Growing Pains

Thank you for listening to Growing Pains season 2!! We appreciate you guys all so much, and DO NOT worry we will be back. 

What is Growing Pains?

"Growing Pains" is a podcast about growing up and trying not to break down. Tune in weekly with Ginger, Kylie, Gianna, and Ashlee as they survive college life, relationships, and the chaos of adulthood during their first year at UNLV. There will be crying, ranting, potential punching, and lots of laughter. Growing pains - when it hurts, the best thing you can do is laugh!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in KU NV studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jas and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education

Unknown Speaker 0:18
Welcome to Growing Pains I'm your host ginger join me and my best friends as we talk about growing up we try not to break down

Unknown Speaker 0:30
another one yeah, guys, we treat wow,

Unknown Speaker 0:34
we really are voices on the mic. I know.

Unknown Speaker 0:38
Oh my gosh, when was the last time you were on the podcast?

Unknown Speaker 0:41
Look who's talking?

Unknown Speaker 0:43
I didn't know it was a Hey Cassandra Dre.

Unknown Speaker 0:47
We got Cassandra on the mic.

Unknown Speaker 0:50
Cassie all the stem

Unknown Speaker 0:52
girls are here.

Unknown Speaker 0:53
All both of us. Three introduce

Unknown Speaker 0:55
yourselves. Oh man, Kylie always hear me Kylie. We're here Kylie?

Unknown Speaker 1:00
It's Ashley in Cassandra and Gianna and Kylie and ginger today. Yeah, full house today.

Unknown Speaker 1:06
For our last

Unknown Speaker 1:10
one is actually the last episode we didn't know we had another week reserved saw trick

Unknown Speaker 1:14
DIA and they weren't gonna be here for the last episode. Can I just say no, I was locked in. Nope. I was I was having a crisis about school.

Unknown Speaker 1:21
I don't even remember when you filmed that last episode. It was on when we filmed in the car after Chipotle

Unknown Speaker 1:28
rolled me and Ashley just had the best Mexican roll Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 1:30
just had it we were it's right across the street.

Unknown Speaker 1:35
is actually good.

Unknown Speaker 1:36
It was so good. I mean, I just got like four eyes but like Cassandra No, I got

Unknown Speaker 1:43
Yeah, all right. Last episode

Unknown Speaker 1:46
how you enter the semester recap guys

Unknown Speaker 1:48
in the last couple of weeks.

Unknown Speaker 1:50
Oh my god academically I got humbled this humbling

Unknown Speaker 1:53
social life Lidice social life I

Unknown Speaker 1:56
was. So lit school sucks.

Unknown Speaker 1:59
I was humbled. I literally put in like a good amount of effort. I'm not gonna lie. And I still was humbled. So I'm not you know what? There's next semester. True. Yeah. No.

Unknown Speaker 2:08
Honestly, like, she's been dead. Dying first. I would like wake up and be like, Oh, after like a full eight hours asleep and she'd like, look at me with her read.

Unknown Speaker 2:19
I have my exam. I agree. I

Unknown Speaker 2:21
don't think anybody did good spring semester. Like I genuinely don't think she like

Unknown Speaker 2:25
she she never looked like happy after she took her exam. She'd come home and like lay on the couch. It's silent. No TV. No, nothing. Yeah, they just lay down. She'd take all the lights off. And I was like, okay, she's like, Yeah, but we really

Unknown Speaker 2:39
have one of the best freshman years ever, ever.

Unknown Speaker 2:45
think all of us learned all of the lessons there is to learn? We're ready. We're ready. We're ready to hit it. Life is not prepared for us at this point. Yeah, they're not ready for us life is not ready for us. And I think a really great way to end the semester was we need Cassandra did go and Kylie and ginger did go to a frat last Friday of the year that was the first full circle that is the first spot we went to and I think at this frat we traumatizing traumatized at that house, you know a lot we ate. Honestly, it was a it was a surreal feeling being there because like, I would look around and be like, bro, I don't really want to like do this. So yeah, like I don't really like maybe this isn't like a scene for me. Well, I didn't know that. Yeah, I said that we were like in line for something. And I was like, bro, what am I doing here? You guys ever feel that way? Like when you're at like a social event and you're like

Unknown Speaker 3:42
have a good time sometimes.

