LiftingLindsay's More Than Fitness

In this episode of the Lifting Lindsay podcast, Lindsay speaks with Emilee Roberts, a user of her training app and an influencer in the online beauty space. Through her story, Emilee explores the concepts of self-worth versus self-confidence, the role of gratitude, intention-setting, and maintaining integrity as tools for cultivating a confident, joyful life. The episode deeply delves into practical strategies for building a positive self-image and embracing a fulfilling, growth-oriented lifestyle.

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Creators & Guests

Wife and mother of three. I have a deep passion for learning and teaching. I also really love lifting weights and fitness.
Emilee Roberts
Helping women feel Confidence & Happiness Beauty + Food + My Fitness Journey

What is LiftingLindsay's More Than Fitness?

Dive into the joy of fitness with Lindsay and other guests exploring how it goes well and beyond the gym floor, the number on the scale, the size of your waist or the calories you're counting.

Lindsay: Welcome to the
Lifting Lindsay podcast.

I'm really excited for today's episode.

I am here with Emilee Roberts.

We just met on Instagram, didn't we?

I feel like I meet the best
people on, on social media.

Emilee Roberts: That's where
I find the best too sometimes.

Lindsay: So that works that way.

That's awesome.

Well, it's interesting because
you've been using my training

app, and then I think that that's
how I found you is you had shared

something about using my training app.

So I clicked on you and started
looking through, and I just, loved

what you stood for, what you were
sharing, your positive attitude.

I hate using the term before
and after because I feel

like that's not how it works.

It's just like you made a transition
and we're still learning and growing.

There's no before and after in
my mind, but I did see yours and

I was just so, so, so impressed.

So I want you to just kind introduce
yourself, tell us a little bit

about you and what your count is all
about and what you are all about.

Emilee Roberts: Okay.


I, I have been using your app and
your, your training programs for

probably about six months now, but
before that, I couldn't get enough of

your podcast, your Instagram content.

I just felt like a sponge soaking
everything in that you were sharing.

I finally just was like, why
am I not training with her too?

So I made that transition and I loved it.

I've always just felt very, connected to
what you share on mindset, what you share

on, I mean, whether you try to or not.

I think that you talk a lot about
confidence, which is kind of what

we're gonna talk about today.

I've been married for nearly 13 years.

I have four kids.

Oldest is 10, youngest is
three, and he is, so three.

Um, I have two redheads and
for some reason the world

thinks that's interesting.

Lindsay: But it's interesting you
have fiery redheads in your blood.

I love it.


Emilee Roberts: My oldest and my youngest,
I've got two little redheaded bookends.

I live in a small town in like a farming
rural community in southern Utah.

I've worked in like the online kind of
beauty space for like eight and a half,

nine years, and that's kind of had to make
me learn or relearn a little bit of where

I really believe confidence comes from.

And that's just kind of pushed zone and
that comfort zone is always changing and

has be changed in order for me to kind of.

feel like I'm still growing as a person
and it's ultimately I feel like been

the thing that's urged me forward into
a kind of this path of self discovery

where I was, I'm still on, like you said,
like not this before and after thing.

It's just this constant transition of,
of learning and growing and personal

development and self-awareness and um, and
hopefully somewhere along there there's

a little sprinkled self-confidence.

Lindsay: Well, you, you
said something interesting.

You said you had to relearn
what confidence was.

Speak a little bit to that.

Emilee Roberts: I think that we
correlate self-confidence as this,

maybe like this one time grand event.

That something happens and
then I am confident I hit this

goal and then I am confident.

Um, but really what I've learned is that
it's like this ever evolving and ever

growing and this constant cycle of, of
looking for it and feeling it and um, and

searching for it and feeling it again.

And maybe it comes to us in
different ways, but it's never,

it's never from a result.

It's more from this process of becoming
this process, of trying this process that

includes grit, failure, tweaking, goal
setting, planning, like all these things.

But it's, it's not like this end result.

It's not like this like huge
climax where, oh, I did it today.

Lindsay: You made it

Emilee Roberts: relearn.

But I of, oh.

It's, it'll happen when, and

that's the lie.

Lindsay: That is so good.

That is a huge lie.

And I think that that's,
you're, you're so right.

People are waiting for the summit
and they're waiting for that, that

peak moment where, and, and people
will often describe individuals as

just, that's their state of being.

They're confident.

