Progressively Horrified

We like ranking horror movies. Head to Letterboxd and search for Progressively Horrified to find the official October to October rankings or click on the link in the show notes!

Show Notes

The horror continues with the second part of our 2021-2022 Rankings. You can find the actual list on Letterboxd right here.  And if you feel like we've made a mistake, we probably didn't - but you're welcome to tell us about it on the social media!

Emily: @megamoth on Twitter, @mega_moth on Instagram, and at
Ben: @benthekahn on Twitter, and at
Jeremy: @jrome58 on Twitter and IG, and at
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What is Progressively Horrified?

A podcast that holds horror to standards horror never agreed to. Hosts Jeremy Whitley, Ben Kahn, Emily Martin and guests watch, read, listen to, and check out movies, tv shows, comics, books, art and anything else from the horror genre and discuss it through a progressive lens. We'll talk feminism in horror, LGBTQ+ issues and representation in horror, racial and social justice in horror, disability and mental health/illness in horror, and the work of female and POC directors, writers, and creators in horror.
We're the podcast horror never agreed to take part in.

Emily: Speaking of Rankins, I'm trying
to, to play up the Rankin best look of it.

Ben: But yeah.

Do we have a link to that letter?

Emily: If you look up progressively
horrified on letterbox, you'll find it.

there's the progressively
horrified rankings.

And then I made a list on my letterbox
that was all the spooky movies.

So that one also shows up,
but it's the Rankin one.

Ben: Cool.

And so we've got about uh,
about 20 to do I it looks like.

Emily: Sounds good.

Let's go.

Jeremy: I think the place we need
to start this time is uh, you said

the beginning of our Asian American
and Pacific Islander month of,

of movies here, which we started.

That makes sense with Ha

Ben: ha Fun


I also say one, I also say
number one for how Sue,

Emily: uh, For real though.

I'm not, I'm not serious.

Ben: No.


Not number one, but honestly
like how Sue should be

like, , I'm putting it at, at 11.

How Sue is very high.

Like I, I've like, I might put house
ohsu, like, I don't know, in the

ready or not Jennifer's body range.

Emily: Yeah.

I, I'm putting it right above ready
or not it's ready or not good, but

it's not like, it doesn't have the
rewatch ability and like the, the just

Ben: it's so fucking iconic

Emily: staying power that ha Sue does.

Ben: It is camp defined.


Jeremy is making faces and I like that.

Me and Emily are team houseau on this.


Jeremy: I mean I, I'm, I'm good
with putting how to far up here.

I was actually just comparing to
like ones that I have sim like

that I feel similar mood-wise to
which is that and psycho goreman.

and I like psycho goman better.

Emily: but psycho goman is not
better objectively than how Sue,

Jeremy: how su I mean,
objectively It absolutely is.

But from a camp


Ben: yeah.

I'm not sure about, I'm
not sure about that one.

Emily: Are you saying that Psycho Gorman
is objectively a better film than ha

Jeremy: I mean it certainly has a higher
production value than ha . It certainly

actually makes some, some amount of sense,

Emily: different

Ben: amount of production value.

I mean, when it's put straight up to
the test of psycho goreman versus Haus.

I'm definitely aren't putting it above
nightmare before Christmas though.


Emily: You're not putting
it above nightmare before

Ben: Christmas.

No, definitely are.

No, definitely.

You are putting it, it
definitely goes between yes.

I, I put it right behind.

I put it right behind Psycho Gore, man.


Emily: would put it right behind
promising young woman because it's

better than Jennifer's body and
it's better than ready or not.

And uh, feel free to say no, but
I will not take no for an answer.

Jeremy: I mean, I strongly disagree.

Ben: To me it's just like it, and
psycho goreman just hit the same beats

unless we also want to move psycho
goreman up, which I'm okay with.

Emily: I'm, I'm okay with the rankings
right now, but here's my pitch for you.

One Psycho goreman would not
exist without Haus Su almost

directly because without Haus.

, you wouldn't have the
same kind of like crazy.

Ben: Yeah.

But by that logic in a few months.

So I gotta put Bella Lagosi his
Dracula over Bram stoker's Dracula

and that just ain't fucking happening.


Emily: But I mean, like, I'm not talking,
this is amongst many other criteria

I'm looking at on top of all the other
criteria that we have with ha you know,

I'm not, this is not the definitive logic.

This is just, you know, a little grain
of sand to maybe tip these scales as

they should be, which is how Sue goes
right after a promising young woman.

I, I'll never

Jeremy: be able to shake the
feeling with Haus Sue that it could

be legitimately a better movie.

If it had any sort of pacing or plot or
any of the elements we usually expect from

film instead of just being the bad shit.

Insane thing that it is.

And I love the bat shit insane thing that
it is, but I think Psycho Goman has some

of that same flavoring without losing the

Ben: what was, I also think like
crazy as is I think that comedy and

Psycho goreman is just so Sharp wears.

I think it's a little broader
comedy in Haus Su Well, we're also

Emily: think there's some cultural
context things in Haus Su that

Ben: Yes, no, there are definitely
big parts of Haus Su that are

references to entire genres.

I have no idea.

Exist without a doubt, really.


Jeremy: genres that did not
exist yet at that point.

So yeah.

Emily: Again,

Ben: everything involving the
teacher and the bear, I'm assuming,

is a reference to some kind of
like late night Japanese talk show.

Oh yeah, absolutely.

That I don't know about.

Emily: Yes.

, but also uh, you know, you
think about psycho goman.


And this is a guy, and this
is like a meat grinder man.

But think about that woman eating
the head and just freaking out those

girls with the eyeball in her mouth.

And I want you to think about her
and how we would be doing her great,

great dishonor by placing her below

Ben: Jennifer's body.

I've got a lot of trouble
putting this above putting

house to above psycho goreman.

I can move psycho goreman up of a few
spots with it, but putting it above

psycho goreman doesn't go down easy.


Emily: can continue to lobby
for this and we know you will.

Jeremy: Okay.

Part of the reason Jennifer's body is
so high up here is me and I continue to

be very high on that movie, but what I
will concede if it helps move this along

is that we put psycho Gorman at 11 and
house at 12 and then just drop Jennifer's

body and ready or not down one a piece.

I'm good with that For
two, down two, I guess

Emily: I will concede to this
mainly because I know our buddies

are working on the comics of it,
of psycho Goman and Psycho Goman.

Ben: That's right.

Nobody that we know is working
on licensed HA properties.

Only Fucking if only,

Emily: Maybe the descendants
of Haus Sue, but.

Ben: If I was one of those people
, where a black parade was one of like

the defining songs of their teenage
dumb, maybe I would give them not

to hak, but it just wasn't that
impactful a song for me growing up.

I mean, it definitely wasn't for me
because I know there are people who

would be like, it belongs higher on
the list just for inspiring the song.

It's a good song.

Did not change my life the way it
seems to have done like half of like

the fucking millennial generation.

All right, so,

Jeremy: we'll, we'll put it there for now.

We have something very important to talk
about, which is our first uh, Filipino

film, Suko uh, that movie's not very good.

Ben: I did not care for that movie.

