Humans of Agriculture

This is the Tom and Mick Show! In this episode they are joined by special guest - cattle buyer Jimmy Blain, AKA 'Bull Train'. They cover the following:
  • What keeps Jimmy occupied day-to-day
  • Cattle market trends and weather impact 
  • Sheep and wool markets 
  • Market outlooks and predictions 
  • What podcasts Jimmy listens to on the road

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What is Humans of Agriculture?

Welcome to Humans of Agriculture. This podcast series is dedicated to discovering more about our food system, from the people involved in it.

Along the journey we'll be meeting people from all walks of life from Australia and from afar. Join us as we find out how our communities and our culture shape what we eat, and ultimately who we are.
​More people, More often, Identifying with Agriculture

Speaker 1 0:00
Hey welcome to the Tom and MC show. We're back in 2024 I'm excited thing Lizzy boys back into an egg omelette.

Mick 0:20
Yay going well thanks so much going Well New Year New us fired up with a new jingle. Talk us through that.

Speaker 1 0:26
Oh look, we made one writes jingles for a living and I said hey, would you like to write the song from making it simple adios. And that's gonna be put together marker you're looking up is more importantly, let's add one. Who have we got? What's the story? Congressman Michael got

Mick 0:42
Leon Brooks and Dunn might got a big hitter on the show this week. With some sir Evan will be revved up for goes by the name of Jimmy Blaine a day bull train one of the up and coming commission buyers in northern New South Wales by now. Welcome to the show might

Unknown Speaker 0:56
now Thanks, boys. Thanks for having us. And don't

Speaker 1 0:58
try and tell us a little bit about yourself and your career and what you do for a crust.

Unknown Speaker 1:02
So based up in northern New South Wales, about 5k out of emerald, and we're full time commissioned cattle buyer and trying to do a bit of shape buying when again, but um, so did 10 weekly sales sort of Tamworth, Canada, Adobe Armadale. And then before that it was sort of in farm management, running fencing crews working in territory for a while dropping a few trucks here. Even did a teaching degree

Mick 1:28
in between him. And you still well a couple of 18 wheelers on the weekend, right?

Unknown Speaker 1:32
I did I did. I just been driving a tripleheader Maury doing a bit of highway expansion and slinging a bit of mud with the boys. Let's go on. Well, yeah,

Mick 1:40
nice. Very good. And mate, you said you're in base it in Burrell. But what work from, you know, pretty well from southern Queensland down into Victoria. How's the season around you? In the past? You cover? Yeah, at

Unknown Speaker 1:52
the moment. So that's a Tamworth ganador across to sort of narrow Bri through, there's probably the dry side of it, they've sort of been missing out on through the storms. But Bhairava to let's say, Dolby looks sensational. And then let's say sort of carcoar down to the south is still looking really well, especially for this time, you might

Speaker 1 2:14
and probably desert that's fine as part of your job. There's been plenty of widespread rioting, the cattle markets been around a little run for a couple of months. Now, where do you see it? Heading heading into winter, when you say going? Look

Unknown Speaker 2:26
on it's it's simple to say. But if we can keep dragging these stores, it'll sort of slow the flow of cattle getting through through the sale yards and also kill catalogue processes, which is obviously simple supply and demand, but will shorten up your supply. And then obviously, there'll be more demand. So look, it's they've done a 180 on the weather that's everyone's obviously talking about. So hopefully we can just keep some good winter rain in the right spots. And there's a few Patrick's device getting planted at the moment from here down to the south as well, so, and bumper sorghum crops up our way and further north as well. So it's very exciting. But

Mick 3:01
what factors do you think we'll see it play out by this year? You know, you're talking about supply and demand. So it sounds like you're alluding to the rain is driving, you know, the coffee side of the market? I think changing on the meat side?

Unknown Speaker 3:15
From what I understand that the meat market is fairly strong at the moment. Positive, I should say not strong, which is good. So for you that can flow on through to the farmgate. Yeah, it's you never really know what's going to be fully going on. But it's very generally a very positive view. Yep, yep.

