Key Biscayne Stories

Today on Key Biscayne Stories, we sit down with Nick Lopez-Jenkins, a 2024 candidate for the Village of Key Biscayne Council. In this interview, Nick shares his story, what led him to settle in Key Biscayne, and why he decided to run for public office. We explore his vision for the village and the issues he feels are most important to address.

In this episode, we cover:

Nick's personal journey and what makes Key Biscayne such a special place for him.

The reasons behind his decision to pursue a seat on the Village Council.
His top three priorities for improving village life and fostering community well-being.

Nick's thoughts on what the village is excelling at and how he would work with others, even when opinions differ.

His vision for what he hopes to accomplish if elected and how he wants to leave a lasting positive impact on the village.

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What is Key Biscayne Stories?

Key Biscayne Stories will showcase the people, history, and magic that make this beautiful village a paradise and a great place to live. The KB Stories Podcast is exclusive for residents and for all those who love Key Biscayne.

Host Alejandro:

Welcome to Key Biscayne Stories, where neighbors meet neighbors. Hey, today we have Nick Lopez Jenkins. He is our neighbor running for village council, so we're excited to get to know him. He's been living in the Key for 25 years with his family. How are you doing today?

Host Alejandro:

Doing great. Awesome. We have Matilda here. We're gonna run through a couple of questions that we're trying to be, fair or equal with everybody, but let's give it a shot. Here we go.

Co-Host Matilda:

So what's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

Nick Lopez:

I will say that the answer to this question a couple of years ago would have probably been different. As a parent now, of a 4 and a 6 year old, as you can tell, I started a little late in life being a parent. But the advice that I've gotten is to take time to to really appreciate to see your kids grow. I think if I would have been younger, had my kids at a younger point in time, I probably, my parents would have been the ones telling me that, I probably wouldn't have paid attention like many people. It would have flown by and I wouldn't have had any sense of, you know, of how, you know, how fast this time goes.

Nick Lopez:

But the fact that most of the people who give me the advice now are my friends or contemporaries that have already had their kids, whose kids are already in college, and, you know, it really has allowed me to sit back and really appreciate day by day and just to see how they change and grow. My wife and I, my wife Marina, who's a lovely person and much better than me, whom I'm saying hello to right now, who I'm sure listen to this podcast I hope. She is, like I said, we sat around last night just watching videos of them just a couple of years ago And it's amazing to see how they they've all both changed and grown. So I would tell everyone that when you do have kids, if you're blessed with them, to please take your time because it does fly by. It's a fantastic experience.

Nick Lopez:

It's more important than anything else you do with your life.

Host Alejandro:

So tell us something about yourself that most people don't know.

Nick Lopez:

Well, this is one that I should be embarrassed by, but I'm not. I think I'm a Swifty, I I have to say. So my wife has got me listen to Taylor Swift, and I I kinda I kinda like it. I I can't lie. So I just I'm I I I think part of it is is having had, to a certain extent, a a sales and and marketing background.

Nick Lopez:

I'm just amazed by the level of I mean, I've never seen anything I guess the closest thing in my adult life to something like a phenomenon like this, I guess, would have been Michael Jackson back in the eighties.

Host Alejandro:


Nick Lopez:

You know? I mean, obviously, I'm old, but I'm not old enough to remember the Beatles or Elvis or anything like that. But, it is crazy how how how much and, you know, and just an incredibly talented person. The fact that it's, like I said, from the singer songwriter, you know, and actually, you know, the person that that plays the instruments and stuff. So so, yeah, that's, I'm gonna stick with that.

Nick Lopez:

That's it. So

Host Alejandro:

I like it. Honesty.

Nick Lopez:

This is

Host Alejandro:

what the show is about. That's

Nick Lopez:

what it's about.

Co-Host Matilda:

What's the most important thing in your life today?

Nick Lopez:

Well, I'm not gonna answer the obvious because I think I've already touched on that. It's my family, my friendships as well. So as far as and I'm not gonna go public service because I think that's kind of just this whole podcast. I don't want to, like I said, milk that subject too much. But, I started actually a new company with, with a couple of people I've met that moved here recently.