Jeremy: It's like the horror movie
version of watching porn on Cinemax.

Ben: Yeah, I was gonna
say it's soft core horror.

It's soft, yes.

Oh my God.


Thank you.

Yes, that's exactly what
it's, it's soft core horror.


So, oh, that's a great way of putting it.

I think in like, I was maybe a little
generous to it when it was like the first

movie we saw and it's just like, okay,
different countries, who am I to judge?

Like let's me be generous, but now we got
Queen of black magic coming on and Yeah.

If this is so, if this is hardcore
horror, queen of black magic is like

the kinkiest most hardcore shit you
gotta go to like the underground,

underground porn shop to get, yeah.

Jeremy: I mean, for me trying
to figure out where it goes I

would put it above bad hair.

because bad hair is only as high as
it is for like the consideration.

We gave that based on like, I think,
cultural stuff to some extent.


And Soko has the same thing.

Ben: Yeah.



Jeremy: that's the range I wouldbe,
but like overall, the, the quality

of the, the film itself is not great.

I would put it over Friday the 13th.

Same, it feels mean to put
it below Resident Evil, but

maybe that's where it belongs.


Emily: Resident Evil.

No, that's, that's the right ranking.



Resident Evil goes above this.


Jeremy: 2002.

Resident Evil.


Ben: the council.

The council is unanimous.


Jeremy: speaking of some
hardcore shit, what comes after

that is the train to Busan?


Ben: Okay.

This has gotta be high up.

I would put, that's Cartoon movie to me.


Um, I would put this oof.

I would put this on one side
or the other of Candy Man.

Modern Candy.


Jeremy: Candy?

Modern Candy Man.

Ben: Yeah, I would,

Jeremy: yeah.

Cause I was thinking above mayhem.


I would not quite wonder.

Above mayhem.


it Mayhem have some,
some of the same energy.

Man, I

Emily: really like fun.

Movie Train of Design is a
good, like a good ass movie.

Ben: Yeah.

Oh yeah.

train to Busan is just next level.

Jeremy: Yeah.

I really like Candyman and us.

but honestly, like, I'm not sure where
it goes with regard to those two movies.

Emily: was, I say put Train to
Busan between Candyman and Mayhem.


Ben: have spoken.




All right.

Jeremy: I'm good with that.

I'm not gonna argue down
some of my favorite movies.

The next one is Shutter.

The Worst Chip,

Ben: right?

Oh yeah.

Jeremy: All right.

Where do we put the Scary Ghost
in Pictures movie where the,

the hero turns out to be Just
the worst of villains, actually.

Ooh, this

Ben: one.


Emily: it belongs in the fifties.

Ben: Yeah that's exactly
the range I was looking at.

Emily: Yeah.

And I'm looking between the black
Christmas and Nightbreed, either on one on

one side or the other of Black Christmas.

Jeremy: I'd almost put it
a little higher than that.

Ben: Yeah, yeah.

I'd put it above black Christmas.

I feel like uh, s Shutter had
a little stronger impact on me.

It feels more memorable.



I think that's the right thing.

Now we're moving along, but it's more
fun for the listeners when we fight.

Who does

Jeremy: Hard to say.

Now this one.

Ooh, this was the rough one.

Queen of black magic.



Ben: I'm

Jeremy: gonna say for me, that
definitely goes above shutter.

It definitely goes above Suko as well.

Ben: Yes.


I would put it above first Purge.

I might even put it like

or like not above Scream.

Uh, right below Scream

Emily: between Scream and The Mummy.



Ben: I'm going to, but that I,
I'm not, I'm not married to that.


But definitely in that
like, forties range.

Emily: Yeah.

I am going to, I mean, I like this movie
better than I like The Mummy, but I think

that the Mummy, I'm going to concede
that The Mummy is objectively better.

uh, Queen of Black Magic.

Ben: I mean, they're both really
good examples of filmmaking.


Like I, I do, I am legitly
impressed by like the craft that

went into Queen of Black Magic.

But The Mummy is, you know, Hollywood's
last great action adventure.

That's not true.


The Black Pearl was,

Jeremy: There's nobody who's death in
that movie I'm particularly sad about.

It's rough.

But like the mommy, I feel like
you, you care much more about the

main characters than Oh yeah, yeah.

Than you doing that.

Oh yeah.

Not that that movie particularly wants
you to be that, that strongly invested

Ben: but we are saying we care
more about them than we do Gizmo.

The Gremlin.

Yes, of course.


God Gremlins is a weird movie.

I have a studio very enjoyable, but very.

, even strangely paste.

Emily: I have a student right now who's
like eight and he is this drawing prodigy.

He's so good.

Like he's really good.

He doesn't do sketching or anything.

He just goes in there and he
has like his anatomy all there.

And he is obsessed with gremlins.

I don't know if he should be watching.

Ben: I get that, but

Jeremy: yes, a TV show happened, Jen.

I don't think so.

It's coming out on that Netflix.

Ben: I don't think so.

I get that because when you're a kid it's
gonna hit you on all levels and you're not

gonna be like, sure is weird how we get
this whole, it's a wonderful life kind of

setup that ends up not monitoring at all.

you gotta be jaded alcohol accessing
adults to you get into that zone.

And as a kid you're just like, yay,
gremlin's in the bar doing this stuff.

And then as an adult you're like, The
sequin Sure does go on for a long time.

Emily: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

We, yeah, cuz he really does love
gremlins too as well, which is like,

Ben: okay, now that makes perfect sense.

Yeah, yeah.

There we go.


He likes whatever fucking
chaotic energy is in the air.

This kid's cool as shit.

Yeah, no,

Emily: he is, he is cool as shit.

Sometimes I wish like he would do the
thing I ask him to, but he's just like,

I'm gonna draw this beautiful like
dragon monster creature and with like

all his rendering and I'm like, cool.

Jeremy: He's in gremlin mode then.

Emily: Yeah.

Gr definitely gremlin mode.

Okay, so, let's

Ben: see, what do we got?

We all like goblin mode because
it's an attainable goal.

I mean, you can be gremlin mode
so much in so much in this world.

it's just really hard.

And the Dex Act against you, I feel
like we can all just devour like a

bag of chips, like a feral animal
while wearing an oversized hoodie.


Emily: And like causing chaos and carrying
around pots of oil goblins do that, right?

Is that what Goins do?

Jeremy: Some of 'em,

I, I don't remember that point.

Goin, goblins

Ben: doing.

You bring that oil back.


We need that for Hanukkah.

Jeremy: they're capturing the
doors while they're sleeping.

Emily: Yeah.

The, the UCO back is a goblin and he,
carries around boiling oil and, and uses

it to fry food and also light fireworks.

This is

Ben: reminding me of.

Apropo of nothing.

This is reminding me of a
story Id I wanted to tell

y'all when we're not recording.


. All right.

Seeing of recording's?

Not much, but it's an elevator pitch.

Let's, let's

Jeremy: talk about our next one here,
which we watched with uh, our good friend.

1111 uh, nightmare on Elm Street.


Freddy's Revenge.

Ben: Oh man,



Jeremy: Is it gay Litmus test?