And I know that sometimes people say that.

to me, I know I'm, I know I'm interviewing
you, but I just wanna share a little

story about my whole life people have
been like, well, you're just confident.

I'm like, you have no idea the
storm that like rages inside of me

and the amount of like self-doubt,

I actually fight.

And so when I started my podcast
like a few years ago, it was the

scariest thing in the world to me.

And I knew I wanted to do it, but I
was so scared and I kept putting it

off, putting it off, putting it off.

And every single time I would go to
record, I was so consumed with this like

fear of this is just another avenue,
Lindsay, for people to pick you apart.

Are you, are you sure you wanna do this?

And I had to really dive deep into
myself and I still don't know.

Well, I had an experience that actually
your religious person is, so I we're

spiritual people, but I had an experience
where I just prayed about it and

God was just like, just record one.

Just do one.

And then after I was done with that,
I'm like, okay, that wasn't so bad.

And he is now do two.

Now just do two.

Like that's it.

Just, it's one step at a time.

Emilee Roberts: I love that.

Lindsay: Well, I love what you
shared that it's, it is this process.

So let's dive into this process.

'cause I do think some people do innately,
it's like, I mean, you have four children.

You can probably see this with your
own children, that there are some

that come into this world who are a
little more sure of themselves, who

are a little, maybe, let's put it
this way, they're a little more, okay.


It doesn't label them as a failure.

They're okay failing, and some of
my kids come in like that, and some

of 'em, I have to teach them to
dive deep and be okay with failure.

What is this process that you said
that you have to keep doing and over

and over again and, and then you get
a little bit more confidence and a

little bit more, and a little bit more?

What does that look like?

Grand scheme and also day
to day for individuals?

Emilee Roberts: Well, I feel like for me,
I am most confident when I am growing.

I don't wanna make that sound like it
has to happen at a certain pace or a

certain speed, because there's times in
my life when, when it feels faster, and

then just probably much, many more times
in my life where it feels a lot slower.

Um, but.

When I'm trying, when I'm doing
something that is, is helping me

grow, and it doesn't, for all of us.

It looks different.

It's, it can be in different avenues
of growth, but when I'm doing something

that I'm trying to grow and to
progress and to become more, I, I get

these little glimmers of confidence
and, and along like the spiritual

and the religious side of things.

You know, sometimes I'll have
a little voice that whispers,

Hey, that, that was a good move.

You could do that again.

Or you're on the right path.

Or maybe, maybe something
that lets me know.

That isn't worth your focus,
that's not worth your time.

When I'm consistently striving for some
growth, knowing that I am not perfect

and I never will be, that's okay.

Kind of having also that
acceptance of, of that fact, I

wasn't put here to be perfect.

No one expects me to be perfect,
just like I don't expect the

people around me to be perfect.

So that's gotta be okay.

I've kind of gotta like, get that
weight off my shoulder knowing

that that's just my simple truth.

And when you accept that, I think
that it allows you some freedoms to

do what you had just said and to be
okay with failing, not necessarily

that doesn't make me a failure,
but to be okay with, with failing.

And while knowing that I'm imperfect and
that it's okay to be imperfect, it's okay

to at the same time, know that I am okay
to strive for more, to want for more, and

to push for more, in, in whatever aspect
or whatever avenue that you're looking at.

So I've been reading this book re like
just, I just barely got it last week.

it just released and, and I, I
actually pre-ordered it in July.

last year, in this book
it's by Jamie Kern Lima.

It's called Worthy.

And it is, it couldn't, I couldn't
have opened it at a better time than

right before we did this, but it's
going through a lot of the differences,

between what self-confidence
is and what your self worth.

And the thing that I've loved about
reading this book is she's not even

meaning to, but it so perfectly
aligns with my faith and my spiritual

connection to my father in heaven.

And it, it just completely has a light.

Like what she is saying is,
like depicting what I believe?

She's not necessarily trying to do
that, but, but that is what she's doing.

And so she, she's forming a
line to differentiate between

self-worth and self-confidence.

And one of the things I read from her
book just, um, sometime last week was

the people who succeed the most are
often the same people who fail the most

because they're the ones who try the most.

And as a mom, you kind of, you
kind of, um, talked about like

watching your kids grow differently
and, react to things naturally

differently than, than the others.

As a mom, the thing that I would hope that
I can teach my kids is to try the most.

You don't have to win the most, you
don't have to be first place the most.

