Clydesdale Media Podcast

Brent Fikowski and Patrick Vellner appear on Talking Elite Fitness.  Do they explain the inconsistencies or have more?  Where are we now with the demands?
Episode 1 of All Access is released and Episode 2 is on the way a Behind the Scenes look at the 2024 Masters CrossFit Games.  The Northern California Classic finished up this weekend and what does that mean as we get back to thing during the offseason?   And as always what is the Crew up to as we head into Fall.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what's going on everybody

welcome to the cloudstone

media roundtable where

today it is cat and dog

with scott she it's I have

my earphones in she can't

hear the music but I swear

it's like as soon as she

hears the music she's like

oh it's time to be on

television she's so cute

this is leah she's adorable

last week leah was barking

because you had a guest oh

yeah that's right oh yeah it's

I'm going to have another

guest on Friday too, but yeah,

she's my little love bug.

She's, she's like a person.

She understands English and

she loves me very much.

So yeah.


So quick, quick news.

We finally put Dash to sleep last week.


Chris and Els were all there and we

buried him in the backyard

next to the shed.

And I ordered him a little

stone that you put on top.

So it was time.

It was very much past time.

We're on?

We're on.

I'm like, whoops.

I am late.

We're going.


So I've got one dog here in

Maryland and one dog in Hocasin now.

We're down to two.

Everybody seems to be adjusting okay.

And I think it was the right thing.

So we're good.


we waited for the sad news until Amy

hopped on.


So, yeah.

What's going on, guys?


Back to school.

Back to school.


Getting serious.

Being real.

Coach this morning worked out.

Students back?

Students here did, yeah, this week.


So you got to be outside today?

No, because today's my office day.


How dare they keep you in an office?


So you got up early and coached?

I got up early, coached.

I worked out.

Today, it was a fun one today.

It was, well,

it was a bunch of like strict

handstand pushup cycle,

like we started a new cycle.

And then the workout was,

the numbers were so crazy.

Eighty-one double unders,

twenty-seven goblet squats, fifteen GHDs.

Sixty three double unders,

twenty one goblet squats, fifteen GHDs,

you know, and so on,

like descending rep scheme.

And it was surprising.

I guess maybe not surprising,

but how the quads felt from

going from the squats and the GHDs like.


Do you guys have enough GHDs to do that?

Like we have four.



So we actually we have five

because we have one that is

like that you add can add to a box.

But I we usually can figure

out like how to stagger

started or like one person

started on the GHDs.

That kind of thing.


Did you work out today, Kat?

Did you have to go?

I did not.

I slept in this morning

because I didn't have to coach.

But yesterday morning,

I did get to work out with

the one person that came to

my seven forty five class.

So we did some back squats

and some wall balls and

some clean and jerks.

Yeah, that was good.

I'm feeling it a little bit.

But yeah, Mark Peters,

the guy that competed in

the CrossFit Games several weeks ago,

is back at my gym coaching

once a week now on Tuesday mornings.

So I get to sleep in.


We did a Games workout yesterday.

A Masters Games workout.

The Echo Bike Max Calorie one.



So it's seventy five double unders,


They we just had pull ups,

but it was chest to bar for

the Masters Games athletes.

And then with whatever time

is left and they were changing domains,

max calories on an echo

bike for us to get the same

across the board.

But that was awful.

It was max calories on the

eco bike is just brutal.

And I did it in my garage

yesterday on the assault bike.

Thank God I could go stride a little bit.

Now, are you guys,

so you're no longer doing

the IBEX programming then?

No, but I think it's,

so I don't know what IBEX looks like.

Right, it wasn't that.

But the guy who is doing the

programming did help with

IBEX for the last year plus.


So I'm betting it's going to

be similar for a little bit

as we move into the new,

but I can't see IBEX to

know how far off we are.

So at some point we need to

compare and contrast.


Yeah, we'll compare.

That's cool.


We're still on the back

squat progressions and the

Wednesday deadlifts thing.

We're still on back.

We had back squat yesterday as well.

Okay, good.

How's nutrition?



I'm just substituting my...

like fun food calories for

normal food calories.