Unknown Speaker 3:44
Yeah, I just

Unknown Speaker 3:47
I don't know. Sometimes I'll be in like a situation like I feel like that's like a growth like a like a growth. Yeah, no, I'm

Unknown Speaker 3:55
better than that.

Unknown Speaker 3:55
I'm not saying I'm better than you. I love a frat I love dirty little frat parties

Unknown Speaker 3:59
went to the bonfire

Unknown Speaker 4:00

Unknown Speaker 4:06
but that was people that are still in high school and they're still like in high school when you don't feel it when you use them because it's like your friend but then like they're like bro let me not hang out with a high schooler really quickly not but it's like yeah, it's just something you just feel ginger is looking at me sideways because she wants to be to talk about specific event that happened at that party. So that's sort of recap to end Season Two let me talk about the same topic I've been talking about being talked at the same time that was a crazy if you guys recall from season one. I was a really big expert in situation ships because I was called back I was does a great job okay, and I was down bad horrendous for a situation ship. I was on

Unknown Speaker 4:58
that. And,

Unknown Speaker 5:00
you know, thanks. And what's it called? So then I wasn't gonna go to this party because like I said, exams were kicking my booty. Like the exams are nice to have to like do the adlibs can I say how it all started though? Because I was waiting hold on and then so then I was like, Dude, I just got cut. I thank God I got cut early from work because I was exhausted. And I was like, Dude, I'm honestly I was literally texting Cassandra. I was like, Loki, I'm not even trying to go. Kylie and I were in our pajamas on the sofa. I'm trying to go either. We're so tired from work in school, and I was like, it's not even worth it. Then Cassandra texted

Unknown Speaker 5:36
me. Cash takeover

Unknown Speaker 5:39
guys, let me tell you Don't say his name. So I hooked up, right. And it was lit. I was like, why? I don't know why they're not here. But whatever I go into though, I didn't

Unknown Speaker 5:50
really also wasn't that motivated, because you were with like your other group. Like you were with people. That was like Cheyenne. I know. But I was like, it's not like I'm leaving her stranded. So like, she's gonna be live. You know what I mean? So then that's also a fact. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 6:00
Yeah. Anyways, so there's like a dance, not like a dance floor, but like a open area, obviously. I go, and I look to my left, and I see the most horrendous creature came. From my point of view, we literally make direct eye contact, and my ears are like, I mean, my eyes are like piercing. I'm like, my jaw drops. And the way he looks away, and then I'm immediately on my phone. Guys. Who is here?

Unknown Speaker 6:32
Oh my god, like I guess for context. He doesn't even go

Unknown Speaker 6:38
like he's alright. He doesn't go.

Unknown Speaker 6:40
paid so much money to get in. He asked him Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 6:48
Well, actually, he said he was friends with the frat guy, so I don't know a liar. But no, he's not friends with any of you. Guys,

Unknown Speaker 6:55
we see him not to any guy. Nobody.

Unknown Speaker 6:57
Exactly. Um, so then. I'm like, dang, no, I really don't want to go and then I turned to my evil evil little devil on my shoulder. It's me. It's Kylie. Literally, Kylie, because I'm like, Kylie, man. Do I go I never like talked. By the way. This is a guy that I blocked off everything. The whole group chat blocked him. I haven't talked no context. Six months. No Contact six months, guys. I was going through it for the first like three months and I was healed. Okay. Like, I'm telling you like, I had to do Shadow Work and journalism to get over him. Like, it was crazy. But no contact six months. And I literally was like, Dang

Unknown Speaker 7:35
applaud, you know, context is money.

Unknown Speaker 7:38
You're you are so strong. Yeah, I didn't ever unblock him. I didn't ever text him. I didn't ever and he also would come into my job asking for me. Or he's a shocker. And she would not speak and I would not speak to him. Yeah, so then power. Oh, she's like, so disrespected. So like, anyways, Cassandra is like, Dude, he's here. And he's asking for you.

