Leadership Journey With Bill Search

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Show Notes:
The Art of Gathering: How we meet and why it matters by Priya Parker 
The Essential Guide for Small Group Leaders by Bill Search
Why does a group get tired? 
•Leader begins to coast
•Meeting becomes routine
•Relationships hit a plateau
•Purpose is lost
#1 Leader Coasting 
Am I practicing “Generous Authority”? 
– [Priya Parker] 
“’Chill’ is selfishness disguised as kindness.” 
- Priya Parker 
Generous Authority Serves others by: 
1.Protecting group members 
2.Equalizing group members 
3.Inter-Connecting group members 
We practice Generous Authority by:
1.Practicing good MANNERS in the group
 2.Reminding all of the “RULES” 
3.Encourage “Sprout” Speeches not “Stump” Speeches 

Now What?
1. Re-affirm Covenant 
2. Have tough conversations
3. Re-up as the leader or get out 
4. Share Leadership 

#2 Meeting Routine 
“The room is doing 80% of the job” – Jerry Seinfeld 
Venue Matters 
1.The space should be a symbol of reason for meeting 
2.The space should bring out desired behaviors and discourage those you don’t 
3.Consider density 
Format Matters 
1.Mix it up
2.Curtail the dull parts 
3.Try different curriculum 

Now What? 
1. Rotate Hosting 
2. Share testimony
3. Serve together
4. Choose an unlikely meeting place 
#3 Relationships Plateaued 
Why does this happen? 
1.We stop being curious about others 
2.We decide how far we will go relationally
3.Potential conflict zones are avoided 
4.We don’t feel safe 
What can you do about it? 
1.Don’t avoid the awkward – embrace it 
2.Utilize GOOD ice-breakers 
3.Encourage people to share what no one in the group would guess/ know about them
4.Talk about the forbidden subjects of politics, sex, and religion 
5.Don’t stop conflict but guide it 
6.Navigate underlying conflicts 

Now What? 
1. Split by gender 
2. Subgroup for prayer
3. Retreat
4. Day trip, local restaurants, or local tourism 

#4 Lost Purpose 
“A good gathering purpose should be ‘disputable’”
 – The Art of Gathering by Parker 
Start by asking “WHY are we meeting?” 
1.First, ask the church leadership 
2.Reverse engineer current meeting 
and compare to stated goal 
3.Who is this for? 
Second ask “Why are WE meeting?” 
1.Is our goal the same as the leadership’s goal? 
2.Do we have a different goal? 
Third, re-state and re-affirm your purpose 
1.Discuss the purpose as a group 
2.Arrive at consensus
3.Everyone has to re-up 
That didn’t work. Now what? 
How to End Your Group 
(Page 87, Essential Guide for Small Group Leaders
1.Understand all groups come to a natural end 
2.Get input from group members
3.Ask everyone to make a personal plan 
4.Plan a final meeting and put it on the calendar
5.End the group in a prayer circle
6.Don’t forget to tell your pastor or small group coach that your group has ended 

Recommended Resources: 
Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
The Art of Gathering By Parker
Essential Guide for Small Group Leaders by Search Questions? 

ALIGN + ACCELERATE July 11-13, 2023

ALIGN is the small groups ministry essentials workshop. Perfect for people new to groups or who are considering launching groups at their church.

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Your team can attend ALIGN or ACCELERATE or get a discounted rate for attending both. For those attending all 3, lodging and lunches are included in the price! And don't forget, ALL ACCESS members always get 50% off all events.

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What is Leadership Journey With Bill Search?

Take your leadership to the next level with Bill Search. Looking at real world problems and offering practical solutions, Bill brings a biblical approach to leadership for a new generation.

Leadership Journey is a Lumivoz podcast.

