful.

Relinde Moors:

Oh my god. And III just love it because I'm right away. I'm like, with what you're doing right now and your new group program, the Rebel Rebellion Academy, and, like, everything that you're doing, this is your reels on Instagram. Like, everything that you're putting out there, it is just I just see that. Like, it just 1 on 1 reflected so that inner shift is totally manifesting.

Adina Kroll:

Oh, I feel it too. Yeah. Yeah. 100%.

Relinde Moors:

Yeah. Let's talk for a moment. So you had those inner shifts. You you feel different. I mean, we already said this year, you doubled your revenue.

Relinde Moors:

Like, tell me about that. Like, how does that influence your business? Did you feel so different and believe so different?

Adina Kroll:

I mean, tell me anyone who would be like, no, I don't really know.

Relinde Moors:

Yeah. And it's still good to see, like because we can do only mindset work. We can do a lot, like, work on ourselves, but still not do anything to sell. So but you did. Like, what what happened?

Adina Kroll:

Well, I think I think to explain really well how it really affects me, I have to share what happened before, like, as I was still as I was still feeling a little bit dented in my confidence. And the thing is, it's not that I that obviously, I've gained new skills, you know. I've I've got my belief coaching. I'm nearly done with my NLP masters, practitioner course, etcetera, etcetera. So, obviously, I've gained skills along the way.

Adina Kroll:

But when I felt really, really, like, low in terms of I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy, and all of these things that I don't know enough. If you have a 1 in your profile, that's a big 1 for you, otherwise. When I felt all of these things, for some reason, I had so many ideas of, like, programs that I could do. I've been sitting on a group program for I mean, how long have we been talking about it when we had, like, private masterminds together? Years.

Adina Kroll:


Relinde Moors:

It seems like 2 years or something. Yeah.

Adina Kroll:

It was ridiculous. And every time I'm like, yes, I wanna do a group program, but every time I had an idea for a group program, I'm just like and and I and I then got ready, and I then had the steps, and I then did the thing. Obviously, I did something to sabotage myself. Mhmm. I didn't see it at the time that that's what I was doing because, you know, at that point, you think all of your excuses are valid.

Adina Kroll:

And you're just like, oh, no. I can't do this thing because, there's this other thing that suddenly needs attention and, you know, you kinda justify distracting yourself. And it's it's hindsight is always really beautiful to see. Right? And you were always very good at sort of, like, redirecting my thoughts and being like, are you sure about this?

Adina Kroll:

And so what happened is that for, like, a whole year, as I was going through this, I wouldn't sell anything. And then I was bitching about not making as much money as I would like. Right? But

Relinde Moors:

you wouldn't you have all the ideas, but you wouldn't be selling it, and you would have this feeling of I need to know more and all that. Yeah.

Adina Kroll:

No. A huge pattern for me was definitely this whole thing of, like, I'm not making as much money as I would like to do. I'm not growing. I'm not scaling in the way that I wouldn't do, but I also wasn't making any offers. But in my head, I'm just like, but I've been putting out a post once.

Adina Kroll:

I don't know. And don't get me wrong. Like, I've been there before, and it's very easy for me to see this for other people when I'm doing this work. But boy, is it hard to see this for yourself. Yeah.

Relinde Moors:

That's why and then our coaches working with coaches, there's not a 0% shame on that. We all do it, and it's so important.

Adina Kroll:

It's the best thing I can.

Relinde Moors:

Hey. I remember that at that point, we also sat together and created your methods.

Adina Kroll:


Relinde Moors:

And that we also then, after that, created the offer. I remember that you were like, I wanna do a scoop up. We did that in 1 session. Yeah. It was pretty quick and swift.

Relinde Moors:

Yep. And we created your, offer for the Wealth Rebellion Academy, and then you basically just sold it.

Adina Kroll:

That was the easiest thing. Well, I gave myself yeah. First of all, so the the thing that you're so good at, and it's part of your design. Like, you're so good at conceptualizing and systemizing and doing all of these beaut beautiful things because because that's what, like, your design is like. Right?

Adina Kroll:

That I really struggle putting the things that are in my head and saying these things. I really struggle with these things. And so when I then said, like, Alina, it's this thing that I have, and I don't know how to say this thing. I know. Yeah.

Adina Kroll:

Yeah. Yeah. Sure. And you just do the same.

Relinde Moors:

Messaging. Like, what is the program about? Who is it for? Like, how do we wrap it up? What is the transformation that people gonna get?