Nick Lopez:

It's a company that, it's obviously a plug for my company now, but a company that we clean the exterior of of high rise buildings with drones. So it's really cutting edge technology. It's kind of a a really disruptive force in the marketplace and, I'm excited about that. Really passionate. I have to say that with a family, with running for office, it's I mean, I used to think I was busy.

Nick Lopez:

I think everybody thinks they're busy but I'm like look back, I'm like, man, I was never busy. Now I'm really busy. But it's an enjoyable thing because it's a passion. It's something I've never had professionally that I can look forward to and I have a piece of ownership. So that's really important to Drive U Force to to help me get to a place professionally, where I could have my family secure, you know, going forward.

Nick Lopez:

So I'm excited about that. So

Host Alejandro:

So just I'm curious. So you this does, like, a big drone that just has, like,

Nick Lopez:

a big It's a drone. Those. It's, it's probably half the size of this table, although probably people can't see this table. It's tethered to a to a pump system that we have a that we have a patent pending on, and it can go 22, 23 stories in the air. And it and it's it's high it's high pressure.

Nick Lopez:

We could do softwalls at high pressure, but it's amazing we have a a deionized water solution that you don't need a squeegee to to clean windows because it's basically perfectly pure water that doesn't leave any kind of residue. So it's I mean we are and it's the organic growth. We started in South Florida. Now we're in Jacksonville, Atlanta, Louisiana, and this is all a matter of 6 months. So it's pretty it's pretty intense.

Nick Lopez:


Host Alejandro:

And do you have the guy use the use the the visor or No.

Nick Lopez:

No. He's we have we have former military guys that actually fly by sight. Oh, wow. Yeah. So it's, and these these guys

Host Alejandro:

sight, you mean as in, like

Nick Lopez:

Exactly. Yeah. They have to keep constant sight with the drone. Okay. Like I said, the the controller does have a camera, and like I said, in case, like, ahead goes around a corner, but it's pretty cool stuff.

Nick Lopez:

You'll see it around keep its game sometime soon.

Co-Host Matilda:

How did you end up in the key?

Nick Lopez:

So I think it's probably the better question is how my parents end up here k. Because that's I was kind of young when I started coming here. We grew up, a little bit all over the country. My parents, I say came to the states as refugees. They went through Spain and they came.

Nick Lopez:

We started in New Jersey, moved to North Carolina, back to New Jersey, and then I grew up from 8 6 to 12 in Lakeland, Florida. And then when we were 12, my parents finally we had a lot of family down in Miami. That was kind of the final destination they were looking to to be at. So we moved to Miami at that point in time. I enrolled in Belen back in 1982 and I started coming here in the summers was just with friends who had places here.

Nick Lopez:

We ended up living in Miami and then in Coral Gables for a while and then my parents moved here in 90 4, 95. I was already out of the house and then I basically, I mean, I was I was living I was living in the Gables for a little while on my own after college and then I just decided to move here as well. This this was the beach for us. As I said nothing else existed. I mean Miami Beach was never an option.

Nick Lopez:

This has been where we had come the whole time. And my parents helped me out by my first place here back in 'ninety six and I've never really left. So it's, it's funny because I think, more importantly, to that point, so many people from where they lived in Cuba all left and spread all around the world or whatever and now they all live within like 3 square blocks of each other in Key Biscayne because they kind of found the same thing that they had in Vallejo where they grew up here in the Keys. So that same kind of culture. So I said they kinda ended up back here and, like, just like a family tie.

Nick Lopez:

Thankfully, they live right across the street from me. As I told you, I've got a 4 to 6 year old, so my parents are very helpful with that. So So

Host Alejandro:

I know I've I've been seeing you more and more everywhere, which is awesome to see you, participate and engage in the community. So, I mean, I wanna the next obvious question is what inspired you to run? Right. From my eyes, I see you everywhere. I see you at the chamber.

