Eat the Cake...Anime!!

It's #SpookySZN here on the DFPN so the Eat the Cake crew are reviewing some of the darker anime out there. We start with the amazing manga/anime "Death Note" tonight!

Creating the Manga (13:00)
Anime Adaptation (42:02)
SPOILERS!! (1:26:54)
Put This on Your Radar (2:19:09)

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What is Eat the Cake...Anime!!?

A few anime heads from the Datfeelin Podcast Network and the Saturday Night Nerds figured it was time to get together and put out a show for not only the hardcore anime watchers, but also the casual ones as well. Join Mac aka YaBoy, Deante the Giant, and Kenpachi Zaraki as they dedicate each episode to breaking down some of the most beloved anime. From discussing the creator of the story/manga, to exploring the animation studios behind their anime adaptations, we do what we can to grow a community of anime fans! Whether you're a sucker for the classics, or new to the game, this is a spot for everyone!


What's up, anime heads? Over here at DFPN, it is, hashtag spooky season. So I know we've been bringing you the bright, colorful, great stories and happy endings of, most shounens out there, but, we decided to tap into the, one of the darker, but nonetheless, great anime and mangas out there, death notes. And, of course, I'm so happy to have, the homie Jackie back with us and, from Queens of Nerdom, the game master for our fallen star campaign, my man EJ, aka doctor awesome. And, he's been wanting to come on the show for a while.


He's more of a, I guess you could say a connoisseur of the, the vintage animes. You know? So, introduce yourself to the crew, man. First time on the show.


Yeah. Great to be here. Thanks for inviting me. Love anime. Have forever.


Since I was, a little kid growing up in, Hawaii, used to watch Robotech, Maycross on in in the morning cartoon. My morning cartoons were different than what a lot of you know, they had in the States because you got to see anime. So I was like, you know, watching Robotech, watching Guiber and stuff, and then I come to the States and I you know, the access wasn't there, you know, late eighties, early nineties. So, a lot of that was I learned through VHS or, you know, eventually, DVD, getting to see stuff. But, now with the options that are out there, you know, I I I've I love anime.


I feel like some of the greatest stories I've I've come across have been, via manga or anime, and it brings so many people together. I mean, so many different genres and people who are different scenes, but we can all, chime in and and and comment on certain certain animes that we've seen that pretty much like Death Note, like Bring It Up Tonight. That's one of those that if you're an anime fan, you've probably seen it, or it's on your it's on your to do list because, it's one of those cornerstones, you know, of of anime. So, just glad to be here. Thanks for having me.


I'm ready


to go. Yeah.


And, of course, Jackie's back after her hiatus, but a lot of life movements going on, work, family visiting, so a 100% understood. But, super stoked to have you back, homey. Yeah.


I'm excited. Yeah. I can't wait. I've been waiting. It's been a month and a 2 weeks.


I'm counting.


Like, who's counting? I am. But, without further ado, we'll bring in the intro, then we'll start talking about this amazing story. What up? What up?


Like, we talked about oh, man. Yeah. Shout out to I forgot the name. I'll shout them out. I'll put them in the, the comments, but, I was going through YouTube trying to find some clips and stuff to put together for intro, and I saw that mash up, and I just reached out to the creator.


I was just like, hey. You know, mind if we, use your joint for intro for it? And they're just like, yeah. You can use the I was like, we're gonna change the music. Just they're like, yeah.


You can use the, just, you know, throw my name in the the, the description. So we'll shout them out more often. I I think they need more credit, than what we've been giving them. So, like, we talked about Death Note. It was the creator, goes by a pen name, Tsugumi Oba.


They keep their identity closely guarded secret. I think, a few manga creators do that. I know, the creator for a demon slayer is also like that as well. Not sure if they're just like, man, I'm a be super popular. I don't need to get mobbed when I go places.


But, whatever. As long as you keep creating dope stuff like that, you know, name yourself, whatever you want at that point.


I think it's cool that he's anonymous because so is Kira in the actual anime itself.


Yeah. Yeah. That's a good point.


That's a good reflection. Yeah.


Yep. So, like, the weird thing about this is, so, Obo was just like, yeah. You know, Even though I'm a a creator and I, you know, worked on a, Death Note, also, did a a series called, Bakuman and then Platinum Inn. So, you know, 33 pretty well known in Japan, manga series, but they never were really a reader as a as a kid. They were just like, you know, we just watch TV and movies and things along those lines.


And, so just use the creativity from watching that to to create, what we have here. They said that, you know, seeing some movies and things, that deal with, and stuff, which we talked about bleach on the previous one. But it seems to be a an, a theme in most anime, not most. But like the, yeah. Yeah.


The whole, other side of life. Like, there's things happening outside of life. Very supernatural, very spiritual.


Because they love the paranormal. They really do.


Oh, 100%. And and there's several anime that get into the the paranormal stuff. Yeah. I'm you know, I'm here for it. They do a a good job telling the story that way.


But another thing to note, for Oba is that they do their best thinking or so they sit in an interview, sitting in a chair holding their knees, which is kinda like with, what Elle does. And so I'm just the more I was reading about the creator, I'm just like, there's small little nuances like you said too, Jackie. Like, just having the the, you know, the pseudonym instead of just going by your your name there. But so we've all seen it. I know you guys just recently seen it.


You know, I've every time we do the show, like, obviously, we've all seen it, but then I've never read the manga. So I go back and start looking at the manga and stuff, and it's just a whole different aspect. Like, it tells the same story, but, like, from a different you get a different version of it, if you will. You know?


A little bit more gruesome as well. A little bit more graphic too with, some of the deaths that happened throughout,


lot of that has to go with the fact that it it as as an anime, it was part of the shonen, so it's like they didn't want it to be as graphic. You know? Like because then sometimes it sets it over into the more adult themed stuff. So some people even said it should have been categorized as that just because of the level of the philosophy behind it all. Like, if you sat back and actually judged it, it's something more on a level that, you know, maybe it it should be for strictly adults to think of.


But I think that, being that light is a teenager, it it fits. You know what I mean? So I think that people undercut the the level of understanding that a lot of people his age probably do have Mhmm. When viewing that story and how it, you know, it might spark, you know, thought and conversation.


That's a good point that you brought that up because, even though I have on here that, oh, more than 30,000,000 copies were sold Yeah. In Japan. And, however, in a lot of countries, it was banned, like China, for example. And, the biggest thing I I found this is, I guess, kids were, buying. Yeah.


They were purchasing the death notes, and then they were writing the names of people that they dislike in that. 2 times. Teachers and acquaintances. Yeah.


I knew it.


know what? I did that in junior high, in elementary school, but it was just a regular notebook that you just passed between friends. Just little that you folded into a little football.


I can't stand this person. You know?


hate the list of people that are Right. This is my list.


But if you also look at anime back in, like, the eighties, nineties


Hold on real real quick, Jackie. Real quick. Sorry to cut you off. Eric did give me the, international. Like, we haven't taken our Oh.


Our shot.


Okay. Hold on. I got my soju.


Oh, we fancy over here. I'm just over here with Malibu coconut rum. So


Oh, even with some Bacardi rum.


So Cheers. Cheers. Now look at that smoke. Oh, you got I should've brought my smoke pit. Oh, I suck.


That wasn't a a pleasant time. Yeah.


No. It's just it's not a rum is not usually my go to. And I didn't wanna just drink, take a shot of Crown, and sip on Crown. So I'm like, let me mix it up.


Oh, yeah.


That's the


worst decision.


That's also a lot of sugar when you have Crown and


Don't worry about what's happening over here.


I'm not gonna I'm not judging you.


Don't worry about what's happening. But, we started


say back, back then, like, a lot of manga that's gruesome like that, which is great. The art style and everything was good. You you notice a lot of themes when, Americans wanted to try and take the manga and make animated adaptations of it, they would censor a lot. Perfect example is also Sailor Moon. Like, a lot of Sailor Moon was changed and censored.


Fullmetal Alchemist, like, a lot of stuff was changed and censored based off of what Americans thought was, like, okay to show based off of, like, what the original art was, but a lot of that gets lost. But nowadays, I see it's different. They've actually been, like, the same true


They're learning that it's not just the children's you know, because that's their mentality is if it's Annie's movie, it's a child you know, it's it's a child's movie or a child's movie.


Or maybe or maybe they think, like, may well, this case is death note. People are dying. So I I I would think that they don't think children, but maybe, like, 14 and up kinda thing, I guess.


But but


still, like, it it makes sense why it differs, but it still doesn't differ a lot. It still lines up with the story. They didn't create, like, a whole separate story line




Of compared to the manga. It's just the manga is more, in my opinion, from what I I looked up. I didn't read the manga, but I looked at the panels and everything. Right. Like, it's very beautifully drawn.


The illustrations, I think the illustrator is Takashi Obata.




Yeah. It's a illustrator.


He is amazing. Yes.


Yep. Did a really great job with the concept. Apparently, Ryuk was supposed to be super handsome, And they were like, no. No. No.


We can't. He's gotta be, like, different looking. So they changed his whole character design and had him look the way that he did because they didn't want him to look too human. He he shouldn't look human. Yep.


Which I thought was interesting.


Yeah. Like his elongated limbs and so forth to try to because when you're dealing with the Shinigami, like, if you see anything they throw Shinigami in, they usually range from, like, these total bizarre looking creatures. And, I mean, to some of it's comical, you know, to us. We would think, oh, but in their culture, I mean, they they range from, you know, the little heads bouncing on the ground with googly eyes to, you know, fearsome looking creatures, but they're all fallen under the shinigami as in types of demons or types of evil spirits. So, you know, I mean, they their appearance, it ranges so much, but I I'm sure a lot of stuff when it comes to the American adaptation, they've gotta look at it as, you know, with the Americans by off.


But if




You look like, you know, like, Prince or something.


You know? Yep. So, Yes. Before we we super deep dive, let's go ahead and get into our segment, creating the manga. So, we already hit on some some super dope points, regarding that.


But the one point I wanted to bring up, and and it was it really, like, stuck out to me. It's like this manga from beginning to end, 108 chapters. Right? Only, I think, 12 volumes, and it sold 30,000,000. And the only one on the list of, like, best selling, manga of all time that had less volumes and sold more was Devilman.


It only had 5 volumes. Yeah. It only had 5 volumes, and that sold 50,000,000. But, you know, that was back in the the seventies and but I think, Jack, you brought up a good point, and and I kinda figured that's probably why it didn't sell as much is because the topic that this story covered, a lot of countries were just like, this is probably not a good idea to have this, you know, bringing this this running rampant over here, because people are, you know, creatures of of you know, we we do radical things at times, and somebody would have just picked this thing up kinda like in the in the story where Kira who, you know, ends up being light, his, his, alias, builds up a cult following, and people start believing in that. You know?






That's not saying people don't do that in real life. We've had numerous cults that ended up killing themselves over some weird radical belief. So other countries were probably like, yeah. It's probably best not that we, bring this stuff to our country. You know?


Yeah. But, for those who don't know, and, we kinda skipped over it in our apologies. But so the synopsis for death note, if you haven't heard or which I feel is kind of it's like ingrained in pop culture at this point. Most people should know. If you don't have a deep understanding of it, you should probably know the surface level.


Jackie mentioned it. You know, dude writes a comes across a notebook, the death note. You see the face of somebody. You know their name. You can write it in there, and then they'll die.


Pretty simple. Right? So the story follows, Light, Yagami, a genius high school student who discovers a mysterious notebook aka the death note, which belonged to a Shinigami named Ryuk and grants the user the supernatural ability to kill anyone whose name is written in the pages. The series centers around Light's subsequent attempt to use the death note to carry out a worldwide massacre of individuals whom he deems immoral and to create a crime free society using the alias of a godlike vigilante named Kira and the subsequent efforts of an elite Japanese police task force led by the ign ignamic enigmatic I can't say that word.




I guess. Yes. Detectives named El to apprehend him. So, I mean, the the the the basis of the story seems pretty solid. Like, you would think somebody who had the ability to rid the world of all evil people would just be considered a hero.




Well, that's the that's the philosophical question. That's the balance of, like I mean, just looking at it like it's it's in society every day, be it criminal justice. You look at the fact of punishment versus redemption.




There's those that believe everyone deserves a second chance, you know, or those that say, hey. It's not for me to judge. It's for society to judge. And then there's those that believe, hey. You did the crime.


You do the time. You did something bad. You deserve to be punished. So you look at that whole philosophical question, and light brings it into there as It's simple to him. And it it it's strange because he's such a genius.


I mean, he is, like, an extraordinarily, gifted mind in a at a high school level.




And he looks at this, and to him, it seems so simplistic. It's if you look if you when you're watching it, you see he doesn't even wrestle with the idea so much. It's just, like, the awe of the power, and he wants to see he just immediately starts exploring the ways in which the death note works, how it can work Right. How he can use it instead of going, should I do this and shouldn't I do he doesn't even weigh the philosophy of it. He just looks at it as, look, I have the power to change things.


I'm gonna do it.


I think the the cool part about that is the initial, you know, skepticism he had when he first got it. He's looking at it. He's just like he watches the news, sees this criminal, you know, all that stuff. He's like, you know, if I'm gonna try it out, what harm would it be if I chose, a criminal that I feel nobody would miss? You know?


A petty person would have been like, I can't stand this motherfucker at work. You know? Like, he wasn't on that level. He's like, let me pick somebody. If this was to work, this person dies, nobody's gonna be like, oh, shit.


Like, what the hell? Like, oh, shit. He's gone. Well, that's one less bad guy on the planet. So that's the I think that's the the first thing that he tries, and then he's just like, oh, shit.


You know? Let me try something else. And like you said, just instead of just looking at the base rules, he starts doing random things like, does it have to be in the the thing? If I could just tear the page out, I could carry Yeah. This the the ability to kill somebody, and it and then I could just tear a small piece off and write it.


And he just kept finding different ways to manipulate and becoming more and more devious with it. And then people are just, oh, man. This guy is


It's it's it's just crazy because Ryuk does what he does in the very beginning out of boredom. Yeah. But what are the chances that it comes across that someone so profoundly in-depth on his on his I mean, for anyone to get it, the chances that light gets it, and light is so I mean, if you were Ryuk and you sat back and watched, this kid takes it in a matter of days and just I mean, seriously, he's like a scientist with his approach. He's just, like, simply just figuring everything out, and he just goes to try this and experiment with this and do this, and he's on it. You know?


So I'm sure it was, like, cured boredom right away. Wow. This kid's crazy. It's like


Yeah. I think that what the entire, like, story talks about is this feeling of that sense of justice and what that actually means, what justice actually means. It tests morality. Like, yes, I'm a smart person, but do I have the, that morality to understand that this decision I could make is not necessarily the correct one? Vice, like, doing the right thing.


Raises questions about the nature of good and evil and then the corrupting influence then of that power once you get it, which is what happens with with light and it shows it throughout the entire story about what happens when people realize they have the ability to make that judgement and decide what justice means to people who deserve it and how corrupting that can be when you're put in that position to have that all that power. You could be someone as insignificant as I don't wanna say insignificant because it's bad to say.


Right. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah.


At a grocery store. This is not no offense to anyone that works at


a grocery store.


But compared to someone that's, like, let's say, like, a CEO or a celebrity or someone that's, like, in, you know, very influential and a lot of people know and they have a lot of power already just being in that position versus someone that's just living day to day life and, you know, working, like, your normal 8 to 4, 8 to 5, 9 to 5, whatever job, taking care of kids. And now all of a sudden, you have all the power in the world to determine people's fate and decide who gets to do what or what happens to who depending on the type of person they are. It's it's crazy because then you see, like, what people do with that, and I can see why, the the story is, like, it's so good, but then why some people or countries are like, yeah. Absolutely not. Yeah.