[Unknown]: welcome back to the leadership journey this is your host bill search let me ask you

[Unknown]: a question have you ever had a small group just get a little tired little stale

[Unknown]: they just um they're going so strong and then something happens maybe it's a group

[Unknown]: you've been part of maybe it's group you lead maybe you have a leader that comes to

[Unknown]: you and says what do i do my small group was so awesome just a little bit ago and

[Unknown]: now i kind of hope they don't show up so i can just watch tv watching tv would be

[Unknown]: way more fun than our small group something happened helped me out

[Unknown]: so what do you do how do you coach that leader by the way the show notes are going

[Unknown]: to be available so wherever the notes are found within app or otherwise there's

[Unknown]: going to be a keynote and you can grab hold of that you can use it you can adapt it

[Unknown]: whatever you want to do with it totally fine by me so what we're gonna do in this

[Unknown]: session is we're just going to cover two things to do two issues and then what to

[Unknown]: do about those issues and then in the next episode we're going to cover two more

[Unknown]: and what to do about that but the show notes are gonna be in both places so you'll

[Unknown]: be able to find the whole deal and if you want to teach this to your people that's

[Unknown]: kind of why we do this by the way's the heartbeat behind leadership journey is to

[Unknown]: provide tools for you as a leader so that you can lead to others and so

[Unknown]: this topic breathing new life into tired small groups i think it's timely for any

[Unknown]: group ministry any season i don't care if you have small groups that meet home in

[Unknown]: homes that are more of that traditional small group vibe or if you have more of a

[Unknown]: mix model where you have groups that meet in classrooms sunday schools

[Unknown]: more learning environments anytime you gather people

[Unknown]: and that group was very exciting at one time and then just something happens what

[Unknown]: you do

[Unknown]: and so there's a couple books i'd recommend one is per parker and in fact i'm

[Unknown]: pretty sure nick lens did a did a a podcast on her book the art of gathering how we

[Unknown]: meet and why it matters if you haven't read that book it's really worth a the read

[Unknown]: it's quite a page turner parker is a very fine author and has much to say that it's

[Unknown]: applicable to group life and then if i can be so bold i'd recommend my own i be a

[Unknown]: central guide for small group leaders there's a second edition out i hope you don't

[Unknown]: mind me mentioning that but there's some stuff in there that really can just help

[Unknown]: you in the nuts and bolts of leading a group and so

[Unknown]: so why does a group get tired as i mentioned i'm gonna cover two of those today and

[Unknown]: then two more in a subsequent podcast so why does group

[Unknown]: well one is a leader begins to coast two is meetings become kinda tired and routine

[Unknown]: ah three relationships had a plateau and for purpose is lost so as i mentioned

[Unknown]: we're going to hit the first one and the second one in our time together today so

[Unknown]: so a liter coast we've all been there we've all been that leader before i mean

[Unknown]: sometimes you can really strike hard and the group is going along very well and

[Unknown]: you're very engaged as a leader and you're so excited about leading and every time

[Unknown]: you get one of those emails or text or a note from your small director pastor coach

[Unknown]: whatever we call that person you're very excited to read it and then something

[Unknown]: weird happens you go from very excited to hm well

[Unknown]: you read every other one and then after a while you just sort of put them in your

[Unknown]: junk mail file and hope they lose your email address and meanwhile the group that

[Unknown]: was so electric when they were showing up it there's some of the electricity's

[Unknown]: missing in fact some of the members are missing they don't even bother to tell you

[Unknown]: why they are missing

[Unknown]: and parker in her book

[Unknown]: she has this interesting idea about generous authority

[Unknown]: and she asked this question am i practicing generous authority and generous

[Unknown]: authority is a really kind of an interesting concept the idea is a combination of

[Unknown]: two things generous which you probably know what that means is giving something

[Unknown]: away and authority means you have a job to play you're the boss you're the leader

[Unknown]: and many of us are comfortable with one of two of those ideas but one or the other

[Unknown]: of those ideas but we're not necessarily comfortable with both those ideas so we

[Unknown]: end up being thrilled to be in charge or we're happy to give things away and what

[Unknown]: she talks about in one of the chapters in her book a big theme that kind of runs

[Unknown]: throughout her book is this idea of generous authority you have been commissioned

[Unknown]: with a role to play and therefore you have an authority you are permitted to say