So I'm in a caloric deficit for sure.

I'm maintaining my weight at

about a buck forty,

which I haven't been able

to maintain one forty in quite some time.

Like probably when I was at the games,

I was more like one.

No, I was probably one forty at the games.

But last year at the games,

I was probably like one fifty.

So that's that.

I'm able to keep a caloric deficit,

but it's probably not the best calories.

So I'm trying now to

love protein and make it

taste delicious because

right now I'm in this I

want everything to taste

delicious stage of my life

I actually am down on my

insulin intake so if I get

three consecutive days

under a hundred and ten

blood sugar I get to lower

my insulin intake by two

units so when I first had

the AFib I was at ten units

I'm now at four

great and I'm holding so I'm

in another if I make it

tomorrow another day under

one ten I get to go down to

two nice are you still

losing weight yeah nice yeah um

think we talked about on

here but julie got her

approval for her knee

surgery yes um she's down a

ton of weight as well um

and yeah everything like

we're we're swimming right

along with nutrition it

it's cool that um that

she's doing this because

then it makes it easier for

me to do my plan to lose

weight and uh so much easier

Charlie, how's your nutrition plan going?

Are you guys speaking English or what?

Charlie's on day one of something.

What's your day one today?

Yeah, well,

it was going well and then I

got hurt and then here we are.

What happened?


I was doing a muscle up and something

happened in my bicep where

then I can't even do a pull up now.

So now it's

Oh, no.

But nothing rolled up,

so I don't think it's... Okay.

Well, that's good.

Nothing hanging off, so you're all right.

No cut by arms.

Problem is, if that's all you got,

then... That's all you got.

Tomorrow will be a great one you can do.

It's just all biking.

See how my legs work.

I use my arms.

Well, you can use a concept to a bike.

Use my arms.

There is some synchronized

burpees thrown in there,

but I think you can do that.

You can get down on the ground,

get back up.

You can do candlesticks.


I've been using candlesticks.

So did I tell you guys about

my member who fell off the

rig and broke her wrist?


So she's back in classes.

She's had plates and screws

and all kinds of things.

She still cannot lift weight with that arm,

with that hand for like

another couple of weeks.

I think October first is her clear date.

But she's been coming in and, you know,

obviously we've been

modifying the crap out of everything.

But we had wall balls

yesterday and she was able

to take a ten pound

medicine ball and do like a

slam ball with it, you know,

and really sort of favoring

the good hand.

But but at least getting

like some range of motion

in that other hand,

because normally she's just

kind of leaving it down to do nothing.

But we had burpees and I had

her do candlesticks instead.

So that's where, you know, you get down,

roll up and.

It's like a reverse burpee.

So that's our new

modification for burpees.

Did you get approval from

the PFAA on that movement?

I didn't.

I didn't check with them first.

Darn it.

I missed something.

Watch out.

Here they come.

um it's funny you talk about

the scaling I was talking

with lex yesterday who's in

the chat um about amy

morton who is in the

documentary that we

released yesterday and will

be again as it gets goes

along a little bit further

but she gashed her arm with

a knife during one of the

qualification pieces to get

to the games and and it was

a two inch gash

And she was showing us how

she modified wall balls and

burpees to get through that

stage to be able to make it to the games.

And she did closed fist wall balls.

Oh, wow.

She just punched it out there?

Like, I used my fingertips to, like,

you know, to throw.

Like, I can't even imagine, like, one.


That's insane.

But she did it and made it through.

Just an amazing, amazing story.

Clarification though,

she cut her hand during the

time period that she was

doing the qualifiers,

but not while she was doing

the qualifiers.

It was a kitchen accident

that happened during the kitchen process.

I didn't know knife fighting

was part of the qualifiers.


I was concerned about that.

Uh, so yeah, it was crazy and,

and she made it to the

games and her husband is like, uh, he go,

he is a master's legend.

He's like a six time games athlete,

multiple time champion.

Um, and, uh,

he was there and he's in the

documentary as well.


I love the creativity that

you need to have to be able to,

and I don't even call it scaling anymore.