We don't need that thinking in our country.




These people need to stay in their lane.




can't be feeling like that they could do something actually good. They need to be a nice stay at home person or work 9 to 5 person, and you stay in your lane. You go here.


Yeah. I mean, it's, it's crazy to think, you know, somebody having the ability to to have the power of life and death. And it's to do it from a distance by just writing your name in a book. You know? Like, they don't have to see you in person.


It's not a hand to hand combat. They don't it's just I saw your face on the news. I know what it looks like, and I know your name. I have the ability to take your life from a distance. So the so the premise or the the the idea and what he would like to do is very noble.


It's just the execution of it is is where it starts because he like you said, he's already at a genius level of intellect. So now he's almost like a a a evil genius at this point. You know what I'm saying?


He starts losing his sense of morality at one point because now human lives become just chess pieces.


It starts the death note itself, the book itself, starts to obscure the lines between light and dark.




I mean, noble purpose can doesn't mean that you don't commit atrocity. There's been many times throughout history as mankind has had a noble goal or the best intentions, and still it's turned out in you know, to have disastrous outcome. So in this, you're seeing that develop. Even the greatest I mean, light is a genius. It's from the beginning.


You notice. I mean, the kid is able to do, even there's a part that I was watching that I was where he can write with both hands.




He uses that later in the story, and you and when you're watching it, you see I mean, this kid is able to absorb information right with one hand to do homework. Do the other hand, he's doing the death note while, you know, watching a video camera on him. That's why I mean, he's multitasking alone, you know, makes me feel like, you know, my IQ is very low just watching him. So, I mean, yeah, the the the lines of light and dark and, I mean, like you said, when Willie just you just said that, you know, he had a he had a noble or, initially, a noble idea of punishing those that deserve to be punished. Mhmm.


But then you come down to, should any one person be judge, jury, and executioner? You know, Wendy's when the I mean, even the the most noble of people, should they ever have that power? You know, because


I think once you get that taste, like, you just try it or realize you have it. As soon as you get that taste, it's not there's a difference, I think, where some people will just do what light did. Right? And just full send. Whereas, like, some people might do it and be like, okay.


Only on Wednesdays.


Yeah. Only on my off days will I quit masking later.


Yeah. On Wednesdays, I wear black. It's my dark day.


Laundry day, I start writing names.


Yep. Like, you


know, laundry, I got nothing else to do. I'm just like,


chores. You know? Yeah.


One thing I found, though, I thought was interesting about, when this was written is it was initially supposed to be a one shot story.




The creator submitted it to Shonen and was like, nah.


They're not gonna


be a one


shot story yet.


And they're like, hey. We love it. Keep going. And he's like, oh, alright.


Yeah, man.


And I guess in the original draft, he actually created, it's called a death eraser. So even though you could write in the notebook, he originally had an idea that there was also an eraser that could erase the names that were in the, the notebook and thus bringing them all back to life.


Oh, wow. Oh, wow.


Yeah. But I guess he decided to remove it because that would make the main character too powerful to just, like, go back and forth. And, also, light's already a sociopath. Imagine being a sociopath and a narcissist, and you just I'm gonna kill you. Now I'm gonna bring you back to life.


See what I can do? Oh, I'm gonna kill you again. Now I'm gonna bring you back. The the manipulation, like, that is crazy.


It really would've. If they kept it, it would've lessened the impact.


Because the


fact that when you make that decision pen to paper, it's done. It it, you know, it makes the fact that he could make those decisions so easily Mhmm. So much more impactful. You're just like it doesn't seem to hit him at all. I mean, with the first gentleman, it does, but I think it's more of a shock that it actually worked Right.


More than him being hurt.


Yeah. He had a smirk on his face as soon it happened. It was immediately, he's like, oh, this is what I've been searching for for my entire life. Because he at one point, I think he was already losing purpose because


He was just too smart.


He he he reached his peak.




He is the he is the perfect example of when you reach your peak in high school. Like


What else is there for me to do in life? Yeah.


What is it? Where is he going? He's gonna be 30 and, you know He's


uncle Rico, man.


He's doing nothing, eventually.


I don't know. Yeah. He reached his peak, and he's like, is this all there is? Like, this is what it is, and now I'm just gonna become the top. Like, he already knew he was just gonna be this in my personal opinion, he was already had that sociopathic tendency, where he's already, like, I'm already better than everyone.


Like, this is not enough for me. Like, I'm just gonna live this life where I'm just gonna be at the top and no one can best me.


Mhmm. Yeah. He's very egotistical.




mean, he had a right to be, but Yeah. It it I mean, it's amazing that you mentioned it was only supposed to be a one shot because it it actually was one at 2003 to, like, 2005 or 6. How long did this Yeah.


3 years. 1,000,000? Oh, 3


Yeah. 3 years ago. It's 2,006.


There you go. I was like, the for a one shot, it went on for 3 years. That's pretty crazy.


Well, I I like that. And and this is probably with with most anime and most manga. Why why I feel more drawn to watch that. People be like, what shows are you watching? And I'd rather watch that because, and in in some sort of way, it applies to to Marvel and stuff like or just movies in general.


They try to take books that have been, like, series novels, like, 3, 4, 6 series




books and try to put it in a 2 hour movie, and it doesn't hit the same. And people are just like, man, that movie flopped. What's wrong? Like, you tried to do too much. You know?


Mhmm. With anime, they just it's a it's a weekly episodic story that they get they you you get to understand the characters. You get to grow to like them or hate them. You see the, intricacies between the protagonist and antagonist and stuff, and it and then it becomes you get attached to these characters. You get attached to the stories and things.


When when it comes to, like, most shows, you know, it's like one season of whatever or, like, a big movie. Which so, like, a one shot just would have been he finds the book and then all this stuff, and then it ends. Right? And you're just like, well you know, things like that, you're like, man, that would have been dope if they woulda drug it out. An example did it.


Yeah. Yeah. An example that that I like to tell people is the movie, what's that movie on Netflix? It had, like, Will Smith, and it was, like, in this fairy tale thing.




Oh, yeah.


Bright. I'm just like, if if they woulda, like, fleshed that out and had a season with episodes or something to describe, kinda give backstory instead of, like, throwing the the viewer into this world, and I have, like, a 110 minutes to try to fucking understand everything, the past Yeah. And why it reflects on the present and what's happening with you know, like, I probably would have been more invested, but I'm just like, it's a little too much to just try to throw on somebody. So Yeah. I think with Death Note and then the beautiful thing about Death Note, 1, like, no fillers.


2, it just had the one story. Like, this is what it's gonna be. 37 episodes anime wise, a 108 chapters manga wise, and it's done.


They had some specials that were written, like, one offs in the manga. Like, there there was one where Ryuk apparently dressed up as Santa Uh-huh. And, like, asked Light if he liked Christmas.




But there was some of those, like, not fillers, but at least, like, one offs, which I thought I think is nice that the creator at least did that to you.


But It's so popular. I mean, you know, you'd have to you'd have to throw your fans some some side side, stories, I'm sure.




Yeah. The saying no perfect perfect description of this. From episode 1 through, you don't have any episodes that are just there to fill gaps or to, oh, we're gonna have the Thanksgiving special, you know, or the trip down memory lane special, which all shows have, you know, or the Right.


Or the


The beach episode. Yeah. The Sweet Bodies episode or


any of those things they do, or they have to have a a time a, you know, like, a time travel episode.






didn't do anything but follow this story. And another thing that I I I think was completely amazing with Death Note is the lack of the lack of action and combat does not take away from the intensity and suspense. I mean, you're glued for those, you know, those episodes. You're you're burned through episodes like that, and there's there doesn't have to be a single motion moment of combat. You know?


There it's not like you're waiting. You know, like Dragon Ball z builds up to that battle or, you know, bleat bleach, you know there's gonna be a confrontation. In this, it's a nonstop confrontation, but it's all in their mind. Mhmm. You know?


And it's it's and it's but it does it doesn't lack for that that sense of, thrilling adventure. You know? You just, like, you're following it the whole time, and you root for both sides while you're watching it.




know? You're like, man. You know? How are they gonna undo? How is he gonna up you know, 1 up him on this one or outdo him?




The creator did a really good job of, showcasing light in a way that you couldn't hate him. But then also when they brought in all the other side characters, you also weren't annoyed or hated them either. If anything, you were more grateful to the addition or their addition and what they added Yeah. To that story and the suspense and the and the thrilling parts and especially like the antagonist, if you will, just how the balance to the main character and the back and forth and the relationship. And if you ever hear people talking about how, like, it was a page turner, like, I could never put a book down, like, I think that death note is one of those ones if you had all 12 volumes.


Like, you would just burn through them in, like, one night.


Absolutely. Yep. So, when it comes to that, I mean, like you talked about Jackie, he sends the his pilot up to him. Like, you know, they're they're not gonna take this. You know?


Like, weekly Shonen Jump is like, if you are a manga writer or illustrator or something like if if you get picked up by them, it's like big leagues. And there's a high likelihood that your property will get picked up into a animated, you know, adaptation and stuff. So, you know, I can understand, you know, Ova just being like, I'll submit it, but I'm not I'm not expecting much. Right? So then it gets picked up.


So, the the great thing is, the great slash super weird thing is the illustrator for Death Note, they ended up working together on the the other 2 that he did. The, what is it? Bakuman. The Bakuman


is flatten.


In. So they worked together. Oba was the the the writer, and, Obata was the illustrator. The weird thing is, like, they rarely met in person. Right?


So every time they they start working on they would meet with the editor. Like, one would meet with the editor, then the other one would meet with the editor. And then they would, like, that's how information was passed from one to another. Like, Oba would come by with, dialogue and stuff like that. Editor would get it give it to, Obata, and then they would start the penciling and inking of of the panels.


The one thing I do like, and and I always feel like this leads to better mangas and better anime adaption, if the anime sticks with the manga, is when the writer is just focused on the writing and you have that trust with the illustrator to just take what you're writing and put it into their visual, what they believe it to be, and you give them full range is what is what, Ova did for Obata. You get I I wish I had saved some of the the panels and stuff. But, Jackie, you've seen them, and you see, like, how it sets the scene and and how, Oba is just strictly like, there's no filler. There's no, like, unnecessary fluff. Like, it is very the tempo is very point a to point b with this.


You know? There's there's nothing in between where the reader


kinda gets fluff. A while where they're just waiting, and they're not talking for long periods of time. Like and, yes, there is a lot of talking because they're going through their strategies. But even as they're doing that, it's still very, like, holy shit. Like, how did they think of step 1 through freaking 8?


And then, oh, by the way, the other one was also planning for steps 8 through 15. And, oh, by the way, the other one was, like, waiting for step 16. So it's, like, listening to that, it's not boring, and you're not like, oh my god. Shut up. Can you just get to the point?


Yeah. So I think that temple is is kind of what you said, Jackie, would have people page turn her because it's not like you get to a point in the story where you're just like, oh, this is a good time to take a break. It's just like, shit. What happens next? Shit.


What happens next? You know? Some of the best TV shows were like that. I know, like, lost had me like that when it first came out. I'm like, fuck.


You know, back when


of thrones.


Back yeah.


Game of Thrones is like that.


I'm like, bro. Like, I would I like I got on Game of Thrones, like, season 3. So, seasons 1, 2, I was able to binge those on t 3 in Korea. I'm just like, bam. Bam.


Bam. Bam. Bam.


On t 3 binging.


And then and then when you get up current, you're like, fuck. Now I gotta wait a week. Right? That that's that's what Death Note was. Like, I'm just man, this shit is how is he gonna get out of this?


Is he gonna get rid of it? Or is he gonna catch him? How is he getting you know, it's just the suspense. And it and it's like you said, Eric. It's categorized as a shonen, but there's no, like Yeah.


There's no, like, superpowers leveling up, fucking fireballs. It's just it's it's a game of wits, like a game of chess, and you're just like, I I is he gonna get caught or not? He's so close to getting caught. Oh, he knows. He knows.


I mean, when hit when Light and l are actually meeting and, you know, you know l is, like, trying to figure out if Light is Kira and Kira's or Light's just trying to make someone else seem like they're Kira. Right.


Oh, yeah.


But at the same time, he's gotta stick with l, and l is purposely pushing him, trying to provoke him. Yeah. You know? And and I mean, there is no fight. There is no physical altercation.


But right then, you're so vested in that moment. You're, like, waiting. You know? You're, like, waiting. Like, is Light gonna try to kill l?


L already knows because l already told Light's dad, like, hey. If I don't if I'm dead next week, your son's, you know, the man. Yeah.


So I mean that


I don't wanna spoil it too much. There's some also, like, what's that called? Realistic themes that were in Death Note with the relationship between l and Kira or sorry, Light and how they viewed each other. And, like, for, like, for example, certain things of how l would talk to lights when they would have their interactions, light talking to l, so on and so forth. Towards the end ish, whatever, like, some of the other stuff, like, it was very somber as well.


Mhmm. It's sad too, even. It it's I don't know. It's just very, very, there's a lot of symbolism too between their, relationship as well. I don't wanna say it though because it's


No. We'll we'll get to that though. We'll we'll we'll get to the area where we can


I do have I do have a couple of fun facts that I thought was interesting about, Death Note is apparently, if you guys notice, some of the names in the show are really strange and weird, you know, like Ryuk, what is it? Saito, Mello, Near, Elle, like, all of it. Mhmm. And I guess, the reason why is because Oba didn't want people to see their real names written in a notebook and perceive it as bad luck. So they didn't wanna put, like, real names in there.


And then light write somebody's real name, and they're just like, oh, shit off in the dark. Yeah.


Like yeah. Yeah.


Oh, just like mentioned before, it's very, supernaturally and




You know,


paranormally charged community all throughout Japan. So they they have a lot of, beliefs and practices that are very steeped in superstition. You know? And,


And then and then, the 2 characters get introduced later, you know, in the manga, in the show Right.


You know,


in the story. The creators didn't like to use the idea that both of them could be, like, Elle's relative or children, because he couldn't imagine Elle having sex.


I'm a 100% on board with that. Yeah. He's a weird


dude, man. Yeah.


He's a weird dude. But,


I mean, I I'm not gonna lie. I think I don't I think I wouldn't like the story if it's too cliche that, like, someone kids succeed and get it. Yeah. Like, all


of a sudden,


you know, or now my kids get involved because they're like me. Like




I I just think that's a little too I'm glad that they didn't go that route because that would've been too cliche.


Yeah. But, so this, manga was so well received. So, I think another thing is, Obo was just like, you know, the the the genre or, you know, the the market for manga at the time, there were very few suspense thriller type stories out there. So they they swung. It was just like, we'll just try to throw one out there and get some variety, and it it picked up like wildfire.


And, of course, you know, once your manga starts doing well, it's time to get that anime adaption going on. So, our next segment, we'll be talking about the anime, which was directed by Taturil Araki, who did High School of the Dead, Attack on Titan seasons 1 through 3, and, Carbonari of the Iron Fortress, which if you haven't seen that one, that's a pretty dope man.


That one's I love that one. Okay. That one's so good.


And then, yep. And then it was animated by Madhouse who, of course, are legends in the game, Yu Yu Hakushu, Trigun, Paranoid, Agent Claymore, Parasite. Rayren. Oh, man.


Claymore's got some beautiful




Hunter. Yep. One Punch


Man. Lord.


And more recently, Jackie I think Jackie's pick for anime of the year, Freer. Right?




Yep. There you go. So, ladies and gentlemen, let's get into the anime adaptation. And we have Jackie in the building. So, of course, we would be remiss if we did not allow her to talk about the music because she is all about the music when it comes to these shows.


So the floor is yours, ma'am.