[Unknown]: look this is how things ought to be but in the in the meantime you're to give those

[Unknown]: things away

[Unknown]: you're to allow other people to participate in the group

[Unknown]: and

[Unknown]: there's an interesting observation that parker makes she says that

[Unknown]: some people

[Unknown]: they they say look i i'm not like i'm not like an authority i'm more chill i take

[Unknown]: things a little more easy

[Unknown]: and and what she says is chill get this chill is selfishness disguised as kindness

[Unknown]: another way of putting it is when you abdicate your authority the responsibility

[Unknown]: you have as a leader to take responsibility for your group to lead your group when

[Unknown]: you say you know what actually the kindest thing i could do is give it away and not

[Unknown]: take any responsibility let the group do whatever it is the group wants to do sort

[Unknown]: of go with the flow let the gravitational pull of the group go in the direction of

[Unknown]: the gravitational pole of the group then if you're the leader and you abdicate that

[Unknown]: responsibility and you do it under the guys if like look i'm just an easy going

[Unknown]: soul live and let live man

[Unknown]: well if that's the kind of leadership you practice it really is selfish it isn't

[Unknown]: giving others away because you're actually punishing other people in the process

[Unknown]: what happens is that the otter elements of the group will take over the group and

[Unknown]: so rather than practice some

[Unknown]: leadership

[Unknown]: if you let the odd people run over the group then the group will take on the flare

[Unknown]: of that i'll give an example of this so there's a group that i'm a co leader of i'm

[Unknown]: not the direct leader of the group because as a leader i believe there's some

[Unknown]: places where i shouldn't be in charge of the big thing so i'm sort of an assistant

[Unknown]: to the leader in this particular group now it is a i'll describe it to you it is a

[Unknown]: group of about fifty

[Unknown]: men who meet so it's not so much a small group but there's small groups within this

[Unknown]: large group it's a group of fifty men in the average age of seventy two and if

[Unknown]: you're curious i'm fifty so that's my age so i bring the entire group down a

[Unknown]: generation you know when i show up i slide the group a little bit younger and uh

[Unknown]: there's only at any given moment two of us that are in our fifties when everybody

[Unknown]: else was in their seventy seconds eighty seconds and we actually have a guy who is

[Unknown]: a korean war vet in his ninety seconds and we just lost our last world war two vet

[Unknown]: who is almost one hundred so it's an old group okay so you get the picture of an

[Unknown]: old group and this last time we had a meeting one of the fellows

[Unknown]: gave a nice political joke and it definitely gave away his political persuasion so

[Unknown]: it wasn't like a political joke that made fun of everybody it made fun of one party

[Unknown]: and one politician in particular and there were some chuckles in the group so

[Unknown]: afterwards i went up to this uh gentleman and i said you know jean we'll just call

[Unknown]: them gene you know jean

[Unknown]: you know i i'm not easily offended by anything and i'm not even reacting to what

[Unknown]: you said politically but you have to understand jee that not everybody who attends

[Unknown]: this group shares your political persuasions that's not why we gather there are

[Unknown]: groups where people get together and talk about politics and certainly it's you

[Unknown]: know you're free after this group to go out for coffee and share your thoughts but

[Unknown]: when we're in this group it's best not to make jokes at the expense of one

[Unknown]: political party i said if you made fun of everybody everybody would roll with it

[Unknown]: when he kind of i can tell he was uncomfortable this is a guy who's easily almost

[Unknown]: thirty years older than i am and he didn't appreciate this my point of view on this

[Unknown]: and so i said there are men who have told me that they don't come to the group

[Unknown]: because they just assume that it's one stilted political point of view and they're

[Unknown]: going to be made fun of or at least it's just going to end up taking on that flare

[Unknown]: so i said to my friend because he is my friend i said you know my guess is you want

[Unknown]: as many guys to feel welcome here and if you want them to feel welcome it's best

[Unknown]: just to leave those kind of jokes aside there's plenty of other jokes you can tell