You don't have to be the very best or
like the, the star of the show the most.

But if you will try.

I think you're gonna find joy the most and
contentment the most and that, I feel like

is where they're gonna find confidence

the most.

Lindsay: I love that.

That is so powerful.

I feel like kind of going back to

the conversation at the beginning
where we think it's this end

result, but it's actually through
the process of development.

And I think though that that's what you
were saying too, it's this process of

try fail or maybe not fail, but then
again, what is, what is failure really?

What is failure?

If you think about it, it's.

To me, I don't know if you have a
definition in your mind, but to me it's,

it really is not trying and no growth.

It's that that damning of no growth
in my mind, that is really failure.

And so teaching our children to
be able to try, try, try, push

onto the, into the uncomfortable,
but then loving ourselves enough.

To push, push, push into that,
uncomfortable, into that one.

But it's not failure.

It's not possible failure because
failure's just not growing.


That's, that's what failure is.


So that's really powerful.

I love what you just barely shared.

And that quote, what was the book again?

It's called

Emilee Roberts: Worthy Jamie Kerm Lima.


It's her second book.

It's wonderful.

Lindsay: That's, that's awesome.

I'll probably

Emilee Roberts: reference it a

few times too.

Lindsay: No, no, no.

I, I just really love that.

So I feel like the hardest thing for
most people is you had the cutest

reel on Instagram that showed, I'll
be confident when I lose five pounds.


A lot of times people will attach,
you know, the confidence to that,

like we said, that end result.


Um, I, what are some other ways that women
feel I'll be confident when, yes, you can

fill in the blank with almost anything.

Emilee Roberts: I think, you
know, people attach that to money.

I'll be confident when I have
a certain amount of money

when I get into that house.

When I drive that car, when I am
in a certain pants size, when I

hit a promotion, when I, you know,
reach a certain level of success,

I, I think that we attach those
strings to I will be confident

when, and that is, that is the lie.

So I'm gonna go back to that book Worthy.

It talks about how, and,
and just teaches how.

You do not have to earn your self-worth
that was gifted to us when we were

designed, when we were put here.

Our self-worth is a gift from our maker.

We don't have to earn it.

We don't have to work for it.

We cannot lose it.

We cannot diminish it.

That is something that I have believed
my entire life now, that that is

something no one can take from us.

And it could, that's why I think it
could maybe get a little bit mixed

up with what self-confidence is
because that can fluctuate and it's

normal and it's very natural for
our self-confidence to fluctuate.

Our self-Worth is more of like
this internal knowing who I am.

Who I am.

One of my favorite affirmations is to say
out loud, I was created by God Almighty.

He made me on purpose for a
purpose, and I say it every day.

Now, even on days when I say that,
some of those days I might be like, I.

Rolling in self-confidence.

Other days I, you know, it's a
struggle, but I think that, the key

is to finding some tools for you, what
works for you, and maybe what works

for me doesn't work for everybody.

But I have found some tools that I feel
like work for me that help me to raise

my self-confidence and, and not let that,
not let my high confidence day or my low

confidence days like affect my self-worth.

Let my self-worth be this,
this, you know, it's anchored.

It's anchored in my maker, it's anchored
in my identity, but, and my, even if it,

I'm having a low self-confidence day,
that doesn't have to, it can't affect

my self-worth because that isn't innate
in me because of all the things that I


Lindsay: I love that.

What are the tools that
have worked for you?

Because I feel like
there's so many times when.

When it's like women are told,
love yourself, have confidence.

Be yourself.

You know, all of these, these great
sayings that are like, yeah, that's great.

And then there are some women out there
who are like, well, how do I love myself?

How do I have confidence
in my abilities like that?

Those are great ideas, but what
does that look like day to day and

what, what is like the trenches
of discovering that for yourself?

Emilee Roberts: Okay, I'm gonna start on
kind of more surface level because maybe

that's a little bit easier for most of us.

I'm most confident when I
do things that bring me joy.

And the thing about that and
confidence is what brings me joy might

bring, not bring other people joy.

You know, we're all very different
in that, in, in what lights us up

can be different and we're created,
we're supposed to be that way.

That's, so that's a good thing.

But something for me, like I, I said I've.

Almost nine years I've been in the
beauty industry and not just like the

beauty industry, but like the online
social media, beauty industry, and that

is really scary place to be sometimes.

