Perpetual Success

Key Discussion Points

  1. Understanding the Goal-Setting Process:
    • Randall emphasizes understanding one's current situation before setting goals to identify the true gap between reality and aspirations, which is often a source of disappointment.
  2. The Importance of Preparation in Goal Setting:
    • Detailed discussion on the necessity of self-awareness, time management, and readiness for change before embarking on goal-setting activities.
    • Goals should be set with a clear understanding of one’s capabilities and limitations.
  3. Structuring Goals for Success:
    • Discussion on breaking down large goals into smaller, manageable ones, which is essential for gradual and sustainable achievement.
    • The conversation also touches on organizational skills as analogous to project management in goal execution.
  4. The Psychological Aspects of Goal Achievement:
    • Importance of letting go of old habits and the willingness to embrace change as part of the goal achievement process.
    • Randall shares personal anecdotes highlighting the psychological adjustments needed to succeed.
  5. Practical Takeaways:
    • Importance of being realistic about the amount of change one can handle at a time.
    • Encourages listeners to perform a 'reality check' to understand their true starting point.
  • (01:51) - Welcome address
  • (02:35) - How to start with goal settings
  • (03:34) - Ackowledge the current reality
  • (04:29) - Baseline questions
  • (10:45) - Randall's own experience with achieving goals
  • (12:43) - Extreme ownership
  • (15:18) - Firefighting v regular mode
  • (17:09) - Present and long term focus
  • (19:52) - What are you willing to let go of
  • (21:41) - Getting things done
  • (27:19) - Making space for creativity with that one change
  • (31:04) - The power of processes
  • (34:09) - How do you build success
  • (38:27) - Goal setting methods that are wrong
  • (40:51) - Working towards dreams
  • (49:33) - The power of following through
  • (51:51) - Get ready for luck!
  • (55:46) - Managing multiple goals and ideas
  • (59:46) - Handling the distractions along the way
  • (01:03:50) - Create a life of purpose
  • (01:07:28) - Learn the basics first
  • (01:11:26) - Closing remarks

Creators & Guests

Ondine D.
Randall Zamora

What is Perpetual Success?

Chart your path to an extraordinary life of endless achievements with practical tips, powerful insights, and inspiring stories in each episode led by Mindset Transformation Leader, Ondine D.. Let's set our compass for Perpetual Success together!

00;00;05;21 - 00;00;33;21
Ondine D.
Do you feel like goal setting is a bit of a mystery? You hear everyone around you telling you that you need to set better goals. But when we look around, you can find like millions of different methods. There are telling you they need to be smart. They need to be realistic. No, they need to be ambitious. No, you need to get out of your comfort zone and you're just left wondering, like, well, how does that work?

00;00;33;24 - 00;01;02;15
Ondine D.
Welcome to the Perpetual Success Podcast, where we chart your path to endless achievements and guide you towards an extraordinary new life. I'm Andy, your host, and I'm feeling mischievous about embarking on this transformative adventure with you today. To all of you aspiring achievers, whether you're go getter, a visionary, an artist, an innovator or trailblazer. These podcast is dedicated to coaching you in setting goals for perpetual success.

00;01;02;17 - 00;01;29;01
Ondine D.
In this episode, we'll have a special guest, Randall Zamora, with whom I've worked plenty of times on the topic of setting goals, but most importantly, achieving them and understanding how you go for that journey of internal change and self-awareness in order to give you the best elements, the best keys, the ingredients to success. There is no golden wand.

00;01;29;04 - 00;01;51;27
Ondine D.
There's no magic wand, but you can all do it. So without further ado, let's set a compass for perpetual success.

00;01;52;00 - 00;02;20;24
Ondine D.
Dear listeners, today I'm thrilled to introduce a special guest who embodies the essence of transformation and tangible achievement, Randall Zamora. With a history enriched by over a decade of dynamic leadership and a passion that transcends conventional coaching. Randall stands as a beacon of empowerment and progress. I am delighted to have you with us, Randall especially. You've been my business coach for quite a while.

00;02;20;25 - 00;02;28;06
Ondine D.
You've helped me for a lot of things, so I do know the value that you provide to your clients. How are you doing?

00;02;28;09 - 00;02;34;28
Randall Zamora
Yeah. Good. Thank you for the very nice introduction. I don't know if I would have said it that way exactly, but I thank you.

00;02;35;02 - 00;03;04;02
Ondine D.
Today we wanted to talk about setting goals in a world where the achievement of remarkable result is the gold standard. Something I talked about in the introduction, setting goals seems to be the logical first step for everything. How do you approach setting goals actually in the process of achieving results? Would you say that it is for you the first step, or would you put it somewhere else in this process?

00;03;04;04 - 00;03;25;23
Randall Zamora
Well, I think that's the that's probably what I, where I differentiate myself a little in the fact that, you know, setting up goals is great. but there are a few things that you have to be, let's say, clear on before you set any goals. You know, many people say, okay, I want to I want to grow my business or I want to lose weight or I want to travel.

00;03;25;23 - 00;03;49;09
Randall Zamora
And that's a goal. But but they haven't even realized where they are at the moment. So they don't know the gap between where they are and what the goal is. And that's a little bit of, perfect, makes for disappointment. Disappointment. You know, if you if you say, hey, I want to grow my business by, I don't know, I want to grow from 10,000 years a month to 30,000.

00;03;49;11 - 00;03;52;00
Ondine D.
But they actually don't know there are 10,000 month that.

00;03;52;00 - 00;04;16;13
Randall Zamora
Exactly. They don't know exactly what that base is or they kind of know, but they don't realize their costs. you know, there's many that, you know, the devil is in the detail, right? So they haven't you know, if you don't take that moment, for example, that's probably one of the things that I tell people to fully understand where you are before you go, because by understanding where you are, then the real goals will start emerging.

00;04;16;16 - 00;04;18;02
Ondine D.
Because that's where you want to go.

00;04;18;08 - 00;04;40;16
Randall Zamora
Yeah. And you might have a really long term big goal. But goals are usually a combination of smaller goals that get it towards the, the words that big goal. so again, that's one of them. I have a few different things I talk about, you know, do you like are you organized. Because again, goal management and setting up goals is almost like project management.

00;04;40;22 - 00;04;57;03
Randall Zamora
You know, so all this little all these multiple things that you need to do and achieve to complete that goal. But if you're not organized very quickly, you're going to feel overwhelmed by all these new things that you that you added to your life.

00;04;57;06 - 00;05;01;00
Ondine D.
So there's a little bit of, understanding of yourself.

00;05;01;02 - 00;05;18;09
Randall Zamora
Yeah. And that's why I know the other one that I talk about is, you know, again, do you have enough time that goes into do you have enough time to have a new goal like, because, again, many people might say, oh, I want to, I don't know, I want to study something new because I want to change my job.

00;05;18;12 - 00;05;28;20
Randall Zamora
but maybe they have kids. They want to work out. They want to stay fit. They still want to hang out with their friends. And again, when you put all those things together, it's a little bit of a time bomb for disappointing.

00;05;28;22 - 00;05;30;12
Ondine D.
check of the reality.

00;05;30;15 - 00;05;51;12
Randall Zamora
You need to have a bit of a reality check. Yeah, yeah. You know what is your life about right now? what are you like? What are you willing to let go again? The other thing that I talk about is like, are you open to change? Because by achieving goals, you are driving yourself towards becoming a new person, maybe only slightly, but in some cases quite dramatically.

00;05;51;14 - 00;06;09;20
Randall Zamora
But to do that, you have to be willing to let go, right? You cannot you cannot. It is, I believe, that it's quite difficult to grow and bring absolutely every single piece of luggage. like I've moved countries many times. I know you have to. It's impossible. At some point you have to let go of things and it can be.

00;06;09;22 - 00;06;15;16
Ondine D.
It just had the image of us carrying so many. I'll make it up.

00;06;15;22 - 00;06;15;26
Randall Zamora

00;06;15;26 - 00;06;17;03
Ondine D.
Make it.

00;06;17;06 - 00;06;35;16
Randall Zamora
And I it can be a quite a traumatic experience to be like, oh, I don't want to let go of this and I want to let go of that. It can be quite overwhelming. And again, the way I did it, that I'm guessing for you is a bit similar because of the whole ADHD thing. You wait for a last minute and then you end up just giving things away to people because you're like, I kind of make a decision anymore.

00;06;35;18 - 00;06;53;25
Randall Zamora
and again, for goals is the same. Like at some point of you start trying to, I don't know, to to learn to dance or again is, you know, you go in a different direction, whatever that thing that you want to chip is something else will have to go. And if you don't, if you make that decision early, then it's not so dramatic.

00;06;53;25 - 00;06;56;14
Randall Zamora
It's more of, you're kind of ready to go.

00;06;56;15 - 00;07;20;19
Ondine D.
So. So to you, there's a lot of preparation work to do before setting goals. So contrary to that usual advice or believe that first thing you do is you set goals, it seems that for you in your approach, there is some reality check to do. Like where am I? How do I usually work? Do I have time to dedicate to to this goal?

00;07;20;19 - 00;07;23;21
Ondine D.
And what am I willing to change or let go?

00;07;23;23 - 00;07;40;12
Randall Zamora
All right. Yes. And again, you know what a few more things that I add to that is self-awareness. Again, I use someone that is able to address and assess, sorry, where they might be at that moment. As you're going through your goal or before the goal, can you truly see whether you're actually getting closer to it or not?

00;07;40;15 - 00;08;02;18
Randall Zamora
are you someone that wants the realizes that working as a team is the way to win, right? Like these whole superhero fantasy of, you know, Batman, the kid that was left alone and and, you know, learn to kick ass. And he just is this crazy superhero. there's just not the way it works. I, you know, behind every single successful people, the person that we see, there's a team.

00;08;02;20 - 00;08;18;07
Randall Zamora
There is a guy who it is maybe like Cristiano Ronaldo, everyone thinks of the number ten is there is one guy, you know, he had he had a support system. Everyone has a support system. You know, again, listen, there might be some people which are truly like Batman or Superman. but.

