API Intersection

This week on the API Intersection podcast, we spoke with Eric Yu, a co-founder of Rutter API, a universal API aggregator for various types of business software tasked with standardizing all APIs into a unified format. They focus on two primary buckets: Ecommerce ecosystems apps, and fintech customers. Rutter lets customers connect their accounting, commerce, payment, and subscription platforms in a single flow.

A universal API aggregator is a great solution to scale quickly, and we covered the benefits of utilizing one in our previous podcast episode. Increased security options, ease of integration, and the ability to scale quickly are just a few of the benefits of utilizing an aggregator. However, on the side of the aggregator, there are still quite a few challenges that aggregators face in today's API industry.

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Show Notes

This week on the API Intersection podcast, we spoke with Eric Yu, a co-founder of Rutter API, a universal API aggregator for various types of business software tasked with standardizing all APIs into a unified format. They focus on two primary buckets: Ecommerce ecosystems apps, and fintech customers. Rutter lets customers connect their accounting, commerce, payment, and subscription platforms in a single flow.

A universal API aggregator is a great solution to scale quickly, and we covered the benefits of utilizing one in our previous podcast episode. Increased security options, ease of integration, and the ability to scale quickly are just a few of the benefits of utilizing an aggregator. However, on the side of the aggregator, there are still quite a few challenges that aggregators face in today's API industry.
To subscribe to the podcast, visit https://stoplight.io/podcast

--- API Intersection Podcast listeners are invited to sign up for Stoplight and save up to $650! Use code INTERSECTION10 to get 10% off a new subscription to Stoplight Platform Starter or Pro.

Offer good for annual or monthly payment option for first-time subscribers. 10% off an annual plan ($650 savings for Pro and $94.80 for Starter) or 10% off your first month ($9.99 for Starter and $39 for Pro).

What is API Intersection?

Building a successful API requires more than just coding.

It starts with collaborative design, focuses on creating a great developer experience, and ends with getting your company on board, maintaining consistency, and maximizing your API’s profitability.

In the API Intersection, you’ll learn from experienced API practitioners who transformed their organizations, and get tangible advice to build quality APIs with collaborative API-first design.

Jason Harmon brings over a decade of industry-recognized REST API experience to discuss topics around API design, governance, identity/auth versioning, and more.

They’ll answer listener questions, and discuss best practices on API design (definition, modeling, grammar), Governance (multi-team design, reviewing new API’s), Platform Transformation (culture, internal education, versioning) and more.

They’ll also chat with experienced API practitioners from a wide array of industries to draw out practical takeaways and insights you can use.

Have a question for the podcast? DM us or tag us on Twitter at @stoplightio.

API Intersection
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I'm Jason Harmon
and this is API Intersection

where you'll get insights from experienced
API practitioners to learn best

practices on things
like API design, governance,

identity, versioning and more.

Welcome back to API Intersection.

So we've had a couple of guests on
before we kind of talk about, you know,

“consuming APIs from lots of different
things is hard

and how can we make that easier,”

which I think
we can all sympathize with or, you know,

have some experience
of trying to integrate too many things

and having it all fall apart.

So I'm looking forward to sharing some of
the learning from Eric Yu from Rutter.

Eric, tell us a little bit about yourself
and what you guys do ar Rutter.

Yeah, I'm Eric.

I'm one of the co-founders of Rutter.

We've been around for,
I think two years at this point.

we are a universal API API aggregator

for a lot of different kinds of business

e-commerce platforms like Shopify,
Amazon accounting systems like

Xero and QuickBooks,
and then some payment systems

like Stripe and PayPal and charge fee.

And so we standardize all of those APIs
into kind of a unified format

so that people don't have to read
any different kind of documentation.

And then we just make that one API to work

Got it.

I mean, what do typical kind of customers
look like for you guys

as far as who's looking to integrate
with all the different things?

Yeah, I would say for us
it falls into two main buckets.

One is basically more focus on ecommerce.