I do have the first and second opening already written out. But yeah. So the first opening, it's called The World by Nightmare. And, if people don't know who, like, Nightmare is, they're more of, like, a your punk rock type of band in in, like, America, if you will. But, they end up doing this, like, opening that's anytime that anyone hears it, it's, like, listening to, I don't know, a Naruto opening.


Like, as soon as you hear it, you're, like, yep. This is Death Note. And everyone, like, head bangs and does their thing, and they just love it. So I thought that it was really great. Like, I think this band is sick.


The other one is the second o opening, which I personally really like. It's got that screamo, and I I I think this is one of the first animes back in the day. Not the first. Sorry. The few that were actually using more darker tones and music on top of like, for openings.


Not so much the OSTs that are in the background, but the opening itself where they're introducing more scream mode, if you will. Yeah. And that band is called Maximum


the The hormone.


Hormone. Yeah. And their song is called What's Up People? It's just a sick opening. I sometimes I forget, like, how good the openings were in, like, older anime is back in nineties, early 2000.


But the openings, both of them are great. And what's interesting is that the anime was only add add up adapted adapted into one season, but it's just 2 parts. Yeah. So you have your first part is, like, the one opening, which is the world, and then what's up people, which I did think it was interesting. They stuck with the theme of the world and then nightmares, the band Right.


Like, the show. But then they went, like, the I'd still think the song fit, but then it's like, what's up people? So I always make jokes, and I'm like, lights like, what's up people? I'm still here.


Yeah. In the, And


then you have and then you have, like, just the looming, like, you know, the choir always in the background throughout the whole show all the time when, like, he starts writing in his notebook, and he's going crazy, and the choir's just getting loud.


That's a memeable thing. Like, you'll you'll see certain TikToks. People are, like, being thought or, like, having inner monologues, and that'll be playing in the background and stuff. So it's a it's it's a very like like I said


track is really sick.


It's ingratiated in pop culture at that point. You know what I'm saying? And I think another thing that's pretty cool is, the same band that does the, the opening for the parts of the season also do the ending for it. So, Illumina was also performed by Nightmare, the ending for, part 1. And then, hormone the or maximum, the hormone, did the ending as well.


What is it? Zetsububilli? And, they've they've done openings and and endings for for multiple anime. I know, maximum recently just did, and we'll talk about chainsaw hero in a few in a future episode. But the thing about chainsaw man is each episode, I think, had a different ending.


Like, it was it was never, like, a batched ending. And I think episode 3, the ending was done by, Maximum, the hero. And the nightmare also did the opening for Claymore. So it's just one of those things where you're just like, you know like, certain bands, they just have it. And, like, recently, I think Creepy Nuts, who do the opening, bro.


Don't even give me shit.


Bro, I think they're about to be the the next up. Like, Lisa Lisa had it on lock. You know what I'm saying?


Miss that miss this green apple. Yep. We got Lisa.


Yeah. So there are certain bands that, you know, if you listen to their albums, you're like, man, these are pretty good. But they also know, like, they're they're very strategic with with, like, the music they make. They're like, this could possibly be open for an anime. So, you know, it's a thing.


But the music across the board I I think the opening ending is is good, but I'm I'm as I'd gotten older, I'd learned to appreciate, like, the soundtrack while the show is playing and how the music




Fully embraces you into the moment.


Theme brings you into it. It, like, ramps you up. Because not only are you already, like your heart's racing because you're like, what's gonna happen? Now you have the music that just adds


The choir in the back singing. You're like, something's about to happen.


Yeah. The choir the choir is definitely yeah. That I also feel like the music in the actual, like, episodes like, one of my favorite is when light is, following the, recently widowed woman trying


to god.


The music and the way I know it's not real camera movements because we're talking about an anime. Right.


That's actually my least favorite episode, by the way.


I know. I know.


That made you hate him, You're just like, this motherfucker's gotta go. Feeling that they can hate through


that episode. I mean, that episode does an excellent job of just kinda bringing you in the moment. I mean, brings your feelings in it. You know? And and they don't like I said, they don't have actual camera movements.


But just the the the way in which they they flesh that out with the music and the action on the scene, it just I mean, it it's a it pulls on your heartstrings, man, for real because you're like, I to me, it's a step at the in in the story where Light's taken another step beyond just his noble cause. At this moment, you see he's willing to go outside of what is morally acceptable


to his own good. To protect himself.


That's why I feel like it's a it's such a pivotal episode even though, like Jackie said, it's a hard episode to watch. It's it's it's tough.


Oh, you Yeah. Because you think she's getting away.


Yeah. Well, also


I'm like, she's just


talk I gotta talk about that episode real quick. Okay. Because I was watching that, and I'm looking at Steven. And I'm like, didn't he say he was gonna go home? What is he doing?


Why is he still falling after her? Also, why isn't she questioning? And she just keeps talking back to him and then she just ran it's like when you're playing a video game, you know, you keep pressing a to talk to the character, and the character keeps telling you more. But you should just go home and start the next part of the story. That's literally what was happening.


Like, why is this this is the worst I've never I I don't like that episode. I don't like that part. I don't like that, but so I don't understand. It doesn't make sense. Everyone else is so suspicious of him.


She's an FBI agent that apparently was able to figure out all this shit, but then he's being super suspicious. Oh, and her keeps asking her questions and trying to redirect her attention.


But I I I I, you know, put all that to the point where, you know, her husband I mean, she's, like, in a vulnerable spot. Very emotional. Hurt. Like, she she knows enough or whatever research she had to know that light is suspected and not to give her real name out because Kira's around and all he needs is a name x, y, and z. Yeah.


But she was just I think Light just prayed on the the fact that he knew her. Yeah. The vulnerability of that, which that that's that's kind of along the lines where it's like, was he the bad guy up to that point? You're just like, well, he's just getting rid of criminals. Yes.


You know? And and I get why, you know, the investigating forces is after him because you just can't have people killing people without trials and stuff. But, like, when he started crossing over to killing legit innocent people to protect himself, that's when I'm just like, alright. This motherfucker's gotta go now. You know?


Like like, I was kind of I was on the fence with you like, like, because I I get what you're trying to do. But


Yeah. I feel like she was initially, I think she, one, she was hurt, but I felt like she was smart and experienced enough to where she thought that she could get enough information too by talking back to him. She's still trying to figure out


Oh, she's trying to get information too.


So she wants to know, but at that moment, she's not at her full capacity because she is dealing with the loss. So I think that her want to catch him and overshot her ability at the moment because she was easier to prey upon at that moment. Mhmm. But it it's still it's still rough. I mean


Oh, sorry. Sorry. To go back to the morality point, I actually would argue that the 7th episode, which is before everything about her, is when he started losing his morality because when that spokesperson for l went on and it it was he didn't know, right, that it was actual convict, you know, and then he was, like, gonna kill him.


Yeah. Yeah.


That was not that is like, damn, dude. He's just gonna do whatever he needs to do at this point.


They're on to me.


Whoop. Yeah. They're on to


me, dude. Wife, it was kinda unnecessary because, like


Well Well, she was walking away.


She was going to go to the, police station and say, like, this is everything I know, which that was evidence that that whole entire team didn't have yet.




So he was like, because he knew how brilliant Elle was. If Elle had that information, it would have sped up the he knew he was already under suspicion. It was sped up the timeline, if you will Yeah. Of, like, when it would have figured it out, and it would have been we would have been talking about a whole different enemy right now.


Yeah. True. Bro, the visual of her walking away and then the stairs leading up to the gallow and light with his fucking I won. Like, bro, every time he had a episode where he just had that smirk, like, I got away with it again. I'm just like, damn you, light.


You know? It's just like, goddamn it.


Yeah. Man.


Fuck. Yeah.


But, I mean, it's it's just, it's just such a great show to the point where I don't know. Some people take Rotten Tomato scores as the gospel. Some people don't. I will say they are better than IGN when it comes to, like, grading shit.


Oh, yeah.


Oh, yeah.


IGN needs to stick to video games.


They're not fucking


IGN jumps and they they throw


funny did they give IGN? That's all it is. Like, did you give my did you put my IGN loved it. We loved it.


9 out of 10. Great story.


Counting his money. It's like, it was great. Yeah. Great.


It's good.


IGN literally stands for Imagine Games Network. What are you doing rating on fucking anime or TV shows or movies?


They they


to what you think you know, which is I would say when it comes to video games, they're a little bit more They're exact.


They're about 60%.


Yeah. They're okay with video games.


But stop, like, other stuff like, IGN 3. I'm like, get the fuck out


of here, dude.


Like, put a.


But, but I mean Go ahead.


No. You're right. I was just Yeah. Go ahead. I was just backing you up on that.


Yeah. Rotten Tomatoes I'm done. Rotten Tomatoes critics give the the anime a 100% certified French.


100. Yeah.


And critics gave it 96%. So, I mean, it's it's It's Like, not critics, but, like, the audience. Like Yeah. People will


The people that matter. Yeah. I take them more than


I do. Popcorn is is more than a tomato


to me. Is who's gonna


give it to you for real. But, I mean, I also looked up some of the ratings just to see because, I mean, IMDB gave it, like, an 8, 9,




is pretty high for IMDB when it comes to anything outside of, like


Shawshank Redemption.


Yeah. Exactly.


I I love Shawshank Redemption. That's a really good movie.


I need to, but IMDB is just like, this is fucking the pedestal of men movie making. And I'm just like


If you're not if you're not Forrest Gump or Shawshank Redemption, you get you you lose points just


for death. You get a solid 6 Exactly. A good day.


But, no. I checked some of the anime fan sites, and, one of the anime I think it's called My Anime List. Yeah. That's where I went to


my I I have that because I keep that's where I keep a track of my, watch.


Good about Rob. They gave it a 86, and that's pretty high for them as far as I mean, considering that it's an older anime and it doesn't have the action in it. Because I mean




Today, you see stuff like Demon Slayer and One Piece, and you're talking, you know, serious action visuals. You know, the special effects have gone to new levels. And for this to rate 86 for, you know, being dated as it is, it it it's impressive. You know?


So it shows gameplay. I think back then so one thing about Madhouse is back then, Madhouse was like like the mappa




That we know today. Like and also the founders some of the founders of Madhouse, I guess one of them actually left Madhouse and became one of the founders of Mappa.


Yep. Oh, okay.


So it makes sense why it's an 8.6, why the animation looks so great, and there's a lot of detail that was put into and and time that it took to put into, like, the show itself because you had people like that




Caring about the story that the creators, you know, told and and the illustrator and what they were trying to show, and then putting it into an adaptation that looks fantastic. The visuals are great. Like, I think there was one episode that I saw that I was like, there was no faces on 2 of the detectives. I was like, why why don't they have faces? There's I only saw that one time, so I don't know.


I I didn't do a lot of research until, like, why that was a thing, so I would have to Google that right now to see. But that was the only time and one of the female characters too, her face, like, went, the animation, like, was not that great. So I only but I only saw that on one episode, and that was in the thirties.




So I don't know if, like, maybe


These people are just, like, could


we wrap


this up?


Either oh, yeah. Here.


Maybe that at this point, Madhouse was getting overworked like MAPPA was. I don't know what Madhouse was working at that point in time in 2,000 oh, I don't know actually when the anime, aired. I have one that was released for the manga. I don't have one that was aired. I should


have It


was late 2,006, early 2007.


October yeah. October of 06 to June or 27 June 07. So not even


a story. Airing or what was popular back then, which, again, anime was not as popular then as it is now. So I don't think a lot. I don't know what I have for Madhouse of everything that they did back then, if you will




Is, like, Cyborg double o nine, which, not gonna lie, is a really great anime. Like, I remember watching that as a kid. Yeah. It's pretty good. It's all actually gaming.


Like Yeah. They sideboard like this.


Gaming. They were doing some gaming stuff. Like, they did legend of, oh, shit. Sorry. I'm looking at the I forgot to mention that about the manga.




What's that?


You can do it.


Let me go back. I forgot to mention that, what, the creator and the illustrator where they got their, inspiration from was from this guy named Shotaro Ishinomori Mhmm. Who was the creator of Cyborg's double o nine, Legend of Zelda, diff not creator of Legend of Zelda, but different illustrations and stuff like that. And also, he this guy took credit for co creating Power Rangers. He was known as he's known as the king of manga, apparently.




Oh, you're talking about inspiration for him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. Inspiration for that. So now you take that type of illustration and and inspiration. Now you put it in the animation. And now you look at things like so madhouse created a parasite, Trigun.


Right? It was the 1st season of 1 Punch Man. And, like so I can see, like, maybe it was Hunter, Parasite, and Trigun, maybe. They were working on all of those. Yeah.


Maybe Overlord because Overlord, I think, is


also another one that's madhouse is doing.


One where it's Freeran and Hunter Sorry. Not yeah. Also, Hunter x Hunter was the second adaptation. So I think that's the newer, not the old. And I don't think that came out till, like, 2012 ish




For the newer part of that. So, yeah, I don't know why the animation saw went down a little bit in that one episode. I have no idea. I don't really care because it's just that one time that I thought was weird. But other than that, like, you look at, like, how beautifully it's drawn and how it was animated.


It makes sense why still to this day, it's still at 8.6. And why it isn't I I think, in my personal opinion, from a lot of people I talk to, it's in a lot of people's top 10, if not top 20.


Mhmm. Yeah. Top 10.


That's a niche.


Yeah. I mean, I I can see it. Like, you just gotta have that that one psychological thriller because, I mean, some people have like, I I know a lot of people aren't fans of Paranoia Agent. I came across it when Adult Swim was play like, Adult Swim was putting me on Ollie. Like, once midnight happened, Adult Swim was like, here's the wild ass anime.


You know what I'm saying?


Like Yeah.


Here's some


this kid this kid on roller blades. Yeah. Doing


that, I was, like, 10 years old, so I


had bedtime. So it


was Bro, it was they were they were putting some shit out there. I'm just like, yo. This kid on roller blades walking around just beating people with this fucking bat. Like, what the fuck is going on out here? But, but, no, it's like a lot of things where you're just you know, it goes from, like, Bleach or Dragon Balls or, you know, Inasha where you're just like, man, this shit is awesome.


And then it's just some some wild ass psychological shit, parasite or something like that where, you know, it's just


I love it. Fucking is


going on out here. Like,


what is happening?


Parasite, but we could talk about parasite offline. The animation. Not the animation. Just the talk offline


at all. Let's talk offline.


Some of the characters, I'm not a fucking fan of.


But, have you seen the, the Netflix adaptation of it, though? Parasite the


New York?


I'm not I'm not gonna lie.


That's only 6 episodes. Away.




Oh. Away from the live action.


No. No. No. I will tell you, because I'm the same way when, what did they do? Yeah.


They fucking


they fucked them they


they no. No. No. They fucked around and did a bleach. Yes.


And bleach is bleach is my boo. Bleach is my anime. Yeah.


I didn't watch it. Was it good for the line?


Fam. No. Fam.


No. I wanted think so.


From what I see Bro, if if Netflix was a person, like, if


That is that is where I would be like, hey, IGN. Here's the thing for you to, like, watch.


IGN's like 7 out


of 2. IGN would've yeah. If they would've said 7 or 8 out of 10, I'd be like, yeah. We're not watching that.


Netflix is like, here's your check.


Not a point.


However however many thousands they get, that's how many that's how many


to bring those together. Like, Yu Gioc's show is hard a hard show to bring to, you know, live action. When you get to the point of him facing a lot of the demons that he does, you get to I mean, I feel like it depends on how much Netflix how much money Netflix gonna throw at these shows to make. Mhmm. You know?


Because I mean


Netflix is losing money, man, because oh, gosh. We're getting a different topic, man, because that's a whole other thing with Netflix.




