The Choosing Ease Podcast

In this episode of Choosing Ease, I was joined by my long-time friend, Darryl Collet — a Kung Fu and QiGong master who is all about helping people achieve holistic health (of the mind, body, and spirit) through the evidence-driven healing arts and sciences. 

We had a fascinating conversation about just how critical your energy signature is when it comes to achieving the things you want . . . both in your business and your life.

If you feel like you’ve been doing “all the things” in your business that you’re supposed to yet still aren’t getting anywhere near where you want (and need) to be, this episode is definitely worth a listen. 

Maybe even two . . . one to gain insight and another to really dive deeper into it and implement what you learn about yourself.

In the episode, we discussed:
  • How to know when your anxiety is slipping into obsession, why that will always sabotage your efforts, and what to do when it happens.

  • Finding the balance between your internal landscape and your external manifestations.

  • The critical difference between reacting and acting . . . and how to focus your attention on the right one.

  • Why Darryl is not a fan of affirmations . . . even though he believes they work.

  • The difference between vertical and horizontal personal development . . . and why being organic is so important.

. . . and so much more!

Tune in to check out the full conversation.

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What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.

Relinde: The conversation you are
about to listen to was recorded

a little while ago with my Qigong
and energy teacher, Daryl Collett.

I've been studying with Daryl for 15
years and in my business, he supports

me on the energy side of things.

We've recorded this conversation
when I was launching my offer.

I was in the middle of a launch
and we talked about the energy

behind marketing and behind sales.

The energy That really attracts
meant to be clients Daryl is an

absolute master in energy work He
is a chi gung and kung fu teacher.

He is one of a kind you might not find
him on the internet He has his students

his students come to him because they
find him somehow have been lucky enough

to be one of them And I am excited So
I decided to share this conversation

that I had with him on a Sunday morning
after doing my Qigong practice and

I think you are going to love it.

I already shared it with my
students before and they were

absolutely raving about it.

So go listen and discover what it
really means to be an energetic match

for your men to be clients so that they
come to you, that they find and that

they start working with you with ease.

So I'm launching right now, we're having
this awesome conversation about how I

can do all the actions, just, send out
the emails, follow up with people, be

on social media, do all the things, but
it could be quite frantic and if the

energetic signature behind that isn't.

I'm available, I'm open for connections
and for meant to be sales basically,

people that really need me, then
whatever I do is not going to work.

But please tell me more about
this because it's so fascinating.

Darry Collet: Yeah, so very quick.

. Big one that goes with this, so
it's where you are energetically is

the signal that you're sending out.

So it's more important to
take care of your energy.

That's the most important amplifier.

That's your subtle message that's
going out that extends far beyond the

people you are consciously aware of.

This is the essence of the
old phrase when the student is

ready, the master will appear.

In quantum, I don't know too much
about quantum, but this is the

collapsing waveform that creates one
actuality from all the potentiality.

It's literally an energetic call
and all you need to do is be

as sincere as possible with it.

I need to amplify and maximize
and bring this to the front.

It's just be sincere.

So be sincere, and then it's, the
second part is being open and so this

is the part where it's actually, if
I'm being sincere, and then there's

the signal that's actually going.

Key one that comes from there because
it's more about being open, you don't

want to get to the point of where
anxiety becomes obsession, and that's,

again, a weakness of double yang.

There's no space for
softness or self reflection.

Very easy to understand it happening.

But if you notice it, that's
your moment for a break.

If you do Qigong, you go do Qigong.

If not, you go look at
something beautiful.

You make yourself something nice.

You give yourself space to let your
mind either be open or be free again.

If your mind is fixated on
one thing, Oh, my emails.

Oh, my channels.

Oh, my sales calls.

That's a sign that obsession
might be creeping in if

you're sitting there with it.

Yeah, I've got so much.

So this is great.

I've got this.

I've got that.

I've got that.

I can smile.

I can wave.

I can laugh.

It's that's the energy
you want to be working in.

You want that open
integrity in your practice.

Relinde: I really love that.

It's every time actually going away
from, okay, I need to do the work.

I want this result in my launch, things
like that, that we can get really.