I just call it modifying

when you're talking about

like an injury or something like that,


a lot of times it doesn't

even look anything like the

initial exercise, but so much fun to do.

And I'm so glad that I went

to that adaptive class,

that adaptive course that CrossFit had.

I don't know if they still have it,

but that,

that was really like eyeopening

to not only work with

people that have permanent disabilities,

but you know,

most of us will run across

athletes as coaches that

just have temporary limitations, right.

Due to injuries and stuff.

So can't say enough about that one.

So did you guys see that Pat

and Brent went on talking

elite fitness yesterday?


Did you, so Kat,

did you hear any of what they said?

I did.

I did.

I would, I was,

I was in and out during the

premiere and I didn't like

rewind if I missed a section.

So I just kind of listened

when I could of what was happening.


You know, they want what they want.

They need to stop talking

because it's not the more they talk,

the worse it gets, in my opinion.


And I did take a couple notes.

So when they were on Coffee Pods and Wads,

there was a meeting that

occurred that Brent knew

about and Pat didn't.

They explained that Brent

went to the meeting and it

was covered by an NDA.

And he was taken aback that

it was brought up on Coffee Pods and Wads,

meaning it had been leaked.

And he didn't know how to answer.

And that's why he stumbled

over what he said.

Did he at one point just

like walk away from the camera?

Patrick, in the Coffee Pods and Wads,

Pat did.

Oh, I thought Brent did too.

I thought they were like, oh, hold on.

Wait, someone's calling.

I got to go.


I thought they did one of those.

It was so awkward to watch.

Like I, it was awkward.

So one,

what are you talking about that you

need an NDA?

And you're,

you're asking for all this

transparency and yet it's

only part of the board that

met with CrossFit.

It was covered by this NDA

and that Patrick, Pat, I keep,

Pat didn't know about it

and he's a board member.

Just seems odd.

But that was their explanation.

They did confirm that only

the eight board members

voted on these demands.

And the way apparently their

bylaws are set up are that

those eight get to

represent everybody because

they were elected in as the board.

They did admit that the

demand for Dave's job is

not because of Lazar's death.

It is because they don't

trust Dave anymore through

a series of events that have occurred.

So they're using this as.


So why now?

Why put it out now and

conflate the issue when

it's not anything to do

with what happened this season?

And then I have this – well,

then I'll do this one first.

They had two asks for safety

in the last two years.

One was heat-related for this year.

What were they to expect

when they got to Texas?

And they wanted the workouts

released early so they could know.

The swim run and Farrington

Field were the first two

workouts released,

and they were released

three weeks prior to the event.

So that was their ask, and they got it.



And we even knew what time

we even knew what time

those were going to be.


We knew that one was early

in the morning and then one

was going to be late at night.

The other thing is the other

complaint was the E. coli

in the lake in Madison in twenty three.


that year the CrossFit Games did not

have an event in the lake.

So you so the examples are

using for safety requests

and not being answered

aren't holding much water.

The other thing that I have

a question of is,

and I've said this weird,

and it comes out weird

every time I say it,

is that the CrossFit Games

are the safest place where

these events happen.

I have seen some hinky shit

at other events that you do

not see at the Games, right?

Yes, something tragic happened,

and it needs to be fixed,

and we need to make sure

that that doesn't happen again.

And it was a major, major fuck-up.


And needs to be fixed.

I'm in full agreement that

that needs to never happen again.

The PFA partnered with the

NorCal classic this weekend.

There was no water on a ten K run,

no water stations.

And they had a hinky

gymnastics move on a

barbell that many athletes

had to go for help just to

figure out how to complete it.

The PFA partnered with them on this.

Now, for the swim event,

they had paddle boards everywhere.

But, like,

it just... It's not sending a

very clear message when

you're claiming that you're

all about safety and the

things you're asking for

are being completed and the

people you're partnering up

with seem to be doing some

hinky things in their

programming that make it odd.

I just...

I'm befuddled.

I'm bewildered.

I don't get where they're

going with all this.

And the more they talk,

the more I feel like it's

just a couple of the PFA

board members making these requests.


I didn't look at any of the

comments during that, so.

