Growing Pains

This episode we talk all about spirituality, tarot, manifestation, and the effects of big tech. 

What is Growing Pains?

"Growing Pains" is a podcast about growing up and trying not to break down. Tune in weekly with Ginger, Kylie, Gianna, and Ashlee as they survive college life, relationships, and the chaos of adulthood during their first year at UNLV. There will be crying, ranting, potential punching, and lots of laughter. Growing pains - when it hurts, the best thing you can do is laugh!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:24
Welcome to Growing Pains. I'm your host ginger join me and my best friends as we talk about growing up we try not to break down

Unknown Speaker 0:39
you guys know that was me in

Unknown Speaker 0:43
London on the train.

Unknown Speaker 0:45
Episode Seven growing pains.

Unknown Speaker 0:49
We've been doing this for way too long. Yeah, we

Unknown Speaker 0:51
still have our spot don't know how.

Unknown Speaker 0:55
We have a very, very amazing special beautiful yesterday, you guys. And her name is Victoria. Victoria.

Unknown Speaker 1:02
Yes, please introduce yourself your signs and your song of the week.

Unknown Speaker 1:05
Yeah, your your Sun Moon rising and then your song of the week.

Unknown Speaker 1:08
Okay. Hi, I'm Vic 222. Victoria. I am a Capricorn Sun Pisces Moon Scorpio rising lot of water and then oh, yeah, it's so it's so bad out here and then song of the week. I don't even Oh star man David Bowie. Yeah. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:26
we have three Capricorns certified West bums. I love it.

Unknown Speaker 1:33
You're literally surrounded by earth signs right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:36
It's literally so scary guys.

Unknown Speaker 1:38
Ginger is not an earth sign. I lied. She's not Unfortunately

Unknown Speaker 1:41
she's very Taurus. Let's get started with our song of the week guys before we get into what today's episode is about oh

Unknown Speaker 1:48
god where you start? No. My song of the week is letter to an old poet by oh boy genius for no particular reason. Ro

Unknown Speaker 2:03
le oh my gosh, this is really embarrassing. This is really embarrassing. So I kind of been listening to country music lately oh my gosh, the side which song? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:16
what kind of country?

Unknown Speaker 2:17
Like the really basic country

Unknown Speaker 2:19
like like I thought you're gonna see whiskey. Like missing legs really Jersey

Unknown Speaker 2:26
giant like the Hold on? Don't put me on the spot. It's like yeah, don't put me on this one I remember the chorus all start singing Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:35
you love to sing the choruses?

Unknown Speaker 2:36
Yes, I do. Oh me. Oh yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:41
I can go no did illega No, I'm gonna think about okay, um, you don't even know the name of it. I did say the nine for the week is going to be another Amy Winehouse song this week is gonna be just friends. Evil diabolical. Why does she understand me so bad? Yeah, she's had

Unknown Speaker 2:59
like the visual part is this as well because you just did the crazy body movements. body contouring is crazy little squid. All right. My song of the week is a little bit of everything. Missy. I always mispronounce her last name. Lizzie Mackenzie McAlpine? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 3:18
That's a good day. Yesterday was doing literally. Also I remember the song sorry. So it's the because just to get their baby Bobby

Unknown Speaker 3:27
Childers. Tyler Childers is that is the I guess

Unknown Speaker 3:31
but it's like a cover from the l le king.

Unknown Speaker 3:34

Unknown Speaker 3:36
Actually a really really like Okay,

Unknown Speaker 3:38
there we go. I remember Yeah, that's a good song. Thank you. Thank you good solid

Unknown Speaker 3:42
well this episode since we have the cool queen of like spirituality and all season taro and crystals and astrology we thought it best to make this Victoria is episode yes

Unknown Speaker 3:56
Vic. Yours Victoria take over the light it's all you now. The whole 30 minutes just talk just crazy guys, the

Unknown Speaker 4:07
Capricorns are really trying right now.

Unknown Speaker 4:10
How did you get like into

Unknown Speaker 4:13
literally it was over one man and Ray always starts with what was this man so

Unknown Speaker 4:19
I need to free he was a Leo.

