
Disputed Trailer Bonus Episode 10 Season 2

Reacher v Bourne

Reacher v BourneReacher v Bourne


This dispute brings together two powerhouses of pummeling to press their pugilistic pressure and pound a pesky competitor.
Who are these two masters of martial mayhem you may ask?  Only two of the most crippling contenders to ever crush a cranium!
Jack Reacher v Jason Bourne

Show Notes


This dispute brings together two powerhouses of pummeling to press their pugilistic pressure and pound a pesky competitor.
Who are these two masters of martial mayhem you may ask?  Only two of the most crippling contenders to ever crush a cranium!
Jack Reacher v Jason Bourne
With returning advocates, Acadia Einstein and Rene Encarnacion, expect the unexpected!
And remember…
Everything. Is. Disputed.
Show Music:
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Creators & Guests

Dean Giles
Adoring father.Loving husband of @missred187.Podcaster (@podscure, @howareyanowpod, @boondockspod, & @disputedpod).Progressive.
Demond Does
Father of 2. Husband of 1. Host: Demond Does the 6 QuestionsCo host: @DisputedPod w/@kissthulhu https://t.co/rNkSIgJiXS Turning dad jokes into poetry
Acadia Einstein
He/him. I podcast on https://t.co/RhwskJ3Y8F and https://t.co/3kyZiSrIjv - I dig horror, comedy and dicking around on Twitter. I also made https://t.co/8Eb3rzjTlB so yay

What is Disputed?

Each episode we will host a debate-battle, one-on-one, Podcaster v Podcaster, to compete with their fictional character against another fictional character.

Demond: Welcome adjudicators to ano.

Another episode of this where
two fictional characters go head

to head, armed with only their
advocates, and you decide the outcome.

Everything is disputed.

Dean: It is fantastic to
see you again, my friend.

How you been?


Demond: things have been good, man.

Uh, you know, it's, uh, Life.

Life does its thing.

And, uh, you, you know, roll
with the punches, throw a few

counter blows and keep standing.

You know, you gotta

Dean: do what you can, man.

I believe it.

So, um, it's been a day or two.

So, uh, why don't we remind the
folks who we are after you, sir, why?

Demond: Okay.


Why thank you.

What's up, nerds and blurs?

I am demand father of two,
husband of one, and the sin

say of 17 syllables, silliness.

You may know me from such
podcasts as Damon does, and in the

stack, uh, the Library podcast.

And I am the squigy of
the Disputed podcast,

Dean: Thank you Damon, and
welcome to you g I am Dean.

I would be the line of the show.

Uh, you could find me on so many podcasts.

Now I've lost count.

Uh, however, you, if you head over
to pods secure.com, you can find

'em all and listen to 'em all.

And, uh, yeah, we.

Things going.

Now I've started doing, uh,
working on voiceover work.

I got my booth set up and
ready to go with that.

So we'll see how that goes . So
next steps into things, man.

So, uh, last, oh yeah, last episode, uh,
just a little over four weeks ago now.

Uh, had our long pals.

Uh, long time pals
awesome and m c amazing.

Going head to head.

And, uh, what was certainly one of the
most close scraps we've seen thus far.

So very, very close, like I said.

Uh, so yeah, surprising victory.

Now before anyone thinks it was just a
few votes cast, cuz I know we've had some

episodes where it's been like 8, 10, 11.

Uh, yeah this was, there were 36
votes cast in this, uh, which is well

beyond the 25 that I have set is our.

Being said, we have our Victor
with Cato at 52.8% of the vote.

That's how close it
was, Wayne, with 47.2%.

So, uh, what are your thoughts on.

Acadia: Wow.

Demond: Um, I, one, I am glad that
we decided to have the, uh, the video

game videotape, uh, to, to decide these
because this was so close, and then

it, it was, it, everybody wound up
with their heads up and kind of both

guys looked good coming out of it.

As far as the video goes, , um, I'm
surprised that it, I'm surprised K

oh one, and I am surprised that it
was close because Wayne has such,

you know, Because of how are you now?


You has such a huge following.

I figured Wayne would just
be a, you know, be a walk.

But honestly if it was real, assuming,
you know, this is obviously assuming

Bruce Lee is alive, uh, you know, Right.


Wayne, uh, I'm pretty sure Cherokee
Keo says, would say he'd get dog

walked, Wayne, maybe not so much.

Acadia: Yeah.

Dean: Uh, I, I think, um, I mean,
honestly to me, honestly, I, I mean.

Fan, fan service wise, I, I, I'm
surprised that, that Wayne lost.

Uh, but, you know, you know, uh,
uh, skill on skill, I, I kind of,

I kind of give it, I give it to,
uh, I, I see it as, as, as Cato.