Mick 3:31
Yeah. And, Mike, you're in the market every week, if not every day, what opportunities are you seeing at the moment? And what are you talking about with your clients, getting them into the

Unknown Speaker 3:41
moment at the moment on the trade side of things is because there's such a discrepancy between your buy price on steers and heifers at the moment? Yeah, there's a difference in in daily weight gain and whatnot. But I'm more of the pain at the moment when there's such there's such a difference between a buyer price I think there's more opportunity at the moment for a heifer. You can go and buy a sort of background a heifer or even a feeder heifer to go into your own place or custom feed into a feed lots to say 350 to 500 kilos, sort of $2.90 to 330 at the really nice end of an Angus heifer, whereas your feeder steers in your background of steers are still calling for $3 Let's say 55, up to $4.20 and 30, your lighter back end of a steer. So while I'm leaning towards the heifers at the moment,

Speaker 1 4:27
just only geographical differences in the market from their different salary. Sorry, that you bring in at the moment.

Unknown Speaker 4:33
Definitely, definitely. So New South Wales like yeah, the seasons good, but we're also shortened a bit of places which is, there's a big difference. Queensland is when they get grass you know, they're like, doesn't matter what they cost. They're just gonna buy the cattle and is spayed. The guys are over fellow all through the middle there. There's still green grass and they've had green grass for most of the summer as well, which is great. So yeah, we will start we got winter sales coming Up Down this way from my emerald Armadale down to sort of Kuma braid, would you ask to say no, we'll start finding a few these Queensland blokes coming down our way. Also, it's now not as hot up north, the southern cattle do melt if they go too far into Queensland, so it's just a timing thing. But they're they're coming

Mick 5:19
in and d think without the seasons based around sort of northern New South Wales, heading down south like at the Queensland is going to be driving the market this year?

Unknown Speaker 5:27
Definitely. I think so. Definitely. So Friday, next week's casinos big main winter sale and it's a heavy Euro cross breed selection, whereas a lot of you Queensland is our that's their bread and butter. They love that sort of good crossbred cattle, your Black Angus cattle do struggle a bit, the further they go north, obviously, with the hate and the breed type. So it's going to be interesting in three or four months,

Speaker 1 5:50
you've been described as a bit of a weather wrestler or possibility, mate, do you find the shaper and job and can you talk about market at the moment?

Unknown Speaker 6:00
Not as much as I should. But I'm, I'm butchering a few labs, we sort of need a bit. Let's learn a bit more about the sheet job. But yeah, definitely just poking along in the background. And a

Mick 6:11
bit of a bit of positivity on the lam job. Tommy, there's some $8 contracts out for the middle of winter. So a couple of good opportunities for people to take some contracts and and make some money. That's it. Anything on the waterfront Tom?

Speaker 1 6:24
Yeah. What are you ready to send them all market going? Door look, plenty

Mick 6:28
of ups and downs throughout the year. It's the market,

Speaker 1 6:30
it will go recently that the CrossFit market is pretty Yeah, profitable markets pretty struggling massively. And the Marina markets not strong. Like there's not a huge amount of conferencing in Europe. You know, what's going on Ukraine doesn't help any of that sort of stuff. So it makes it hard for that high end retail to buy into it. But my carpet isn't getting any cheaper than trying to do in my house. So you told me that? I don't know.

Mick 6:57
First world issues, couple of things, double income, no kids really struggling out about it. And Tom? Why no, we talk about the AQI of it. And it's automatic and listening to you. It's probably not what you track off. But can you tell us where you think it will go this year? Or can you you know, refer it back to our feeder price? Where do you think feeder prices will float around this year?

Unknown Speaker 7:17
I actually just looked up the FT price before we had this little meeting. It's sitting around that sort of $6.30 or 35. At the moment, if Iraqi sorry. And if we're going to call for Christmas, I'm more inclined that it's going to be lower than $6.35. Why? Why is supply and demand and I think there's there's gonna be a lot of cattle getting turned off after the spring going into summer? And unfortunately, I think it's going to start getting a little bit dry again, safe.

