The Chemical Show: Executive Interviews on Leadership, Sustainability, Supply Chain, Digitization, Customer Centricity and more and key trends

Discover how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the chemical industry as Ned Weintraub, Chief Revenue Officer at NobleAI, joins host Victoria Meyer on The Chemical Show to delve into the unique challenges and transformative opportunities AI presents. NobleAI’s commitment to harnessing AI for problem-solving and data-driven innovation could be the key to unlocking new levels of productivity and sustainability in the field. 

Victoria and Ned explore the pivotal role of science-based AI in accelerating product development, tackling the complex landscape of data management, and the critical importance of data privacy within this high-stakes domain. This episode offers invaluable insights for industry professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving landscape where science meets AI innovation.

Find out more about these topics: 
Drivers and challenges of innovation in the chemical industry
  • The "graying" of the chemical industry and what that means for innovation
  • Data security and privacy in AI applications
  • The role of science-based AI in the chemical industry
  • Addressing supply chain risks and customer concerns and adoption of AI
  • What's next for AI and innovation in the chemical industry

Killer Quote: "By integrating scientific principles directly into our AI models, we're not just analyzing data – we’re creating a synergy between machine learning and material science that accelerates innovation, reduces risk, and ultimately helps us make smarter, faster decisions in product development. This isn't just data science; it's a new frontier for the scientific community." - Ned Weintraub, Chief Revenue Officer at NobleAI

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What is The Chemical Show: Executive Interviews on Leadership, Sustainability, Supply Chain, Digitization, Customer Centricity and more and key trends?

Welcome to The Chemical Show™, where chemicals mean business. Featuring interviews with industry executives, you’ll hear about the key trends impacting chemicals and plastics today: growth, sustainability, innovation, business transformation, digitalization, supply chain, talent, strategic marketing, customer experience and much more.

Episodes are published every Tuesday.

Hosted by industry veteran Victoria Meyer, The Chemical Show brings you the latest insights into the industry. You will hear from leading industry executives as they discuss their companies, business, markets, and leadership. You’ll learn how chemical, specialty chemical, petrochemical, material science and plastics companies are making an impact, responding to the changing business environment, and discussing best practices and approaches you can apply in your business.

Victoria: What are the challenges
that you see and, and that

you guys are trying to tackle?

Ned: Oh man.

Let's see.

The market's insatiable.

The customer base wants more, wants it
faster, wants it in different flavors,

wants it in different ways packaged
differently sustainably, of course.

So that's really hard as well to
try to get more from the existing

team, sometimes even a smaller
team because of economic issues.

So the old adage of how do we do more with
less is, is very, very present right now.

So that's, that's a big challenge.

The, the other challenges are
that this stuff is really hard.

You know, chemical development,
material science development is hard.

It's, it's multidimensional.

It has an unbelievable
amount of variables.

voiceover: A key component of the
modern world economy, the chemical

industry delivers products and
innovations to enhance everyday life.

It is also an industry in transformation
where chemical executives and workers

are delivering growth and industry
changing advancements while responding

to pressures from investors, regulators,
and public opinion, discover how

leading companies are approaching these
challenges here on the chemical show.

Join Victoria Meyer, president
of Progressio Global and

host of the chemical show.

As she speaks with executives across the
industry and learns how they are leading

their companies to grow, transform, and
push industry boundaries on all frontiers.

Here's your host, Victoria Meyer.

Victoria: Hi, this is Victoria Meyer.

Welcome back to The Chemical Show.

Today I am speaking with Ned
Weintraub, who is the Chief

Revenue Officer at NobleAI.

Noble's a pioneer in science-based
AI solutions for chemicals

and material companies.

And Ned has been involved in digital
innovation for industry throughout

his career at companies including
Seven Signal Verana and HP Cloud.

We're gonna be talking about business
challenges with accelerating chemical

development, innovation, how AI
fits into that and a whole lot more.