Obsessed and stressed,
which is going to create.

Darry Collet: the intention is beautiful.

Relinde: Yeah.

Darry Collet: That allows the divergence
and then the clarity with what it is

and then someone else wanting it, that's
the convergence of the second part of

the scale and they're the two points.

Relinde: Can you say that again?

Because you said it so nicely it's
just, Hey, I have something to give.

And there's somebody else out there with
the energetic signature of, I want this.

And that comes together
and that's all it is.

Darry Collet: 100%.


So that's.

That's oh, it sounds incredibly
new agey, but that's the

universe taking care of itself.

Relinde: Yeah.

Darry Collet: This is essentially, it
was like, this is what I have on offer,

oh, this is what I would like to get.

There's no sales call because it's, in
Qigong we refer to this as heart to heart

connection or mind to mind connection.

If you're more on the Yin Yang
aspect, this is going more into

the collective unconscious.

It's very much the whole like I put
the thought out there, it comes back.

A modern interpretation of this is
oh, we can work on manifestation

and you just really have to identify
what you want and make it happen.

That's trying to shortcut
the energy side of it.

So you can put a lot of energy into it.

You can be really clear about what
you want and not care too much

about collateral damage and yeah,
manifestation is a very real thing.

But integrity and your own moral
and ethical compass actually has a

much more powerful impact on your
energy than whatever you think

your external targets might be.

So don't sacrifice your heart.

Don't sacrifice your integrity
because that will just chop a leg

off your business down the road.

Relinde: And it's, and what you said
is that it's such a balance to start

finding like because of course, if we
just sit and we don't do anything, maybe

also you would, in the subconscious
and the energetic signatures

attract people still, but there's
something there to also take action

Darry Collet: 100 percent yes.

It's also that people will be
sparked by different things.

So I use the example of Qigong
as a Qigong exercise or keep it

really might be the arms rising and
falling, but this is a reflection of

what's happening within the energy.

So the physical movement is spontaneous.

But if you don't have that intellectual
understanding or the anxiety is shifting

into obsession, the mind picks details
that it thinks are bridges and then

will strongly encourage you to do them.

Usually people might catch this as
a self sabotage pattern, especially

if it's an old pattern that isn't
based in truth or not based in

actually what is best for you.

So using that old analogy of a physical
movement, don't worry if you can't see

it, it's just the shoulders, the anxious
mind will try and increase the intensity.

And all it's actually going to do is
remove the exact thing you need the most.

So again, that's why you keep the flow.

The moment you notice,
Oh, I'm losing my flow.

Oh, I should get my flow back.

It's not I'll just do another six hours
work and then I'll go get my flow back.

It's yeah, but now you've
got mixed messages going out.

Relinde: Yeah.

Darry Collet: So you want to
ideally stay where you want to

be the required amount of time.

And then when you're finished
with it, you leave that as well,

because then you're back in.

So what is the thing I'm after now?

You don't want to be 24 seven
broadcasting, give me sales calls.

So when that part has finished,
it's the next part, which might

be Oh, here's someone offering
something I'm interested in.

The exact same cycle, except
this time you're more than the.

So it might be someone offering a
course, or a teaching, or a holiday,

or a special type of cookie, or your
favorite coffee, or anything like that.

The more in personal integrity you
are, the more you've embraced personal

development, the more successful
you're going to be and it isn't

an intellectual, theoretical idea.

It's a manifest probability and if you
want, you can invest in improbable things.

Or you can invest your time in probable
things and again, that'll give you a nice

healthy balance between your internal
landscape and your external manifestation.

That's what you're actually after.

Relinde: There's so much to unpack.

But that, no, absolutely.

And I feel like, so that probable, like if
you have the certainty in yourself okay,

I'm going to be this energetic match.

I know that if I send out, Hey, I've
got this thing, there's people out

there that say, Hey, I want this.

And there will be these matches.

If once you have that as a knowing in
your bone, even when sales calls are not

getting booked as fast as you thought,
or not as many people show up for your

webinar, like whatever, the mind won't
go like, you see things are going wrong.

I'm not going to have income.

I'm not going to have clients.