But I


mean, it just


Other things sorry. Other things I wanna bring up on the anime, I got really excited about some of this stuff. So I especially when I found out some of the people who, were founders of Madhouse also have done MAPPA, which I thought was pretty dope. I'm like, no wonder why.




Mhmm. This is


so great. But fun fact, Light's voice actor, his name is Brad Swale. I have no idea. I was like, what I kept thinking as I'm watching the dub dub version, by the way. These are dub voice actors, not not sub.


Right. Like, why is this guy's voice sound so familiar? Have you guys watched Hamtaro?




Bro, he's one of the fucking hamsters in Hamtaro. I was, like, no wonder why. He did all. 2000 to 2,006, he was in Hamtaro. I'm not kidding.


Hamtaro, a lot of other kids' shows, and Mega Man, which I think is another one because I watched Mega Man as a kid as well. Mhmm. This is the only, like, dark show that he's done. And then Ryuk's voice actor is the same voice actor, Vegeta.




Brian, Romand.




Yep. And then the l actor have you guys ever watched, the the show 1 hun the 100 on Netflix?




That's l's voice actor, Alessandra Giuliano. Oh, shit. Yeah. I didn't


know that.




good. You


know, I think What? Like like, you know, every time we do this, and I'm just like most of the anime I watch is, because I've watched I did the second watch through of this before the show dubbed. Right? Because, you know, I'm doing stuff throughout the house and whatnot. The first time I watched it was was subbed.


I prefer to watch things subbed. You know? Because I I like the I feel it's created in Japan. They kinda understand the the emotion and stuff that individuals are feeling, and the translation and all that stuff.




So on the second watch, do I watch it in dub? Because I feel when I go to these cons, it's hard for these cons to bring the original Japanese voice actors over. So it'll be people like, hey. Stand in line and get an autograph from the person that does the voice of, Luffy, you know, Erica Schroeder. And I'm just like Yeah.


Cool. You know, if I watched it in dub, I'd be like, hella, like, yeah. Sign my shit. But Yeah. You know, I watch it in in subs.


So I wanna say I like your work, but I haven't really seen your work. So I'm trying


to go you because,


like, I'm watching is good. I'm watching 1 piece now. I'm watching 1 piece now, and it and it's in sub and stuff. And people are just like Good.


Good. That sounds awful.


People are just like the dub is people are saying the dub is is is solid. People are telling me I can watch the dub. And I'm just like now


I don't know. Maybe now, but if you listen to the first No.


The older shit, bro. The older shit, I can't do the brief dub. Was awful. I tried listening to the dub. I'm just like, Luvie, shut the fuck up.


You know? Yeah.


It's it's like listening


to fucking Goku. It's like listening to sub sub Goku and track and ball z. It's like, dude, I cannot hear you.


Some of those can really kill it so bad. It's like, it makes you not even interested in the hero because you're like, I just want him to stop talking. I really did. Just whatever to make him stop talking.


The main when you want the main character to not speak




That that speaks volumes about


it. It.


It's it's


every time we do anime Black Clover. We do anime, we owe it. Yep. Black Clover. I was just about to bring it up.


Every time we talk about this, me and fucking Willie are like Black Clover, dude. It's so


because people listen. People try to you know, we're we're totally not even on deaf dope. But real quick. Real quick. When I bring up Black Clover and voice acting when it comes to main character, people are just like, well, Naruto was his voice is annoying too.


I'm just like, bro, get all the way the fuck up out of here. Like




When he was a kid, like, he was a kid and and and you see him grow into the the like, it he was nowhere near where Asta. Asta shows up on the screen fucking energy on a thousand for no fucking reason the whole episode. Even when there's times, like, when he fights and he doesn't talk, I'm like, bro, this shit is dope. But, like Yeah. That's not all the time.


He's talking and he's doing a yeah. Doing 9,000 push ups and shit. I'm just like it it's it's It's


so bad.


It's not a good look. But, yeah. That that that's just me and Jackie's, that that's our vice. We we always go to Black Clover. We're just like, bro, watching that anime just to get to the end of the anime was it was a job.


It was like watching season fucking 2 of, or season 1 of Iron Fist on Netflix. It's just like, oh, I have to watch it because defenders is coming out. I wanna know what the fuck is going on. So


But do do you really?


Like, me and me look. Me and my wife me and my wife would would sit down. It's, you know, it's 7 o'clock. Smiley face


over Finn, whatever his name is, who plays Danny Rand.


Just put


a smiley face on it.


Me and my wife would just look at each other


to, like,


it's 7 o'clock. We can get, like, one episode in, and we would just turn it on. And we're just like, oh my fucking god.


So bad.


It's like, we're not enjoying it. Like, we could easily just be like, why are we doing this? Well, defenders has been greenlit, so I wanna know if any story from fucking


Iron Fist. Wanted to, you can just, like, YouTube a


I mean, now. Now we can. But at that time, I'm just like, I wanna be in it. I wanna be in it once this shit rolls up.




I really like the other people in Iron Fist. The other characters


When the main character is the least interesting person.




Yeah. We're getting


way off topic. Anyway. Okay.


Alright. Real, really bad. I wanna bring it back to the sub and the dub though because this is a fun fact, I actually never watched the ending of Death Note




When I did watch it back in, what, 2010, I think, is when I watched it. 2009. I never finished it until today. And the reason why is because the second part of Death Note. Because like I said earlier, there's 2 parts.




The second part just, like, you said when you were talking about the Iron Fist, it became, like, a job to just I wouldn't you know what? I'm not gonna say job because it still was interesting. There was still, like, some of that, like, suspense, but it ended up, like, it lost its spark that it had in the first part. And I think I just dropped it. Because I was like, I can't do this.


This is not fun anymore or it's not as interesting. I'll I'll just come back to it a week later, and then I just never did. So I finally watched the end of it, but while I was watching it, I kept switching back and forth between the dub and the sub just to see, like, when new characters would show up, what their voice sounded like compared to the dub. And everyone's pretty much sounded the same. I will say that the dub version of light sounds so, condescending.


It's insane. It's just so, like, man, let me man explain to you how to do this job and what I think. And then when without spoiling it, at one point, there's genuine parts, like, absolute genuine parts of light, The switch that the dub actor was able to do that actually makes it sound like or show, like, dude, this dude's genuine. He's not a sociopath right now. It's, like, I thought it was great.


I thought it was fantastic voice acting,




But Ryuk's voice actor in the sub compared to the dub, I did not like sub Ryuk compared to


Dub Ryuk?


Yep. I did not I I prefer dub Ryuk over sub.


Okay. And the and the the dub Ryuk is a little more, grumbly and dark. Right? Like, Yes.


In the sub, he's more high pitched. It's kinda like Goku. Like, would Yeah.


He's a little more


to Goku. Comedic almost in his voice in the sub. Yeah. But I mean, the I don't know. He his character is very complex too if you just


Well, his character is funny too. He's just bored. He's bored. He's tired of the Shinigami world where it's, like, what are they doing? Which sorry, another part to add, I wish I love Death Note.


I think Death Note was great, obviously, as we talked about. I kinda wish what they would have done in the second part is delve in deeper into the Shinigami world itself a little bit more. And, like, kinda how did this become a thing? You can do that in 12 episodes. You really can.


And that's the thing. Talk about the what do they call him? The death note, the death note god or, like, the, I forget what his name is. Like, he's the one who's, like, in charge of


Over top. Yeah.




The rules, the speed, the the notes, and all that stuff, which they don't ever explain that in the manga or even in the anime. It's just this person


that exists. Leave it open, and I think you're you're absolutely right. It'd be a 100 it would be a 1000 times better to have had even just an extra 4 4 or 5 episodes to delve into Ryuk and Rem's what their world


is like. How did they become or how do you become a Shinigami? How the death note become a thing? Like, where did it stem from? Or was it always a thing?


Fine. Sure. You can let it be that. But, like, I think I think if they would've done that a little bit more


Yeah. You don't really ever see Ryuk and or or any of the other Shinigami, Ram, anyone, how they go about their day with their death note. You know what I mean? Like, what was Ryuk's doing with the death note before he just decided, hey, let's see what happens if I do you know, this


They explain they explain it is that what they do with their lives as Shinigami is it's boring. They just Yeah. Which maybe that's the creator is trying to get at, why he didn't wanna go and dive into it is because it's just this pointless life of, like, just sitting there. And you, at first, are really passionate about your job, and that's just writing names. Right?


And then eventually, Ryuk or some Shinigami get bored of that. And it's like, let me go see what the human world has to offer for a little bit until I go back to, like, my world. Mhmm. But I just I I think it would have been interesting at least. Like, you don't have to expand on it.


You have to create a whole another season. I think it would just been interesting to expand on that a little bit more. And then, how you get to the ending that it got to. Right? Because it was already foreshadowed in the beginning of what could or couldn't happen.




And that ultimately, maybe that still happens, but it and the person that did it too still happens, but, like, I don't know. I just I think that would have been nice. And then also, I didn't like in the second part. And I'm getting in I I know. I'm not trying to spoil everything, but just for people to understand that when they watch the anime




And then when they read the manga even when they read the manga, it's it is a totally different dynamic, and it gets a little bit different. It's not to dissuade people from watching because you still should and it's still great. Yeah. But just to prepare yourself that it does take a different type of tone, and the relationships are different. And I also didn't I I also, thought that not only did the relationship between Light and some peep important people fade, but even between him and Ryuk, it was almost it was barely there.


Like, you would get maybe 30 seconds in an episode. I don't know how the manga is because I did read the the manga, so I don't know how often their interactions still were. But in the anime, it was almost like he was just a, hey, I'm here observing now.






Well, I mean, I know that it Ryuk does have a more he's more prevalent in the very beginning because he's kinda laying down the the basis with light. And it and it you know, in a way, he kinda just tells you how everything's gonna go in an abstract description of what it is to take on the death note.




tells him, basically, everything he tells him in the beginning, and he recaps it in the end. So he's like, I'm just here for the laughs and the apples, you know. It's like, if if we could go find an orchard, he might have never


seen it.


A 100%. My man is like


He's that typical white girl there in fall.


He's like,


where the fuck is my apple tree?


Yeah. Apple apple spice. Apple.


First of all, real quick, apple is the more superior flavor of the autumn season than pumpkin. Oh, I see. That's just my choice.


Yes, ma'am.


Apple is the superior fall flavor.


But We can argue about


we can argue about this later.


Or you


gotta go to the apple orchard with us, man.


But I will say, overall, like, the the the property everything that is definite. I mean, it like I said, 37 episodes in Japan ran from 4 October 06 to 27 June 07. So for an entire animated habits run-in less than a year, let you know that one, the writer was straight to the point, didn't want any fluff. This is my story, and then we're done. And to have the balls to really end it and not try to continue it and do any extra so I know we're talking about it'd have been nice to have, you know, more in-depth story of the Shinigami world and this, that, and the 3rd.


But for a rider to just fully be cool to pull the chalks and be like, that's it, because I feel a lot of these riders are forced to


Add on more seasons and just put in stuff just to continue.


So it it just takes away their their intended creativity. Like, this is what I wanted to end the story. But because it's making money, people are just like, you know if you do another season. And then it's good. Yeah.


And you're just like, fuck. Yeah.


You'll have to let me know when you're gonna be ready to talk about spoilers because I'd be interested to know something.


Oh, real quick. Real we'll we'll get there real quick. But, another thing I wanted to say is, like, the the groundbreaking thing that this anime did is while it was airing in Japan, Viz Media had the license to allow US members to download to own or download to rent the same week. So, like, a episode would drop in Japan. You would be able to download, through I forget the company.


So it was actually the


first you did that?


Viz Media. Yep. So it was actually the first simulcast over here in the states Oh, yeah. Where you would have to go and download it.


Scrunch your wall was not a thing.


Not an issue. Yeah.


Was Funimation a thing back then?


Not 06, 07. No. Yeah. So


Back then, I




was pirating everything. So


Oh, fuck.


Pirate Bay, bro, for life.


I was like, I was a kid. I was like, oh, I've heard. Look that up.


Or so I heard. So I've heard Pirate Bay was where to go. BitTorrent and


all that stuff.


But, I thought that was crazy that they tapped into that, and it still took as long as it did for things like Crunchyroll, Funimation, High Dive, things like that to kick in. Netflix, obviously like, streaming wasn't really a thing in 0 7 or 607. No. So, for it to be as popular as it was over here, and then Viz Media knowing that there was a audience for that here in the states that people are willing to buy to either download it to own or download it to rent to watch it instead of waiting for it to be released DVD wise over here in the States, which most anime were. I thought that was pretty groundbreaking, and I thought that would've opened the door sooner for more anime to be, I guess, disseminated that way here in the States.


Yeah. But, no, like, overall, like, 3 live action films, which don't watch them.


TV drama.


Yeah. It was


a musical. Did you know it was a musical?


I did. There was a music musical for Bleach as well. I'm just like, bro, they Japan, y'all love y'all shit, bro. Like, I'm just y'all y'all come up with some shit. Y'all like, hey.


We got musicals. We got 3 movies coming out. We got a live action drama. We we're gonna sell this shit to Netflix. We're gonna I'm just


like, oh, shit. Love to watch the musical just to see.


Any anime musical. I if it comes


to subtitles. Like, can I just put them up on the screen?


I'm just here for the music.


I can't even imagine how a musical would go for that.


I'm just here for the music. It's gonna be a lot of comedy. Like the opera? Side, maybe. Oh, maybe maybe it's more I have


no idea. I would think


it'd be more of a opera.


Actually, I'm


interested. I'm gonna Google it. It gotta be


like a opera.


Because, I mean, there there's I can't see Death Note on Broadway. You know what I'm saying? Riek's out.


You're just playing


and snapping and people dying all over the place. Like, hey. What the


Riek's got a little cane. He's spinning.






know? So it's it's real. And, it's them. There's, like, different sorry. I'm, like, reading this as I'm thinking out loud.


So he sings a song called where is the justice, and then to Shinigami, then I


don't like it already.


They'll talk about they'll sing god to death or they're only humans, change the there's, like, so many. There's different ones, and they go through all their performance. So it's supposed to be, like, a drama type of thing. Like, I think of, like, Shakespeare, if you will, like, type of drama musical. And




I think of musical, I think it's it's wrong to call it a musical. Maybe it's more of a,


play. Yeah.


Maybe I


could I could buy off on a play. You know? But


Yeah. Where is the Justice apparently is and change the world is done twice. And there's an act 1 and an act 2.


It's a play. It's a Broadway thing. Not so much


a It is a broad that's what it is. I think that's a better way to put it. It's a Broadway. It's a play. It's not so much a musical.


It that's, like, more fun. I think it's just more like it's probably more choir ish type of singing when they're talking about whatever it is that they're Yep. Doing show and then whatever.


Before we get into the point and warn people that spoilers are afoot, have you guys tried watching the Netflix series?


No. The Netflix movie?


No. It was a it was a


Oh, it


was a movie. Serious. No. No. It was a movie.


You're right. It was a death note. Oh.


Movie was Yeah. Yeah. I watched that that. Unfortunately, I can't get those hours back in my life.


It was so bad. Yeah.


I heard it was I mean, they


had LaKeith Sanford. You know, I'm like, LaKeith is in it. Okay? Really sad.


They they put 37 episodes into a 2 hour movie, and it makes no sense. And you're just, like, it's it's it's all


Jackie, it's it's Fullmetal Alchemist. You know? You got all of those episodes, all those chapters of manga. They're just like Alright.


Listen. I I watched


A 100 and 10 minutes.


And that's all I just need the trailer. Bleach. The trailer.


You got fucking 378 chap a 120 minutes to tell this fucking arc. Like, stop doing that.


Yeah. That's


the other thing. It's that people are trying to take it's not like a book, dude. It is booksa.


