Insurance Town

In today’s episode Mayor got to sit down with Ana Gonzalez Gibbs, of Anabots. This is such a fun episode!!  She has an obsession for learning has taken me her on so many interesting journeys. Starting with architecture for a while, then martial arts and finding her true passion in building sales systems for companies and sales teams, and that's what she’s been doing. And now as she calls it the the 4th Industrial Revolution. she and her team are installing those that that knowledge in sales and systems

Having this deep passion for learning she started obsessing over sales processes. And she decided quickly that she wanted to be an expert in it.  Then as AI came along she became obsessing with it and married that passion with her sales systems obsession and thus the birth of Anabots

Smart Choice 
Canopy Connect 
Olde School Marketing 

What is Insurance Town?

Welcome to Insurance Town! Your host is the Mayor of Insurance Town, Heath Shearon. After many years in different parts of the insurance world, Heath wants to share his experience with you. Join in on conversations with Heath and many of the friends he's made along the way.

Insurance Town is a production of Ready, Set, Podcast! Find more info at
Music: "Mornin, Noon, and Nite" by Daddy Long Legs

Heath Shearon: Anna Gonzalez. What's going on? Sis.

Ana Gonzalez: Hey? He! I'm glad to be here.

Heath Shearon: Man. I'm so glad you're here. It looks like you got the chopsticks already set to go, so we're good to go there. Huh!

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah, thank you. Yes, I met that with chatship. So I'm very proud of it.

Heath Shearon: Awesome.

Heath Shearon: So those that aren't watching it. She's got a picture behind her of chopsticks, and you made that with chat. Gpt, huh!

Ana Gonzalez: I did.

Ana Gonzalez: And what's the significance.

Heath Shearon: To the chopsticks.

Ana Gonzalez: You, you know.

Ana Gonzalez: I. I have studied martial arts for 30 years, so.

Heath Shearon: Marsha.

Ana Gonzalez: Which is part of what I am.

Ana Gonzalez: and also the credit card is very representative of

Ana Gonzalez: I mean, that used to be my favorite movie when I was like 7.

Heath Shearon: Heck, yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: Younger. So yeah, that's been like with me all the time. So I was like, what can I put in my background? That's representative of me. So you can see. I mean, I have my gummy bird that makes me very happy.

Heath Shearon: Heck, yeah, I.

Ana Gonzalez: I was like, I need something that represents Karate. And why would everybody see with Karate? Well, chopsticks, Karate Kid, you know Mr. Mayagi.

Heath Shearon: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Love it. Absolutely love it. Okay. And the gummy bear is that representative of just you like candy, or representative of something else.

Ana Gonzalez: You know the Gummy bear is not representative of anything. I was looking for some lighting. I was looking for this warrior actually, and while I was looking for that warrior for those who are not looking at it, it's it's a.

Ana Gonzalez: you know, some some tubes with the light bulb, and it has like a

Ana Gonzalez: like a

Ana Gonzalez: lightsaber. So while looking for that warrior, I found that gummy bear, that gummy bear is a it's a it's a.

Ana Gonzalez: It's also a light.

Heath Shearon: Dude I.

Ana Gonzalez: Think, yeah.

Heath Shearon: I'm a i'm a gummy bear guy. Sour Patch kids. Haribo Gummy bears you name it. I love it so. I'm a big gummy bears, Guy, so that that caught my eye. And then, of course, being a big guy, I love food. So I love Chinese food. I love chopsticks, Japanese food, the whole 9 so pretty awesome.

Heath Shearon: There's probably every week we have a Bocce you know, or Chinese food of some sort. So, but I've never gotten the whole chopsticks thing down, and I used to hold like a pencil and then move your other fingers, and

Heath Shearon: I don't know. I've never been able to figure it out, so maybe someday, if we meet in person you could teach me how to use chopsticks.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah, of course, I think it's fun.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, dude awesome.

Heath Shearon: So let's take a a walk down Memory Lane. Why don't you tell me a little bit about who you are? Tell the audience, you know.

Heath Shearon: you know, kind of your background. Lead me up to where you are today. I don't want to go back to birth that makes it a little creepy, but you can at least, you know. Take me back a little bit and tell me where you are and what what's been going on, and all that good stuff.

Ana Gonzalez: Well, I'm Anna Gonzalez. I was born and raised in Mexico City.

Ana Gonzalez: My background actually is an architecture. I went to school for architecture. And then I decided, well, this is this is not what I want to do. I want to do photography. So I did that.

Ana Gonzalez: But what I like my real passion, was teaching Karate, so I taught Karate for

Ana Gonzalez: 15 years, and that took me places.

Ana Gonzalez: Teaching. Karate took me to leave to New York. I opened a school there. It's still up and running, and then I went back to Mexico City, and then I moved to Texas.

Ana Gonzalez: and I've been in Texas for 10 years. I am in Austin, Texas.

Ana Gonzalez: and you know life takes you places. So I have this

Ana Gonzalez: passion for learning like it's it's it's an obsession. It's

Ana Gonzalez: I I don't know I would translate it. The direct translation would be. It's disgusting. I don't think it's disgusting, but it's it's a.

Heath Shearon: That's right.

Ana Gonzalez: Learning, you know. Yeah, so.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: That obsession for learning has taken me to. Yes, I worked in architecture for a while.

Ana Gonzalez: and then it has moved me in a different direction. And we've been doing

Ana Gonzalez: building sales systems for companies and sales teams, and that's what we've been doing. And now with

Ana Gonzalez: I call it the the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Ana Gonzalez: We are installing those that that knowledge in sales and systems

Ana Gonzalez: into

Ana Gonzalez: using it with AI integrating AI to it, so that

Ana Gonzalez: we can help better.