Host Alejandro:

I see you so it's so I have a pretty good idea, but for

Nick Lopez:

the people. Well, I I have to say I ran 2 years ago. I fell a little bit short, and I didn't know what my reaction would initially be, not having been successful. And, my wife kind of gave perspective. Said, Look, you know, that you have an opportunity a learning opportunity here.

Nick Lopez:

Every failure is an opportunity to learn and improve. And and she was right and I'd actually enjoyed the process even though it in the end it wasn't successful. So I kind of doubled down on everything. I wanted to become more involved. I reached out.

Nick Lopez:

The mayor was helpful and you were helpful to me as well. I mean just guiding me as far as what, you know, where I could be useful and provide my skills. I'm now the vice chair of the Virginia Key Advisory Board. I am the co president of the Key Biscayne 4th July Parade Committee, which I'm very proud of of the parade. And as well, I joined Rotary.

Nick Lopez:

I'm the liaison for the Youth Council. All that stuff I have to say almost selfishly, I really enjoy doing because it is an opportunity to give back and and help guide and this is a very, this community is just it's a very I mean people donate their time and really smart people really, you know, people who are very successful carve out time to give back and it's it's nice to be in those groups because you learn a lot. Like I said, I don't enter a group thinking that I know everything. I try to be collaborative. I think I have an ability to work with people and and accomplish things and obviously put effort.

Nick Lopez:

I think through my, I think my own effort, like I said, I try to set an example as far as as giving back. So I kind of think that, you know, running for council is probably just the next step as far as being able to contribute. I I leave it up to the, obviously, the voters of Key Biscayne to decide whether they think I'm a good fit for that but I think as far as working in a collaborative group, I think I'm I have a lot of ability to do that.

Host Alejandro:

So what what are the top issues you think the village is facing? How would you try to tackle them? Or how are you gonna focus your your term if elected?

Nick Lopez:

We're obviously very privileged to live here. And we have, like I said, we've we've formed a pretty incredible community, but there are issues that can be built upon and, like, improved on. I think I think the the e bike situation probably a good example of this. Obviously, it was a terrible tragedy that led to the council passing a complete ban on them and I'm actually in support of that. I think it's it's it's always a tough situation because there are adults that use these micro mobility vehicles to come to and from work and you kind of end up but we're kind of we're kind of handcuffed here because the state on the state level, these things are considered bikes.

Nick Lopez:

So basically you can't really regulate them as far as licensing or insurance or anything else. So until we can work on something like that, so I would like to and I know this will be like the 3rd bite of the apple trying to go to the state and getting the actual laws changed as far as recategorizing the electric bikes. I think that's important. I'd love to be part of that that process of going and and seeing if we can get that moved along. I think being on the Virgin UK advisory board has also made me very cognizant of the issues we're having with the Causeway.

Nick Lopez:

Actually, the Causeway, the redevelopment of of the of the Marine Stadium as well, which seems like it might actually possibly be moving forward. And I'd like to be I've been able to establish some really good relationships on the other side of the bridge with the city of Miami, with Dade County. So I would like to, you know, be able to contribute in those kind of ways. And I think in general, it's just, is, you know, to be a watchdog as far as as far as, as far as, you know, what's going on from a budgeting standpoint to make sure that we keep things, you know. I said we're all taxpayers here and we all have to be, you know, present about where costs are going.

Nick Lopez:

I think the village does provide some incredible service. I mean, we've all had to deal with government on different levels. I think the most the most enjoyable experiences I've ever had interacting with government have been with Key Biscayne. I think that's that comes from the mayor down to the manager. I think I think our government is very responsive.

Nick Lopez:

So I just want to be able to to tell you, I said to be able to focus on that, that we keep a high level of, of customer service in government, which is not really, you know, available in a lot of places when you usually deal with people who are who are in government. But I think here we're very responsive. I think it's because we're such a small community. So I said there's no there's no hiding from anybody here. Like they always say, there's only one Winn Dixie and one Golden Hawk and that's that's it.