It would've been very easy for
me to enter this space originally

and to have have said, well, the
only way I am beautiful is if I am

I always put together and, and
have my hair done, and I'm outta my

yoga pants, and I put some makeup
on, like I could have, I could

have labeled that as my standard.

But instead, I, I kind of used, started to
make it a tool, like I, I started learning

new skills and, and it wasn't like.

makeup that started making
me feel more confident.

But it was the, the process, I think
you used that word earlier too, the

process of learning some skills that
that brought me joy and I started to

have fun creating, and I'm not a super
artistic or creative person, but I was

learning these skills that was allowing
me to work on myself as this canvas.

I mean, I've, I have come to learn that I
am, I am beautiful when I roll out of bed

and I have my bed head, and I, you know,
haven't done a single thing for the day.

That's, that's not my beauty.

My beauty is more my self worth.

My beauty was gifted to me by my maker.

But my confidence can come from what
can I do to just feel a little bit

better and bring myself some joy?

So I know for me, when I
put on my favorite lipstick.

That is me setting the intention
to be confident that day.

It makes me feel good, and I think that
that is the important part of that.

It's not the lipstick.

I mean, I think it's fun, but the
important part is my intention.

I have identified something
that I know when I do that.

It, it me saying, I am
intending to feel confident.

I'm reaching for that tool.

For me that brings me joy.

For me, another thing that brings me
joy is to spend some time in the sun.

And maybe that sounds a little bit weird,
like to be outside and in the sun and,

oh, I'm feeling more confident, but
it brings me joy and I've learned that

when I am more joyful, I am simply more
confident because I'm more content.

And I think that there's some
correlation between those, those


Lindsay: I love that.

That is so powerful.

The setting intention.

It's not the lipstick, it's
the setting the intention.

I think sometimes I.

Individuals can look at somebody who
maybe puts on the lipstick and be

like, well, that's a superficial thing.

So they're not, that's
not real confidence.

So I love the fact that you, you
were very like, quick to say that's

it's not the lipstick and it's
actually whatever somebody chooses,

it's not gonna be that thing.

The setting the intention.

That is so good.


What else?

do you feel like has worked for you?

Emilee Roberts: One of the tools that
I love to use is I, I feel the most

confident when I keep my word to myself.


So when I follow through with what
I tell myself I'm going to do,

or maybe even what I tell another
person that I'm going to do.

But when I follow through with
that and when I stay committed to

what I've set my intentions to be,
it makes me feel more confident.

It makes me feel like I can rely on
me, rely so others can rely on me.

You are in the fitness space.

That's how I found you and I have gone
through a pretty big transformation

in my life with my habits, with like
the physical, whatever, you know, but

the, the real transformation that has
happened with that has been internal.

And I really believe with my
whole heart that that came

because I kept my word to myself.

I followed through with what I
said I wanted to do, and I don't

want that to be confused with.

I followed through to
have this big result.

It was more that I, I followed
through on one day to get more

steps in, to drink some water
and to be mindful of what I ate.

And it was like this
one day at a time thing.

It was the process.

We've used that word several times.

It was the process of.

I stayed committed to the
word that I made to myself.

Like I said, I did what
I said I was going to do.

And again, not to be confused with this
big, like, you know, wild result or

transformation, but you know, I, I, I
said today I'm going to move my body.

And I did.

I, that was a, that was a confidence
booster, not because of a result

that came from it, but because
I did what I set out to do.

Lindsay: I love that.

I, I refer to that as having integrity.


You cannot, you cannot help but love
yourself when you have integrity, when

your beliefs and your actions start
lining up, and the more they line up, the

more confidence self-love comes through.

And what's crazy about it
is it's like your circle of

influence, begins to just grow.

It does.

And people can like see it.

Why do I feel drawn to her?

Why do I want to be around her?

Why do I want to step into, they
don't even realize that they're doing

it, but they're stepping into your
circle of influence and that comes

when, when somebody has integrity.

And I all, I love that you
brought up that it's not.

It is not the outcome.

I love watching movies, uh, like
sports movies or like the Hero's

Journey kind of movies like Thor.

I love that movie.

I love that you see this, this little
boy 'cause he was a boy, like fall fail.

And then the Hero's Journey or
the sports team, it's like you

see a sports team and they win.

You see the end result and you're like,
that's cool, but then when you hear

the whole background story of all of
these individuals, you realize that it

wasn't the winning that was amazing.

It was the journey that
they, that they made.