Unknown Speaker 8:00
Yeah. Oh my gosh. Because yeah, what did he say when he when I see so I don't know where I was. I think I was by like, the bathrooms, I think and then I see him again. And then he's like, Oh, hey, and I'm like, Hi. Like, why did you guys all block me? And I was like, immediately because you stood up and then he was like, What did I even do? I didn't I was like, You know what? This is not a conversation for me to have and then obviously like he looked he was like looking around and I think he was trying to see you and I was like she's coming later girl

Unknown Speaker 8:38
I told everybody I give instructions to everybody if they ever to run into this man in like the wilderness if they were to ever have to see him out in the wild are you playing Farmville?

Unknown Speaker 8:52
Silent silent because I was there okay

Unknown Speaker 9:01
anyways, anyways, I gave instructions to all of my friends be like listen if you ever see him just ignore him pretend like you've never been pretend like you're never met him and like gaslight him and to be like the vents with between me and him never happened like I don't know him this girl over here talking about she'll be here later you could talk to her later

Unknown Speaker 9:21
now I'm looking out because I would have loved if you guys said that for me because obviously he wants if he did not care to see you he would not have talked to me true realistically true and he would not have been fucking peeping around for you. So there was a girl Okay. Part of the story

Unknown Speaker 9:39
Okay, so then basically

Unknown Speaker 9:40
I'm like bro I'm not trying to go to this party. Long story short I got up and I went to that party.

Unknown Speaker 9:44
Just to slowly go no, no, we were there and 10 minute

Unknown Speaker 9:47
and 10 minutes because the party is 10 minutes from my house like you guys.

Unknown Speaker 9:51
I went on the bathroom and it's like Cassandra number you might literally just fall on here. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 9:55
I'll get there as soon as possible because the gates are closing Yeah, but

Unknown Speaker 9:59
I also was like day Maybe it's not a good idea. Everybody was like everybody came up to me and like, you never fought with him. You just blocked him. And I was like, You're right. I got a lot to say, give me two shots. And then I pulled up to the party. I got there and pretended like I didn't see him pretended I was like, I was like, What are you doing here? Like, what are you doing?

Unknown Speaker 10:16
Here and then like we up Yeah, nobody

Unknown Speaker 10:18
told me and then like, I got there. And then he obviously finds me he we obviously start fighting in the middle of the teak frat living room. It wasn't I felt like people were like, Who are these people? No, okay, good. Thank you. I really did not want people to be like, That's the girl that was fighting with RMSE people

Unknown Speaker 10:37
were like, No, you weren't good. I

Unknown Speaker 10:38
hope they were drunk enough. But what's it called? Yeah, he comes up to me. And he's talking to me, and he's with a girl. And then he turns to the girl and he goes, Hey, do you want to go find the rest of our group dismiss her and she was like, He's busy. And then then he turns around, he goes again. He goes, can you just go find them? Like just go get a drink. January. That's so bad. Yeah. And then we thought and then he was like, after all of that. I was like, so how do you feel like is that what you wanted to say after six months? And he was like, I feel like we got no progress. Oh my god, I should have started swinging on him.

Unknown Speaker 11:12
I would have paid yeah, that happened. I would have to Oh my gosh, and none of us interact with him obviously like the other girls costume flip him off.

Unknown Speaker 11:23
I told him to kiss I

Unknown Speaker 11:27
entered it. Like I don't know if you guys if any of you and if any of the listeners out there have ever had like, like a really bad situation ship and then like they like come up to you and like not like buddy buddy all things normal because he came up to us and he was like, remember when he was reminiscing? That's me. And I was like, Why? Why? She did do.