Nick Lopez:

So you're gonna see everybody there as you well as you well know. So

Host Alejandro:

Yeah. That's right. That's right.

Co-Host Matilda:

So what about Yeah. A Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, how what's, like, the issue on, like, the bikes in the Rick and Causeway?

Co-Host Matilda:

Because I know, like,

Co-Host Matilda:

there's a lot of issues with people, like, hating it.

Host Alejandro:

Oh, because you go to math.

Nick Lopez:


Co-Host Matilda:

Hate it.

Nick Lopez:


Co-Host Matilda:

Like, I it's just every time I'm driving, they're just always just coming into your lane, and, like, that's how you cause an accident, especially at 7 in the morning. All those kids

Nick Lopez:

You're talking about the bicyclist, though, not not the e bikes. You're just talking about

Co-Host Matilda:

No. Yeah. The bicycle.

Nick Lopez:

The the big Pelotons and stuff like that. It's, it okay. It's become a reality here because I mean, between Virginia Key, obviously, Crandon and Key Piscayne. It's it really is the only uninterrupted loop that people on bikes can actually use to ride. So that's that's why it's gotten so bad here.

Nick Lopez:

This is like and obviously, we're like the only the only hill, you know, in all South Florida, which is the, I said, which is on the Rickenbacker. That being said, yeah, it's it's disturbing. It's scary, you know, because I think there's there's a psychology that people get in big groups and they think that, well, you know, they're, you know, I mean, I don't want to say, bulletproof or for lack of a better word. That's probably not the word I should use considering what happened. But yeah.

Nick Lopez:

I know. So but but but I said, you know what I mean? It is invincible. It may it's probably the better way to and it causes it really does cause us danger. It's not something that's really in the in the purview of Key Biscayne just because that really cut they kinda turn around right before they get to Key Biscayne.

Nick Lopez:

So it's more of a county issue. And there obviously is a bike lane there, you know, so that's why it's so frustrating. I mean, I there's been times that I've driven out and it's not only that they're in the bike lane, they're in the next lane, and they're in the actual the other lane. They're they're really taking up all lanes of traffic and it's not and it's it's a level of a lack of consideration to a certain extent. I think it probably has to it'll be probably more of a county issue to to regulate this, but there should be, like I said, some I said they do have a right to the roadway.

Nick Lopez:

There's no doubt about that. But, I think there's there's something that's been lost. It's just a basic consideration as far as, you know, being able to share and be respectful of other people. So I don't I don't disagree with you. So, like I said, especially I can imagine going to Mass in the morning because it's usually around 7:30, like, every day.

Nick Lopez:

So so, yeah, it's it's a little out of control. So and this is this is somebody that, like I said, I'm I don't wanna say I'm a former bike rider. I could still ride a bike. I'm shipper, but, you know but I never I never rode in big groups. I was always afraid that, you know, because if it was a wreck or something like that.

Nick Lopez:

So I was more of a solo rider. But I totally understand where you're coming from as far as concerned.

Host Alejandro:

To to Matilda's point and your point as well, the Rickenbacker Causeway master plan is supposed to address some of the bike issues. Correct. It's supposed to be also traffic heavy for for the key because there's a lot of people that come in to the park, to the village. So we'll see what the what the

Nick Lopez:

Yeah. It's it's really it's look. We we live in a from a from a traffic standpoint, just unbelievably complicated. On on a 7 mile stretch of road, you have the city of Miami, you have Miami Dade County, you have the state of Florida, and you have Key Biscayne all basically playing it to one central roadway. The fact that we have the the Florida State Park at the end, at the very end, hopefully will give us some leverage as far as getting stuff done as far as in and out of the island because I think there's there's certain things in the legislature that that play into access in and out of a state park.