Ben: On one hand I know it's an object.

I know it's objectively a better movie
than hell, Ben, but it feels bad putting a

movie this homophobic ahead of hell bent.

Jeremy: Yeah, that's literally, I
was thinking right below hell bent.


Emily: let's do right below.

I'm good with that

Jeremy: to say that.

Yeah, because I'm okay
with putting it over.

The weird actually your mom was an
actress and raped of Scream three.

, yes.

But yeah,

Ben: not remember the actual, you
know what, I guess Scream three

does earn that lower ranking when
you, when that's your first memory.

Because I was just looking at Scream
three and being like, nah, that's too low.

But when I remember Scream three,
all I remember is like Parker

Posey and Patrick Warburton.

Oh yeah.

I mean,

Jeremy: all I remember is seeing
that wine, but then it's like at

the beginning and then like there
literally being a plot That sounds

like the life of Harvey Weinstein

Ben: I enjoy Scream three more with every
time I view it, which I think has now

been like three or four times some times.

It's been, it's been a fun ride,
but I mean you have to take so

many points against it for being by
far the worst who done it, of the

series, which is kind of the central
con like conceit of the franchise.

Also, Jay and Silent Bob are in it.


Jay and Silent Bob are in it.

I don't know if that moves it
up or down in the rankings.

Jeremy: Okay guys, now get out
your discolored balls of air

to throw at each other cuz it's
time to talk about the covenant

Emily: Uh, Yeah, it's gonna go,
it's above the craft legacy.

Ben: Well, art noise, basically the
fart noise to that ice basically

Jeremy: is the craft legacy, isn't it?

Like, is

Emily: it better than It's

Ben: definitely,

Jeremy: yeah, I had fun with it.

Putting, it might be too high,

Ben: honestly.

I would probably put it above Sacko,
maybe Above Resident Evil for like

no Resident evil is dumber fun.


No resonate.


Hold on.

No, this does have,

Jeremy: this does have Sebastian
Stan calling Mattman a a wi

Ben: Yeah.


And it's great.

uh, poor Sebastian stands back
carrying that whole fucking film.

Jeremy: Unfortunately, there's
nothing in Resident Evil that good.

Ben: There.

It really isn't.

like every part of Resident Evil is like
fun by accident except for the laser

hallway, which is legitimately dope.

But Sebastian Stan in that
role like him alone is more fun

than anything in Resident Evil.

However, cover, except for when
she karate chops the Jelly dog.


Emily: she, she

Ben: kick, kick the dog.

These are

Emily: dump movies.

Yeah, she kicks a dog.

I don't advocate the kicking of dog.

However, I will say this Covenant does
try to take witchcraft away from women.

It did do

Ben: that.

, Jeremy this day.

I'm still not sure who
the Covenant is for.

I mean, it's

Emily: for women, Yeah, the www

Ben: b Yeah.

Yeah, that's what it, it's
the yawe ation of the craft.

Emily: Yeah.

It's like Yai fan fiction.

But it's like the YAI fan fiction
where you can't have women in it unless

they're like killed or almost killed
because you just wanna see the dudes.

Like get it on.

And it's, it, it is so far yai
that it is like misogynist again.

Jeremy: Yeah, for me it
goes over Resident evil, but

definitely under Drag Me To Hell.

Which has Yes.

An intentionally unlikable main female
character who beats up old people . That's

Ben: true.


I, I agree with that ranking

Emily: And Drag Me To Hell.

Does what it says on the 10.


Yeah, the Covenant.

Ben: Let's do that.

I would have, I know we were, I did
drag me to Hell was the one movie.

I kind of wanna give another rewatch
too and like wonder if I was overly

harsh despite the dodging involving
certain persecuted minority groups.

But man, would I have a, I I feel
like I would have like some real

explaining to do if we put the
Covenant over a Sam Ramey movie.

Emily: I am in a totally, I would
say, yeah, I would put that over.

Uh, Now you've, you've made me
full of beans and spunk and I'm

really all about putting it over.

Drag me to


Ben: Oh no.

My hubris has cursed us again.

Emily: Now I wanna be like, no.

Drag me to like, I really
don't like that movie,

Jeremy: Now I do want you to remember
the scene in the covenant where

the guys decided to take a bet on
what color the woman's panties are,

and then do a spell to blow it up.

And it turns out she's
not wearing any panties.

And that's like a, also the scene

Ben: in that movie, remember, clearly
mid twenties, Tyler Kche, like

having to portray seven, no, 16,

Emily: I mean, 20 year old actress
playing 16 year olds is something that I

actually am like about because you know,
I don't want teen people who are underage

to deal with that shit in, in film.

Just in real life.

In real life, yeah.

Like whatever.

But I will say this for drag me
to the hell that fucking like the

Talking Goat and the like dead

Ben: guys talking Goat The Dead
guy, like crazy Dance Talking Goat.

Emily: Yeah.

There was a Talking goat and yeah, like
there was like everything was racist

and there was like sad cat death.


Ben: here's, here's
where we find ourselves.

What's worse Drag me to Hell's
Racism or the covenant sexism

Emily: drag me to Hell's Racism.

Jeremy: I think the end of Drag Me to Hell
puts that far and away above the covenant

because the end of the covenant sucks.

Emily: You're right actually.

Jeremy: Yeah.

He blows Sebastian away and he
disappears and then they're all

like, I guess he's gone now.

And then I guess meanwhile drag me down.

I don't remember exactly.

Ben: Like drag me to Hell's Most Memorable
moment is the literal last scene.


That was crazy.

Eyeballs are bugging out of her skull,
like while she's going into hell.

Jeremy: That's great.

Oh yeah.


I, I love this conversation, but we
have more important things to talk

about because The Lost Boys is next up.

That's lost,

Ben: boy.

Scrolling up.

Okay, that's gotta go.

Gonna start scrolling up that

Jeremy: list.

First question is Lost Boys or Scream.

Emily: Lost


Ben: huh?

Yeah, definitely lost Boys.

Like I'm playing like, oh man, I
feel like dad's gotta go in like the.

Godzilla Annihilation Host range.

I would put it above Vel.

I would, I could put, yeah,
I, I could be down for that.

I could put it above Vel.

I for sure.

I can also, I could probably
put it above happy Def Day.


Emily: Yeah.

Ben: I, I don't, I think nightmare
on Elm Street Is is the wall.

Jeremy: Yeah.

That one in Happy Death
Day is a hard call for me.

Just because Happy Death Day is so smart.

Ben: I could put it.


Do we wanna say between Happy Death Day
and a Girl Walks home alone at night?

I'm gonna put it, I have

Emily: to put it above the happy Def day.

I am contractually obligated to
put it above Happy Death Day.


Ben: I feel like, I feel like
me and Jeremy did beat you up

a little bit on that first one.

You, you, you might be able to win here.


Emily: I'm not, I'm not
asking for a pity ranking, but

Ben: I'm just talking.

I, I am engaging in Democratic, you
know, I appreciate that bargain.

You know, at least somebody is.