It is just that knowing and it allows
you to get back to that energetic state.

But I think often what happens is that
we get into the fear, like what if,

or you see I'm not good enough, or
you see people actually, I don't know,

I've had like panic thoughts Right
now, this is, I've had my last sales.

Never ever gonna happen again.

The market is changing.

Nobody will buy this whole thing.

And by the way, it was anyway
always not good enough.

The mind can take you
into this down spiral.

So let's say if somebody even
like we practice Qigong for me,

that is definitely one of my
pathways to get out of that state.

But what are other ways that we can get
out of that if this anxiousness comes in?

Darry Collet: So it's essentially
you training your mind, and which

is why Qigong, meditation, any form
of practice, what you're looking to

actually do is to have you focusing more
on your actions than your reactions.

We're not focusing, but being
more aware of your actions.

Your reactions, the work that
you're actually doing, the tasks

you are performing, the actions
that you're taking are the ones that

add to your manifestation directly.

There's a direct correlation because
that's, you fueling that manifestation.

Your reactions are course corrections
to try and get to the goal.

The problem with that is those
course corrections are being

done by an untrained mind.

which focuses a lot more on phenomenal
theoretical information that it's piecing

together from everything it's experienced.

It's a really good developmental
and evolutionary tool.

So I'm in no way knocking it, but when
you're actually going in this sort of

level of this soft, subtle practice,
you want to be more aware of the action

and less interested in the reaction.

And then again, this is where your
personal development comes in.

Because if you haven't addressed
certain issues, you're they're going

to have a huge amount of influence.

So even if it's, for example, the
practice of setting intentions it works.

I'm personally not a fan of it.

I don't recommend it to people
because affirmations for me are

trying to remind the untamed mind.

It's the band aid procedure.

I'm not saying affirmations don't work.

They do when you're in
integrity with yourself.

Because it's the reminder and you're
trying to give yourself a much more

definite clarity and pathway and ease of
progression from one state to another.

Relinde: Yeah, so if I tell myself I'm
successful, but there's a wound underneath

that says I'm actually a failure, I'm
not good enough, then the affirmation is

actually you say it's almost doing harm.

Darry Collet: Yes, 100 percent
because it's not the same level

of elocution at each level.

So the top level, it was like,
oh, I can need more of this.

Or it's let's say you've got the
theoretical, it's I want to be successful.

And the wound underneath it
won't translate as you're

not going to be successful.

It'll translate in something that
will stab right to the core of you.

You could be worthless.

You could not deserve this.

It's nobody would come...

Whatever your framing is that
we drag you down with it.

We don't want to feed that.

So the one for the wound
is why we heal the wound.

When we become aware of our wounds, we
don't punish ourselves to heal them.

We allow that healing to happen.

We take active and deliberate steps
towards the healing then it can be

behavioral practice, removing some
actions, introducing other actions.

But it's all about changing the landscape.

So healing the wound is far more
productive in you achieving your

life goals than you committing 100
percent to pursuing your life goals

and maybe the wounds if and when.

Relinde: This is so profound, because I
feel, and maybe that's even a way for the

mind not to go into that confrontation,
but so many people think I don't have

time, you've also told me like in the
work that we've been doing together,

we're going for the long term thing
let's really heal and cleanse this part

out, not again, not just to go to that
goal, but let's really heal that wound.

In the long sustainable way, if
you want to grow your business, like

whatever you want to do, those things
will happen, but not to start to bypass

to get to the results and patchwork.

I don't know how you call that.

Darry Collet: A brilliant
way of putting it.


You don't want to create
a patchwork quilt future.

That's going to be turbulent as anything.

And I wouldn't imagine it'd be much fun.

Whereas the other is basically the essence
of always staying present in the now.

So it's always you making your choice,
and it might be you that's still a bit

wounded or a bit tender or a bit like, Oh,
I'm gonna be a bit hesitant on this one.

It's okay, stay open.

Don't try and push
yourself to go in further.

Don't stop yourself if you're
getting inspired to do something

new, but let it grow organically.

