Heartland Daily Podcast

The other day, Donald Kendal, Deputy Director of Heartland Institute's Socialism Research Center, was a guest again on the Shaun Thompson Show on AM560 The Answer in Chicago. Donny tells Shaun what Blackrock CEO Larry Fink -- one of the most powerful men in the world, controlling trillions of dollars in funds -- has been up to, and what he revealed at a special meeting at the World Economic Forum special meeting in Saudi Arabia this week. You'll definitely be surprised. Have a listen.

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Creators & Guests

Donald Kendal
Donald Kendal hosts podcasts In The Tank and Stopping Socialism for The Heartland Institute.

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The “fire hose” of all podcasts produced by The Heartland Institute, a national free-market think tank.


This is the Heartland Daily Podcast. The other day, Donald Kendall, deputy director of the Heartland Institute's Socialism Research Center, was a guest again on the Shawn Thompson show on AM 560, the answer in Chicago. Donnie told Shawn what BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, one of the most powerful men in the world controlling 1,000,000,000,000 of dollars in funds, has been up to lately and what he revealed at a special meeting at the World Economic And if you appreciate this podcast, consider supporting it and all the work we do at the Heartland Institute with a tax deductible donation. Just go to heartland.org and click the donate button. Now onto the interview.


This is the Sean Thompson Show.

Shaun Thompson:

So earlier in the week, I had informed you that the meeting of

Shaun Thompson:

the 4th right started by the sun of a Nazi in the 3rd right.

Shaun Thompson:

And we are just now where

Shaun Thompson:

we move into the exponential phase. And I agree. Artificial intelligence, but not only artificial

Shaun Thompson:

intelligence. Bastard. I hope my uncle Mikey or my uncle Joe killed everybody in his family. The Nazi bastards. In the meantime, this Nazi is the leader of the 4th Reich, Klaus Schwab.

Shaun Thompson:

And right now, Davos, which is good news for the who is in Davos, they're having a banner week. It's still going on. And our very own Larry Fink, who single handedly is driving up the price of prostitution in Davos, He's gonna tell us about the same kind of nonsense.

Shaun Thompson:

And I do believe to properly, build out AI, we're talking about 1,000,000,000,000 of dollars of investing. So data centers today could be as much as 200 megahertz. They're not talking about data centers that are gonna be 1 gigawatt.

Shaun Thompson:

So why don't you take some of that money and get yourself a makeover? Just walk in and say you want the George Hamilton, you ugly, grotesque rat bastard. In the meantime, let's talk to somebody who dedicates his life and his time to stopping socialism. He is actually the host of stopping socialism TV on YouTube. He's also the deputy director of Heartland's Socialism Research Center.

Shaun Thompson:

He is Donald Kendall. Donald, what are these 4th Reich rat bastards doing besides enriching prostitutes in Davos?

Donald Kendal:

Well, you know, all the basic stuff there. I think that this conference, that you're referring to is actually happening in Saudi Arabia. Oh, yeah. Know exactly.

Shaun Thompson:

They fly a horse in. Yeah. From Davos. Go ahead.

Donald Kendal:

Right. But it's all the same type of, you know, political glad handing that they do at these types of conventions, kind of talking up the idea of building coalitions and partnerships, and, that that's that's generally the vibe that was going on there for sure.

Shaun Thompson:

So how many times a year do these rats meet? Because they were just in Davos. So how many how many times a year does the world economic meet? And I say this to you because it was on Monday that I had Anthony Blinken give his speech on enriching the, the Azov Nazis in in Ukraine on Monday. So are we talking 3 meetings a year, 4 meetings a year?

Shaun Thompson:

Exactly how influential is the theory and the philosophy of these oligarchs at the World Economic Forum infiltrating not just our politics from Anthony Blinken, but apparently Wall Street. As every one of these Wall Street morons goes there to kiss the ring, at least I hope it's a ring.

Donald Kendal:

Yeah. The biggest show is the Davos 1. I think that happened in maybe late January, maybe early February of this year. They've got a whole bunch of different ones, throughout the year. Some of them smaller, some of them larger.

