Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, September 16th, 2024 / The 90s music festival - Warped Tour - may be back, laptop usage memberships, Josh is all the way bald, how expired is that milk, our review of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, Chantel’s trash talking might be worth it this week, Josh had a rough night with Luna the wonder Jack Russell, why are there more bad things that good things in the variety packs, Chantel is a sucker for a slideshow, and a very happy birthday to our daughter!

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Monday, September 16th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

The 90s music festival - Warped Tour - may be back, laptop usage memberships, Josh is all the way bald, how expired is that milk, our review of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, Chantel’s trash talking might be worth it this week, Josh had a rough night with Luna the wonder Jack Russell, why are there more bad things that good things in the variety packs, Chantel is a sucker for a slideshow, and a very happy birthday to our daughter!

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. It's Monday, September 16th. Today on the show, the nineties musical festival warped tour may be back, laptop usage memberships, Josh is all the way bald, how expired is that milk, our review of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, my trash talking might be worth it this week, Josh had a rough night with Luna, the wonder Jack Russell, why are there more bad things than good things in the variety packs, I'm a sucker for a slideshow and a very happy birthday to our daughter. Happy birthday.

Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Well, good Monday morning.

Well, well, well. Look who it is. Look who's back. It's Josh and Chantel. Well, well, well.

Hey. Good morning. It is Josh and Chantel. This is wake up classy 97. Today is Mexican Independence Day.

We should celebrate with some tacos. Now this is not Cinco de Mayo, which a lot of people think, oh, Cinco de Mayo is that. No. Cinco de Mayo is its own thing. Cinco de Mayo is actually a smaller holiday that celebrates the battle of Puebla that happened in 18/62, which denoted victory over the French, but the real Mexican Independence Day takes place today.

It plays in the year, and it is a much more important date than Cinco de Mayo. It honors and celebrates the history of the country of Mexico after it came out of rule, came out from under rule of Spain. I thought you said France. No. That's what Cinco de Mayo is about.

Oh, okay. Got it. Mexican Independence Day today from Spain. From Espana? Yes.

International Day of the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. Oh, we need to preserve the ozone layer. That needs a shorter name because international day of the preservation of the ozone layer is a lot, but I'm happy that it has a day. What a change cut and CFCs did. You know what I mean?

Oh, I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, chlorofluorocarbon carbons? They were Right. Propellants that they they were chemicals they put as propellants in, different things. And then, worldwide, they were like, we gotta stop using these CFCs because they're causing a hole in the ozone.

It's polluting the air, causing a hole in the ozone. They cut that way back. Okay. Bada bing. We stalled the, progression of the expansion of the hole.

Thumbs up. I know. Years years ago. So big deal. Let's see.

It is National Step Family Day. Great. I think that's cool. Important. Mhmm.

Trail of Tears commemoration day, also important. Family and community day, teenager workout day. Hey. Yep. Mayflower day, the beginning of the voyage.

Oh, is it? The beginning of the voyage? That's what it says. Yeah. Voyage across the Atlantic, a new land to call home.

The beginning of a story that would shape a nation. The Mayflower Mayflower Day. Consider this nation shaped. Shaped. National Working Parents Day, National Play Doh Day, Collect Rocks Day, national guacamole day, national cinnamon raisin bread day, national choose your chocolate day.

Okay. There's a lot going on. Celebrate accordingly. That's exactly right. How are you gonna celebrate?

Oh, I'm probably gonna have some guacamole and chips and salsa and tacos and some cinnamon raisin bread see. And some chocolate. I'm probably not gonna work out because it's teen workout day, not adult workout day. I see. Skate that one.

Well, good job. Haven't been a teen for a long time. So you know how when you go to, like, a coffee shop and people sometimes go there and they'll grab something to drink and they'll hook up to the Wi Fi and they'll sit behind their laptop and they'll do some work? Yeah. There is a a coffee shop in New York City where this woman has who owns it, has, started charging people with laptops $10 daily membership to use the space.

Interesting. Uh-huh. Do you want more info? Yes. So, the woman is named Nicole.

She went on TikTok. This is the woman who found out about it, not the woman who owns it. This is the woman who found out about it. She went online, posted a video saying that she realized that she couldn't just take up space without buying something, but thought that the pricey coffee that she bought was enough. I so too.

You do? I do. For the whole day? Of the whole day? You buy you buy one drink, and you're gonna sit there and because you're a remote worker or whatever, but you wanna be out of your house.

So you bring in your laptop, you buy one drink, and you sit there using the Wi Fi in one spot for the day. And maybe it's a few hours. Oh, I think for a few hours, it's fine. One drink for the whole day, taking up a spot that other patrons could enjoy, I think, is excessive. That's her argument.

She said, the the top drink is $9, so So you have to pay for one of these prices. You either have to pay $9 for the top drink Uh-huh. Or you have to pay $10, and then you can use your laptop for the the the day. Okay. But the coffee shop charges customers $30 a month.

It totals out to, like, $300 a year. To work from one of their tables, you have to become a member. Okay. At first, I was opposed to this, but now I can see I can see the other side. Because if you get, you know, 5 people in there that are taking up spots and they only buy one drink Right.

For the entire day, then you're losing money. You are potentially losing a seat. Yes. I mean, you're not losing money because they aren't saying, no. Don't come in here and buy anything.

We're full. Yes. But they aren't gonna stay and hang out and because they're not gonna have a seat. Yeah. Exactly.

Interesting. Mhmm. What's your take? I don't really know. I can see from the business owner standpoint, if this is a problem and you have 10 people who are regulars that are coming in to take up seats Yeah.

Every day Yeah. If you're a good, business, you're gonna know these regulars. And you're probably gonna be able to say, hey, guys. What can we do to make this more work better for both of us? Yeah.

Like, as a as a I would be like, this is my community. You guys like coming into my shop. I like having you here. Let's figure out a way to make this work. I wouldn't just pop up a $10 fee out of nowhere.

I'm out. If you wanna use your laptop, you gotta pay. Yeah. And I don't know what went down. She walked in and noticed that that was a thing, that they said laptop use is for members only, and you have to pay a membership fee in order to hook up to the Wi Fi and use your laptop.

Or anyone with a laptop. If you walk in with a laptop, you gotta pay. Just, like, visiting and you need a place to go for the day or for a couple of hours Yeah. You whoop at your laptop. They're like, hey.

Sorry. Right. Monthly membership. You're not gonna hang around. There's a sign at the kiosk.

Right? You're gonna you're gonna leave. Right. You'll find another shop. It's in New York, which New York has lots of rules.