Unknown Speaker 11:54
I also have done that. Okay, but it's

Unknown Speaker 11:58
it's just like if you're a guy and the whole group had a girls blocked you gotta have done something diabolically evil any day. So what did I do? He's like one of those guys, guys. Also, like, this was what it was. He was like, so why'd you block me? And I was like, think about to the last time we hung out and he was like, I remember me being Diddy and I was having a good time. And then I remember ginger, get ready to block an email. And then I was like, Alright, and then think about and then think about what else you did. And he was like, I don't understand what I did. And I was like, that's the only thing you could have been mad at. I could have been mad at. And he was like, immediately after that. He goes, I never messed with. I was like, All right, see how I like didn't even have to bring up her name. Like, that's crazy. He brought it up. Yeah, I was like, see? You didn't know he however, I thought it was crazy. It would feel so good to yell at him. He goes, You went six months without talking to me. And I said I could have gone my whole life. Last six

Unknown Speaker 12:51
months of my life literally I was up like soccer was up. It was how have you been? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 13:00
You said Yeah. How's he been? Ginger can we just say

Unknown Speaker 13:03
oh, it's not Scott. Literally.

Unknown Speaker 13:07
He's only a ginger now that we stopped talking Okay, his hair change. Lash on his head. It's bright orange. Hey,

Unknown Speaker 13:13
I also want to mention that he was like do you say it's like state hang around like them like those girls? As if we're not all standing around?

Unknown Speaker 13:22
She was like, So do you still only have these friends? Or did you make new friends? I was like, No, these are my friends. Like I don't need more friends. Like he

Unknown Speaker 13:29
doesn't have friends.

Unknown Speaker 13:29
His friends are losers his friends are losers like are you serious? Let me tell you about Carly

Unknown Speaker 13:40
will lie to you. There are losers who lie about their height.

Unknown Speaker 13:44
I'm five nine. Wait my friends also lie about their height though. Honest.

Unknown Speaker 13:50
What do you see shorter? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 13:52
my twin towers used to say you guys were shorter. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 13:55
Really? No, I've never lied about my height.

Unknown Speaker 14:00
She was five seven. Because I

Unknown Speaker 14:02
did used to be once upon a time you were fine. I think my license has five seven years.

Unknown Speaker 14:07
Somebody draw a Venn diagram of a frat guy and Kylie and it says I'm five seven and only one of them is actually five 930

Unknown Speaker 14:21
pounds. Your

Unknown Speaker 14:25
ID says you're 100 pounds

Unknown Speaker 14:27

Unknown Speaker 14:37
an accurate description 2020. Who knows?

Unknown Speaker 14:44
Did you put your race as white? I'm proud period.

Unknown Speaker 14:53
Proud boys.

Unknown Speaker 14:54
Oh my That's That's what kind of like I was sitting there in that frat house being like what am I doing here like same guy from semester one and so I wanted to

Unknown Speaker 15:07
do there were so many who guys actually there was so many guys

Unknown Speaker 15:11
but after that I was just so mad I ended up just like going home we actually both ended up leaving not together we both ended up leaving

Unknown Speaker 15:17
and we were just so all of you out but we look at you lifted the separate ship yeah

Unknown Speaker 15:21
he did look mad

Unknown Speaker 15:22
but you know what this makes me think of it makes me think of last summer and how excited are this summer?

Unknown Speaker 15:30
I was so good last summer. Like last summer guys

Unknown Speaker 15:36
Can I Can I read the text Kylie sent last summer

Unknown Speaker 15:38
but that's not Matic Kylie thought Kylie. The first time I ever like like a guy Carly and John are like you're losing yourself. Or losing yourself so stupid. No, that's not losing myself but like

Unknown Speaker 15:51
you're losing yours. Oh, he's never seen you and like, like, just because

Unknown Speaker 15:56
I actually pause because you were like, like, he would be like that's actually so it'd be like, that's actually so actually close to be constantly worried about what somebody is thinking of me. That's actually so actually, it

Unknown Speaker 16:07
wasn't that it was that like he was hella disrespect you were such different actually pause then between, like mentioned this used to be so like realistic and like rational. And now I think it's completely different. It wasn't

Unknown Speaker 16:21
like Rational I would just be hella judgmental. I'd be like that she's stupid. Why is she staying with him? And then I got tortured. And then you're like, I get it and I was like alright maybe

Unknown Speaker 16:30
I don't wish that upon myself release I'm scared to be humbled like that guys.