Yes, that was absolutely so
amazing and you just love it.

So much.

And I do believe that you're right.

I am in the fitness and health
industry and it is really, really,

really hard it's really hard to
detach the results from the process.

Because obviously the process will
lead to the results, but people get

fixated on the results being, oh,
that's, that's when she loved herself.

That's when she accepted herself.

I'm like, actually, no.

The real before and after was the
journey through it, the process in

which she began having integrity,
doing the things that she told herself

that she was gonna do and becoming the
person who she always wanted to become.

And it actually has little
to do with the outcome.

It has to do with the process and that
the process was refined, the lifestyle

was refined, and that's where the, the
power of it really, really resides.

I feel like.

Emilee Roberts: I completely

agree, and I think the reason
that it's so important to stay

focused and more attached to your
process rather than the results,

the danger in being so like, obsessed with
the results and that end goal is that it

is, it's honestly such a fickle thing.

It, it can move anytime you hit
a goal and then you think, oh, I

guess that really didn't do it.

I don't feel any better
because it's not enough.

I want that thing.

And, and you know, like maybe,
maybe you start by thinking, oh,

I'm, I'm gonna lose 20 pounds.

If I lose 20 pounds, that is it.

I will have arrived.

It will be all that I
ever wanted it to be.

And then maybe you, you do
that and you realize, well,

I, that didn't feel like it.

I guess I don't look the way I
thought I would look, or it didn't

feel the way I thought I would
feel, or I wish I could do more.

That that's not enough.

And so you, you find yourself in this
dangerous trap of, the results will

for sure bring me confidence, but then
when they don't, then what do you have?

You know, if, if you missed that beautiful
journey that you just went on and you

discredit the person you had to become to
work for those results, and you discredit

the growth and the, all the expansion
that you had to go through to get there.

Then you're gonna find yourself in this
position where it will never be enough.

And the results, no matter how big,
you'll always find yourself wanting more.

And I don't think, I don't know,
there's this hard balance because

I don't think there's, um, it's not
awful to, to always want to be striving

for more and to progress and to grow.

But if you get so caught up with
that result, then the danger is that.

You will never find contentment.

You will never find joy, and you will
never feel that self-confidence that truly

every person on earth deserves to feel.

So it has to come from the journey.

It has to come from that integrity
of showing up and doing what you said

you were going to do, and finding
joy in the journey and joy in the

process so that you get to feel that.

And not just at that climax
or at the peak of Everest.

It's, it's not supposed to be saved
for a finish line because you can

move your finish line, anytime.

Lindsay: It's always moving.


Is 100% always moving.

And I get people asking me that
question, how, how can you be happy?

Or will you ever be satisfied?

That is a question that I
get a lot and I'm like, oh, I

think we're all confused here.

I'm actually quite satisfied.

Like, I'm quite happy.

Um, anything more is
just icing on the cake.

I can always practice confidence,
like you said, like that's something

that always comes and goes.

But I actually think that me going to the
gym, it's no longer actually about a look.

It may have started out
that way, but it's not.

It's every single day
I like, testing myself.

I like getting into the uncomfortable.

I like pushing myself.

I wanna see like what
boundaries can I push today?

What can I accomplish today?

And that is so directly tied,
like you said, to confidence.

'cause it really is.


It's not that I've reached it, it's
no, every day I'm testing the waters

and what else am I capable of?

And I love that you brought up that
self-Worth is not even in question.

That's not even on the table.

That was, that was established long ago.

This is now just an exciting, fun journey
of who can you become, what can you do?

But none of that adds anything.


To your worth as an individual.

It, it's actually really cool to be
at that place where you've almost let

go of a desire to prove who you are to
anybody, including yourself, because

you already know your worth doesn't
change, but yet you're, you love

yourself so much that you're propelled
to continue to push your boundaries

and see what else can I accomplish?

What else can I do?

And I was thinking about this, you
know, with me having my Instagram

account all being all about fitness.

Um, I think that people get the wrong
idea that they think, I think health

is just about nutrition and training.

Um, but, but health, for me,
it's about so many other things.

It's about, um, my relationships.

It's about like my emotional health, my
spiritual health, um, my intellectual,

like I, I think that all of these
things come together and create health.

And so if I can become a person who
learns how to push my boundaries in one

aspect, like going to the gym and being
able to hit a new pr, that actually

empowers me to take that confidence.


