News and Events from Westmeath Libraries

In this month's podcast Jack talks about our Summer Stars events, including Dog's Trust, Mudbogs, and Vroom-Town. Have a listen and learn what's happening in your local library

What is News and Events from Westmeath Libraries?

What's happening in your local Westmeath Library

00:00:01:12 - 00:00:21:06
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Hello, everyone. My name is Jack Carey and welcome to the Westmeath Libraries podcast. This podcast will be giving you a rundown of events and services available to you via the libraries of Westmeath County Council. If you have any questions about the contents in this podcast or the newsletter, which also covers many of these topics, please feel free to contact us.

00:00:21:10 - 00:00:50:19
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via library @ Westmeathcoco dot ie, that's Library at for queries about the event from this podcast are taking place in specific branches. Please reach out to the staff of that specific branch. You can also find details for all Westmeath libraries by visiting your local branch library or by visiting our website. W w w dot Westmeath Culture dot ie. As mentioned last month, the Summer Starts Reading program is available to children of the library.

00:00:51:02 - 00:01:14:13
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This is a fantastic reading adventure that rewards kids who read over the summer. From bookmarks and stickers to even a surprise raffle at the end of the summer. Speaking of which, there are a host of events being run in relation to the summer reading program from baby toddler group meetings in Moate to Storytimes in Athlone and Castlepollard and even a creative session like Monster Doodle in the Aidan Heavey Library.

00:01:15:06 - 00:01:41:14
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There are honestly too many to mention here, so please speak to your staff of your local branch about joining the summer stars and getting involved in your local library summer activities. For those families wishing to stay and read in the library this July, there are a number of storytime events taking place for you to enjoy. Dogs Trust Storytime will be taking place in Castlepollard and Mullingar libraries on July the sixth and Vroom Town will be taking place in Mullingar,

00:01:41:16 - 00:02:05:07
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Castlepollard and Moate libraries between the dates of the 12th and the 13th. There are only a couple of such storytime events on offer, so speak to your local staff for the exact times and dates. My Little Library Book Bags are available to any children starting primary school this September. This is a bag that is an excellent way to start your reading journey with a variety of free storybooks to read yourself or with a grown up.

00:02:05:18 - 00:02:26:14
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Just come by and just find one at your local library. For any library users who took part in the Mudbugs events last year we are happy to announce that they are back as part of the Library Unbound Program. These events inspire children to be creative and aware of nature. For July, these events include nature, weaving, in Moate, Kilbeggan and Athlone. And creating

00:02:26:14 - 00:02:54:06
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Your own Xs and Os in Castlepollard and Mullingar. These events are filling up quickly, so make sure to avoid disappointment and register today. For other people with a creative streak Castlepollard is hosting Lego events every Saturday throughout July and August. These events are actually free to join by anybody, so if you're interested, don't hesitate to come. For the music lovers in our audience, Kilbeggan is hosting the wonderful music of Enda Seery on July 25th.

00:02:54:24 - 00:03:19:08
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This traditional Irish flute performance is free and all are welcome. There are also a variety of knitting clubs available across the county libraries, so please inquire if you wish to join. For those kids in our audience that like scientific stuff, The Mad professor is a scientific event for 12 or for 6 to 12 year olds taking place in Mullingar on July 19th.

00:03:19:18 - 00:03:46:18
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Booking is required, so speak with Mullingar staff about getting a place. As people may be aware. Westmeath Libraries have a variety of book clubs and social meetings for you to engage with. Our book clubs include clubs for adults and children. So contact your local branch to find one for you. Meanwhile, our social events include a bridge club, an Irish conversation club in Kilbeggan and a HSE local forum meeting in Mullingar and Social Club in Athlone, run by the Alzheimer's Society.

00:03:47:04 - 00:04:10:08
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If any of these speak to you, contact your branch to find out when these groups are meeting.
We in the library know that we have a lot of online and digital services available to you, but we know that sometimes these can be a bit complicated to use. This is why several libraries host advice on your device mornings where we set aside time to explain how to use these services from BorrowBox to universal class.

00:04:10:08 - 00:04:32:07
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We can explain how to use these information technologies in the library in a way that works for you. Finally, as some of you have seen when coming to the library, there are activity books on offer in Westmeath that are all about supporting Ireland in the Women's World Cup this summer. FAI has provided these wonderful activity books that are packed with fun information and activities for kids.

00:04:32:16 - 00:04:42:11
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Get your free copy. While stocks last. There you have it, folks. This has been the Westmeath Library podcast, I am your host John Carey. Thank you and have a wonderful day.