Unknown Speaker 16:35
I have a salary

Unknown Speaker 16:36
I don't think people I think people I already told you this I think guys get sent you in their life because it was like I don't want to I can't I can't have karma come back to me and I said Cassandra, you are Sandra's like a lesson Cassandra is what happens to guys life when they like have done too many crimes. And guess what guess what comes into their life because Sandra and

Unknown Speaker 17:01
I'm for the girls. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 17:03
It's really like that though. You're genuinely like a superhero to me like Joe Biden needs to give you a medal. Like a presidential like

Unknown Speaker 17:24
that's crazy. This is a summary. This is a screenshot from last year of Kylie's summary of our summer. Ginger is seeing men getting her Mormon ex. Ashley has lost all morals because of a white man. Gianna is not deonna and and is giving anything with Gianna

Unknown Speaker 17:49
was like hella cynical, and I was yeah, he was just like, real love isn't real and I was like, the biggest like little homeboy.

Unknown Speaker 17:57
Like it's gonna happen like it's done and I was like, it's over for 18 over like I was for real. I don't know what I was on, but I like would sit in my room be like there's nothing

Unknown Speaker 18:12
Why would you think that you were like going into like college freshmen? I was like, nothing in college is gonna be like real like everything is bullcrap. In college. In college.

Unknown Speaker 18:25
Right? What have you learned freshman year guys?

Unknown Speaker 18:29
To stand go to class.

Unknown Speaker 18:32
Don't procrastinate on God.

Unknown Speaker 18:34
Don't procrastinate. You should have learned in high school.

Unknown Speaker 18:37
These 13 year olds honestly, not everybody is your friend and Look who's talking. Well what I do Gianna is like the most open person ever like don't share secrets with Gianna cuz she doesn't understand like secrets as a concept. Or like,

Unknown Speaker 18:56
oh my God shall tell her coworkers everything. I understand that I went to go by your sister. And we were talking about something I was like wait, let's see. How do you know that she was like oh Gianna told me I went Gianna tells you everything she's like, Yeah, I know. Like Gianna even tells Ashley things that I haven't told Ashley let Yeah, like Gianna, like will say everything. And I was like, here I am just sitting here like trying to like, be careful what I tell you and she's like, No, I already know everything. Like she's a liar. I don't tell her anything.

Unknown Speaker 19:21
Because I just share stuff with my people. And I'm gonna be on and that's what you need to learn that like not everybody is your people. Yeah, but that's only happened one time where I've like trusted like the wrong person with information. Who can I know,

Unknown Speaker 19:36
leave out the name.

Unknown Speaker 19:37
I'll bleep it out.

Unknown Speaker 19:37
Leave out this whole part. Okay, no, no. I forgot about that era. Like, that happens a lot. That happens a lot like that happens like so often. Realistically, like arrows and my coworker not just you, but I'm saying that like, it's like, even if it happened to you once. That's just how girls move. Like realistically, girls. Yeah, but I I've never like thought that before maybe it's just because I surround myself I was gonna say it's because you like always had like me and Gianna. I mean Kylie and your life. Yeah. I I've always had people where I can just tell them whatever. But I forget like you kept telling him Yeah, especially girls like I'm sorry. Like, and I didn't know that. Yeah, girls were like, Girl, how do you not have know that you have sisters? My sisters are real. Because you're they're your sisters, but you should seen what they've gone through. That's a lot of what I've honestly, if you didn't have an older sister, you like don't know a lot like, oh, well, I don't know, if you have an older sister. I don't really like she doesn't really tell me about her life. And my older sister has pioneered a lot of information in my head. Like, that was I don't think I said that sentence, right. But like I in the years, like I've seen the way she's like, dealt with like girls and girls are weird. Bottom line, girls can be weird. But that doesn't mean don't let that stop you from finding your little Girly Pop friends. Like I love my little girly pups. Um, and also, I also have an older brother that has taught me so much about like, how guys like move and operate. Like my brother's house. Yes. It's crazy. I grew up with like, my brother's like, has a good solid friend group my whole life. So are his whole life too. So it's like I've seen the way they operate and like move and the way they talk about girls. You can think your boyfriend loves you and respects you. He's still like, it's still locker room talk at the end of the day, like at the end of the day it is but it's not. It's such a lot of it does not come from a place of hate. Like it's just it's just how they are. And that's a phrase and it's crazy. And I have my sister who's like had so many girl Friendship Breakups. Oh my god, Friendship Breakups are the worst. Yeah, they're the most evil. So yeah, so coming out of college, or coming out of college where you have like Greek life around you where you have like, not only just like academic and work pressure, like not everybody's your friend. Like not everybody is already sister. True. Not everybody is your friend. Not every guy is going to be like the love of your life. Not every guy likes. That's awesome. Not everyone likes you. Guy. A liar. Yeah, unfortunately, this time, I