Now into other aspects of my life that
maybe I couldn't have a difficult relation

or a difficult conversation with somebody,
but I can pull a little confidence

from what I do in the gym every day.

Love that.

I can pull a little of that.

Emilee Roberts: I love that so much.

Lindsay: I do wanna talk
about your morning routine.


But here's my thing.


I have a morning routine.

Well, I'm pregnant now.

That morning routine is gone.

It is gone.

This is survival mode.

It will be resurrected another day.

But, so I do wanna talk about your
morning routine, but I just wanna let

other people know that I, there are,
there's power in, in rituals in having

these routines and these rituals.

Emilee does it, uh, what time?

What time do you get up in the morning?

My alarm goes off at five

Emilee Roberts: and I Okay.

Don't push snooze.

And it took me a long time to get to
where I don't push snoo, but I know

that everything is better when I don't.


Lindsay: everything, do you know
what, that's the first, that's,

that's the first hard thing you do.

You start out the day doing
hard things and then just like

Emilee Roberts: you said, you can
take a little confidence from that.

I just did this hard thing and I can
take that confidence into whatever other

hard things I have to face that day.

Lindsay: Yeah, because I already did one.

Yeah, but but yours begins, you have this
like ritual and I saw it on Instagram

and I was like, I love this woman.


She's like my people.

Um, 'cause I'm like, this
is so, this is so powerful.

But as you listen to Emilee talk, guys,
I want you to keep in mind that this

is hers that she's discovered and found
probably with a, with trial and error.


And you're flexible and you don't,
you all listening, you don't have

to do it at five in the morning.

Um, you do it when works best for you.

You have to figure that out.

But I do want you to share,
okay, so you, the alarm goes off

at five, you don't hit snooze.

Walk us through your morning.

Emilee Roberts: So it's, well,
I guess I should back up.

I really feel like it probably starts
the night before I set out my clothes.

And again, that's me setting my intention
of what I'm going to do the next day.

I set out my clothes, my workout stuff.

I've looked through my app and I see
what's coming up for my training.

Um, and I go to bed knowing I
already just know, well, this

is what time I alarm goes off.

I'm not gonna be surprised when I,
it beeps at me and it's like, what?

That's a five.

No, I'm not surprised.

Um, so it goes off, I
get up, I get dressed.

I, um, before I really start
to do anything, um, well

first, let me back up again.


I, I kind of have adapted this
from, uh, practice, from a book

called The Miracle Morning.


So maybe people have read that.

Maybe they've heard it, but I've had, so
that that's technically showing us what

they call the perfect morning routine.

And I have taken that perfect
morning routine and made my

Emilee's Perfect morning routine.

So in that morning routine, it,
it tells you to have some silence.

And I'm sure that what
that means is meditation.

Now for me, my silence just looks like
some little bit of prayer where me

and God have a little talk to start
the day, and I ask him for help.

And I, and I, you know, tell,
tell 'em what's on my mind.

And so that's where I start.

Um, after that.

Walk into my office because that's
a quiet space, and I'll sit and I

will say my affirmations out loud.

I I said one of them for you here.

That I am created by God Almighty.

He made me on purpose for a purpose.

I have a list and I basic, I mean, I
haven't memorized now, I've been using

it for a few years, and anytime I find
one though, I write it down on my list.

I have it, I do.

I have a physical list.

I don't have to read it every day anymore.

But if I, if I think of something or
I read something and it feels like it

belongs to me, I write it down and I
will start including it in my list.

After that, I'll sit and I'll just
kind of visualize like, these are the

things that I have going on today.

This is what I hope my home feels like.

This is what I hope I can, how?

How I hope I can respond when
my kids test my patients.

This is how I hope I can respond
to a surprise or something

unexpected or something hard.

This is what I'm visualizing
for, like my goals, my future.

This is what I'm working
on with my husband.

Our family, this is what I'm
working on for me and my business.

I, I focus, focus on and visualize
what I am working on for my

physical and my health goals.

I like to run and I will often visualize,
you know, what that's gonna feel like

when I, um, cross the finish line of
a next race or something like that.

So that visualization is huge.

The next thing I do is I, I'll pick up
my gratitude journal, and over the years

my gratitude journal has changed because
you tend to fill up a journal when you

write in it every day, which is probably
one of my greatest accomplishments

of my life, that I've actually filled
an entire journal more than once.

Because how many of us have started one?

I know.