Donald Kendal:

This one, I think they were just calling a special conference. I don't know if that's a reoccurring every year. But then they also, they're also involved in a whole bunch of other, you know, international organizations. They sponsor different events. So the the World Government Summit, which is an actual event that takes place every year, that that, I think that happened in back in March.

Donald Kendal:

So when it comes to these giant conferences, it's gotta be it's gotta be, like, once a month. It seems like they always have one of these going on.

Shaun Thompson:

Well, you know what's aggravating is this is where the schematics of corruption, this is where it's carved out, because there is no real oversight that can take place by the American people, by the American people representatives who are not scum. So this is where the money laundering systems get kicked in. This is where the, IMF and the World Bank and all of the money laundering that goes in through Qatar and all the rest of it. This is where it's all laid out. These are the social clubs like the New York gangsters used to have, only this one is for the World Economic Forum because Larry Fink talked about another topic.

Shaun Thompson:

Hang on for one second.

Shaun Thompson:

So that we we you know, the world is gonna be short power. Short power. And to power these these data companies, you cannot have just this intermittent power like wind and solar. You need dispatchable power because you can't turn off and on these data centers. And so So

Shaun Thompson:

the reality of what's gonna happen is they're hamstringing us on the same thing. Most people were unaware of how the interior department has destroyed hydro energy hydro energy technology by removing 4 of our biggest, most profitable dams that were creating free energy or low cost energy to the areas of this country in the northwestern sector and even parts of California. So now they they they make everybody go off the reliable energy, and then what what's needed is to protect the data real estate and the and the and the servers so we can never lose energy to that. So as they destroy the quality of energy for the consumer, the actual citizen, they're going to make certain that these data centers that have 1,000,000,000 if not 1,000,000,000,000 of dollars of investment, they're never gonna lose power. So that quip that Donald Trump made when he was campaigning, when he was talking about guy who wanted to watch his football game and he asked, is the wind blowing, honey?

Shaun Thompson:

That's the reality of the future, isn't it?

Donald Kendal:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. So when I found when I saw that clip of Larry Fink that the CEO of BlackRock, basically, ragging on wind and solar at a World Economic Forum event, it it at one end, one side

Shaun Thompson:

of my brain, it blew my mind. On the other side, it

Donald Kendal:

was, like, alright. I feel like this is almost par for the course. Because if anyone believed that, Larry Fink and BlackRock were in this to save the planet from a natural crisis of climate change, I mean, I've got a bridge to sell you. Well, this is It's really about the profit centers. Well, it's just It's clear to me after listening to that clip that the shine is kind of rubbing off of the whole green energy, scheme.

Donald Kendal:

And now he's trying to pump all this money

Shaun Thompson:

into the artificial intelligence industry, which has been blowing up in

Donald Kendal:

the past 12 to 20

Shaun Thompson:

energy boom, even if it was, understand that since the dawn of the energy boom, even if it was a standard kerosene that they used to use, the the trick was to always make it appear to be finite and make it appear that you had that we were gonna lose it. It was gonna end. And Jimmy Carter oil is done in 35 years and the rest of it because the last thing they can have the people know is that we have abundant energy and man has been able to cultivate and take advantage of the technology. And the funny thing is, it is amazing to me how many people do not talk about the destruction of those dams and and what has always knew was happening. See, it's just a small window into the fact that since he was a young man and he could comb his own hair, this bald, corrupt whore has known it's all a scam.

Donald Kendal:

Yeah. And and I'm I'm very curious because, you know, a lot of a lot of times with these big, these these Davos conferences, they really aren't like, people aren't really paying attention to them. They're not they're not sifting through the hours and hours of content. Maybe you'll see a 15 second clip here or there that gets pulled out. But generally speaking, the people that attend these conferences, like to speak a little candidly.

Donald Kendal:

And I feel like that's what we got out of, Larry Fink right there. And I don't know if this is kind of an insight into what the plan is moving forward with BlackRock. We do know that they are moving to acquire a giant infrastructure building firm because he talks about in some of his earning calls the idea, these these tech companies needing to build more data centers and other needs for infrastructure. And then we also know that last year, BlackRock was floating this idea to its potential investors about how interested they are in a a nuclear power ETF. So I'm very curious if this is a sign of where this is moving forward, whether it's this realization that we need more energy.

