Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional

This month, each of our daily devotionals are from Stories of Faith, edited by Vania Chew and produced by the Literature Ministries Department of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.

To find out more about this month’s heritage celebrations, visit the Adventist Heritage website or follow the devotions on Facebook or Instagram

What is Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional?

Imagine a thriving Adventist movement in the South Pacific. Do images or stories come quickly to mind? This podcast recounts important events, stories and memories from Adventists throughout the South Pacific. These mission stories from our past are proof that the Adventist movement is alive and thriving. Listen to these podcasts and step out to join these pioneering Adventists with Jesus on His mission of making disciple-makers in the South Pacific.

One more house read by charities.

Tackle rough.

But how can they call on him to save
them unless they believe in him?

And how can they believe in him if
they have never heard about him?

And how can they hear about him?

Unless someone tells them.

Romans 10 verse 14.

You never know who God has
in store for you to meet.

As part of impact day.

Uh, special sharing initiative, Brenton
Lowe, and his son Daniel joined Hillview

Adventist church members in new south
Wales, knocking on doors and handing

out copies of hope for troubled times.

Brenton and Daniel were paired
with church member, Marty Stafford.

The afternoon was not without
its challenges, but the trio

persisted in their outreach.

I believe that when
challenging times happen.

God has someone special for us to meet.

If we are faithful in continuing
with his plans, said, Brenton.

After handing out several books, they
were ready to head back to the church

for a debrief and to close Sabbath.

However Brenton felt impressed that
they should visit one more house.

Daniel handed the book to a woman at
the house, offering it to her as a gift.

We started chatting to
the woman about life.

And Marty invited her to church said,
Brendan, She paused and said that she

had been raised Baptist and Anglican.

She said she would like to go
to the Adventist church, but

she didn't know anyone there.

The woman then told them that her
car had recently come back from

servicing with the radio tuned to
faith, FM and Adventist radio station.

When she was at home, the secular radio
station, she had been listening to

miraculously changed a faith FM as well.

Enjoying what she heard.

She wanted to connect
with an Adventist church.

She saw our visit as evidence of God
leading in her life said, Brenton.

After we prayed together, we
left promising to keep in touch.

Since the initial visit.

The woman has shared many meals.

And a Bible study with church members
and has also visited hill view church.

Jarrod Stackelroth: This year.

Literature ministry celebrates 175 years.

This month's devotional readings
come from the stories of faith.

Edited by a fire near.


And produced by the literature.

ministries department of the
seventh day Adventist church

in the south Pacific division.

To find out more about this month's
heritage celebrations, visit

heritage dot Adventist church.

Dot com.