And then your actions, using that same
gardening metaphor of organic gardening,

your actions make it easier because
you start feeding the things that you

want and starving the things that you
don't want and if you do that at a high

level of integrity, that also will fuel
and bring about your transformation

and your personal development.

Relinde: Yeah.


Darry Collet: So it's essentially
the same jumping back that we train

arts like other forms of meditation.

They're the skills we're
practicing in that moment.

A little window.

It might be five, ten minutes.

It could be, depending on your
meditation style, it could be hours.

The main thing that goes through
at that point is that's the skill

that you're practicing to get as
out of your own way as you can.

To write into the heart of you
and to be present from there.

So you're simultaneously, that's
your vertical development.

How deep into myself can I go?

And I forgot originally.

How far can I go?

And then you have your horizontal
development, which is the actual

techniques and language and understanding
and explanations that you can inform

to best express this internal harmony.

So that's your yin yang harmony
there, your personal development

and your external manifestation.

You can pick just one of
them but they work as a pair.

Even if you're not aware of it.

They work as a pair, so in that sense,
a great cheeky little shortcut is the

more I can become aware of this, then
maybe the more I'll be able to control

this, and that immediately falls,
because we don't want to control it.

Relinde: Yeah.

Darry Collet: We want to get as most
accurate as we can on the vertical

scale, and then that's our most
accurate representation of ourselves

and the corresponding interest that
attracts on the energetic scale.

That's what we're really after.

So I got a wee bit poetic towards the end.

Relinde: No, but it's beautiful so I'm
hearing, getting out of your own way,

letting go, really healing the wounds,
but at the same time also have that

horizontal taking action, the Yang of it.

And then we've been talking about
this idea that the energy comes

first and then the movement.

And I think in Qigong there's a very
visceral experience of that I can feel

if I do the exercise just by me moving
the hands, or I can feel, oh, there's

the energy, and I'm following that.

And then, so I do an action, but
it follows the energy, right?

And to be able to feel that, you have
to be able to let go enough, because

if else, if you're just in action, you
can't even feel that differentiation.

Darry Collet: Yeah.

The goal of letting go, because
sometimes people get caught on

whether it's intention or whether
it's the first thought or whether

it's energy itself, it doesn't matter.

That's a great example of the mind or
of complications arising from nothing.

So if you find it was like then it's all
about the energy or it's all about, if

it's going to be about the intention.

You want the intention to be
as accurate as possible and

as pure and clean as possible.

You don't want grubby finger
and thumbprints from various

wounds on your intention.

But if you've done your vertical
development, you'll then also be

working into self forgiveness and
self understanding and self love.

And then when you see that
these things do have the grubby

fingerprints of your wounds on them.

That's okay, because your
wounds are also part of you.

So you're actually getting a lot
more comfortable with who you are

and how you are, and what that's
really doing is that's giving you

more and more energy to work with.

Let's say at the beginning, again,
50 percent of you is operating

freely, and 50 percent of you
is tied up in various wounds.

It's like getting stuck
in a bramble patch.

What you want to be doing, is
removing the amount of you that's

caught up in the wounds, which
then frees up more of your energy.

And the more of your energy that's
free is available in everything.

Your intentions, your thoughts,
and your actions, you start

having an abundance of energy.

Now this doesn't mean that it's oh,
therefore I need to use this energy in

one strata of horizontal development.

It's you could for that day or
that moment, but you wouldn't

want to do that long term.

You want to be as free as you can be so
that you have the possibility and the

potential to go wherever you want to go.

That's exactly the same
with the intention.

So we make it as clear as it can
be, but we don't tie it down to

50 steps in a row that it must do.

That's no longer an intention.

That's an attempt to control something.

Again, that could be coming
from a very positive way and

that's the manifestation of it.

Or it could be coming from a very
wounded place and it's really trying

to avoid touching and do anything.

This is also where the one
for shadow work comes from.

It's know the shadow.

In a yin yang perspective it's
not so much the yin yang light and

dark aspect, but just it's equal
yet opposite complementary forces.

So there is a lot of wisdom in wounds.

There's a lot of understanding
and growth and experience.

So it's actually in our interest
to break those down, digest

those and grow through them.

Relinde: I feel like we need to
record a second post on shadow.