[Unknown]: now i don't know if he's gonna take my advice i don't know if he's going to

[Unknown]: if he's gonna uh kind of self edit but what i did do is i gave him a pretty good

[Unknown]: clue that this isn't what we're about as a group this is probably the third or

[Unknown]: fourth conversation like this i've had with different guys in the group i like a

[Unknown]: good joke a good political joke but we have to decide what we're about as a group

[Unknown]: and that's just one example of it's it's generous in the i didn't k bash him i

[Unknown]: didn't attack him i i didn't try to make him feel low

[Unknown]: i am for him but what i did do is i encouraged him to create a more welcoming

[Unknown]: environment so i i gave authority away to him to have an influence in the group but

[Unknown]: i wasn't willing to advocate my responsibility it's a authority that i have so

[Unknown]: so how do you practice a generous authority well generous authority it lives by

[Unknown]: serving

[Unknown]: and here's a few different ways that you can serve others you protect group members

[Unknown]: that's kind of what i was doing in that illustration i was protecting everyone's

[Unknown]: political point of view in fact i was protecting everybody from each other's

[Unknown]: political of view if i go to a bible study i don't want to hear about politics i

[Unknown]: don't need to hear that stuff

[Unknown]: number two by equalizing group members that generous authority brings all group

[Unknown]: members into equal footing with each other the person who tries to wrestle control

[Unknown]: of the group you bring them back and the person who isn't participating you try to

[Unknown]: lift them up and then through interconnecting group members so one of the ways that

[Unknown]: you can practice generous authority is by getting different people to relate so in

[Unknown]: this particular group that i just described with fifty fellows and one big room

[Unknown]: there's various tables and i sit at the last end back table

[Unknown]: sometimes by myself because that's the table a new guy shows up he comes in the

[Unknown]: door and he doesn't know where to sit so he sits at that table and i welcome that

[Unknown]: guy and i know most of the guys in the group so at some point a new guy comes in

[Unknown]: and i introduce the new guy to some other guys and then i attach them and there off

[Unknown]: into a new group now this is all done relatively organically not terribly organized

[Unknown]: fashion it's just me in the back that's the role that i play i try trying to

[Unknown]: connect these guys so this is examples of generous authority protecting group

[Unknown]: members equalizing them and then interconnecting them so

[Unknown]: ways that we can practice this generous authority in a group as by practicing good

[Unknown]: means in that group which if you if you're coaching a leader one of the things if

[Unknown]: the if the leader is getting kind of tired and posting talk talk to the leader

[Unknown]: about hey what's the tone and tenor of your group how are people getting along with

[Unknown]: each other how are people respecting each other so good manners make good friends

[Unknown]: you practice general generous authorities is a leader by when remembering or remind

[Unknown]: me of everybody of the rules of the group call it covenant call it whatever you

[Unknown]: want to call it and then encourage this is one that was very interesting in

[Unknown]: parker's book i thought i thought it was fascinating she said encourage people to

[Unknown]: make sprout speeches not stump speeches stumpp speeches are long and your wrestling

[Unknown]: control of the group is sprout speech is just a little pop up speech pickle ball is

[Unknown]: very popular right now and pickle ball is not rugby you get the ball you wanna hit

[Unknown]: the ball over the fence to the next person the game is played when each person

[Unknown]: barely touches that fall and moves that ball back and forth well that's really what

[Unknown]: we're talking about here is good interaction good conversation has an equality to

[Unknown]: it in the way that people interact with each other

[Unknown]: so coach and a leader you sense the leaders kind of coasting

[Unknown]: and maybe they told you they're getting real tired the group is feels real tired

[Unknown]: well what do you tell the leader to do well there's some of the very basic things

[Unknown]: that we always come back to if you have a if you have avenant some kind of a green

[Unknown]: some kind of ground rules for your group reaffirm that to have tough conversations

[Unknown]: within the group

[Unknown]: if the group is is uh in an odd place have the tough conversations encourage the

[Unknown]: group leader just to say i feel like things could be better what could i do better