Yeah. Like,


you cannot take, like, just this whole thing and put it into one thing. You can't do that. I don't know why they keep doing it. I don't I don't understand why. It's very frustrating.


It's very annoying.


The only times you've ever seen anything like that work out is stuff like okay. I have to give it for for source material to the big screen or to a movie. Yeah. You probably cornered the market when you had, like, Lord of the Rings and stuff. Okay?


They put the effort in


still pretty how many movies did they handle?


Hours of movie, though, in order to get


those books out.


Let's not even talk about the, like, uncut version. Oh. By the editors. By the editors. Whatever.


Like, that I mean, that's only 5 hours of your life is that fucking book.


Yeah. And it's only it's only 2 books that they're trying to convey over 10 hours. Mhmm. But if you look at all the others I mean and and and some of these manga go on for, like, you know, we're talking years years years of just manga after manga for, you know.




I'm like, how are you trying to put bleach into a 2 hours movie? It's like 2 hours wouldn't even cover the beginning of the whole damn story.


Oh, and you better have the budget to actually show the correct effect.


Oh my god. They do not. Did you see the at at no. No. No.




No. No. No.


No. No. No. Hold on. Hold on.


After after after this question, we'll we'll we'll just say, after this, we'll be talking about spoilers about Death Note because there's no way for us to really relay how amazing this show is without talking about some of the the biggest plot twist, reveals, all of that stuff. But Yeah. Attack on Titan has 3 movies. I watched the first live one, and it was the worst thing. And this this was, like, released in Japan.


I'm just like the Japanese created this amazing story. The the manga was was amazing. And and it's almost you could almost say this is in the same realm as Death Note when it comes to plot twists and suspense and reveals and betrayals. And I'm just like, on top of the action that you get from the characters in it. So, like, attack on Titan is is it should be credited with bringing anime to the forefront here in the western, hemisphere.




Oh, yeah.


The movie is ass. Complete ass. The g the CGI ass. I'm just like What


type of ass?


Like, bro, the worst. The absolute worst. It was one of them things where, like, Xbox Live was like, you know, go to the Xbox store. All these anime movies are on sale. It was, like, 99¢.


And I'm just like, I'll download it. I'll check it out. And I'm just like, I coulda got a fucking frosty from Wendy's and been more happy with it's so bad. And then you just go look at the anime, and you're just like, I don't understand how Hollywood is is drops the ball of not Hollywood, but even whatever they make. What's the Hollywood of Japan?


I don't know. I


have no idea, dude.


But, like, they they see this property.


It's Hollywood.


He can say that. He's half Japanese. He can


say it. No. She's like, what? Part Hollywood.


But it's it's it's like you got this cash cow. You see what attack on Titan is doing. You see what it's doing. Like Yeah. The the band that does the fucking openings, they're, like, making their fucking bag off of just traveling the world, singing the openings Yeah.


Before your before your anime. Your anime is it. And you're like, it's time to make a movie. Let me put money into this. Tohei?


Toei, t o e I. I don't know how to pronounce


this for


a minute. And


Chikku Studios in cute.


It was so bad.


So those 2 are, like, the whatever.


But here here's the thing.


Difficult to pull off attack on Titan. But If if if you can't


do it, if you can't do the visuals live action, don't do it live action. Just fucking do it anime.


How they, like, played that back and we're like, yeah.


But the first movie came out and they made 2 more. Like, there's 3 the first movie wasn't bad enough for you. You're like, well, we'll just change it in the next movie. We'll just do the 3rd movie is really gonna get them. You know, like, the 3rd a third time's a charm.


It is bad. But


This is Well, it's kinda the same mistakes they made with Bleach, though. Right? Because the when they create the special effects, if one problem that the Japanese studios do is they try to go practical effects in in situations when




practical effect is not gonna carry it, bro. Yeah. Okay. You're not gonna practical effect from the the titans from the deck of the titans. It's gonna look like No.


They they CGI it, but it's just bad CGI. It's


just Yeah.


It's bad.


It's like Amazon Prime. Like, the b list movies on Amazon Prime where you just go there. You're just like, man, Amazon just lets anybody upload movies on their shit. You know?


I made a movie. Amazon bought it.


Yeah. Well, Amazon said I could put it on there, so here it


is. In 1954.


Somebody's homemade claymation fucking movie on that shit. But, anyways, ladies and gentlemen, this is the part where we will get into spoilers for it. So if you have not seen Death Note or read it, when the description comes out or when we put the video out, we'll put it in the description where you can pick up when we get into anime that we're gonna recommend to put on your radar. But, we talked about it, and this is one of those shows and stories where it's so great, the plot twist, the reveals, the the betrayals, all of these things. There's no way we could have all 3 of us talked about this show and not got into spoilers.


So if you have not seen it, we will take no harm, no offense in you bowing out and, checking us out after we edit the video for you guys. But be about to talk about definite if you've seen it, feel free to to dabble and and join the conversation. But, the floor is open now for spoilers. So I don't know which one of you 2 wanna get into it first.


Can we take a shot first and, I'll be right back then.


Yeah. I'm gonna have to reload.


Yep. It's time to reload.


Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, this will probably be a longer this will be a longer episode, so just just brace yourself for this stuff.


Been a while.


We'll be right back.


It's been a while. Be right back.


Pervert the request of, Jackie, we refilled our shot glasses. Yeah. We are good.


Cheers. Cheers.


Good night.


I'll remember my smoke pit one next time. I promise.


I think we need some eat the cake shot glasses. Yeah. We do. Cool. Shirts.


Good stuff like that.




the shirts. Oh, I wish is Black still watching, by the way?


I don't know. Where is he at? Probably not. I don't know.


I did get the shirt for the DAFPN network.




Sweet. DFP.


Yeah. I love it. DFPN. Thank you. I don't


know why I


said DAF. I think I'm thinking of, what is, you know what I'm thinking?


Yeah. Nerd.




Yeah. I got it in the mail. I forgot to tell you guys. I got I got so excited. I forgot to text you.


I was just so excited. I got the shirt, and then I moved on. I have ADHD. What do you want from me?


Alright. So spoiler time. Spoilers. I know you were fighting them, Jackie.


What do


you wanna talk about?


There's so many


I won't go first. You guys


Alright. I'll I'll Billy, I'll go first. I'll break the ice on this. 37 episodes, anime wise. I would say probably the last 10 episodes or so.


So spoiler alert, like I said, you have Light, who's the one with the death note, l who comes on to the Japanese task force to find him.


Who's originally from America.


They are both genius level chess. I mean, it's it's like if you've seen the Sherlock Holmes movies where, Robert Downey junior and Moliarty, they're just imagining the fight. They're like, if I do this, he's gonna do this. If I do that, he's gonna do this.




This, that, and the third. That is like NL.




They're both equal level intellect. L does figure out a way or, like, does figure out a way to take out l. And I will say after that episode where l passes, it kinda I'm I'm like, it I'm just like, his main competition is gone. Who's next? And then they, like


I said disagree with how he No. Died? Okay.


No. Because I


don't think that's how that should have gone. I I wish I wish it was light. I was mad. Light.


I was mad that they introduced Shigenami having fucking emotional ties to


Yeah. I that confused me, and I did they never go in and explain


why Ram was so


care? I don't I don't understand. They never really go in and explain how Rem could develop that level of care


for her.


They ever did was with that one Shinigami who fell in love with a fucking human girl, which made fucking sense because it could happen. He just became infatuated with her as a person, and then she's about to get stabbed by that random software. And he saved her life, and that's how they revealed how she died.




That was the most in-depth that they went in anything, but not on the 2 main I don't understand why they didn't.


Because there was no reveal on how Rem and, what's her name? Miss






Misa. Misa. Misa. Misa. Misa.


Misa. Misa. Misa.


Misa. Misa. Misa. Misa. Misa.


Had any kind of


absorbs that other Shinigami's feelings of love. I don't understand how that happened because that's how


I Is that what they said? Or if that's what


That's what other people have talked about is they've said that REM's emotions were were, like, almost like a bleeding off of the Shinigami who actually was infatuated with Misa. But it never explains how did that transfer happen. I mean, maybe I missed it, but


the transfer


doesn't say that. Well, at least in the anime. I don't know about the manga.


Yeah. Maybe the manga goes in a more depth.


Anime. She talks about she watched it happen. That's the only reason why she was able to obtain that second notebook.




And then she's like, I didn't understand what his infatuation was. But then for some reason, she felt some type of way towards Misa.


Yeah. Lights don't I


get it. Because




for you, Ryuk straight up was like, thanks for the time. It was fun. I'm thank you for fulfilling my satisfaction of needing fun because I've been bored the


past year. Like, yeah. It's been fun. Away. You gotta go.


Die. Yeah. You gotta get out of here.


I'm not sitting in prison with you, dude.


Like, I'd rather go


back to another prison. I'd rather go back to another prison where I at least have more freedom to go pick another fucking human when I get bored. Right.


I'm about to go drop this on someone else.


Right. Deuces. Like, what?


Hey. Hey. Like, you was a wild boy. You paid the whole money. Hey.


Like, like, top lay it on me. The wild one. Right. Hey. You to the wild boy.


Hey. Like, you was a wild boy. Hey. I'll holler at you. Hey.


I'll see you in the other side, my boy.


Heart attack, 11:59 PM.


You know, and Done. I mean, really light The wild what? The whole Holmes Moriarty feel of light and, l Yeah. Carry that first 25, 26 episodes. I mean, it's just like a you know, when when when light or when l's gone, there is no one that's on par with him.


But it it because he's already in a decline that you kinda see, life starts to go down ever since l's gone. You see, it's almost like he's less of himself.




As because they jump. Like, I think it says they jumped 5 years on 5 years.


4. It was 4 years.


4 years? Yeah.




It's 20 23, I think. He seems less


of himself. Almost like that whole ordeal, that whole battle of wits was harder on him than it it than he outwardly lets lets it, you know, play. It it definitely all the things he had to do to try to survive, Elv figuring out who he was, it really it it brings light down, and he's on a he's on a decline to the very end. You know? And, I don't know.


I just I feel like maybe they they meant it to end originally at that point when l goes down.


But just what I was trying to get at before is I wonder if that was his he was originally gonna end it around there. But because they wanted more, he decided to add


Their whole thing is they didn't want light to win. I don't know if that was more of of the company or, like, Japan as a whole putting a little bit of pressure. Like, hey. Your show is popular. We can't have this bad guy winning.


You know what I'm saying? Like popular


can't come out on top.


Yeah. Yeah. You know


what I'm saying? Like, hey, we don't need this shit. You know?


What what I think would have been cool is if they had this is how I think, again, can't change it, whatever. Don't wanna change it. It was still great. But if I coulda wished the creator did something a little bit different, is continue the light in Elle saga, because you could've. You could've kept it going until a certain point.


And then light gets his name written in Ryuk's notebook because Ryuk's like, I saw my fun. This was great. Right. Over it. And then maybe the season or the show ends where another the notebook is seen somewhere and someone picks it up.


And it's just showing that even though light is dead, Kira is still going to continue to live on, but it's left up to the audience to now infer what that might look like or be, and you don't know what happens after that. It's just now the notebook's being picked up by another person. It's just gonna be this endless cycle of someone books being picked up by another person. It's just gonna be this endless cycle of someone trying to play God.


I just think l, like, bro, he was he was the only one, like, well, I guess, because they only force fed us, quote, unquote, force fed us l 4 as as the the equal to light. But, you know, light's just like, You know, I made these new rules up in the the thing. You know? The user of the death note has to write a name every 13 days or they die. And since I haven't written anything in 13 day you know, he made up rules to put in there that weren't legit rules.


And then so by his mind, he's like, I win because by this rule, I can't be, you know, accused of being Kira. And Elle's not letting that shit go. He's just like, well, I'm a have a convict on death row come and write a name in here, and then we'll see in 13 days if he dies or not. And then Light was just like, bro, this motherfucker won't leave me the fuck alone. I gotta get rid of him somehow.


And using, you know, old girl to be like Prem. Hey. Make a deal with Ryuk, half your life again to get the Shinigami eyes because you lost your memory. You lost your ability to see things. And her Shinigami Rem is just like, hey.


You're not gonna have my human half her life again. I'll start doing this shit. You know, like, I'm a start writing shit in here. And Light was like, either you're gonna do it, Rem, or my girlfriend's gonna do it. You know, either way.


But there was a point where I'm sitting there, like, as a as a normal person, like, light, you've been acquitted. Right? Everybody's just like, you can't be you can't be Kira. Go to fuck home. You got a fucking movie star girlfriend that's obsessed with you.


Just go be with her. Just get out of here. But you're just here all the time. Like, you're free like, I think even Elle said it. He was like


Why are you still here? You have


all the freedom to go.


You just wanna see her on the outside. Like


Oh, girl comes here. You hang out with her for, like, 5 minutes, and then you come back up. I'm here to make sure we capture the killer. Like, you're so over the top. You're Kira.


It was almost cringe worthy. And that's also what I was getting at where in the very beginning before Light decided I'm gonna lose my memory, which I was genius. Like, when he went on, I was like, bro. Which is what I was getting at with the voice actor. Me and Steven were talking about this.


The voice actor on the dub did so good sounding like a sociopath and condescending and just, like, all these things.




And then changed how he was able to portray, like, being so genuine now, like, losing memories and being able to do that through, like, you know, like, imagining being a person in a microphone in a booth and looking at a TV screen. They do I think, like, kudos to this voice actor for doing that. And then as soon as he got his memories back to switching back to that but I thought it was funny, Elle knew things were changing because Misa had, when she got her memories back, was, like, originally fighting against Light and L about everything. And then Light says one thing, which he still had his memories gone. And Misa goes, yep.


Whatever you need me to do, like light. And Emilio L was like, what the hell? Like, he immediately picks up. As soon as someone does something different or sounds disingenuous, he sees it or he he senses it, and he already knows it's not right and just, like, starts putting the puzzle pieces together.


And that's why I I I was kind of surprised that because Ryuk is always watching, you know, he part of it is just for his entertainment.




But it felt like he really enjoyed the back and forth between light and l. You know, he seemed almost annoyed by the whole introduction of Misa and Rem. It took away from his game at first, it felt like. And I was like, I don't know if he perceives it that way or just as an interesting obstacle being thrown in. But regardless, I would have wondered what it would have been like if at a point, like you said, l was or light was done.


He could have walked away, but his ego wouldn't let him. He wanted to be able to say I won over over l.


Not like that. He had that insatiable thirst




To be God.


I think he he he wanted to be Kira.


No. He Will you


guys ever see in the very first opening when, you guys know the Michelangelo this is the symbolism I was talking about. Like, we're, the Michelangelo


The Sistine Chapel. Yeah.


Where they're not touching.




Right? Because you cannot actually touch God. But in the arts, in the opening, light is touching Ryuk and holding, like, his hand while Ryuk is handing him something to show that he has been touched, if you will, by god. So he is obtaining god's powers, which is forbidden, technically. Like, you are able to communicate and be a messenger, not so much as be able to have the same powers.


So already foreshadows that, like, he is doing the, something that is, not unthinkable, but, considered a, controversy or not sin, but you should not that should not be happening. Like, that's forbidden. Like, you should not be doing that. And then one thing that it shows too symbolism wise, some people talk about it is, when Light got his memory back. And if you noticed in the show, like, Elle just kinda it's almost like he already knew.


He accepted he's gonna be defeated. Like, that's it. He fell for it. Fell into the trap. It is what it is.


He and it's almost, like, it's depressing because he's almost more upset that Light actually is who he knew he who he thought he always was. He actually gave him a chance and thought he was something different, and now he isn't. I I think that for Light too, he's a little upset not only because, like, yeah, maybe it's over with, but if you remember, I all brought up something about them, him being his first friend. I don't think Light ever has had genuine actual friends because he's always needed someone to be on the same level as him, and that hit him in certain ways. And when Elle was cleaning Light's feet, if you remember.