I'm writing it down like shadow work
and wounds and the growth in that and

how because that is just such a huge.

Darry Collet: Yeah.

Relinde: In itself, but I love that
it comes up with this because it does.

And that is an, I like the bravery of
entrepreneurship or something like that.

It does bring up shit, let me say it just
brings up things and and if we try to

patchwork them, that's not going to work.

We have to really go there, but I think
we could talk more in another podcast

to, to say what is that actually?

And But I love what you said.

If you do it, then it frees up energy

Darry Collet: 100 percent

Just to totally wrap that one through.

It goes from actions and non actions.

So your actions are very important, but
correspondingly, so are your non actions.

The things that you don't do also
have an impact in your transformation.

Relinde: So the non actions, can you
say a bit more about the non action?

Darry Collet: A non action could literally
be a simple one of something you don't do.

I'm not writing that email.

I'm not launching that course.

That's also part of the
personal development.

That's part of the whole of you.

So if you're trying to define your
positive actions or your growth inspired

actions by everything that you do, you're
missing the other half of the equation.

So it's to make sure as much as there's
everything you're doing, there's also

that little check in on the internal side.

So very quickly, you mentioned
working with entrepreneurs.

I find for myself when working
with entrepreneurs, there's

usually a combination of
courage, compassion, and clarity.

They're the things I really
work with for entrepreneurs.

Everyone will need usually one more than
the others at different points in their

cycle and different combinations of the
others at different points in their cycle.

What we aim to do with our practice,
with our downtime is that's when

we get exposure to these elements.

That's where we gain
more of an understanding.

and a familiarity with them.

You don't want to be on the cutting
edge, on the firing line of your

course, coming up with new ideas
and opportunities spontaneously.

Actually you do and you don't, but
ideally you want that in the quieter

time where you've then got the
space to give it scope and vision.

And then, so this, that's where
the clarity side comes in.

Then you've got the compassion.

That's where you'll find it,
your speed of transformation.

So it might be, yeah, you can
get to there, but you'll need

to do this, and this first.

Or, yep, that's what I really want
to do, but oh my God, I really

want a day in the spa today.

It's this could be non
action days as well.

Go make those your actions
instead of trying to force a

square action into a round table.

Relinde: Those non action moments
actually being very important.

Darry Collet: Oh, huge.

In Qigong, it's described
as Yu Wei to Wu Wei.

So it's correct action to no action
and that doesn't mean do nothing,

but it's essentially, it's yeah,
get, wind up all your toys, get

them all facing the right direction.

And then let them go.

And then you're free to
maintain, to observe.

You're not literally tied up in
every single one of these little

projects, missing everything
that's going on around you.

You always want to have that feeling
of spaciousness, of openness, because

that's when you're at your most
aware, most alert of everything

that's present in the moment.

And then, with whatever form of internal
practice I would advise everyone to

have, There's something that helps you
train that awareness and train that

openness and that willingness to let go.

Relinde: When I was still dancing
and I had this workshop from this.

It's really it's a very cool, beautiful
company and a dancer of that company.

And she said she was like teaching
us a class and it's like lots of

movement and acrobatic kind of
contemporary dance kind of stuff.

And at one point she said
she said, when I'm on stage.

I first move my energetic arm, that is
when the audience watches, and then I

lose my physical arm like everything that
you've been saying right now is to have

that openness and to have that awareness
that you can know where the energy wants

to go or like where you direct the energy.

Is that actually a very different thing?

I'm like yeah, and then the physical
action and if that if you're In a space

where you can do that and then it's not
cluttered by wounds and all the things.

So we have to, we do work through those in
years and years to have to be able to do

that more and more clearly all the time.

Does that make sense?

Darry Collet: 100%.


Human beings are an amazing construction
in that for the vast majority of

our organs and systems, we are self
repairing, but that self repairing

takes time and Depending on the
choices we make, it might make more or

less time, or we might be adding and
removing other things that are also

going to be taking demands on our time.

So what we also want to do is find a
practice that acts as an amplifier on

the time that we do invest, the time
we spend on our cultivation, so that

we start getting greater and greater,
I would say rewards, but also progress.