Like, you can only sit down for so long and eat at a McDonald's. Like, you have to move. Like, there's too many people. Yes. And so it could literally be that this shop is just overrun.

Yeah. Their coffee is the best coffee in the whole wide world, and everybody wants it. And there's not a lot of space either. And they're not usually very big. I mean, they usually seat, what, 20 people, 25 people At most.

Something like that. I mean, even a a Starbucks is not that many people. No. So, yeah, it's not a big place. And I get, you know, a little bit of where she's coming from.

She's got costs involved. Plus, she's not rotating tables, so I understand. And that's how you make money. Because people might come in and get a little pastry and something to drink and then move on with their day. Pastry.

I know. I know. A little baked goodie and a and something to drink and then move on. I know. I know.

It sounds pretty good. I'm talking breakfast at breakfast time. Watch out. We talked about it a little bit on Friday. Thursday night, there was, some football action with the Miami Dolphins.

Yes. And during that game, Tua Tungovaloa. That's right. Viloa. Yeah.

Right. He suffered another concussion. Yes. It's like his 5th in 3 years. It's really not great.

No. He was, on the field. He was unable to finish the game after the injury, and he is now recovering and deciding if or when he'll play football again. It's kind of a big deal. You're not supposed to have that much damage to your brain.

That is correct. He's, quite an accomplished quarterback on the field, and he is well respected off the field. We really like him at our house. And even though he's a rival player, a bunch of the fans of the Bills respect to us. So after the injury occurred, fans of the Buffalo Bills, where they were playing or were they playing in Miami?

They were playing in Miami. But they were playing against the Bills in Miami. Yes. Yeah. A bunch of the fans of the Bills showed their classy side.

I like that. I like that. By flooding to his charity foundation with donations. In about 24 hours, they raised a little over $18,000 for his share. Do?

Let's see. His foundation, we've talked about before, but I'll pull it up here just so that I can make sure I know. The Tuoh Foundation oh, and you're gonna make me wanna pay for this, website here? Hang on. Hold on, please.

The Tua Foundation supports youth initiatives, health and wellness, learn a little bit more about it, and charitable causes. It was established by Tua. And he's got this whole committee here. So they sort they they help out boys and girls clubs. Oh.

They help out big brothers, big sisters. They help out St. Louis School. They help out, Nick's Kids, which is, an official family of Nick and Terry Sabin, whoever these guys are. They do luncheons and golf tournaments and scrimmages and other events to help their cause.

Let's see. He does, stuff with the Polynesian Football Hall of Fame. He does stuff with the Miami Police Athletic League. I mean, his list of things he supports is long. Okay.

But yeah. So he's basically a a a a big supporter of all these other ones. But, anyway, they were able to raise about $18,000 in just about 24 hours. One of the Bills fans said, sometimes it's bigger than football, which is pretty cool and heartwarming and good sportsmanship in a pretty big rivalry. Yeah.

It is. So That was a pretty good game. Yeah. Hoping for fast recovery for Tua and Yeah. And whatever he decides to do.

Tua is a good dude. So, hopefully, hopefully, he's okay. And it's good news to get you going. If you were a child of the nineties like we were Mhmm. I don't know what generation he is.

In the eighties Yes. Teenaged through the nineties. Which is the best time to have teenaged. I I think every generation probably says I was the best one. That was my my time was the best time.

But nonetheless But our time really was the best time. We had the best music Sure. Best shows. I mean, come on. Let's be real.

Come on. Everybody right now who's in their youth wishes they could have been there. I know. All of the stuff that are throwbacks is, like, the best stuff. Come on.

Nineties. That's where it was. In the nineties, there was this touring a concert tour festival thing called the Warped Tour Yes. That went around. It was amazing.

Yeah. And you attended when you were in college. Yeah. I attended with you multiple years in multiple cities, for work. Like, that was the greatest part.

Like, it was work. Interviewed a bunch of bands. And it's I mean, this tour brought together I mean, there were hundreds of bands on this tour each year, and they had multiple stages in this festival. And it toured, and they had, they had brought in, like, skate parks, and they toured with them. And they had all I mean, it was wild.

Yeah. I we saw Katy Perry there Yeah. Before she was very big. Yep. And she was on a tiny little stage.

Yeah. And her record, the teenage dream album had just come out, and she was getting into the very, very pop world, but it was kind of she launched on warpture. Yeah. It was a weird thing to see. I almost died at the Warped Tour my 1st year I went there.

I wasn't there that year. No. Because I got involved in a in a mosh pit situation. Scary times. My friend had to save me.

I bet it wasn't as traumatic as you think it was. No. Probably, you were just in a crowd of people. Yeah. It was no different than walking through the halls in high school, but you were like, no.

I'm dying. Anyway lost a shoe. I think I was pregnant 1 year when you and I quit. We were pregnant with Emery. No, Beck.

No. It was Emery. You're right. It was. You're right.

And you wore a, Hannah Montana shirt to work to her because you thought it'd be hilarious. I'm so cool. It was pretty funny. Anyway, all of this to say, they are thinking of bringing this back. I don't know when they stopped doing it because we kinda got old.

We were Is that what happened? Yeah. We became parents, and then it was like When your parents have young people yeah. So it it's it'll be the 30 year anniversary in 2025. And so they're thinking of coming back because it would be the 30th anniversary.

So it looks like it's only been gone for 5 years because which seems like not that long. I don't think so either. I feel like it's But they have a warped 25 years that they did, so maybe it has only been that long. I don't know. But it could make a big comeback next year.

I'm looking at what's going on potential lineup. They're talking about, like, My Chemical Romance. They're talking about maybe having Katy Perry come back. Blink 182 maybe could headline. Like, Mark is doing some stuff now.

Mean to brag for you, but Yeah. You met Tom DeLonge at Warped Tour. I met him twice, once in a hallway and took a real quick picture. And then, yeah, we've because I wasn't sure if the interview was actually gonna happen, but we did get to interview him on the On this tour bus. Airwaves tour bus, yeah, which was very cool.

And I interviewed the founder, Kevin Lyman, who is back and is talking about here's what he said. So in 2019, he was talking to a magazine about how the festival's atmosphere had shifted. This once strong sense of community felt fractured. Fans were more divided, and there was more negativity that was making it tough to keep things going. So that's why he kinda closed up shop.

I kinda like that he did close it up because Right. You don't wanna be associated with that. But cool it was cool. Right. You were like, oh, I love this band.

There were so many stages that you had to, like, look at the schedule, and then you had to be like, oh my gosh. This band is on this stage clear across this way at 2 o'clock, but I really wanna see the other band at 2:30 at this stage clear across the way. And it was hot, and it's outside, and it's sometime rainy, and it's a it's a big festival. But it's a lovely day. Yeah.