Relinde Moors:

That's what you mean. Right?

Adina Kroll:

Yeah. You just, like, Harry Potter it. And I'm like, oh, that's nice. Like, I've been sitting on this for so many months. Like, she's good, and here you are.

Adina Kroll:

You're like, oh, yeah. That's easy. So that was really cool. What has then happened is that over the time and this was as I was doing relief work as well, because I don't think I would have necessarily been ready to allow it to be that easy. I think that that was such a big thing.

Relinde Moors:

Oh, I love that. To allow it to be easy. It's like almost like it should be complicated.

Adina Kroll:

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And so at that point, we've done so much belief work on these things already. And, I think because because there were so many shifts, like, these layers, this, like, belief onion Yeah.

Adina Kroll:

That we've been slowly peeling away at, I think that was what really allowed me to sort of, like, be very receptive to, like, oh, yeah. Here's this 1 method. Because this program that has then been selling so easily for me, and I'm launching again for the second time, and it's, like, the most chill launch. I gave myself 2 months to launch it, kinda talked about it, but I had the perfect number of people in it anyway. And I didn't even much sell it.

Adina Kroll:

I have a Google Doc that I sold it from. It's the most amazing. I love that.

Relinde Moors:

You created a PDF. Yeah. And you sent out, I remember, 1 or 2 emails. And you're like, Belinda, I already have a pay in full

Adina Kroll:

That was before I had a pay in full. Yeah. Yeah. That was before I even wrote the the the Google document where people can look at everything. I'm like, guys, I was ill.

Adina Kroll:

At that point, I was ill too.

Relinde Moors:

Oh, yeah.

Adina Kroll:

And I'm like, guys, I was ill, and I was going to launch this thing. But if, you know, if you wanna know about it, dude, like, just send me a message. So the typical projector messaging, and I already had the pay in full in, like, that was the easiest sale ever. It was magical.

Relinde Moors:

Like, maybe you feel that it feels like a lot, but it's like your way of projector is, like, just sharing it. I mean, like, hey. This thing is available, which works perfectly for you, and people just come in. Right?

Adina Kroll:

That's Yeah. It's not an aggressive launch for me. But when I say, like, 2 months to launch for me is I basically give myself so much time to be like, if I if I don't talk about it for 2 or 3 days, that's okay because I'm giving myself 2 months to talk about it in my timeline, not like 2 months every day aggressively. That doesn't cut that wood burning out. I'm I'm not that big of an energy projector.

Relinde Moors:

Well, what the beautiful thing is I think what happens here right now is just that, and that is what both you and I talk about a lot. And what we talked about is, well, you have to do it your way. That is just everybody just is like, okay. This lands for me this way. This is what a launch is for me.

Relinde Moors:

For me, a launch is doing, like, a beautiful 5 day event. And then I give myself also personally, I give myself 3 to 4 weeks to really talk about, new cohort of Elevator Swipes. So, you know, we all have a different way of doing that. Yeah. But, above all, and I just wanna share Ingmar's comment because he said, I'm here to real these real stories are motivating and inspiring.

Relinde Moors:

And I love that you say that this way, Ingmar, because that is the idea of this, the real stories. And I love that you shared that, Adena. Also, I remember that some nice things that partnerships happened. At 1 point, we talked and I was like, you know what? You need to go and talk and and speak in front of people because you're really good at them being invited in other people's communities.

Relinde Moors:

Do you wanna share about that a little bit?

Adina Kroll:

I'd love to. Yeah. So during the pandemic, I have felt so lonely. Because naturally, you know, suddenly, every every avenue where I could meet people in person was just taken away, and, obviously, for everyone. So it's not like for me, but it's you know?

Adina Kroll:

I have felt so incredibly lonely that I have completely forgotten that the way that I always got most of my sales was when I was on podcasts, blog posting for other people, when I was doing workshops for other people, when I was showing up in other people's groups. And that was like because it always felt like such a fun exchange for me. And and and when I say forgot, I literally forgot that that is how I Yeah. That that is how I did it because I'm just like, okay. Well, now I have to just do online, just do marketing, and just do all of these things that everyone else is doing.

Adina Kroll:

And I just it was it I was pulling my hair out at the time because, for anyone who does know human design a little bit, being a human design projector means that your marketing works very, very differently to, like, the approach anyway, very, very differently to other people. Doesn't mean that every being what am I doing wrong? Every time I'm touching something, people would go away. They would start being angry. They would get really, really frustrated with me, and I'm like, what is happening?