Ned, welcome to The Chemical Show.

Ned: Thank you for having me, Victoria.

Victoria: So you've spent your career
in technology and growth oriented firms.

What got you started in this space and
what ultimately brought you to NobleAI?

Ned: Yeah, it's a good question.

For me, I've always tried to work
for Mission-driven companies, and

Noble is a mission-driven company.

We believe that AI can solve
the world's problems better

than it can destroy the world.

And so we believe that that.

This is, this is a fantastic way
of, of really trying to solve health

issues, environmental issues all
sorts of different ways that we

can, you know, get over what we're
trying to, to fight every day.

Victoria: Yeah.

Makes sense.

And I, and I like that mission driven
space because I think we sometimes

lose track of that in business.


yet it all starts

out with a, a bigger purpose.

Ned: You got it.

That's exactly right.

It helps us get up in the morning.

Victoria: Absolutely.

So the chemical industry it
is definitely in a period of

accelerated innovation, right?

We're seeing this, in fact, you
and I recently met up at ACI,

One of their themes was innovation.

So innovation is everywhere, and yet we're
still challenged in commercializing these

new ideas, new products, new innovations.

So first of all, what trends do
you really see driving innovation

in the chemical space when you
go out and talk with customers?

. Ned: I would say one of the
biggest ones, was sustainability.

Sustainability has finally arrived
and moved from sustainability washing

to really putting budgets behind it.

Again, a mission.

Where companies can feel good about
what they're doing and really driving

sustainability through everything.

And frankly, product development
and, and optimization is a big one.

That's the biggest one.

But I would also say adapting
and agility to regulatory issues.

That was the other big focus and
we hear this really from every

single one of our customers, which
is the world is changing fast.

How do we adapt?

How do we become more agile?

How do we become proactive instead
of reactive to a lot of these things?

Those are the two biggest ones that we see
kinda driving a lot of the the innovation.

Victoria: Yeah, so I think the drivers
are strong and as you say, they are

mission-based in many ways, and yet
there are still some challenges.

What are the challenges that you see and,
and that you guys are trying to tackle?

Ned: Oh man.

Let's see.

The market's insatiable.

The customer base wants more, wants it
faster, wants it in different flavors,

wants it in different ways packaged
differently sustainably, of course.

So that's really hard as well to
try to get more from the existing

team, sometimes even a smaller
team because of economic issues.

So the old adage of how do we do more with
less is, is very, very present right now.

So that's, that's a big challenge.

The, the other challenges are
that this stuff is really hard.

You know, chemical development,
material science development is hard.

It's, it's multidimensional.

It has an unbelievable
amount of variables.

Everything from price to market pressures
to supply chain risk, personnel risk.

This stuff is really hard.

So how can technology like science-based
AI help in these situations, and

that's really why we're here.

Victoria: And it seems to me, I
mean, I think part of it, you talk

about the people challenges and
just the fact that it's really hard.

I know what we're seeing is the continual
graying of the chemical industry.

Although some of us like better
living through chemistry, so

we wash that gray away and then

what have you,


Ned: Absolutely.

Victoria: But I think what I'm hearing
from people across the industry

is a real concern that they're
losing really experienced staff.


across the board, and it seems
particularly in the product development

and formulation development space
because they're retiring, right?


they're just,

they're, they're moving on to greener
pastures or however we wanna say it.

Um, and,

you know, we, we just don't have the
same knowledge base in the industry.

And it seems like, AI is one of
the ways that we can really harness

and leverage some of that existing
knowledge, even perhaps when the

people that developed it have moved on.

Ned: Yeah.


I thought there's two issues.

Number one, you're absolutely right.

Senior leaders are retiring, right?

They've been in this industry
for a very long time.

But the other one, which is really
interesting is that there's a talent war.

And people are leaving.

It's not the old days of sticking
with your company and getting a

gold watch at the end of 30 years.

