Perpetual Success

Have you ever avoided a challenge not because you couldn't do it, but because you hadn't done it yet? In this episode, we delve into the hidden hurdles of nurturing growth and mastering new skills. Learn how to embrace the tasks we typically avoid and understand why the journey is just as important as the destination. Join us as we explore the transformative power of confronting challenges head-on.

Key Topics Covered:
The significance of tackling new challenges to foster growth.

"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire." - Arnold Glasgow

Scientific Insights:
Deliberate Practice (Anders Ericsson): The importance of pushing oneself beyond comfort zones.
Growth Mindset (Carol Dweck): The belief that abilities can grow with effort.
Stress-Induced Growth (Andrew Huberman): The role of stress in facilitating growth.
Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman): Enhancing professional interactions and personal satisfaction.
Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to adapt and learn new skills.

CANE System for Skill Development:
  • Clarify: Reflect on blocks to skill development and create strategies to overcome them.
  • Act: Implement small daily steps to nurture the skill.
  • Network: Identify mentors or resources to support skill development.
  • Endure: Maintain consistency and perseverance through good and hard days.
14-Day Skill Building Challenge:
You are invited to choose a skill to develop.
Share your journey on Instagram (@ondine.d) with the hashtag #14dayGrowthChallenge.

Sponsor Message: This episode is brought to you by Randall M Zamora Mentoring. For those passionate about wellness and entrepreneurship, visit to book a free strategic assessment call.

Contact Us:
  • (00:00) - Introduction
  • (00:36) - Welcome address
  • (01:47) - Understanding the challenge
  • (03:30) - Insights
  • (06:23) - CANE Mindset shifting questions
  • (11:36) - Call to action
  • (12:50) - Closing segment

Creators & Guests

Ondine D.

What is Perpetual Success?

Chart your path to an extraordinary life of endless achievements with practical tips, powerful insights, and inspiring stories in each episode led by Mindset Transformation Leader, Ondine D.. Let's set our compass for Perpetual Success together!

00;00;01;02 - 00;00;35;27
Ondine D.
Have you ever found yourself shying away from a challenge? Not because you couldn't do it, but because you hadn't done it yet. Today, we're exploring the hidden hurdles in nurturing our growth and mastering new skills. How can we embrace the tasks we usually avoid even though we know that they're crucial to our success? Let's see how confronting these challenges head on can lead to transformative growth, and why the journey matters as much as the destination.

00;00;35;29 - 00;00;51;16
Ondine D.
Welcome to the Perpetual Success Podcast, where we chart your path to endless achievements and guide you toward an extraordinary life. I'm your host, and I'm excited to embark on this transformative adventure with you.

00;00;51;19 - 00;01;15;27
Ondine D.
This episode is brought to you by Randall M Zamora mentoring. If you're passionate about serving others in wellness and are looking to move into entrepreneurship or grow your existing business. Randall's mentoring is exactly what you need to gain clarity and capitalize financially. So visit and book a free strategic assessment call.

00;01;16;00 - 00;01;48;08
Ondine D.
To all of you aspiring achievers. Whether you're a go getter, a visionary, an artist, an innovator or trailblazer. This podcast is dedicated to coaching you in acknowledging personal challenges in building success. In this episode, we'll focus on what it takes to nurture new skills to reach another level in your life. So without further ado, let's set our compass for perpetual success.

00;01;48;10 - 00;02;12;07
Ondine D.
Dear listeners, as usual, let's start by understanding the challenge. So think about. Think back to a time when you faced a situation that demanded more from you than you were used to. Giving. For me, it was when I realized I had all the technical skills needed for success in my job. But I was missing a crucial element emotional intelligence.

00;02;12;09 - 00;02;42;29
Ondine D.
I was great at getting results, but I often overlooked the emotional impact of my drive for efficiency on my team. How often have you found yourself in a similar situation? Maybe you're excellent in your technical skills or creative output, but there's that one piece of the puzzle that feels just out of reach. It's like trying to compete to complete a beautiful landscape puzzle, but you're missing a puzzle that contains a part of the sky.

00;02;43;01 - 00;03;19;10
Ondine D.
You can still recognize the beauty of the landscape, but you know it's not complete without that piece. These gap often becomes apparent not during our moments of success, but rather in times of stress or feedback that feels slightly off the mark. It's a realization that while we've been focusing on forging ahead, there might be an essential skill, a way of connecting on scything that we've neglected, which could transform our good results into truly great ones.

