Clydesdale Media Podcast

We recap what went down with CrossFit Open Workout 24.2, how the crew did, what does the final week look like and all the news in the CrossFit Space.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is happening look at

this it's the charlie amy

show it is us I mean we've

been threatening to do this

for a while that's right

and look who would have

thought look at us look at

us look at us hi holly welcome hi cory

Let's revisit the fact that

I haven't seen you at the gym.

Today only.

I haven't seen you work out

for a few days.



I've already got called out by a

smaller version of you.

Younger version of you.

I should say.


You know,

we can't have our first solo

episode of us getting in a fight already.


we're trying to prevent that from

happening of our fight

because you're right.

My mini me was hoping to see

you because she is in town

for spring break.

And I was like, hey,

why don't you come to the gym on Sunday?

It's the open.

you know, and she was like, well,

is Funko going to be there?

And I said, yeah,

he's supposed to do the

workout because he was.


And then she came there and she was like,

I just texted Charlie.




I was told there was no room or I

could do the children.

Oh, which.



Did your wife do it?

I need to lose to a four-year-old.

She did it Monday?


With you at the same time?

Not at the same time.


Did it before I did.

How are you feeling?

I am in bad shape.

Tell me where.

My Achilles are like, what are we doing?


Weird because we just did

fight flight simulator.

Uh huh.

And it was fine.


So was that why you weren't

at the gym today?

Cause today was five rounds

of 50 double unders.

More double unders on top of

double unders.

And see, okay.

So this morning our workout

was five rounds,

50 double unders and eight

I missed this first part.

Eight double dumbbell snatches.


When I first saw it, I was like,

that'll be fine.

That'll be, you know, good.


Game changer.

Game changer.


I don't know what's happening.

Do they realize the open's

happening or they just don't care?


part of me like we follow my

hand programming so I'm

curious like they must lay

it out like a couple weeks

ahead of time like and

leave the holes open for

like for the open so that's

my guess is that it's just

too much to kind of it kind

of changes the whole

pattern and things of that

but I i was kind of

surprised that it was part

of our I mean I guess they

don't know what the open is

so they can't really right

yeah change it that quickly but

So my Achilles weren't

hurting too bad from the workout.

But the day after,

my hamstrings and glutes were lit,

which made me happy because

it wasn't my low back.

You deadlifted correctly.

That's right.

Look at me.

Who would have thought?

Look at you.

Who would have thought?

And also, you know,

did we talk about this last week?

No, we didn't.

I was waiting.

I was waiting to bring it up.

I was going to say,

you probably know more now

about your body and how to move it.


So one of the things that I

said when we were talking a

couple of weeks ago about

what my goals were for the open season,

I said,

my goals this season are different.

And so ever since December,

the beginning of December,

I decided to start studying

for my level three.

And I took my level three

exam on March 7th.

And I am now a CrossFit

level three certified CrossFit trainer.

So I passed and could not be

more relieved.

I was like an anxious ball of energy, just

maybe lack of energy, just like no time,


All I did was study, study, study.

And I don't want to,

all I'll say about the test

is that I felt very prepared.


I mean, we didn't have any doubts.

We had a little bit of doubts.

We, as in the rest of this team,

did not have any doubts.

yeah well what I the the

thoughts on the test were

um yeah so if if you read

all the study material um I

read the study material

like all the crossfit

journal articles that they

linked and I read through

those twice um took notes

the first time and then on

my like third review I just

kind of went over my notes again

But what I thought was

really the best part of the

process was it did make me

a better coach during my

studying because it was

reading things and then

seeing and then trying to

apply them while I was coaching.

And so I thought that that was just...

You know,

my my thoughts on the whole

process were like, hey,

no matter when I pass this test,

I'm still gaining the

experience of being a

better coach because I'm

trying to apply this stuff.

And that's what was cool about the test,


was that it wasn't just like

knowledge and reciting everything.

It was like, OK, sure,

you have to know about this,

but also how do you apply that?

How do you apply that to get

this the correct answer?

And so looks like I was able to apply it.

Very nice.