That's okay.

I don't know what anybody has said.

uh sarah cooper says I would

like to know about these

repeated events that have

happened in the past no

substance also what

qualifies as meaningful

also neither of them have

said they will boycott

boycott crossfit if their

demands aren't met uh

Tia posted this morning

she's supporting PFA as a side note.

I read Tia's thing,

and it doesn't really say anything.

It says that she helped create the PFAA,

and she wants to move

forward in a less divided

way and hopes that CrossFit

will come along with it,

but she wants to see other facts as well.


They didn't want the

workouts released early.

They wanted to know how much

was outside and the

specifics around that.

But they got that with the

workout releases.

They got the timeframes.

They knew the two workouts and they...

They didn't partner with

them on the full event.

Well, it, it's,

it's not clear when you

have Instagram posts with

partners with that's how it

came across to me.


And like, why?


I mean, you would,

it would be odd to think

that they would just

partner with them on a single event.

You would assume that they

were partnering with them

on the entire event.

Not to say that what Lexi's

saying isn't correct, but just.

It did not come across that way.



I agree with the comment around Tia

seemed to post something

because she seemed

obligated because because

Tia hadn't really come out this one.

Tia hadn't really come out

with anything substantial

since the games.

And it did seem like an

obligatory type statement.


why would they only partner for one


That seems too stupid.

I don't... Yeah.

I don't know.

I don't know either.

I, I don't disagree with you Lex at all.

It may have said that,

but Instagram is a word

where you see the picture

and you go with the picture

and you move forward.

You don't always read the content.

And that was the perception

that was there.


But I can point back to

Wadapalooza where they did

partner for the full event last year.

Handstand pushups were done

on wet surfaces.

Rowers were set up where

people were clanging their

heads on metal posts.

Yeah, I mean,

let's just go out and just

say the fact that nothing

serious like this has

happened before at a non-CrossFit event,

at a non-games event, it's lucky.

I mean, we've seen some shit.

I mean, even in, even in local events,

I was at an event just a

couple of weeks ago,

I was doing scoring for it.

And there, you know, it was this heavy,

a heavy lift for partner, you know,

a four team workout guys on one side,

girls on the other side,

they were right next to each other,

right in front of other people,

right behind other people.

And there were piles of plates everywhere.

Like anybody that drops a

bar is going to hit that plate.

That bar is going to go

flying into somebody else.

Like, and I'm,

and I'm the scoring person

going around trying to just

pull plates out of the way.

like in the middle of the

heat just to try to be safe.

It happens all the time.


I don't know.

I just I feel like the

timing of all this is just

really poor and it's

creating a divide when it's

not about when it's not

about the main issue which

is Lazar's death.


I feel like people have stopped

talking about

what CrossFit is going to do

to ensure that nobody dies

at one of their events again.

And that has to be the most

important part.

I've seen other media outlets talk about,


what's important right now is what

Dave said or didn't say,

or what he led athletes to

believe for going on and blah, blah,


Like that is not the most important thing.

I mean,

people can get upset about it and

they're going to,

but we keep forgetting that

somebody died and that

that's what we need to fix.

And I think we're all in

agreement that that needs to be fixed.


And guess what?

When people focus on something,

they get it done.

And the fact that they've

got all this other swirl

going around is just

detracting from the efforts

that need to be made and

concentrated on making sure

nobody dies again.



Stop all the other stuff.

First things first.

The only safety things they

keep bringing up are the cut ropes,

which have been dealt with

and we haven't seen since.


Scott Pancheck suffered a knee injury

and maybe career ending because of it,

but it was fixed.

Other than that,

the other two they pointed

out in this thing were kind of handled.

It just, I don't know.

So you think it'll just be a

nothing will ever be good

enough from Dave because we

just don't like Dave now?


they say they don't trust Dave

because he misled everybody

by saying that the Jukic

family blessed the games going forward.

And that's not what Lucas said.

And Dave has apologized

saying that it was not what

Lucas said and he shouldn't

have used the word blessed.

So I don't know.

I just want to make sure

that the CrossFit Games moves on.

and we fix the issue at hand.