Adina Kroll:

And I didn't do any partner events. And so then you mentioned something like, Adena, you need to go and, get in front of people's audiences again. And, obviously, I had a ton of resistance at that at first because, you know, when you don't feel good enough, you're just like, I can't speak in front of other people's person. They have nothing worth to say. There's a lot of the stuff that I, dealt with in terms of my sabotaging behaviors that had to do with, like, I don't know enough.

Adina Kroll:

What I have to say isn't good enough. Righty, righty, right. And so speaking in front of other people's audience always felt like a huge leap for me because I'm just like, will anyone wanna hear what I have to say? And so that's kind of, oh, what came up? And then eventually, I, again, as we this this is always under the layer of we're doing, like, belief sessions and coaching and all of these things in between.

Adina Kroll:

And, eventually, some of these beliefs broke down, and I'm like, okay. I'm ready. I'm gonna go and reach out to a few people, and I completely detached from the outcome. I just wouldn't be like, you know what? If they say no, whatever.

Adina Kroll:

If people don't want me, it doesn't mean anything about me as a person. It doesn't mean that they're not good enough, and that was a huge deal for me because all of a sudden, I could just go and be like, hey. Could you use a workshop about human design and belief work, etcetera etcetera in in in your group about scaling and what have you? And suddenly people started saying yes. And the first first couple of people, I'm like, someone said

Relinde Moors:

yes. And I also remember that we then worked on, hey. How is it not just a workshop, but also, like, a lead generation opportunity. So how can you teach something super valuable and then create that? I I just got that image.

Relinde Moors:

I was like, oh, yeah. We went in and, like, created, like you created, obviously, the workshop, but we went together. And how do we put that together? So that an event like that also actually leads to new leads, new clients.

Adina Kroll:

And it was a paid event too.

Relinde Moors:

Yeah. Oh, yeah. You got paid, and you got a client from the 1 of my And

Adina Kroll:

I got a client from that, yeah, who I'm still working with who Yeah.

Relinde Moors:

Who Yeah.

Adina Kroll:

Yeah. Not long ago. So that was it it's it's honestly it was such an easy and fun way of doing things, and I think 1 of the biggest, biggest keys that I still have to remind myself of. I don't think that'll ever completely go away because I you know, growing up in like this, probably, like, in any in any culture, you know, you just like you've learned that things kinda have to be a certain amount of, like, rigidness and hardness for them to be worth it, and that's certainly what I've learned in my family growing up. And it's just like, well, if it's easy, then clearly it's not worth it kind of things.

Adina Kroll:

And so I always have to remind myself of this, and I keep having to, reinforce this positive belief that, yeah, it gets to be easy. It gets to be fun. It gets to be joyful, these things. Like, none of this thing has to feel like I'm breaking sweat and blood and tears every time because, I don't know who said that, but, whoever said it, please consider yourself quoted. That it's not making money in business isn't hard.

Adina Kroll:

People make it hard. And it I feel that so much.

Relinde Moors:

I love that so much. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Relinde Moors:

Okay. Well, double your revenue. Launch a group program. Launching it again. I have seen somebody said I think that's Shelley.

Relinde Moors:

Love that. Detaching yourself from the outcome and breakthrough in your beliefs, not being anymore like, hey. I am a failure if I don't have XYZ, but actually having that inherent works. Amazing, Adena. I'm so grateful for you sharing your story and sharing this with us.

Relinde Moors:

It's always fun in any capacity to work with you, and I'm grateful. I'm so happy that everything we did together had such amazing results. Is there anything else you wanna say before we end this live for today?

Adina Kroll:

Oh, god. I mean, there are probably so many things that I wanna say, but, like, where do I start again?

Relinde Moors:

Maybe, love me, ask you this question. I asked it yesterday as well. If you would go back to what is it? You know, 1 and a half years ago, more than a year ago, and to the Adena that was there, like, feeling, for a moment, like, having that insecurity moment and having all these things going on. And, what advice would you give her today?

Adina Kroll:

I'm gonna start with a really generic thing, but I wanna elaborate on it. Because when I when I hear this so what I would say to her is just ask for help and receive help. But I always find that this kind of advice sounds really generic. It's 1 of these things that you see on, like, Instagram inspired motivational posts, and it's just like you're like, yeah. I get it, but also I'm gonna completely ignore this advice because it doesn't mean anything to me.