Heath Shearon: I love that. So what? How did you get from there? From architecture

Heath Shearon: to building sales teams to AI, from Karate? And so that's a that's an interesting journey, and I love that. I think the audience is going to be interested in that, too. Why, why, that transition, what? What's the interest in in AI. From all of that background.

Ana Gonzalez: that's a good question. I can tell you that.

Ana Gonzalez: Well, with the obsession for learning new things whenever something new comes, I start learning it, and then I start obsessing over it. And I am like, Oh, I want to be an expert in this, and I don't think that I will ever be an expert on on anything, because nobody can learn 100% of everything.

Heath Shearon: Right, you know.

Ana Gonzalez: And AI is still evolving.

Heath Shearon: 100%.

Ana Gonzalez: Changing very fast.

Ana Gonzalez: What I can tell you is that

Ana Gonzalez: we've been building those sales systems and those sales teams.

Ana Gonzalez: and

Ana Gonzalez: I don't know if this has happened to do. You have kids, heath.

Heath Shearon: Oh, yeah, 3 of them.

Ana Gonzalez: Oh, my gosh! How can you do that? I have one, and I can barely manage that.

Ana Gonzalez: Anyways, I realized that

Ana Gonzalez: sometimes I would call

Ana Gonzalez: his doctor or his dentist to make an appointment, and I mean they don't shine for their

Ana Gonzalez: really great customer service, you know, and it was really hard to get a hold of them to make an appointment. So I was like there should be a way

Ana Gonzalez: and also, you know those you call the cable company. It's

Ana Gonzalez: super uncomfortable to oh, you want English press one. You want Spanish press 2. Do you want.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: It's it's it's annoying.

Ana Gonzalez: So

Ana Gonzalez: there we we found this gap in the market, and

Ana Gonzalez: we started to

Ana Gonzalez: see that also.

Ana Gonzalez: we made our mission to save the world from

Ana Gonzalez: crappy chat book experience.

Ana Gonzalez: So what we're right doing right now is building chat, box chat bots that actually have a conversation with you. I don't know if you've been to a website and you have questions and you go to the chat Bot, and the Chatbot is like, what's your name?

Ana Gonzalez: Okay, what's your email address? And you're like, this is my email address. And then Shepherd is like, Go to the corner, wait for 2 days for me to to reply to you.

Ana Gonzalez: you know, like, that's actually what they do.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, no, you're right.

Ana Gonzalez: So the average response time. And this is actually a stat, the average response time to online increase is 47 h.

Heath Shearon: Wow! I did not know that.

Ana Gonzalez: It's 47 h. So can you remember a website you visited 2 days ago or 2? I mean.

Heath Shearon: Not even 2 min ago. I can't remember, not even 2 min ago.

Ana Gonzalez: So if I mean, if you don't respond to Ellie within 5 min, your chance of converting them drops by 80%.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, this is a.

Ana Gonzalez: Actual stat.

Ana Gonzalez: So with all the sales systems that we build with all the we had clients who are like.

Ana Gonzalez: I mean, I have a lot of leads, but I don't know how to

Ana Gonzalez: like. I can't keep up with them.

Heath Shearon: Right? Well, yeah. And in the insurance industry.

Heath Shearon: we have a lot of people that are, you know, starting to get more online leads and more things like that from online. And

Heath Shearon: you know or they'll get those, you know. Inquiries really quickly like that. And we tell people all the time and in our sales trainings that

Heath Shearon: you have to respond to them within a minute.

Heath Shearon: 1 min, like. If you don't, then it decreases. By this amount, I mean, you could respond in 5, and still probably close it. But your likelihood of closing is much higher when you get back to him within 60 seconds.

Ana Gonzalez: Yes, so 5 min your your chance. Convertive in it, converting it, converting them. Oh, my goodness.

Heath Shearon: No, you're good.

Ana Gonzalez: Can we do this in Spanish?

Heath Shearon: Yeah, no, because I could. Maybe my audience could understand it, part of them. But.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah, I know.

Heath Shearon: So I can.

Ana Gonzalez: It's in English.

Heath Shearon: And no, I'm kidding. But yeah, I just 60 seconds, because again, I know me. And I know the rest of you know the the world out there right now. We're such an and I call it a Squirrel Society, or Adhd society, where

Heath Shearon: they're gonna be waiting for that minute. 2 min, and then they're finally going back. Oh, I'm gonna go to another site. Let me go check Geico, or let me go check progressive or let me go check this website, that website.

Ana Gonzalez: Yes, yes, I don't know if this happens to you, but if I need to wait like 10 min.

Ana Gonzalez: I go to the competition. I go to the next website, and I see who responds faster. So the average actually, the average response rate. Time for AI powered sales and support assistance is 9 seconds.

Heath Shearon: Oh, wow!

Heath Shearon: So what was the 47 h stat, then?

Ana Gonzalez: Oh, for

Ana Gonzalez: businesses to actually reply so.

Heath Shearon: Okay. So if you get AI involved instantly goes for 47 h to 9 seconds.

Ana Gonzalez: So if you get that chat, but who's like, what's your name? What's your email goes in the corner? I'll get back to you later

Ana Gonzalez: 47 h.

Ana Gonzalez: I somewhat.

Heath Shearon: I think that's hilarious, that that the voice that you put with that go there. It's like so choppy. It's hilarious.

Ana Gonzalez: Don't you feel like that.

Heath Shearon: It does feel that way. That's really funny.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah.

Heath Shearon: So go ahead. No, I I think you're you were on this other. I didn't mean to interrupt you earlier, but just, you know, related that back into insurance in the space that I'm in.