And with that,

I believe that safety plans

need to be in place and

they need to be gone over

with a fine tooth comb for

events that occur.

And I don't think I've said

this publicly before,

but I know I've said it in

our group chat.

Just because you are a

doctor does not make you a safety expert.


I do think that safety has

been sort of just plugged

under medical as a thing.

And I don't think that it's

been a thing of its own.

And I think perhaps it

should be its own thing.

Safety, right?

The people that are safety

experts in this world

aren't necessarily medical

doctors or first responders.

I'm not taking anything away

from a first responder or a

medical doctor for being able to

respond to an emergency,

but that does not mean that

there are safety experts.

That's a completely different field.

And to assume or to have

safety be part of a medical team

I don't think is necessarily

clearly is not necessarily

the best way to, you know,

plan an event and maybe it

needs to be its own entity.

There are parts of this.

We don't know.

We don't know what part Fort worth played,

what part that County or

that park played in,

in developing their safety

plan for that event.


But, but I will, they have, but it,

it doesn't appear they were good experts.


But there's no, I've never seen any, any,

the word safety.

behind on anybody's shirt.

Do you know what I mean?

It's athlete control,

it's judges and it's medical.

And so like if safety is so important,

I think maybe it warrants

its own division.

The key is we didn't see you

have a water event.

There should have been water

medical personnel on the beach.


There should have been a

dive team available.

There should have been a

rescue boat available and,

And then everything in the water,

we're speculating who was

who and who was what.

That we need to find out,

and hopefully the

third-party investigator

will tell us what that was

and how we can change that up.


and somebody should be in charge of


and that somebody doesn't

necessarily have to be a doctor.



We need to figure that out and fix it up.

So that's that.

And I'm sure we're going to

continue talking about this

until there is some kind of resolution.


But the resolution that

we're looking for is not

who's fired and who's in

charge of the games now or any of that.

It's what happened and what

are we doing to fix that?

And I don't think Dave has

anything to do with it necessarily.


I can't tell you what Dave's role was

in any of this,

but the third-party

investigator will tell you

who from CrossFit was

involved in the safety plan.

That's what I want to see.

Jay Burch,

I did not watch Halpin's thing

last night.

I will watch it probably

later this afternoon,

but I have not watched it yet.

So I'm not able to discuss

that at this time.

And that, to me...

what is that?


how is that supposed to help us

besides fire everybody up

and get everybody back up in,

this is what should have happened.

And this is what should have,

do you see what time that happened?

Like I had, so I get, I get,

I have a little bit of a,

I get miffed really quick.

And when I saw that,

like you could only watch

it live if you were a subscriber and,

I was like, well,

then I'm not going to watch

it because if you're going

to reduce down the audience

and who can comment and you

just want your subscribers to do it.

And then I kind of got over

it this morning and maybe I

need to watch it just so I

know what they said.

Doesn't mean I have to agree with anything,

but anyway.

I want to get to a lighter note.

At the NorCal Classic this weekend,

one of the people on the

Clydesdale media team podiumed,

and so I want to give her a

congratulations and share this picture.

Our very own Carolyn Prevost right there.

ended up coming back,

taking two seconds to

finish the event and finish

on the podium.

And so she took third place

at NorCal Classic.

And that was awesome because

it is a very good,

good payout for athletes as

a mid-major in the sport.

They have a lot of sponsors

for that event in Northern California.

And so she's on the podium

with Trista Smith there on

the left and Elizabeth

Wishart in the center.

So it was a pretty good female field.

On the men's side,

it was Colton Mertens took the win,

Taylor Self took second,

and Tudor Magda took third.

So congratulations to

Carolyn and her awesome job.

She actually started the

weekend with heat

exhaustion and got some IVs

and then ended up coming

back to finish on the podium.

So that's pretty impressive.


we also released the first

episode of the behind the

scenes of the Masters CrossFit Games,

which was just check-in day.

I'm currently furiously

working on event one,

the Deadlift Run event.

And that will come out next Monday.

Are you doing an episode per event?

doing an episode per event

and it'll go one a week for eleven weeks.