00;08;18;09 - 00;08;19;11
Ondine D.
Even Batman wasn't enough.

00;08;19;14 - 00;08;22;06
Randall Zamora
Wasn't alone. Exactly. Robin at some point. Right. So.

00;08;22;06 - 00;08;27;10
Ondine D.
Well, that was Butler. Yeah. Without me. Alfred. Yeah. I'm not a big fan of Batman. Sorry. Okay.

00;08;27;12 - 00;08;46;21
Randall Zamora
Well, I know a bit about it, but. Yeah. So I think that, you know, you need to be aware of that. You need to get away from the mentality of, I want to do everything alone. And last but not least, you know, I believe that, you know, the, the idea of extreme ownership, like, am I willing to truly take responsibility?

00;08;46;24 - 00;09;05;28
Randall Zamora
because as you start achieving your goals, as you start going towards achieving your goals and authority, even some of them, you're going to hit a wall at some point, right? You're going to maybe you're going to have you're growing in your career, and you get to a point that your new boss just doesn't like you. and you can be like, oh, this person is dead and this person is died, or why is this happening to me?

00;09;06;01 - 00;09;24;24
Randall Zamora
Instead of thinking, you know, what can I do? Is there something that I've done? Can you put your ego inside of to make the next right move, to get you to where you want to get to, or you're someone which is overwhelmed by pride and just go, no, it is my way or my way, right? And that's it.

00;09;24;29 - 00;09;51;11
Randall Zamora
And all those things kind of get in the way. And if you don't take a moment to, I believe, to analyze those things before you set goals, you you dramatically lower the chance that you're going to be able to achieve it. And some people, some people might think, oh, I don't have to do this. Perhaps they're just people that were raised already with this things program in their heads.

00;09;51;11 - 00;09;54;05
Randall Zamora
So they're doing it without knowing they're doing it. They're ready.

00;09;54;05 - 00;10;16;19
Ondine D.
For that. With a lot of people, they they come to you and say, well, I don't need coaching, I don't need that. And sometimes I tell them, you're right. Look, people don't need coaching. And then when you observe how they behave, one of the main reason they don't need it is because they're already they're already assimilated all those things through their own experience.

00;10;16;19 - 00;10;39;15
Ondine D.
They're already actually doing that. Last week I was giving a training to some mentors, actually how to help their mentee set goals. And it was interesting because the person who asked that, as we were talking about what's important, the one of the challenges that can come from setting goals, she said, oh, it's interesting. I've always I've always done that.

00;10;39;15 - 00;10;45;17
Ondine D.
But I never verbalized it or thought that there was some kind of a process. I just do it.

00;10;45;20 - 00;10;59;25
Randall Zamora
And and listen. Some people are lucky in that way. I wasn't, I needed to I the reason why I come across all these things is because I kept I kept analyzing, why was I self-sabotaging myself? Why was I not? Why would I set a goal and then just drop it?

00;10;59;28 - 00;11;09;00
Ondine D.
So this work is the result of your own you analyzing what your what you're doing and how you how you sometimes achieving, sometimes not achieving what you want.

00;11;09;02 - 00;11;36;13
Randall Zamora
Well, yeah, it went down to me trying to analyze and overcoming my shortfalls again. I was when I was growing up, I got taught to work hard and do things right. But it was it was a lot about do things right when they're in front of you and do them well right now. But there was a lack of I never really got, told how to, work towards long term goals.

00;11;36;16 - 00;11;54;10
Randall Zamora
which again, I was as an adult, I was able to overcome it quite well. You know, I've been able to be quite successful in everything that I've got myself into. But as a kid, I was terrible at school because I would study the day before for everything, because my mentality is like, do the best you can, right when he's in front of you.

00;11;54;12 - 00;11;55;16
Ondine D.

00;11;55;18 - 00;12;22;07
Randall Zamora
and it meant that I didn't, you know, did okay enough to pass. I was at a fairly, tough school. so I, you know, people always said they know in the school that I went to, if you were, a person that got a C or a seven or whatever or 70 whatever it's called, measurement technique, you used, they said if you are a seven person in this school, you're probably out of eight or 9 or 9 in a public school where I grew up in Costa Rica.

00;12;22;07 - 00;12;44;07
Randall Zamora
So again, I was always doing okay. But, but once I started working professionally and I started to try to build something bigger and started growing, into leadership and try to help and mentor other people, that's when I realized, you know what I'm thinking too short term. why am I thinking too short term? And then I started analyzing and.

00;12;44;10 - 00;12;47;21
Ondine D.
Even that made you realize that.

00;12;47;23 - 00;12;51;10
Randall Zamora

00;12;51;13 - 00;13;21;08
Randall Zamora
Not really. I don't think a one event itself. I don't know exactly. I think at some point in my life, I started realizing that that self analysis, like a premise of self-awareness, I think that because I was, you know, I got raised quite toughly. I think I had a big sense of, I was quite self conscious of everything that I was doing because I was expected to do well at what it was in front of me.

00;13;21;10 - 00;13;45;15
Randall Zamora
so every time I delivered something, I was very self conscious of the way that it was going to be analyzed. So it meant that as I started working my professional career and managing people and running teams, when I would make a decision to wear to the team, I would be very self-conscious into what I just did. I would be confident people would have never realized because if anything, I'm probably more often blame or being cocky than self-conscious.

00;13;45;18 - 00;14;07;15
Randall Zamora
but I would have a very internal battle of that self-consciousness. Like, did I do the right thing, that I do the right thing for my people, that I do the right thing for the company, that I do the right thing for the customer. And again, that process make me analyze and basically kind of going in on sometimes in circles into trying to define what am I missing, what am I doing, what am I not doing.

00;14;07;17 - 00;14;29;03
Randall Zamora
So it was probably again, it was a little bit of my programing, which some people might say in my programing in that way was negative and it has had some negative impacts on me, but it also gave me the tool of being able to to kind of figure out the root cause of, of, of the reasons why things were not working out right.

00;14;29;03 - 00;14;52;06
Randall Zamora
I don't look at a failure as, oh, well, wasn't meant to be, which sometimes probably that would be for the best to just do that. but normally I look back and I'm like, okay, what could I have done better? Which it goes down to that extreme ownership mentality, which when I read that book by, Jack Zwilling, it hit so many spots.

00;14;52;08 - 00;15;10;09
Randall Zamora
because it just felt like it's just kind of the answer for life. Like, just take ownership of whatever is in front of you. Like, don't waste any time. Blame anyone else. Don't, don't, don't figure out why it wasn't your fault. Because even if everything wasn't your fault, who cares? Like you were part of it and it's affecting you.

00;15;10;09 - 00;15;11;12
Randall Zamora
So just take ownership.

00;15;11;14 - 00;15;15;10
Ondine D.
Yeah, and take ownership of your of your reaction to it.

00;15;15;13 - 00;15;36;14
Randall Zamora
Yeah. Your reaction. And again just don't waste time reacting to things. Right. Like I remember when I in my, couple of jobs ago when I had a fairly large team. We're doing a IoT service operation, supporting software. and, you know, listen it whenever you do any kind of software support, things are going to go wrong, right?

00;15;36;19 - 00;15;57;22
Randall Zamora
It's always, it's always, you know, people always call it a firefight. You hear from, you know, a firefighter or you're from from fire to fire. and people used to come to me and I remember used to go, hey, what happened? You know, is this done? And people used to say no because. And I used to stop them, and I'd be like, I didn't ask you because I just want to know yes or no, right.

00;15;57;25 - 00;16;13;26
Randall Zamora
If you say no, maybe my answer is going to be like, okay, when is it going to get done by? Do we have a plan? And if you give me a plan, right. Yeah. Let's move forward. Right. Because the whole purpose of life is to at some point, take a moment to do that retrospective analyze. Why are you going to pick the right moments?

00;16;13;29 - 00;16;34;21
Randall Zamora
Right. You're going to be in the middle of a firefight and be like, okay, wait a minute. The wire in those buckets and the blades are supposed to be that doesn't matter right now. Right now, what matters and and people get stuck with that right? In business, you see that a lot of people get stuck in the before I make my before I take the next step, let's make sure that I kind of manipulate the situation.

00;16;34;21 - 00;17;04;11
Randall Zamora
So it looks like I haven't done anything wrong. And the fact is in a in, in fast paced environments, which I believe that most industries are because of technology, are becoming extremely fast paced, you need to be able to take ownership and focus in what can you do right now to continue to move forward towards that goal, towards that success, that you're trying to do instead of, again, just not taking ownership and trying to find a way to throw it to everyone else, which that just creates toxic environments.

00;17;04;11 - 00;17;09;27
Randall Zamora
I've seen environments like that in which the first point after every issue is, how do I blame someone else?

00;17;09;27 - 00;17;36;16
Ondine D.
How do you balance that moment where you have to focus on what's what's just in front of you and allowing yourself to also grow and build long term goals? Because what I have in mind is you're so caught in the moment trying to do everything that you have to do, or you think that you have to do that you lose sight of the future and those goals become just a dream.

00;17;36;16 - 00;17;47;09
Ondine D.
Because, as you said before, if you don't have time to work on those goals, then you know you're not you're not going to achieve them. So what? Like how do you balance these two?

00;17;47;12 - 00;18;05;20
Randall Zamora
I think that you need to have clear milestones right? At some point. You know, this goes on to, I even call it like a principle of troubleshooting. Right? Then life can be just a sense of troubleshooting the next problem to be able to get to that success. So that fix. But you need to understand what that fix is or that goal is.

00;18;05;27 - 00;18;25;12
Randall Zamora
Right. So and many times by understanding what that goal is, you need to understand that the goal needs to be broken down into sections, but you need to know what that milestone is. So when you get to that milestone moment, then that is a moment of for you to think. It's a moment for you to go back and do a retrospective.