But I mean, like, look, if we're
chips and giveaways and Bri, I don't,

you know, democracy , we're talking

Jeremy: Nightmare on Elm Street
Lost Boys and Happy Death Day.

Those are three movies
I would watch right now.

Like, if somebody was like, Hey, do
you wanna watch any of those movies?

I'd be like, yeah, I will
watch any of those movies right

Emily: now.

I would, I, I mean, I would watch
The Lost Boys just for the music

and the grandpa's.

Ben: I mean, I don't know
about y'all, but I still.

Emily: I've never stopped believing, but I

still believe

Ben: you didn't get that that was
a reference to the saxophone song.


In Lost Boys.

Go listen to it.

It's good.

I know you two get it.

I'm talking to the audience.

Emily: Oh yeah.

Not Tom Morere, but like Tim, Tim Capello.

I can't remember.

He's just,

Ben: oh man.

Can you imagine Tom Morere doing
a cover of that song, though?

Holy fuck.

Emily: That would be awesome if he did a
cover of that, of that song, dressed like

Tim Capello or whatever the guy's name

Ben: is.

Tim Capello, who shows up in the season
two finale of uh, reservation Dogs.



I haven't seen that.

It is real surreal.

Exactly the way the show wants
It is meta and surreal as fuck.

Dude, we good?

You haven't seen reservation dogs?

It is good.

It is good.



Emily: tv.


I def I definitely recommend
that show, but, okay.

So, last Boys is uh, number 24.

It's above the, it's above
nightmare on Elm Street.

The end

Ben: Oof above nightmare
on Elm Street, . Sorry.

I'm, I'm, no, I I think that's, I think
I, I think that's where I got a put

Jeremy: it below.

Nightmare on Elm Street.

Put it in number 27.

That movie's, perfection
is not in its quality.

All right.

It is, it is the perfect what it is.

And nightmare um, Street is
so, so incredibly well made.


Ben: I, I'm, I'm with that.

Nightmare on Elm Street.

Is, is is the wall that
lost boys cannot over climb.

That's not a word.

Emily: We can't flying over that.

Ben: Yeah.

That sounds like the name of like
one of the bad gi Joes be like in

the discount in over climb, over
climb with his rope climbing action.

Jeremy: Now, speaking of uh,
Samuel Ramey, this is the

point where we talked about Dr.

Strange's multiverse of madness.

I'm scrolling

Ben: down.

How the fuck do you, how do you even
begin to rank a Marvel movie in this list?

Jeremy: It's very difficult.

I mean, it's definitely
better than drag me to hell.

The, you know, going Ramey
definitely is definitely

Ben: better than dragging me to hell.

Like even just like, I feel
like I almost have to judge this

on like just the Wanda scenes.

And the zombie scenes.

She's so good.

She's so good.

Like, there's a lot of this movie that's
like Marvel Fair, which isn't a thing

we cover, but then like that Ramey
Brilliance flares up and it's great.

Emily: So it's definitely
not above Devilman.

Jeremy: It absolutely is.

No, it's absolutely above Devilman.

Emily: Absolutely

Ben: not.

But is it above Blaa?

Jeremy: I think it is above.

It is not Alien three an
objectively worse action film.

It is not

Emily: above Devilman.

It is definitely above Devilman.

I can't accept that.

You're gonna have to.

I can't

Jeremy: I, I watched a Devil Man.

You have to accept that.

It is, it is not as good.

Emily: fucking mystery, Dr.

Strange and the Mystery of Madness or

Ben: whatever.

It's not the name of it.


as, as a manga and as
part of comics history.


Nobody is fucking, arguing against Devil
Man's like brilliance and influence

in the manga as a movie on its own
without anything else supporting it.


I can put it between movies, devil,

Jeremy: bird, scary vaginas.


Ben: I, I kinda like the
idea of there being something

between the Devilman movies.


It feels really dumb.


And I like that.

Devilman Dr.

Strange Devil Man, too.


I can dig that.

Jeremy: That's fine.

I I really do think we put
Alien three too high up here.

Ben: No, we didn't.

I mean, we can, we can knock it down.

I could see it going
below black Christmas.

Like fucking, it's our list.

We can change it.

We are not locked into this shit.

We write the rules of this episode.

Jeremy: I mean, I just really wanna
go down one below Ginger snaps cuz I,

Ben: Okay.

See, I'll, I'll say that.

I'm good with that.

Jeremy: Yeah.

I think Ginger Snaps is the best.

Ginger Snaps Alien three is not
even the third best Alien movie.

Ben: Alien Three isn't even the
best version of Alien three.

That, that's true.

Emily: I, I will say that Alien
Resurrection has a higher rewatch

ability scale than Alien three.

Even though Alien three,

Ben: you're telling me Ron Poman
and Winona Ryder got Watchability.

Get Outta town and Winona
Ryder with a basketball.

Emily: I don't think Renona Ryder
ever touches that basketball.

Ben: I mean, Sigourney
Weaver with the basketball.

Emily: Yes.

the other one

Ben: the other one with Boots
again, like, it is interesting.

One thing that's always fun about
these episodes is, you know, especially

some of the ones we watched a while
ago, a kind of new metric is now

be like, okay, it's been a while.

Which of these have like, stuck
with me and had like an impact?

And yeah, I gotta say I feel like looking
back through the fog of time Ginger

Snaps is like a more memorable and
impactful movie on me than Alien three

Jeremy: I, I Will thing.

Would you wanna talk about some shit
that has an impact that sticks with you?

The next one of these that we have
is the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Ben: Oh hell yeah.

Emily: Okay.

Ben: Oh yeah.

Fuck yeah.

Oh yeah.

New x-rays

Emily: right above Jennifer's body.

Jeremy: Yeah, I was about to ask
you above or below the Lost Boys.

Emily: I would put it above the
Lost Boys because The Lost Boys.

Well, Hmm, that's a good question.

Jeremy: Shit.

. I think it goes above

Ben: I'm very biased because fucking Rocky
Horror is just associated with some of

the best memories of my life, so, yeah.

Emily: Yeah.

I have, I'm, I'm all biased on show
memories and Lost Boys memories.

I mean, the Lost Boys is great and all

Ben: I, I, I feel very biased.

The Lost Boys is a movie
I've watched and enjoyed.

Rocky Horror is like the second
date, like I went on with

like my partner of a decade.

There's a lot of good memories there.

Jeremy: Yeah.

I mean, if that's gonna be the,

Ben: the, I'm just saying I'm emotionally
compromised if this is a law type thing.

I have, I'm recusing myself, but we make
the laws, we're like the Supreme Court.

We don't have to abide by ethics codes.

How he saying, I took my wife leg on
our, am I saying I'm more honorable

than half the Supreme Court?

Abso fucking lutely.

My wife and I in our first fucking die.

Samuel Alito,

Jeremy: the Ryan Reynolds Ville Horror.

So , that's not place up

Emily: here.


Ben: God, Ryan, can you I was gonna
say, what is Ryan Reynolds in horror?

But then I remember there's a
whole movie that's just Ryan

Reynolds trapped in a coffin.

Yeah, that

Emily: sounds unpleasant.

Might be fun for us to watch sometime.