00;03;19;13 - 00;03;51;12
Ondine D.
Now let's think about it. What is that skill for you? What piece are you missing that could turn your proficiency into excellence? As we explore the challenge of continuously developing new skills, let's turn to some fascinating scientific insight. You know, I love that research on Deliberate Practice by Anders Ericsson reveals that pushing yourself into areas just out of reach leads to growth.

00;03;51;15 - 00;04;22;19
Ondine D.
It's not just practicing what we're good at, but rather challenging ourselves with what we're not. That's what Andrew Huberman talks about when he mentions stress inducing growth and talking about growth. Carol Dweck idea of growth mindset was the turning point that made that understanding crucial. She explained how believing that our abilities aren't fixed, that we can grow and adapt fundamentally change how we approach these challenges.

00;04;22;19 - 00;04;49;27
Ondine D.
And this is where Andrew Huberman went a little bit further by saying, like, you need that stress, you need to go into the unknown to get even more growth. So what happens when progress stalls? This is where the plateau effect comes into play. It's about finding new ways to innovate in our practice and push past. Push past. Sorry, those inevitable plateaus that everyone faces.

00;04;49;29 - 00;05;31;10
Ondine D.
Those plateaus are indication. They are cues to you that you've reached your growth, but not in the sense that you want. You cannot accomplish anything anymore, but in the sense that you have to face that idea that there are skills that are out of reach, that will lead you to the next step. So really, when you hit a plateau, it's the moment where the conversation we're having today is so crucial and so important is the moment where you have to ask yourself, what is a skill that I've been avoiding that I know will take me to my next step?

00;05;31;13 - 00;06;04;16
Ondine D.
Let's not forget about the power of emotional intelligence in our growth and our success. Daniel Goldman's work on emotional intelligence teaches us that developing skills like empathy and self-regulation can dramatically enhance our professional interactions and personal satisfaction. So when you hit that plateau, don't focus only on your technical skills. Focus also on your social skills. And lastly, the concept of neuroplasticity teaches us that our brains are incredibly adaptable.

00;06;04;16 - 00;06;34;08
Ondine D.
And we've been talking about neuroplasticity ever since the first episode. Our brains can learn new things. You're never too old to change. So with the right strategies, you can forge a new path in your neural landscapes, leading to lasting growth and learning. So let's go into an on mindset shifting questions. We can all learn new skills, habits, and competencies as long as we're recognize what it takes to make that internal shift to fuel new actions.

00;06;34;10 - 00;07;02;28
Ondine D.
Let's turn to our CANE system for some guidance here. I personally recommend you grab a notebook here and write down the first thing that comes to your mind. Feel free to pause the podcast, or have the time to write everything for each of the four phases. The first thing that will come to mind will be invaluable. So before we start, or you just think what is the one skill or ability you've been avoiding or delaying developing?

00;07;03;01 - 00;07;24;10
Ondine D.
You know that thing that you should be doing, but you have always a good excuse to postpone it? This comment a lot of people make about it that you brush aside because you don't want to change your nature. You don't want to change your personality. You don't want to change who you are. But you keep hearing that same comment.

00;07;24;13 - 00;07;32;04
Ondine D.
What is the hard thing that you are avoiding to do?

00;07;32;07 - 00;08;01;22
Ondine D.
Now let's go through the CANE system. First step Clarify. Reflect on your current approach to learning and growth. What has been your biggest block in starting or continuing the development of this skill? Acknowledge the feelings and challenges that come with this realization. This will help you find a solution to them. Are you finding the results too slow? Then give yourself two weeks and create a tracking system.

00;08;01;24 - 00;08;27;23
Ondine D.
Is it boring to do the same thing everyday? Then you can spice it up with a little variant by you. You know you keep staying on the same road, but you make it less boring. So you get the idea. For anything that you find is a block for you. You will create a strategy that allows to allows you to change that block into a stepping stone.

00;08;27;25 - 00;09;01;15
Ondine D.
Phase two Act. Considering what you've identified and acknowledge, what small step can you take daily to nurture this skill? Think about a tiny habit or routine that you can incorporate every day to align with your skill development. So here we're really thinking about something that very small, very easy, but allows you to to build that habit of going at it.

00;09;01;17 - 00;09;24;24
Ondine D.
Phase three Network. Who can help you learn this skill? Who do you know who's good at teaching this skill? Or who do you know who has mastered the skill and whom you could observe? Maybe they're not good at teaching it, but you could observe it and learn nonetheless. And if there is no one in your immediate network. Identify online resources.

00;09;24;27 - 00;09;55;25
Ondine D.
Identify books. Anything that could support you in this journey. You know, in that phase, network, I really want you to focus on real people. However, if you cannot identify a person in real life, then you know, do not forget that an online resource or book has been written by a person. Phase number four Endure: the crucial step.