Heath Shearon: you know, the more and more people are getting involved with with technology and adding.

Heath Shearon: you know, quoting portals on their website. They're adding, you know, opportunities on their websites.

Heath Shearon: you know. I I think our industry has always been a Tad behind on certain technologies. But we are seeing more and more people

Heath Shearon: that are thinking about adding chat bots, or virtual assistants, or

Heath Shearon: something that to that effect. And so again with your transition into that talk to me a little bit about what you're seeing, cause you work outside of insurance. You probably have some clients with an insurance. But

Heath Shearon: what are you seeing within the sales cultures out there, and how you're helping them improve.

Ana Gonzalez: Well, I mean, now that you mention it, we're actually working with a large insurance brokerage now to install AI voice appointment setting for several of their agents

Ana Gonzalez: and I mean for those who aren't comfortable with it yet. We have live human centers as well. But

Ana Gonzalez: we're finding that conversion rates for AI setters are similar to human colors

Ana Gonzalez: as long as the script is dialed in, and they are trained properly, and how to handle the call.

Heath Shearon: So that's a good, you know, a good segment or segue into what I wanted to ask you, as far as

Heath Shearon: those out there.

Heath Shearon: whether you're in the insurance industry or real estate mortgage any sales industry out there.

Heath Shearon: How do you get them to overcome the objection of the fear of AI, or the fear of Chat bots, or the fear of.

Heath Shearon: you know, taking that out of a human control.

Ana Gonzalez: Well, it depends on where the fear is founded.

Heath Shearon: That's good.

Ana Gonzalez: I've heard I've heard some objection of, oh, people like to call people like to talk to people.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: And you know, we have found that most people don't care if they're talking to a machine or not like the only they only care that they get their problem solved.

Ana Gonzalez: So when people are interacting with the chat bot or with a voice, AI, what's important for them is that their problem gets solved.

Ana Gonzalez: And whenever, like.

Ana Gonzalez: I don't know, I go to a website, I want to get my problem solved. And I don't want to talk to some. Someone like what I want is my problem solved.

Heath Shearon: Right.

Ana Gonzalez: And

Ana Gonzalez: when someone actually agrees to book an appointment with you.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: That's because they're ready to talk to you.

Heath Shearon: No, you're right, you're right. You were on a roll there. I was taking notes over here. Sorry? So I I think.

Heath Shearon: but that is, you know, something that a lot of people hesitate on is but what I've always told people is AI

Heath Shearon: technology. If you're going to go back just to broad scope of technology, or even now, chat bots. I think they're setting you up for the human conversation.

Heath Shearon: It might begin. It might begin with the chat bot! Or a voice. What do you call a voice? Bot, voice, chat. I don't know what you call the voice ones, but

Heath Shearon: I think that's setting up the conversation. Or like you said appointment setting for the human conversation. So it's still relationships with humans. But is it just beginning here and cutting out that time from a human of setting the appointment. Now you can actually talk to them right.

Ana Gonzalez: Yes, and you know some customers can even tell the difference between an AI assistant and a human. I mean, we're not trying to fool anyone but.

Heath Shearon: Yes. Good. Point.

Ana Gonzalez: Even.

Heath Shearon: Very good. Point.

Ana Gonzalez: It's sometimes better to disclose up front rather than just hope. The customer doesn't notice. But some of them don't notice. Like I, I have this client who

Ana Gonzalez: so we have this chat, but that we install in her on her site. And she was talking to me. We we knew each other from before, and she was telling me, you know what I'm I think I'm gonna close my business, because, like I I'm

Ana Gonzalez: I don't know. It's getting slow.

Ana Gonzalez: So we just installed a chat bot on her website. Not even AI boys, not even on her

Ana Gonzalez: SMS or anywhere else, just her her website. And she thought that nobody was visiting her website.

Ana Gonzalez: 2 weeks later we saw all the conversations that her chat book was having. We saw this is an

Ana Gonzalez: an event, a party venue for kids.

Ana Gonzalez: We saw that the chat but was replying to questions. What was booking appointments for for open play, and also the.

Ana Gonzalez: And this is funny. The book the chat Bot booked a party.

Ana Gonzalez: and I don't know about you. I didn't know that people would spend $5,000 in a in a party for their kids.

Ana Gonzalez: These parties are had.

Heath Shearon: Wow!

Ana Gonzalez: Take it like that. This Bud booked a party a $4,000 party for her at 10 at night, while she was

Ana Gonzalez: talking her kid in.

Ana Gonzalez: she texted me. The next morning she sent me a screenshot she was like

Ana Gonzalez: who who was

Ana Gonzalez: who was having this conversation.

Ana Gonzalez: and it's like that's that's your chat, bot. She's like

Ana Gonzalez: she talks like a human like she would. She would not believe that her chat bot was actually having

Ana Gonzalez: an interaction that looked like like seemed human.

Heath Shearon: Yeah. And to your point that

Heath Shearon: you know the 1st thing that

Heath Shearon: I think of, I think of chat bots. So people asking me, why would I want to have a chat pot? Or why would I want to have something like this

Heath Shearon: is because it does give you that 24, 7, access 24, 7 customer service that

Heath Shearon: you know your human support or your staff at the office or at home wherever they're at.

Heath Shearon: they're gonna be 9 to 5, 8 to 5, you know Dolly Parton, or 9 to 5. But you know they're not gonna be able, you know. No, I shouldn't be able to. But they're not gonna want to work 24, 7. So when you could deploy that chat bot.