00;18;25;12 - 00;18;51;04
Randall Zamora
Okay. Is there anything that I learned between my last milestone or for the beginning, between the beginning and this milestone that I need to consider as I start working on the next step towards the next milestone or towards that goal. Right. So it's a really you know, I'm a, I'm a big believer in process. You do have a logical process because if not, your emotions get in the way, because if not, you just get caught up on the day to day.

00;18;51;06 - 00;19;05;12
Randall Zamora
you know, there is so much distraction in the world right now that it's quite easy to spend all your day doing things that make you feel like you're you're busy, but you're not actually achieving or doing anything.

00;19;05;14 - 00;19;07;16
Ondine D.
The art of looking busy.

00;19;07;18 - 00;19;30;27
Randall Zamora
Yeah. yeah. And I've seen many, many people, professionals, well, highly educated people. is spending their days joining meetings and answering emails and just not towards any actual goal. But, you know, they had this prior, pride of. Oh, yeah, but you know how busy I am. I work from 7 a.m. to 8:00 at night.

00;19;31;02 - 00;19;32;27
Ondine D.
But how much of that is really valuable?

00;19;32;29 - 00;19;47;06
Randall Zamora
They have no sense of achievement if you ever went to. Okay, but what do you do? That would actually be the first thing that will be offended because they're because they know their ego will jump up saying, oh, I don't know. I have no idea what I did. How dare you! Or challenging the fact that I've been working hard.

00;19;47;07 - 00;19;52;11
Randall Zamora
You don't realize that I haven't spent time with my kids for a year. Yeah, maybe. That's right.

00;19;52;14 - 00;19;58;26
Ondine D.
And so we go back to what you were saying before. What are you willing to let go to make space for that goal?

00;19;58;28 - 00;20;13;07
Randall Zamora
Exactly. So sometimes, again, in a situation like that and when I've coached people, I'm like, you need to be willing to let go that sense of, look how hard I'm working. Stop caring so much about what everyone else is thinking.

00;20;13;10 - 00;20;13;19
Ondine D.

00;20;15;16 - 00;20;34;13
Randall Zamora
and focus on what am I, am I taking steps towards my towards my goal. Right. Like, you know, I don't know, I remember when I was in my last job when I was working as a director, many times I, you know, I'll get to the office maybe at nine in the morning and I would, maybe it's 3:00 and I'm like, you know what?

00;20;34;13 - 00;20;54;22
Randall Zamora
I'm going home. I might take emails at home, I might take a call. Am I do whatever, but a no moment my team ever felt like I was lazy because they knew that whenever they needed me, I was there. I knew what was going on. I knew what was happening. So if anything, they wanted to learn. How can you handle so much without being here for so long?

00;20;54;24 - 00;21;17;29
Randall Zamora
So it was more of a we. You have a really chilled way of of handling things, but you are on top of things, right? Instead of admiring this person that is looking like is grinding 24 seven kind of has a handle of things but is but, you know, it's more like it's been taken by the current. Yeah. Instead of with me, it was like, you know what?

00;21;17;29 - 00;21;34;24
Randall Zamora
I have the surfboard, I serve the waves and the way that I want to serve them. So learn to instead of, you know, is that separation of ego? I think not every environment is good for that environment. People are heavily judged by the way that they are perceived.

00;21;34;26 - 00;21;35;15
Ondine D.

00;21;36;13 - 00;21;40;26
Randall Zamora
but again, that's a personal decision, right? What kind of environment do you want to be part of?

00;21;40;28 - 00;22;05;06
Ondine D.
So we're talking about like, you know, being busy and doing things, and I know that you've introduced me to this method, getting things done. And I actually remember being told about it many years ago, and I didn't look into it because of the name. Getting things done because I always associated. It was actually that I'm busy attitude. tick the box, do the checklist, and do it.

00;22;05;06 - 00;22;28;08
Ondine D.
So you've managed to convince me to look into it because you presented it in a very different way. How does this methodology works for you in terms of setting goals and maximizing efficiency, and actually avoiding getting in that trap of just doing things, just to do it?

00;22;28;10 - 00;23;00;11
Randall Zamora
good question. I would say that I'm someone which is naturally a bit hyperactive. so it means that my head can be going, you know, in a thousand directions at any given moment. I get lost in thought. So I need I need something that gives me grounded. Okay. Right. So that was kind of the main reason why initially, GTD, kind of came into my life, I realized that I was really good at handling what was hot, and in front of me.

00;23;00;11 - 00;23;17;16
Randall Zamora
And there's an escalation, and it's something I would be all over that, but then I'm like, okay, but but then let's say at some point I could we started actually fixing things long term. So escalations went down and then I would be sitting, I'm like, okay, what am I supposed to be doing now? My phone is not ringing.

00;23;17;19 - 00;23;30;28
Randall Zamora
There's no new emails. I'm sure I have something to do. But I realized I felt a little bit lost. I was I was really good at being a firefighter. when the fires were gone, I had no idea what to do.

00;23;31;01 - 00;23;33;27
Ondine D.
It's a good definition of ADHD, you know? Yeah.

00;23;33;29 - 00;23;37;05
Randall Zamora
I'm not sure what to do. So then I give me.

00;23;37;05 - 00;23;38;14
Ondine D.
Something to do. Now?

00;23;38;20 - 00;23;45;01
Randall Zamora
Yeah, I was almost looking for problems. I'm like, okay, let's find problems. Let's find problems. Like, you know, something with, again, that that's something.

00;23;45;01 - 00;23;52;01
Ondine D.
We had a colleague at work that was actually his job. Yeah. It was going from one department to another to fix problems.

00;23;52;08 - 00;24;12;25
Randall Zamora
Yeah. Not this is. I like that, to be honest. I'm not going to lie, I actually like that's why I worked in a, in IT service operations for that long. Because I like that constant, lack of predictability. Right. It's just unpredictable. You're just every day, you know, something. You're sitting. Everything is not something.

00;24;12;26 - 00;24;14;05
Ondine D.
You something to solve.

00;24;14;07 - 00;24;42;13
Randall Zamora
And then boom, all phones are ringing. What happened? And then you're, like, in the battle zone. And that's that's fun. That's good. But when you go more from not just day to day management, but more like you're a senior manager or a director, you're now looking at strategic now. And I remember many, many years ago now, at that moment, the the like it manager, the reporting to CIO and the company that I worked for came to me and said, hey, that was a while ago.

00;24;42;15 - 00;25;05;10
Randall Zamora
He's like, I want a five year plan on of all our data center equipment, appliances and, forecasting. What are we going to do with, cloud at that moment? And I was like five years. I'm like, I don't even know what I'm going to do in five minutes, but okay. So then I started looking into, first of all, again defining a plan.

00;25;05;10 - 00;25;15;00
Randall Zamora
And I was able to do that, but then it's okay. How do I stay on top of that plan? How do I know the things that I got to get done, monitored on a recurrent basis to make sure that I get there? And that's on.

00;25;15;00 - 00;25;16;15
Ondine D.
Top of all the trouble.

00;25;16;15 - 00;25;19;28
Randall Zamora
On top of the fires and on top of all that stuff that was going to get my attention.

00;25;20;04 - 00;25;23;21
Ondine D.
And that ability to run both at the same time.

00;25;23;24 - 00;25;41;07
Randall Zamora
Is they are not really at the same time, but it's almost like you have like, like, like the ledger that you can go back to, that is going to remind you, what were you supposed to be doing when the fire took place? and then you're able to retake it, you reorganize it, you reply, you put it in a different time.

00;25;41;07 - 00;25;59;27
Randall Zamora
You you you you are able to really follow a project plan not just for full on projects, but I have a really, you know, I think to me, due to the gives me, a project management approach for life, like I manage my life like a project. It's not just work, but is all aspects of it which allows me to not have to think about it.

00;26;00;02 - 00;26;28;21
Randall Zamora
You know, the having that ledger, having that one place of truth allows me to be able to relax when I'm not, when I decide, okay, I'm not going to work now, I'm not thinking, oh, did I forget something? No, because before I finish work, I check my ledger. I check my my one place of truth that that the tool that I use click up for that, that you actually suggest to me to start doing, start using it.

00;26;28;23 - 00;26;44;28
Randall Zamora
so I go back to Clickup and check. Okay, what do I have here for today? Have I completed everything for today? And if not, are these things which are leaving undone? Am I able to reschedule? Reschedule them? And if the answer is yes, then I just put it away and then I can come down.

00;26;45;00 - 00;26;47;04
Ondine D.
And if the answer is no.

00;26;47;06 - 00;27;03;14
Randall Zamora
And the answer is no, well, then, I just have to do more work, and that's okay. Like, sometimes you have to, right? Sometimes you just didn't plan your day properly, and you're going to have to stay up until two in the morning getting something solved. You know, even if you are really clean. Again, that rarely happens to me, but if any, you.

00;27;03;16 - 00;27;09;27
Randall Zamora
Because when I start my day, I prioritize and those red hot things will get done as quick as possible.

00;27;10;00 - 00;27;20;00
Ondine D.
It gives you a process to make sure that your future goals are grounded in the present. By knowing exactly what you must do to get where you want.

00;27;20;02 - 00;27;47;03
Randall Zamora
Yeah, again, I'm not. I'm a big believer of a process. I think that, yeah, you know, in my career, that's been probably one of the biggest battles that I've had with people. because you need to have a process for life. You do have a process for everything you do. for a long time, I, I had, pretty close to arguments with people about them saying that I was too process oriented, that it would it would affect their creativity.

00;27;47;03 - 00;27;51;20
Randall Zamora
Like, I need to give them space to be creative.

00;27;51;22 - 00;27;54;16
Ondine D.
And I was what was your answer to that?

00;27;54;18 - 00;28;16;07
Randall Zamora
Well, you know, I had multiple answers. Some of them I would not tell them to their face. but it's just not true. It's just not true. It's almost like saying that if I teach you how to buy, how to ride a bike properly, the fact that I tell you to not do not try to use the pedals with your hands is blocking your creativity now.