The world has changed.

So how can companies de-risk?

You know, the personnel flight,
the brain drain as they call it.

So is there a way to really
mimic or really institutionalize or

codify that institutional knowledge

and not be at risk when that
person walks out the door.

That's also a really
interesting conversation that

we're having with customers.

So, you're a hundred percent right there.

Victoria: Right.

So I mean, you guys are at the,
the front end of moving AI into

product development and developing
solutions to support the industry.

What do you see as the role and
what are the conversations that

you're having about how people
want to integrate AI in this space?

Ned: Yeah.

The best thing that's happened
to us is generative AI, right?

You know, the chat GPTs and the
Geminis and all of these others have

really brought it to the forefront.

Now remember, artificial intelligence
has been around 30 years longer

than the internet has been around.

So just just to give people
an understanding, this is

not, it's 15 minutes of fame.

It's been around for a long time.

It just now has, because of the internet,
has been able to take all of this data,

the oceans of data that they can mine.

What's great for creating speeches
and my kids' homework doesn't

work for science necessarily
because there's not a lot of data.

There's not an ocean's amount of data
because we're trying to create things.

And so, you know, if it were
that easy, everybody would do it.

We have to be able to help our
customers drive new innovation optimize

current products with not a lot of
data or completely spread out data.

For us, this notion of specialized
AI, or science-based AI, especially

in chemical and material science
is really critical because we can

do a lot with very little data.

We can be very prescriptive in
what problems we we're being

asked to solve and really be
able to accelerate based on that.

That's a big piece of, , it's
great that we have generative AI

but you know, specifically focused
in this world that you and I live

in, it has to be specialized.

Victoria: Right.


It's interesting.

So you say that there's not a lot of data.

I think people would assume
we are awash with data.

And certainly it's true in, when I
think about chemical companies and just

their overall business and business
operations, we have a ton of data

about customers, we have a ton of data

ton of data about manufacturing
we probably have a lot of it about

product and product development.

Although I will say, I reflect back
and think about my time in industry,

when I worked really closely with
our formulation guys to help get new

products out into market and stuff, I
was sometimes shocked by like how many

data points, how few data points were

actually on

a curve or on a graph or what

have you.


it's it's interesting twist on
this 'cause I sometimes think.

We feel like there's just all this
data and yet maybe it's not always

the right data or in the right place

at the right time.

Ned: All of it.


All, all of the above.

You're right, these companies
have been around for.

You know, some a hundred years
and you would think that the data

is A, there and B accessible.

And very often it's not.

And neither one or one of them.

And it's, it's spread all over the world
in different lab notebooks, physical

and electronic, maybe electronic.

It's very, very difficult.

And so, how do we help customers get
started without having to rake the ocean

full of ones and zeros to get started?

That's really where building that
science into the AI right from

the get go alleviates a lot of
that need for a lot of that data.

Because we already know a
lot of that information.

We can build it in institutionally and
really accelerate that development.

Victoria: So what does that look like?

So say more a little bit about that.

'cause I think it


kinda, you know, 20,000 miles

up in the,

the atmosphere.

You know, what does it
mean to be science-based?

Is it generative?

this generative?

And how does it work?

Ned: Yeah.

So it's, it is generative in a way
because we can generate new insights,

but fundamentally, when we talk about
specialized AI or science-based AI, we're

building the fundamentals of physics
and chemistry into the models that we

build with our customers in partnership.

I always like to say for the senior
executives who aren't necessarily

scientists, and I don't have a scientific
background, you know, elephants don't fly.

We all know elephants don't fly.

But with, with commercial AI,
something you get off the shelf,

you have to train it, that
elephants don't fly and therefore.

It takes time.

And then a lot of the answers early
on you get, well wait a second,

this doesn't make any sense.

Why are we even going down this path?

So they give up.