[Unknown]: as a leader and then re up as a leader or get out this might be to you as you're

[Unknown]: listening to it you might need to hear that do i need to read or do i need to move

[Unknown]: on to something else or when you're talking to a leader do they need to react or do

[Unknown]: they need to get up and then uh finally encourage them to share leadership there is

[Unknown]: nothing quite like building into other leaders to sharpen you as a leader as i

[Unknown]: became an executive pastor years ago one of the things i learned was that

[Unknown]: developing other pastures giving away ministry to other pastors is one of the great

[Unknown]: joys of this work that when you're young and starting out in mi you're just trying

[Unknown]: to do a whole bunch of different things and sometimes you become very territorial i

[Unknown]: know i did in my younger years but as you get older

[Unknown]: the quality of giving things away is

[Unknown]: it not only is full of its own kind of joy but it helps you as a leader sharp of

[Unknown]: art so this is what to do if the leader is coasting now we talked about one of the

[Unknown]: other issues which is

[Unknown]: tired groups because of a routine meeting and this is um by the way is is i kind of

[Unknown]: hit these topics think about you as you are leading other leaders this is kind of

[Unknown]: self diagnosis for your group you could if your leader comes to you and says

[Unknown]: something's not quite

[Unknown]: going right and i don't know what it is the first thing is to ask them about their

[Unknown]: own leadership style what they're doing in their group are they controlling the

[Unknown]: group are they abdicating responsibility are they practicing generous authority but

[Unknown]: the other piece of it is is well tell me about your group what is it that you guys

[Unknown]: do where do you meet

[Unknown]: how do you practice your group what are the key elements in your group and if you

[Unknown]: kind of hear like a

[Unknown]: boom in the voice you know that part of the issue is that group i like this quote

[Unknown]: from jerry seinfeld the comedian he says the room is doing eighty percent of a job

[Unknown]: if you've ever delivered a talk a speech a sermon you know that's true you can have

[Unknown]: a great talk and if the room is icy cold or if it's just kind of spread out weirdly

[Unknown]: then the group can just not quite function right and so be very aware um than you

[Unknown]: matters venue matters the space

[Unknown]: should be a symbol or reason for meeting i mean this is one of the beauties of

[Unknown]: traditional small groups that meet in a home because the traditional small group

[Unknown]: sees itself somewhat as a family so meeting in a home is gonna reinforce that in

[Unknown]: fact that's one of the things that bugs some people sometimes it's like hey all

[Unknown]: small group does is get together and eat and talk yeah because you're meeting in a

[Unknown]: family ro and that's what you do in there but if you meet in a classroom a lot of

[Unknown]: the complaint is you know what it's just it's just kind of

[Unknown]: you know di it's just a teacher environment well that's true because you're meeting

[Unknown]: in a classroom so a small group even if it's twelve people sitting around a round

[Unknown]: table in the classroom still might feel a little more clinical and that's okay but

[Unknown]: just know that the the ideal is when you match up your your big picture of what

[Unknown]: you're trying to do as a group and the space that you're meeting in

[Unknown]: the the space should bring out desired behaviors and discourage the behaviors you

[Unknown]: don't want i think about that for a minute that's why in classrooms so often

[Unknown]: students sit in roads at desks you really don't want them interacting you want all

[Unknown]: eyes forward right

[Unknown]: that's and that's that's kind of key to that environment and so a space should

[Unknown]: bring out those behaviors again this is where the the living room space it's not

[Unknown]: just having a big space it's having appropriate seating around that space

[Unknown]: incidentally a lot of groups mine included use video so what do you do when you're

[Unknown]: not going to be in a circle because you have a big tv to look at well my small

[Unknown]: group we kind of layer up we have two or three rows while we're watching the video

[Unknown]: and then i encourage people to move and change their chairs around it doesn't

[Unknown]: always work by the way some people like nah i'm good here i don't mind looking at

[Unknown]: the tiffany's uh back of her head that's fine and she got my chair but ideally

[Unknown]: people circle up so the space should bring out the desired outcomes by the way that