Unknown Speaker 4:21
Oh, yeah, it was so bad. We could say

Unknown Speaker 4:26
that about literally any man. Any man. Out there sign I'd be like yeah,

Unknown Speaker 4:29
no one's safe. No, no, no, it was so bad. And literally I was like, I need something to like, tell me if he's in love with me or not. And then I was like, looking on tick tock and they were just like, you know, like when you're up at like 12am You just see those like tiktoks there that are just like, if you see this, this is for ya. And I'm just like, I eat a Miley Cyrus literally

Unknown Speaker 4:51
for me. A million like

Unknown Speaker 4:53
no, yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 4:55
I started like, getting into it. And then I was like, researching on it. How to do it. And then I first started out with like, my life and like my past president future and then I started getting into how me and him were. And it was like, saying that we were gonna be something but it wasn't gonna be serious.

Unknown Speaker 5:18
That's how they get you. Yeah, I'm tired of seeing like the beautiful gorgeous woman around me be like brought to their knees. Oh, yeah, in the bad way. Because of because of these men. Like it's really, really hard to watch. I'm sorry, guys. Write

Unknown Speaker 5:34
a book about it. Literally.

Unknown Speaker 5:35
It's so evil. And I think like most of us at this table have gotten a tear or Tarot reading or like, have gone into like, manifestation or like spirituality. Because of a man. It's so maybe that's just a sign. We're

Unknown Speaker 5:49
all schizophrenic.

Unknown Speaker 5:50
Oh my gosh, I just had really, I just had this realization, I just remembered something when I was in the, in the ninth grade, I was in love with this boy. And so I had recently found out what like the repetition method was, so I got a piece of paper for my diary. And I wrote, like, this guy's name, like, like, Will, like fall in love with me will fall in love with me and like a big fat paper. No. And then I was like, okay, like, I kept it for a while, and then I ripped it up, and I threw it away, because I have a little sister and like, Y'all know, when I tell you this girl dug it up. together and she came into my room, and she was like, What the heck? She waves together. She says, she was like, maybe nine. And she told my parents she was like, Who is this boy? I'd never done the repetition.

Unknown Speaker 6:42
Glock and I think a lot of like, girls are just people that have been interested in that stuff has like they've done the things like that. Like I did the little method. It's like you write I don't remember off the top of my head exactly the steps I took but you get a piece of paper you had to use I had to use blue ink because writing is not good. So I really did little research reading reading is no it's the reading it's the blue ink because the reading is just like too crazy. You know like it's what we're going for. Yeah, I did blue ink because this like scared me they're like you're gonna get like the bad karma back of us already. And like us blues like all these like fake witches. I'm like okay, so I use the blue I forgot what I wrote but I like folded the paper like it had to fold it towards me like certain amount of times slept with it under my pillow got my rose quartz didn't work you know it did work for a minute then. Then

Unknown Speaker 7:37
you know it's so bad when you're going to sleep and you can feel the lumps of crazy Are you wake up and then it's like under your back?

Unknown Speaker 7:46
Yeah, that never happened chakra

Unknown Speaker 7:48
I'm a crazy sleeper.

Unknown Speaker 7:50
I don't like a rock. God I'm literally like ceases in bed.

Unknown Speaker 7:55
Ginger had to sleep with me when I went to California. I was like on top of

Unknown Speaker 7:59
her she was on top of me the whole night had no idea it was like me me me me God like

Unknown Speaker 8:02
sleeps with her legs like a

Unknown Speaker 8:07
45 degree angle like literally a triangle the time line

Unknown Speaker 8:12
I love I love crystal so much I'm not gonna lie I do

Unknown Speaker 8:15
love crystal like Mike Rose Quartz bracelet on right now. I lost my I didn't lose I had a carnelian necklace to

Unknown Speaker 8:21
ginger just had a hematite ring that broke

Unknown Speaker 8:23
yeah heartbreak was so bad I went to the crystal shop and bought a bunch of stuff I bought a ring and it shot like shattered into tiny millions of little pieces

Unknown Speaker 8:31
know how like negative the energy around you has

Unknown Speaker 8:34
his that was really the evil doo doo.