It'd be really cool. It would be really cool to go back now and sit on the grass and watch from outside the crowd. Because we old. Yeah. That's where that's where the old people sit.

That's where you'll find us at the Warped Tour, in the old people section. Not in the Maybe I'll send Kevin an email, and I'll say, hey, Kevin. You probably don't remember when I interview, you know, we had that interview on the bus. But, hey, if you do end up bringing this thing back, create an old people section. You're not he's not gonna I'm sorry to say.

He's not gonna remember you. He might be like, oh, yeah. I do remember that kid. No. No.

I might have learned something about myself over the weekend that I did not know was a thing. Listen. When, your now 15 year old daughter happy birthday. Birthday. Today is our daughter's birthday.

Our baby. I know. Our baby is 15. I know. It's wild.

It's I don't know how this Oh, yeah. Yeah. Time is, is a weirdo. Yeah. Let's let's just, say over the weekend, should a friend, spend the night.

And, what I found out was that, when I'm comfortable in the house and I don't have my hat on, there's a bald head under there that not everybody knows about. And so her friend saw it and was surprised and said, woah. Are you all the way bald? Woah. What?

All the way? All the way bald. Not just kind of the way. I mean, to be fair, she's only seen me with a hat on up until that point. Yeah.

I mean, it's pretty typical that you wear a hat. Yeah. But But, yes, underneath my hat, I am all the way You are all the way bald. There is. I mean, look.

I've got, like, the, the the Bozo the clown doughnut thing. So I could really let that grow out and and full rock that and just have the bald top, but that sounds awful. You cut you have done that before. Not on purpose. Yeah.

You kinda did that on purpose. Sheer laziness. Not not intentionally. I just didn't cut my hair, and I didn't let it get all poofy and perm it out or anything or make it all colorful. It grew out, and it kind of was it was long, and it started to curl at the end.

I had pretty pretty curly hair. It was pretty curly. Just not on top so curly. All the way bald on. I remember talking to a coworker once about your bald head.

I don't even remember how it got brought up. And she said, well, why is he bald? And I said, well, it doesn't it doesn't grow. His hair doesn't grow a lot. And she said, well, why?

Maybe he should stop shaving it. And I said, no. No. No. That's not that's not the way it works.

I go, he would love to be able to grow hair, but he can't. There are some misconceptions about hair. That's one of them. There's another one where, I heard someone say that, body hair doesn't grow where muscles are, and I thought, no. That's not how it works.

That is not a thing. That was years years ago, and I still that still to this day, I go, what a strange thought. Hair doesn't grow where muscles. Muscles, man, you gotta bulk up. If you let yourself go, you're gonna be hairy.

But, like, no. These guys are shaving and waxing their bodies so that they look hairless. It's just, like, there's different genetics too. Sure. Body hair grows differently for everyone.

It's just science. Maybe I should work out more. All the way bald. Maybe I'd have hair. Gotta do head exercises, really build up brain muscle or whatever.

Makes no sense. Anyway, yes. I am in fact All the way bald. The way bald. I like it, Josh.

Thanks. Hey. Over the weekend, it was bald appreciation day or bald is beautiful day. So, celebrate today for all the Baldies and recipes. Baldies.

Happy Bald day. Thanks. It was the other day. I got no gifts. We have expired milk in our fridge, and I just smelt it.

Yeah. And it smelt fine. So I was like, this is fine. I'm gonna I noticed it was expired. I said, oh, and it's kind of days expired.

It's not like, oh, it expired yesterday. It's days. Anyway, oh, this is expired. Opened it up, smelled it. It's fine.

But there's no sense in keeping it because my kids won't drink it. Because once it hits that expiration date, they're done. Done. Beck likened it to poisoning. Yeah.

He said one of the funniest things I have ever heard out of his mouth yesterday or the day before. I don't even know where it came from. This was Saturday. Yeah. And, When we were arguing, we were arguing about if the milk was safe to drink like that.

And he said, I'll be caught dead before I drink expired milk. You'll never catch me dead drinking. Catch me dead. You'll never catch me dead drinking 2 week old milk. Right.

Is it 2 weeks old? No. I don't think it is. Alright. Here's what I found out.

Days? Yes. Here's some here's some milk expiration date. Okay. When it expires past the date printed on the gallon jug depends on several factors, including how it is handled and stored.

K. If it is unopened Okay. It can generally last 5 to 7 days past its expiration date if it's stored properly at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Okay. K?

Alright. Unopened milk, 5 to 7 days. Opened milk can generally last 2 to 3 days past its expiration date. Oh. But it depends on the type of milk.

So here's what else it says, which we're gonna be in this reduced fat milk. It can last 7 days. Whole milk We're 5 days. 5 to 7 days, and nonfat lacto and lactose free milk, 7 to 10 days. I think even if you told him this information, he wouldn't believe you.

And he's so he can drink it. Printed number, and that's it. And that's it. I'm gonna what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start taking a q tip with some rubbing alcohol on there and just erasing the date. And say smell it.

New ones. Does it smell fresh? Drink it. He also said that feeding somebody expired milk is exactly like poisoning them. It's not exactly like poisoning them.

It's it's exactly like you drinking spoiled milk. I said I said, you think that giving somebody expired milk is like giving them rat poison? He said, yeah. I said, I feel like if you just drink expired milk, you're just gonna get a bad bellyache. Well, what do you think rat poison's gonna do?

A lot worse. It's gonna thin out your blood, and then you'll die. That's a lot different than having an upset stomach from drinking some expired milk in your cereal, bud. Way different. Substantially different outcomes.

I've now wasted and I know this. I buy milk at the bulk store, and I know better because we don't drink it fast enough. So now I have a gallon and a half of milk that is maybe 5 days expired, but still good. You just said it's okay. And I smelled it.

It's fine. They won't drink it. Well So I'm gonna have to dump it out. I know. What a waste.

Because it's poison. I got poison in my fridge. We got poison in the fridge. Oh, no. We saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice over the weekend.

Yeah. We did. What was your impressions? I was entertained. It was great to see a lot of the familiar faces.

I was also entertained. It started off great. It has a some really good throwbacks. I was in it. I was like, okay.

I'm feeling this vibe. And then I got kinda sidelined. I felt like they had too many plot lines. Okay. I'm not gonna give away any spoilers.

I won't disagree with that. I do feel like they didn't spend enough time on a solid, single plot line that had maybe branches off of it. Yes. It felt like there were 3 stories being told at once. Disjointedly.