Jeremy: movie doesn't sound fun, period.


Ben: No, it's like phone booth.

Remember Phone booth?

No I wanna say it's Colin Ferrell.

And it's like, if you get
out of that phone booth, I'm

gonna shoot you That's movie.

I know there's phone booth and

Jeremy: there's Cellular's the movie,
but you're basically the same movie.

But one of them is moving around

Ben: Man, I would What movie are we?

What movie are we ranking?

I forgot the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Oh my God, right?



I was

Jeremy: inclined to put this at
number 10, above Original man.

It would be below bit,

Ben: okay.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I mean, candy Man, , I really
love Candy Man, so yeah.

I'm good with that.


I'd put it above red or not.


Jeremy: yeah, it's above promising young

Ben: woman for me, but Rocky
Horror and promising young

woman, that's a fucking mother.

It's, it's a very difficult doubleheader.

Yeah, I would not watch those
two movies back to back.

would not be my choice.

Jeremy: I, I proposed
above original Candyman.

Do we wanna go above or below

Emily: I'm going to go

Jeremy: two movies that make you
feel dirty in very different ways.

Emily: I'm gonna go above the original
Candyman because the Candyman did

have some things were that were broken
and were fixed later by New Candyman.

Ben: So I'm going to agree because
the vote's already too in favor, and

I don't wanna be on the losing side.

I'm also good putting it
above original candy, man.

Jeremy: you'll wanna save whatever
influence you have for the next

one, which is Evil Dead too.

Ben: Yes.

That's where I gotta be.

Stucking up my points.


I would put,

Honestly, I might put it right behind.

Rocky Horror.

I Evil Can't dead.

Emily: I can't in good faith.

Put it above house because
House did everything that Evil

Dead did Before Evil Dead.

Ben: But with Bruce Campbell.

Emily: You know, you don't
know if any of those, some of

those people might be Japanese.


Ben: Campbell's.

Oh man.

I would love it if it turned out that Mac
was played by Bruce Campbell all along.


Jeremy: Just trying

Ben: to figure out what it mean.

People of dead too.

I mean, that is Campbell would look like.

It's like that.

It, it's like that.

How is Japanese horror, comedy and evil
Dead too Is American Horror comedy?

I mean, you got the Looney Tunes in there.


It's the problem with evil dead
too, is that the first half is a

lot better than the second half,

Emily: and no part of house is
better than any other part of house.

It's all the same mountain

Ben: of good.

It's, Yeah.

The problem is like when it's just
ash versus the house, it's great.

So like the whole first half
and the end is all real good.

, but then like that whole, like third
and four fifths of the movie that like

later 40%, that's the other people.

And then they start getting picked
off one by one and it becomes a little

more traditional of the horror movie.

Again, at no point is this movie
ever bad, but like there are

absolutely parts of the movie that
are better than other parts of it.

Yeah, I would've loved to

Jeremy: if uh, you know, Ash has a hit
his own group of Sailor scouts there.

Emily: When you said Ash versus the
House now that's the movie that I

wanna see is Ash versus The Haus.

Ben: That's the movie.

Oh man.

That, that's the matchup.

I mean, Ash gets his own like, kind
of sidekick Sailor Scouts is kind

of the plot of Ash versus evil.


Jeremy: versus Evil Dead is
Bruce Campbell's not gonna

do that same shit anymore.

It's too old.

Ben: Yes.


Bruce Campbell did three seasons
of television where he got like

all that blood fucking thrown
in his face every episode.

He was a champ.

He did his time.

He's done.

remember when he was on burn
notice for like all of burn notice?


Emily: Remember Burn Notice?

Not really, but I remember that Bruce
Campbell was part of it, and that's

all I remember about Burn Notice.

Ben: Tnt, where Drama

Jeremy: it, mark Mark is playing
in the, the Uncharted movie, right.

Is Bruce Campbell in Burn Notice.

Emily: I mean, that

Ben: tracks that would assume I watched
the Uncharted movie, which I did not

because I love the Uncharted franchise.

Jeremy: Yeah.

I, I've not seen the film.

I started playing the first one and
it uh, by the time I played it, it

was so old that um, I'm not sure
which of these textures is supposed

to be a handhold and which one isn't

The textures are too bad

Ben: without a doubt.

One of my favorite series, like of all
time uncharted, , uh, especially two and

Jeremy: four.


Getting into it a little bit, it felt
like somebody was like, okay, what

if Tomb Raider, but instead of like
the character's personality being

sexy, we just put Han Solo in it.

Ben: That sounds awesome.

I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm,
I mean, I'm pretty sure that's

exactly what they bitched to Sony.

what if Indiana Jones, but fuck boy.

who learns do not be fuckboy over the
course of one of gaming's great romances.

Emily: I do have mushroom
ravioli waiting for me.

So, um, let's place.

Ben: Evil did too.

I apologize for my
progressively uncharted.

Emily: Okay.

. Jeremy: Evil.

Did two above or below house?

Ben: Below fine.

Below house.

Jeremy: Okay.

Thank you.

All right.

So that, visit it at number 15.

Currently guys, scroll on
down cause it's time to rank.

Mni sha melons.


Ben: last.


Jeremy: shit.


It beats Don't breathe, does it?

Absolutely Beats.

Don't breathe from me.

Uh, Okay, sure.

But welcome to Raccoon City.

Takes it in a walk.

Ben: Oh, without a doubt.

Welcome to Raccoon City.

Made me laugh so many times and at least
more, more times than old made me laugh.

Jeremy: Old, made me laugh a lot of times
when I was talking to you all about it.

. Yeah.

Not when I was watching

Emily: the movie.

It was a lot of fun to complain about.

I'm kind of, oh yeah,

Ben: glad that I watched it.

President Evil made me go
like, I'm sorry, hold on.

I'm fucking what?

all the time when I was watching it.

And that was a lot of fun

Jeremy: Remember how the original plot
is that they're stealing stuff from

an old man who decides to kill them.

But then there's a twist where it turns
out that he has actually kidnapped this

girl to force impregnate her so that uh,
he can replace his daughter with her.

That this girl actually
accidentally killed.

And in the process of them trying
to rescue this girl, he kills her.

And then, , he kid naps the main
character of the movie and tries

to forcibly impregnate her with an

Emily: all the Turkey based show,
like pubic as as I hate Turkey.

Ba her.

Ben: Yeah.

As much as I hate old the
Turkey baster will ensure don't

breathes permanent place in last.

Emily: Yeah, that's fair.

Because I mean, at least
old didn't show the,

Ben: it didn't show up.

Pube in the fucking Turkey, ba

Emily: goo didn't, it
did not show us semen.

And, you know, I appreciate that because
it could have it definitely real close.


And in a way that was incredibly
uncomfortable because those kids,

Jeremy: so I need to know, I need
you to tell me Emily Uhhuh um, above

or below Devil Man for Perfect Blue.


Ben: perfect.

Blue, first blue, perfect blue.

It has to be like, devil
Man is fun, but come on.


Blue is like legitimately up there.

Like that is one of the
like firing on our octas.

Like the animation is next level.