Unknown Speaker 8:36

Unknown Speaker 8:38
guys. Not from us clear you

Unknown Speaker 8:42
don't do that.

Unknown Speaker 8:45
Oh, sorry. I literally did just pray. Sorry my guys. Sorry. It's

Unknown Speaker 8:48
totally different.

Unknown Speaker 8:49
Oh my gosh. Did you see that boy genius. Like the Father, the Son and the Holy Trinity.

Unknown Speaker 8:53
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.

Unknown Speaker 8:56
That Gianna did I would have gone with you.

Unknown Speaker 8:59
I know. I want to buy them so bad crazy. Well, I'm

Unknown Speaker 9:02
curious how did all of us because we just asked the bank how she got into like spirituality spirituality. How did like we?

Unknown Speaker 9:09
I actually a man a man. My

Unknown Speaker 9:13
story's a little different than that. All right. Okay, Kylie. It's not actually it's not interesting. But my grandma. Oh, my mom's mom. She's like, I wouldn't say she's like, really cuz she's also very Catholic. But she does. She like she took me to a crystal store when I went to visit her in California. And she's like, I love this place like I always get like my incense. She gets her sage there. And then she also like introduced me to like, like, for what they're called are like the smooth stones that you just hold. I forgot what they're called. There's like maybe like hanstone I don't know what's the word for it like the tumbled stones not tumbled it's like a Swiss it's tumbled into a specific shape. So you can hold it and just really you're talking about the name of them. She said she like she got me one of those because she really liked the was and she's always just been like that type of person. And that's how I like got more into it. But then also like I also got into like astrology I don't think she's ended astrology like that but then I got into astrology and then went off the rails off my rocker

Unknown Speaker 10:15
rocker into astrology then like crystals and stuff like, in high school I like I figured out what like the Rose Quartz was and I put one in my backpack all school year, hoping that I would like attract love into my life. And I kind of did because like, I got my first boyfriend and like, you know, my little situation ships and stuff, but like, it's it's actually I think it's still in my backpack. I don't even need it anymore. Oh, yeah, but it works it but I don't even know how I got into it really?

Unknown Speaker 10:43
Quick. Have you ever manifested something into existence? Yeah. Yes. Did it work?

Unknown Speaker 10:49
Yeah. Like, what's it called? Before I worked at my job, I was trying so hard to get into it, because they took forever for them to contact me. Because my friend at the time, she was just like, yeah, it took me two months for them to actually contact me back. And I was just like, I'm not gonna be waiting two months for this job. So I went ahead and I manifested. I'm a lifeguard and so I was like, oh, yeah, I got this lifeguard job. Like, this summer, I got this lifeguard job. And then they contacted me, they were just like, hey, do you want to do an interview? And I was like, so you die. Mm.

Unknown Speaker 11:23
Hmm. I love that message. Just like, is it law of assumption? Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 11:27
did that one. And then I also do my go to is the 369 method. So it's like you write it like three times and then you do it six times, and then nine times of what you're like manifesting. And then if it's like, on a loose sheet of paper, you fold it three times, like towards you. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 11:45
yeah, I've seen that one. I love that. I love like, just, I just I just love the law of assumption and know Yeah, I feel like women are so power. Yeah. Their mind like,

Unknown Speaker 11:55
we have to tap into the feminine energy

Unknown Speaker 11:58
needed and I say intuition. Yeah. Intuition.

Unknown Speaker 12:05
I'm never wrong.

Unknown Speaker 12:06
I think regardless of what like people believe, like, oh, that's fake. Those are just rocks. That's or like you're buying like colored glass. I think it's the fact that you like you put your intentions towards something and you really believe it is what makes it special. Yeah, because like I like obviously a lot of people don't believe in it. And I don't even know if I fully believe in it. But I like to just put my faith in something. Yeah, like the physical. Yeah, and I just think it's also just like fun. Yeah. It's so it's

Unknown Speaker 12:32
so cute collecting little stone here.