Then we leave it and then we come back to
it and we read it and we're so embarrassed

by whatever it was that we wrote, but
I, I, so I might have looked different.

Like sometimes I've used ones that have
prompts and I'm, I'm not, I'm not good

at journaling, like, you know, depicting
everything that's happening in my life.

Right Then.

But I, but I will just write
down three simple things.

I'm grad grateful for just three simple
things, and I often repeat things.

It will often say I'm so grateful
for my bed because I always am.

And if I can't think of something,
I can always go back to that.

And the reason I love this gratitude
journal is whenever I face hard things,

which is daily, we all do daily.

Whenever something's hard, whenever I
feel defeated, whenever I feel down,

maybe even just whenever I feel that
lack of confidence, I have this book.

Is filled with my blessings.

There is always something good.

So in those hard moments in, in my
trenches, I can always open that and

I find something that reminds me.

I am loved, I am safe.

My life is okay.

I will get through this.

And I always have my bed.

I always have a diet.

I always have just whatever
it is that might bring me joy.

So my, my gratitude.

Gratitude journal isn't always, um, deep.

Sometimes it is, but
it doesn't have to be.

It sometimes can just be.

I'm grateful for a Diet Coke and that's,

Lindsay: yeah.

I'm so glad that you brought that up.

'cause I cannot tell you, I've done so
many gratitude journals and you do, you

kind of run out of things and then you
give yourself weird expectations, right?

Like this has to be like, my
grandchildren need to be wowed by

my, by my amount of gratitude here.


We set ourselves up with the
weirdest expectations of.

What it looks like to journal
and to show up for yourself.

But one thing that I'm, that I'm noticing
is you are keeping things so simple.

It, I mean this whole

Emilee Roberts: routine, I mean,
I've talked longer about it than

it takes me to go through it.

Lindsay: It simple.

It doesn't take two hours for you.

No, it doesn't.


This is

Emilee Roberts: like a
15 to 20 minute thing.

The next thing I do is I will read and,
and for me that's, um, I mean, you can

pick whatever you wanna read, but I do
think that there's a lot of power in

saying, I'm gonna read and I'm gonna grow.

For me, I like to study my scriptures and,
wherever, whatever that might look like.

But that's what I like to
study when I'm reading.

And that's maybe the part that takes
me the longest is as far as what I

do before I start to move my body.

But that's what I finish it with.

I, I will.

Um, I work out at my house in my
garage, in our little home gym.

That's, it's, it's actually pretty great.

My husband's done a really good job of, of
expanding what we have for our space here.

And, and then I, I go out and I, I either
go for a run or I lift and, and it's

like this, you know, pinnacle of, I've,
I've prepped myself, I've prepped my

heart, I've prepped my mind, and now I'm
going to let my body do something that

brings me joy and, and then at the end
of this, that's like, I, I don't know.

I just, I just feel a little
bit more ready to take on a day.

It, it's, it's set my intent and
it's helped my mindset and it's

one of the things that really does
bring me confidence because I.

I'm doing, it's the process of
doing and becoming a version of

myself that I'm excited about.

I like the version of myself that stays
committed to these little simple steps.

And, and yes, I do it at five
and no, you don't have to do it

at five, but I've learned that.

For me it, I need to do it before my kids
get going, and someday all of my kids

will be in school all at the same time.

And then maybe I can adjust it
and maybe I'll want to do it then.

But right now, for me, I have to
prioritize getting that done because

I like the person I am when I do,
and that person has to do it at five.

Lindsay: That's, that is so, I love
that so much and I'm, I'm really

jealous that you can do it at five.

'cause I loved my five o'clock.

It, the, the house is dead.


The kids are still asleep.


It's peaceful.

It is so peaceful.

And I always tell people I.

I'm not reactive.

I didn't begin the day reacting to
everybody else and everybody's emotions

and their needs and their wants.

It's like, no.

I actually began the day being
proactive to my own health.


I love that.

I mean, you, you kind of
ticked off all of those boxes.

You know, your physical, your mental,
your spiritual, your emotional, like,

all of those things you ticked off.

And I, I also love the fact that it's
so, it doesn't have to be two hours.

Where I have failed is when I try
to make it this two hour big, thing.

And um, I was listening
to, oh, what is his name?

Brandon Brouchard.

Oh, Brouchard.

Emilee Roberts: Yeah.


Yes, I know him.

Lindsay: Okay.