Heath Shearon: But you also brought up another good point when you're talking about them, setting that appointment, getting that $5,000 close on that

Heath Shearon: Talk to my audience a little bit about those that are are new to it, or thinking about the chat bots or whatnot.

Heath Shearon: Where does that? How do you? I guess the accuracy and the the information that they're able to spit out.

Heath Shearon: and the way they can sound more like your agency, or your company, or your firm, or whatever it might be.

Heath Shearon: Where does that come from? And what's the importance, I guess, from getting the end like, where does that come from? Is that in?

Heath Shearon: I'm trying to phrase this question right. And I'm I'm struggling there. But you know I'm talking about like.

Heath Shearon: how important is the data. I guess that you're putting in and where they come. Where does that come from? And like? Is it from a Crm or from your management system? Where is that.

Ana Gonzalez: Well, we trade the bots in house we have seen a lot of platforms out there for chat bots and for AI voice.

Ana Gonzalez: And

Ana Gonzalez: we just didn't like them. So when you don't like something, you just

Ana Gonzalez: that's what we do. Which is like, Okay, I don't like this. So I'm gonna do it myself. So we have a proprietary

Ana Gonzalez: software. We have developers in house. If if I don't train them myself.

Ana Gonzalez: our developers train them. And then we we have this very rough quality control. Now about how will the AI represent me correctly?

Ana Gonzalez: You gotta.

Heath Shearon: If there's an agency out there listening, an insurance company agency underwriter, whatever it might be, out there listening to this.

Heath Shearon: how do they get over that hurdle like? What do they need to know? What do they need to do in order to set these chat bots up to be

Heath Shearon: effective in their agency, or their company.

Ana Gonzalez: Well, in our case they just need to know their business. If you know your business, you know how your AI should sound like.

Heath Shearon: Okay. Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: So I think it's

Heath Shearon: Would they set up like a FAQ and load that in of like?

Heath Shearon: Okay, go ahead like, those are the kind of thing like, what kind of tools they need to have in their agencies behind the scenes, to be able to deploy a chat. Bot.

Ana Gonzalez: They only need to know their business, what they do, their messaging and the Faqs. That's all.

Heath Shearon: Okay.

Ana Gonzalez: For for me to be able to, and and what they want their their chat, what to do like they wanted to make appointments, or they wanted to just answer customer service questions, or they wanted them to only send a link to checkout or a link to to calendar. That's what they need to know.

Heath Shearon: Okay.

Ana Gonzalez: Their business and what they want their child to do. That's it.

Heath Shearon: There is some work on the back end.

Heath Shearon: For the the human or the the staff, and then they probably need to update that

Heath Shearon: quite often.

Ana Gonzalez: Yes, whenever they need updates, like, I mean, I don't know how it's

Ana Gonzalez: sometimes with with companies. They need to do them themselves.

Ana Gonzalez: And you said. You just let me know. And I just did the updates myself

Ana Gonzalez: and let me go back to something that you mentioned, because I think it's pretty hilarious. You mentioned something about the

Ana Gonzalez: the appointment sitters or the workers. They work 9 to 5, and that's it, and they don't want to work

Ana Gonzalez: more.

Ana Gonzalez: But let me add that

Ana Gonzalez: I mean the the AI powered assistant.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: They work 24, 7, they never miss a shift, they never.

Heath Shearon: Disagree.

Ana Gonzalez: They don't take long lunches. Lunch breaks they don't fight with their boyfriend the night before. They never ask for a raise like.

Heath Shearon: They just hold.

Ana Gonzalez: And just scripts and processes, and they book the appointments all day long without your involvement.

Heath Shearon: Right.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah, if you if you give them feedback, they don't take them personally, you know.

Heath Shearon: Yeah. And I I think,

Heath Shearon: you know, going back to that, I think you're exactly right. I don't. I mean.

Heath Shearon: they don't give you the headache sometimes that an employee may give you, but on the flip side, on the other side of that I think that

Heath Shearon: you know. To educate this chat. Bot, you know, I think, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on. This is personalizing that

Heath Shearon: to using your company lingo, your agency lingo, you know. Maybe it's that, you know. You want to have a little more laid back where they might use, you know, more modern day lingo. Or it might be that you want them really professional. And you want them to speak in certain terms. Yeah. Or maybe there's certain language within your town or your city that you need them to use to help them to.

Heath Shearon: you know. Sound like part of your te, you know. You know what I'm saying. Yeah. Do you see a lot of that? Is that something that you see out there outside of just antibots? But you know all chat bots. Did you see some of that.

Heath Shearon: A sore subject, for you. Sounds like.

Ana Gonzalez: You know, I I just.

Heath Shearon: I love the passion, it hit me.

Ana Gonzalez: I have seen a lot of chat bots who

Ana Gonzalez: are trained

Ana Gonzalez: by

Ana Gonzalez: tech bros.

Ana Gonzalez: yeah. And and by tech bros, I mean, yeah, they know the technology.

Ana Gonzalez: but they don't know how to do sales. We've been doing sales systems for 15 years. So we know the topic.

Ana Gonzalez: And those tech Bros are.

Ana Gonzalez: I mean.

Ana Gonzalez: I'm gonna show my age here. They're 20. They're 20 year old guys who know the technology.

Ana Gonzalez: But the business part.

Ana Gonzalez: the how to manage sales how to qualify a lead. Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: there's it's it's not there or.

Heath Shearon: Okay, tell me, what does that look like? Then how do you get a chat bot, to be able to qualify a lead like, how does someone listen to this? How do they do that?

Heath Shearon: Or to be able to do some of those things you're talking about?

Ana Gonzalez: Well, there's different questions that you need to make.

Heath Shearon: Okay.

