Progress and Perfection

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What is Progress and Perfection?

Recovery themed, Christian flavored daily reflections for those struggling, recovering, or seeking understanding.

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,

‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭3

I don’t do well taking stock of my own situation. Addiction has a way of amplifying the white noise of our lives.

As I sought what I thought would be the remedies for what I felt, I slid further under the blanket of addiction.

Thinking I needed space to think, I separated myself from others. Thinking I needed one last fix, I turned from opportunities to get help. Thinking I had plenty of time, I wasted days, weeks and years.

Addiction is patient. It fears abruptness not planning. It fears the momentary decision not the plague of monotony. It’s a parasite that needs us to keep our head down and our hope low.

When it comes to the end of things, though, we have more say in things than we realize. The parasite is only along for the ride. It only takes a swift decision followed by surrender to buck up against what had become normal.

Rest assured - God gives us the strength to do exactly that. It feels impossible. Because it is impossible without help. But the strength we need comes with a new pair of glasses with which we can see a crushing truth that will either set us free or lock us out.

We are no longer alone.

Indeed, this becomes a pivotal moment. We can reach out and accept the needed help or shrink back into the shadows.

The light comes with the price of admission and of a certain amount of transparency. We aren’t going to look pretty, and we have plenty to own up to.

But while grace is free, new life comes with sacrifice.

God, give me eyes to see the truth and courage to chase it.