So a lot of ecommerce
ecosystem apps like marketing tools

and new ways to like marketplaces, ways
and places to sell stuff

and they use our ecommerce APIs to like

get products,
create orders, all of those things.

And then the other big segment
of customers is on the fintech side

where they want to get access to a lot
of this business data in e-commerce

platforms and accounting platforms
to basically get like a better view

of the company in the financial health,
the company to use an underwriting

or like lending or credit cards,
all kinds of different use cases there.

Got it.

I always like to kind of learn from folks

you know, kind of
have the the moxie to go found something

like what got you to this point?

What got you thinking about
trying to solve these problems? And

I don't know, maybe this might sound
jerky, but like, you know,

why should our community of listeners
take your idea seriously?

Yeah. Yeah, definitely.


I mean,

we we've been through many ideas that
definitely should not be taken seriously.

So we, we started out

basically NYC doing something
completely different.

It was a dev tool
for translation, actually,

like a kind of internationalization tool.

We then basically built that.

Realized some things weren't working
and so pivoting for a long time,

kind of one into the desert for like
two years trying to figure things out.

And I think eventually for us, because
my co-founder and I are both engineers,

we had been kind of building
these different apps

that required integration
and the other tools

and realized at some point that we were
doing the same thing over and over again.

We had seen what was happening
in the space with new universal APIs

like payroll ones,
and of course applied this for banking

and felt that we could just try to do
one for e-commerce platforms.

And that's kind of where we started.

And so we did that.

We weren't entirely sure
who would use it at the beginning,

but we then kind of reached out to many,
many different kind of developers

on the Shopify

App Store to see who was interested
in getting their app on other platforms

and found some of these customer segments
that I mentioned

and then went from there.

Got it.

Yeah, it's it's interesting,
you know, this notion of like aggregation

platforms around API to sort of address,
you know, the diversity of consistency

that user experience
seems like there's kind of this

pick, you know, pick a segment
and be good at it.

But the idea that you can be good at all
the things is too broad and that there's

been, you know, not a lot of big success
stories that came out of that.

And I love that you mentioned Plaid.

I feel like that's that's the thing
that's kind of inspired everyone

to try to go solve this in particular
sort of verticals.

It's interesting.

So, you know,
I already started hinting at,

I guess, the things I've heard before,
But I'm curious from your perspective,

like, you know,

what's hard about trying to integrate

with multiple providers
in terms of consuming those APIs?

And you know, the engineering
challenges it presents?

Yeah, I think
there's definitely a lot of challenges

when it comes integrating
with different APIs, but I would say

probably the two biggest ones for me
are one dealing with.

Generally speaking, there's definitely
some APIs out there that are more tech

forward and companies that are more tech
forward, like Shopify is great API.

So those are pretty straightforward to do.

But then when you have to make them work
with APIs that are like more nightmarish,

like Amazon's API that uses like reports
to get data or, you know, or

async requests that take minutes to finish
instead of like a few seconds to finish.

That's when you run to challenges
standard or standardizing the APIs.

So that's, you know, a huge problem.

And then secondly,
when you deal with these APIs

and fetch data like we are
and kind of like sanitizing it,

you have to deal with many different kinds
of rate limits

and building a system that can handle
a lot of these different errors,

permission errors, rate limit errors,

you know, trending errors in these APIs.

That's it takes a it takes a lot
to basically maintain that system.

Yeah, that's that's the bit where

I think you know we talked

to a lot on the show
here to folks that like build APIs, right.

Running some sort of program

and you know, we talk a ton about,
you know, what's important

and it's like,
you know, design and language and,

you know, some of these scaling factors
and all that.

But it's like, what are the errors?

Like, you know, how many times does that
come up very often?

And it should
probably should be a lot more.

So it's interesting, though, that on one
hand, you're having to sort of consolidate

what is sort of a model to represent
this concept across multiple things.

And then on the other side is
how do you present

the flow of errors
in sort of a consistent fashion?