I would agree. Like, they didn't all connect to one another. Yes. I also felt I think that Michael Keaton and Catherine O'Hara Yeah. Are both very brilliant in their own talent.

Yeah. And I don't think either one of them had enough screen time. Okay. And that made me very sad because every time each of them were on scene and on the screen, I was happy. And then I would go long stretches without seeing them.

And I went, this is a travesty. You were not happy. No. Because I was like, nah. K.

I also and this might be an unpopular opinion. Oh, I'm taking I know what Chantel's hot take is. I heard all about it. I like Winona Ryder. I do.

I grew up with her. I watched her in Heathers. I watched her in the original Beetlejuice. Yeah. I don't really think that she's that great of an actress.

Uh-huh. So I was kinda went, I don't I'm not buying your story, honey. But I did think Jenna Ortega did a great job. I really liked her. I like her.

I thought she was great. It was number 1 at the box office for the 2nd straight weekend. It brought in another $51,600,000. It has brought in, in North America, 188,000 globally. It's at 264,000,000, which is not bad.

Not bad at all. Number 1 in the box office. Now I will say the ending leaves it open to becoming a trilogy. How do you feel about that? I I don't think it's necessary.

And I kinda knew that going in because sequels are never great. I think the only one I can say that I like the sequel more than the original is The Hunger Games. Right. Because the first one was sort of a low budget. Let's see if we can make this movie, handheld cam.

Exactly. And then the second one was like, yeah. You can make this a movie. I would agree with you. Here's what I what I know about this being a a trilogy.

Tell me. What's the first movie called? Beetlejuice. What's the second movie called? Beetlejuice.

Beetlejuice. What will the third movie be called? You're right. You're right. I can't say it three times, Josh.

You just did. Oh, I did? Yeah. I you you didn't show it. Dang it.

But it's it has to happen. Like, it has to be called Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice because then everybody, when they're talking about the movie, will be conjuring up Beetlejuice. It was fun. It was colorful. It was timbirtant.

It was fun. I really, you know, there were things that happened that I go, like, there are so many open ends that I go, you didn't even finish that story. Yeah. You had a whole story line. I don't even know what happened with it because you abandoned it and moved on to sort of the main story line.

Sort of. Yeah. Yeah? Meh. Emery liked it, but then she said she said I really liked it.

And I she said, what do you think? And I said, meh. Right. And then she said, you don't like anything. And I said, that's not true.

I like a lot of things. And she said, but I don't really know the first movie. She said that. Well I went, oh, yeah. I have not done my job as a mom.

You took her to a sequel before? Real? Source material? Oh, no. Do you wanna talk fantasy, or do you not wanna talk fantasy?

Alright. Fantasy football has been a very frustrating week for me. And the really frustrating thing is that you were talking such trash at the, at the end of last week Uh-huh. Because you and I are facing off this week Yes. Our in our league, our family league.

There are 4 teams, just the 4 of us in the house. You lost last week narrowly Yeah. Narrowly to, to our son. This week, you and I are playing. It's not going well for me.

No. My phone wants to tell me all about it every 5 minutes. I know you turn that off. So as it stands right now, you have a 99% chance, of winning. Oh, for sure.

It says one probability 99%. Yeah. Because I'm beating you by Let's not get into numbers. Numbers aren't important. You still We each have 2 players left to play.

No. You only have one left to play. That's correct. You have a kicker and your running back. I have my quarterback.

Back who happens to be Saquon Barkley. Right. So You're running back who has to get the ball from my quarterback. So everything your guy does That's right. Benefits me as well, which is fine.

But They both play for the Eagles. That's hilarious. Yeah. I didn't know that. Yeah.

So, ultimately, what has to happen is I need, your guy, Barclay, to not be able to dress in uniform today. Why did he even say that? No. I didn't say he had to get hurt. I just said that he just needs to maybe he forgot his jersey or his shoes don't fit anymore.

Man. Some some crazy. He's gonna be so good. I need Jalen Hurts, the quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles, to go wild. I need him to You said that about all of your people yesterday.

Yeah. I need everybody to pull go wild. He did not. No. He did not.

I need Travis Kelce to go wild. He did not. No. Travis Kelce is getting cut. He gave you one point six points.

I'm very aware. I'm very aware I'm carrying around dead weight that I call Travis Kelce. You thought you were gonna be so cool putting him on your team. Anyway, so, Jalen Hurts needs to score me, 50 points, and then I take the lead. Let me tell you.

Because I have Lamar Jackson, quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens Yeah. On my team. Right. And he performed yesterday. Yeah.

That was very close game. I also have Justin Jefferson who got 97 yards. In one. He's In one play. A 133 yards.

What? Yeah. So I had some so I had some killer plays yesterday. My players were on point. Yeah.

Yeah. And I I think that I'm actually gonna win in points in our family this week. I think you are too, but here's here's the bad news for you. No. There's still a chance.

There's a 1% win probability for me that I might be able to, to win this thing. You're it's not. I got I got a 1%. It's not done yet. Listen.

You told me that I talk a lot of trash Yeah. And that I'm like a raccoon because I You just throw your trash all over the yard. Yeah. But when I noticed that you were losing, I was pretty quiet. And you'll have to agree that I noticed that you were losing, and I didn't rub it in your face Nearly, yes.

Me, taunt messages. After you showed me how to do it. So Because I but you didn't have to send it. I just wanted you to know that was a like, for next week when you're playing somebody else, maybe you wanna taunt them, but not me. Don't taunt me.

No. I can I'll just taunt you in person because that's more fun. Yeah. No. I I see that.

You're losing. Okay. No. I'm aware. See, what was really fun is that I had planned a thing for tomorrow so that when, when you had talked all your raccoon trash and then lost, I was prepared to go, oh, let's see, what happens now.

Yeah. I don't even get to do it, so you don't even get to know. And the joke is wasted because you only get one chance to make that joke in the season, and it has to be it would have to be made this week. It's out the it's out the window. I can't make the joke.

So Sorry, bud. You're not gonna get to hear the joke. That's fine. The joke is just gonna have to go away. That's fine.

And I and I can't even do it. Well And I'm a little bummed about it. Sorry. That's your loss, quite literally, because your players did not perform, but mine did. Yeah.

No. And that's how fantasy football works. That's exactly how fantasy football works. So I'm super stoked that you're having a good week. I just wish it wasn't against me.

And my Vikings are now 2 and o, so they are top in their division right now. You were supposed to be 0 and 2. No. I'm not, though. I know.