And so now I can relax a lot

as far as what I'm doing in

my spare time and focus

more on some of my own fitness.


Nutrition, we started,

we are back to full force nutrition.

And my main goals have been,

how do I get the protein in?

I just really kind of was

reflecting over where I

need the most change.

And I was like,

I don't think I'm getting

nearly the amount of grams of protein.

that I need.

So that's where I'm

definitely making sure that

I hit that first.

That's my most important

macro for me to get under

control and then moving on.

And then making... We should

have a nutrition show as well.


Just all the shows on here.

We could.

Especially conflict resolution.

Well, that's...

I'm going to conflict

resolute that Corey is

going to take the title on

this open this year.

I believe that is true.

I don't even know what the score was,

but I'm just going to go

ahead and say it was probably a good one.

And let's move on to Murph.

Let's get on to our prison style workouts.

Let's put the title up on Murph.


I mean, you're still a champ in my eyes.

Well, I'm still a people's champ,

of course.



Does decent mean nine rounds?


I saw you, Corey,

on Hiller's Southland Champion vlog.


So let's review your nutrition.

What's your goals right now?

Water and protein.


Water, I just can't understand how, why.


you don't need to overdo it with water.

What's overdoing it?


you don't want to like totally flush

out any electrolytes in yourself.

So any of that natural stuff.

So, I mean,

just definitely drinking to

like thirst and making sure

that you are getting enough,

but not too much.


Always here like a gallon is

where you should be.

Well, who's telling you that?

Everyone in the world.

Well, that's maybe more for weight loss,

but if you're just going

for... We need that too.


Oh, on the... What?

This was on the Hiller thing.

He was talking about his shoes.

He was like, yeah, I like my shoes.

I've had the same shoes.

He has the same shoes as Hiller.

And they were, I think, the Reebok Nano.

I'm guessing they were the

Nano X3 because they're

kind of similar to the Nano 2s.

This is my guess.

We'll have him confirm.

Okay, so you didn't come to the gym today.

I'll be there tomorrow,

which you won't be.

I won't be coaching tomorrow.

You will be there.

There's a chance I'll be

there because it's bench press.


Yeah, that's what I want to know, Corey.


what is your one rep max bench press?

Have we discussed that on here?

Because, Charlie,

this is where if there was

a one rep max in the open,

that could be your event.

That would be it.

All along.

Just don't do part B.

Oh, yeah.

I think it is part B. That's what I think.

What's your prediction?

You think it's B?

You're going to have to have

something on the rig.


I feel like it's going to be

that toes to bar ascending

clean or thruster.

It's thruster for sure.

Something of that.

What about 20 point?

Maybe it was 21.3.


21.3 was front squats.

15 front squats, 30 toes to bar,

15 thrusters.

Rest one minute.

15 front squats, 30 chest to bar,

15 thrusters.

Rest one minute.

Then 15 front squats, 30 bar muscle-ups,

15 thrusters.

You have 15 minutes to complete that.

Why are you convinced

there's thrusters in it?

Because it's a good thought.

There's almost always thrusters in it.


No max weight.

What's the max weight?

Hold on.

Hold on.

Then immediately after that,

it is a barbell complex.

You have seven minutes to do one deadlift,

one clean, one hang clean, and one jerk.

Oh, yeah.

Remember that?

So that would be definitely,

that would make sense.

It would get a repeat.

Maybe you could,

they could change the complex.

It could be a different strength complex.

But we have to test strength.

There's got to be some

gymnastics thing on the rig

and thrusters.


So that's what I'm thinking.

No box jumps?


Or box stepovers or some

stupid boxy thing.


No wall balls.

Handstandy walks or pushups.


Here's your issue with doing

it for three weeks.

There's too many things that

you have to leave out.


I do agree.

So is it really a test of fitness?

It's an appetizer of fitness.

It's a,

let's have a good time for all the


And now fitness comes in the quarters.


I mean, that's kind of how I'm feeling.

What are you feeling?


I mean, it's opens always endurancy,

which is.