Yeah. After they came in from the rain?


Yeah. Some people say it's a symbolism of, like, I forget who. It's like cleaning, it's like religious, like, where you're


Oh, when Jesus was cleaning the feet of the, the prostitute. Yeah.


Yes. Where Jesus is now cleaning the feet of people who have sinned or are supposed to be not good people.




So it's l like knowing he's not a good person, but he's choosing to treat him.


I think l kind of, yeah, he felt a kinship with light because they were both so, so mentally Equals. Sharp. He was his only equal in the world. Right. You know?


I mean, to


be a rock


wanted justice and a sense of justice, just different ways.


Yeah. But overall, he respected Light's intellect. Even if he would have caught him, no matter what, l was intrigued with Light. Even though when he thought it was light and he got you know, then then light was able to dissuade him for a period of time, he was impressed with light more so than anyone on his task force, anyone he ran into to he was impressed with light. Yeah.


Light meant a lot to him, and their interaction was probably the most socialization that l had ever had. So at that point, seeing that he was wrong and that light ended up being evil, I think he just accepted the fact that, hey, this was my only I wanted light to be good because he was my friend. We become he become his friend.


Yeah. That plays into it. But I think Al knew the whole like, remember when he showed up to the school, he was like, bro, Light, I believe you're Kira. Like, he knew, but the problem is, like, he is so, like, off the charts smart. Like, it like, he just can't go and tell Japan invest, like, bro, this is the dude I'm taking him in.


Like, he had to get some kind of evidence to show them. Like, he knew the whole time that Keir because even in that scene where they're they're out in the rain, and my man was just like, how long have you been lying? You know? Mhmm. Kiera's like, what the


He's like, have he's like, have you been lying since you were born or something like that?


And Light was just like, yo. What the fuck? Like, this motherfucker stays on my neck. Like, just goddamn.


His question was, have you ever told the truth since you were born?


Yes. Yeah. And, like, the rain,


like so adept in mind.


That scene, like, because the the sound of the rain stops. It's muted. Yes. Like, because I'm just like, shit, is something wrong with my TV? That is light fucking trying to think of a fucking explanation.


And, bro, kudos to light for just, you know, coming up with some shit off the top of his head like that. But I'm just like, l fucking knows. And Mhmm. The fact that he does know and still is just like, you know, let me draw your feet off, bro. Like, let me you know?


Like, we we've we've we're doing this back and forth, this fucking dance. Mhmm. I appreciate the challenge and shit, but I'm a get your ass. And then when he was there, he's just like, I got this dude coming through a convicted felon. He'll he'll write a name in here of another convicted felon.


And if he doesn't die in 13 days, then this rule is gone. And then I can point my finger back at this motherfucker here and be like, light is the the dude. And light's just like, I'm tired of this shit. Here's my plan, and he fucking used that, you know, REMS emotional attachment to be like, either you're gonna do something or I'm a half the life of your human, and she's gonna give me the you know, like, either way, I got it. So either you die or and then, you know, Rem writes it, turns into dust, and he goes and picks up that fucking death note.


And I'm just like you know, I I get it. Like, I'm I'm I'm a big sucker. I'm, you know, I'm a fan of the good guy not always having to win. Sometimes the bad guy can win. You know?


But this one just felt kind of forced with the whole It did. The the whole Shinigami this whole Shinigami being like, oh, you can't take my human. Don't do that. Like, come on. Come on.


Because Light had him. Light was Or l l had him. L had him dead. Like, l was just like, and we're canceling this rule out, and we're gonna cancel this rule out. The fact that Light was so legit down, like, 10 toes down in his lie, which, you know, as as a first sergeant, like, I'm just you know, some airman come in.


You're just like, bro. You're like, you're getting shaky on your story here, bro. Like, you gotta get it. You you you in or you out. You in or you out.


Light was 10 toes down because when Elle was able to talk his dad into driving him in the car and be like, I'm a shoot you. I know you're fucking Kira. I'm a shoot you. And he was waiting, trying to see if that would get light to be like, alright, dad. Don't shoot me.


I am you know? But, like, light was just like, I'm not like, it like, this the emotional stuff that l was putting people through to have to see if light would crack and light would not crack. Elle is just


like Misa, like, being confined.


Confined, and then they confine


Oh my.


They confine him too. Like, they were both in jail for, like, 50 days. They're like


With Misa, it was not Yeah. Of her own will. Like, the way that they just completely, like


Blindfolded her and all that stuff. And I think


they said it was, like so they said 50 days.


Yeah. 50 days like that.


But Misa was already confined prior


to that. Oh, yes. Right.


Yeah. So she was confined for over 60 days. That is 2 months.




And when she first got confined, she's technically kidnapped, right, or put into custody blindfolded




When she knew. Then then she lost her memories and thought she had got kidnapped by a stalker.


Elle knew she was the 2nd hero.


60 fucking days.


Elle knew she was the 2nd, but he had to prove it to the other people because they wouldn't understand, like, on his level, like, well, I just fucking know. I'm right.


The only thing l was lacking was the hard evidence. He already had put the puzzle


For the non intellects.


Yeah. He needed to be able to, yeah, present that to those who weren't on his level




Who couldn't see it by looking at it.




So he is, like, alright. I need the heart of it. That's the only reason he's pushing for that that rule to be shown.




Because then it would but he already knew, like you said. L knew, man. But his bond had grown with light, and I don't know if it was like a I don't know.


I think he appreciated the back of because, like, I don't know what what what all goes on at that institution. But Yeah. Coming out and like, I don't know how many cases he should probably solve, like, in a day or something. He probably shows up like Yeah. You stupid fucks.


It's this, this, and this.


You know?


And they're like, oh, thanks for coming through and helping us. And then he gets here, and there's somebody that's challenging him. And he's like, oh, shit. I haven't felt this way in a minute. You know?


Like The


same thing for Light.


Right. And Light's just like, well, damn. I thought I was a smart motherfucker. Now it's this fucking chest smash back and forth, which which is the the the fucking meat and potatoes of why people come to this episode. And then, like, bro, when Light was about to figure that thing out and, you know, he had his boy delete the evidence and shit.


He and that's another thing. Light is just like, bro, something's gonna happen to me because I know Kira's light, and he knows I'm getting in on him. So when shit happens to me, delete this fucking evidence. You know? Delete all this information because I don't want him having any information on how what I had on him.


You know? Bro, that is


went in knowing. I mean, from the beginning, l went in, and I think that's what separates him from the rest of the task force. L never had any any, you know, misconception that his life was on the line constantly.




But he was willing to use that to expose Kira. Where everyone else is a little more afraid, l was so dedicated to finding him. If his life was lost in the fact of showing light was Kira, he was okay with it to that point. But I think in in that moment, kinda like what Jackie was saying, he had just looked at him like he knew. Alright.


I'm done. And it's almost like he, you know, he knew light had 1 upped him. But I felt like Rem was a whole that whole thing with Rem was like a a cop out, like an easy out kind of right in. You know? Because


The MacGuffin? The


Yeah. It would just


The one way out for him.


Because it was the only way. It was the only way that light was gonna get out from underneath Elle's thumb. You know,


I would've respected it more if they allowed light to just be fully devious to let her half her life again, to get the eyes, to get the names.


Mhmm. Mhmm.


And Rem


Well, she got the eyes again anyway. She hacked her life again anyway.


What I'm saying. Like, bitch. I'm not I'm like, I'm looking at Rem. I'm looking at Rem like, bitch, it's done. It's done.


You don't need to do all this extra shit. Like, just whatever. You know, it's it it it was a it was a whole thing, but let Light embrace the full villain side. You know?


Yeah. Let let felt like I I kinda felt like Ryuk liked the interactions between Light and l. And once that went away, I felt like it was less intriguing to him.


He he was all about it because he would show back up like, oh, shit.


Yeah. The fuck is ditch you.


It's back on. Now think now things are getting interesting. I'm just like, shit.


Like pushing, lights, buttons.


It's like Jackie said. Dude is bored in the shit in Gammi world. He's like, oh, shit. What's happening here? Like, how could I stir this fucking pot?


100% instigator from the other side of the fucking realm of life, you know, just showing up like, oh, he about to get your ass now.


That's what he's master of, dude.


Oh, shit. He found out about this shit. Hey. What happens when he finds out this rule is fake? What's he gonna do to you?


I mean


What's funny too is what I thought was funny is that when, like, Rem, she was, like, I'll obey your orders basically to light because




He's holding Misa basically over her head.




But then at the end, in the second part, when Near is asking Ryuk if he rips off a piece of that paper, is it basically the same as writing a name in the notebook? And Rook's like, oh, yeah. Like, he's easily. Just didn't give a shit. Like, I'm gonna totally fucking tell you.


Like, this is how it goes. I just thought that was funny that


Oh, 100%. I also goes


back to Light's geniusness, though, of, like, making sure he doesn't get caught because I think he knew. Because Ryuk said it. I'm on your side, and I'm not on their side. I'm here for me and me only. At the end of the day, the only way I'm gonna go away is by either me putting your name into the death note or you die or the death note's finished.




Which interesting enough, they never explain or talk about how the death note gets finished at all. No worries. And at what


point is what you you just use all the pages in it, I think.


I I thought I thought about that Yeah. When I was watching the end and because, like, Near was replacing all the pages through the notebook and stuff. I was like, you know, I'm interested to know how many pages are actually in this thing. Is it magic enough, if you will, that it just automatically replenishes paper? And at what point is it finished?


Is it finished because


the Well, when you think about it


whoever the owner is is done or or what?


When you think about it


finite amount of pages because that was in the beginning, if I remember right, Light takes that into account when he's removing pages because he knows there's only so many pages.




So Light has already gone through and seen there is an end to the


book. Okay.


So maybe it's if you've written on all the space available, that death note's closed. But it would only make sense that Ryuk has access to however many death notes he needs for the rest of From the yeah.


From the when it gets finished? You know? So is it that the user did what they're supposed to do and they lose all memories of it, and now the takes it and it disappears? Or now that's what's a death note is


My understanding or this is my theory. Like, so each gets a death note. Right? So my thing was, like, I don't know if, like because, I mean, there's lines on the paper. Like, is it one name per line?


Can you put multiple names on the line? Can you write in the margins? Can you write sideways? Can you write small? Can you write, like, how many however many names you could put on a page?


Is it up to the user? Do they have to


do that? Like write in the margins because they show in the second half that, Mikami or whatever his name is, which is the dude that worships him.




He wrote that second girlfriend of lights name all the way at the very, very top of


the page.


So as long as the name's on the page, because, I mean, he's tearing he's tearing pages and keeping it in his fucking secret compartment on his fucking Dick Tracy watch. And she's like, that that shit was crazy. Well, my man was just like he was sitting there, like, click. Do I write the name on this shit? I'm just like, you motherfucker, bro.


Light, calm down, bro. Like, you just I keep that thing on me. You know? Yeah.


He stays strapped.


He keeps that thing on him. Possible


Put that notebook paper.


Theories. In a way, did Ryuk not did Ryuk not achieve his job and get rid of an evil at the same time? Even though he's I mean, he's not good or evil. He tells you straight up


He's lawful good, bro. Or what is it?


He doesn't care.


Lawful evil, if you want.


In the end, indirectly through his actions, he got rid of a lot of evil, plus he


got a little light.


I think he's considered neutral chaos. Neutral so what it is, babe, would be neutral chaos.


But I mean, think about it.


Chaotic neutral. Yeah. I think chaotic neutral.


When you think about it, he achieved his goal or he achieved the goal of getting rid of all those people.




And he got rid of light, and he got rid of l, you know, in a way where you could achieve all these goals without doing a damn thing but eat apples, yo. I mean, he just hung out, ate apples, egg them on, and he still got the end result he talked about in the very beginning. Shit. I'm gonna write your name in this book, or you're going to end up dying all Light


light was like, hey. Write this motherfucker's name down. Ruth's like, yeah. I'm tired of this shit. You know?


Yeah. But he told him from


the beginning, it's like all things when a mortal takes control of the death note




It always ends badly for them.




He told them in the very beginning, it always ends badly. So Ryuk knew, yo, this shit's gonna go my way one way or the other. And the end of the day, I'm Ryuk, I'm leaving, and you did all the work for me. Yeah.


You know


what would have been funny or would have been really, crazy is if all this back and forth that was happening and let's say that like l or sorry, light got cornered like he did with near, but let's say it was with l for example.




And l's back pocket like, Trump card with all the other things that would compile onto it was Ryuk writing l's actual name into the notebook, and he agreed to do that. But then all of a sudden, light, like, starts dying this gruesome death, and it was actually Ryuk who decided to say, like, hey, man. I thought that was interesting, but


I got it.


Got it. Saw what you


just saw. I'm gonna write your name in, and thanks for the laugh. I I think that would have been pretty pretty and pretty.


I don't know why Rem didn't just write lights made in her book Exactly. To protect her person. Like like That's what I mean. That was that was the biggest McGuffin. I'm just like


because Rem would have died either way. It wouldn't have mattered.


That's what I'm saying. Like, you wanna protect Misa, but you're just like, oh, I can't. And you just start writing everybody


else's dumb writing. I think it's because her her feelings were getting in the way of, because Misa loved Light and wanted everything to Light.




So she didn't wanna hurt Misa by killing Light.


And I thought it would have been interesting to see Ryuk Ryuk. If l had won, would Ryu could wanted to go pursue l as


the next person for


Yeah. So you would've just gone back home, and that would have been it. I don't


think I don't think Elle would've been interested in in using the death note. Like, Elle is just I don't think he had the superiority complex that




That might


You're right. He he he wouldn't have wanted to do that, but I feel like Ryuk would've been intrigued by his mind. But I I don't know. There's a lot of what ifs, but, I really feel like that that


Go ahead.


The the passing of l was just a a point that all those possibilities, I think, that we all sit back and go, what if? What if? Or that all ended when Elle was gone. So no matter how great the rest of the series is, you're still missing that aspect because all of us had so many ideas about


I would say


Oh, it could've went like this. Yeah.


I would say it's l passed at, like, episode 32, 33 out of 37. I'm cool, but 25 I think it was what? 25 or so? And then, like, there's fucking 12 episodes left. I'm, like, well, what the fuck am I watching this for?


And we were kinda talking about it before we went live, the fucking institute that, breeds these gen genius people that


Genius. Yeah.


Which I never explained.


No. Like, they just Just for They're just like, they just went to a office. Some old dude just, like, Elle died.


From this orphanage that apparently, Wattery, like, found it, and he finds genius kids somehow. I don't know. Yep. They found out Elle dies. Elle says, I'm dead.


They're like, okay. Now we have to, like, do something about what what are we


Right. So then this institute has a l junior, which not not necessarily junior, but it's just somebody with the mannerisms of l, but has white hair instead of black hair and some fucking rebellious 15 year old that's just like, I'm out of here. If you don't wanna annoy me as the successor




And then, like, the next


He's also like, and I I don't wanna work with him. We don't work with him.


Work together. And then, like, literally, 10 minutes later, he's, like, running a fucking mafia in the desert under bro, it's it's a whole thing. Like, so if if you haven't seen the episode and for whatever reason you're listening to us spoiling it, like, once l dies, you could probably stop watching death note. Unless you just wanna see the, you know, skip to the end episode to see how, like, gets its comeuppance. But the the shit in between, it we were talking about it.


It it just became, like, I gotta watch it just to just so I'd know. You know? Just so I could say I watched it. That's what it felt like. You know, you're just like, fucking, there's 12 episodes left of this shit and l's gone?