00;28;16;07 - 00;28;39;07
Randall Zamora
It's not that's not what is made for like this new one. In a way, by this point there are. And listen, there's people little crazy thing with bikes. But for example, let's think about biking. There's this BMX guys or this, downhill. riders do this crazy backflips, front flips. They do this things which are insane, but they still ride the bike.

00;28;39;07 - 00;28;52;24
Randall Zamora
How bikes supposed to be ridden like the basics, right? The basic process of push like push with like, hands around the handle. Like, most of the time they're sticking to that basic process. They only break that basic process.

00;28;52;26 - 00;28;54;15
Ondine D.
To create something.

00;28;54;18 - 00;29;13;15
Randall Zamora
But through a lot of really skillful practice, none of those kids or none of those people started doing a backflip without knowing how to ride the bike. They knew how to ride a bike really, really, really well. And then they started doing things, breaking the process and achieving new ways, creating new ways of doing it. So that's what I used to tell people with work.

00;29;13;18 - 00;29;31;22
Randall Zamora
You know, I yeah, I used to, let's say, set up a process for let's say we had an incident, an issue with, with some software. And we created a process to how to solve it. And people would be like, oh, but but you're not letting me be creative. I want to fix it whatever way I want to fix it.

00;29;31;24 - 00;29;50;19
Randall Zamora
And I would be like, no, like that. Why do you want to rethink something someone has already thought of? And it works. If you follow that basic process, you learn it, you're getting good at it. And then and then while you're doing it, you know, you know what? I can think of a better way. I understand how this process comes together.

00;29;50;22 - 00;29;56;10
Randall Zamora
But now, because I'm really skilled at it, I can build upon it. Yeah, great.

00;29;56;13 - 00;30;39;16
Ondine D.
But it's like a recipe you learn. If I remember, I had, I had a French was making up pancakes recipes, and some of them were truly disgusting. And she kept telling me I'm just trying stuff. I'm like, one day I said, okay, what is like, what is the basic pancake recipe? And she had no idea. And that's although this is why every time you're trying something, it's disgusting because you did not understand what the ingredients do and how they work together, so that then you can do that thing of removing butter and using bananas instead, because you understood what the the functionality of the butter was and some of it the banana does, but

00;30;39;16 - 00;31;04;12
Ondine D.
it also brings something new. And I truly, like, follow you in that, that sense that you I actually think you could go creative straight away, but you're going to waste a lot of time. Learn a way that works, understand why it works, and then add the things that you feel could lead to a different result, or better result or faster result.

00;31;04;15 - 00;31;24;00
Randall Zamora
And again, if you want to run your entire life on a creative way, listen, who am I to say it's not possible? I just it just it just sounds very hard because is like waking up every morning trying to find a new way to brush your teeth. you know, like, just this doesn't make any sense. Like, why would you make your life harder?

00;31;24;00 - 00;31;46;15
Randall Zamora
The whole point of the whole point of, you know, what humans we have got really good at is that making life easier and finding better ways to do things and make it easier. So it doesn't mean that you can never have a full creative moment, but again, it's almost like do it out of a conscious decision. Do not, do not.

00;31;46;17 - 00;32;01;08
Randall Zamora
do not try to cover your lack of discipline and lack of seriousness with, oh, I'm just creative because that's just lazy, right? It's like, I don't make my bed in the morning because I'm creative. Not. And you just can't be bothered.

00;32;01;10 - 00;32;03;08
Ondine D.
Well, this is being creative. I, you know.

00;32;03;08 - 00;32;22;23
Randall Zamora
Like, you realize that sometimes people again, it's just their ego. It's almost like instead of realizing there are certain things in life that if you get good at your life gets easier, like it's better, right? It's not. It's not whether, you know, it's not whether that is, truth that I know and everyone should follow the truth that I'm given, like, no, this.

00;32;22;23 - 00;32;47;05
Randall Zamora
And there's people that have done incredibly better than what I have. there is, but there is things that I can guarantee that they must follow. Right. There's a certain level of basic process that you should follow in life to be a capable human being. If you do not learn those things, or you decide to do everything in whatever way you want.

00;32;47;07 - 00;33;06;09
Randall Zamora
Yeah, listen, there is probably 1 in 1,000,000,000 chance that you're going to be the next Steve Jobs, but probably quite unlikely. you're more likely to end up with a lot of trouble if you don't learn. If you don't learn to manage your money, you might end up broke. If you don't have a good process to manage your relationship, you might lose friends because you don't stay in touch with them.

00;33;06;10 - 00;33;27;11
Randall Zamora
You know you don't have a good process into how to make sure that you're engaging with your partner. You might end up with a, you know, breaking up or a divorce because you stop paying attention to them because you didn't have, like last year. It gets easier if I say to myself, you know what? every every Tuesday and Wednesday I'm going to spend time with my with my girlfriend.

00;33;27;11 - 00;33;38;29
Randall Zamora
Like, we're going to spend time, we're going to have a good time that day. We're going to go we're going to do something good to have dinner. We're gonna go to the movies. We're going to whatever we might decide to do. That's great. That's a good base. Doesn't mean that one day I'm not going to be like, you know what?

00;33;38;29 - 00;33;57;20
Randall Zamora
Saturday I'm going to surprise you with something else. Great. But at least I know that that basic. I know that our relationship is strong enough because I have a strong base of consistency. Then I can do whatever the hell I want to do after that. And then once I have that strong base, if one day I said, you know, this Tuesday, I'm not going to do it, I'm not stressed because I've been doing it Tuesdays for the next.

00;33;57;21 - 00;34;06;20
Randall Zamora
Who knows? Who knows how many years? I know that I've earned a certain level of of, let's say, patience or understanding from my father.

00;34;06;23 - 00;34;08;23
Ondine D.
Yeah. It's like a repetition.

00;34;08;27 - 00;34;25;05
Randall Zamora
Of the same thing would work. It's the same thing with business, you know, same thing with everything. You know, you you you you follow process. You constantly deliver the concept delivered to your clients. If you can't deliver to your customers, if you're someone that is always responsible or they can't be relied upon, you do what you say you're going to do.

00;34;25;06 - 00;34;44;01
Randall Zamora
Which is actually, I used to tell people at work, people came to me saying, hey, how do I how do I get good? Like how do I differentiate myself? And I was to be I used to say, just do what you say you're going to do. Like if you do that, you're probably already in the top. In the top.

00;34;44;04 - 00;34;46;28
Randall Zamora
I know yeah. You go to mid 80s.

00;34;47;00 - 00;34;47;24
Ondine D.
There's a lot of.

00;34;47;27 - 00;34;48;23
Randall Zamora
People say.

00;34;48;26 - 00;34;51;22
Ondine D.
It's, it's it's actually easy to distinguish yourself.

00;34;51;22 - 00;35;11;15
Randall Zamora
Why do you say just honestly do what you say you're going to do? And how do you ensure that you do what you say you're going to do. You create a process for how you intake new things. So you build you'll build a process like myself if I say to you, and then I'm going to do the following, let's say we're having a coaching call and I'm going I'm going to do the following.

00;35;11;18 - 00;35;31;09
Randall Zamora
You know, I'm taking notes after the call I go to my to my, with Clickup and then I enter into my capture list. I need to the following things. And if I know, okay, when is my next meeting with with. And then I'm going to put okay, I've got to do it by this date. So I have a process for intake not just going yes, yes yes.

00;35;31;09 - 00;35;46;21
Randall Zamora
Let me say something that makes me sound smart. So she thinks I'm cool. And then the minute ended and I was cut up into the fact that I think that I'm great because you thought that what I said it was smart. And then my phone rings, so I get a message and I forgot about it. And then the next meeting.

00;35;46;21 - 00;36;02;26
Randall Zamora
Oh, yeah. True. We said that. Yeah. Let me come back to you and you might think, oh yeah, whatever is okay. But if you do that consistently and consistently, you consistently do that because the way you are and other people just think you're clumsy and people just think that your umbrella.

00;36;02;29 - 00;36;04;23
Ondine D.
And you're not reliable, you know.

00;36;04;26 - 00;36;25;28
Randall Zamora
No one wants to, no one really wants to do business or, you know, nobody wants yeah, or no one really wants to do business or do anything with someone that is unreliable. Like unreliability is probably one of the worst things that you can have. You get, you know, even if you a bit lazy, you can be a bit lazy, meaning that you don't take on a lot of work, you just do it.

00;36;25;28 - 00;36;28;28
Randall Zamora
But but if you do what you're supposed.

00;36;29;00 - 00;36;29;21
Ondine D.
But you do what you.

00;36;29;21 - 00;36;32;14
Randall Zamora
Do in companies that.

00;36;32;16 - 00;36;38;02
Ondine D.
But I notice a lot of people, they use the word lazy when they actually mean I can't be bothered.

00;36;38;04 - 00;36;57;24
Randall Zamora
Yeah, it's not necessarily the same. I think it can be perceived as laziness. Like I could perceive your attitude as a little bit lazy, but perhaps you're just someone that wants to, navigate life a little bit slower than I do, right? Maybe I want to achieve a certain level of burning so a certain position in a company by a certain moment.

00;36;57;26 - 00;37;18;12
Randall Zamora
But maybe you don't, right? You just want to do your thing. And then to me, based on my own personal standards, might seem a little bit lazy, but, you know, maybe you're not. You're just proactively deciding to, again, balance your life in a certain way in which you're not going to work extra hours, you're not going to do this, you're going to do that.

00;37;18;15 - 00;37;19;01
Ondine D.
That's not oh.

00;37;19;01 - 00;37;41;28
Randall Zamora
No, it's not. And that's what I mean. It's always about it's always about perception. Right? That's why as we spoke at the beginning, that ability of being self aware, that ability to understand those basics of, you know, do I have time, am I willing to change all those things when life starts challenging you, when people start saying things to you, then it matter.