Within your personal development, because
your goals are also going to change

depending on your outlook, your mind.

Relinde: And I, I really feel that the
energy work and achievement that we do,

like one of the things that I really
appreciate from the way that we've

been working together for 15 years now.

And I'm still there's so much
about anyway, so is that it is

never about quick fixes at all.

Darry Collet: Yeah.

Relinde: And there's a lot that is okay,
and as you were just, I don't know,

open it or something, but you are always
about Even if you can, because you've

done things where you open certain
points or you, I don't know, send some

extra Chi and that will accelerate the
process, but in essence, you are very

much guiding you, your students and me
through, let the energy do the healing

because it will also come in the order
and in the time space and in, in a way

that is actually, you can actually handle
and that is actually a long term shift.

Darry Collet: Yes.

One hundred percent.

So that, in a word, I would say is trust.

Others would say it's
faith, but I don't know.

I think faith is the belief
in that which is not yet seen.

And trust can very much be an evidence
based and evidence driven approach.

I would say when it comes to your
business, you will always have a

combination of faith and trust,
dependent and present in different

quantities and areas that doesn't
mean you can't cultivate both.

So whatever you have faith with, awesome.

But I would certainly say in
this context, for the one for

the Qigong, yeah, it's trust.

So it's trust the process.

And for some people, they have wounds
already, at that point, of how much or

how willing they're able to trust the
process and how much time and effort and

energy they're able to invest in that.

So that's where the guidance comes in.

It's to encourage you to get
out of your own way and seek.

Allow what is present to be present.

If that's a wound, then people can be
hesitant to be present with that wound.

Okay then we've just added
time to the equation.

So there's, it's a case of you're always
going to move through these various

blocks, but you can take your time.

You also have the amount of energy
you have available, the same as the

amount of time you have available.

So you want to be the most efficient
with your time and with your energy

and where possible, where needed.

You want to have an abundance of
free energy or free time that you

can drop in as and where needed to
whatever is best for you, as a more

holistic way, as a complete being.

So the main one, 15 years of
practice is to grow and evolve.

Over time.


And then to get more and more comfortable
with letting go of either the old classics

or how people perceive themselves to
be, or where they perceive their place

in the universe, or how they imagine
they do things, and the successes or

failures that will come from there.

But this might could be a case where
there's none of that rooted in reality.

So the first thing we do with your
practice is you let yourself get messy

' cause then everything that's real is
gonna be present and everything that

isn't real, you're not going to have the
time or the inclination to hang on to it.

And again, that's just a matter of time.

That then you're also cultivating
one of the, I think, greatest

skills for the West right now.

And that's patience.

We need clarity.

We need empathy.

We need patience.

We need more.

They'll do.

Relinde: And that patience can I was
thinking like trust, you said it, it was

so nice when you said that fate and trust,
and I felt the difference like, Oh yeah.

And then I thought, Oh, every part of me
that doesn't trust that there's abundance,

I'm going to make a specific, I'm like,
there's clients out there that I won't

make enough money, because we have these.

That is the force that gives us
real anxiety and puts us in that.

So I feel like the moment I'm not
trusting, it's actually wounds showing up.

Darry Collet: In essence, yeah.

Wounds, you're primarily
defensive in nature.

A person is, sorry, when
it comes to the wounds.

So they're less likely to make positive.

Life enhancing decisions and more
likely to take temporary, very

short term Band Aid solutions.

They just make it look okay, and then
people can either start spending more

energy to produce the same amount
of output, in which case that's

the problem with the thing itself,
or the actual output of the thing

itself starts to get corrupted.

And that's if you ever have, it's you
know what, I don't know why I'm doing

this, I'm never going to make it, you
have your breakdown, you have your cry.

You clean yourself up, you start again.

But if you start again, you don't
want to do the same thing again.

That's going to cost a lot of energy if
you have to do the same process 20 times.

So you want to find the shortcuts
of how you operate best, how you

interact best with the world, and how
you perceive everything around you.

And in all those areas of growth are
shortcuts to you getting back to yourself.