Ana Gonzalez: And sometimes, for instance, at with the checkups that I that I've seen. It's

Ana Gonzalez: I. I go there and ask a question, and the bot replies to me, either with a really long answer that I'm like, Oh, my goodness, this is like the encyclopedia here

Ana Gonzalez: or

Ana Gonzalez: I ask a question, and the bot replies to me with something that I did not ask, that I did not need to know or like. That was not my question. This doesn't make sense.

Ana Gonzalez: and also by people who

Ana Gonzalez: I mean English is not my mother language.

Ana Gonzalez: but I can tell that the bot was trained by someone who also does not know English like A couple of days ago I was because sometimes I like to go to websites and see the chat bots and like how they're doing, and that helps me

Ana Gonzalez: figure out. Oh, my chat, but should be doing this like, you know.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: And this this chat bot was using very weird grammar like, Oh, let's align an appointment so that like line up, who says that? You know.

Heath Shearon: I know I totally get it. I totally get it.

Heath Shearon: They're just using corporate lingo, like alignment. Or you know, whatever it might be. Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: Either corporate lingo or or words that give away that their AI like. I don't know if you've seen now post like people now

Ana Gonzalez: have been using AI to replace themselves.

Ana Gonzalez: and I can talk a lot about about that.

Ana Gonzalez: it's it's

Ana Gonzalez: AI is not here to replace you. It's here to augment you and.

Heath Shearon: You. Thank you. Cause that's the biggest pushback in our industry

Heath Shearon: is people say,

Heath Shearon: I'm gonna be replaced by AI. I'm gonna be replaced by chat. But you know, or my boss is replacing me with virtual assistants, or whatever it might be. So I love that you said that so I'd love for you to continue on if you want to. With that I interrupted you. But yes, that is a huge

Heath Shearon: push back that I hear in our space.

Ana Gonzalez: Oh, I can go on all night long about this. Yes. Well.

Ana Gonzalez: AI is not. It's here to replace you. Yes, if you wanted to replace. You, you know.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: Want, if you want like.

Ana Gonzalez: If I train at Chatbot

Ana Gonzalez: to make appointments for you

Ana Gonzalez: like the chapel will will be there to make appointments. But you will need a human monitoring those appointments.

Ana Gonzalez: you know. So it's not here to replace you. It's to replace the repetitive tasks

Ana Gonzalez: that you do.

Heath Shearon: Yes.

Ana Gonzalez: It's going to lift this heaviness of your shoulders. But you still need to

Ana Gonzalez: monitor that the AI is doing correctly.

Ana Gonzalez: You know it's it's here, too.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: Meant to you. It's going to to make your job easy.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, instead of you spending.

Heath Shearon: you know, 30, 45 min, however long. It would take 2 h, whatever it may be, in your day to set these appointments, you could be out on the appointments that were set for you, while someone's in the background, Chatbot in the background setting more appointments for you.

Heath Shearon: or instead of you having your staff sitting at your desk.

Heath Shearon: you know, processing claims, or you know, policy, information gathering and whatnot. You could have a chat pot. Gather that information for you.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah.

Heath Shearon: When you know you train your clients.

Heath Shearon: and that's the other part of it that I would love to hear your, you know, so I've got.

Heath Shearon: If I'm agency owner, Billy, Bob, and I've got my agency set up. I don't know why I use Billy, Bob, I guess, because I'm in the South. But you know I'm I'm I've got Billy Bob insurance agency, and I want to start, you know, using these chat bots. I I think there's you know some

Heath Shearon: I guess a learning curve there, and some things you've got to

Heath Shearon: to talk to about and like. Set up with your clients to be able to say, Okay.

Heath Shearon: hey? You know, clients, we're now using chat bots here and again going back to you, said the transparency. You're not trying to fool anybody.

Heath Shearon: We're now using chatbots. Please feel free to log into our website or log into your app

Heath Shearon: or log into whatever.

Heath Shearon: And you know you can get claims, information way faster. That way. You can get policy information faster by using our chat bots. If you still want to call humans, we're here. But I think you gotta train your clients

Heath Shearon: in order to get them to use the chat bots. Otherwise you're spending money for nothing.

Ana Gonzalez: Well, you know that's a good point that you're making. If if you want to disclose that you're using Chatbots cool, and if you don't want to disclose. Disclose that you're using Chatbots. That's also cool. People go there.

Heath Shearon: Right.

Ana Gonzalez: And maybe they will figure out that it's a chat bot or not. I had this

Ana Gonzalez: so my chat bot for for our company his name is John Connor, and I saw a conversation that John Connor had with someone. And this person asked John Connor, hey, are you an AI assistant, or are you, AI? Something like that?

Heath Shearon: Yeah, so.

Ana Gonzalez: John Connor was like, Well, that's and I this I thought it was hilarious, but junk, because John Connor said, well, that's what they tell me, but I don't believe them.

Ana Gonzalez: So John Connor was disclosing. Yes, I am an AI, but like I don't believe them, because I'm here to help like it doesn't matter, you know.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: And he he got.

Ana Gonzalez: He got the the conversation handles, and the person was not even like, Oh, it was like, Oh, okay! And the conversation went on.

Heath Shearon: Yeah. So you're saying.

Heath Shearon: you can. You can tell people that you're using the chat bots and AI or you could not. And you know you still think that

Heath Shearon: it'll be effective either way, and maybe you'll not even notice that it's a Chatbot.

Ana Gonzalez: Maybe they don't even notice, and if they want to know, the Chapl can tell them, yeah, I'm an AI. So I'm I'm here to help. So what can I help you with.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, I think that's a great way again. Transparency.