00;37;42;00 - 00;38;05;23
Randall Zamora
It means a lot less because you know where you are. You know what that goal. You know where you're standing or where you're going towards. if you don't really know where you are, when people start saying things to you, you're going to start getting confused. Imagine if you're in a new city, right? And you're looking at your map and people start telling you you're going the wrong way.

00;38;05;23 - 00;38;18;00
Randall Zamora
What are you doing this for? But I know you got to go down this straight. And then you're looking at your map and you're so doubting your map and you're like, oh my God. And then you start freaking out. You're like, I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna get lost. Am I am I am I on the wrong side of town?

00;38;18;02 - 00;38;24;17
Randall Zamora
But if you if you trust your map, you're like, no, no, no. Like, thank you, but I know where I'm going.

00;38;24;19 - 00;38;25;29
Ondine D.
I know where I'm going.

00;38;26;02 - 00;38;27;17
Randall Zamora

00;38;27;19 - 00;38;34;20
Ondine D.
Speaking of knowing where you're going, is there such a thing as wrong goal setting methods?

00;38;34;23 - 00;38;43;21
Randall Zamora
I think it's really personal. I think it's really, really personal. I don't I can't say whether there's something that is wrong. I know that.

00;38;43;23 - 00;39;13;21
Randall Zamora
I always say you should look at your a bit of your personality type as you take, when you take goal advice, you know, you go, go to a, you know, there's a million people, a lot more qualified to talk about the right processes. You know, I've listened to so many podcasts with like, Andrew Herman, when which he goes into not just the process but the like kind of biochemistry that it takes place in your brain and it triggers reactions and actions and all that sort of stuff.

00;39;13;23 - 00;39;33;23
Randall Zamora
But I think that everyone is a little bit everyone can be a little bit different. So if I think that if you're doing something and it's not working, then go and look for another method. There's a million mats out there. Don't don't be too stubborn. with a certain method again, give it a go. When I'm saying that doesn't mean try it 2 or 3 times and then it didn't work.

00;39;33;23 - 00;39;46;04
Randall Zamora
Okay, next. Because then you're just going to be someone that is utilizing, the fact that nothing is clicking with you as an excuse. but if you try something for one week, two week, three weeks, four weeks, seven.

00;39;46;04 - 00;39;48;27
Ondine D.
Weeks, long enough to say like, yeah, this is not working.

00;39;49;00 - 00;40;03;25
Randall Zamora
I've been trying this for two months and I just cannot get my head around it. How about I try something else? But then you need to be self-aware enough to know I really tried. I've really tried to give this a go. And then you can go from of course you can. I'm sure you can go to GPT three.

00;40;03;27 - 00;40;15;15
Randall Zamora
What? What are the top? Give me the top ten, goal setting methodologies. and telling me how each of them work. I'm sure you can find an answer and you're going to start applying a certain methodology.

00;40;15;21 - 00;40;18;05
Ondine D.
We should be sponsored by ChatGPT. You and I run.

00;40;18;07 - 00;40;40;05
Randall Zamora
This and it does. It is good in general, but I think it's important to have a framework. Right. You know that I mentioned that to you since the beginning that we started working together. You must have a framework. Don't just wing it right. If you're winging it, winging it through life, you might be one of those lucky people that ends up in the right place at the right time, and everything works out really well for you.

00;40;40;07 - 00;40;51;27
Randall Zamora
but why would you leave things to chance when you have the ability to make your own decisions and at least try to drive your life towards your own vision?

00;40;52;00 - 00;41;05;17
Ondine D.
You know how to how do you help people? Distinguishing between what you're telling me right now is just a dream. And you're getting closer to setting a real goal.

00;41;05;19 - 00;41;22;19
Randall Zamora
I think you have to look at where you are. listen, I don't think that I'm anyone to say, what's just a dream, right? Because there is. I'm sure there has been plenty of people that have been told, you know, when they were kids or, you know, some people, I want to be a singer. I want to be a rapper.

00;41;22;19 - 00;41;48;11
Randall Zamora
I want to play football. I want to be a professional skateboarder. I want to be an astronaut. And people probably thought, you're crazy. And these people are at the moment, they might be doing exactly that, right? They might be extremely successful doing it. So I don't think I ever I'm ever someone to judge. from the start that whether something is a dream or not, is more of, of assessment and self-awareness.

00;41;48;11 - 00;41;56;27
Randall Zamora
Because if you say to me, hey, I want to, I want to become a rap star, I want to do. Okay, cool. Okay.

00;41;57;00 - 00;41;57;08
Ondine D.
Let's do.

00;41;57;08 - 00;42;14;12
Randall Zamora
That. How much? Okay, great. So that's your goal. To me, that sounds like a dream because it's very difficult to get there. But, Okay. Talk to me. What are you going to do to get there? Right. What are the steps you're going to do? How much are you practicing? How much? What are you doing to try to become known?

00;42;14;20 - 00;42;37;22
Randall Zamora
How much time you're spending in perfecting your craft, right. Perfecting that skill that you want to become extremely successful at? If the person says to me, oh, yeah, you know, I hang out with my friends and then I work, and then I go to the gym, and then I like to play football, and then I dedicate 30 minutes every couple of weeks to, to to do some something with my music.

00;42;37;22 - 00;42;58;23
Randall Zamora
I'll say, okay, well then that's a dream because you, if you think you're just going to randomly get discovered, would such a small amount of input that you're putting into that craft, then it's a little bit unlikely. Okay, I'm nobody to say no, it's never going to happen. But then the the more effort you put into something, the more likely it is that is going to become a reality.

00;42;58;23 - 00;43;15;02
Randall Zamora
If you say, I want to be, again, yeah. A hip hop star and you're like, you know what? I spend? I get up in the morning, I get up every day at four in the morning, I do two hours. I do these exercises for my voice. I, you know, every time. And I'm on the streets and I see something happening, and I think of lyrics.

00;43;15;02 - 00;43;27;26
Randall Zamora
I'll sit down and I'll put out my, my, my notepad. And I write it down and I'm making a, I'm, I'm writing a song once a week, once every two weeks. And I record know and I'm all good to you.

00;43;27;26 - 00;43;31;29
Ondine D.
It's that how much you're bringing that dream into your daily life.

00;43;32;01 - 00;43;51;17
Randall Zamora
Yeah. It's like, are you truly doing? If you're someone that tells me a dream and I'm like, you are truly working towards this, nothing is guaranteed. But oh my God, you are really working hard on this. then I'll say, okay, great. Then you have a real goal. No one guarantees the goals are going to be able to be achieved, but you're really put in the work.

00;43;51;17 - 00;44;10;25
Randall Zamora
And that's why working. I believe that working with coaches is, is is quite valuable because I find that many times I help people just try to gain a sense of self-awareness, like, are you truly doing? Are you truly doing what you said you were going to do to achieve that dream and.

00;44;10;25 - 00;44;19;03
Ondine D.
What you know you should be doing? Because, you know, sometimes they know, but they find excuses? Well, I have I have those things to do. And those things didn't make a choice.

00;44;19;10 - 00;44;41;09
Randall Zamora
And that's why having to confront someone and I'm using the word confront because almost like a little confrontation, like I'm nice to people, but you need to almost be. Yeah, you have to be willing to say, okay, well, that sounds like a good story, but you know that your dream doesn't care about that story. Like I'm going to say, okay, whatever you whatever you tell me, I'm going to be like, sure, okay, that makes sense.

00;44;41;11 - 00;44;51;15
Randall Zamora
But if your dream was a person, your dream would tell you, I don't give a crap, I don't care, I don't care what reason you had. You just didn't do what you're supposed to do. So I'm going to get further away from you than what I was before.

00;44;51;18 - 00;45;13;18
Ondine D.
That's true. Yeah. It's interesting you're using that word confrontation. That's what I noticed when I started as a coach during actually, during my training, there was this moment where we learned those techniques of allowing the client to realize there is there is no congruence between what you're saying you're doing and what you want, or what you said you been doing and what you did.

00;45;13;21 - 00;45;36;19
Ondine D.
Now, how do you get them to realize that on their own? My first reaction was like, this is so rude, you can't do that. And I remember my coach said, is it rude because that person is paying you to help them actually realize that? So you're not rude as long as you're not using rude words or you're being impolite or you're saying something that.

00;45;36;20 - 00;45;55;03
Ondine D.
But the fact that, yeah, they're going to be the realization and it's going to hurt, there's nothing you can do about it, because that's that's the process of realizing that the story that the client is telling themselves in their head does not match reality.

00;45;55;05 - 00;46;17;21
Randall Zamora
Yeah. I think is is is about again, you know, am I the main thing that you see when you go to my website is, you know, I get people results. So my job is to get results. My job is not for you to feel great about yourself after every time we talk. I hope that you will. I hope that I'll be able to find a way to turn the situation, but sometimes I perhaps I don't actually want you to feel good.

00;46;17;23 - 00;46;26;28
Randall Zamora
Perhaps I want you. I want you to feel a little bit down, like, oh, I feel bad. I feel bad that I didn't do what I said I was going to do.

00;46;27;01 - 00;46;28;19
Ondine D.
So it leads to a change.

00;46;28;21 - 00;46;51;08
Randall Zamora
It depends on the person. Some people sometimes are more driven towards their will, towards motivation, right? Sometimes with some people you have to get them to confront the truth and then you bring them up. And sometimes you have people that need to ego check them. Sometimes you have people that you get. Them say the truth, they get really defensive, and then you really have to find a way to break down that ego.

00;46;51;10 - 00;47;14;19
Randall Zamora
Yeah, but they really see that they are not doing what they want to do because ultimately, to me, I will, I want to and I will do my absolute best to make them achieve the results they're looking for. But that is but that is their dream. Like they are the one, the ones betraying their dream. I cannot, and I don't think anyone and anyone that advertises they can do it.