Yeah, recognizing that a wound
is present is a gain in itself,

immeasurably if you weren't
consciously aware the wound was there.

That's absolutely brilliant.

But you don't want to embrace your
wounds, that's just another form you

do want to embrace the wound, but
you don't want to over embrace it.

That's just another form of

Relinde: getting attached to that
story Oh, now I know, like I can say,

like my father abandoned me before I
was born and I'm going to always be

like, Oh my God, disabandonment, then
I'm going to continue that story.

That's what you mean.

You don't want to do it.

Darry Collet: 100%.

And the real quick check in for that
is any story you tell yourself, if

it arrives at a conclusion and it's
and this is why, and you'll find your

options have been gradually dropping
off all the way through the story.

you get to the end and you have 0 options
to change anything that's a wound.

So is instead that process is one
much more of Ooh, there's the,

Oh, hang on, that's changing.

There's something transforming there.

You don't need to be a super sensitive
mystic guru to pick up on it.

You might notice it in your speech
patterns, in your eating habits, in

the clothes that you're wearing, in
your working practice, in the goals

that you're setting for yourself or the
actions you're laying out for yourself.

This is also at the level of
manifestation, so the changes you

start happening in your day to
day life are indicative or deeply

revealing of how you're going about
healing, of how you actually work.

So it's not that you need to learn
what really worked for someone else

and then try and crowbar that into you,
because if one of your wounds is blaming

yourself for things, you'll be partially
influenced to pick methods that don't

work so that you can continue to blame
yourself for things that don't work.

If your wound is still also able to
manifest, so you want to make sure that

you're aware what energy you're putting
out and what you're asking for coming back

and your litmus test to keep this super
practical is your personal integrity.

If you feel you're stepping out of your
personal integrity, that's a good catch.

That's totally different than
stepping out of your comfort zone.

Stepping out of your comfort
zone is usually you're

stepping into a bigger space.

And that difference in pressure from
walking from a small room into a

big room is what you're noticing.

So energetically, your nervousness
at that point, it's yeah, it's okay.

You're just in a bigger space now.

So you're okay.

You don't want to go
back in the small room.

So you feel safer.

You could like that's where how
people process wounds comes in at

different timeframes, but you don't
want to stay in the small room.

Relinde: Okay, we recorded this podcast
episode like super spontaneously

because actually I was having a
session and you said some things and

I was like, I really let's record
this because this is a podcast.

I feel that we're going to do a little
series if I can get you to do it.

Darry Collet: Okay.

The only thing being told, the only
one for the podcast is I can talk at

great length about very many subjects.

Relinde: Yes.

Darry Collet: Which, as anyone listening
to this would probably have discovered.

Relinde: We talked about, for me, we
talked about so I started with launching

because I'm launching right now.

This is how it started.

I'm launching right now.

We are doing daily sessions.

Because I'm getting that support from
you in my launch and and we got to

the idea of being an energetic match.

So I am putting an energetic
match out like, Hey, I have

something really awesome to give.

And then there's people out there in
the world that have the energetic match.

Oh, I need that thing.

I want that thing that you have.

And that is the energetic match.

And to get there and to be
in that energetic state.

I want to be able to let go.

I want to do my practices.

I want to go out and walk in the forest
and see something beautiful and really

be able to let go and be in that energy.

And then any action that I will take,
send out an email, follow up with a

potential client, do my Facebook lives,
like all the things, they're going to

have the right energetic signature.

Darry Collet: And you want them to
be a continuation of that energy.

Relinde: Yeah.

A continuation of that.

Darry Collet: That will be your notice.

If it'll be a continuation of it instead
of oh, my God, I need to package this.

It's like you catch this
feeling and you're like I

want to maintain this feeling.

It's no, the feeling is also
going to change, but it's to see

whether the actions that you're
thinking of taking, again, this

is going to be evidence driven.

So you're going to see how they
affect your transformation.

I was going to say impact
your transformation, but

effect is a better one.

So you want to make sure the tasks that
you're doing are in direct correlation

to the manifestation that you want.

Otherwise, lots of little
agendas start turning up.

Relinde: Yeah, it's you also said
somewhere, it's like a tightrope.