What do I do?


Because near near never met measured up. Near never came close to being as


They tried.




They kept trying to write these these twists.


They even had him do the same thing where he put his one leg up on the chair.


Yeah. They they kept giving him the mannerisms, and they kept trying to write these weird situations where it's like, oh, can they could they? Like, it was I was too invested in l. Maybe that that's a fault on me that I didn't give


And that that's why I also said what they should've done is just focused on or talked a little bit about the. Maybe maybe you spend an episode or 2 talking about Elle's background and watery and like where




The institution. How about you you give us a background on this shit?


Go into the world and then have it be, like, light thinks he's on top of the world and he's running shit and then or whoever. You come into a situation where they're like, yeah, man. By the way, I'm over it. Like, this has been cool.


Yeah. I felt he was really over it after l passed. Yeah. I mean, it felt No.


I think he was still interested to see what Light was going to do because I think I think at least they didn't really show it because Rem was the one that was there. They didn't show Ryu. They didn't show, like, what happened. They just fast forwarded to, like, 4 years later, And now light is, like, the lead of the investigation still and and running everything. Like, they did it really go into it and barely, like, a presence.


So, yeah. I don't I don't know what.


At the end of the day, when you look at, like, did you guys really get the feel that his his pure intentions like, because when when l died and he caught, like, Brows is like, you mother. Like, don't fucking put this act on. You know, when he ran and caught l and looked at him, and then it slowly went to a smirk, and l saw that shit. I I bet l was just like, I fucking knew it. And then, like, he goes from the smirk to, oh, no.


Oh, we'll find Kira revenge this for I'm like, you mother. Put hands on you, bro. Like, it it's just he do you feel, you know, he got l out the way and, like, left to his own devices, the world literally would have been a better place because he was only writing his intent was only to get rid of bad people and to usher in this new world and be god of it with or he kept telling old girl, like, you'll be yeah. We'll we'll be king and queen of this new world. I think he just wanted to just be be the end all sale for this state.


But at the end of the day, like you mentioned, the book only has so many pages. There's gonna come a time where you run out of pages for this light. Then what?


Also, to to your point, like, he and we talked about this with his morality. He stopped judging actual bad people and criminals, and the world started living in fear that any type of punishments they were in to incur, even if they just made a bad decision, they they were now at risk of being written off. And then other people were threatening them to post their name online. It just created other bad people




To threaten them to put their name online, to say this person is this type of person and spin lies. Because that's what Kira needed was just to see things on the Internet and then just do whatever he wants.


That's why. I don't Yeah.


I think it created another world where people felt just like him that they had the power now over them to incur justice. And all they had to do was just post their name and say whatever they wanted and give it to Kira. I feel I don't I don't think that him staying alive and doing whatever would he would've do would've wanted to do, I don't think that still would've created this


magical utopia. Yes.


He lacked that portion, like like, Jackie had said earlier that he was a, you know, a sociopath. And if you look into sociopaths and, you know, mental disorders in that aspect, he lacked the capacity for empathy as far as, any of the people he judged because you never hear light mentioned once about anyone who would might have had a family or kids or, you know, loved ones, parents. He doesn't go into that at all. So his ability to empathize and so forth. So that road he was on woulda hit that steep decline already.


When he killed those people who were in charge of different news network shows and they were, like, anchors or whatever who would criticize Kira, he killed them, you know, be now it was part of his ploy to show that he wasn't Kira.


Yeah. But,


you know, he picked them just because he would his ego couldn't handle the fact that people were criticizing him.




So it


would have only grown from there. I mean, he's just newly a young man. Yeah. So his as time goes on


and the security complex just would have kept Whole power


Well, and that well, that's why Al also said how he was able to pinpoint it down to someone who's probably a high school student or just a student in general because of his childish idealistic viewpoints on the world because he's not able to understand the hardships of what life is yet to be able to empathize with other people. Yeah. He's just seeing bad things and bad people, so he's just thinking childishly and making decisions when that's not the way to do it.


I mean, it's you know, like I said, he was judge and, and


Jack judge jury or judge Judy?


Judge Judy executioner, which would be even scarier.


That'd be it. No. But, an awesome show.


Brought up a good point is his his his his immaturity doesn't let him see the full picture, especially, like, his lack of experience in life. Because, you know, I mean, just from just from personal experience, I only I only had a few murderers that I I was in charge of, okay, or that I that that were on my caseload. But I'll tell you what, I mean, one of them, he was he was released, for what do they what do they call it when they release him because of a health issue? Anyway, it was like


Oh, yeah. Psychological or whatever. They were deemed insane.


Yeah. Okay. He was he was gonna pass.


Oh, okay.


But, he to just in my short time with him, I saw, like, when he got his first apartment, how happy he was to have his own bathroom




Being able to you know, when he got a bike from the church and the church gave him a bike so he could go do stuff, I mean, man had already spent 27 years in prison. So you think about it and you're like, light lacked that life experience and that maturity to see that one mistake or one choice in life doesn't dictate that someone should be condemned to just, you know, be destroyed or dead.




You know? So like she said, l recognized that early on. Well, I don't think Light would have ever matured to that level because of his his fact that he was so egotistical and narcissistic. He already felt he was above everybody else. He wasn't there to learn anything.


I already know it. Yeah.


The way he treated Ryuk too was almost like he, like, he thought Ryuk served him. Like, okay. I'll give you an apple. He was very arrogant to Ryuk, and then Ryuk the whole time.


He's a goddamn god of death. Exactly.


You're talking to a demon of death, bro. He he could kill you if he wanted to right now.


He's been around the block a couple times, bro.


You're Yeah. So


Ryu coulda yeah. Ryu coulda literally killed him at any point. Yeah. He was just wanting to see what he would do.


Exactly. But the his relationship with you changes throughout the series as you're watching it. Very beginning, of course, it's curiosity, then he starts to treat him like a slave or like a pet. Yeah. And then as the story goes on, Ryuk starts to lose interest in him, and and Light seems to have lost some of that edge.


And then towards the end, Ryuk's done with him. Yeah. You know? But, I mean, you see that whole change throughout the series. And it's because I think it's because, like we've mentioned, Light never matures.


He never grows. Yes. Mentally, he's very, very acute. But as far as being able to do anything outside of that or thinking outside of just his intellect using more of a compassion, no. So, you know, I don't think he would have ever improved anything else.


I don't think the world would have been better. I don't think he would have changed anything. He would have become just a a very powerful serial killer until the day he was killed.




Which is what, Nir said because, at the end when Light was like, yep. I'm Kira. Whatever. I'm the one that's made this world better. And Nir was like, no.


No. You're not. You you are a psychopathic serial killer. That's all you are. You've done nothing but kill people.


You've done nothing but destroy lives like you're a sociopath. That's just what


you are.


You were not doing anything better. Something that I thought was interesting is apparently the manga ending, the death of Light Uh-huh. Is completely different than the anime one. It's similar, but the way that Light dies in the anime, he's on his own. He's on the stairs.


And Ryuk is sitting on top of a tower and then writes his name, and he's talking about all these sentimental thoughts. Like, you're hearing his thoughts, but he's not actually talking to light.




And then light just dies from the heart attack. In the anime, apparently, it's more gruesome and more pathetic. Light is literally grabbing Ryuk's leg and begging for his life saying he doesn't want to die, but also he doesn't wanna go to prison. So he's begging Ryuk to do something as a because he knows he can do something about it.




And Ryuk's then reciting what he's saying in the anime. He's reciting it to him, just smiling this whole time




Saying, like, hey. No, man. It's been fun. Like, I I'm not gonna do that. This is the end.




And then he, like, twists up, and he's, like, his facial expression, everything's more horrid. And it's actually a lot more sad and pathetic than it actually portrays in the anime where he has a more peaceful death.


Yeah. Which I feel fucking that's what you deserve, bro. Yeah.


I I still agree that Ryuk should have been the one to kill him all along. I'm glad that it was Ryuk. I'm glad that once that he's the one that did it. I kinda wish it was the manga way though. I think that would have been more,


No. In the manga, he's shot.


In my opinion, funny and, ironic.


Is he shot in the manga?


Yes. And he's also shot in the anime.


Yeah. I just didn't know if the manga would follow or the manga did that, and then the anime followed or, you know


actually, hold on. Is light shot in the manga?


Because he was gonna live from the bullet wound. I mean, he might have been disabled or injured, you know, long term.


It wasn't like a a fatal thing


or anything. Yeah. He he did. He he got shot also in the manga. So he got shot in the manga.


He got shot in the anime.




It's just then after that, with Light leaving the warehouse and running away and being on his own and then dying by himself on the stairs, that's what's different than in the manga. The manga actually shows him, like, while everyone's in the warehouse, he's clawing at Ryuk's pant leg and grabbing onto him and begging for his life.


Which actually makes a lot of sense because it brings it full circle.


Yes. You know? Whereas I still think, like, the overall ending is pretty sad, with him die. It's it's just overall somber. It's very somber.




But I really like the manga ending a lot better where he's more looking more pathetic. Because at the end of the day, those who think they have all the power in the world and control everything, they're actually the most pathetic people at the end of the day. And so it really shows, like, they


can control it. Sense of humility.


I mean, really.


Someone who is so arrogant and he finally realizes


He's brought back to reality of Yeah.


I'm not I'm


not in control. And he never was because, like you said, you coulda just ended this shit. You you were never


He just forgot. He just forgot.


You're never fully in control. And then when it hit him, like, oh, shit. Like, I'm not in control of life and death like I thought I was. You know, it hit him, and he became human again, mortal again, begging for life and and all of this stuff. But the other people who are having heart attacks and stuff he was writing in the book were probably doing the same thing.


Like, somebody helped me save me, and he's just, oh, it's another name in a book.


Yeah. In a way, yeah, it's very poetic that he ends up feeling the same fear they felt.


I also thought it was in the anime, what I also I did like is when he's running and he has a vision of his of himself before he found the notebook. And it's him crossing the railroad tracks and reading a book. And himself is walking one way while himself now that's, like, clinging on to life is running the other way. And it's like he sees that part of himself of what he was before, and it's almost like he was without even saying it. Like, how did it get to this point and almost regretting his


His choices.


His choices. I think that's a it's interesting to see too, like, in again, in I I go back to the dub voicing, like, I think the voice acting of him spiraling out of control and, entering into his mental breakdown. Yeah. I thought the voice actor did such a good job at not sounding, like, annoying. It was just very genuine of, like, like, listen to me.


I'm Kira. But, no, this is a this is a trap, but also, like, I'm Kira. I'm just laughing mainly. I like dude, it was crazy. Like, I even though those 12 episodes were a little bit of a chore to watch, the last 2, I will say, were again, it's entertaining entertaining again to watch and see what would happen and watching his downfall and spiral out of control when he realizes he lost and how he took losing for once.


Like, he didn't know what losing was ever until he was 23 years old. So that young child that should've learned what failure was like didn't get to learn that till he's technically a grown ass man.


Yeah. Yeah. You're right. I agree.


But, if you've been rocking with us and you've been watching the video through our little spoiler rant, amazing. Amazing. Give it a watch and let us know what you think about it. But it is time for us to move on to a a nice segment that we like to put on here, the put on your put this on your radar where we kinda mention some anime that you probably may or may not have heard of and, you should probably take a look at. So without further ado, make sure I got it all queued up.


Here is put this on your radar. What up? Again, special shout out to Kenpachi. Hope everything is going well with you, man. Can't wait to get you back on the show and, have you, bless us with your your knowledge on, on anime we may or may not have missed because he knows a lot of it.


He does.


Do any of you too I have one, but I wanna open the floor. Do any of you have any recommendations for our fans, for anime they should have on their, their watch list?


I'll let Eric go first. I have 2,




I wanna see what Eric says first.


Probably that they have all heard of


I don't


like Willie had mentioned earlier. I'm more of a, the classics. So go ahead, Jackie. I'd like to hear what you what you throw out for us.


So the first one that I wanna talk about, which is also controversial because I do have some things to add on to it Okay. That are not great to hear is is I don't know if you guys have watched the 1st episode of or even heard of


I've heard about it.


It is a new horror anime. I


think I've


never It's only 4 episodes long. Adult Swim is the one that has animated it, and it's been premiering on Adult Swim as well as HBO Max Max. Okay. Whatever. Yeah.


I have heard of it then.


The first episode is insane. It's great.




However, there's some bad news, to add on to it. Like, really


good news.


You can Google it. You can read the rumors. But, basically, the second episode released, it released on Saturdays at 12:30 in the morning, eastern time, I believe.




And I guess I don't know what exactly happened, but the producers put out a comment about the most recent episode because the animation was fucking dog shit. It is the worst. I when I say I'm not even kidding, that is the worst I've ever seen an anime, like, out that you gotta watch it to see how bad it is. Not only just the animation, but the pacing. Me and Steven couldn't keep up.


We're like, what is going on? What has happened? It's so bad. And the it was so bad, people were commenting on it. The producer put out a, thing on Twitter or whatever and was like, yeah, we got screwed over.


Apparently, they had 3 choices. The first one was to totally drop the anime altogether. The second one was to post the 4 episodes regardless of what they created because not to put everyone's hard work out to the trash. Or the 3rd was to, like, keep going, but then potentially not have the I can't remember what the third one was. But he basically, blamed it all on when whoever they were working with wanted them to produce this anime and that they got screwed over and that's why it's dog shit.


I call fucking bluff on that because you're not going to tell me that you have top animators like MAPPA who people are literally, like, fucking striking right now.




They're still able to produce top quality anime in, like, a year, whereas you guys were supposedly animating this since 2019. It's 2024. You can only use 4 episodes and all of a sudden


How did they not


do that? You couldn't do.


Yeah. That sounds like a cop out for real. So So how bad are we talking here? Is it, like, from cat dog from Nickelodeon or is it, like, street fighter on Fox?


Is it is it is it like It's


like watching it is like watching an episode of Jujutsu Kaizen. K? Like, really great animation. Right? Just sick artistry.


And then you go back to, like, nineties version of 1 piece.


Episode 1 of 1 piece.


It's not connecting. People are, like literally, people are gliding across the the screen instead of actually walking.




Dude, it's funny. What I would recommend for Uzumaki, read it. I think we should read it.


So let me ask you this, Jackie. There's a couple anime that come to mind where where the letdown is fucking astronomical. One is like 7 deadly sins.




Where the anime is


Not even


is is amazing. The story the pacing is good. Even I would even say when the 10 commandments roll up, like, well, I I'm just a fan of that one because my man, Askinor, and his fucking hey, man. You shouldn't fuck with me. I'm pretty I'm I'm like a big deal around here type shit, which the biggest


flex. Daddy.


That's that's what I'm talking about.


Hey. Hey. Low key, like, I I wouldn't even be bad. I he he would be daddy. He's cool.


And then, then you go into, like, promised Neverland where, like, they just rushed everything.


Story's awful. The animation's not story. Uzumaki's story is amazing.


Right. But, like, 7 deadly sins, the anime the animation drops off, like, fucking off a fucking cliff from Yeah.


But then they only do that for a few episodes, and then they went into, like, a regular


Like, it Oh,


I thought it was certain


After Sid, after


Right after, like, the


After the take commandment arc, shit just fucking like, people are just like, the fuck is going on here? Like, is this a gag episode? Or


Yeah. The per the perspectives that are


I don't I don't think you're going I don't think you're gonna waste your time watching the first episode and watching the second episode only because I think the first episode was done so beautifully. I mean, it I just started getting into horror animes recently, and this one's creepy as fuck. I've I'm in we are me and Steven are really enjoying, like, the horror creepy animes lately, and Uzumaki is one of those. Like, it is just fucking weird. Mhmm.


And what the hell is going on? The first episode is amazing. Beautifully made. It it's different. The animation style is different.