So yeah, it's a huge, huge congrats
on the, on the victory to, Yeah.

Boy mc amazing.

Uh, yeah, awesome as
always brings her a game.

But sometimes fighting Pros
just overrides that br strength.


And again, loads and loads of
gratitude to our buddies, Uh, Keith

and Heather Mackey, uh, for their,
uh, awesome WWE two K 22 characters

that they make for us on each episode.

You can find them over on
Twitter at Heather Mackey.

That's m a k i one and on
Instagram at Soul Freedom 10.

That's Sol Freedom, the number 10.

So, um, if you're, if
you are ready, my friend.

I am.

Would you like to introduce this episode?

Demond: Yes, I would.

This dispute brings together two
powerhouses, a pumbling to press

their Fugi pressure and pound
up as a competitor who are these

two masses of Marshall Mayhem?

You may.

Only two of the most crippling
contenders to ever crush a cranium.

Get ready for the scrap of a lifetime.

As we bring together Jack
Reacher and Jason born to battle

to the last, everything is

Acadia: disputed.

Dean: Did.

Rene: Oh yeah.



Demond: chills, man.

Get into before we get into this.



That was the most complicated
script you've written for me so far.

Dean: I've got so many, uh, so
many mixed, uh, uh, words in there.


It's just, I, I gotta, I
gotta try to trip you up, man.

like, but, but you're there.

You're there every time.

Always there.

So, uh, I'm gonna, uh,
I'm gonna start interview.

Let's introduce our advocates
for the evening, shall we?

Because we gotta get things going because,
you know, people are excited for this.

I think so.

Let's start, let start off
with, uh, back in the ring.

We have a flawless victor in
all spat aspects of the game.

Hailing from Charlotte, North Carolina,
where at one point he dug graves for

a living and has since begun hosting
the strange Old things and Castle

Rock Historical Society podcast.

There are no to pseudonyms for this.

So let me introduce you to our
resident Linguistic Luchador Acadia.


Acadia, my friend.

It's Lou.

Great to have

Acadia: you back, man.

I thought you were gonna say
he had no alternate names.

But I'm gonna give him
like one that's always late

Dean: Well, you know, it's, I guess
late is better than not at all.

I'll, I'll take what I can get.

So I guess I get a

Acadia: lot of East Coast things going on.

, I understand West Coast
hunt with your fancy times.


Dean: It's three o'clock our time,
so just have a little after lunch.

So, uh, Acadia, tell us who you're
advocating for this evening and what

skills are you bringing to this dispute?

Acadia: So I am advocating for
Jack Reacher, whom you just saw

expertly take the most powerful
player off the board, uh, by

distracting you, given the count outs,

That was completely planned and
it makes complete, complete sense.

Um, Reacher is, I mean, he's
just, If Frankenstein wasn't.

But alive, but basically
had the same purpose.

Just kind of wander around
and, and get into scraps.

That's kind of reacher , but with steel

Rene: All right.


Dean: right.

I love it.

I'm looking forward to it.

So, uh, Demond, if you are ready, sir.

Demond: Our next advocate is back after
claiming victory for our character.

Hoisted upon him at the last minute.

Hayling from New York while
now living in Colorado.

Keep your rolling papers close because
he is also known in the letter Kenny's

circles as the resident joint boy.

Make some noise for Renee in car y'all.

Acadia: That's me.

. You know . See

Dean: there's that guy there.

Look at him.

Look at him looking like he's.

Acadia: Me

Demond: I if you, if you're listening
to this on the podcast, you need to

join us when we actually film these
things because there's all kinds of

chicanery that you, that's also visual.

So shenanigans, you're, listen,
Shean is, I say speaking of

shenanigans, Renee, let's share
something about yourself with us and

Rene: tell us who you're on.

My name's Renee, uh, host of the,
uh, Perfectly Misfit podcast.

Frequent guest on the
How are You l Podcast?

Uh, good.

You a Abbot, Uh, uh,
aoc, Um, uh, Dick Lover.

Um, you know, all about the dicks.

Um, but today I will be, I
dunno, how do I say this?

I will be supporting and, and fighting
for the non cheating, uh, Jason Boy.




Dean: You know, everybody
deserves a sucker punch sometimes

Well, uh, if you guys are ready
to go, I'm gonna go ahead and list

the, uh, the rules for the debate.

Uh, both contestants will get a five
minute opening statement followed by a

two minute rebuttal from their opponent.

Uh, we will be starting with advocate
one and then going to advocate two.

Uh, and then after the opening statements
and rebuttals, each of us in, uh,

the host will get to ask a question
where they will, uh, the contestants

will have two minutes to answer.