Nick Lopez:

The truth is is that when there's traffic issues in Key Biscayne, this is not like a Key Biscayne centric or selfish issue, like, oh, we care about the traffic. On the weekends, it's not Key Biscainers that are leaving or get stuck in traffic for 4 hours. It's people from all over the county. Mhmm. You know, so it's more of like we're trying to help resolve for others, for, you know, for our neighbors across the bridge because nobody wants somebody to sit, to come with their family, have a great time, and next thing you know you get stuck in traffic for 4 or 5 hours because there's some huge event on Virginia Key.

Nick Lopez:

So I said, I hopefully will be working towards something like that. Like I said, I I I got a lot of insight being on the on the the advisory board. So hopefully, we'll be moving forward something on that sometime soon. So

Co-Host Matilda:

Can you share with us some things you believe the key is doing well?

Nick Lopez:

Yeah. Sure. I I touched on it before. I think I think the government is is incredibly responsive. I think we have just fantastic policemen and firemen.

Nick Lopez:

The interactions that you have are really are really great. In addition, I think it's a when when you address counsel and make it a point, I encourage everybody to go to a council meeting. I might not want to sit through the whole 6 hour council meeting, but at least to show up at the beginning for public comments. You'd be amazed how you can move the needle on certain issues just by making, you know, the council aware and engaging. I remember a couple years ago I brought up the issue of some additional funding and it was something that was brought to my attention by by some other people and just I just basically helped add a little bit of, you know, extra commentary to what people were already bringing up and and by the second time we, you know, by the next meeting there had already been money put in for some extra special needs program actually through some state funding as well so I would I would encourage people to take advantage of the the level of interaction you can have with this government.

Nick Lopez:

People will listen to you. If elected I would say I will listen to you most definitely. Because I think that's we are a representative form of government and people need to be be able to feel that they they can they can approach people. So I think I think the openness and responsiveness of the village government, I think, is, is pretty incredible. So I think that's something they're doing very well at this point.

Host Alejandro:

If elected or when elected, you're gonna be listening to all sorts of ideas. Right. So being able to to accept or listen to other people's ideas, especially when they oppose your ideas, you know, it's I I think it's very important. So how do you see yourself working with those that, you know, don't like the things you're doing or or oppose the things you're doing?

Nick Lopez:

I'm always open to new information. I am not going into this this election or this responsibility with any kind of preconceived notions. I do have a I do have some people that I depend on in specific areas, you know, if you wanna call them experts, just to sit there and kind of like as, you know, I'm not an engineer. I'm not a, you know, not a physician. I'm not a lawyer.

Nick Lopez:

So I will have to depend on people to kind of like, you know, dumb things down for me maybe. But that being said, I don't come out with a specific agenda. I wanna I look at things from the standpoint of being somebody who lives here in the village and wants to improve things here. So I will be open to whatever. And I will always I said, I will always listen.

Nick Lopez:

And if I end up disagreeing with you because I came to a different conclusion, I'll be able to explain that, and it won't be just because that's my opinion. So I I have no problem being collaborative. I've I've worked in teams my whole life. The company I have now it's it's it's an incredibly diverse group of people that are working together, but we all have the same goal. I think that's kind of the way I view council as well.

Nick Lopez:

We're here to oversee what the actual village government is doing and we're all pointed in the direction of wanting to make or keep this place the way it is and just improve on what we have. So

Host Alejandro:

So, when when you're elected or if elected, how would you like to be remembered at the end of your term?

Nick Lopez:

I'd like to to to to be viewed as someone who helped contribute on building upon all the great things that we have here in the key. I like someone who kept, or did their best to keep our culture here alive and vibrant. I think we are a very unique place. Anybody that lives here realizes this. The fact that we have a small town field next to, you know, one of the biggest metropolises in the world is kind of it is kind of crazy.

Nick Lopez:

We'd be able to keep that as far as, as far as, future generations is so important. I said I know I told you about my participation in the 4th July parade, but that's really something that doesn't exist in a lot of places anymore. And we did the 65th year of it this year, and I I hope we do 65 more years. So it's it's kind of that's the way I would like to do it. I'd like to come in and leave, in a way that that people would say, you know, I said I helped contribute to to keep and keep a skein, keep a skein.