Adina Kroll:

And so I wanna elaborate on it. This ask for help and also receive help, I think, was such a huge thing for me because I was bitter because I wasn't feeling confident in myself. And I had this constant fight of, like, surely, there are people out there who know much who are much less skilled than I am, who know much less than I am, who are much more successful than I am. So why not me? But then there's this other part of me that's just like, I don't know enough.

Adina Kroll:

I'm not good enough. I'm a failure, and all of these things. And as it keeps coming back, and I had, like, this constant, like, tug of war with myself. And depending on what mood I would be in, every time I wanted to reach out and be like, I could really use some help, I would constantly talk myself out. No.

Adina Kroll:

I can't be bothering that person. Oh, no. I can't be asking for help because what if they think that I'm silly? Or, no, I can't be asking you for a belief session or I can't be booking this coaching session or all of these things. Now I can't be doing this because what if you think less of me or what if what if that makes me less of a coach or what if that makes me less of a professional.

Adina Kroll:

And it may or may not resonate with you, like, for anyone else who does also feel the same thing, but that was certainly something that I battled with, this constant feeling of, like, what would the other person think? You know? What what what does that mean about me if I ask for help? Like, as if it's some form of weakness. And the moment that I'm just like, you know what?

Adina Kroll:

Just try stuff. It doesn't matter if it like, it doesn't matter if it sells. It doesn't matter if if the offer that you're putting out of no 1 sees it. And I got it, like, even from the very first time that I started my like, that I uploaded my domain for the first time. I always got the concept, but I think it newly sunk in again when I was in my in my valley.

Adina Kroll:

This whole thing of, like, it doesn't matter if something doesn't sell. Because everything around you in, like, marketing tells you you just you have to 10 x your revenue every year. And if you are not great like, if you are growing every year and you 10 in your revenue every year, I mean, are you alive?

Relinde Moors:

It can happen, of course, to somebody. Like, it can totally happen, but does it have to happen in order to be alive? You know? That is, like, even more you know, it's like, you don't like, why do we think that we need to do it alone? And we need to all be independent and that it makes us less of a professional, a coach or an expert.

Relinde Moors:

If you say I wanna, you know, get some coaching, I want to get help on this because this is the part where and I think that that is really important that also, you know, joining a program or hiring a coach, when that feels right and when you feel like, hey, this is I know a 1, 000 things already, but there's even if there's, like, 10 things that you don't know that you wanna or is like, I know 10 things, and I need another 9190. It's fine. It's like, just get the help and the support, because, you know, there's absolutely no reason that to do this alone, and it's absolutely not something that makes you lesser than

Adina Kroll:

But it's the base exactly. Right? But it's also the basics. I think, you know, it's ego. Obviously, you know, I was bitter and I was not confident, etcetera.

Adina Kroll:

But, also, there's a certain amount of pride in this where your ego tries to tell you, at least it's, you know, distract you in a way of being like, yeah, but it's all just information you already know. What are they gonna tell you that's new? And it's just like, but it's always the like, always the roots. Always the foundations. Yeah.

Adina Kroll:

And it's so easy to ignore simple solutions in favor of something that's complex because you're just well, but I've done the simple things. But have you, Adena? Have you? Clearly, you haven't.

Relinde Moors:

Or You have, and there's this next level available. Because I remember also that we also tweaked just a bit on what is the client that you're really speaking to. You're really, like, doing it, but it was in details and in words and the things you say, let's take this out. Let's say this instead of it so that you and that's what's happening now. You just got people that are a 1000% your people.

Relinde Moors:

I, like, I I actually have to think of the latest client that you send an invoice, and she paid more. Could you

Adina Kroll:

yes. She did. Like, how? And she's like, I had the option for for for reference with she paid more. If you're listening, by the way, I love you so much.

Adina Kroll:

III sent her a PayPal invoice because in her country, it was just a little bit easier to do it this way. And in the PayPal invoice, it allows you to tip. And, you know, obviously, I charged the amount that I said that that would charge, etcetera, etcetera. And she just added, I think, an extra 152100 on top of

Relinde Moors:

it. Amazing.

Adina Kroll:


Relinde Moors:

Amazing. Amazing. I'm so grateful, again for you sharing all this. Thank you for joining us today on the Choosing Ease podcast. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect.

Relinde Moors:

And I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review. Join me next time as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius. You are destined for greatness. And through the Choosing Ease podcast, I'm here to help you own your unique wisdom and share it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing Ease.