go podcast()

go podcast() Trailer Bonus Episode 36 Season 1

036: Game UI in Go with EbitenUI maintainer Mark Carpenter

036: Game UI in Go with EbitenUI maintainer Mark Carpenter036: Game UI in Go with EbitenUI maintainer Mark Carpenter

I'm joined by Mark Carpenter, the maintainer of EbitenUI, a UI library you may use with your Ebitengine Go game. Game dev is slowly making its way to Go with game library like Ebitengine and Raylib. The nice thing about Ebitengine is that it's built in Go, have great cadance in its development and is simple to use.

EbitenUI is a UI library that allows you to build UI for your games. It's a simple library that integrates smoothly with the programming model of Ebitengine games.


As always if you want to support my efforts with this show please talk about it, share it. You may also purchase my online courses Build SaaS apps in Go and Build a Google Analytics in Go, there's a 50% discount for listeners of this show.

Creators & Guests

Dominic St-Pierre
Go system builder - entrepreneur. I've been writing software systems since 2001. I love SaaS, building since 2008.
Mark Carpenter
Maintainer of EbitenUI.

What is go podcast()?

15 minutes news, tips, and tricks on the Go programming language.