Not I mean, not yet. There's still a 1% chance. I'm just telling you. My quarterback, he could go he could never pass the ball. He could just run all of his touchdowns himself.

He could, but he won't. So congratulations to me. Let's let's not count our, chickens before they hatch. Alright? There's still a 1% chance.

Let's just let's just see what happens. We'll see. Alright. We'll see. But Tomorrow morning, we'll see what what really shakes out.

What if I sweep this thing, and all this is for nothing and I get to deliver my joke? You won't. Oh, what a glorious day. We'll see. Alright.

We'll see about it. I was folding some towels over the weekend, and I just had some music playing. I was in our bedroom. There's some music playing on the speaker, and then the TV was scrolling photos of our family. Yeah.

We have, on all the TVs in the house, I've set up a photo album that we can upload all the time, just new photos to it, and it just rotates through, and and it's just nice. It's nice to look back. I mean, we got stuff from when the kids were little tiny. We got stuff from, you know, when we were just dating all the way up until, like, stuff from a few weeks ago. There's all kinds of great photos.

And when you set pictures to music, it'll get me every time. Were you balling? I was sitting there going, aw, and the music was just slow enough that it was, like, a nice, like, this is a good life. And then I started crying, and you walked in and got a little teary eyed. You walked in, and you were like, what's going on?

I'm just a sucker for a good slideshow. I didn't know you were actually, like, weepy. No. I was weepy. Uh-huh.

I'm always weepy. Man. No. It was good. It was a good week.

You're having a nostalgia moment with old family photos. Yeah. It's not even Christmastime. You're having these, like No. Because a slideshow?

Yeah. Anytime you watch a slideshow at a graduation, at Sure. Anytime. Put music to pictures, and it is it's a cry fest for me. Even if I don't know the people, I go No way.

This looks so nice. What nice I don't think you would feel that sentimental if you didn't know the people. I think you'd be like, I wonder what that event was about. No. But if it's a nice song with pictures, I'll get I'll get sentimental.

Alright. What's a good, what's a good song? It has to be slow enough, like Green Day, Time of Our Life. That's a good one. Sure.

Sure. Sure. What's another one? Good Life by One Republic. Stuff like that where it's like, okay.

Like, this is a nice thoughtful song. This right here. This this Don't even do this one. This Good Life. Yeah.

No. You know which one I'm thinking about. School bag in hand? Yeah. Yeah.

That one? No. Doesn't do anything for me. It doesn't? Nah.

I think it might. I think it actually might. I don't know that we even have that one in the system. Oh, too bad. Yeah.

Too bad. It'd take me too long to pull it up. But, yeah, that that ABBA song where slipping through my fingers is the name of the song. And, man, that one, I just play the first few notes, and you go Because it's all about your kids getting older, and that makes me sad. Slipping through my fingers all the time.

It's so weird. Did that get you? No. Your eyes looked a little watery. I'm I'm okay.

Dry as a bone. Okay. We've been on some scout leadership trainings before, and they're week long where it's pretty intensive. You have workshops and different things. And at the end of that week, you have a slideshow of everything you've done for that week with all of these people that you've met, all these experiences that you share, set to music, and I'm done.

We've done that, what, 3 or 4 times? A bunch of times. A whole bunch of times. I would watch those slideshows. I'd be like, oh my god.

We've had such a great week. I love all these people. Forget you guys. Yeah. You are a sucker for a slideshow.

Pictures to music gets me every time. This song? Sure. Sure. Alright.

I don't know the Depeche Mode is the right answer, but it might be. But it's pictures. We'll see. Pull up some pictures on your phone. Scroll through while you're listening.

Okay. Do you wanna talk about your rough night with your baby, with your newborn baby? I sure can, if that's what you'd like me to talk about because it was, it was not fun. A little bit of thunder goes a long way for Luna the wonder Jack Russell. We've talked a little bit about her and her, distaste for the thunder and lightning.

Distaste for everything. She is afraid of it. She's afraid of a lot of things. I know. And, and it was it was late night, all night long, the dog barking.

She's kennel trained, so she's in her kennel, and she's hearing a little thunder rump. There's no problem. She sleeps in her kennel. She's great. She knows when it's time for bed.

She often puts herself to bed. We'll be like, where's the dog? Oh, she's in bed. To bed. Yeah.

So she's not she doesn't have a problem with anything other than the thunder when she's trying to sleep. And then, I don't know, she decides that the only place she wants to be is, like, right at my feet in the bed. Or in 2 weeks. Want to be in the bed next to the people. Yeah.

And and I'm like, dude, we just got a new comforter. I don't have the, like, the duvet cover thing for it yet. I'm not into having you on the bed. You were not that we're not that close, but, like, we hang out, and I'm not into the pets in the bed thing. No.

And it's a small bed. It's only a queen. Right. And so we don't have a lot of space. She thinks she's the queen of the queen bed when the thunder's happening.

So I was I was very much like I've gotta I've gotta set a hard limit and say, no. You need to go to bed. Like, it you're gonna be okay. It's gonna be fine. So I took her out of her kennel.

I took her outside. I let her look out the window to see there was nothing scary. Like, all these things that I tried to do and then put her back in the kennel and then try to go back to bed, and then she was whining and barking. And then it was a cycle of just terrible idea after terrible idea after terrible idea. I went, okay.

Oh, fine. I'll bring your blanket in. I'll put your blanket in the bedroom. This was I woke up at 2. And I she her barking woke me up at 2.

And I I went, okay. Maybe if I just let her out of the kennel and she can sleep on the couch, like, maybe that'll be fine. No. Because then she just waits outside the door. Followed me to the bedroom and then was barking outside the door.

And I I opened the door and I said, you have to go to bed. Go to bed. You have to go to bed. And she, I'm not kidding you, just looked at me for a really long time. And then, like, slowly started to tiptoe into our bed.

And I picked her up, and I turned her around, and I said, go to bed. And she just, like, slowly turned around and was like, so I'm gonna do. So I said, alright. I'll try getting her blanket out of the kennel and laying it on the floor in the bedroom, and maybe she'll lay down. That didn't work.

She wanted nothing to do with that. She wanted to walk around the room a bunch, and then she was trying just to get up on the bed because that's where she wanted to be. She's like, no. Just let me be on the bed, dude. And I'm just I I'm not I'm not into it.

So rather than just give in and say, fine. You can stay in the bed, I took her back to the living room when I tested it. Patience. And I put the harness on her because the harness is very similar to one of those thunder jackets that they make. So I put that on her so that hopefully she would feel safe and sort of hugged, and I put her in the kennel and I made her lay down a 100 times, and I'm like, bro, you gotta lay down.