00;47;14;19 - 00;47;37;26
Randall Zamora
They can guarantee they're going to get you to achieve your dream without you doing the work. it's just it's just just not the way it works. Right? There's one of the phrases that Arnold Schwarzenegger, said, I believe he was doing a I don't know if I was Yeller Harbert. He received one of those, honorary or maybe the University of California.

00;47;37;28 - 00;48;04;03
Randall Zamora
Anyway, he was getting a a a degree from the University, and one of the this them I think it was the seven. the seven secrets of success. And he said, no work. dreams don't work unless you do, right? Your dreams don't work out unless you work. And we are too attached to these quick, you know, you want to feel that you're achieving success really quick, right?

00;48;04;04 - 00;48;18;01
Randall Zamora
You go to your Instagram and there is all these things, you know, make these amount of money in 30 days. You know, look at this guy. He was broke two years ago, and now he drives a Lamborghini, a different color every day of the week.

00;48;18;05 - 00;48;20;19
Ondine D.
35 and seven minutes.

00;48;20;22 - 00;48;52;10
Randall Zamora
Is all way too quick. And, you know, life, life passes quick. So, you know, doing the right thing every day like that, that compound effect is so powerful. And and yes, sometimes you might, you could say, oh, two years ago I was broke. And then now I'm driving a Lamborghini. Okay, let's say you did that, but perhaps you're ignoring that you were working on that goal for five years before that point in time that you're pointing out.

00;48;52;13 - 00;49;16;09
Randall Zamora
So in reality, you were broke for seven years, and then now you're doing really well. That that's then that's more likely, right? Yes. There are some outliers out there, some really lucky people that have found ways to, the right time and the right technology, you know, make a little money. There's some people that have made a little money on Instagram when YouTube with crypto right there has happened like some people have, you know, you know, they.

00;49;16;14 - 00;49;21;23
Ondine D.
But I believe like you that there was things before that allowed this to happen. You know.

00;49;21;26 - 00;49;22;23
Randall Zamora
Like there's always going.

00;49;22;23 - 00;49;34;21
Ondine D.
To be you had to build the skills and the knowledge and the competency that were required at that moment where this extra factor allowed you to get the success you want.

00;49;34;23 - 00;49;59;21
Randall Zamora
you know, you know what's funny? I agree 100% of that. How about, let's say, a little story that will maybe clarify how everything kind of comes together? Many years ago, I remember when when, I believe that Bitcoin was something around $9. and I was trying to sign up because I told you, I was raised in the.

00;49;59;21 - 00;50;18;13
Randall Zamora
Just do it. Well, do it now. And if it doesn't work out, whatever. Right. Just do what's in front of you right now. I was trying to sign up back in, back in the day, talking about maybe 2008 or 2009, I don't know, 2010 maybe. Anyway, yeah, I think it was 2008 when, when Bitcoin just came out.

00;50;18;13 - 00;50;39;24
Randall Zamora
So I think it was 2010, 2011, I don't know. it was a little harder to buy crypto right. Like to open an account and all those things. So I started trying to do it. I was okay, I'm going to put $1,000 into, into bitcoin. I was gonna put $1,000 into Bitcoin. And just because the process wasn't working and I need to do extra verification, I'm like, oh bugger, whatever.

00;50;39;24 - 00;51;01;22
Randall Zamora
I'm not going to do it. Why? Because I did not have this. Yeah. It's just a mindset of no, no, no try harder. Like what is your goal here? I was just doing something. There was no real clear, long term goal. It was like, right now I have the idea of doing this and it didn't work out. It wasn't linked to any long term goals, so who cares?

00;51;01;22 - 00;51;16;01
Randall Zamora
I didn't work out whatever next, right? If I would have bought that $1,000 in bitcoin at that moment, right? And I would have been like those crazy outliers, I'll have a freaking billion dollars. Now, who knows how much money I would have, right? It would be crazy money. but.

00;51;16;01 - 00;51;19;03
Ondine D.
You wouldn't be on the podcast today, so I don't like this other.

00;51;19;05 - 00;51;34;11
Randall Zamora
Yeah, what about yours? But again, it's one of it's just a good story to show that maybe if I would have learned how to connect long term with short term action, I would have make I would have made a different decision, and I would have made a decision that would have given me a little of by now. Right.

00;51;34;11 - 00;51;37;23
Randall Zamora
So everything is a compound effect.

00;51;37;25 - 00;51;54;12
Ondine D.
That's exactly what I mean by. So it's just also a matter of like the competency, the the skills and the information you had before so that you could do the right thing at that moment because people call that luck. I'm still do not believe in luck.

00;51;54;14 - 00;52;03;24
Randall Zamora
Now, listen, luck is being luck is being open to the opportunity when it's in front of you. Right? Like, sometimes things come up to you and you decide what to do or what not to do.

00;52;03;26 - 00;52;07;15
Ondine D.
Or you prepared. So are you prepared also for that opportunity?

00;52;07;17 - 00;52;29;08
Randall Zamora
Exactly. And that's why I again, that's why I think that having like a coach or a mentor is like super, super important because in reality or, you know, coaching a mentorship is it's part of life. Like in theory, there's supposed to be our parents when we're kids, right? They're like our coach or mentors are teaching us what to do, what not to do, how to and how not to.

00;52;29;08 - 00;52;55;09
Randall Zamora
And they're supposed to teach us how to think, right? So parents do a really good job. So parents are really bad job. Some parents do just okay. But I think that same thing when you get a bit older, you know, I think that is really, really valuable to maintain that, to maintain having someone that you talk to, having someone that challenges you, having someone that gives you accountable, having someone that points out your blind spots, you know, because again, they're called blind spots because you can't see them.

00;52;55;09 - 00;53;06;14
Randall Zamora
Right? They might be that you might be saying, I'm not I'm not lucky, I'm not lucky, I'm not lucky because there is a little blind spot that you don't have. It doesn't allow you to see all these opportunities without having.

00;53;06;17 - 00;53;30;11
Ondine D.
To be ready for them. Yeah, seeing them will be ready. I recently had, a session that was like this. The person felt that other people were getting lucky and as as it was challenging, like, okay, what how did they got the opportunity? And there was like, there's this moment where they said there were only two positions open, okay.

00;53;30;14 - 00;53;43;00
Ondine D.
But they were ready to have the level, the skills, competencies, anything that the employer was looking for that allowed them to claim the job. So is that luck or being prepared?

00;53;43;04 - 00;54;04;16
Randall Zamora
I cannot say. I myself consider myself that. I've been quite lucky with many things in my life. but again, it's all a bit of a preparation. I remember when I first went to Canada many years ago, I only had a six month visa. So with those six months, you know, it was it was okay. But when I was in the, the immigration desk.

00;54;04;19 - 00;54;05;00
Ondine D.
You know.

00;54;05;00 - 00;54;28;06
Randall Zamora
The, like, in my English was absolutely terrible. So I was kind of trying to communicate with this girl in Toronto, and she's asking me, six months. Is that okay? And I said, yeah, sure. I think I said something like, maybe you can give me a little bit more. It would be nice to be able to see the snow fully, because I was arriving at a moment that I didn't know whether I would see snow, and I had never seen snow.

00;54;28;08 - 00;54;47;23
Randall Zamora
but I was, I was nice, I was polite, I looked at, I looked into her eyes. I had like my approach, my I acted in a way that made her feel like she could trust me. So she gave me a year. Okay. Right. And you can say, yeah, yeah, that was lucky that she was even open to do that.

00;54;47;25 - 00;55;07;21
Randall Zamora
But perhaps she was only open because of how I approached her and how I gave her a feeling that that she could trust me and and she would do something like that for someone she didn't even know. so, again, is that luck? Yeah, maybe a little. I could have got a really grumpy guy that was just like, next door.

00;55;07;23 - 00;55;26;05
Randall Zamora
You could have. But again, the opportunity came and I was ready for it. I was ready for it, I was I was I even if I, even though I didn't speak English quite well, I was looking at her, I was not I wasn't like acting weird or uncomfortable. Like the opportunity showed up and I gave it everything I could give it.

00;55;26;07 - 00;55;45;06
Randall Zamora
And then it worked out. Is that lucky? Yeah, I still would say lucky, but. But maybe it's my own definition of lucky. It wasn't like I was just walking around and being rude and looking down and acting all strange. And that needs to happen. No, I know that I gave I put something into the interaction that it meant that ended up being a positive one.

00;55;45;08 - 00;55;55;09
Ondine D.
That's true. Have you ever been in a situation where you end up having so many goals that you don't really know how to juggle them?

00;55;55;11 - 00;55;57;18
Randall Zamora
yeah, all the time. Okay.

00;55;57;20 - 00;56;19;12
Ondine D.
Because because, I remember that you said that's the way your mind works. It gets like, so many ideas and like, how do you and I creating more like a budget. Has it work for you rather than how do you help other how do you juggle with all of this, multiple goals that maybe everything seems important, but same thing.

00;56;19;12 - 00;56;28;22
Ondine D.
Nothing seems important and your tendency to focus on the right now, how do you manage that?

00;56;28;25 - 00;56;53;13
Randall Zamora
Well, I, I put it down to, to thinking about what is going to be the impact in the mid to long term of, of that thing that I'm doing right now. you know, happens to me a lot. I know this is not necessarily a goal, but, you know, you know, these days we'll have like all this group chats with friends on, on WhatsApp and everyone's talking at random moments through the day, and they're sending jokes and they're asking you questions.

00;56;53;13 - 00;57;15;22
Randall Zamora
And then and for a long time, I used to always be like, I'm doing this and I'll put my computer aside the responses message quickly, and then I'll go and a little bit more work, or I go and check something, or I make a phone call and then I'll, let's say what they're talking about. You know, if you're if you're moving into a new city and you're just making friends, perhaps for the fact that you want to make friends, it makes sense to prioritize talking to your friends, right?

