The Composed Coder

Welcome to the Composed Coder, a podcast where thoughtfulness and deliberate action shape the way we build software and run tech businesses. 

Creators & Guests

Dragoș Mușetescu
Took me a year to build my site. Now I’m ready to write about my journey as an indie hacker and share my learnings and failures with you. #buildinpublic
Iulian Stoian
Embracing the freedom of building my own ventures, sharing knowledge and fostering community. #buildinpublic

What is The Composed Coder?

Dragos Musetescu and Iulian Stoian share their experiences and insights on how to approach software development and tech entrepreneurship in a more mindful and sustainable way.

Dragos: In the fast paced world
of technology and startups, we

often forget the importance of
composed and deliberate work.

Welcome to the Composed Coder, a
podcast where thoughtfulness and

deliberate action shape the way we
build software and run tech businesses.

Iulian: That's right.

In this fast paced world, we do
often forget the importance of

composed and deliberate work.

On this podcast, we'll explore the
deeper aspects of creating software

and fostering sustainable growth
while keeping our sanity intact.

As developers, we've all been there,
deadline looming, code not working,

caffeine levels dangerously high.

It can be stressful and overwhelming.

But what if we told you that there's
a different way that you can approach

building software products and
running a tech business with calmness,

thoughtfulness, and deliberation?

That's what The Composed Coder is all about.

Dragos: Each week, we will chat about
how to manage stress, maintain work-life

balance, and make thoughtful decisions,
all while building a tech business.

Iulian: We firmly believe that the path
to sustainable success doesn't necessarily

lie in the relentless grind, but in
calmness, balance, and deliberate action.

Where both experienced software
developers who have seen firsthand

the toll that stress, burnout and
on unhealthy work-life balance can

take on our lives and our work.

That's why we decided to create this
podcast - to share our experiences and

insights on how to approach software
development and tech entrepreneurship

in a more mindful and sustainable way.

Dragos: We will also share our own
stories and experiences, both the

successes and the failures, in the hopes
of helping others avoid the mistakes

we've made and find the same sense
of calm and balance that we found.

I am Dragos Musetescu

An experienced software engineer, and
I'd love to connect with you on Twitter.

You can find me @dragosdm.

That's D R A G O S D M.

Iulian: I'm Iulian Stoian and I invite
you to follow me on Twitter for

more insights and discussions.

You can find me @iulian_sto.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or
just starting out, whether you are working

on your own or leading a team, The Composed
Coder is the podcast for you and we'll be

soon on your favorite podcast platform.