I love him too.


One day I will get his last name
down, but I really do love him.

I was listening to a book that
he only has on Audible right now.

In fact, I just barely shared it on
Instagram and let me share it again.

The name of it, because it's not a
book, it is only on Audible and it

is called The Six Habits of Growth.

And he talks about there
has to be a routine.

It doesn't have to be in the
morning, although, um, there's

some really good research showing.

15 minutes in the morning.

That's all it took.

That's all it took was 15 minutes.

And he gave this this short
little, or 15 to 20 I think.

And he gave this short list of you've just
gotta do these, these little tiny things

just move, you've gotta get up and move.

You do have to have the quiet
and the, and then, um, reading.

And for me, I actually do the, the reading
and the, the moving at the same time.

I do audible and I walk, so everybody,
you guys can make this your own, but

it, I, it is such a wonderful thing
to do it and show up for yourself at

the beginning of the day, especially.

It's so powerful.

It really,

Emilee Roberts: it, it just, it sets
my intention for the rest of the day

I feel like I, I, you know, just
that, that proactive or reactive, I,

I react to challenges differently.

I am more confident in my parenting.

I'm more excited, more confident in my
relationship with my husband because

I'm, I'm doing something that is, is
setting the stage for personal growth.

And you know, when you're, when you've
been married, I, I've been married

for 13 years and you, you, you should
grow in that 13 years as a, as an

individual and as a partnership with
your relationship with your spouse.

And I don't know that I would have a lot
of time to do that growth if I didn't

schedule that time for that growth.

Lindsay: I love that.

That's so powerful.

Okay, is there anything else, Emilee,
anything else that you just wish women

knew when it came to self-confidence?

Any other tools?

Anything we missed that you just kind
of wanted to, to add to this discussion?

I've loved this.


Emilee Roberts: loved it too.

Thank you.

I think that I would, first, I just
wanna go back to that self worth.

And really, I would really want whoever
listens to find a way to believe

that your self worth is automatic.

It is a gift.

It cannot be taken away another's,
another person's opinion

cannot take that from you.

Another person's judgment or
criticisms cannot diminish it.

Your self-worth is yours.

It is for you, a gift for you, and your
confidence is in a lot of ways this choice

that you get to make of I'm going to
choose to do and to be, and to act in the

ways that bring me confidence and joy.

So I'm completely free to choose that.

It's not something that's
saved for her over there.

It's not something saved
for somebody special.

It's a gift for you too.

You just have to choose to go through
the motions that are going to bring

you that contentment, that joy.

And for me, those kinds of things
are what leads to confidence.

When I'm growing, when I'm keeping
the promises I make to myself, when I

am doing things that bring me joy, I
will have these little moments of, oh.

Maybe that is what confidence feels like.

You know, that's, I I and it, you
have to work for it every day.

You don't have to work
for your self-worth.

You really don't.

That's just yours.

But the confidence that, that is
something that we continually have

to work on, you know, it's, it's a
choice though, that we get to make.

And if we choose to do those
things that put us in that

space and set the intention of.

I, this, that's why I'm doing this.

That's why I am doing
this, is to feel confident.

It's, it will come, it has to come.

It has to start with the choice, and it
has to start with the intention, but the

confidence will follow the choice and the


Lindsay: I love that.


Thank you so much, Emilee.


How do they, how do people find you?

Is it mainly on Instagram?

Do you have a website, anything like that?

Emilee Roberts: Yes,
it's mainly on Instagram.

I have a Facebook business page that,
um, honestly, that started as it's called

Inside Out Beauty by Emilee Roberts.

And that started as me just trying
to show moms who we really don't know

what we're doing with our makeup,
but how they can do their makeup to

just feel a little bit of confidence.

It's not the makeup, but it's just
that doing something creative that

maybe if you at least like you kind
of know what you're doing, then maybe,

maybe you'll dare try something.

So I have a Facebook business
page and then my Instagram page.


Lindsay: Awesome.


We will link both of those in the
notes so that people can find you.

Thank you so much for
coming on the show today.

Thank you so much

Emilee Roberts: for inviting me.

This, I felt very inadequate to talk
about it because it's still a journey.

I'm on myself every day, but this
was good for me to dive into.

Where does that come from for me?

And you're someone who I've
looked up to for years, so I'm so

Lindsay: honored.

Thank you.

Oh, thank you.

Okay, we'll talk to you guys later.