Donald Kendal:

If we're gonna if we're gonna go down this path of all this big tech artificial intelligence, we're gonna need more energy. Wind and solar is just plainly not gonna cut it. So I'm very curious if this is a pretext to some sort of move more towards a nuclear power. It's pure speculation.

Shaun Thompson:

Well, yeah.

Donald Kendal:

But I think those comments by Larry Fink might be signaling that.


Before we get to the rest of this podcast, I wanted to let you know about 2 fantastic live podcasts Heartland produces every week. We'd love for you to join us every Thursday at 1 PM EST, noon CST, live for our flagship in the tank podcast. You can watch on the stopping socialism TV channel on YouTube where you can participate in the show in the chat with other fans and also ask questions that we'll address on the air and put up on the screen. And every Friday, also at 1 PM EST and noon CST, you can go to Heartland's main YouTube channel. Just search for the Heartland Institute on YouTube for the new Climate Realism Show.


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Shaun Thompson:

Well, there's an article that broke today by Craig Bannister that, solidifies your accusation. BlackRock is funding China's nuclear weapons, nuclear development, forced labor. The report finds despite boycotting US energy firms in the name of ESG and all the rest of the nonsense, BlackRock has been heavily invested in nuclear, program through the communist Chinese where I don't know if how many if it's 2 or if it's 4 of BlackRock's upper echelon traders are adjunct professors in the Beijing University. They have been interwoven with the Chinese Communist Party because there, you get slave labor, you get you get the guarantee of no failure because the government controls every pretend business. They're quasi government entities like Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to implement through the backdoor and the abuse of regulation and the bureaucracy here.

Shaun Thompson:

I think it's the perfect scheme, and he's positioned himself once again to win on all continents, hasn't

Shaun Thompson:


Donald Kendal:

Yeah. Yeah. No. Absolutely. And and that's one of these things, you know, with these conferences.

Donald Kendal:

And Everyone gets, everyone gets to be invited. You know? This is, we're we're trying to bring everyone and make everybody happy. So, I I think, last, this this Davos, conference that happened back in, January or February, it had the largest contingency of a Chinese delegation that's ever ever been there. The Xi Jinping wasn't there, but they had the largest delegation of, of Chinese, you know, just figure out a way that we can, you know, have some business interest over there, keep them happy, make it seem like we're not trying to crack down on their human rights abuses or anything like that.

Donald Kendal:

But, one other thing to just comment on something else that you said is that there's a 100% accurate is that the backroom dealings happen at conferences like this.

Shaun Thompson:

Of course.

Donald Kendal:

The little show that they put on, you know, for a few hours every day, that's just the that's just the show for us. In reality, they're behind the closed doors, and they're figuring out exactly how they wanna chop up the pie and all of that sort of thing. There are, there's plenty of reports on specifically that and these, talks that happened behind closed doors that don't have the cameras on them.

Shaun Thompson:

What's amazing is that the scandals don't don't ever pick up any any real attention. I mean, aside from shows like mine and shows like yours. The reality that you knew these backroom deals had been taking place, to me, the greatest Chinese Communist Party, arguably, is after Joe Biden gave the Taliban Afghanistan and the finger to all of our military and our whole foreign policy. After almost immediately, China went in and bought all of their minerals, all of the rights to what's under that ground, everything. Because what they know is they're going to be the supplier for the demand that is orchestrated through Washington DC, not American people, but the demand that is regulated into this country that forever changes our economy.

Shaun Thompson:

They are the suppliers. They are the new energy they're the new standard oil for all of this nonsense, all of the battery companies. That's why Illinois and the Democrats throughout the America are giving taxpayer money so they can open up their phony battery companies for cars nobody wants. This is all orchestrated offshore. It's all run through financial banks.

Shaun Thompson:

It's everything that they're accusing this Cuellar of, only it times it by a1000000 and add the entire Democrat party to it. And who's gonna bust them? Nobody. Because nobody's watching what he does. Because in these in these countries, in these European countries, these guys are truly gods.

Shaun Thompson:

Klaus Schwab is a god in Europe. They're all above reproach. Nobody's looking into their phone. Nothing. They're the ones that control those governments.