Uh, there may also be questions from
the, uh, from the audience will, which

will pull on the screen if you ask 'em.

Uh, if you're on YouTube, you can
get out there and post a question and

we'll, Uh, and then finally we will
end with, uh, each advocate providing

a two minute closing argument,
and then we'll send you to vote.

So, uh, being that, uh, advocate
one is, is Acadia here, uh, let me

actually bring you over to here,
Acadia, and then I'm gonna do this

and then add this to the stream.

And if you are ready,

Acadia: let's go.

All right.

It's fall and it's time to dispute things.

I'm saying this cause for some reason I
can't get it through my goddamn head that

the opening's five minutes to, not four.

So I only have four minutes
worth of shit to say.

Um, Nice to meet you Renee, and uh,
I heard that you were from New York.

Uh, so is my wife and half the people
in North Carolina, so hopefully

you're happy out there in Colorado.

Uh, I guess I'll start my thing
and we'll see how it goes.

When looking at planet Earth from
space, you will technically be observing

both Jack Reacher and Jason bne.

Reacher would be easier to see
cause he's so large and might.

Born is just Matt Damon's size.

I mean, he's not little.

He's not that reacher in this world.

Born is the exact same height
as many driver to look that up.

From this vantage point, if both men
had gotten a message letting them know

they had to kill the other one you
would see born immediately hack into the

satellite that Elon Musk uses to look
at Alexander daddario in the shower.

Find a of our hero, Jack Reacher.

A matter of.

That location is in the parking lot of
Pretty Bird Hot Chicken in downtown Salt

Lake City, where he was just about to get
a fried chicken Sando combo and within

an hour Born is on his way to the target
using his multiple identities and Kilford

Sky Miles points and Reacher is on his way
to the bus station to get a ticket from

Minneapolis as the 15th annual Minnesota
Blues Hall of Fame event is coming up.

And he wants to catch the
music jam led by Moses Oakland.

All this is true things.

When we zoom into the music jam,
we see reacher in the crowd.

Weirdly emotionless as he enjoys the show.

Gal behind him asked him to
sit down as she can't see.

He explains that he is sitting down.

Bakers as does her husband now born,
has snuck his way into the rafters

of I Shit You not Jimmy's Event
center adjacent to their restaurant.

Jimmy's food and drink and
connected to the Holiday Inn.

Es Express Hotel and
Suites via indoor walk.

He has a clear shot.

It reaches massive melon,
but he doesn't take it.

Not a killer anymore.

He's not even Jason born.

He's David Webb college professor.


His mission, damn, his programming.

He's not gonna kill this weird giant.

Now Rea clocked him when he turned
around to tell the gal he wasn't

standing up, but he didn't do anything.

He already used his old military
connections in some library microfiche

to find out how formidable born
was and he wasn't sleeping on it.

But any asshole can shoot a
guy in the head from far away.

That's just part of life.

But he doesn't need to deal with
it because Minnesota Blues kinds

of sucks and he wants to go to the
Waffle House and rough up some thugs.

So we zoom in on the indoor walkway
connecting Jimmy's with the Holiday Inn.

One on one side and
reach around the other.

Cause that's what we came for, right?

The fist fight.

I mean, they could shoot
each other, but that's lame.

They could get in a car chase,
but neither of them would run.

So who are they gonna chase?

They could kill each other a million
different ways, so that isn't

even a good way to measure it.

The best way, I think, is to the pain.

And if you don't know what to the pain
means you have a hole in your life and

you have to go watch Princess Bride
right after you watch this show in.

Vote for me and know what Wesley says.

That is what to the pain means.

It means I leave you in anguish,
wallowing in freakish misery.

So let's skip past the fight and let's
say that it was reacher that looked like

Beetle Bailey after the side him up.

I mean that would never happen
cause reacher is too tough.

But if we make, pretend it happened,
Warren still loses because the

next day he still has to worry
about who he really, really is.

So whether someone is gonna come
up to him and Trader Joe's and say,

her Simmons don't fit in my mouth,
triggering a whole new mission.

He has no choice but to under.

Whoever wins the fight it's born.

Who will wallow in
freakish misery forever?

Reacher won't.

He does all his dirty deeds
knowing full well what they

are, and he sleeps like a baby.

If the fight had been to the death, Warren
would've hesitated, reacher, wouldn't it?

That's all you need to know.

Warren has existential crises
about who he is and what he's done

and what else someone can else,
someone else can make 'em do.

Preacher rides the bus and hopes there's
some townies harassing a gal at the

next stop so we can break their bone.

If Bo fought reacher before he knew who he
really was and it was just animal instinct

and training, he would've had a chance,
but he didn't do that when he fought.

He did know who he was.

Right now that means loser.

All right.

Dean: That was, uh, that
was something there.