Like, go to bed. Go to bed. Go to bed. Go to bed. Go to bed.

A 100 times. I ended up laying on the floor next to the kennel, my arm in there on her head Oh. So that she would just stop. And I'm like, just go to bed. And then I was like, alright.

I think she's asleep. So I quietly closed the kennel door, and I went and got my pillow and a blanket, and I slept on the couch in the living room so that she wouldn't bug everybody else in the house if she decided that that wasn't gonna work. Sweet of you. That was at, like, 3 in the morning. Yeah.

I know. And I'm like, this is nuts. And then we had 2 hours before we had to be awake. This is nuts. Like, what is going on?

We have a we have a newborn when it's thundering and lightning. Crazy. Yeah. She's good every other like, if we could just have thunderstorms in the day when I'm at work, that'd be great. Can we not have these late middle of the night thunderstorms?

What's going on? We've had them a lot lately. I know. Whoever's making thunder at night, stop it. Just quit it.

Our dog doesn't like it. Save it for the daytime Stop it. When I'm at work and don't have to deal with yeah. The dog can stay awake all day and sleep all night. I don't mind.

It's fine. Because now you know what she's doing? Sleeping. Oh, sound like a little newborn baby. Yeah.

Like, she's got it. Stay up all night. Not a care in the world. Oh, man. This thing.

Way to have some good news. I don't know. It was frustrating. I was I was feeling short-tempered. I felt more and more angry as the night went on, but I was like, this has got to end.

Go to bed. And she doesn't understand English, so you can't just say, like, go to bed to a toddler who's like, yeah. I probably should go to bed. You say it, and she's like, yeah. I know what that means, but no.

I'm not gonna do it. Not unless I'm laying at your feet. You know the variety packs of things that you can get at stores? Like, here's a variety box of chips. Oh, sure.

Yeah. And then a variety box of cookies Yeah. And, you know, variety boxes. There's always 1 or 2 items in that variety box that nobody will eat except mom. You know why?

Okay. Except that I believe And that. That I might have snacked on some things that were left over, on, like, Thursday or Friday last week. Okay. And I'm kinda sad that I'm out now.

Oh, really? Because I was snacking on leftover snacks, and I went, these are really good. And I'm out, and I'm kinda sad about it. But I don't wanna be the guy who goes and buys that one big snack of just that one thing so that I have too much. You know?

What is this? What's probably overconsume. Oh, it's those little pink and white circus cookies. Oh. They're delicious.

Did we have some of those? Yeah. They were left over in that cookie pack that, that Emery was taking stuff for lunch. Emery didn't like those? I don't know.

They were they the box was gone, and they were in the pantry. And there were, like, 2 or 3 bags, and I ate them. Then look. There were only, like, 5 cookies in each one. So, really, when I ate all 3 on the same day, it wasn't like I ate a whole bunch.

It was just Those are good snacks, though. What I'm talking about is, like, the bag of chips that they're, like, the basic Lays. Those are great. I don't like those. Nobody likes those.

Yes. They do. Or the sour cream and onion chips that nobody likes. Those are always left behind. Such a huge sour cream and onion fan when I was in high school.

I think I burned myself out on it. Or because there wasn't any because I ate those a lot when I was a kid too. Maybe we just didn't have the other options that we do now. Maybe. Doritos have been around forever.

That's true. They have. They have. That's true. So have Funyuns.

Funyuns are delicious. Funyuns are so delicious. I feel like Funyuns was like a rich people chip. Was it? It it feels like that.

That. Like, I know you had them in high school. Like, you would have your Mountain Dew and your Funyuns and be good to go. I would have Mountain Dew and, bugles. Bugles.

Oh, bugles. I can't. That was my high school list. With the bugles. I overdid it on bugles Me too.

For sure. And now just even thinking about eating those little finger hats, I just can't. Yeah. Both of those things. Mountain Dew.

I don't mind finding I can't do Mountain Dew anymore. No. Every day. No. I can drink Sprite.

I like Sprite a lot. Okay. What I'm talking about is those variety packs. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Sure. Bring us back around. Why can't they just put the good chips? I wish that you could make a box with the chips that you want. Oh.

Like Because then they'd never get rid of the chips no one likes, which maybe they should just quit making. Maybe they should. Quit making variety boxes with gross stuff. But look. If you don't have just the basic lays, what are you gonna put on top of your casserole to make it golden brown?

I don't I don't put that. I don't make those. Quit making it. What are you gonna put on top of your casserole? Maybe people could make better food.

But if they quit making it, then the recipe becomes useless because they're not gonna have like, now what am I gonna use? Cornflakes? I don't think so. Sometimes they do. Crispy fried onions?

Yeah. I guess you could do away with that. It'd take a lot if you were doing, like, more than because I mean, you're doing a Thanksgiving with the that green bean monstrosity. That's delicious. It's one of the worst things in the world.

I don't think I've ever had a casserole with those chips on top of it. Me to make one? No. Oh, it will be I'm not a big fan. Bit of that food from beginning to end is, white or yellow.

I was gonna say, I'm not a big fan of casseroles. I just feel like we I had a lot of casseroles in my You're done with it? Like, I think I'm ready for something else. Casseroles. Okay.

Alright. Well, I think it's time to bring it back. And, also, let's fix the variety packs. Okay. I'll send an email or something.

I don't know. Who do we gotta talk to? Frito Lay. You think they're the one making the pack? I don't know.

Somebody's making that decision. It's like I know. Here's the deal. We're gonna put 5 of the chips that people like, and then we're gonna put 10 of the chips people don't like. Exactly.

We gotta get rid of them somehow. We made too many. We gotta get these out of here. The moms and dads will eat them Yeah. Because they don't want the food to go to waste.

It'll end up in the pantry. We have a bunch of bags of chips that no one will eat. I don't Weird ones too. By the way, I tried those, Messi taco chips that you got me with, with Lionel Messi on them. Yeah.

They're pretty good. Are they good? Yeah. I was snacking on those after those, cracker cookie things I ate. So, yeah, they were pretty pretty good pretty good.

Today is a special day. It is. Today is a special day. Today I didn't know it was gonna have a little song, but Oh, there's a birthday song that says those words. And I I can't remember how it goes.

Well, today is a special birthday. It is? Today, our daughter turns 15 years old. Baby I know. 15 years ago.

Isn't that wild? Half an hour. She's a half an hour Oh, you you went down to, like, the minutes? She was yeah. She was born at 8:34 AM.

How about that? Here's what I remember about the day that she was born. Oh. I remember having contractions. Yes.