The themes are incredibly
poignant and complex and, and

it's a complete fucking movie.

Jeremy: Yeah.

But in Devilman, the cars have scary
vaginas that try to eat you Like

Ben: perfect Blue is like up there.

Perfect blue sweater.


Jeremy: here's what we have
to say is objectively perfect.

Blue is better than
Black Swan, which is Yes.

Puts it at 42 Start

Ben: Now, I didn't see
Freaky, so bear that in mind.

But I would put it then you know, maybe
right before Ex Machina or hell Raz.

Emily: I wouldn't put it that high.

Ben: Okay.

I I may be high, I may be high on that.

Um, I may be high, high, but
you may, you may be high.

I may be high.

I, I mean I also may be high.


Emily: I'm gonna say twink,
susperia and blood runs down.

Keep those in the family

Ben: it's definitely of that, I
mean, it's it has to be above Black

Swan, if only to keep the ghost
of Satoshi cone from haunting us.


Well, like we, we should be put
in like movie disgust or jail.

If we put Black Swan above the
movie, it blatantly stole from.

Emily: Yeah.

And also, you know, perfect.

Blue is a better.

Ben: Yeah.


Also that.


Emily: I would rank when a girl walks
home alone at night above Perfect

Blue, but I definitely, I think Perfect
blue ranks above velvet Buzz off.

Ben: yeah.

I'm good with that.



I really like Velvet Buzz saw, but
I also really love uh, perfect Blue.


All right.

What's the countdown
until mushroom ravioli?

Emily: It's, it's uh, done.

It's waiting

for me.

? No, I, I meant like the countdown
of how many movies until you

get the mushroom ravioli.

Oh, that's a good, that's a good question.


Jeremy: Uh, Well, we're
getting close here.

Ben: So we're on All right.

Power through marathon ranking.

Sprint to

Jeremy: the end.

All right.

Scroll on down.

Cause the next one is the
Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Ben: Oh.

Yeah, man.

Talk about a classic.

We did not dig.

I mean, I definitely like Texas Chainsaw
Massacre more than Friday the 13th.



So that's at least, that's
at least a floor for it.


I, I definitely don't think I
could put it above screen three.


I would

Jeremy: I would,

I mean, I would absolutely
rather watch drag me to hell

than Texas Chainsaw Massacre,

Emily: I would absolutely rather
watch President Evil than, than

with Mia Jovi then Texas Chainsaw.

Ben: Yeah.

So it might be the Friday
the 13th really is its floor.

That's as much as it's.

Jeremy: above,

Emily: I guess.



I would

Ben: say above Soko.

Like, I know it's supposed to
be like this great movie, but

I'm like, there was the ableism.

I didn't feel tension.

I'm not doing to the villain.

The kills didn't do much.

And Gordon really do much for me.

Like, and we've watched some like horror
classics recently, even that like,

I understand why they were big hits.

I don't understand.

Like I get that Texas Exchange
sound massacre was like shocking.

I don't get how people say it
holds up as a quality movie today.

Like I just don't.


And that might get me horror
canceled, but I don't think that's

what we do in horror fan world.



Emily: we wanna start, if horror fans
start wanting to cancel, then that's a

Ben: This is why we do this genre.

Jeremy: Yeah.

So here's a question for you.

Looking at our 100th episode, how do
we rank the night of the living Dead?

Ben: Definitely above the,
no, that's now that one.

Gotta start.

You put that where'd you put that?

Above original Candyman.



Cause I mean, God not only does like
it introduce all the zombie concepts,

it still does 'em really well.

I mean, I would put it

Jeremy: above mayhem even, which
would put it at number eight.


Ben: Yeah, I can go with that.


Jeremy: I feel like George
Romero would be cool with it.

Ranking Below Train to Busan a movie,
which takes everything night, the

living Dead does, and builds on it.

Ben: Yeah, that, that,
that ranking makes sense.

Like there have been some movies
where I've been like, look, I get

that it's important in Legacy and you
don't get other movies without it.

But I really do think Night of the Living
Dead holds up as a very enjoyable film.

Like to this day that's, and then
once you factor in how important

it is to just all of movie making.

And like you said, train de Busan
just takes it all to the next level.

So yeah.


That feels right.

Jeremy: Uh, Our next one is from
2021 and it's last night in soho.

Ben: Ooh.

Emily: Definitely below Perfect Blue.

Jeremy: Yeah.


I'm, I'm looking below
ginger snaps, honestly.

Ben: No, that's totally, I, I
get ginger snaps as fun, but when

we talk about like, what is the
objectively better made film, yeah.

Jeremy: I don't know.

I still have a lot of difficulty
figuring out exactly in some ways what

the hell, the point of last night in
so was like there's, there's some

strong performances in there that Diana
rig performance is very, very good.

Brief, though it is.

. I'm open to moving it up from there.

Ben: Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't
put it up too much farther.

Like I would probably put it above
saw yeah, I would put it above saw.

I'm, I'm not thinking like a too dramatic
increase, but just, you know, I think

just, Above Ginger Snaps and Alien three,

Jeremy: yeah, it's interesting to
put it right next to the craft and

compare the, turns in those two movies.

Ben: Well, that's where I kind of Yeah.

Came away from where I'm like,
Ooh, the craft feels too iconic.

I guess iconic and memorable and I
don't know, craft just feels like one

of like a more important horror film.


And the characters,

Emily: so the characters in last night
is so ho dress up, like characters

in the craft, like one-to-one.

for the Halloween party.

Jeremy: Okay.

Now here, yes.

This is gonna be difficult one.

Not in the

Ben: 1960s.



Jeremy: Uh, So yeah, this is gonna
be a difficult one here because

this one is easily, the freshest one
that's on the list even more than Dr.

Strange is uh, prey.


Ben: I, ooh, I did like
this fucking moving.



Ooh, ooh.

I, ooh.

I might have to put that above mayhem.



Emily: gonna reach, I'm gonna
point at just Colin, her shot

above trained Busan for pre Oh wow.

Maybe even above

Ben: us.



I mean, oh, you, I mean, you talk about
movies that I could watch forever.


All of 'em.


Jeremy: seeing it near Alien
there makes a lot of sense.

We have a sauce spot for Monster
movies cuz we have our, our two

really heavy ones at the top.

And then that would put us
with Attack the Block Alien and

Pray right next to each other.

And they

Emily: are kind of like, they, they

Ben: are, yeah.

I can't put it above alien, but everything
else Yeah, I can, I could put it do that.

I could, I can fuck with that

Emily: right below Alien.


Ben: Like I could put it right.


Right below Alien.


Mommy and baby.

It's so, it's so good.


Jeremy: Yeah.

I'm, I'm a little torn on that and us, but

Ben: that's a real fucking good word.

I do feel like, and maybe this just
goes us, is a little hard on understand.

I don't know.

I feel like on the progressive side of
things, pray might be a little or just

more clearer and its representation
and message then, but then.


I mean, ugh.

I, I think I'm umbling, I'm
stumbling because all these

movies are so fucking good.

Emily: Yeah.

The reason that I put Prey so high is that
there are not a lot of movies like it.