Where by building all of that knowledge
upfront into the models and then using

different models, solving different
problems that really accelerates

the insights and that gets us to,
even in the first rudimentary models

that we build with our partners.

There are aha moments.

We've, we've solved some very fundamental
problems for customers that have been

struggling with, you know, maybe it's
a PFAS chemical that they're trying to

get out of one of their formulations.

We were able to, you know, give them
insights within 30 days, something

that they've been trying for years to
solve, or at least, you know, the last

two years, within 30 days, we gave them
directionally approaches to head to.

So by building that institutional
and, and that scientific knowledge

into those models early on,
we really accelerate that.

And then we can train those
models as we continue.

And then customers use them once
they're mature to drive insights to

really do a lot of testing that
they wouldn't otherwise be able

to do on a bench, if you will.

Victoria: yeah.

Makes sense.



30 days seems fast.

I know.

In the world of chat, GPT, if I
have to wait longer than 30 seconds

for my answer,

it seems like it's taking a long time.

But, but to your point, this
is I guess a much more rigorous

approach as needed, right?

I mean, it has to be rooted in
the scientific principles, whether

it be chemistry or physics or

material science

to, to make that happen.

Ned: right.

We're, we're dealing with
scientists, by the way, so, you

know, they, they want facts.


Victoria: They want facts and,

and they're probably a
little bit risk averse.

So let's, let's talk

about those risks.


what, you know, I

think what are the risks that you
guys see when, or that you talk

about and you work to alleviate with
your clients when you think about

using AI and product development?

Ned: Yeah.

So honestly, the risk that we see our
people are gripped by this notion of

not having all the data in one place.

And honestly it's a bit of the boogeyman
that, you know, part of the industry who

is about trying to collect all of your
data in one place before you get started.

That's their message.

And the reality of it is, is that
the risk of not getting started now.

You're allowing your competitors to,
to distance themselves from you, right?

To either gain the edge or to expand
if, if you can't do that, you know,

part of the reason why we do a lot of
work with mid-size companies is because

they can't throw money and bodies at
this internally, and they have to do

what they have to do in terms of closing
the gap with those big companies.

And we see that every day
and they genuinely see AI as.

Both a panacea, so we have to kind of
temper their enthusiasm, but also give

them the true value, you know, vision
of what it can really do for them.

So the risks, getting back to your
question, are just getting started.

That's one.

The other risk is the industry
has spent a hundred years hugging

their IP and not allowing it out
into the world because genuinely

that is the keys to their kingdom.

How do they work with partners,
feel comfortable about working

with partners, but still have the.

Security literal and figurative,
figuratively, to be able

to really collaborate with
people outside their four walls.

And that's a, that's a
perceived risk as well, right?

The cloud industry had to
go through this, right?

It's all of our data needs to be here.

And then people realize that AWS
and Azure are probably even more

secure than your own network itself.

So, these are early days.

Those are the, those are the challenges
that we work through with our customers.

Victoria: I can see that.

And certainly the ip, the intellectual
property and data privacy is, is

probably the thing I hear the most.

Um, in

many ways it's maybe the most
misunderstood in my opinion.

And, and I've done some work
around this some folks that.

You know, there's this perception
of, oh, if I, if I put it out there,

it's there for the public domain,


It's like, well,

no, no, no, there are firewalls.

And by the way, don't put your don't
put your test data into chat GPT

because chat GPT is open domain, right?

So buyer beware.

But there are other, I mean, heck,
there's a version of chat that

you can buy that's private and


when, if you are working with a
company like Noble, there's firewalls

and privacy protections to protect.

All that data.

Ned: Yeah.

I'll, I'll even go one further.

So you're a hundred percent right.

There's the risk on the generative AI
side that you are putting all of your.

Your information out on the internet.

So our customers do have and
are working through these

policies for their employees.

So that should be, that should
be looked at where science-based

AI folks like NobleAI work.

Is within their customers domain.

So we have the ability to build
these models and serve them to our

customers within their private cloud.