Heath Shearon: and say, yes, I am a chat bot. However, you know and.

Ana Gonzalez: Let's get you.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah. Taken care of.

Heath Shearon: Or

Heath Shearon: I've seen cases early on. I still think it's relevant, you know. Now is, if let's say you start the process

Heath Shearon: with a chat, bot! And you're, you know, customers on there, you know, working through a claim

Heath Shearon: or working through trying to figure out

Heath Shearon: there some information on their insurance.

Heath Shearon: It starts there. But then the Chatbot could be trained to say, Let me connect you with Anna.

Heath Shearon: and she could take this for the conversation further, and then they could connect you seamlessly, especially in a VoIP system. They could just ring the phone. You could train them to do that or send an email to say, Hey, you know, Anna, you know I've got

Heath Shearon: Customer John on the phone, and whatever I don't, I just think there's so many things you could do to at least engage the customer, and then hand it off.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah, that's exactly right. If you're doing the chat. But the Chatbot can be like, Hey, you know what?

Ana Gonzalez: Let me connect you with Anna, and then the chappa will let me know. Hey, I have this customer. Let's I'm I'm booking an appointment for this customer with you because Chappa doesn't know if if I'm doing something else, if I'm like

Ana Gonzalez: at the pool with my kid, you know. And if it's AI boys, we're working on

Ana Gonzalez: the AI voice. Add the call right at the call. The AI voice is like, Hey, you know what? Let me connect you to a human. Here. I'm texting you this this link for you to

Ana Gonzalez: book your appointment, or would you like me to book it for you?

Heath Shearon: Right.

Ana Gonzalez: And and the AI voice his our AI voice right now. His name is Theo. So Theo.

Ana Gonzalez: Someone told me that it's hilarious that I call in by him, and she, instead of it.

Ana Gonzalez: interact with them so much that it's like.

Heath Shearon: It's like a real.

Ana Gonzalez: So.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Heath Shearon: really, funny.

Ana Gonzalez: But anyways, Theo can during the call tell you, hey? You know what? Let me send you this text, and you can book an appointment with with the human right there and then, or would you like me to book it for you.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, I I think that's awesome.

Heath Shearon: so there's so many different use cases that could be used, you know, with chat bots, with AI, with all of those things that we could probably get into whole another situation there. But

Heath Shearon: or a whole another conversation there, and we we'll probably bring you back for some of those other conversations. But

Heath Shearon: talk to me a little bit about okay. So you you went from

Heath Shearon: your previous

Heath Shearon: life in, you know.

Heath Shearon: I guess drawing. I don't know what you were doing, Prior. What were you doing? And but you went from that to AI and sales systems and building sales systems. And then

Heath Shearon: you created a company for chat bots. You've already alluded to it a little bit.

Heath Shearon: Tell me a little bit about that what is and is antibots.

Ana Gonzalez: It is Annabus. Yes.

Heath Shearon: Anabouts and so clever. It's funny I I make fun of my my daughter all the time, because my youngest.

Heath Shearon: because she'll get a stuffed animal. Say, it's a tiger, and she'll name it Tiger or a monkey, and she'll name it monkey. You start a Chatbot company called it anabots so creative.

Heath Shearon: I have to tease you on that. But no, I do think it's cool. Tell me about anabots a little bit. Tell the audience about what you're doing.

Heath Shearon: You know how you came up with it. What's the goal, the mission, the the dream, the the ideas, everything. What? What do you do with antibots?

Ana Gonzalez: Well, our goal with antibods is to increase sales, reduce costs, and free up the time for whoever wants to chat. But over an AI's voice. Yeah, so that they can focus on higher level activities like growing their business or just going to the beach with their kids and go go and live life, you know.

Heath Shearon: Love it.

Ana Gonzalez: So that's that's our main goal.

Ana Gonzalez: we also saw this

Ana Gonzalez: companies. We we saw other companies like Price gouging. You know that there's this AI Voice company that I'm not gonna say a name.

Ana Gonzalez: but they are charging $25,000 just to set you up.

Ana Gonzalez: And I mean, those are prices that I mean. Of course I I like money, and I have this.

Ana Gonzalez: You you know I have this

Ana Gonzalez: bad habit of eating at least twice a day.

Ana Gonzalez: and and I have this passion for having food in the fridge. But I don't need to charge you $25,000 just to set you up with AI voice.

Ana Gonzalez: you know. So we want to make this available for people. We want to make this available for businesses.

Ana Gonzalez: to for for them to actually grow their business

Ana Gonzalez: without having to worry about. Oh, I need to make some these many sales, so I can pay for my for my chat bot.

Ana Gonzalez: you know, and some some companies are like, well, I don't need AI right now. Well, maybe you don't need AI right now. Maybe you think that you don't need AI right now, but everything is evolving so fast

Ana Gonzalez: that by the time you realize that you need AI, it's probably going to be too late.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Heath Shearon: I, I went to your website., I thought 1st of all great website. But

Ana Gonzalez: Thank you.

Heath Shearon: It it to my point earlier. And I even notice on your website. So I love this. But companies that respond within 1 min have a 391%

Heath Shearon: better chance of closing the deal unbelievable. But so

Heath Shearon: Anna bots, you know, is a company that you install into or deploy chat bots into

Heath Shearon: companies, businesses, agencies, correct.

Ana Gonzalez: Yes, any.

Heath Shearon: And you said you train them

Heath Shearon: so talk to me about how you would train them.

Heath Shearon: do you? You do spend time with the

Heath Shearon: the let's say, you know, Billy Bob, insurance back that would you spend time with Billy Bob and learn his business and learn his agency? Learn what he wants to do

Heath Shearon: or have him send you the forms of the Faqs like, talk to me about what that process looks like.

