The Power Life Coach

In this episode of The Power Life Podcast, host Sabine Schopke shares her transformative experience with meditation, revealing how it enhances her productivity and authenticity. Recording the episode while in a meditation-induced state of euphoria, Sabine explains that this state helps remove self-limiting beliefs, allowing her to speak directly from the heart.

Initially skeptical about meditation, Sabine often fell asleep during the practice. However, during a period of isolation and self-reflection, she revisited meditation with intention. She talks about a dedicated meditation space she has created for herself. About how crucial sound is during meditation. And about what how reading has become part of her meditation routine.

During meditation, Sabine allows thoughts and insights to flow freely. She compares the experience to a child playing by the ocean, free from cares and fully immersed in the moment. 

She describes meditation as a deep, exploratory dive into oneself, contrasting it with the shallow engagement we often have with our thoughts. This journey uncovers hidden treasures that provide direction and guidance in daily life.

In closing, Sabine encourages listeners to experiment with meditation, making it a personal and fulfilling practice. She hopes her account inspires others to explore their depths and find their unique path to self-discovery and authenticity.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Power Life podcast. I am your host, Sabine Schoepke, today’s episode is going to be a bit different, because I am recording it while I am under the influence.
But it is not alcohol or drugs. It is actually a beautiful high caused by meditation.
I realized I am productive in the most beautiful and authentic way, when I am in meditation and I come out of meditation. I think it’s because all the self limiting believes and insecurities are removed and I share straight from the heart.
So, here’s a warning: this might be a little different today.
I want to share this, because it might help some of you with their creative processes or just in general help you live your life in a more authentic way. In a way that is blissfully fulfilling and meaningful. I mean, this is why I am doing what I do, to help people accomplish exactly that. So, that’s why I want to share my process with you.
I used to think that meditation was a waste of very precious time. And when I tried to meditate, I would just go to sleep. It is funny when I think about it now. But I also know that I am not alone with this.
So when I started my monk life and I felt so much pain being so isolated, facing my demons without any distraction - I went back to this old acquaintance – it would be wrong to call it friend, because I really did not treat it like a friend. I was being an ignorant fool. So anyways, I revisited the idea of meditation. And I had read somewhere that you should train your body, your mind, to know what is coming. And here is how I do that:
I have a spot where I am totally undisturbed. It’s a comfortable chair. With a blanket that I can use as an actual blanket when needed and honestly, most of the time it’s a security blanket. I just like feeling its weight on my lab.
The chair is set up in an environment that I love. For me it is a view of the mountains. It’s bright. I am surrounded by lots of plants. There is a candle. And there is a praying stone buddha. That’s just what my zen place looks like. But it can look entirely different for you. Just make it your happy zen place.
Next is sound. I have a set of comfortable and noise canceling headphones. And I play the same binary sounds I found on YouTube every time. I had tried a few different sounds, but I finally settled on this particular one. It just feels good to me.
I have turned into Pavlov’s dog. I sit down in this chair and put those headphones and sounds on and my body, mind and soul know exactly what is coming. I can feel it. My body and my muscles start to relax. My feet want to touch the ground. I intuitively start taking really deep long breaths. It has definitely become a conditioned response. It feels really good. I actually now look forward to feeling this way and I miss it when I don’t do it.
Then I read. I always have two or three books laying by this chair, that deeply resonate with me. Right now there is one that is teachings from the Pleiadians. One that is about the Emerald tablets – so ancient wisdom. Or I have some that are about self-discovery. I pick whatever feels right in that particular moment.
Reading in those books is like foreplay. Seriously. It gets me going. It opens up my mind and my heart to unexplored corners of myself that give me so much insight. And once you get to that point, the floodgates just open. For me, all kinds of things bubble up. I start writing them down and simply let it speak through me. You become a conduit of insights you had no idea about. It honestly still surprises me every single time. But there is one rule: don’t question it!! Leave judgement and any kind of self limiting thoughts outside of that room. Imagine being a kid playing by the ocean on a warm summer day. Not a God damn care in the world. Just enjoying. Let that be you.
And speaking of time. It flies. Again, just like with everything else when you have a good time and you get lost in what feels good.
If I have only a limit amount of time available, I set myself a timer. Because I don’t want to occupy my mind with keeping track of time.
And the other thing is: put your phone on do not disturb. You don’t want to be interrupted. This process does not happen when you are interrupted by 3 dimensional bullshit. See, this as a time where you get to leave all of the bs behind and immerse yourself and get to know more about your authentic self and your real thoughts.
So, it is all about setting the scene, getting into the mood, letting go of limitations and judgement and just going for an amazing ride.
If anybody had told me that it was very much like having sex, I would have gotten into the habit of this much sooner. Ok, all kidding aside, it is a beautiful break and an amazing high. And once you discover it to the fullest, you want to go there all the time.
It’s a space where you leave the ego, limitations, judgement and expectations at the door and you float. But you don’t float on top. You float and explore in the deep end. Because the rest of the time, we barely tip our toes in deep enough to get our ankles wet.
This is going for a full-on plunge, exploring beautiful depths of ourselves and the amazing thing called life. It’s coming back up to the surface with surprising treasures that make our lives on dry land more fulfilling, meaningful, more peaceful, and just beautiful no matter what is going on.
These treasures also give us direction. They guide us along the way. They help us make better choices for ourselves.
Life can get choppy on top, but deep down below that surface, it’s calm and quiet. No drama. t’s not about survival. It’s all about thriving.
So…I hope by sharing my own unique perspective, very raw and authentically, on what meditation looks like for me and means to me, I made it a little more enticing for you. Play with it. Enjoy it. Let it be a much deserved break from the crazy stuff we deal with all day long. Let it be your most personal and blissful time. Let it be your teacher. Let it be the gateway to your most authentic self, your most personal thoughts and perspectives. And it might just be the most productive way to spend your down time after all.
Sending you much love and let me know if you have any other questions about this process at all. Until next week, go exploring the deep end and take good care!!