Seems like

two pretty different problem
spaces, though.

Yeah, definitely.

I think we've spent a lot of time on on
both ones.

And I think for the first one
with the consolidation

and centralization of information,
that's really just a lot of iteration.

Like you can try it.

You basically just start with the,

the most simple these API
and kind of go from there.

And then when you talk to different users
and they want more field

or they want to change certain things,
that's kind of how you learn

kind of what the ideal output looks like.

So it just kind of a process
of learning for us, I think.

On the error side.

Yeah, we spent a lot of time
working with various errors.

I think some APIs, they tell us errors

where some of the messages
have been in different languages.

So like a, you know, a

Dutch error message saying that you can't
access the store's permission.

We tried to kind of learn over time
how to handle all of those.

Yeah, the error message that tells you
you've selected the wrong language.

Yeah, exactly.

So, you know, it's an intriguing spot
to be in that

you go, okay, I've looked at all
these different sort of data models

that these different APIs provide and,
you know,

it's it's like the meta design problem of
how do you come up with something good?

It's like, you know, your worst problem
in that scenario

is that you end up producing something
that is the sum of all of its parts.

That's worse than any one of them.

So from a kind of API design perspective,
how do you guys think about that?

Yeah, definitely.

I think for us, you know, I think I think
a big, big part of this is just learning.

And so we start with kind of
what is the gold standard.

So in for example, e-commerce
APIs, Google Center is Shopify,

and we can
we use that as kind of a skeleton.

And then we basically go out, we try to
not include too many fields because

it's kind of overwhelming for people
to like, learn what all the fields mean.

But over time,
we do add some based off of user feedback.

So we try to basically make it more
and more useful.

But as you mentioned, like you also just
can't dump everything in there.

And so the way that we've kind of

got around
this is we allow our users of the API

to also get direct access to some of these
underlying APIs that we're connected to.

We give them the tokens

and so that allows them
in certain situations

where they need to make direct calls or
get something unique or specific to them,

make a direct call to the shop
via Amazon API

and do what they do, what they need to do.

So we try to make as much standardization
as possible, but then for some off

cases, you know, we allow the flexibility
of like using the API directly.

Yeah. Now I think it's like

when folks think about these things
that always like take the least common

denominator approach the least
the least number of common things.

Don't try to do the mash them all together
to get all the things,

because that's never going to work out.

So, I mean, you mentioned like rate
limiting and some of these things.

I also think about like,

you know, one of the consumption problems
folks run into a lot

is sort of almost hardwiring
their infrastructure to some external API.

And then when it goes down, everything
just, you know, totally falls apart.

And so this kind of availability factor
like sort of the,

you know, buffer for that, like
are you guys providing anything like that?

And then I guess
what would your sort of recommendations

on the right ways
to approach those things be?

Yeah, I think

for us, we what we do is we actually take
in all the data from these different APIs

and then and store it
and then centralize it on our end.

So we're making that available directly
to our database, to our users.

So the good thing is that if an API goes
down, let's say like Shopify

or one of these other platforms,
people can still fetch data from us.

We just won't be able to kind of update
that while the other APIs down

and also post requests

won't work because we can't we can't make
those requests to external API.

So I think that's actually a tactic
that a lot of consumers of APIs use.

We've talked to people
who've told integrations with QuickBooks

and Shopify these different platforms,
and it is something similar

where they store the data

to avoid downtime,
but also to of what's on the rate

limits of kind of refashion
the data over and over again.

So that's a big thing that we do.

So here's a
I don't know what to call a hot take,

but probably a contentious question
as someone in your position.

But like, you know,

I've been in software a long time
you know, since nineties dot com bubble.


And seen
these kind of trends come and go of like

an industry standardizing on one thing.

And I look in modern era to like
and say health care

you got like the fire API spec right.

I mean do you see that
like some more of these kind of verticals

might start moving toward

standardizing on things and,

and is that like what we should be doing

and or do you think folks like yourself
are leading the way toward that.