So that's a big differentiator for
us because we feel like, yes, we're

not gonna try to change the hearts
and minds about people's ip, right?

It's, we don't have enough time.

To, to try to, to create
a sea change there.

So for us, we feel like we, we have
the ability to work within that.

You know, that framework, and
that's been very successful.

The second thing is, the other challenge
is in the AI world is this notion

of, of who owns the models, right?

Who owns this ip, right?

Is it the, is it the AI company
or is it the chemical company

that's bringing that data?

And historically, all of
the last five to 10 years.

The AI companies have said, oh, no, no.

Those are our models.

Those are our models.

And so it's really set up to be this very
confrontational you know, is it ours?

Is it theirs, is it co-owned?

How do we do that?

If we wanna publish it, I mean,
it, it can become a nightmare.

We've taken a different approach.

We, we build customized models specific
to our customers, and they own those

models because for us, it's, it's
important that they can build from there.

It's theirs.

I always use the, the analogy of.

Steven Spielberg writes a screenplay.

He wants a movie made.

He goes and raises money
and go, gets it made.

He takes it to a filmmaker.

He takes it to,


know Skywalker Rancher and they
own the way the movie gets made,

the special effects and all of the
different ways that it becomes a

fabulous Steven Spielberg movie.

Steven Spielberg owns that movie.

The movie company doesn't own that movie.

And so we, that's our approach.

We feel as though, and our
customers appreciate that because

they don't have to focus on.

Oh my God, are they gonna turn
around and sell this to a competitor?

Which is obviously in business
a very real situation.

So that's, that's how this
industry is starting to evolve.

We feel like we're on the forefront of it.

Victoria: Yeah, that
ownership risk, that's great.

The other thing.

That I hear, and this is a widespread
concern regarding all AI and all

generative AI, is that we're using
a limited data set and that we're

just kind of creating this very
narrow spiral based on limited data.

And once it gets skewed,
the truth gets skewed.

Ned: Yeah.

The bias, the bias comes in.


That bias is always a, an omnipresent
thought around building these models in

AI, it's the, it is one of the biggest
reasons why companies should be partnering

with companies like NobleAI because.

Institutional bias happens
within the same four walls.

It's the same people building these
models, and they, and they own that box.

Now, AI does a great job of, especially
science-based AI and specialized

AI to broaden your horizons,
right, your design space, but.

Bringing in people with external
experiences, a from either people

within the industry or even better
yet, people outside the industry.

What are the people in oil and gas doing?

Although it's related,
upstream is very different.

What, how, what are they, what
are they doing in exploration?

What are people doing
for alternative energy?

Is there something there that we
can bring to the packaging industry?

What are people doing in, in Biosynthetics
and, and what can we bring to that?

So, you're right, that's if you
are trying to do it internally and

without multiple different ways of
building these models with NobleAI.

I think for our, our domain of
different models, we've got over

45 different ways of building
models that could all be combined.

It's not just kind of repurposing
the same model over and over.

'cause that generates bias.

Victoria: Yeah.


And I suppose once a solution is
identified, let's just say you,

you brought up the PFAS example.

Once the new alternative formulation
that replaces PFAS is identified,

there's still lab work that gets


There's all kinds

of testing.

And so new data is created

Ned: absolutely.

Victoria: into the model.

As long as I guess it, you know,
you understand where it goes in

and to your point, there's, there's
always biases always existed in,

Ned: Always existed even more so without

Victoria: let's just say it's in

Ned: well, yeah.

I mean, even before, right?

I mean, you have your scientists who are
brilliant, but they know what they know.

That automatically instills bias.

But you brought up a very good
point which is this notion that

AI is going to wash away jobs.

That may be the case in other industries,
but absolutely not in our space.

The need for, first of
all, these are scientists.

They don't trust.

Anything they've gotta verify,
they've gotta double verify,

they gotta triple verify.