Unknown Speaker 12:35
I have all my little heart bowls full of all my crystals. So

Unknown Speaker 12:38
cute. So cute in your room. I know. My dresser.

Unknown Speaker 12:42
Gianna has all like the heart like rose quartz and stuff and I just started getting like moon shaped like sila night. Oh my question is what's

Unknown Speaker 12:52
your guys's favorite crystal

Unknown Speaker 12:56
I like know the name of like a singular one literally. Describe it no I like the I just like Opal

Unknown Speaker 13:04
Opalite one over like that one.

Unknown Speaker 13:07
Yeah birthday or birthdays in May.

Unknown Speaker 13:12
Is your one your Tiger mudstone Black is mine's like a black like a darker stone and has some like brown line Yeah. I for a very long time. Anytime I bought a crystal I lost it I always lost it and I've never lost my Tiger's eye and I don't know why and I think it means

Unknown Speaker 13:28
something. Yeah, it

Unknown Speaker 13:30
probably does mean something. It's just always been

Unknown Speaker 13:32
around. I love Rose Quartz like how you're saying that's I just started buying rose quartz and then I've never stopped and it's never done me wrong.

Unknown Speaker 13:40
I think mine's Carnelian Carnelian Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 13:46
I think I had like I would always get C train because I always want it like for academic so but like for what I get in terms of like aesthetics I like ceiling I in Garnet because garnets my birthstone Yeah, I have a ton of Garnet that's awesome. My favorite color is the color of Garnet dude,

Unknown Speaker 14:02
you should see there are times when Kylie has to do an exam crystals out on the laptop and like guys I'm gonna pass

Unknown Speaker 14:13
because why did I bring like a bag of crystals to my driver's like to my drivers last row oh my god the first time because I had to take my test three times twice it's okay no like the first time I didn't have any crystals and then my second time didn't have any crystals. I brought Tiger's eye I got Citrine and then I also got Carnelian for confidence and I had that in my pocket and I passed let's go yeah I like that's literally

Unknown Speaker 14:41
the crystal behind the wheel no you

Unknown Speaker 14:45
guys I passed with the 94

Unknown Speaker 14:49
final exam in high school I had some in like my my hoodie pocket or so but I didn't even I don't know what they mean. I just like I know that they're supposed to be good for you. So I just stick him in my like my shorts or something I

Unknown Speaker 14:59
would I love thinking that all women are just walking around with like a crystal no

Unknown Speaker 15:03
always rocks

Unknown Speaker 15:04
in there. The hottest girls

Unknown Speaker 15:06
literally carry crystals all the

Unknown Speaker 15:08
time all the time. When I was like, going to like my movie theater job, I would like put it in my little Pants. Pants

Unknown Speaker 15:17
you had to say little

Unknown Speaker 15:22
bend over to clean and they all just fell out. But it works listen to it when

Unknown Speaker 15:29
people drop like their Android phones and it breaks

Unknown Speaker 15:32
no stop because every single time I hear that like the Samsung notification I just burst out laughing I don't know why

Unknown Speaker 15:44
that's so evil guys. That's that's big apple with the man corpo Big Core. Big tech wants us to believe that all the Apple products can be taken by

Unknown Speaker 15:59
their tech. And

Unknown Speaker 16:06
we just mentioned this is like off topic. But I think it's really funny when like adults especially like the older older generations that are like, I don't want the vaccines. I don't want this blah blah, because government's going to track me phone in my pocket. You're lying

Unknown Speaker 16:18
and it was embarrassing. They

Unknown Speaker 16:20
already got your eBay. They got you like they don't want anything to do with.

Unknown Speaker 16:26
I'll be real guys. Yeah, what is the what does the government want with you like going to Walmart on like a Saturday morning? What are they going to do? They're gonna steal my data.

Unknown Speaker 16:37
I hate that.

Unknown Speaker 16:38
I promise you they had I promise you. They don't care what you're buying with your credit card.

Unknown Speaker 16:44
I met my man. What were we talking about?

Unknown Speaker 16:47
Let's transition into Tarot.