Shaun Thompson:

Governments aren't looking into them. Right?

Donald Kendal:

Oh oh, yeah. Yeah. First off, the Afghanistan thing, you're a 100% correct. I mean, I think the the fires were still smoldering in Afghanistan before, or while China was setting up their mineral extraction, parties in there. Because, Afghanistan has a lot of rare earth materials.

Donald Kendal:

Those rare earth materials are needed for the creation of these solar panels and these batteries and all this other stuff that China is building on the cheap and then selling to us gullible people that are chasing this, Green New Deal dream.

Shaun Thompson:

You know, Donald, this has been set up through the money laundering scheme. It's the perfect scheme because the kickbacks that show up as campaign contributions from offshore money, they're not taxable. None of it is oversight. All you have to do is run it through a fricking pack or some other scam, and you have the perfect bribery scheme.

Donald Kendal:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. And and the with the Larry Fink thing, I'm just gonna, because I'm still looking into it. I I just I just saw this clip just the other day. So I've been trying to do as much research into it as possible.

Donald Kendal:

But we know that he's been running away from this ESG thing. I've been on your show a 1000000 times talking about ESG, and we know that they the political appeal of that term ESG has kinda run its course. And they're like, yeah. You know, it's been politicized, so we're we're not gonna say ESG anymore. But what they have started saying is, energy pragmatism.

Donald Kendal:

Energy pragmatism. And I always just thought this was just a, you know, a synonym for ESG, and they were gonna chase the same Green New Deal, renewable energy stuff with this this new banner of energy pragmatism. But I'm just wondering if maybe they're opening the door slightly for some sort of potentially actual reliable energy if they want really wanna cash in on their investments on artificial intelligence in those data centers. If maybe they're slightly opening the door for nuclear power or something like that. Again Not to us, babe.

Donald Kendal:

But that's what I'm look looking into right now.

Shaun Thompson:

Not to us, babe. Government supremacists do not share their inside deals with the people. Just ask any former Soviet. Just ask anybody who swam here from Cuba. The government really doesn't share, but the government, they have air conditioning.

Shaun Thompson:

Havana, all the government buildings and everybody with the name of Castro, they don't know what temperature it is outside. Only the slaves known as the Cubans know. So that's what you know, maybe to a certain extent, maybe this is what the people deserve because they wallow in it, and this there's really no pushback from the inside dealing with the Chinese communist, company, Goshen in Illinois. What's the pushback? Who's even reporting on it now?

Shaun Thompson:

Don't worry about it. So, you know, to a certain extent, that's why I like this idea of secession by foot. In the Democrat areas, there should only be Democrats. And in the Republican areas, that's where the other people can live free. I don't know.

Shaun Thompson:

Maybe you should, do a little poll on your show. I'd be curious to know what the people think. Because when you

Donald Kendal:

Oh, yeah.

Shaun Thompson:

When you own real estate in these democrat sewers, believe me, you don't own it anyway. You're just a maintenance guy.

Donald Kendal:

Donald Kendall? Go ahead. Sorry.

Shaun Thompson:

No. I was just gonna cut you off. I was just gonna give you the exit, but go ahead. What were you gonna say?

Shaun Thompson:

Oh, no. I was just

Donald Kendal:

gonna say that I I again, just looking into it, but maybe you are right. Maybe, this energy pragmatism, if they are opening the doors to some reliable energy, maybe it isn't for the United States. Maybe it's to these, like, opposition controlled, governments across the seas or something like that.

Shaun Thompson:

No. It'll be like it'll be like their, their their, government spending in Chicago. It'll be like the only the companies, that get the contract are the ones who hire the ex politicians like the one for the Jane Burns exit ramp. A lot of money was made there. Nobody asked too many questions.

Shaun Thompson:

What'd they spend? Twice what it cost, for the Hoover Dam, and it took 3 times as long. And who said a word? Nobody. Donald Kendall, Heartland, In the Tank podcast, stopping socialism TV on YouTube, all fantastic, and I and you're popping up every time I log on.

Shaun Thompson:

Bink, I see your kisser. So I love the algorithm. It's obviously picked you up. I hope nothing but the best for you, kid. Thank you.