Ana Gonzalez: Well, that's exactly right. Whenever they but they decide that they want a nanobot, they fill out this form. It takes them a few minutes to fill out, and then, when they submit the the form

Ana Gonzalez: it takes them to my calendar link, and they book an appointment with me. It it's a 1 on one. It's not a group chat or group session. It's a 1 on one with me. It's a short call where I learn about their business. We talk about what they want, their goals, what they want their anabout to do, and after that call I build their anabout.

Ana Gonzalez: and then I can install them, install the antibod. Well, we have a review call

Ana Gonzalez: once the the antibodies approved, I can install it in their website in their text messages in their Facebook page, Instagram business.

Ana Gonzalez: Google, my business email. And Whatsapp, if they use Whatsapp and also I include the missed call text back.

Heath Shearon: Now, can you?

Heath Shearon: Are you gonna be? I mean, maybe this is the futures. But like

Heath Shearon: be able to integrate with

Heath Shearon: their crms or some of their tools they use in their agency or in their business, like, if they have a sales force or a agency zoom, or a some sort of

Heath Shearon: Crm system. Are you able to zap? Or however you want to integrate with that.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah, we can use Api.

Heath Shearon: Okay.

Heath Shearon: that's awesome. I I think there's so much you can do internally within those. If you had them within your

Heath Shearon: management systems. And you know, maybe

Heath Shearon: could help some of those things, too. And then so you said text messages.

Ana Gonzalez: Yes.

Heath Shearon: So like they could get, you know, into my iphone and and do through my iphone like text messages for real.

Ana Gonzalez: Yes, we can do it to your iphone and text messages you would have to go through twilio or some some kind of thing like that.

Ana Gonzalez: There is this really long, pro really tedious process that is called a 2 p. 10 dlc. Which is

Ana Gonzalez: Some thing that we need to abide by the law. If you.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: And

Ana Gonzalez: so the laws

Ana Gonzalez: on outbound calling and texting are very clear, and you must have permission to contact your potential.

Heath Shearon: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Ana Gonzalez: SMS

Ana Gonzalez: with AI, that's no different. So if you have a business and you have a a business line, you would have had to

Ana Gonzalez: have that done.

Ana Gonzalez: If not, I mean I can do them for.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: For you. Yeah.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, that brings another good point. What about? You know the security? And some of that.

Heath Shearon: you know. Kind of stuff. You guys have that locked down. Pretty good.

Ana Gonzalez: Security, meaning.

Heath Shearon: Like protection of the data like if they collect all the you know, social security numbers and bank account information and all that kind of information.

Heath Shearon: Is that secure?

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah, I mean, we don't collect social security numbers or anything. We just collect information about your business.

Ana Gonzalez: If you need

Ana Gonzalez: also help you with a 2 p. With a regulations to to SMS or call, we can help you, and there's no like social security numbers collector collected, or anything. I would say that it works

Ana Gonzalez: the saying that it would work with a human employee like, for example, when you hire a human employee, it takes 3 to 6 months, to train.

Heath Shearon: Yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: Under a salary, and then your human employee will have all of your data available in their computer and in their brain. And if that human employee quits or you fire them, that human employee will take all that data in their brain.

Ana Gonzalez: and that if that if if that person didn't take that information from the computer. But they they will have that in in their brain. With AI. What happens is that I train the AI and the AI will have that in their in its database.

Ana Gonzalez: It's secure. I mean.

Ana Gonzalez: I will touch this in a little bit.

Ana Gonzalez: and if you decide to fire your AI. I just push the delete button, and it's gone

Ana Gonzalez: now.

Ana Gonzalez: About

Ana Gonzalez: data

Ana Gonzalez: hackers, I guess.

Ana Gonzalez: Couple weeks ago Microsoft had this

Ana Gonzalez: had this

Ana Gonzalez: failure in their in in their systems. I don't know if you heard about it, and half of the airports.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, I heard about this, yeah.

Ana Gonzalez: So like it. It turned. It turned out to be Microsoft. 3, 64

Heath Shearon: So I mean.

Ana Gonzalez: Your data is never 100% secure.

Heath Shearon: Right.

Ana Gonzalez: Like, I will just have that example like Microsoft got

Ana Gonzalez: this issue.

Heath Shearon: Yup!

Ana Gonzalez: We're not Microsoft.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, no, I get it. I was just, you know, talking about, you know, if I have my

Heath Shearon: Annabot on my Billy Bob insurance website, collecting

Heath Shearon: my prospects, data, and a lot of times we have to collect.

Heath Shearon: you know, date of birth, social security numbers, all those kind of things to get them a life insurance quote or a quote.

Heath Shearon: or get them information. I didn't know.

Heath Shearon: you know, what your security look like from that standpoint.

Ana Gonzalez: Oh, it doesn't go anywhere. It just stays there. Yeah. It doesn't go anywhere.

Heath Shearon: Perfect.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, that's what I was getting. Just that's perfect. Answer. Awesome.

Heath Shearon: So

Heath Shearon: is there anything else that you know you wanted to discuss, as far as you know, antibots and what you guys are doing as I'm flipping through your

Heath Shearon: your website right now. But anything else we did not get into you. I want to give you plenty of runway. I want to drive traffic your way, because I think what you're doing is awesome, and then you have a background in sales like you said it's not

Heath Shearon: some you know. What'd you call him chat bro AI bro

Ana Gonzalez: Like Bro.

Heath Shearon: A tech bro.

Ana Gonzalez: A tech.

Heath Shearon: You know.