Unknown Speaker 16:50
Let's talk about that. Tarot

Unknown Speaker 16:52
deck. Vigorous explanation. Yeah, what it is

Unknown Speaker 16:55
just for the viewers. Okay, so tarot readings, they're the so there's tarot cards there. They have different meanings to each of them. So there's, for instance, like the ace of cups, like three of wands, like they're all different meanings. There's wands, cups, pentacles, and swords. And then there's also the Major Arcana Arcana. I can't say it, but it's um, there's like the lovers card. There's the magician, there's all these different ones. And they all have different meanings. And so if you want to ask the cards, a question, a huge I don't usually do yes or no questions. But if there's something that you want to know, like, oh, what will my life be? Like? If I were to do this certain job, it'll give you like, not like the exact answer, but like the possibilities of like, what could potentially happen if you were to do it. And there's the upright meanings and reversed meanings. And sometimes it's very accurate depending on how you're reading. Yes, it sounds so accurate.

Unknown Speaker 17:58
The first time I got yeah, like I just got recently like my first like, real like person who knows how to do Tarot. And it was so scary, accurate. I was like, oh, and I gave them literally no backstory or anything. They just, you know, and I asked her I was like, Do I even have to give you like any and they were like, No, like the cards. They just know. Did it's really to

Unknown Speaker 18:18
know because I got the same I gotta tell reading from the same person. It was nuts like her crazy it's raising her reading

Unknown Speaker 18:25
and we listened to it today in the car and I listened to it was like, like, gunshot to the chest after shot it was like it was like boom, boom boom an idea and that girl like literally today Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 18:39
know it's like so Chris and I like tend to be a skeptical person like and I think it's because I used to be super religious and then breaking free from that. I was like, I don't believe in anything. Yeah, I don't believe in anything. And so it was weird because like this is the first time I've ever been like guys guys like this is like Khorasan

Unknown Speaker 18:58
What do you have? I'm not gonna finish it.

Unknown Speaker 19:00
Do you have got to see this? Oh, my

Unknown Speaker 19:08
big tech for 10 minutes Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 19:10
I got angry I got a little bit we a little bad they're definitely hurt us so the phones Eliana Have you ever had a Tarot reading? Yes. I I got when my senior year after my first my first woman love like loving heartbreak. The first girl that I like genuinely like caught feelings for I was just like, I was absolutely devastated. So I got a little reading and the person that did my reading told me like, don't go back. They're not coming back. Like if you were to stay like it's just gonna hurt you in the long run. And one thing about me is that like, I don't go back like something about me is like when somebody messes up like I know not to go back. Yeah, that's the one thing about me. allotting and and I really love that about myself and like when he told me it's just not going to work I was like I got to do like I will not mess up and he was right so I just haven't gotten another one because like I'm in a really happy relationship and I'm scared that if I Okay, sorry I'm sorry my apologies.

Unknown Speaker 20:19
I really do I really do like I hope you guys know like I really love Maddie and Ileana is relationship they're so cute at least probably like once a day I just look at like their pictures together and I manifest for myself

Unknown Speaker 20:33
thank you but yeah, I'm I believe in what's it called? Like? Like my mom was always like taught me that if you like say it if you give it out into the universe it will happen yes always so I'm always really scared to like mess up something that's good like by doing a reading because like I will I will subconsciously believe it. No, I know I will. So I'd rather just live in ignorance Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 20:55
I'm like constantly having a battle in my mind because I fear like

Unknown Speaker 20:59
if I say oh, she's constantly doing something like

Unknown Speaker 21:03
if I think something bad or if I like put something bad out there that it will come back to get me or like if I say something bad about something that like karma will come back to give me because I do actually like there are something that I fully believe in I do think like karma I really

Unknown Speaker 21:19
except for one person that has done me so dirty in my life that I will gladly wish do not believe

Unknown Speaker 21:29
that karma will come back to be getting their karma you don't know it I

Unknown Speaker 21:36
wish death upon I fully believe in karma but I will still like be sometimes a hater and like evil to me if they deserve it. Like no yeah. Like like be a hater unless you're unless you do something yes you do something I can I can't be like girls see? I will like support any girl I ever meet like you could have never spoken you before. I know nothing about you all immediately like be on your side unless you give me a reason not to real