So we'll keep this thing

going out for a little bit.

My question to you is I

released it this week at nine a.m.

on Monday.

Some of our West Coast

listeners and audience

members wished that I had

waited until later in the day to do that,

like around this time.

So I'm putting it out there.

Would you guys...

Would you guys rather have

it out in the afternoon or

out first thing in the

morning on the East Coast

so that our West Coast

people can jump into the chat live?

Because when I do release it,

I am in the chat live to

talk about kind of what

happened and all that stuff.

And I could wait until

twelve thirty one o'clock to do that.

Yeah, I think that would be cool.

Alex is I think it would be better later.


If anybody else has any

strong feelings either way,

please put them in the

comments or in the comments on YouTube,

and we'll do what we can to

make sure that everybody

has a chance to jump in the

chat and hang out with us as we watch it.

I will warn you that

episodes will get shorter.

The check-in was, you know,

four hundred fifty athletes

all checking in and just

kind of like pulling it all

in the event by event stuff.

We had less time to get with

athletes before and post event.

So it will be a little bit shorter.

It will be we talk to people

before the event,

then Ortega's mashup of the

event will be in the middle.

And then we'll have people

talking about a post event

and then Holly's

leaderboards for that event

and then cumulative

leaderboards as we move forward.

That will be the format of

these episodes going forward.

yes if you have not watched

it yet go like and comment

uh for the algorithm we

would truly appreciate that

these athletes thank you

jay birch uh I really

appreciate it uh the team

did a great job uh ellie

hiller was awesome asking

questions um jonathan

ortega and caitlyn walters

videoing from from the

floor I did a great job

ortega then edited all of

that footage into one

mashup for the last episode

and Holly Dugan was by my

side the whole weekend

putting out all the

leaderboards you saw on

Instagram and getting ready

to do the leaderboards for the episode.

Jaber says,

I thought the interviews were great.

Getting some of the athletes

to talk was like pulling teeth.

It was, it was.

And it's really weird.

Like as the weekend began,

getting the women to talk

was pretty easy.

The men worked very hard to

get them to talk.

As the weekend goes on,

the men were the chatty

Cathy's and the women were

then as things kind of got

more tightened up at the end,

they were less talkative.


I think sometimes, too,

this age group isn't used

to being interviewed.


A lot of times I learned

that I had to explain what we were doing.


Once I did that,

they opened up with the opportunity.

Lex texted me this yesterday,

but you have to have that attorney on.

His story was so cool.

If you didn't see,

the very first interview of

the episode is a guy who

started a philanthropic

um, organization with athletes.

He has represented

professional athletes for

as an attorney and he

started this hope initiative.

I think it's Ivan.



He's an older guy,

like sixty plus sixty five plus.


He started this organization

with Muhammad Ali, um,

Mia Hamm, Cal Ripken Jr., Alonzo Mourning,

Patrick Ewing.

I don't know.

The list goes on and on.

He lists off a lot of the names.

It was twelve professional

athletes started this,

and now it's like four

thousand athletes they

represent in their

philanthropic endeavors.

But yeah.


Ivan's a character.


He's very particular about his standards.

I remember him at MFC being

the head judge for a couple of years.

I've had some experience with him,

but I remember sitting at

the Fort Wayne airport,

flying out and talking with

him and explaining to him,

him explaining to me how

he's been an attorney forever and

a sports agent attorney and

things like that.

And he was actually took an

interest in Braden and was saying, like,

I was talking about Braden

playing for William and

Mary and he was like, oh,

if you ever need any advice or, you know,

if he ends up going in the MLB, you know,

please let me know and I'd

be happy to work with you guys.

So super nice guy.

he actually represented

professional collegiate and

olympic athletes yeah um so

yeah and I'm gonna try to

get them on um right now

full editing mode uh once I

get my schedule down every

week for these then I'll be

able to start doing some

interviews as well um and

we'll follow up with some

of these and get deeper

stories uh of what's going on but

And I will tell you,

thank you so much for the

compliments on episode one.

These get better because I

got better as the weekend went on.

Doing a behind the scenes is

very different than

interviewing somebody.