Jeremy: No, it's almost no movies

Ben: like it.

yeah, like especially when you
factor in the, they did it like

all in, oh, I forget the language,

like the exact language that they did.

And like that is kind of next level.

Emily: Oh, yes.

Jeremy: I, I think Comanche Comanche

Ben: Comanche Comanche.

Jeremy: Thank you.

that and Us is such an interesting
comparison cuz the horror

with us is so psychological.

There's so much metaphor there.

Praise is much more like
straightforward action horror.

Ben: You could flip a coin on that.

I mean, they're both so fucking good.

Emily: We do have get out at the very top.

Ben: Yeah.

It's not like Jordan Peel's not getting
good representation on this list.


Jeremy: I don't know those, those
double performances especially

Lapita NIGOs are so, so strong.

But Amber Min Thunder's performance
and praise so good as well.

Ben: I think what may be the
determining factor is only one of

these movies has Tim Heer, isn't it?

It it, it might, it might have
to go to Tiger to the Tim Heer.

Again, we're talking about just some of
the best fucking movies I've ever seen.

But yeah, I'm gonna go,
I'm gonna go us over pray.

I am too.

Jeremy: Okay.


Well, that pre can split
us in new candy, man.

Ben: Yeah.



Yeah, that sounds right.

Yeah, definitely.

I, I definitely above new candy man.

Jeremy: Damn.

Respectable position.

The next one's the Wolf house.

Emily: That goes, that is a,

Ben: oh boy,

Jeremy: that's a low one

Emily: for me.

That one's a, like, that one goes an X.

Ben: Yeah.

What, what do you call, like art project?

Emily: Yeah.

Like, I almost feel like it is

Ben: Oh, but it is, I mean,
what do you do with something

that is objectively beautiful?

I really didn't enjoy like at all.

Emily: I'm gonna put it at 80.


I'm gonna put it, it's better
than Cabin in the woods.

It's not better than blood and donuts.

Jeremy: Yeah.

I would certainly rather watch repo's
genetic opera again than Watch Wolf has.

Ben: Yeah.

Oh, for sure.

Jeremy: I mean, I know we have
good reason to hate Cabin in the

Woods, but it's infinitely more
watchable than Wolf House for me.

Ben: Oh, without a doubt.

Emily: Actually, you know what?

Let's put it below.

Let's put it between the Text Chainsaw
Massacre and wait, let me double check.

I have to update my list.

Show me the list.

Ben: Shoot.

Show me the list.

I'm Jerry McGuire.


Jeremy: watching Texas Chainsaw Massa
and Wolf House weirdly similar uh,

situations for me because both of 'em,
I was just there going, I don't get it.

I don't get it.

Well, at

Emily: least the Wolf House had good
craft and didn't like torture any actors?

Ben: No.

Only shit loaded chalk

Jeremy: artists.

Whoever was doing that
was torturing themselves.

Emily: Yeah.

Um, That was maybe consensual.


Jeremy: So, I just cover below Evil.

Emily: I'm gonna say below.

I, I've,

Ben: I mean, it's, it, it's
objectively a greater work of art.

I am never gonna watch, but
Id sure much rather watch.

I'm never gonna watch Wolfhouse again.

I'd absolutely watch my leg.

Joah Bitch Resident Evil again.


Welcome to Raccoon City.


Jeremy: put it on in the background.

Um, Yeah, I mean that's, that's
actually what Resident Evil is, is

put it on in the background anytime.

Ben: Um, Yeah.

Jeremy: Uh, But now we
gotta talk about Laona.

Emily: uh, That's definitely
better than the Wolf House.


And I would say it's up.

I put it above the it the double man

Ben: section La Laona, or when are they
gonna get to the Fireworks Factory?

The movie.


Emily: I really liked Laora on that.

I think I do agree that it does
suffer from a commitment issue.

Ben: I gained a better understanding and
appreciation of Laona from our discussion.

That was a very fruitful
discussion we had about it.

And the cultural constraints.

It was working, it was being made under.



Jeremy: out to Pablo.


Emily: Yes.

Ben: Thank you.

We did the learning.

. Which is good because there's so
many things in this world that I

don't know jack fucking shit about.

I like to learn most of them.

In fact,

Jeremy: I might stick it under bla though.

Where's bla again?

Black at number 70.

This would be just above Devil Man.

Emily: I would put it higher.

I would put it higher than Shutter.

I think

Ben: it's, I think it's, I mean this
is where we get the probably cuz

like, I think Laona is a much better
movie than it is a horror movie.

Like, I'd rank it higher as a movie
than I do as a, if I as a horror movie,

like I Don't, shutter to me is a much
more, is much more effective horror.


Jeremy: Shutter's spooky.

Yeah, you know what?



. There's a do a duo of movies here that
have the same problem as laona, which

is 2019 Black Christmas and Night
Breed, both of which you spend a lot of

time getting to wherever the stuff is.

Night Breed is seemingly infinitely long.

To me.

I don't, I don't know
how long that movie is.

It feels five hours

Emily: long.

It does feel very long.

I think putting Laona Above
Black Christmas makes sense

because it's a better movie.

It's saying more.

Jeremy: One I do think has
to go higher than those.

Is Tigers are not

Emily: afraid.


Tigers are not afraid is

Ben: gonna be, oh, love tigers.

Are not afraid that's going high.

Emily: Yeah.

That's gonna be up in the, , the
thirties and twenties I think.

Ben: I would put that somewhere
in the x mock now range.


Like maybe right above or
below Hellrazor or, mm.

Actually, you know what, actually mm.

What do y'all think about
between It follows and the Viv,

because it follows is real good.

I can see that.

Emily: I'm gonna put it above.

It follows.



I would put it above, it follows because
it's got a little bit better message.

Ben: you know, if we're going with
by that measure, I think it's good.

Like maybe even above.

Uh, Eves by you.

Emily: I don't think it should
go above Horan Dir though.

Ben: Oh, you know what?

That's fair.




So, right.

So above it follows.

that feels right.

Jeremy: Okay.


I put the episode names in here
for older episodes, so I was just

revisiting the fact that we subtitled
it follows as the cock ring.

Ben: Oh yeah.

Jeremy: the ring.

But for sex,

Emily: Yeah,

Jeremy: no uh, this is a difficult
one to figure out where to place cause

uh, we're talking about the platform.

Emily: it's very good at what it is.

It's very difficult to watch.


I think it's going to be, for me,

Jeremy: this is a high

Emily: one.


But I think it's gonna be like
some, I think it's gonna be on

either side of Velvet Buzz saw.

This is definitely higher

Jeremy: than that for me.


Um, Yeah.

I would have it up here with, it follows
maybe right below it follows, yeah.

I'm good with that.


I can, I You mind talking
about messages that that's got,

Emily: that's a message.




Jeremy: That's, that's one of
those ones that like, it seems

straightforward, but then you can
talk about it for eight hours.

Now if we wanna talk about something that
doesn't maybe have as uh, deep a message

maybe doesn't have as much probing to do.

uh, Event Verizon was up next.

Oh wow.

Ben: Wow.

Wow, wow, wow.