There's a lot of practice
of skill in here, I feel.

And then we talked about, sometimes when
you do that, you want to be in the energy.

Actually, because you're present
with what is, a wound might

show up or fear or something.

And then we're going to do a separate
episode on wounds and shadow work.

But that is really where we're done.

I actually want to trust that
we want to work through that

Darry Collet: If your small moment
at that point is giving yourself

space to feel sad or giving yourself
space to feel angry or whatever, yes.

Space for everything to be present.

It's a big universe.

It's got room for everything.

And it's only if we shrink it that we have
the chance of ostracizing parts of it.

I would say, no, it's a big universe.

That's of all of it.

So that's the process, but
that will also make it like,

Oh God, I don't want all of it.

I just want a certain
manageable amount of it.

It's awesome.

That's where for me, you do, you comes in.

Relinde: And also the balance if
you don't like, sometimes we work on

something, something big comes up and
I'm like, yes, and I need to do five.

Today, so we don't want to be in that
wound but still we do a little bit and

we acknowledge that it's there and it's
Oh, the bigger work, the real work.

I'm interested in business development,
but I'm really interested in that

real work of like over time and
energetically letting go of these

wounds and the parts that are not
me and the, all the things that are

cluttering my feeling fully alive.

And very actualized experience.

So and that but that is long term.

It doesn't also have to happen
today or like in this week.

Darry Collet: 100%.

Relinde: Yeah, and it doesn't mean that
you cannot launch or sell something.

Darry Collet: Absolutely.

This is the classical if
you wait until it's perfect.

You've waited too long.

So that began that's because
the actual impulses there.

This is what needs to happen.

Oh, hang on a minute.

I need to put some details on this.

And by the time you're comfortable
with what's going out, it's quite a

bit smaller than what you started with.

So there's the simultaneous one
there of one, you don't want to be

overwhelmed by your wounds two, you
don't want them in the driving seat.

You want that spontaneous.

It's Oh, so this is the
idea for the launch.

This is the idea for the
call, the product, whatever.




That's enough.

That's got movement.

How much more time you spend.

On it that's in the variables
and that there's no right amount.

I'm not saying only ever
do three and then move on.

I'm saying you will know for yourself what
the amount is, but there's a different

flavor when you're acting from a wound
than when you're acting from the vision.

Relinde: And this is what I heard
very clearly as well, that if

you're acting from the wound, you
might be, it might be perfect.

You might be super organized and
all the emails are there and bam.

And then actually it's going to, it's
going to enter like some kind of burnout.

Darry Collet: It's
energetic attractiveness.

So you're still going to
attract people to that energy.

They're not going to be the easiest
people for you personally to work

with, or they're going to be clients
who have demands that are like hang

on, that wasn't part of the offer.

And I was like, oh, but it's part of
the wound, so it's part of the signal,

and it's part of the message, and
that's the one they've resonated with.

So if you find you're starting off,
you've got your vision, you're making

compromises, and you're essentially
not attracting the clients that you

actually want, that's usually how
you know there's a wound beneath the

surface because little changes that
you've made have changed the message.

So instead, the more kind you are to
yourself, the more patient you are

with yourself, The more brave you
are with yourself, this is how you

change your level of manifestation.

Not shouting 50, 000 times a
day, I want a yellow Lamborghini.

You can do that.

You're more likely to get locked up than
actually be gifted a yellow Lamborghini.

But it's sincerity of action and
purpose and the alignment of all

the different factors in play.

That's what increases
your speed of development.

Which is what will then
lead to things manifesting.

Relinde: Yeah, I wanted to
say I feel this is a mic drop.

Okay, we just had The
Secret of Manifestation.

Thank you so much.

We've got it.

I love it.

Thank you for joining us today
on the choosing ease podcast.

Remember to subscribe so you never
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And I'd be so grateful if you could
share your thoughts in the review.

Join me next time as I continue to explore
the powerful skills and strategies.

that will help you to let go
of everything that keeps you

from fully sharing your genius.

You are destined for greatness and
through the Choosing Ease podcast

I'm here to help you own your unique
wisdom and share it with the world.

Until next time, keep choosing ease.