You almost have to be a voyeur.

The only thing I will say, so day one,

what's cool.

Cause I was,

I've been cutting it since

last night is that we had

full access at the very

beginning of the weekend.

I could walk anywhere in the

warmup area and walk right

up to an athlete and talk

to them after day one, we lose that,

which really sucks.

And I was really upset during the weekend.

And then I said,

I just needed to put out

the proof of concept so

that we can get it in the future.

But after that, in the warmup area,

there was a barricade

around the equipment.

And so I was not allowed to

go inside that barricade.

So I had to yell for

athletes to come to me and

talk or grab them as they

were over at their duffel

bag or whatever it was,

or they came to talk

because the coaches weren't

allowed in there either.

So they would come over to the fence,

talk to their coach.

A lot of it is I would just

stick the camera into the

conversation of the coach

and the athlete.


like a voyeur would.

And then as they're finishing up,

I would say, Oh, you know, what,

what did he tell you?

Or what are you trying to get out of this?

And then either the coach or

the athlete would then fill

me in on the full

conversation and the why.

And those came out to be really cool.

Um, that one is, uh, um,

valve overalls coach, uh,

once I got him talking like

he did not want to stop and

it's so it was so

fascinating I didn't want

to walk away um so yeah

there's stuff like that I

got some of that with will

morad and max and brendan

the three of them were

chatting and then um and

then it turns into a full

will kind of interview from that nice

So, but that's how it turns as we,

as we get further down the road,

those types of things.

Anything exciting for you guys this week?

Charlie, do you work out?

You're not working out right

now because of the injury?

I'm not.

Any plans to go see a doctor

or if it's all attached,

you're going to just move forward?

Yeah, we'll just give it a couple of days,

see what happens.

I saw way back that Jay

Birch was asking if you had

found your perfect programming yet.

Not yet,

but I think it might be time to

pay the man now that we're

slipping into our forties.


What I like about these

masters interviews too,

is they talk about like

what it's like to train at

this age and that it is very different.


I mean, things hurt, and you're like,

what is that?

And guess who makes an

appearance in the next episode, Kat?

Paul Tremblay?


Gotta be somebody French.


Tia Vesser.

Oh, Tia Vesser.


Along the same lines as a Paul Trompley.



I got him after or before the front


I think is where he makes

his first appearance.

Because that was his home run.


This is funny.

Lynn, it was not me.

I love it.

Lisa would never let you go

that far away without her.

uh the cute have you seen

some of the athletes

getting invited to rogue

over in scotland no are

they are they actually

sending out invites today

it's trickling mostly

legends is the way it

started but I saw emily

wolf revealed hers today

they couldn't make it I

want colton to make it

Yeah, I don't think he, by points,

gets the automatic invite.

He has to do the qualifier.

What's the weight?

Oh, ninety five.

That's not bad.

Jay Burch says I'm going to

do the road community workout today.

Ten rounds, five cleans, five push press,

five clean and jerks with a

ninety five pound barbell.

That's not too bad.

That's ten rounds, though.

That's going to add up.

You get spicy.

It's a lot overhead.

Sixty five for me.

I could do that.

Colton was twenty-two.

I have to make a quick exit, guys.

I'll see you later.


All right.

Is Colton twenty-two by the

queue or the point system

to get an invite?

And Sarah says a bunch of

people were posting yesterday.

Yeah, I saw like Margo Alvarez.

I saw...

A lot of the legends opening

theirs yesterday, and I saw Emily.

The one I'm curious about is Sprague.

How can you not invite the champion,

regardless of where he

finishes on the points thing?

Is he not a road guy?

He's not.

But the guy just won the games.

He should be able to go.

Cross Fat says,

Colton did all the

qualifiers after NorCal Classic,

which is nuts.

Yeah, I saw some of the Instagram posts.

I know either Savant or

Hiller was filming him doing it.


Crazy that he did all that.

So he was twenty-second on

the Q leaderboard.

Lynn says,

I don't think Colton will make it,

but I'm happy Jorge

Fernandez might make it.

I think Lynn, you may have a bias there.