Yeah, it's yeah,
I mean that's super interesting question.

I think from from what I've seen there.

But like whereas in other fields
I've also noticed I think in messaging

and communication there's been kind of
these more standard protocols.

An API is to use Messenger.

I message all of those things.

I haven't we haven't seen the same thing

develop yet in the ecommerce world
or the accounting world.

So I don't think there's like a a body
that's kind of leading that effort.

And I think like from what we see,

it's it's definitely more similar
to the banking world.

It's been more fragmented
and and that's kind of the body steps in.

There won't be much innovation.

And I think in the e-commerce
and accounting world,

there's no like government that's wanting
to coming in and help out there.

So for now,
I think like for us, we're kind

of trying to do the work
to make people's lives easier.

But if there is kind of a
that kind of steps in to deliver

some additional value or standardization,
I think we'd make use of that.

And then just kind of
look for other places

where there's there's not that
and try to be a universal API.


I mean, I think you're right
in this particular kind of vertical.

I mean, I will say that
like sure, governments

can step in and regulate things

and that is certainly a source of why
people would do these things.

Sort of portability.

Interoperability in some areas
can be like a driver

that's more organic or that,

you know, companies will come together

But it's hard to imagine a world
in which e-commerce

driven platforms come together and agree
on one way to do things.

They're all trying
to differentiate themselves.

So yeah, seems unlikely.

Yeah, I think sometimes people
go, Well, it's an API

and you get the data
like let's make it all standard, but

the differentiators are expressed
in that API, right?

So like, you know,
unless they all have some homogenous,

consistent offering,
then that's pretty unlikely, right?

Yeah, exactly.


So in sort of working

in this e-commerce space, in APIs,
you know, you're dealing with some huge

platforms, right,
with millions of developers involved and

I mean, I've, you know,

like I worked at PayPal for a while and
got a taste for what that's like, right?

And it's it's hard to know sometimes
what you're doing right or wrong.

And I'm I'm curious from your perspective,
when you look at all

these different APIs,
like what do you think these API providers

could be doing differently that would make

that experience better for everyone?

Yeah, there's yeah, I mean, I've been

I've so many doubts about this
because I've seen so many.

It kind of like difficult
it goes to work with,

I would say.

I would say I think generally speaking

is that we struggle to work with the most
are the ones that are

they still really haven't adopted
kind of like more modern standards

like rest
or you know and and basically, Jason,

sometimes we work with a lot of XML APIs
that, you know, if you're a new developer

with Jason and new API
is trying to integrate something that has

an external API is just like,
you know, that's just something else.

So I think keeping up
with kind of the standards

of API is something
that we'd really like to see people do.

And then generally I think documentation
is super important for us.

It's super important.

You know, we spend a lot of time just like
making sure everything is up to date.

You know,

the worst thing for us as being
is looking at the documentation,

trying it out
and then realizing that it's like not

what's written there and being like,
Oh my God, not to figure it out.

Like, let me just figured out like
from scratch how this whole API works.

So that's also a big deal.

And something we actually do
see like out there in the world.

You know, it's funny,
I can't help but reflect have been,

you know,
doing this API stuff for a long time that

if I'd asked this question in like 2012,
I better get the same answer.

Yeah, and I'm tired of this open
XML stuff.

This new resting
looks like it's a lot better to work with.

And can we move to Jason
because XML stinks to work with

and you know, quit
sending me PDFs with old specs.

Yeah, I No, no.

Some things never change,

and it's hard to believe that
in, you know, 20, 22 coming into 23.

Like we're still dealing with a lot of the
and small stuff.

It's hard to believe.

Yeah, I was honestly surprised
by some of that as well.

I think some, some companies
maybe they just

haven't that's working
and they don't really want to update it.

But of course, that kind of the trade off,
you know,

you won't see a lot of new development
in your ecosystem.