Co-Host Matilda:

What makes you believe that you stand out from other candidates?

Nick Lopez:

I think we have an incredibly talented group of people running this time. I think what really makes me stand out is the fact that I'm doing it again and that I was able to, you know, to, you know, to see it, to try, to fail, and it could come back. I think it shows a certain level of determination and tenacity on my part. I think that I've put in the work over the last 2 years to improve my viability to be on council. I feel much more qualified to be able to to join council and be able to contribute, not just be able to sit down and listen, but really to be able to, in important area, digest information and come back with hopefully, you know, positive solutions.

Host Alejandro:

Alright. So the next set of questions are more of a of a light nature even though the I believe the entire show is kinda

Nick Lopez:

like Yes.

Host Alejandro:

The idea is to be like, you know, get to know you on a on a light note. So after a long stressful day

Nick Lopez:


Host Alejandro:

How do you relax?

Nick Lopez:

Stressful day. What are you talking about? I don't have I don't have stressful days. I only have, you know no. I, on days on days that it coincides, my wife works full time and so do I.

Nick Lopez:

So depending on which day of the week it is, one of us will will make it a point to cook and get the kids ready and get them bathed or whatever. And occasionally a bottle of wine is opened, a nice bottle of wine. So and, and that's probably the way that we end up putting the kids in their pajamas, having a bottle of wine, talking about our days, well, when we get back together and kind of planning out the rest of the week. So that's kind of a that's kind of way we, we end the day in my house and usually a bed by, like, 8:30, 9 o'clock. I know that's incredibly lame, but that's the truth.

Host Alejandro:

So Hey, don't Yeah. That's perfectly fine. That's perfectly fine.

Co-Host Matilda:

What's your go to meal when you have, last minute guests for dinner?

Nick Lopez:

Alright. So last minute guests. Are these adults? Are these children? Are these both?

Nick Lopez:

I mean A family. A family. Okay. So I said I don't wanna offend any of my constituents here, so I'm gonna have to say, like, 10 places. But, but it's it's if it's if it's something that I need quick and it gets done and it it is kid heavy and stuff like that, I I like I said, I I love my my buddy, Caesar, at Domino's.

Nick Lopez:

He's always takes very good care of me. So and then if it's something that'll maybe a little bit more formal, more adult driven, and, you know, like I said, it's it's something you wanna have, whatever, then I go see George at Golden Hawk. And he, he takes really good care of me. We we get some great food or some stuff from the grill, which is fantastic. The bakery there is great.

Nick Lopez:

So those 2 be my my great. And if we're if we're eating out in Milanese as always, it's because it's always very kid friendly. So it's, and they have, they've done a great job with the outdoor patio. I think that's, like I said, with all the stuff that went on with COVID, I mean, a couple of things turned out well. And the fact that they converted that side area to to an outdoor seating area was pretty cool.

Nick Lopez:

So so, yeah, those would be my, my go to restaurants.

Host Alejandro:

What do you love most about The Key?

Nick Lopez:

There's just like I said, there's there's a way that when you come back over the bridge and when you've been working or whatever, it's just it's, you just decompress. It really is. I mean, it's and it's always lost on us when you just have to remind yourself when you go over the bridge and you see the the skyline and you come in here and it's and it's just so relaxed and your kids can go outside and play and you don't have to be that worried and and you can walk on the beach whenever you want and have access and you can just I said, it's just it really is something as stressful as life has become, you know, and, you know, from a day to day standpoint, there's just something that when you're here, and I am part of the golf cart community, so even when you have to go run an errand, if you could do it in a golf cart, it's not it's not so bad. You know? So you don't like that.

Nick Lopez:

Whatever. I'm doing I'm in a golf cart. So so it's it's all of that. It's kind of like I said, it's it's just that that that natural stress reliever that, whatever. And you know what?