So whatever we do in silico on the
computer is going to be wet verified.

It's gotta be verified in a lab
that, yes, this makes sense, I'm

replicating this and therefore this
gets me to my ultimate goal faster.

So we are not seeing that at all.

What we see is the advent of doing.

A lot more, a lot faster.

They have moonshot projects that
have been on our whiteboard for

two years and haven't moved.

And you know, there's a
sign that says Do not erase.

And you know, people have left
that, but it's always stayed

in the upper left hand corner.

Now these things are starting
to get pulled into view.

These same folks, they're not
losing their jobs by any stretch.

They now get to work on.

Four times the amount of
projects than they ever had,

so that's been very exciting.

Victoria: That's cool.

That's very cool.

So, so this is maybe a good segue to
our next topic, which is really around

customers and customer acceptance,
maybe even the customer experience.

And I know

that Ned, you're

an expert in sales and business
development and that's the

role that you've played,

um, with a number of companies
really helping drive that

customer and that value.

Um, and I know that you're out talking
to chemical companies and people

across the value chain every day.

What are your customers excited
and and or concerned about when

they think about bringing in an AI
based solution to their company?

Ned: I would say the, the folks who are
looking inside the operational folks

are worried about disruption, right?

Transformation is scary.

And so that, that's number one.

Number two is do we really have the
people in house that can leverage it?

It's not just enough for a partner
to hand this to us and run with it.

We have to have the people
that can run with it.

And very often there is
some change over there.

But I would say for the most part
ultimately because it is new the finance

folks can't really qualify it right?

Or quantify it actually.

Therefore, it becomes
this, are we risk averse

are we really ready for this?

So my job as a business development
person and my team is really

there to help them understand
what the business value is, right?

The scientific value, I
think is pretty demonstrable.

The economic value is really where
the senior executives want to be able

to sign off on it, but they're not
necessarily willing to jump into the

deep end of the pool without some,

Either a reference or, you
know, some business case built.

So we spent a lot of time,
you know, what, what would an

acceleration of this project or.

Financially for you what are
the risks that you're seeing

now from a supply chain?

We have one customer who had to
take a product off the market

for eight weeks because one of
their small little chemicals.


Eight weeks is a major

Victoria: That's a lot.


Ned: a lot.

I mean, so it's millions of dollars.

And so when you have that and
it's visceral like that is.

You, you get to figure
that out pretty quickly.

But there are others that are just
trying to figure this stuff out.

business wise, it has
to move a needle, right?

We always talk about it's gotta save
money, it's gotta make money, it's

gotta de-risk, or it's gotta transform.

If you can't do two of the four, then,
you know, probably shouldn't do it.

Victoria: Yeah, action then.

Ned: that exactly right.

Victoria: Who usually brings you in?

Where does that happen?

Does that happen at.

The, you know, at the the lab level,
let's just say, or the product

development guys, is it, is it the
executive team that says, oh yeah, we

know we need to do something different.

Where do you see, how do you guys
normally enter an organization?

And then, we kind of touched on
this, there's obviously different

organizational priorities depending
on where you sit and what you're

looking at.

How do you bridge those gaps?

Ned: Yeah, we just met with the CEO of a
very, very large Fortune 1000, maybe even

500 CEO and his entire executive team,
and they broke it out into four stages and

research and development for a chemical
company has a very tall pole in that

tent, so is manufacturing and engineering.

So they bucket their priorities based on.



I mean, that's ultimately, especially
if you're a publicly traded company,

it's, it's, it's what moves the needle.

So who brings us in?

To get back to your question,
number one is very often it

will be a product development.


Manager, someone who is either
behind the eight ball on their

product development goals, right?

Their product is delayed,
it's over budget.

Those are the folks who have the budget.

But they're not the ones who can
go and run these experiments.

They're the ones who then have to
bring us into the data science teams

or the r and d teams very often.