That's a part of it. 2 in the morning. Uh-huh. And I said, Josh, I think I'm having contractions. Right.

And you said, call the midwife. I had a midwife. Right. I called the midwife. She said, if you're talking to me on the phone, you're not ready.

Yeah. Go back to bed. And I said, I can't believe she would say that to me. What a thing to say. Pain.

You need to get this baby out. It was a couple hours later. Couple hours later, I said, this is it. This is it. Between pain.

And then you called her Right. And said And I said, yeah. Hey. I think we're I think we're ready. And she said, if you're calling, we're probably there.

We'll see you in a few minutes. So we drive to the hospital. You drove to the hospital. Yeah. And I was in some pain.

So I was making some noise, and I remember you were very embarrassed. Was I? Yeah. I don't remember being embarrassed. I had the window rolled down because I liked the fresh air.

Oh, yeah. Because it was like, like you were howling at the moon in September. I mean, it was like 5 in the morning as we're driving to the hospital. Sure. And you kept going, shh.

Hey. Keep it down. You're gonna wake people up. People are sleeping. They don't need a wolf driving down the road.

It's not even a full moon. Come on. And then, my my water broke on the elevator. I remember that. That's what I was gonna say.

We're in the elevator, and you were like, no. No. It was a whole thing. It was a whole thing. And I don't remember, did we tell somebody that my water broke?

Did somebody come in the puddle? Don't even know the answer. Or did we just like, sorry about that. Like, when you walk into a gas station and you go, what is that puddle? It was like that.

I really don't remember. I don't remember. I kinda wasn't focused on the puddle. Me neither. I was more focused on, like, we gotta get you where you need to be.

Let's get you upstairs. Alrighty. And then and then, just a few hours later Yeah. No big deal. Right?

No big deal. I do also remember I had a midwife for Emery, and we had done all of these pain techniques because we wanted to do an all natural birth. And we had done all these cooling techniques. And we were doing all of that for hours and hours, and I was like, I'm doing great. This is fine.

I got this. And then it really started to kick in. And I I said, I changed my mind. I really want some pain medication. And my midwife said, no.

You don't. Yeah. You really don't. You don't. And I said, get Josh.

I Josh Oh, my god. I'm your enabler. Yeah. I said, if I cry enough to Josh, he'll let me have some. I don't think you know me And you that well.

You came into the room, and I remember grabbing your shirt, and I cried. And I said, it hurts. Epidural. Let me have an epidural. And you said, no.

I know you didn't want this. As I said, you betrayed me. No. I I tried to help you stay true to your birth plan is what I did. So I didn't betray you.

I helped you. And, by the way, you're a champion for pulling that off. I don't know how you got through that without anything, but you did, and good on you. You totally pulled it off. Natural, no meds, birth.

Unreal. You're amazing. So There's women who do it all the time. Okay. Great.

It's awesome. You're one of them. But Way to go. You use the pain medication, it's still pretty incredible. No.

I think it's all amazing. But I just for you to hold true to your thing, even with some nudging, pretty pretty great. Pretty great. And then Emery was born. And then, yeah, we had, we had a baby.

And then and it yelled off. Didn't sleep for the next year. A cranky baby. Happy birthday, Emery. Yeah.

So close to 15 well, over 15 now, you said. It was half hour ago. 8 8:34. 8:34. Okay.

So I was gonna say so close to exactly 15, but we're over it. You're 15 now. Get a job. Right? I think so.

Yeah. Alright. Contribute. We talked last week about a possible Goonies sequel. Yeah.

I'm not a fan. I think I made that clear last week when I said, no. You said Leave it alone. Leave The Goonies alone. They had their time.

But Goonies never say die. Okay. That's fine. Quit trying to kill The Goonies then. The sequel is bad idea is a bad idea.

The original stars have shut down the rumors that that's gonna happen. Thank you. Every one of them has said, nope. I haven't received a script. I haven't been invited to do this.

I it's not happening. I did appreciate that during, the 2020 pandemic lockdown stuff, Josh Gad did a phenomenal job at bringing back together different casts of things. Oh, yeah. I've got that. Back The Goonies for one of them, and it was so cool.

Because I I think he brought in Cyndi Lauper as well. Like, it was super cool. That. It was really, really cool. Forgot about that.

That's the reunion that I wanted and needed, and I'm good. I don't need more Goonies. You're in luck because Corey Feldman, Sean Astin, Martha Plympton, they all said, nope. Good. Not happening.

I like seeing Sean Astin acting in things right now. That's really fun. It's cool to see him doing stuff. I like that, what's his name? Brolin?

Yeah. Josh Brolin. He's he's doing all kinds of things Thanos. In the Marvel world. Yeah.

He's doing all kinds of cool things, which is fun. I like to see Data, and I cannot ever remember his his actual name, but won an Oscar. Like, that's huge. Yeah. Yeah.

He did. Yeah. For Everything Everywhere All at Once. Yeah. So that's cool.

Like, I love seeing these cast members go on to do really cool stuff. It's it's it's a lot of fun. But I don't want to see guy? Well, first of all, he hated being known as Chunk, and he'd lost a bunch of weight a long time ago, and he's just been, like, kinda doing that Oh. Which is which is good.

Well, now I feel like a jerk. Well Well You weren't gonna get truffle shuffle chunk back in the movie anyway. Really? Oh, no. Just because you I don't know if he would be up for it because I don't wanna be known as that character.

He was like, I I don't wanna be known as the overweight kid. I know, but everybody loved him. He did not love him. Aw. Sad.

So there's that. Well But, anyway, it's it's awesome. I'm I'm glad it's not happening. That makes my day. That's good.

Because, it shouldn't. I'm all about making your days. No. You're not. I kind of wanted to see it.

Although, no, because sequels are terrible. You just watched Beetlejuice and went, they should quit making sequels. No. That's my argument. Get a new idea.

Yeah. Again, if you want to put together a cast of kids going on a treasure hunt adventure, do it. Write it. Don't call it Goonies. Do something new.

The same with a bunch of different characters. Like, don't. Yeah. Because that's what they're doing too. They're just reinventing things.

Like, oh, we've got the same movie, but with different people. No. Do your own new idea. Jumanji. I think Jumanji was fantastic.

Love Jumanji. The new one? Nope. The old one. Zathura, really cool.

It was it was a different board game. It was fun. It was exciting. It was space. Jumanji the remake and Jumanji 2.

What are you doing? It had a Jonas Brother in it. Okay. Fine. Pick a new board game.

Don't do Jumanji again. Do you see what I'm saying? I see what you're saying. Come on, man. Sorry.