Mick 7:44
And do you play much in the wagyu? Space? Where do you sort of see that job at at the moment? And you know, probably what to what you alluded to as a whole. But yeah,

Unknown Speaker 7:54
just dabble a little bit in the wagyu space with a few clients. That understanding I've got is it's a cycle as well when it like we saw up to $10 Plus, on theory type weight wagyu for proper well bred F ones last year. We're not sure where it's at now. But obviously when you see those sorts of prices, everyone jumps it's a bit of a bandwagon sort of response. Everyone then goes oh, I want to go by where us and then I don't know if they flood the market but the guys who've been in it and have stuck through it year on year on year and focus on their genetics and their cow herd will that's obviously going to pay off for them. So yes, mate,

Speaker 1 8:32
you spend a little bit of time in the car talk history United just got up in the stands are gonna have to jump in the jump in the big 450 off to the side yards. What are you listening to in podcast music audiobooks talk straight up in

Unknown Speaker 8:47
the morning, because I leave home about four o'clock. So it's actually silence in the car for the first day to sort of gather my thoughts and wake up a bit and get ready for the day and run through a few numbers in your head. Like listening. I'm a heavy Joe Rogan fan. He's a bit of a chameleon, he can sort of talk to the conspiracy theorists and to the actual well educated people too. So he's good for listen, if I am feeling like educating myself a bit more on what listen to mark bores, big fan of Mark, Boris, mentor and straight talk is to podcasts. And then the occasional sort of business real estate, Australian business podcast. I think it's called just to get me through for half an hour and then turn everything off again. And

Mick 9:30
obviously humans have ag for all your agricultural maybe my time I recently just sort of touched on it there before made up. I presume that you're a heavy Toyota man at the moment. But do you see yourself in a Dodge Ram or a pickup F pick up at some point? No,

Unknown Speaker 9:44
Gods No. Would love an F 150 But I think more money is better spent somewhere else.

Unknown Speaker 9:51
More of a Toyota Corolla mean?

Unknown Speaker 9:53
Yeah, maybe a hybrid Kluger or suddenly

Unknown Speaker 9:58
music on the way from science

Unknown Speaker 9:59
Ah yeah no it's a roller coaster as well. It's anything from sleep dusty to bear Ozzy hip hop or country music or Yeah, anything.

Mick 10:10
You mentioned a Western Sydney rap fan.

Unknown Speaker 10:12
Yeah one for the fan. Brand off a

Speaker 1 10:15
few hits and one for that you are conditioned to just get in the zone.

Unknown Speaker 10:18
I'll send them to you

Speaker 1 10:21
wouldn't be many cattle guys I would imagine rolling into dangerous stores I'll just smash and we'll wrap

Mick 10:31
standing out on a Friday to catch up with a few of his essays Danny do

Unknown Speaker 10:34
it better France France wrap on this morning in the trucks thank you for French I don't speak French so

Mick 10:43
I know if your account of steak what would you be and why

Unknown Speaker 10:46
that I'm throwing through of your chalk Ira yeah

Mick 10:49
chuck steak just feeling would have been hard.

Unknown Speaker 10:52
Just just a bit tougher and texture better and flavour and also a bit cheaper to buy

Speaker 1 10:56
can be gender austere as your wife will allude to here then

Unknown Speaker 11:00
Chief bit cheaper just as good as a Scottsville it just a bit cheaper if you're a bread bull what type of boogeyman may semi Santa semi Santa or they all buy a bit of floppy.

Unknown Speaker 11:12
They're a bit a bit peaceful.

Unknown Speaker 11:14
Very peaceful. Good confirmation. Well, good.

Mick 11:17
Well, tomorrow that's about it for me. But

Speaker 1 11:19
yeah, I don't want to too much else want to thank you very much for your time. I really appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 11:23
Thanks for the shout out.

Mick 11:25
Night. Thanks. Thanks both right. And if look, if you're looking for a pretty handy cattle and sheep bar, give Jimmy buying a call and Oh 417

Unknown Speaker 11:34
Give us a shout out I say is

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