Jay Burch says,

I think they're going to invite Sprig.

I hope so.

When I said that the other night,

everybody was like

attacking me like he didn't

have the points, but they say, well,

then we reserve the right

to invite whoever we want

because that's an invitational.



Like if T didn't have the points,

I don't think they'd be like, no.

She can't go.


Lynn says he's actually twenty fifth

right now,

so he's not making it unless

he's invited.

Emily got the points.

Apparently she got invited

or they just decided they

were going to invite her.

But she's finished, what,

thirteenth at the Games last year?

She finished third at the Games this year.

She does well at Rogue every year,

like in the top ten-ish,

right around ten-ish.

So I would assume she has the points.

So there we go.

Uh, and they correct it.

Uh, everybody's saying Sousa was the one,

uh, filming Colton.

So that's, that's it.

All right.

I think that's it for today.

Uh, how was your opening week of football?

Uh, well, you know, as a,

as a Panthers fan, when it's, uh,

Our season hasn't started yet.


Nobody told the players the

season started.

I don't think anybody told

them that the last two

years we were playing football.

But the Buckeyes look good.

Yeah, why?

Penn State and Ohio State

both have a bye this week.

How does that happen already?

I don't know.

It's too early.


I have a quarterback that threw for

ninety yards and we still won the game.

And it was supposed to be different,


It was we're supposed to have him.

He was him.

And now we're winning just

like we did in eighty five

in the mid nineties,

in the mid two thousands.

I'm seeing lovey ball all over the place.

Oh, yeah.

What the heck?

The Kyriek thing is insane.

Still got over a hundred yards.

Insane, man.

I want to know the guy that

had the balls to handcuff

Calais Campbell.

Now that was a whole other thing.

That would take a set so big

to walk up to that dude and be like,

just put him behind your back.

And just hope he goes, all right.


Who are they getting to

replace Bryce Young?


just know the Bears still have one

more pick from the Panthers

in this coming draft.

Second round pick.


The way the Panthers draft,

it'll be Kyle McCord or

somebody who doesn't belong first.

Oh, gosh.


CrossFit says the body cam

footage is wild.

It is really wild.


What gets me the most is the


One officer trying to do this,

the other one doing the exact opposite.

How the hell does the person

even know what they're supposed to do?

It is utterly insane.

There's going to be some

jobs lost for sure.

Yeah, for sure.

I didn't bother suspending.

We're just, we're just not here.


And you're right outside the

stadium and a guy's driving

a Ferrari with big gold

chains and muscles.


You might possibly think he's a player.

I mean,

you at least think about it at least.

The part that's rough is when he says,

I just had knee surgery and

they're cranking on his knee.



that one I'm going to say is very easy.

The worst.

All right.

Here's my conspiracy theory.

One, the worst one is Deshaun.

Because Bryce Young still has a shot.


Deshaun, it's over.

Here's my conspiracy theory, though.

You saw a new civil lawsuit

was filed against Deshaun.


That actually gives the

Browns an out on the contract.


That's right.

Who do you think the Browns

paid to file a lawsuit against him?

To get them out of that,

that guarantee money.

Oh, yeah.

That's easy money.

Do I pay one hundred and

seventy two million dollars

or a couple hundred grand?


That means famous Jameis is coming in.

What were the odds he wasn't a player?

Ferrari arriving surrounded

by Bentleys at that entrance.

And then another player going, hey.

Two other players.

That's our guy.


It's not just like fourth

receiver on the depth chart.

No, like pretty recognizable.



Him and his kids.

I think that's, that's,

that's pretty much the news that is, um,

We'll be back again next week.

Thank you, everybody.

Don't forget,

check out that

behind-the-scenes documentary.

It's out there on the

Clydesdale Media YouTube channel.

Giving the Browns too much

credit to come up with that plan,

says CrossFat.

don't forget to like

subscribe to the channel

and hey uh if you want to

help us financially you can

join the channel for as low

as two dollars ninety nine

cents a month that helps us

pay uh for our trips to put

together some of this uh

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so it's just a way that we

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With that,

we will see everybody next time

on the Clydesdale Media Podcast.