You know, you got, I mean,

like speaking in an art gym,

all the endurance guys

always do very well in the open.

yep when there's stuff heavy

there's they're not even

close right but there

there's got to be a

strength I mean there is

that's going to happen yeah

it could be a chipper but

the only reason why I'm

hesitant about a chipper I

feel like we had 20 minutes

of a workout.

And if you're going to do it, I don't know,

we need like a,

it's gotta be like a 15 minute workout.

So 15 minutes.


Cause we did a kind of long one already.


Which was, that was a long 20 minutes.


I will say it was much

better doing it than it was watching it.


Judging it was

It's rough.

It's just more like, okay, you count to 10,

and then it's, you know.

And then you're like, all right,

I'm going to sit here and hang out.

I'm curious about this.

I'd like to hear Andrew weigh in on this,

too, and everybody else.

But, okay,

let's talk about judging jump ropes.

So when I judge...

I count in my head and then

I'll shout out every 10.


So I'll be like, 10, 20, blah, blah, blah.

So I always tell people that, hey,

this is how I'm going to count them.

So I go and I talk to our boy,

the owner of our gym.

I said, hey, I'm going to count in tens.

And he's like,

I would like for you to

please count every breath.

out loud.

So my problem with that is

when you're going fast,

it's also hard to be like 33, 34, 35, 36,

37, 30.

Like it's just too much and

too many words coming out.

So I'm curious how everybody

else does that when they're judging,

especially at the high level of judging.

I'd ask people what they wanted.

If not, I would go every 25.

Oh, you would just say 25.

Yep. 50.

Well, let me go back.

Let me rephrase that.

So I would count in tens, you know,

I'd be like 40 and then I'd go like this,

you know, and I would say 47, 48, 49, 50.

Last five I'd call out.



Every 10, hold up a finger.




I do that too.

I always count like I do

sign language on my one

hand for counting too.


I had a lot of people doing singles, so.

yeah it was easier yeah but

sometimes people who who do

singles are like wicked

fast also you're like and

then when if you hear

people who are like

cheering behind you it's

like dude don't distract me

I need quiet I'm counting

yeah yeah counting hard

I agree.

Whoever that is,

whichever one of the two

high-level judges we have.

I'll bet you that is Switzer.



See, I just even knew that.

It must be because I'm a level three.

That explains it.

My level eight is beyond that.

Oh, you're level eight.


Well, you were level zero today.

Let's not be a level zero.

Level zero in this entire open.

But speaking of, my 5 a.m.

class today, 17 athletes.



Is it 16?

I don't know.

615 probably had about 17.

Actually, it was lower than that.

Maybe 15 athletes and six,

which is a surprise.

Usually, you get your handful of

of fire, not fire breathers,

but ready to go people at 5 a.m.

And then you get your regular class,

you know, that we got a lot of regulars.

But that was the thing is

there was several regulars

of 615 that joined the 5 a.m.

class today.

So I don't know if people

are like overcompensating

from the time change.

You know, that would make you at four.

I know.

That's what I'm saying.

They're overcompensating

like they fixed it the day before.

So I don't know.

Fine by me.

Less people at six.

All right.

Here's what Andrew Sten says.

I count one to ten and then

I start over at one and

then say the next ten.

Depending on the total,

I'll say each ten out loud.

I do that too.


So I got 25 and then start over to 25.




what's on your agenda for the rest of

the day?

Ninja class.

Decided to become a ninja.


Which one is doing ninja?




That's cool.

We'll see how long it lasts.


That'll be exciting.

Maybe you could join.

You could become a ninja.

I could.

I could.

I'll just be the one that

hides in the tree.

There's a lot of money in it, I think.



I mean, maybe that's how you could be,


Become an American ninja warrior?


You become a ninja, he'll become a pirate.

Louisiana, I think that's it.

I'm going to be a pirate.

I'm going to be a pirate.


Paddy's Day coming up.

You got big plans for that?

Do not.


that's good because you need to make

sure you get your workout

done before that.



you know what I think my plan is?

I'm going to go to,

I have a gift card to that

like restore like wellness place,

like for like red light

therapy or vitamin drip.


I want to wait.