Unknown Speaker 21:59
would say especially like 1919 year old they're not trying to get

Unknown Speaker 22:06
like go there either, like a really good liar. Or not a good liar. Like it's they're just lies. Sorry. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 22:14
They're just lies. No one. There's no commitment. At this age.

Unknown Speaker 22:17
Yeah. So like, you gotta have fun or you could just like not participate in that life until you're ready to. It's fine. There's me just gotta be carefree. You just gotta Oh my god,

Unknown Speaker 22:28
like genuinely like, maybe this is just me. But like, if you get your hopes up for something, you gotta realize that this call Yeah, this time era this it's not this part

Unknown Speaker 22:37
of your life is for growth like this part of like college is for growth like so be here and experience the most growth you can. Like in college like that is what it's for. That's literally what they built it for.

Unknown Speaker 22:49
I think I learned to just like never like expect anything. Yeah. Why?

Unknown Speaker 22:57
Expect and Yeah, honestly, like anything, people will tell you. That's real. I will lie to your face people. But also people tell you who you are straight up like they show you.

Unknown Speaker 23:09
But sometimes your brain is just like delusion and love. I think also learn that like no other word person is how they are no matter how much you want it to work. How much like time and effort you're willing to put into it. You cannot change a person. Yeah, you have to learn to just give that up. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 23:25
my biggest piece of advice is get over your ex. Oh. biggest piece of advice. I've haven't done that. yet. I love you very much. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 23:33
I have. Oh.

Unknown Speaker 23:37
Oh, also, like, you're here for you. Like your school. You're hella deep. You're here for your school. Like at the end of the day, like you're here for your future like, yes, frog eyes are gonna be in

Unknown Speaker 23:49
your future. Yeah, that's not gonna be your husband

Unknown Speaker 23:56
telling you that. And if you do marry the frat guy. Recipes. Yeah. Why would you do that for you? Good luck to you. Yeah, good luck, Charlie. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 24:03
they don't change. My boss was a frat guy and he he's literally still a frat guy. And he's like, five, five. The other day he was talking me with a friend and they were like, we're gonna get Weicker wasted. I went how far 45 years old? Oh, the Tuesday to I'm not even kidding. It was a Tuesday Yeah. I

Unknown Speaker 24:22
think I also learned I need to put my academics first yeah guys it's so easy one guy liked me and I was like, I don't need to do anything I'd set for life

Unknown Speaker 24:33
because I was really that was like really like what I wanted for a long time. So I got it and I was like, Wow, I'm done. But I made it I learned my lesson but also because it doesn't just end like when you get together like you

Unknown Speaker 24:46
got a whole future ahead of you. On the flip side, you will be fine too. If you're

Unknown Speaker 24:49
another thing that isn't along the type of like the thing of guys sorry.

Unknown Speaker 24:54
Like if grades literally don't define you. The font to be fine. You if you have like a like a career or a job you're going after a semester worth of grades is a few weeks back and so it's a redirection in your life like you'll be robbing

Unknown Speaker 25:08
me this semester. Yeah. Last semester.