Ana Gonzalez: Bro teens blaming me.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, no, you're not one of those like you actually have a background in sales in appointment setting in. AI,

Heath Shearon: you know, you kind of. So you're a little further than that. So

Heath Shearon: talk to me. Is there anything else that we're missing before we wrap up that we wanted to get into.

Ana Gonzalez: Well, I will say that.

Ana Gonzalez: you know, rather than spending more money, time, and effort chasing down the next lead.

Ana Gonzalez: I think it's worth to maximize your roi, but converting more of the leads that are already coming in.

Ana Gonzalez: Yep.

Ana Gonzalez: and that ties in with having a chat widget in your website like, you don't know how many people visit your website. Or maybe you do. But you don't know how many people

Ana Gonzalez: want to ask a question.

Ana Gonzalez: and since it's hard for them to ask the question, or they can't find it, they just move on.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, I

Heath Shearon: I love. I almost get frustrated. Now if I go to a website and they don't have a chat bot, you know, because I got so used to it.

Heath Shearon: You know several.

Heath Shearon: It's been a while, maybe several months ago, maybe a couple of months ago. Anyway, this early this summer I lost my luggage with united airline or with an airline. I won't say. Well, I'll edit that part out, but an airline lost my luggage and let me write that down. I need to make sure I add that part out. But anyway, yeah. So an airline lost my luggage and

Heath Shearon: I was frustrated with the push. 4 for this one for this, 2 for that, and I I couldn't get hold anybody on the phone at this airline.

Heath Shearon: And so

Heath Shearon: what I ended up doing was. I finally just got onto my app and there was a chat feature on my app.

Heath Shearon: and I jumped right in the chat, and I don't know if it was AI, or if it was a human, I don't know what kind of.

Heath Shearon: but it answered my questions that much quicker, and I was able to get my claim filed

Heath Shearon: and

Heath Shearon: You know my luggage was found the next day, but you know they were able to tell me. Here's your budget. Here's you can spend. Go, buy yourself some new clothes, go get yourself some new luggage.

Heath Shearon: It was amazing. But prior to that. I'd spent like 2 and a half hours on the phone. I had a meeting

Heath Shearon: like within an hour, and I had to go to my meeting in like my bum closed. I flew in because I didn't have anything. I didn't know what it was doing. So, anyhow. Now you know, I look for websites that have chat bots, and if they don't, I get frustrated, I'm like, Oh, because it's so much easier for me to just type something in there, especially if I don't want to feel like a dummy.

Heath Shearon: Well, I feel like it's a easy question. I'm like, cause I'll so many times I'll call somebody like, Okay, I got a really dumb question.

Heath Shearon: And then, of course, oh, there's no dumb questions, but I know in their mind they're like, Oh, you're wasting my time. So if I can go online and just type this quick question in

Heath Shearon: and get an answer, why not.

Ana Gonzalez: Yeah. And and you know what it ties with the fact that let me ask you this question

Ana Gonzalez: like you went and looked for a chat. Bot! Did you care if it was a human being or a robot taking care of your of your problem?

Heath Shearon: No, no, I I didn't know either way. Just like I'm looking at yours right now. It says John Connor.

Heath Shearon: How can I help? I don't know if John Connor is a real person or not. There's a picture of a guy that looks like it could be a John Connor, but I don't care as long as I'm getting my question answered for me. Anyway. Now I may be different from some of my audience listening right now, or may not even stay this long, but those that stayed this long in the podcast they're hearing this.

Heath Shearon: They may not care either. I don't think your clients are going to care one way or another. I think they just want to get their question answered. They just want to get

Heath Shearon: the appointment, or they just want to do this or that, so

Heath Shearon: you're dead on Anna, and I appreciate you spending some time with us. I know we had a hard stop here in a minute. But

Heath Shearon: if there's any contact info already shared

Heath Shearon: I will put that in the show notes. As well as I'm going to work out a discount with you for my listeners, and I'll put that in the show notes, too. But

Heath Shearon: anything like contact info, any way, they can get a hold of you. Talk to me a little bit, for as we wrap up.

Ana Gonzalez: Sure they can go to our website that you said, it's, a, NABO,, or they can reach out to me on social media, Facebook or Instagram, and they can look for me at anabout prime.

Ana Gonzalez: and they can also find me on Linkedin at Anna Gonzalez

Ana Gonzalez: gives

Ana Gonzalez: Anna Gonzalez with Z, and GIDD s. That's it.

Heath Shearon: Oh, there you go. Awesome. Thank you so much. Also. Do a quick plug for your your podcast. Real, quick, before we head out.

Ana Gonzalez: Oh, so I run this podcast.

Ana Gonzalez: It's called Bb, a basic business, AI, and we bring entrepreneurs. It's my partner and me. It will go both to the podcast.

Ana Gonzalez: and we bring entrepreneurs to talk to us about ideas, about AI. You can be an expert in AI, or you cannot be an expert in AI and not know anything. You can not know even how to work the zoom window.

Ana Gonzalez: and I would love to bring you on and talk to me about your ideas about AI, what you would like for AI to do, or simply what you're doing with AI in your business.

Heath Shearon: Awesome. Check that one out. Bb, AI, search it on app. I found it on apple.

Heath Shearon: Yeah, you can find it. Yeah, basic.

Ana Gonzalez: Basicbusiness.

Heath Shearon: Perfect, you know, again. Thank you so much. For coming on and and hanging out with us in Insurance town. Mild is gonna love you already. And wanted to have you back to have some more conversations about AI and what you're hearing on your podcast.

Ana Gonzalez: Love it.

Heath Shearon: Thank you.

Ana Gonzalez: Thank you. Heath.