00;57;15;22 - 00;57;36;20
Randall Zamora
Because you want to build a relationship with me. Most of the friends that I have right now are quite solid, so they can wait. They're going to be my friends in a year and two years. If I don't reply to a text message right now. But am I going to achieve my financial goals? Am I going to be able to take the trip that I want to take in, in, you know, am I going to be able to go snowboarding next winter if I don't close?

00;57;36;20 - 00;57;51;18
Randall Zamora
This deals in front of me right now, right? So it's always thinking about what is going to be the long, long term effect of doing or not doing what I am supposed to be doing. And then you have to be a little bit ruthless, you know, like, you know, do I need to answer my mom's message? Well, I don't it's my mom.

00;57;51;18 - 00;58;05;06
Randall Zamora
She loves me. Like, I'll talk her tomorrow. I'll talk to her tonight. Like I'll find another moment. Right now, I need to prioritize talking to this client. I need to make this phone call and send this email. I need to analyze this situation. I need to send the report.

00;58;05;09 - 00;58;36;15
Ondine D.
you'll find it easy to do that. That check, I would call it even, like, Oh, yeah. Actually, you reminds me of a podcast that I think I listened to and shared with you or the other way around. I don't remember when this guy was talking about instead of looking at priority and importance to look at significance, which is what you were talking about, what how will this, the result of this action matter to me in five years or three years or, like, down the line, how will it matter later?

00;58;36;15 - 00;58;48;20
Ondine D.
And he called it significance. Yeah. Do you find it easy to do that? Well, to actually go through let me stop right now and let me assess the significance of what I'm doing.

00;58;48;22 - 00;59;05;29
Randall Zamora
Yeah. I to be honest, I think that that came to me at some point in my life quite naturally. because I think my job kind of made me develop it when I was doing, when I was working managing teams and tech support. there's always a lot of things break in, and many times they're all quite similar.

00;59;06;01 - 00;59;25;11
Randall Zamora
Right. So you're always looking for you can either spend your day, fire fighting all these little fires or they all look the same, or you find a way to put a permanent fix. Right? So he's like, what can I do? What can I do now that he's actually going to. Maybe he's not going to deal with this ten dragons in front of me, but if I do this, they're going to stop.

00;59;25;14 - 00;59;47;01
Randall Zamora
I still got to go and fix this then. But then it's not going to be 20 tomorrow and it's going to be 30 the day after. I do fix something, you fix that root cause, so always thinking of that root cause allows me to connect it to the long term effect of it. So for me, I think like anything is habit that you can build for me is is fairly easy.

00;59;47;04 - 00;59;55;12
Randall Zamora
but it doesn't mean that the fact that is really easy doesn't mean that I always follow it perfectly, to be honest. Again, I don't like to make it sound like, oh yeah, I got this whole figured out sometimes. Kind of.

00;59;55;19 - 00;59;57;05
Ondine D.
Well, you're still human like everyone.

00;59;57;05 - 01;00;18;13
Randall Zamora
Yeah, my ego and my ADHD and my insecurities kind of get in the way sometimes. Sometimes I maybe I need to make this call to a client, but maybe I'm a little bit afraid they're going to say no. Maybe. I really hope they're going to say yes. so I will do something a lot less significant to little pad my ego in the back, be like, good, good.

01;00;18;13 - 01;00;29;22
Randall Zamora
You're doing something. it's actually a strategy. Yeah, it's like a coping strategy, but but but again, it goes back to that self-awareness. Like, I'm aware of me doing that sometimes. so I.

01;00;29;22 - 01;00;45;25
Ondine D.
Do it sometimes because now that I've read about it, I actually use it as one of the tools from my like, I call that my tool bag. And sometimes when something very difficult like, okay, is there something quick that will make me feel good that I can do before I do this big thing?

01;00;45;27 - 01;01;01;16
Randall Zamora
Yeah. So again, to me, sometimes it's not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes it takes me away from it. Like, I need to make a phone call and I'll go in an empty dishwasher right when I'm working from home, where I'll go and, you know, put a load of washing on like something which is just. Yeah, I'm doing something.

01;01;01;18 - 01;01;34;26
Randall Zamora
but this contract could mean 20 grand washing the. I could pay someone 20 years, an hour to get my washing right. It makes no sense that I'm prioritizing doing that. but again, it's that combination of self-awareness and and kind of keeping down the ball, like, again, if you don't have clarity, if you don't have financial goals, you don't have personal goals, life will just distract you and your ego will point you towards that little dopamine hit that quick win that, oh, I did something good, right now.

01;01;35;00 - 01;01;37;05
Randall Zamora
But it takes away from that long term goal.

01;01;37;12 - 01;01;42;17
Ondine D.
So then you wake up one day and you're 15. You dream that you had another life.

01;01;42;19 - 01;02;06;16
Randall Zamora
Yeah, yeah. Which, to be honest, maybe that's something the the is like, I am someone that is honestly quite afraid of that. I don't want to. I don't want to wake up one day in my life going down like I'm quite deeply afraid of that feeling, like I feel like I was thinking about this the other day, and I don't like to say things, thinking that I made it up because I'm sure editing made this up.

01;02;06;19 - 01;02;16;28
Randall Zamora
But I was listening to a few things, and, I like to listen to a lot of things to do with philosophy and things like that. And someone was talking about people talk a lot about the meaning of life, right? What is the purpose, why we're here.

01;02;17;01 - 01;02;18;02
Ondine D.

01;02;18;05 - 01;02;40;18
Randall Zamora
And what came to mind that again, maybe someone else already said this and I'm trying to steal it from them. But I just thought, you know, the meaning of life is to find purpose in life because you can live your entire life with no purpose in very meaningless. Your life didn't really mean anything to you, or maybe not much to anyone else, even though I'm sure that everyone means something to someone.

01;02;40;20 - 01;02;59;00
Randall Zamora
but I think that the meaning of life is to find purpose. In life, you find something that is purpose, and it might be your mother, it might be your kids. Even if you're if someone's daughter or, yeah, you might decide, oh, I'm going to look after my parents. Like it doesn't have to be anything like, you know, not everyone wants to be Elon Musk and send people to Mars.

01;02;59;02 - 01;03;01;11
Ondine D.
Yeah, the purpose doesn't have to be to save the world.

01;03;01;12 - 01;03;21;16
Randall Zamora
It doesn't have to be this incredible thing. But if you have this sense of purpose, and you're working towards that, towards that purpose, then it'll take, you know, it will make you feel again. I hope that when I'm 70 or 80 or who knows, maybe by that moment I'm going to be 120. You'll be able to take a pill and all your diseases are fixed, and you have to work until you're 130.

01;03;21;18 - 01;03;23;14
Ondine D.
and I will still be 27, you know that?

01;03;23;20 - 01;03;46;16
Randall Zamora
Yeah, exactly. So I just hope that I will be able to go back and be like, you know, what did I achieve? Every single thing that I wanted to do. Maybe not, but did I follow the purpose that I set for myself? And do I feel like I live true to that purpose? I think that's that, that being able to answer yes to that question, for most people, it will be, it will give them a sense of peace.

01;03;46;16 - 01;03;50;05
Randall Zamora
It will make them feel like their life was good.

01;03;50;07 - 01;04;14;01
Ondine D.
It seems to me that what you're saying is that that idea of setting goals for your life is more about fulfilling that purpose than, Yeah. Choosing something incredible, like saving the world. Like, it sometimes sounds like when you're looking at advisors on the internet, always kind of sounds like these goals need to almost reinvent yourself.

01;04;14;03 - 01;04;33;14
Randall Zamora
I think it's just got to be something that that kind of tickles your fancy. Like, you know, it doesn't have to always be like, one of my best friends is a wedding dress designer and like, her brother is a doctor is I think he's he's is he's either a surgeon already or he is studying to be certain. And she said that when she was growing up, like her brothers, because they're all doing fairly well and they were dissing her.

01;04;33;16 - 01;04;51;11
Randall Zamora
Oh my God, you're when you're a designer, you want to do clothes? Hahaha. There's so many layers. But she loves that and she is so good and she pays so much attention to it. Like she truly, you know, sweats and bleeds for every piece of, every dress that she makes. Like, she's such an artist in that way.

01;04;51;13 - 01;04;55;04
Randall Zamora
And that gives her meaning like that. That fulfills her. That's great too. That.

01;04;55;04 - 01;04;59;09
Ondine D.
Yeah, she's making someone's the remarkable.

01;04;59;12 - 01;05;29;17
Randall Zamora
You don't have to go and save the dolphins again if you if that truly tickle your fancy. Great. We need people like that. We need people that are willing to go and fight all those, great courses. But, you know, I don't believe in feeling guilty because your course is not big enough. Like, I'm sure there is plenty of people in the world being lawyers, being doctors, being, you know, there's cool professions to absolutely hate their lives because they would love to be doing something a little more meaningful to them, you know?

01;05;29;19 - 01;05;48;18
Randall Zamora
and, and I think that that's that connection between goal and purpose, you know, and that's, you know, analyzing where you are, that self-awareness, all those things should, in theory, try to put you more in line with what do I really want? And then build a goal based on what you really want. again, some goals might be about what you need.

01;05;48;19 - 01;06;11;28
Randall Zamora
One thing, a knitting is sometimes, you know, sometimes it's, it's not the same thing. but I think it's about your purpose. Like, if you're doing a job that you hate, but you have three kids and you love your kids, and you need to provide for them, then, yeah, maybe you're not living your life towards the purpose of what you want to do, but you're living your life towards towards the purpose of looking after your family.

01;06;12;00 - 01;06;15;20
Ondine D.
But even then, there are ways that maybe you can.

01;06;15;22 - 01;06;34;10
Randall Zamora
You know, I believe that you can always find ways to try to find purpose in everything that you do, just at a level. I remember I used to say to people, you know, when you're doing tech support and things like that, it can be quite monotonous. And I used to be like, let's just be the absolutely best support team that's ever existed, right?

