Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Tuesday the 11th June 2024.

A new report from the Institute for Public Policy Research has found that the UK is missing out on major opportunities across employment and the economy.
This comes as the UK looks set to miss its goal of meeting offshore wind targets by 18 years, as a result of the slow pace at which manufacturing and installation of offshore wind farms is taking place. According to the IPPR, these issues can be reduced by tripling the rate at which farms are installed, however this would take government investment.
If the UK had taken the opportunities that were presented to it by the huge market for wind installation – as other leading European nations such as Denmark, Spain and Germany have done – then an additional £30 million would have been generated between 2008 and 2022.

The Conservative Party has unveiled its manifesto for the General Election at Silverstone this lunchtime.
Whilst not a lot of the manifesto comes as a surprise, much discussed policies such as a new model for national service, scrapping so-called rip-off degrees, and protections for pensioners through the triple lock plus were joined by the scrapping of National Insurance for the self-employed, and support for people to purchase homes for the first time.
In the following press conference, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke about increasing productivity in the public sector, referencing £20 billion worth of savings.

The Welsh Government has celebrated a housing project that is providing vital support in the mission to ending homelessness.
As Wales’ largest homelessness and rough sleeping charity, The Wallich, works with more than 7,000 people across the country every year, by supporting them to get off the streets and into their own accommodation. Once people are off the streets, the project then works to ensure that they can maintain their tenancies in the long-term.
By offering support for people to establish themselves in safe and secure housing, people who were previously homeless or sleeping rough are able to find new opportunities for themselves.

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