[Unknown]: circle discourages people from having side conversations and then consider

[Unknown]: what parker talks about in your book consider density you need to have enough

[Unknown]: people to make the room feel good

[Unknown]: and yet not too many that people uncomfortable if anything the pandemic has shown

[Unknown]: us is that

[Unknown]: there's different seasons where people consider density percentages to be

[Unknown]: appropriate and during different eras it's uh oh i wanna be in a mostly empty room

[Unknown]: but in other eras of the pandemic it's been oh we're fine i want to be in a packed

[Unknown]: room or i want to be close with people well within groups at least were very

[Unknown]: cognizant if you have two or three people in a very big room that's not very fun at

[Unknown]: all and if you have five or six people in a small room that could be very fun so

[Unknown]: just think about density it's not just about having adequate seating you might have

[Unknown]: more than adequate seating so if you have eight people at a dining table the seat's

[Unknown]: twenty it will kind of feel like nobody came to your party but if you have eight

[Unknown]: people around the table that seats six it seems like you're the most popular place

[Unknown]: to be so keep that mind so the format also matters it's not just the space the

[Unknown]: format matters mix it up

[Unknown]: if you have been doing the same old thing for a long long time then mix it up if

[Unknown]: you've been doing video for a long long time then here's a crazy idea grab one of

[Unknown]: those old bible studies from the like nineteen

[Unknown]: late nineties they still make 'em and actually read the scripture and go through

[Unknown]: something like that um but mix it up curtail the dull parts we all know the parts

[Unknown]: that get really boring so you know what cut those cut them right in the middle if

[Unknown]: necessary and then try different curriculum not just different formats of

[Unknown]: curriculum but try different curriculum you know if you constantly used one voice

[Unknown]: use a different voice try different ones my small group we tried i tried to

[Unknown]: introduce them to nt wright he has a bunch of video curriculum tons of it out there

[Unknown]: now it just seems that i think as i am filming this he's filming two video

[Unknown]: curriculum simultaneous he's that brilliant okay he's not really doing that but

[Unknown]: he's very good stuff i like it my small group didn't on the other hand it was just

[Unknown]: a little over their head and so they sat through it and uh after a few sessions

[Unknown]: they're like bill can we do something else

[Unknown]: and that's okay i'd rather they be honest so we moved on we're doing this dan

[Unknown]: kimble and uh he's got a video curriculum on how not to read the bible and if

[Unknown]: you've never seen dan teach he's really terrific teacher so anyhow that was all for

[Unknown]: free right there and then what do you do now well here's some things you can do

[Unknown]: when when um when you are in the middle of needing routine you rotate host who

[Unknown]: hosts the thing so if you are o's host get someone else to try out different places

[Unknown]: you know what have a testimony time spend a couple of weeks and instead of doing

[Unknown]: the normal routine say everybody rotate through and you're gonna share your your

[Unknown]: fifteen minute testimony or your ten minute testimony depending on how many people

[Unknown]: in your group it's pretty remarkable when people share their story i'm amazed what

[Unknown]: comes out when people share their testimony even if you've done that but you

[Unknown]: haven't done that like three years do it again i'm pretty sure don't remember

[Unknown]: everybody's story and they'll probably remember yours either you could also serve

[Unknown]: together do something as a group that's outside of your normal group and then

[Unknown]: choose an unlikely meeting spot

[Unknown]: so you know if you're always doing the same thing in the same place then go

[Unknown]: somewhere else and enjoy that different environment so those are a few things that

[Unknown]: you can do if you want to mix it up with your group and so as i mentioned we're

[Unknown]: talking in this session and the next session why a group gets hired and we've

[Unknown]: covered well the liter begins to coast and how do you know that and what do you do

[Unknown]: about that and then we just covered the meeting becomes routine the next time we're

[Unknown]: together we're going to cover the other two which is relationships hit a plateau

[Unknown]: they all do at some point what are you gonna do about that and then the purpose of

[Unknown]: the group is lost so until next time i look forward to our time together