We need all three of
those to get consensus.

It's a challenge in my world
of, of selling and, and business

development because you do cross
all of these domains, right?

If you're selling IT security, you
get to sell to the security team and

it's a pretty linear path for us.

It cuts across all business lines.

It cuts across manufacturing, it cuts
across engineering, from how do we

get from the bench to the market?

either the r and d team brings
us to product development.

Product development brings us
to the r and d teams, the two.

But nothing happens until we're
speaking with senior executives

because they're the folks who are
looking outside the boat, as we say.

And they're looking for icebergs.

They're the ones who are saying, how
can we get more gas into this engine?

How can we do it without, without
hiring a boatload of people without

spending unbelievable amounts.

Spending millions to make
millions doesn't make sense.

And so they're the folks who ultimately
we need to get to, to really drive this.

Victoria: Yeah, makes sense.

And I mean, ultimately they hold the
purse strings and make the big decisions.

It also strikes me, Ned, that
there is there's a real need for

change management because this is
a change in business processes,


that have probably been in place,
as you say, you know, maybe for

a hundred years in some cases.

And it's a change that hits,
interestingly, not just r and d

and product development, but it's
also a marketing effort and it's


a manufacturing and engineering effort.

How do you see this playing out?

The, the change management of introducing
really a significant new tool and, and

new approach to chemical innovation

in a company.

Ned: Yeah, it's really interesting.

Some of this is just
absolutely institutional.

So part of what we work
through is are they culturally

ready to really adopt a change.

Now we do it.

In a crawl, walk, run methodology.

So we're not asking people to
burn the boats and the bridges

and adopt this new path.

So we, we, we bring them along on
this journey, but you're right,

it's everything from administrative.

How do we deal with people
getting access to our systems?

How do we give them access to our data?

Do we want to, who, how
do we minimize that scope?

All sorts of different processes.

That's why this crawl, walk, run
definitely works because they get

the taste of it, they see the value
of doing one or two projects, and

then our customers almost across
the board, add multiple use cases

and models onto the platform.

So you're a hundred percent right,
especially in new technology.

Those who are looking out of
the boat tend to adopt earlier

and make it happen, right?

Transformation is never, is
never easy, and so it's hard.


Victoria: hard stuff, so that's great.

What's, so, what's next for you?

What should we be looking
at for NobleAI in 24?

What should we be looking at
for AI and chemical innovation,

uh, as

we look ahead into 2024?

Ned: I think you're gonna see the
rise of more and more partners

adopting the specialized AI.

For us it's just, going deeper
and wider with our customers

finding more opportunity to show

Victoria: Yeah.

Ned: really, Victoria, there's
no, there, there's nothing that we

can't work on and move a needle on.

If it has anything to do with science,

we wanna, we want to at
least take a shot at it.

The second thing that we're
really working on is expanding

our presence through Microsoft.

Microsoft is one of our lead investors.

They say tremendous opportunity.

Not only are they an investor,
but they're also a customer.

They wanna bring this science-based
AI or, you know, science AI

for science to their customers.

And so that's really been a,
a starting to really take off.

We're gonna be down at CERA week with
them and very excited for that as well.


voiceover: We've come to
the end of today's podcast.

We hope you enjoyed your time
with us and want to learn more.

Simply visit TheChemicalShow.

com for additional information
and helpful resources.

Join us again next time here on The
Chemical Show with Victoria Meyer.

Ned: yeah, there's just a ton for
us to do, but boy, there's, you

know, right in our sweet spot.

There's just a ton of customers to
work with and ton of problems to solve.

Victoria: Yeah.



Well, Ned, this has been great.

Thank you for joining us
today on The Chemical Show.

Ned: Absolutely.

I really appreciate you
inviting me, Victoria.

Victoria: Yeah.

I'm so glad to have you here and
thank you everyone for listening.

Keep listening, keep following, keep
sharing, and we will talk again soon.