Acadia: that's always the
best adjective I go for.

Wow, that was a thing that you

Dean: did That was definitely a
thing, uh, of out of many things.

That is definitely one of them.

Demond: There there were words they made.

Acadia: That was

Dean: all right.

All right, uh, Renee, if you are
already, sir, let's, uh, go ahead and

bring you up for, uh, the two minutes.

There we go.

All right.

Rene: Oh, reach, read, Reach.

He's, he's, uh, he's a guy, you know, he,
um, he gets out there, he does his thing.

It's cool, I guess, but, you
know, uh, you know, just getting

all pretty words and shit.

That was really cute.

Um, but, um, yeah, I mean, Jason
B is just, how do you, He's he's

MacGyver with a bigger dick.

Uh, you know, and, and you know, sure
he's got, uh, his existential fucking,

uh, you know, self-identity issues.

Uh, but even while working
through all that, this dude

has never failed in mission.

This dude.

Yeah, sure.

He might have fucking
little manuring in him.


You know, this shit happens, but, uh,
you know, what are you gonna fucking.

This dude woke up not knowing who the
fuck he is, where the fuck he came from,

how he knows how to do all these fucking
amazing fucking things, but still is

able to fucking power through while,
while trying to figure himself out.

This dude is still fucking
kicking ass and taking names.

Uh, Jason born is really someone I
would never wanna meet in a dark.

Creature, you'd see him
coming from a mile away.

So I wouldn't even just go in
the alley in the first place.

You know, it, it's a case of brute
over intellect, you know, while, you

know, it's, it's creature's just a
big oof, you know, like, yeah, cool.

Looks like fucking Frankenstein.

Like, that's not a thing I would
ever want anybody to say about me.

That's horrible.

I, I, I mean, what, what I wish one
day I want to grow up to be just,

Dean: All right.

All right.

So, uh, let's see.

Let me pause over here.

So both, both of you
basically bank in 10 seconds.

Uh, but Renee, let's go ahead
with your, uh, your, your

five minute opening statement.

Rene: Uh, Ja like, again, it's, it's
really what it comes down to is Jason

born is, is a very scary fucking dude.

While he's.

On assuming it is amazing that once
again, his brain is fucking fried, but

he's always going to power through.

He's always going to figure
out how to get the job done.

Uh, he's not gonna have kids come in
through the bedroom, in the bedroom door

during the middle of a show, you know?

Uh, he's also just, I like
that he's, he's sensitive.

The man gives a fuck.

I mean, yeah.

Uh, what was, uh, what was he saying?

Um, reach.

It goes around looking to
help defenseless ladies.

Meanwhile, you know, Born is out
there doing, doing some fucking

real ass shit, different countries.

He's, you know, doing
it's, it's just tough.

It's really tough to, This conversation
shouldn't even exist, you know?

Born is not even, he's not even gonna
have to get within arm's reach of reacher.

That's the best part.

It's like, you know, that's
what his reacher's got.

Big, big shoulders.

I got big shoulders, but I don't
find myself that impressive.

Um, you know, it, it's, it's a
very, very tough conversation.

The, the two people are
completely different entities.

They're, they're different
anomalies at that.

Um, and how do you, how do you compare
the two except saying, you know, I

just a big old oath, uh, and, uh,
you know, like Jason born, Powerful.

Like with, we haven't even
seen the full extent of Jason

Born's abilities, in my opinion.

He, he's a, a dude with limitless talents.

He is so adaptable.

It's fucking ridiculous.

Um, I, I, I can't ever see Jason Bne
ordering a chicken sandwich either.

I just, I dunno.

I dunno why.

It's just, I just, Yeah, that, that
man likes a nice arugula salad.

You know, that's, that's where,
that's where we're standing , You

know, the guy isn't eating
greasy burgers at a fucking diner

countertop with his big ass shoulders
taking up two fucking bar stools.

Like, come on now.

I mean, it's, it's a big old fucking oath.

What are we even talking about here?

Like, Jesus Christ, it like
he dude blows up everything.

He leaves a fucking a, uh, you know,
One mile trail of damage behind him.

You know, like he's got no class,
he's got no style, He's got,

you know, no zas, no, uh, ju.

Um, and I'm sorry for, you know,
preachers a little too dumb to get that.

He's like, I don't know what, Um, and
you know, it's just, it's really tough.

Like, I mean, how can you not love.

Jason Bne always showing up, always
coming through with the mission.

Like he, he's got what the one freaking
chick like in every single movie.

But meanwhile, like creature's
gonna pretty much fuck anything

and everything that moves.

It's fucking pathetic, man.

Like right, good.

You got big old Should, um, you
know, what are we talking about here?

The guy?