Unknown Speaker 22:01
Oh yeah,

Unknown Speaker 22:03
exactly. Girls girl I love supporting I

Unknown Speaker 22:05
seen the way Gianna has like because Gianna is I want to say a hater but I do like she's like funny and like but she's never like seriously never has like real ill intent ill intent, but like I have seen like the flip switch in her head the second something goes wrong. That's something someone has did and I don't think she ever returned from that. Think she's very loyal. Like yeah,

Unknown Speaker 22:30
actually is the same. She's very, she's fiercely loyal to to the point where like, if you even are like somewhat associated with a person who did you dirty or like if I don't like someone and like someone knows that person that I don't like Ashley will not like them at all. She's like so fiercely loyal. Yeah. And she don't forget either. Yeah, no.

Unknown Speaker 22:55
Never actually still has been.

Unknown Speaker 22:59
Literally there's like a there's like a kid who like I was like, kind of like I kind of still know him. And she's like, Yeah, I still haven't forgiven him in fourth grade when he took my slice of chocolate.

Unknown Speaker 23:12
Dude, because you guys are like strong and who you are and like, you know, like, you know, Ginger would forgive everyone for any bad at that.

Unknown Speaker 23:21
I've done YouTube. Ileana Yeah, I've seen the things people who leave and it's like you guys are too nice. Let me egg their house.

Unknown Speaker 23:30
No, no. I will forward you the address

Unknown Speaker 23:34
Victoria like knows like when she needs to like stand her own ground. But she was always like, she will never like talk like bad about a person. Oh, no, a classroom never wish them and we just very always be the bigger person. Like no matter what. Oh, she's very, very clear. There's a chair in that way. Yeah, you are.

Unknown Speaker 23:51
Oh my gosh, guys, my dad yesterday I went to karaoke. And there was like, 20 people and I swear to you, I could pick out the Capricorn in the room. I like she was like talking to me. And I was like, What's your Zodiac? She was like, Oh, I'm a Capricorn and I literally jumped up in glee and joy. I stopped over shoes and everything and I was like, oh my god, I'm a Capricorn do Isn't

Unknown Speaker 24:12
it like so like lovey like when you meet another cat? I love but it's

Unknown Speaker 24:16
so fun because you never see any like, you know, there's

Unknown Speaker 24:23
our group I don't know why we happen to get you guys have a lot there's a lot

Unknown Speaker 24:27
here but like for example, like you know on Tik Tok when they make those little videos that it's like, other like, like famous characters that are like your zodiac sign. I feel like Capricorns get the most boring characters. Like when I did that, like those quizzes and stuff. You guys know that bolder, bolder more to say his name.

Unknown Speaker 24:44
Shut up nerd. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 24:46
I'm like, what's his name? Like the slithering dude? He's like Capricorn. Like, why can I get somebody cool? Like there's, you know,

Unknown Speaker 24:55
you know who else is a Capricorn? Zayn Malik. Oh, boy. What's up guys? Yeah

Unknown Speaker 25:01
and Timothy Charlemagne Capricorn

Unknown Speaker 25:02
men oh my

Unknown Speaker 25:04
god guys, none of you are gonna like this but

Unknown Speaker 25:06
what Capricorn woman was born is

Unknown Speaker 25:08
Catherine Holford is so cute okay, I love him and Ross Lynch Rosslyn.

Unknown Speaker 25:17
Woman celebrity. I can't think of who I could

Unknown Speaker 25:21
have Sagittarius is but I've never

Unknown Speaker 25:25
I wonder why. I'm not gonna hear that.

Unknown Speaker 25:27
I think Natalia Dyer from Stranger Things is a capital. You're so right. I

Unknown Speaker 25:31
think she's like the 2027 20. So she, she is yes, yes, yes. Okay, we got one down.