01;06;34;10 - 01;06;47;17
Randall Zamora
Let's just be like, yeah, yeah, let's be incredibly good at this. And you would see people that would just really get a bit of a passion for it, and we'll find ways to quantify it. Again, I wouldn't because you give them a purpose. Yeah. You know.

01;06;47;19 - 01;06;53;14
Ondine D.
Just doing tech support. We're we're we're we're working towards something.

01;06;53;20 - 01;07;12;09
Randall Zamora
We're working towards being the absolute best. We're going to measure ourselves. We're going to see how we're doing. We're going to, you know, check our individual performance. We're going to check our team performance. We're going to look at the performance of other teams in the company. If if, you know, at some point we had that ability. So you you almost gamify it.

01;07;12;09 - 01;07;13;07
Randall Zamora
You put a bit of a gaming.

01;07;13;07 - 01;07;15;07
Ondine D.
I was about to say you played a game.

01;07;15;10 - 01;07;28;00
Randall Zamora
Yeah. And then people okay, cool, let's do this. Let's be great though. And then there'll be a sense of pride. They'll be like, they'll realize that other people will be like this guy. They're so good. And now they're being recognized. But being really good at something that they kind of hated not too long ago.

01;07;28;03 - 01;07;47;18
Ondine D.
So I love this approach because that's something I notice also with goal setting is a lot of the advice is pretty boring. And I mean, if you ask me, the first one to put together processes that are ridiculously boring, because I love that. I love the routine is just like it's easy to do it at the same time.

01;07;47;18 - 01;08;03;04
Ondine D.
There's there's something deep in me. There's this like, let's make it fun. And I feel like if we were bringing a little bit more of that, that gamification, some of our processes, it would probably mean a lot more to a lot of people.

01;08;03;07 - 01;08;24;27
Randall Zamora
Yeah. But again, at the same time, it's almost like and I'll go back into what I said at the beginning, you first need to learn the basics, right? Like that's the there's a gap between a game being fun and learn how to play it right. No one, no one thinks that riding a bike is fun. The first time you ride a bike, you feeling secure.

01;08;24;27 - 01;08;45;21
Randall Zamora
You're wobbly. You're probably going to fall a few times. You know it's not fun, but once you go through that learning curve, then you can start making it fun. The same thing would work when you're joining a new team, and it is like all these processes, or you're dealing with a new client and it's maybe a new offering that you have when you're building all these processes is not fun.

01;08;45;23 - 01;09;16;05
Randall Zamora
Not fun is frustrating, is challenging. But if you understand that kind of natural cycle of it, it will be hard until it's not. And when it's not, then you can make it fun. But you have to be willing to go through that part, because that's what I find, that sometimes people, people want things to be fun. They go and see, I don't know, it's almost like, I remember when I took a friend of mine in snowboarding, people are so many, like, oh, that's also cool.

01;09;16;08 - 01;09;32;11
Randall Zamora
Yeah. I mean, it's like, it's the best. I absolutely love it. And then we went, like, I was basically teaching him, he was absolutely hate in it for a few days. And he was like, oh, this is so difficult that I'm like, yeah, listen, it sucks for a bit. But then it's amazing, right? So you always have.

01;09;32;11 - 01;09;33;22
Ondine D.
To build the skills.

01;09;33;25 - 01;10;03;15
Randall Zamora
You have to build the skill. You have to have that goal. You have to have you need to understand where you are. And you do understand what that goal looks like. And know that in between there's going to be some pain. There going to be some parts in which is not so good. But if you understand what that end result looks like and you have the right support, because again, that's why I think that, well, when it comes to having a coach or having a support group, having people that will kind of bring you up like my friend, I'm sure that if you would have been alone up a mountain, it would have been

01;10;03;15 - 01;10;15;00
Randall Zamora
like, I'm done with this. Like, yeah, that's a sore, you know, my legs are killing me. I had my I hit my head when I was coming back. I'm like, come on, man, let's go. Come on you. You're getting better. I can see it. Like, just trying to.

01;10;15;03 - 01;10;16;03
Ondine D.
Beating, showing him.

01;10;16;03 - 01;10;30;03
Randall Zamora
Over your shoulder like this. Come on, come on, come on. Don't you know? Don't be a wuss. You can do it. And eventually he was like, oh, yeah. And then he was like, getting a little bit better. A little bit better. To the point that I'm like, dude, you're doing great. And then now he was happy and now he is really eager to keep doing it.

01;10;30;05 - 01;10;30;20
Ondine D.

01;10;30;22 - 01;10;49;08
Randall Zamora
So, that's why I think that having that support network and that's one important part of goal setting, don't think that you have to do everything alone, you know, is, is and again, that comes from someone that has a tendency of wanting to do things alone.

01;10;49;10 - 01;11;08;02
Ondine D.
well, to be honest with you, Randall, I think that usually as coach, we put together a method and a way of doing things that is a reflex action of ourselves, you know? And yeah, we make it very clear that these aspects are important because we learned that the hard way.

01;11;08;04 - 01;11;26;04
Randall Zamora
Yeah, yeah. No, you're trying to you're trying to kind of teach and mentor people in a certain direction that you in a certain direction that you feel like is going to get them results, but also away from a direction that you know, is not going to give them results. And it's because you've done direct that.

01;11;26;07 - 01;11;55;23
Ondine D.
Well, what I found very interesting in that conversation is that when it comes to goal setting, there's actually a lot of work to do before setting the goal if you actually want to achieve your goals. And I found that conversation truly inspiring and enlightening because I feel that I actually agree with you. A lot of people go into like, I'm going to set a goal right now, and without that reality check.

01;11;55;26 - 01;12;25;22
Ondine D.
That you're setting yourself not necessarily for failure, but for sure for making it way harder for yourself. So I love that we spend time to understand some of the elements that are necessary for you to to think about and put together and take the time. I love that, you know, we talked about like slowing down. I take the time in, assess before you jump into setting goals.

01;12;25;24 - 01;12;42;05
Randall Zamora
Yeah. No, I again as I said, it's is it's like if you were going to go on a hike, right. And you and you, you probably should make sure that you have everything you need in your backpack before you go into the wilderness. Right? Just in case you get lost, you should know what you have in there, right?

01;12;42;08 - 01;13;05;29
Ondine D.
I actually love that image for so many reasons. One of them is that, you know, in perpetual success, I'm always using that image of you. You're you're on a journey. And so basically what you just said is that, well, before you start the journey, like make sure that you know what you're capable of of because if you want to go and climb the Mount Everest, but you've never even climbed a hill, may may not be the right thing.

01;13;06;02 - 01;13;20;21
Randall Zamora
Yeah, yeah. You're you're probably you're probably being a bit naive by saying might not be the right thing. You're probably going to get yourself in a lot of trouble. And it's the same thing with everything, right? Like, you know, just says where you are. Maybe you are someone that is really, really good at handling things as they come.

01;13;20;23 - 01;13;29;07
Randall Zamora
Like, I'm a little bit like that. Like I'm really good on my feet like that again. That's why I was really good at dealing with crisis. Put me in a situation, I'll figure it out like.

01;13;29;10 - 01;13;31;09
Ondine D.
But said the only thing you want to be good at.

01;13;31;12 - 01;13;49;19
Randall Zamora
No no no not exactly but, but that's why again assessing you know how you are, where you are, where you're standing what your, your your strengths are, what your weaknesses are. Having that self-awareness, having the right support group, like all those kind of things. It just allows you to when you start taking steps towards those goals, you waste a lot.

01;13;49;19 - 01;13;54;00
Randall Zamora
You avoid going down the wrong direction. And if you do, you know how to get back.

01;13;54;02 - 01;13;55;14
Ondine D.
You know how to quickly. Yeah.

01;13;55;14 - 01;13;56;24
Randall Zamora
It's just it just allows you, you.

01;13;56;24 - 01;13;59;09
Ondine D.
Know, who to call. You know where to go.

01;13;59;11 - 01;14;29;01
Randall Zamora
Yours allows you to be more agile and to waste to to to avoid time wasting. And that's one part that I, that I personally always try to do, like I've, I've, I've seen so many moments in my life in which I've gotten a result. And then I look back and I'm like, oh God, I wasted time. like, I, you know, maybe I was in step number nine and I spent a year between step nine and the last step that might like to go and get to the goal.

01;14;29;03 - 01;14;48;13
Randall Zamora
And if I'm being honest, of that year, maybe 11 months, where absolutely nothing. Yeah. On the 11 month, I'm like, oh, this is what it is. I can't live that way. There were something I was doing. Maybe I was doing thinking I was doing some personal growth. There were things happening there. Of course.

01;14;48;15 - 01;14;49;23
Ondine D.
But it could have been faster, but.

01;14;49;23 - 01;15;05;15
Randall Zamora
Perhaps it could have been faster if I just took a little bit more of a clear assessment of where I was, where I was when I was starting. Right. I could have, I could have forecasted that I knew what I already, I just took the long way around, the.

01;15;05;15 - 01;15;06;08
Ondine D.
Long way around.

01;15;06;08 - 01;15;09;11
Randall Zamora
You bump into the three that I already knew I was there.

01;15;09;14 - 01;15;25;02
Ondine D.
That's why that planning is so important is actually time that you dedicate before you get on the journey, so you don't get stuck in. Yeah, yeah. And and end up wandering around and losing your way.

01;15;25;04 - 01;15;26;01
Randall Zamora

01;15;26;04 - 01;15;39;02
Ondine D.
Well, thank you very much for that insightful conversation, Randall. I know that you and I, we could go on for another five hours. and, which is going to have to stop now, but no problem.

01;15;39;09 - 01;15;41;17
Randall Zamora
Thank you. yeah. Great conversation.

01;15;41;19 - 01;15;59;08
Ondine D.
It was good. Thank you so much. It was very insightful. You made me think about a couple of things completely differently. So I am, pretty sure that listeners also have, taken some little nuggets, from the way that you, you work truly inspiring and, until next time.

01;15;59;11 - 01;16;00;29
Randall Zamora
Perfect. And then. Thank you.