He's a human wrecking bull.

Why would you want that around?

That's just like everywhere he
goes, Trouble fucking follows Jason.

Bos just trying to figure
out who the fuck he is.

Dude woke up and was like, Holy
shit, who the fuck am I and why

can I kick so much ass preachers?

Just, you know, a guy like,
Alright, kiss him out the army.

Now one of those go fuck
up other people's lives.

Like, Yeah.


That's what we love with our veterans.



Coming to my town with no
jurisdiction whatsoever and.

Law buildings, Fuck our women beat
up all our fucking local thugs.

I mean, sure they are deserving as . I
mean, who the fuck are you, dude?

Hey, fucking ppo.

What the fuck outta here.

Broad shoulder son.


Dean: I gotta stop talking
about his shoulders.

I mean, what are we talking about?

You like you like those
shoulders, don't you?


Rene: really fucking do.


Dean: Fuck you.


Rene: take fucking three, the four
face over those shoulders all day.

. I mean, yeah.

I, I.

I love porn for that simple fact.

The guy doesn't even know what the
fuck he is, but he's still gonna

like, do what he gotta fucking do.

This guy's still serving our country,
whether he is a on paper or not, but

you know, it's, he's my UR candidate,

Acadia: Right.

Dean: That's, uh, . That's,
that's also something very,

very much something . Acadia.

Let's, uh, give you a
two minute rebuttal here.

I mean,

Acadia: it's, it's wild that
my guy is being called an Oath.

Born only does what he's told
and his entire fucking plan is.

I will go to this place and find
a piece of paper with an arrow.

I will follow that arrow and go
to the next place and find out.

I used to like ring dates like.

The fact is, is that he's formidable.

But why is he formidable?

Because everybody told
him he was formidable.

Jerry memorized a bunch of license
plates, but that's like fucking memorizing

the list of losing lottery numbers.

Who cares?

Reacher has a, uh, a photographic memory.

Heve graduated from West Point, but
instead of fucking getting all wound

up going, I have to, Who stole the
bonds in the, from the Norwegian vault?

He just, what's,

We'll do what he's told and it doesn't
matter who's holding the fucking remote.

So Sure.

He is on our side for now, but is he.

Like he's just a blunt instrument.

I mean, he's got little pointy
bits, don't get me wrong.

I'm not, I'm not doubting
any of his abilities.

I mean, whatever.

They stuck in the back of his head
and makes tricks into his brain.

It was, it was legit.

He can do all that stuff
and he knows all that stuff.

When you lean to his own
devices, what does he do?

I'm gonna go teach college.

I don't wanna do any of the
things I was trained to do.

I choose specifically not to.

And yes, Renee, you said before
you would not ever wanna meet

Jason born in a dark alley.

But the thing is, is that you would
never meet Jason born in a dark

alley because he wouldn't go to
one unless somebody told him to.

Just, this thing is a


Dean: give you 10 seconds to finish.

Acadia: I mean, that's it.

It's, it's, he's a, he's born as a
smart bomb reacher, aimed it all right.

Cause he has autonomy.

All right.


Dean: Boy.

Oh boy.

Um, pick this out for a sec.

So, yeah.


Lot of words.

Yeah, definitely.

Those are some words.

Uh, there some sentences.

Would you like to ask Acadia question?


Demond: I do.

Um, what are Reachers, Um, okay.

Act you, you know, both these characters.

What, um, which one of Jason's Jason
Born's strengths would give reacher

the hardest time prior driving?

Acadia: A hundred percent.

Say again, car driving.

He's not a interesting
reacher's, not an automotive man.

He takes the fucking bus.

He could have a car if he
wanted, but he doesn't.

He just takes the bus
and walks everywhere.


Rene: that's what you always wanna
wait for a hero to get off the bus.

. Yeah.

But yeah, he's at the Greyhound station.

You'll be here in about.

He's taking the one 14
outta fucking Pennsylvania.



In a hero.


Acadia: Yep.

We want Born.

It takes him four fucking movies
to actually be the person chasing

somebody every other time.

He was the one getting chased preaching
when you middle of the street, like

Joker in the dark night waiting to
get run over and it wouldn't work.

Rene: Yeah.

That doesn't sound o at all.

. Yeah.

I mean like again.


It's cool.


Uh, You can drive a car?

Like how is that a quality that
you are like worried about?

Like why would that like Yeah.

Again, this guy has to
worry about bus fair

Acadia: No he doesn't.

He can pay

Rene: it.

Oh shit.


IA shit, he missed the fucking one 14.

He's not gonna be able to catch the,
He's not gonna be here for another two

hours cause he's gonna catch the two 14.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I always want my heroes.

Coming off that Greyhound.