Unknown Speaker 25:37
It's actually like scary to think of like my purse. Michelle Obama. Oh, you guys were to look at my chart, Victor. I don't think I've ever shown you my whole chart. I am dominated. I have crazy I'm Sun Capricorn Moon Taurus rising Capricorn Venus Capricorn Merc. Mars Capricorn. It's like insane it's crazy. That's crazy.

Unknown Speaker 26:03
I feel like I'm water dominated

Unknown Speaker 26:05
up I see that in yourself.

Unknown Speaker 26:08
I'm all Aaron fires. We pull up our CO stars right now.

Unknown Speaker 26:12
We got like two minutes by the way, guys, I have a coast row. Row. Really, really fast. Everyone's just looking at your Venus. I want to know all your Venus. What's your Venus?

Unknown Speaker 26:21
I'm an Aquarius. Venus.

Unknown Speaker 26:23
Yes. I love air be a Libra Venus. Let me check. Oh, Libra. I love Libra.

Unknown Speaker 26:29
I don't remember I don't know guys.

Unknown Speaker 26:31
I think water What is your Venus?

Unknown Speaker 26:34
I'm a lot of water. This is your relationships on Oh, okay.

Unknown Speaker 26:38
Oh man to Sagittarius. I know that fire very passionate.

Unknown Speaker 26:41
I'm also a fire I'm an Aries Venus. Very passionate. I mean, water is very sensitive and codependent. Oh, this sounds familiar. But you love very well like you're very good way of loving so do show do air Venus's air Venus is our as like codependent though they like they like know like that the person in their other relationship like loves them. And they're just content with that. Yeah, you don't need like constant reassurance like water.

Unknown Speaker 27:08
I think the love of my life is a Leo and I'm a Taurus. What does that mean? Guys? Is that good or bad?

Unknown Speaker 27:15
I wonder why you think who's opposite to you on the on your on the chart? On the chart? Yeah, because that's supposed to be like the love of your life. Let me I'm sorry. Don't hate me. Don't kill me. I'm a Capricorn opposite sign of me is a cancer. The crab My girlfriend is a cancer.

Unknown Speaker 27:34
Cancers that's mine isn't forgot. Well, it's if you're Capricorn, then your opposite is

Unknown Speaker 27:41
cancer. Or that that was your sister side? I

Unknown Speaker 27:43
don't know that answers.

Unknown Speaker 27:46
I love cancer.

Unknown Speaker 27:47
I don't know. All I know is they get along really well. Because mine is.

Unknown Speaker 27:53
On the I knew this girl,

Unknown Speaker 27:55
junior year, she was a cancer. And I didn't know her star sign into like, the like one of the last weeks of school that was there. And she annoyed me so much. There was a whole thing that went down and the whole time I was like this girl is playing the victim card so bad that she doesn't even see it herself. Like she's deceived herself. All she's doing is just like whining about the situation. She's a fallout. And then she told me her star side one day and she she has cancer.

Unknown Speaker 28:20
Oh she's a cancer. Generally I

Unknown Speaker 28:22
wish she had Joe like a Scorpio How do I figure that you guys know who are Scorpios that

Unknown Speaker 28:30
Jesus Christ

Unknown Speaker 28:32
I can't even tell ya all right we're not gonna get it we have to wrap up today's episode anyway though because we're about over but Victoria What do you think of it?

Unknown Speaker 28:44
It was so much fun good

Unknown Speaker 28:46
thank you so much for being

Unknown Speaker 28:48
we're gonna have you back on again by the way yeah, we're reading do a reading next

Unknown Speaker 28:52
oh my god guys should I do a reading so crazy please

Unknown Speaker 28:56
let's do it next time. We will have Victoria on again very soon because yesterday much love all you guys happy November

Unknown Speaker 29:04
November. October we hated

Unknown Speaker 29:09
Tober literally so guys, I've never fought bigger battle than

Unknown Speaker 29:15
2023 battle

Unknown Speaker 29:16
with like legs amputated. Holding our chests we lost we lost but we we know we're not I'm still trying to get

Unknown Speaker 29:29
cut. Thank you so much for listening to growing pains. You can follow us on Instagram at Growing Pains gram or on tick tock at Growing Pains tock hope you tune in next week.

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