It's black and white. It's really great. Second episode is I couldn't believe it. We were, like, what the hell? There's some things that were, like, oh, that's kinda cool.


But then it, like, went back to regular scheduling terribleness. Like, it was awful. So at least you can look at it and be, like, okay. Fine. You guys fucked up.


Let me at least go read it. Because it's the where it stems from, that is what is the and I can't believe it wasn't talked about more about what it's like. Like, the the story and, like, the the the drawings and the art. Like, it's insane. Like, it is really, really cool looking.


It's a really interesting concept. It's different, which is why I think I like it so much. It's it's not your standard shounen shoujo or just even, like, random anime that have, like, had some type of trope with the main character having powers and going through a whole character belt. Whatever the hell. Like, it's it's really cool.


But, yeah, it's that I have to add in that caveat because I don't wanna put people on this, and then they come at me, and they're like, what the fuck happens? Yeah. To the episode. We're gonna have to do, Jackie.


I'm What the fuck, Jackie?




oh, it's so good.


It's probably not on the live. I'll pro oh.


Okay. I will. Yeah.


We we I put the intro on the, the Yeah. I saw it, and


I was like


The page.




Yeah. It caught me


right away from the intro.


And have you you didn't watch the first episode yet?


No. I I didn't Have


you watched the first episode?


It's on it's on Netflix, and it's on a Crunchyroll.


Okay. Okay.


It is first of all, the opening is sick. Creepy Nuts is fantastic.


There it is.


2nd of all, the show is so weird. I'm not gonna lie. And for those that are out there, there is a scene in there where you're like


The fuck is happening? Because I was watching it's like Saturday afternoon. Yeah. Kids are up, and I'm just like, oh, this shit's about to go left real quick.


And I looked at each other. We're like, yo, is this about to be some redo of healer shit? Because I know. I don't know. If we should keep watching this, I'm glad it didn't,


you know,


Continue that route. Thank God. Because you can only watch redo a healer on hand tight sides. By the way, don't ask me why I know that. Please don't.


You really can only watch it on.




Show. But this show, it doesn't. It just it goes into, like, the but it's it's so good. Like, the art, which fun fact about Danadan sorry. I wrote it down.


Is, Danadan is the animation is made by Science Surrey




Which also did adventure time. And, what was the one we were talking about earlier with it's another anime on Netflix. The, oh my god. Devil Devil May May Devil Crybaby.


Yeah. Devil Crybaby. Yeah.


Yes. Which is weird too. Devil Crybaby is also strange and weird, which I'm not gonna lie. I did drop that after 2 episodes because I didn't know how I felt about it.




But I love the art. The art style and and and the animation was crazy.




Same I don't know who Science Suri is. They're, I don't wanna say they're new and up and coming because they've been doing adventure time. But the fact that they're dipping their fingers now into the anime world and they're doing this type of animation, it's creepy and weird and very colorful and very, like, trippy and


just It immediately caught me like a samurai champion, bee.


But it's sick. Right.


And I


was like Sick. Wow. That vibe came at me. You know, it was like


Every every Thursday an episode comes out. So tonight, another episode drops to me and Steven will watch it tomorrow. But it's, it's it's really good.


I like it.


They they released the first three episode in theaters.




it was one of those things. Yeah. It's one of those things you could've went and saw the first three episodes. Fire. Fire.


It it's one of those things where, like, it you know, like, I'm I'm just wondering, like I look. My daughter works at the AMC, so, like, I'm able to, hey. Get get me in there for free type shit.


Oh, okay. Alright.


So it's and then, you know, we're up in Hampton, so it's like, AMC will be like, look. We'll play this fucking anime shit one day at fucking 3 o'clock. Either you make it or you don't. You know?


It's like 3 or 3 o'clock in the morning. Yeah.


You know?


It's like we're work. We're not keeping a fucking on. Yeah. I'm I'm like, appreciate it. Thank you.


You know? So Yeah.




it's a good one. If you've seen mob psycho or anything like that, it it kinda reminds me that gives me those vibes where you got the supernatural side. So you got science fiction with aliens. You got the supernatural side with ghosts and spirits and stuff. So, it's a great watch.


Just just give it, you know Yeah. Like, I like that it's on Netflix as well as Crunchyroll because more people do have Netflix. So you're able to catch up and watch it. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. I like that the streaming services are making it more broad now. More accessible. Yeah. Yeah.


Leaving it on one, which, this I know this is, like, has nothing to do with anime, but NFL has been pissing me off lately with what they choose to stream.


It's on Peacock. It's on Amazon. It's on CBS. It's on


So at least Thursday I


just wanna watch the fucking game.


Have their own now. Prime has, Thursday nights.




Yes. I don't even wanna talk about it. It pisses me. I mean, I have everything, but still, it's annoying.


Like, and


I have


to pay Just fine.


Pay a $180 on top of the $80 I'm paying for Internet just to watch your shit and to get disappointed.


And to be Sunday. Bro, as a panthers fan, I get you. What am I doing this shit for? Yeah.


Thanks so much for watching for nothing. Fuck you.






What, I know you said you like the older ones, but those are kinda the ones because more of the people that kinda tune in to our show jump on with the the newer age anime and stuff, not us. So if you do have some older ones that you would like to recommend, because I have one that's that's fairly I guess, will be considered old to talk about. But I'll I'll let you go first, CJ.


Yeah. I would recommend checking out bastard. Just, the overall art and, flow is if you like, the older art styles, it really shows through detail wise. And, I mean, the the story's solid. I always watch subs, so I'm used to the voices being, matching.


And in this one, you don't get disappointed. The character's voices kinda match the feel of the character as you're watching so that that really adds to it. Mhmm. But it's a solid series. I believe they have a shoot off of it too, but I would just catch up with bastard first and see if you enjoy it.


Another one that I found, which isn't old, but, just been on this tip of, like, fantasy or Uh-oh. I really like Vinland saga has been


in a, like,


very interesting. I know it's only it's not old, but, the the artwork plus the storytelling is top notch for, as well as it's done in dub because that's the only way I've watched it. And, it's done well even for, you know, you know a lot of times when you have Dubb, the translation kind of falters through, and I guess it's why I like timepieces




Because you don't have the, this so flagrantly bad translation. Like, I'll I'll notice, like, even what's not written on the screen, certain aspects because my my mother would sometime my mother's Japanese. So she would, like when I was watching old school stuff, she would go, hey. They didn't say that. You know?


But I learned to listen for certain things, and then when you hear it, you know, it's like, oh,


that killed it. That really


killed it.


You know, but, no, this was done very well, and I I I I do recommend it for those who wanna catch something a little bit older, but, still up on par. It's been good.


Vinland Saga is is solid. The openings and, like, bro, it's it's it's it's dope. Like, if you because I remember Vikings was the shit for a lot of people, like, on a history channel or whatever it was. This is like Vikings on fucking steroids Yeah.


Type shit. The battles


the battles from the


oh, man.


Midland Saga is actually one of those woods that I never watched. When I say that, like I've watched anime since I was 8, but I was really late to the game to make that decision point of when I was expanding my breadth of, like, genres. I was always, like, slice of life, romance, fantasy, whatever type of thing with, like, a little bit of, like, obviously of Death Note and, like, Naruto, Jarmalzy, all that stuff. But it took me a while to finally branch out to more, like, just action. Right?


Or gruesome like, not gruesome. Sorry. More, gory type of anime. And I know Vinland Saga is one of those ones that's pretty, like, gory. And it's been on my, like, we talked about my anime list.


Right? Like, MAL is also the app that it's called that you can download on your phone. You can keep track of, like, all the things you watch or dropped or continue watching whatever. It's been sitting there forever. So I'm glad you brought it up because I'm, like,


taking I mean, and it and it and it's animated by heavy hitters. Like, season 1 was animated by WIT Studios, and then season 2 is animated by MAPPA. So like EJ said, the the animation is is


legit. It's kinda like watching, like, you know, the the the the action and violence that's in Berserk.




But I


haven't seen Berserk either, which is another one I wanna watch.


That is so good.


I will say so


good and so bad.


I heard there's a scene Listen.


There is a 90


though. That's a


The 97 version of it. The the animation. It's it's on YouTube. Somebody uploaded it. It's like a 10 hour 10 hour block of, the app please watch that one.


You have to watch that one.


Send it to me.


I will. I'll send you the link. Because I'm I'm watching it, and, like, you know, it's 10 hours, so I'll watch it, then I'll pause it. Then you go back to your library, continue watching, and and pick up from where. But


It's a great story, and it's very


The worst villain your in anime. Your average story.


That's kinda why I like Vinland Saga too. It's not like your protagonist isn't this this, either reluctant hero or all good great guy. So in both of those series, the protagonist is driven by different instances that happened or or events in their life, but they're not sitting there. They're not your Superman, you know, boy scout, and they're not your you know? So it's kinda cool


to see it more. They're coming like they have to go through a whole Yeah.


You don't get the and they're like You don't get the I just wanna be a normal kid. I can't stand those stories. The reluctant hero. Like, dude, any of us, if we suddenly rolled over and we were Superman, we wouldn't be like, oh my god. It's so hard life.


I just wanted to be a normal teen like, come on, dawg.


You can fly


and you're super strong and shit. I'm like, but anyway, the reluctant hero was so played out. It's terrible. Both of those series actually, a lot of series I even Bastard's another one. The hero the protagonist is more real.


He feels visceral.


Bastard's animation is like, what's that vampire old Yeah.


Like vampire


hunter d?


Vampire hunter d.


There's cell safe. D.


No. No. No. It's on it's the, old English cart I don't wanna say car tune, but the the Netflix had that's had multiple seasons with the band. Castlevania?


Castlevania. Yes.


Yeah. It's arts close to that. Yeah. That would probably be a a pretty a pretty similar art to compare


it to.


Another one is like a ninja scroll, but a little more, like, darker as far as the, the detail. It's like ninja scroll if someone let the guy whose shadows go back in there with a black pen for


a little bit. He's like Yeah.


But I mean, it's good. It's good. It brings it brings it brings a feel to it too because it it matches the field. Just like, yeah, just like berserk and Vinland Saga. A lot of it all the feel is in the artwork that comes to you as well.


Yeah. So, yeah, mine is a an older one. We kinda mentioned it when we were talking about Madhouse, but Claymore, so I know it's available over on, on on Crunchyroll. But, pretty much the setting is, it's in medieval times. Right?


Humans are plagued by monsters. Go figure. And so we have to create something to fight those monsters. So, we created, there's a mysterious organization called the organization. Go figure.


Very creative name, to create, humanoid versions of these monsters that are that are fighting us too so we can fight fire with fire and essentially. So, they refer to them as claymores. They're mostly a female fighting force. There used to be males, but when the Claymores would awaken to their full potential to become super, Yoma, this is the wild part. So it was like, it is akin to, like, a sexual awakening.


So, like, for whatever reason, the females were able to handle that better than the males. Go figure. Right? So they were just like, they were just like, we should probably not make male Claymores anymore because, like, when they do this shit, they wild the fuck out. So we'll just keep making the female ones.


So, but it's a it's a pretty dope story. That's pretty much the synopsis.


Oh, yeah. That clarity.


It's amazing. It is. It's a great series. I I own it. I own the DVDs.


Okay. Because,


it it is a really great series. Damn.


It is a single things I haven't watched, but I I know about it. I've heard about it.


Like Bro, I Claymore


has been around forever. Yeah. I just


My anime watch list is ridiculous. So like I said, it's it's I always wanna catch up on some of the the oldies but goodies, but then shit like Dannadan will come out or, you know, a new season of Get


out of nowhere too. They weren't even hyping up.




Like, I can't well, sorry. They were hyping up Dannadan.




But not as much as I don't know if you guys knew, but it was a mockie. They were like, get ready for this.


Oh, yeah.


Be the next fucking thing. And I'm like, what? Yeah.


Like, this fucking claymation stop animation shit. What is this? But yeah. So, yeah. Clayborn


end, I I do wanna show you guys, like, a scene. Like, we can I can show you? It's so bad.


Cool. But unless anybody has anything else to kinda pitch to the people, we can wrap this up and, return to our regularly scheduled programming.


I'm good. Thanks for the recommendations I I like.


Cool. Cool. So, yeah, we're wrapping this show up. It's longer than usual, but we kinda expected that. Jackie's first time being back in a while, having EJ on here and, talking about a very amazing, show manga series.


We had to get into some spoilers in order to express how much how awesome the show is. So, again, like, when this goes out, we'll have time stamps so you can skip over spoilers and all that. But I knew it was gonna run late, which is cool. I don't have work tomorrow. So it,


What a weekend.


Knock on wood. Where's my I don't have no wood in here. Watch somebody do something stupid if my phone rings. No.


Oh, you have the phone this weekend?


Sure. Well, I'm the first sergeant. Like, I always have the phone.


Always has the phone.


Well, you can always hand it off.


So who? Why would I fuck somebody else's 4 day up? Here you go.


Some people like some people like to be like, hey, shirt. Why don't you enjoy a 4 day? I'll take the phone this weekend. That what's happened?


Where do they assist that? Yeah. Where where let me know where that unit is at.


I happened a lot of Aviano when I was there. Like, a lot of people always took the shirt's phone.


Everyone loves Aviano.


The shirt was always going on vacation everywhere.


I will say overseas is different. There it's more of a family atmosphere when you're overseas. Stateside back you up. Yeah. Stateside people are just like, 4 day.


Yeah. So it's cool. It's it's what I get the the the marginal special duty pay for. So


Here's your here's your nickel.


Yep. But, anyway, so we're wrapping this up. I don't know I don't know the next episode. I wanna do I wanna do. I still wanna keep with the spooky season stuff.


K. I was hoping that Uzumaki was gonna be it, but, fuck it. Right?


I mean, we can we can still, I don't know. If we talk about it, it'll be a short it will be a short episode.




It'll be us mainly, maybe making fun of it, and it'll be spoilers because you have to. Like, you're


But you can always It


depends on what you wanna do, but


you could always add there's I don't know if it's on Prime or Netflix, but there's also a a a collection of, Japanese anime shorts or Japanese ghost story shorts.


Yeah. It's on a country roll. Yeah.


They're not Yeah.


I don't


know if you'd actually call them anime so much as like a


It's like short story type stuff.


Yeah. But a flip book. It's like your


We can look we can look and see what there is and decide, and then we'll we can give it 2 weeks, and we'll come up with what we wanna watch, and then we'll do that, and then we can watch it. I I have a I have a good break Okay. The next at least 3 weeks before Wizzent starts, and then that's just a nightmare of a month.


You're so good at your job.


I just I have to do it. I don't really have a choice.


But, yeah, like, I I I can't stress watching Death Note enough. Like I said, it's a easy watch. 37 episodes is all you need. Yeah. 20 minutes each episode depending where you're watching it at.


I watched it in 3 days.


That's what I'm saying. Hey. You power through it. So, give it a look. And if you like it, let us know.


If you don't like it, let us know. You got some theories and stuff, let us know. You know, we're open to all that good stuff. But, that's pretty that's pretty much it unless you guys got anything else for the, the anime heads out there. No?


No? Alright. Cool. So, that wraps up episode 7. I believe the eat the cake anime will be back.


We'll, we'll keep you in the loop. Like I said, everybody be life in out here. Right? Things be going on. EJ, we'd be glad to have you back.


So, expect We'd love to. Expect us to keep you in the loop, seeing if you have any suggestions for anything we should be watching. And, we'll come back and reconvene later on. But until then, appreciate you guys rocking with us. I know it's been a long episode, but like I said, it was a good time had, for all 3 of us here.


So, with that, we say peace, and, we'll catch you on the next episode of eat the cake anime. Bye bye.