Yeah, that's, that's all.

Dean: Renee, I, I was looking at your, at
your little chart in the background, and

it made me think if you were to quantify,
uh, both Jason Bne and Jack Reacher

as a strain of weed, what would, what
would, what would the makeup of each be?


Rene: Jack Reacher would
be Alaskan Thunderfuck.


Dean: And wait, what?

Hang on.

Before you, before you, What
is, is that one you just made

up or is that an actual one?

And what, what's the, what's the what's?

No, what's a natural fucking shit?


What's it comprised of?

Rene: um, I believe, remember correctly,
it was a hybrid, a sativa leaning hybrid.

Um, and it had qualities of like
a purple haze, but it's very

buzzy, just like, you know, stuff.

I, I'm a, I'm an indica man.

I like to keep it chill.

I like to, you know, keep
my eyes real fucking low.

Um, but yeah, an Alaskan Thunder
fuck is just an obnoxious name,

just like fucking beaches.

I'm not,

Acadia: I ain't mad about it.

Dean: And so what's.


Rene: Born is a blue dream.

Blue dream.

He was, I was also a hybrid, but in
Galen, um, had a little bit of that

sour diesel in him cuz he doesn't
know much about his history his past.

So he is like kind of bitter.

Um, and, uh, but that dreamy part again,
you know, still trying to figure out

what's going on in his fucking past.


You know, he, uh, he needs to
be told where to go to fucking

find out who the fuck he is.

, I mean, like Jesus Christ.

Give him a fucking break,
you know, Fucking our go.

Acadia: Failed this man
and he's still thriving.

All right,

Dean: Yeah.

It just made me think you, if anybody knew
what, what strain any fighter would be.

Rene: I feel like Alaskan
Thunderfuck also has broad shoulders,

Acadia: separate from this debate,
Alaskan Thunderfuck, I'm just

gonna use as a, as an adjective for

Rene: this guy right here.

These guys' a real fucking Alaska.

Dean: You gotta grind that shit twice.

Acadia: Uh,

Dean: it's, it is probably
really sticky too.

Acadia: No, hell,

Dean: whoa.

Um, and by the way, if any, whoever's
listen, I see there's, we got a

whole two people watching right now.

If anybody's got a question,
uh, feel free to ask it.

Um, so, uh, you got anything else,
Toman, that you'd like to ask?

Acadia: Um,

Demond: How well I'm about to take,
uh, we'll, we'll see where it goes.

Um, this is for our Katie.

Uh, another question about Richard.

How does Reacher, uh, over as far
as resource, resources seems to

be one, um, one of Jason Board's
advantages, at least from the early

movies that I can remember anyway.

Um, so how would reacher over
overcome, uh, the lack of resources

in a, in a battle against.

Acadia: I think that his, his resources
are not as meager as they seem, cause

Reacher actually does have friends and
friends that are still attached to the

military and, and places that could
give him some type of material support.

Born doesn't have any friends.

He has contacts.

And so he doesn't have anybody that he
can specifically rely on, but he also

knows that somebody's gonna drop a loop
crate next to where he is so that he can

be super good fighting man and empty it.

Reacher isn't gonna have that.

So from a resource standpoint,
reacher would have a disadvantage.

I mean, if it was a, if it was a,
a shoulder rocket propelled grenade

fight, I'm pretty sure that Warren
could get one and Reacher could.

So I just give that one away.

There's no

Rene: way We always go
back to the shoulders,

Acadia: So I was trying to weaken
you . It's a broad shoulder mountain.

So, so

Dean: if, if, uh, let's see,
where was I gonna go with if so,

what, what would, what would born?

So they're, they're face to
face, you know, 10 paces apart.

Renee, what, what is born gonna
do to get that first attack in?

Rene: Uh, ooh.

He's probably gonna have a finger on
his, uh, cell phone in his pocket.

set off like a, a distraction
off towards reacher's.


And then that's, I saying hit him
with a fucking, you know, a, a

fucking bobby pin to the throat You.

Dean: So what, what would
the finishing move be?

Um, assuming, assuming he,
assuming he's, he's besting him.

What's the finishing move?

Rene: I'm going old.

Good old fashioned neck.

Neck spin.

Old neck twist.

One of those.

How else do you fucking take off?

I just remembered those shoulders.

I'm not sure.

Is NET gonna actually be
able to go that far around?

Fuck, I didn't even think about that in

Dean: Christ.

Maybe that's, that's reacher's finishing
move on board is you try to break his

neck, but you end up breaking your arms.

Rene: I, I actually fucking see that.

Yeah, I might.

Katie might win that one.

Just might have to give that one up.

fucking shoulders win everything.

Fucking sucks.