Unknown Speaker 25:10
There's so much pressure on it. It's like it's okay. Yeah, literally, which is very pretty. I

Unknown Speaker 25:16
guess I learned that isn't long, like, like, grades and like, guys, is that like, I used to hear people say all the time, like, you have to put yourself out of your comfort zone to like, oh, that's

Unknown Speaker 25:26
the worst part. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 25:27
I hate it so bad. I hate I. Once I get comfortable. Like, I'm not a type of hurt. I don't put myself in things that like situations that make me uncomfortable, like new jobs. I hate the new person. Like new environments, really. I don't mean new routine and never gone schedules. But this like this freshman year semester, I like I was put in a lot of situations like that. And I learned that like, I wouldn't have a lot what I had now if I didn't do a lot of that. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 25:53
yeah. Yeah. It's like getting out of like, your old habits and old routines and everything and then like, it literally it's so friggin let's just grow thing. Like it's horrible. Yeah, like, if something works, I hate it when I like did something I've done like the same routines, like academically studying like, and like, what's it called, like, like working for so long in a worked for a minute, but like, now that like life changes around you. And you have to change like certain routines. I hate that I just found out recently, last few weeks of the semester, I just found out that I got so much more productive in studying and like memorizing and like, actually, like, understanding information when the sun is out. Like I used to. I used to only night like yeah, because I'm done like with my job and I'm done with my classes for the day. So I would come home and do my work. Because that's just how you are from high school. Just like coming home from school and doing after job after your sport or something. Or after your job. Like you just come home and do your work and then go to bed. I literally could like it was like so hard. And then I was like let me wake up get it out of my day. Get it out of my way. And like when the sun is out and like I'm motivated and I'm moving and like the energy like it's so much better and I'm like bro Yeah, I waited this whole time to learn that and it was like half the effort. It was great. College

Unknown Speaker 27:08
is not that bad though. Honestly. No, I love it. I love it here I think it's got

Unknown Speaker 27:13
it we're about to have the real like experience I think this actually

Unknown Speaker 27:16
we're actually like moving on to campus next semester.

Unknown Speaker 27:20
So exciting because last like podcast last semester we had just moved in our in

Unknown Speaker 27:26
our apartment is not far it's 10 minutes oh apartment is nice. I feel like I'll just get I'll be way more productive in school when I can do the the apartment on campus because I feel like we will go to school Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 27:40
we're good we're actually 27 minutes so we can enter yeah right Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 27:44
well we do songs final songs.

Unknown Speaker 27:47
Oh so title size the week sorry guys for contacts we had someone say wrap it up Yes.

Unknown Speaker 27:53
Yeah, we have to wrap it up

Unknown Speaker 27:54
I bet they have something so interesting to say

Unknown Speaker 27:57
anyway so interesting as US

Unknown Speaker 27:59
song of the week um shoot mine for last week was so good for like final song

Unknown Speaker 28:08
All right, I'll go go I started the week a smoke signals by few pictures

Unknown Speaker 28:13
and in it with a Phoebe. I love that I'm gonna end mine with espresso by Sabrina card that's a good

Unknown Speaker 28:19
good it's my summer I'm

Unknown Speaker 28:21
gonna end mind with way bigger right on top of her. Oh my god I love me some Don Talavera that's so Winter My favorite so winter shoe it's like not that serious.

Unknown Speaker 28:42
Last one ever I know

Unknown Speaker 28:44
what you mean this next semester? We'll do it next semester guys. So come back next one our due date you're gonna go

Unknown Speaker 28:52
oh my god. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 28:53
I don't have a song.

Unknown Speaker 28:55
I don't really don't have a song either. I know Gracie Abram is coming out with a single called risk. Also my songs are this semester we're all by ranby Moon including shout out including I love all of her songs. I love ranby moon that's my best friend goes system to go listen to her stuff just came out last or this week or or last week next to you is her debut single please go go stream that. Love you Bobby go

Unknown Speaker 29:17
straight from the moon. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 29:19
bye guys. Thank you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on tick tock at Growing Pains tock hope you tune in next week.

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