Nick Lopez:

I I it's funny because it really is small town. You have those kind of interactions. I think I I probably have more than most at this point in time just because I've been knocking on people's doors and harassing them on Saturdays. So that's like, it's, but but that being said, you kinda get like you like I said, it's not that big a place if you really boil it down. You you like I said, you if you interact with somebody, you'll see them again.

Nick Lopez:

So this is a it's a unique thing. It's not like it's not like your typical big city. So I think that part of it is what's really unique and really enticing to someone like me.

Co-Host Matilda:

What's the perfect weekend in the Key for you?

Nick Lopez:

The perfect weekend in the Key. I have to tell you this weekend is lining up pretty good. So I'll just like I said, so, my wife was off on Friday. So we were able to spend the day. I kind of I I cut off work a little bit early, had time with the kids, took her to the village green, came home, had a nice dinner.

Nick Lopez:

Saturday, she did have to work so that was probably not perfect for her. I was out knocking on doors, like I said, doing my thing. So but the weather was beautiful. It was a great time. Yeah.

Nick Lopez:

I was able to bring my daughter with me for some time. My son's a little rambunctious. He's still 4. So it's a little it's a little wild, man. So but we got back together.

Nick Lopez:

And then today, I'm doing your podcast, which is pretty cool. And afterwards, we'll go to church, grab a quick lunch with my parents, and then we have a play date, with the kids and some of their for their families. Watch the golf game. Hopefully, they win. We'll see.

Nick Lopez:

Probably not, but whatever. I get over it. And then we'll head out to the beach, like, probably, like, a 5 or 6, and sit out at the beach is what we do. Our our that's our Sunday routine. We just go out to the beach, you know, right before sunset, relax there till I get ready for the for the week coming up and and kind of the kids, you know, play in the water and stuff.

Nick Lopez:

So I said it's it's not you know, unless it's raining, it's hard to have a bad weekend in the Keys. So it's, I said, I I enjoy here.

Host Alejandro:

Alright. So that's that's all the questions we have for for the candidates. But I do like I do like to thank all the people who are running because it's public service, you know, and it takes a lot of work. There's a lot of effort that goes behind your time that you that you'll be dedicating. You know, there's a lot of time away from your family and also learning all the details of everything before you make decisions.

Host Alejandro:

So thank you for taking the leap. Also, Dee, is there any closing words you'd like to share?

Nick Lopez:

Well, I wanna first, I wanna thank both of you for having me. I appreciate it. This is, as always, a fun experience. So you guys you guys make it quick because I think you get a a chance to meet somebody in a little less stressful environment. People can be a little bit more natural.

Nick Lopez:

I also want to thank, honestly, the residents of Key Biscayne, for giving me a second look this time around. It's actually been really positive. I as I mentioned before, I was knocking on doors and everybody's been pretty nice. So I wish I would have invested in Ring because I think every house in this this place has has a Ring on it, so it's unbelievable. And I will tell you one funny story.

Nick Lopez:

So now I didn't realize, but I guess you can you can hook up your Ring to, like, Alexa. I did. So so below because it and it'll say you you can leave a message or something like that after it rings. And it was there's one time that I that I I rang the doorbell, and I I am there with my flyer, my little door hanger or whatever. And then it's it rang, rang, rang, and then Alexa came on and said, sorry.

Nick Lopez:

Not interested. And I just said, okay. What the heck? I never heard that. I was I was like, funny.

Nick Lopez:

I can't believe that that that's that's an option. So but, but, like, like, in general, but but aside from that, which was I thought was funny, I would I just really wanna thank the the the openness of this whole community because I think it's, I think it's good that everybody's taking a look at and, like, as I mentioned before, there's some great candidates here. So I think this will this will work itself out. I think the the best three people will get elected in the end, and then we can move forward in the key. A lot of big projects looking forward to, and, like I said, we have a a great community here that we have to nurture and defend and, and make sure we keep as special as it is right now.

Host Alejandro:

Awesome. Nick, thank you for jumping on the show.

Nick Lopez:

Appreciate it. You guys have a a great Sunday.

Co-Host Matilda:

So Thank you. Alright.