Dean: So, Katie, what's your,
what's your, what's, uh, what's

reacher's finishing move on board.

So is it

Acadia: in a fight to the death?

Well, yeah.

Dean: These two, you know, these two,
these two are, are, are fighters to the.

They, I mean,

Acadia: yeah, do, I mean, I hate the
idea of it, but also, and I'm gonna

use up some of my time that that
concentrates thing you have behind

your Renee now I kind of want there to
be a periodic table of action stars.

Cause I just kept thinking re
and then like b o and they'd all

have their different properties.

That's nice.

So Patton fucking pending on that.

Anyways, as far as finishing move
was concerned, I think that he.

Turned born into Beetle Bailey, and
like after Sage beat him up so that he

was all like laying there all crinkled
and whatever, and Born, who has been

all wrapped up in all of this serious
business and everything like that.

And everything he's done has been
so vitally fucking important that

as he starts to bleed out, the
last thing he would see is reacher.

Just walk away, not caring.

Who the fuck he.

So not only would he be dead, he'd be sad.

. So

Rene: sad.

I don't think reacher has emotion.

Acadia: anger and confusion are emotion's.

Rene: Confusion and anger.

Anger and confusion.

Dean: All right.

So, all right.

Let's, uh, let's go ahead and finish
this off with our closing statements.

We will start with, With Renee here.

So if you are ready, Renee, go for

Rene: it.

All right.

Blurs and nerds.

Um, how else do we wrap this up?

Is that except saying, you
know, God, those shoulders.

Um, Jason Bne has had a
fucking tough life, man.

You know, I, I remember
correctly, he signed up for.

This, but also didn't sign up for this.

It's just really fucking tragic that our
government fucking failed this young man.

I mean, he could have
been somebody and all he

Acadia: wants to do is
fight out who he is.

Rene: Um, and it's just, dude, I have
to give all the love to board like that.


Could you imagine what that be like?


It's like not even just amnesia, it's like
amnesia and like everybody wants to kill.

And they can't, which is even funny, but
like that just, it's a better story.

He's a little, like I said,
twilight, little more swa.

He's got a little more, know what
I'm saying, man, guy up the joint.

Um, and uh, yeah, that's it, man.

Right, right.

Dean: Okay.

Um, so you know what, I didn't
even bring the damn clock on.

You had, uh, you had a whole other
minute left if you want, if you want.


All right.


All right.

Uh, let's restart it.

And Acadia,

Acadia: if you need somebody to fight
some super secret sleeper agent on the

edge of a volcano in order to ensure.

The Corlon syndicate does not
take over, I don't know, fucking

Google or some shit like that.

Then you would 100% call born.

But in every other situation of life,
he's just, he went to teach college.

The poor fucker got so much ptsd.

Some freshman asked him if this was
gonna be on the test, punched him right

in the throat, so, I think my, my main
issue is not with what Bo's talents are.

I think the reason that he would lose
to reacher is because nobody in the

circles that he travels would ever
tell him, Hey, you gotta go kill

that reacher guy who just fucking
punched this hillbilly in the ti.

He would, It would never happen
because Reacher is operating on a

level that he chooses to operate.

Born is an experi.

Reacher is the fucking control.

He's the one that they looked at to
say, Well, how do we make this better?

And they said, Well make him
friends with Ben Affleck.

That was basically their entire move.

Rene: I dunno who

Acadia: that's, So I guess the, the
fact is, is that I respect Jason born.

Unless you specifically manufacture it
so that somebody tells him he has to go

kill Jack Reacher, he's just gonna sit
in his office at Sad University and wish

that he had control over his own life.

And of course, the camera
would be shaky as fuck while

you're looking at him doing it.


Dean: Uh, I love this show so much,

Uh, I could think of many worse
things to do on a Saturday . Yep.

Demond: I'm gonna have
to go do one of them.

As a matter of fact, as

Acadia: soon as I get off, oh man,

Dean: well, at least one of us has a, uh,
a re reservation at a steak restaurant.


Acadia: That would

Demond: be the tall one.

. Dang.

Dean: Oh man.

So, Um, now that, uh, that, uh, though
you've heard all of the arguments,

we want you now to go out to disputed
pod.com/reacher v born, that is R e a c h

e r V B O U R N E, and choose your victor.

And hopefully, uh, we will, uh,
have one of these, what they'll be

in the next, the, the final four.


That's the next, So yeah, we have, uh,
so we have one more bout and then Yeah.

This is, this is the, the third
one of the, of the second round.

So the next to last.


So yeah, go vote.

Um, and, uh, man, I'm looking forward to
seeing who the, who wins this one because

I think, I think honestly this would
be a, a really good if it was a, if, if

they put these two together in a movie
against each other, I think it would be.