So I think people are kind of
still trying to adjust.

Yeah, for sure.

API developed.

It's not cheap, you know, I don't mean
to be disrespectful to anybody.

And if you're making money
and it works, why change it? I get it. But

it's interesting though, on

the on the docs that you point out
just simple accuracy, just like

do the docs actually reflect
what the thing does?

Yes, it's it's remarkable.

And I think the advent of like,

you know, open API
and these kinds of things,

you know, giving you a way to sort of
generate documentation based on the spec

that you also used
to generate your implementation,

you know, seems to have been the thing

that's made that better, broadly
speaking, you know,

but even then within examples and guides
and things, it could still be off.

So yeah, it's hard.

I'm curious in kind of, you know, you're

dealing with a lot of this sort
of the financial component here

and not necessarily
payments specifically, but

I'm curious with,

you know, the fintech space has just been
really frothy over the last few years

and lots of kind of API approaches
to those things, like,

you know, what are you seeing
and kind of the direction

of where all that stuff is going.

And what's interesting to you?

Yeah, I think at least where
we're positioned kind of in the fintech

world, fintech this, you know, so
big and growing so, so quickly.

I would say there is
I think like consumer fintech was

was definitely revolutionized
like a few years ago

because, you know, Plaid
basically made banking

did an access to banks available
to a lot of other apps.

So that changed the game, definitely.

And I think now, you know,
people are catching up.

And I think in Europe
there's open banking as well.

So like the need for the is like a lot
a lot less.

Now I would say something
similar is definitely happening in the

business commercial realm of things.

So when it comes to business
lending versus consumer lending

or kind of business financial software

tools versus like consumer

kind of like personal financial tools
needs, a lot of development going.

There is there's a lot of neobanks as well

and kind of like spend management tools
like ramp and tracks and all that stuff.

So all of these kind of business
management tools of business

financial tools require
some level of access to business data,

whether it's accounting or ecommerce
data or payments data.

And so that's where we've been basically

and we see a lot of growth there.

Yeah, very interesting.

I guess what are some examples of a

I think you maybe named one in there,
but like what are some examples of things?

Yeah, I would say

for example,
I think a big one is business lending.

I think I covered as well.

There was like a big period
of what people were offering SMB loans,

P2P loans to help out businesses,
and a lot of underwriting is being done.

And I think a lot of a lot of companies
want to underwrite faster

with with better data.

So that kind of that's
where getting access to QuickBooks

financial statements or revenue numbers
like that's where that's helpful.

I think you've got

you might have seen some new startups
where they're able to kind of convert

your Moran to RR and these kinds
of like financial products.

And that's what they also need
to underwrite on some subscriptions, data

or financial data as well.

And then I think

the other thing that we've been seeing
as we work with a company called RAMP

that provides credit cards to companies
and, you know, they all see to underwrite

how much credit to give to a company
which also requires data.

So we also help out there.

Very interesting.

Eric, any other closing thoughts here

for us on API aggregation
e commerce, FinTech?

You know, we covered a lot of things here.

Any other thoughts for listeners here?

Yeah, I think yeah.

I mean, I think we covered a lot,
but generally the process of like, of,

you know, build is tough,
you know, learning

all these different kinds
of documentations and formats.

And so I think for us behind
what we're doing is, is that

but also, you know, being able to scale
because maybe, you know, like

someone would look at it and be like,
I can build

ten APIs even if they're all different
pretty quickly.

But for us, the goal is to eventually,
you know, hit 100, 200, 500 APIs.

And that's kind of the more that we have,
the more value we deliver.

So a big part of our system
is just be able to scale our APIs

and kind of repeatedly generate
know scaffold ing

templating to allow our team to,
you know, ship new integrations quickly.

So that's a big part
of what we do as well.

And with that, we want to help

it cool.

Well, thanks again for joining us.

And insurance and mushrooms
sharing so much about what you guys do.


Thanks so much, Jason, for having me.

Thanks for listening.

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