Different board game. Different board game. It's not Jumanji. It's not Zathura. It's a 3rd board game.

I got an idea for a Settlers of Catan movie. You're gonna love it. Oh, exciting. Yeah. You wanna trade resources?

Blog. Yeah. I got this card game, Pit. We can play that. Make it a movie.

It's just about stocks. It's real boring. It is that time. It is that time. It is time for the would you rather this or that question of the day.

Would you rather read a book or listen to a book? It's really gonna depend on the book, I think. It's never gonna depend on the book. I know you don't like being read to, so you're gonna pick reading the book yourself every time. I can't I can't be read to.

I don't pay attention. I don't follow along. I don't understand what's going on. I'll lose focus. I have to look at the words in order to process what I'm reading.

I feel exactly the opposite. I feel like when I'm reading, I'll read something that triggers a brain thought, and my my visually, all my subconscious goes into reading mode, but my active part of my brain is now pondering the thing I'm thinking about. And I have to reread paragraphs over and over and over and over and over. Sad. It's really difficult.

I don't know what that's called. It happens to me all the time. It's happened ever since I was a kid. I don't know what that's called either. And it makes reading books frustrating.

I bet it does. That's sad for me. That makes me sad for you. Yeah. I I would love to read more.

Can you you can follow along, though, if somebody's reading to you. I don't know. I haven't really spent a lot of time with audiobooks, so I don't know. I spend a lot of time with, like, podcasts and people talking and commentary and conversation. That's different.

And I enjoy that a lot. If there's a conversation, that's easy for me to follow along. That sort of what an audiobook potentially could be. I understand it's one person typically just reading the story, sometimes doing character voices and things. But I can't do it.

I don't know. I have to figure out book. Why can I listen to a podcast about 2 people talking and follow that along just fine? But I can't if somebody's just reading a story. Even if you're reading me, like, a news article, I'm like, I can't I can't focus on what you're saying.

I have to look at it. Send me the article. I'll read along with you because I can't I don't understand what you're saying. Yeah. Does not compute.

Yeah. No. I'm I have to look at the words. I get I get completely sidetracked in my brain when I'm reading for the for the sake of reading. And and there have been times where I've been like, I really wanna read this.

Like, I read The Hobbit. Really enjoyed The Hobbit. Stuck through it. It's not a very big book. I I made it through because I was engaged enough, but it's it's a challenge.

That's why my list of books I've read is rather small. No. My list of books I wish I could read and want to read, very large. I have a library of books that I would love to just be able to get through. I don't know.

Maybe if I listened as I read along, maybe. But then again, the pacing is probably gonna be all along. I can't do that either because I I'm a pretty quick reader. Right. So if I've listened to somebody read at the same time, forget about it.

Stop. Pause. I'm gonna read. You catch up when you can. You know, this has been, what'd you rather say?

The end. I guess that's, you're reading the book, and I'll take a I'll try an audiobook, I guess. That's that's where we're at. Thanks. Hey.

What's up? Nothing. What's up with you? I'm just sitting over here Oh, yeah? Thinking about, thinking about, like, the fall and stuff.

Uh-huh. Because kind of, like, sorta kinda sorta here. Mhmm. And then I was learning about, canned pumpkin. Oh, okay.

And did you know that it may not actually be pumpkin you're eating? I kind of already knew that. What do you think it is? I think it's just a combination of seasonings, isn't it? Well, it's more than just that.

What is it? Because it'd have to be made up of something. Okay. So what's the mushy part? The seasonings are kinda what give it that cinnamon nutmeg kinda situation, and there's some stuff to make it orange.

But what do you think it's made of? I don't know. If you had to guess. Well, if I had to guess, I'd say mushed up pumpkin. Well, the can says 100% pumpkin.

Okay. It's lying. What is it? Because well, sort of. It's not the pumpkin you think it is.

It's not jack o'-lantern pumpkin. This is not the pumpkin I think this is. This is right. The type you carve into jack o'-lan jack o'-lantern's display in your front door is not what's going into the can. What's going into the can is a couple of different kinds of squash.

Okay. I was gonna say squash. Were you? Yeah. When?

After I said it was squash No. Or before, but you didn't wanna say it was squash? Before. I was gonna say squash, but pumpkin is squash. Okay.

That's why I said it's technically not a lie, but here's here's the deal. Libby's brand mostly uses a type of squash called Dickinson squash for its canned pumpkin. Other brands have been known to use Boston Marrow squash, Golden Delicious squash Oh, I like the apples. And some use butternut squash. Oh, butternut squash is Right.

So good. Not by itself, it's not. Yes. It is. The companies are able to get away with labeling their products 100% pumpkin because there are so many different, varieties of pumpkin squash, all of these which fall under that umbrella.

So when you open up that can to make pumpkin pie, you're actually making squash pie. You're making squash pie. That loaf of pumpkin bread, no. That's squash bread. It's okay.

It's still delicious. It's a lie. It's not a lie. It's You wanna make pumpkin cookies? Yeah.

They'd probably be delicious, but those are squash cookies. No. Just say pumpkin. It's not. You don't call it.

Zucchini is a type of squash. You don't say squash bread. That's what I'm saying. You should. It's a lie.

No. Because it's zucchini. It's pumpkin. Dude. Dude.

Nowhere in the name Dickinson squash or in the name, Boston marrow squash or golden delicious squash or butternut squash, does it say the word pumpkin? Don't call it that. It's a butternut squash pie. No. Delicious.

But only covered in delicious whipped cream. Yeah. Fine. 5 batches. Something about that crust.

I'm not a fan of that just white dough crust. But have you had my crust, Josh? My pumpkin pie crust is delicious. I know. They all taste the same.

No. Mine is so good, though. My point is they could we could do we could do better with the crust. I I do. We could still do better.

We could make the crust be amazing, and I don't know what it's gonna take. It's not you. It's the crust. Is it even crust? What?

Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Do we eat it even? Yeah.

Why don't we just call it flour? Squash pie with flour base. Rib. A flour base squash pie. I've said enough.

I'm being lied to, and I don't appreciate it. It's gonna do a That's it. That's it for us. Yeah. I'm gonna go take my hatred for being lied to elsewhere.

Have a lovely Monday. We'll be back tomorrow on your Tuesday, bright and early, 6 to 10. Make sure you check out the show. Everywhere you're listening to podcasts, you can get Wake Up Class at 97 this Monday. The podcast.

I hear you, Yalman. I hear it. Happy Monday, everybody. So, you know, that's that. We'll see you tomorrow.

Bye bye. Okay. Bye. Thanks for listening to Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.