Um, so what do you, uh, so what
did you get from all this Demond?

Demond: Lots of laughter and I got
my stomach hurts, uh, because of it.

Um, this was a, the every show
is amazing in a different way.

Just the, it's always the chemistry
between us, you and, uh, Dean and I, and

then the, uh, advocates and the, you know,
it's just, it was, and it was another.

Perfect storm of nonsense with suit tube.

Awesome fighters.

Um, I have no idea who's, who's, uh,
who's gonna win this one neither.

And, uh, and Reacher has broad shoulders

Acadia: that.

He definitely does.

Dean: uh, um, yeah, it's, uh, yeah, I, i,
I have no idea how this is gonna turn out.

Um, but I, uh, I have
my thoughts for sure.

Um, but, uh, yeah.

I can't wait to hear what everybody says.

Um, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna
do some light plugs for us.

Uh, real quick before we, uh, do
our sign off, um, anything you need

to know about us, you can go out
to dispute pod.com/links, uh, and

you can find us in all our places.

If you wanna buy our merch, you can
go to dispute pod.com/merch and for,

uh, everything that's on the pods
secure podcast network pods secure.com

and go check all that stuff out.

Guys real quick, Uh, I don't
put the voting back up.

Um, just before we go, uh, Renee,
one more time, uh, with your plugs,

Rene: uh, follow me on, on my social
networks or whatever the fuck they're

called, uh, at BET u I did, um, as it
says on my, uh, should say it somewhere

on my name there, but b e t y o u i d I d
especially head up my, uh, my Instagram.

Facebook, please feel free to add me.

I don't give a shit.

I got everybody back.

Um, follow my podcast
on YouTube and Facebook.

Uh, perfectly misfit to show between,
uh, two Army veterans where we just

two dudes sitting around mostly
talking about podcasts and being

fat and how much we love food and,
and movies and shit like that.

It's a good hang, It's a good, just,
it's a therapy session for me and my boy

Dan, every week basically to talk the
shit that no one else wants to listen to.

Dean: Right on.

I've been on there and it's been fun.



Rene: uh, also, I guess also looking
forward to doing a very, uh, the next

table, an episode of How are You now?

And then a couple of weeks.

So yeah, November 7th.

We will a good one.


Acadia: Acadia, anything
you'd like to Hello?

Well, my Twitter is at Acadia, but
it's not next to my name down there.

Like I actually got that name.

The National Park isn't thrilled
about it, but whatev National Park.

Fuck you.

So, uh, my main show is strange with
things.com, um, and now I make shit

and pedal it like name tags from
companies like Umbrella and shit

that don't really exist, that kind.

So that's been fun.

That's cool.

And we go to horror conventions
and shit like that, but mainly

you can find me on Twitter just
saying shit that nobody answers.

And I'm test you, Renee, because
if you follow everybody back,

that means you'll follow me back.

Dean: I'm feeling the love right now.


Acadia: made a

Demond: connection.

We've made a connection.

Acadia: It's a, I just wanna follower.

That's not a,

Dean: Oh my God.

God, I get so many.

I get so many of the.

The, the sexy girl bought that
just followed me right and left.

I'm like, Oh, yeah, okay.

You know what?


Acadia: a scam,

Rene: I literally, I wonder if like,
uh, girls like, look through our fucking

socials and shit when you're single.

So I'm like, I wonder what girls
must think when they see all those

fucking big booty fake bitches
on my, on my Instagram followers.

I'm like, I didn't sign up for this.

No, I'm not following

Dean: em back.

They followed me, . Hey, I
may be a dude with a libido.

That just doesn't mean I want
to follow any random whatever,


Acadia: big boot team, the guy at the end
that goes, Do you guys have followers?

Dean: One or two?

Uh, Demond.

Uh, what's going on next time?

Demond: Well, we'll be back to Thursdays
for our next match on October 20.

Where we will bring you the fourth and
final scrap of the second round, meaning

we're about to complete the final four.

Ooh boy.

It'll be Beatrice Kiddo from the Kill Bill
franchise versus, man, this is gonna be

good from Amos from the Expanse franchise.

So until next time, I'm, I'm

Dean: Dean.

And remember

Acadia: everything.

Demond: Is disputed.

Dean: Thank you so much
for joining us today.

We hope you enjoyed the episode.

We are now asking you to
go vote for your champion.

We want to thank our advocates for their
amazing defense of their champions.

And finally, we'd like to thank the
musical artists who created the music

that helps make our show so great.

We've got Hard Fight by Gerges game.

By I colic, Bite Club by Evil Bear.

Boris Fight makes right by a take and
this party sucks Bite done with fish.

They can be found on free music
archive.org or on art list.io.

See you next time.