Outbound Sales Lift

#101.5: Yurii Veremchuk, head of business growth at Woodpecker, joins Outbound Sales Lift Bonus Round to answer rapid-fire sales questions.

Show Notes

#101.5: Yurii Veremchuk, head of business growth at Woodpecker, joins Outbound Sales Lift Bonus Round to answer rapid-fire sales questions.

What is Outbound Sales Lift?

Explore the human side of sales and business with host Tyler Lindley. Leaders in their field share a dose of inspiration through stories about life and business. Sales professionals provide tactical tips you can put into practice today. It all comes together to help you chart your path forward.

Achieve your goals on your terms — get inspired by stories from extraordinary people, elevate your performance with the latest outbound tactics, and find the lift you need to take your career to the next level.

Outbound Sales Lift
Episode #101.5
Bonus Round with Yurii Veremchuk
Hosted by: Tyler Lindley


[00:00:00] Tyler Lindley: Welcome to Outbound Sales lift Bonus Round with Yurii Veremchuk, here's a few off the cuff sales questions for Yurii. Yurii, double tap on a cold call. Yes or no? Yes. Awesome. Personalize every email, every cold email, yes or no? Yes. Okay. Leave a voicemail on every cold call. Yes. Or. Uh, no. Okay. Meeting reminders, yes or no?

Yes. Okay. How many?

[00:00:34] Yurii Veremchuk: Um, one to two maximum.

[00:00:36] Tyler Lindley: Okay. Love it. Uh, if you have one sales software tool for you to hit quota, what tool are you using?

[00:00:43] Yurii Veremchuk: Sequencer. Sequencer with an ability to call, uh, woodpecker.

[00:00:49] Tyler Lindley: Okay, awesome. , inbound or out?

[00:00:54] Yurii Veremchuk: Oh man. Inbound is easier, but outbound

[00:00:59] Tyler Lindley: the best sales manager you've ever had.

And why

[00:01:03] Yurii Veremchuk: Arthur? So he's a director right now for his ability to give the proper energy that is needed at the moment and feel where the fires are only started, so we can just like quickly fix that stuff. Love it.

[00:01:18] Tyler Lindley: Awesome. The best sales book you've ever read and.

[00:01:23] Yurii Veremchuk: Fanatical prospecting, jet bbl. I, I actually got two.

Okay. And pitch anything? Pitch

[00:01:30] Tyler Lindley: anything or in glove. All right, love it. What is your why in sales? Why are you in sales, Yuri?

[00:01:36] Yurii Veremchuk: I love the energy that is going on and I love to make things happen. This is the best place

[00:01:42] Tyler Lindley: to be. Love it. Awesome. What's your preferred outbound channel and why?

[00:01:49] Yurii Veremchuk: For its ability to personalize, but just giving me a little bit more time, but calling is also good.

[00:01:59] Tyler Lindley: Okay. Love it. What is your morning routine? What do you do to start your day in sales?

[00:02:03] Yurii Veremchuk: I already have a list prepared from a day before, so I'll just, uh, kind of set and actually emails sent, so I'm just going through responses and then I'm getting ready to look for some more.

[00:02:15] Tyler Lindley: Awesome. Love it. Knowing what you know now, and a last question here.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your former self on your first day in

[00:02:24] Yurii Veremchuk: sales? Get a mentor and, uh, get, get really disciplined in the time blocking.

[00:02:33] Tyler Lindley: Awesome mentor and time blocking. Well, that's it for today's bonus round. Thanks so much for joining Yurii, and thank you for listening.

Head over to thesaleslift.com to check out the full interview and more. See ya.