I got it for Christmas and I

thought this will be a good

time to spend it after the Open.

There you go.

Some good recovery.

You know?

After the Open and then get

right into being prepared

for next year's Open.

Do you think you'll care

about next year's Open?

Because your level of caring

this year is less.

It might.

I don't know.

Let's see.

Let's see how my level of

caring will be next year.

But I'm hoping I'm going to

be way more fit because you

and I are going to have our

nutrition dialed in.

That's true.

For a year.



I don't even know if I'm in the top 25.

I haven't even looked.

But I do find it weird that

I've always... Well, I don't know.

We'll review next week.

We'll review.


who's in it, whether you're in it.


I'm sure you'll be in it.


that's what I was thinking is I don't

feel like my first workout

did anything good for me.

Not even close.


you're closer than Scott because

Scott's not doing it.


You're probably in it, Andrew.

25 is a lot.


Okay, going back to nutrition.

Are you meal planning anything?

No, not yet.

That's the next on the table.

So we're just winging it.

Listen, we're just baby steps.


but when do we revisit upping a step?

I may need to call Corey's

lady and figure out what

he's doing because he's

cheating some kind of way.

He clearly cheated.

Well, maybe we should drug test him.


A lot of peanut butter.

Peanut butter is illegal, right?

I feel like eating a little peanut butter.

Is your wife still working

with Nutrition Person?

She just started again.


I thought that.

It's going real long.

It's going real long.

So glad we're paying for that.

So glad.

Catch it on fire.

Might as well throw money in the street.

down the toilet.


Oh, am I supposed to do that?

Okay, sure.

What did you do this week?

I don't want to talk about it.

I don't want to talk about it.

I don't want to revisit our

nutrition right now.

But you and I, we're getting serious.


We're going to do a comp in Louisiana.

Let's do that.

How are we going to get there?

Or somewhere.

I don't

No, take a bus.

Take that little bus with the bear on it.

This is a dollar.


Well, yeah, I'm curious.

We got to find things that are just OK.

Because we were supposed to

do a full Clydesdale one.


Now that Scott's on the up

and up and he's doing 7000

steps a day or something crazy.

seven meters a day or something.

I don't remember what it was.

She's going to be ready.

Is this like the Raging Cajun games?

If we can get Kat out of the woods,

we can get her to do some fitness.

I definitely need to do

Masters only comps.

Masters scaled comps.

Do you remember...

That one time, Marcus and I did a comp,

and we took second to last place,

and we were the oldest by 20 years.

Oh, yeah.

And they definitely did not

drug test at that competition.


because there would have definitely

been some people popping.

You probably would have won,

because everyone in front of you.

Well, you know what?

That's what I want to tell myself.

How they have done that.

I'm like they don't build

people like that in real

life no they don't and I've

never seen people wear

jorts like that and be able

to jump over bales of hay

and and they and they

didn't rip which is weird

and do thrusters and that

kind of stuff with jorts on

I mean this is before born

primitive made their jorts

It was.

You're right.

I think these were like literal cutoffs.

These were like lees.

Actual cutoffs happening.

Well, shoot.


Raging games.

We'll take a look.

We'll have to get a bus.

This sounds intense.

Maybe that's two years.


you said we need something to push us.

That's true.

That's true.

We're going to get your

front rack in order.

That's going to be my new mission.

There's a lot more that

probably needs to happen

before that happens.

Well, I'm going to give you homework.

Hips, ankles.


now that you're... I'm going to be your

level three study now.

So this is funny.

I was hanging out with your

wife last Friday night.

And I was at a mutual

friend's house and the

mutual friend had a dog and

it was one of those, what's that called?

Oh, gremlin looking dogs, French bulldogs.

And I was like joking.

I was like,

have you guys ever seen those

dog chiropractor shows?

I was like,

I feel like this dog needs some of that.

And your wife just looks

over at me and she goes,

Amy's a level three bet now.


You'll have to create everything then.


Level three.


That is crazy.

Those dogs are like, what the fuck?

What did you just say?

I know.

They're like, hmm?

I want to bite you, but I feel better,

so I don't know what to do here.