00;09;55;27 - 00;10;18;05
Ondine D.
Real growth comes from consistency and perseverance. For me, endure is one of the most essential step of this clean system. I love to coach, to plan for the good days and the hard days. So for the good days, what's one sentence you could tell yourself to ensure you keep going the next day? I'll share with you what I do.

00;10;18;08 - 00;10;40;20
Ondine D.
I use a small piece of paper with a date on it, and I write: ‘I congratulate myself for completing this task’, and I'm so eager to write it down again the next day that I avoid being complacent and dropping my new habit. So what would be a good strategy for you to allow yourself to keep going at it?

00;10;40;27 - 00;11;10;08
Ondine D.
When you're having a good day and you don't want to drop the ball. And now, of course, there will be harder days, you know, like, perpetual success is not about telling you every day is is pleasant and works fine. There will be hard days. And you want to think right now. How can you celebrate what you've achieved so far and remind yourself of your vision and goal in a way that you can spark the passion and motivation to keep going?

00;11;10;11 - 00;11;37;15
Ondine D.
Because it's easy to beat yourself up. However, compassion is the only path to sustained, perpetual success. So how could you celebrate what you've achieved so far and remind yourself of your vision and goal in order to spark the passion and motivation to keep going? It's really about committing to the process day in and day out, even when the results aren't immediately visible.

00;11;37;17 - 00;12;05;19
Ondine D.
To make this tangible to our listeners and to foster our community, I would like to challenge you to embark on a 14 day scale building challenge. So choose a small action you can take every day that will help you build the skill. We've identified. Share your journey on Instagram. My handle is @ondine.d. Post your progress, your struggles and your wins.

00;12;05;22 - 00;12;32;24
Ondine D.
And use the hashtag hashtag #14dayGrowthChallenge and tag me until 30 so we can all support each other in this journey. And remember, if you feel too shy to share that on social media, please send me an email I read all the emails and I would love to know how this challenge is helping you move forward in your perpetual success journey.

00;12;32;26 - 00;12;58;15
Ondine D.
This isn't just about pushing through. It's about transfer. Forming your approach to continuous growth. Remember, every step you take is building a foundation for future success. So let's see how far you can go when you commit to enduring the path of growth. Thank you again for joining me there, listeners, on this episode of the Perpetual Success Podcast, brought to you by Randall M Zamora Mentoring.

00;12;58;18 - 00;13;30;04
Ondine D.
As we wrap up today's conversation on nurturing, growth and embracing the challenges of developing new skills. I want to leave you with a thought that has guided many through the journey of self-improvement. Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. ‘Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire’. Figuratively, of course. This is a quote from Arnold Glasgow.

00;13;30;06 - 00;14;02;04
Ondine D.
This quote reminds us that growth requires active effort, an ignition of passion and the endurance to keep the flames of progress alive. All of this figuratively. Please do not set yourself on fire. This is not safe. Once again, I challenge you to commit to the 14 day growth challenge. Pick one skill. Pick one habit you've been avoiding because it's hard, and dedicate the next two weeks to developing it.

00;14;02;07 - 00;14;27;01
Ondine D.
One small action at a time. Remember, clarify what is the skill that you want to learn? How is it going to help you on your habitual success journey? Act. Identify one small action that you could take every day. Remember, a compound effect will have a tremendous impact on your life over even just a small period as 14 days.

00;14;27;03 - 00;14;59;25
Ondine D.
Network who can help you? Learning that skill. Where can you learn? What are the resources available? And then just keep going when things are going well. Keep going when things are hot. Share your journey with me and with all of our listeners on Instagram using the hashtag #14dayGrowthChallenge. Let's ignite our potential together. And remember, you're not just going through the motions.

00;14;59;28 - 00;15;24;02
Ondine D.
You're setting yourself on fire for success - again, figuratively. Next week we will talk about facing and transforming your origin story. This is a fascinating topic that I've been wanting to share with you for a long time. I think it's going to be a couple of episodes on this topic of origin story. So tune in last week. Same time, same day.

00;15;24;04 - 00;15;50;25
Ondine D.
And one last thing. Do you want to unlock the treasure trove of exclusive content, personalized insight, and a closer look at the journey to perpetual success? Then sign up for the newsletter at It's not just another email, it's your weekly compass to navigate the path of success with precision and clarity. Now dear listeners,

00;15;50;25 - 00;15;57;04
Ondine D.
Thank you for listening and chart your path to remain in perpetual success today and every day.