Look at this.

Amy suggested fixing Charlie's front rack,

and he's like, hey,

let's not get too crazy.

It's true.

This front rack's been years

in the making to be this bad.

It's mostly because your

biceps are so big.

I like to tell myself that,

but then I see like Dan

Bailey in a front rack and

it kind of throws everything off.


Well, yeah, that's a good reflection.

We're going to print out

some of those photos and

put it on the rig.

Let's just call him.

See what he's doing.

How are you getting this front rack?


I'm guessing he's going to

say something about mobility.

Oh, yes.

It is fun to watch Charlie

do thrusters with the dumbbells.

I just let people know this

is the range of motion we got.

Get your head through.


More of a suggestion than a rule.

Listen, we got to push ourselves.

We got to get better.

Did you hit yourself on the head?

Yeah, I may or may not have before.

Was that when we went to Cliffside?



That was something different.

That was a bike that killed

Scott and I. Got it.

Which was a great show right

afterwards when we're like, okay,

we're going to need like...

It was snowing.

I think that was episode number eight,


If you guys want to go back

and review that episode number eight.

We had a mic that didn't work.

So we were sharing a mic.

where we visited the Panczyk brothers.

We didn't speak with Saxon.

Oh yeah,

so Corey makes a great point here.

If maybe you worked on some mobility,

nutrition, sleep, how's your sleep?

Sleep, sleep.

If kids sleep, that's not a real thing.

Yeah, my sleep is.

And a dog that says 2 a.m.

is time for me to go out.

Every single day.

Are you serious?

Oh yeah.

Absolutely not.

Let me tell you about my

sleep last night real quick.

Cause it's real important to look at.

See if you guys can see this number.

Why would anybody do a Tabata assault?

You see that?


What's that middle deal?

Oh, I'm just talking about,

I'm talking about this number right here.

Three hours, 30 minutes.

You're far right.

Your far right side looks

like a middle finger.

Those three right there.

Oh yeah, it does.

So the thing about your sleep,

it's basically saying you

might as well get up cause you,

you stink.

Um, okay.

So that one says I slept three hours.

Let me check my other app.

I think it told me I slept less.

So yeah.



That was it.

Tabata assault bike and burpees.

But that's because, if you remember,

the Panchex always did Saturday bike.


Yeah, but at least it was a salt bike.

It's better than the Echo bike.


Bike, bike.

Bike, bike, bike, bike, bike, bike.

I thought we were just

coming in for a nice little easy workout,

do a little interview, have all fun.

Drive back home.


Charlie, this has been fun,

the Charlie and Michelle.

Even if we just banter about life.

Maybe we'll start one.

Maybe we will.


Just keep the people guessing.

Who knows?

Scott and Kat both had some

work stuff going on.

As you can see,

Charlie and I are both in our offices,

but we're taking a quick lunch break.


some of us are more committed to

this thing than others.

That's all I'm saying.

That's all I'm saying.

Yeah, that's true, Scott.

You did catch your breath

about 30 minutes into that interview.

So if you guys want to go

back and listen to some

quality beginning podcasts, episode eight,

I think with Saxon Panchik

at CrossFit Cliffside,

which I wore that shirt the other day,

which is sad because

there's no longer CrossFit Cliffside.

There's a lot of us just

hoping that they would keep talking.

and not give short answers.


Episode five, six,

just go back and look for Saxon Pancheck.


it depends on if you take out episode one,

then does it become five or six?

Episode one, that does not exist.

I don't know.


Because that was a shit show.

I don't think I was present for that one.

Oh, yeah, you were.

Our first ever episode?



Yeah, you were there.

Everyone was there.

All my kids were there.

The dog was there.


I'll have to go back and

take a trip down memory lane.

You won't.

It's gone.


All right.


I better get ready to tackle the rest

of the school day.

All right.


Maybe I'll see you tomorrow.

Maybe if you show up, I'll be there.

All right.

Let's get our bench on.

All right.

Thanks, everyone, for joining.

Catch us next time on

Clydesdale Media Roundtable.

You said it right.