Jeremy: Now I do think this is the
superior Paul Ws Anderson film.

I do think it's better than
Mia Jovi vitros than an evil.

Emily: I agree.

I would.


I think it's

Ben: solid.

I mean, the superior movie
is Mortal Combat, but that

is not eligible for this list

Emily: Okay.

So I'm looking, I'm looking at our
list here and I'm seeing, okay.

So I've I'm past, like you go past Velvet
Buzz saw you get to, there's the scent,

kind of this weird odd fellow amidst,
you know, velvet Buzz Saw and after

Midnight and these like very heady movies.

And then, You have Godzilla,
who's also hanging out with

the dissent being like, whoa.

And then we have an Oil Nation
and um, hard candy Blood Run

Stance, superior Black Wan.

Ben: I think that is
the, that is the last,

Jeremy: it's, it is way
lower than that for me.


Emily: No, no, no.

I'm, I think we're, I'm, I'm
continuing to scroll here.


Hell Raiser two.

Definitely not above hell.

Raiser two.

Ben: Definitely

Emily: not.

Is it above Alien three to you?

Ben: No, honestly,

Jeremy: no.

That's a tough one for me because
I, I think Alien three is too high.

that's you guys's,

Ben: I mean, alien three
is probably too high.

I would still argue it's a
better movie than Event Horizon.

Emily: Event Horizon does have
re watchability in like a lot.

Ben: But by being , good, bad.


Which I guess, which for us is an
important metric, don't get me wrong.

like, I think like, here's the
thing, like I think Alien Three is

a better film than Event Horizon.

I have way more fun watching Event
Horizon than I do Alien three.


How that translates into the rankings?

I don't

Emily: know.


I have now I have a question for you.


Would, would you rather watch
Event Horizon or Near Dark?


Jeremy: Those are two movies that are,
are very similar to me in that they have

great concepts that they really, Biff
cause like Near Dark should be so good.

and the last half hour of that movie
just takes a real sideways slide.

Ben: Yeah.

I'd say Event Horizon just because like
man, when it goes big it's goes so big.

Okay, yeah.

Jeremy: Hold, that's
almost a toss up for me.

Ben: That's a real to, I think it's
also like how does Event Horizon

hold, like hold up on the rewatch?

Like, I think if I'm by myself,
I'm putting on near Dark.

If I'm with friends, I'm
watching Event Horizon,

Jeremy: I'm honestly fine putting
that anywhere between ULA into Dome.

Ben: Yeah.

That feels like the right place.

Emily: I am putting Event Horizon
smack between Near Dark and

Devil Man to the Demonn Bird.

Ben: Yeah.


I, I fuck.

Jeremy: Even Horizon had
the same level of gore.

That s on everything Devilman.

I think it would be a better film.


All right, we're getting close.

We got two more left.

Okay guys, we wanna talk about
movie Go, go home, but suck.

It's Prometheus

Emily: from Athe.


Ben: Yeah.

Those are my legendary

Jeremy: director, Ridley Scott.


Ben: man.

That is,

Emily: I, I'm gonna admit that
this is a decision based mostly on

aesthetics, but I really think it'd
be funny if we have Prometheus right

under Underneath Event Horizon.

Ben: That does feel really funny to me.


Emily: Also, guys, accurate.

Ben: Yeah.


No, I'm, I'm, I'm into that.

Jeremy: That works.


No, that's, I think if you combine
those two movies, you might actually

come up with something good . Yeah.

Ben: Yes.

Because like, event Horizon was in good
reveals without a mythology and Prometheus

was good mythology without good reveals.


Like if the reveal like where
did the xenomorphs come from?

Space Hell is real and
that's where they're from.


Like, I might have been it like that,
that might've been like an origin worthy

of the Xenomorphs rather than just like,

Emily: mtm, tm, tm, tm.

Where's we We'd got it.

We're right in the book.


Rightly sco, if you want
that, you gotta give me $5.

And I am not, this is just me though.

We, we all like, that's just my terms.

This is to be negotiated with.

, Ben and Jeremy they're,
they're going to be, you

Jeremy: put us together.

We sound like the ice cream guys,

Ben: Ben, and Yeah, we do.

Emily: Do I need to get like, I

Ben: mean that's not bad.

It's fits because I, my only
demand Ridley Scott is I wanna

have an ice cream cone with you.


Emily: I wanna have an ice
cream cone with Sigourney.

We ever, and that's my, actually,
yeah, no, I don't want $5.


Ben: want a candle lit dinner on like
the Paris Riviera with Sigourney Weaver.

Fuck no.


Emily: now I'm up in my terms, I
want ice cream candle lit dinner

Ben: No, that's not part of the
terms, that's just me fantasizing.

Emily: Well, I'm putting
it on the terms now.

And I'm gonna include all of us
and our partners and Sigourney

Weaver and I'll buy Sigourney
Weaver's dinner, but I just can't.

Like pay the whole

Jeremy: travel.

We're talking about Prometheus
in this case though.

Can we bring Charise along as well?


And, and if, if our partners are
coming along, I have to ask for Idris

Emily: too.

Oh yeah.

I want, I definitely want
Ariba and maybe Samuel Neil.

Ben: Okay.

I don't know.


We actually, okay.

We're to actually put it
though on the last below

Emily: or put Prometheus
right underneath the horizon.

Ben: Yep.

Right, right, right.

I got confused by Sigourney.

We, for some reason I thought
we were revisiting Alien three.

I I under,

Emily: I I very much understand
because just thinking about

Sigourney Weaver is very distracting

Ben: it.


It just like, I, I kind
of forget where I was.

I was just in like my Sigourney
Weaver romantic Paris Fanfic mode.

Okay Reader, is that, where's
that on A oh three Reader.

Ex Gourney Weaver

Jeremy: Guys, here's where
it gets real difficult.

Cause our last film that we're
ranking for this year was our

Halloween film, our end of October.

It's widely believed to be one of
the best horror movies of all times.

Best definitely.

Uh, Monster Movie of all time.

It's John Carpenter's The Thing,
and I would put it in number three.


Number three.

Put it below.

Get Out.

Oh my God.

After Baba,

Ben: right after Baba Duke.


Mean we wouldn't, we wouldn't have

Emily: the thing.


I mean, we wouldn't have Attack
the Block without the thing.

Ben: Yeah.

There are so few movies I can in
Good Conscience put Above Alien.

But the thing is one of them,

Emily: I actually, you know, I
like Alien better than the thing

Jeremy: I absolutely do.

Not . the thing is so,
so much more interesting.

There's so much more going
on with the suspicion and

everything in that movie alien.

They're largely doomed by the
fact that they're stupid and can't

stay in the same room together.

But the thing is, like the people in the
room with you could be the alien., but you

Emily: can't, but if someone
has the shit in them, the alien

in them, it's hard to know.

Also, the alien came out first,
but the thing from another

world came out before that.

Fuck yeah.


Ben: mean, all right, all it's so good.

I mean, I mean, do we wanna revisit Alien
Attack the Block and like jumble that?

So like Alien still gets to move up.



Emily: I'm, I have to stay
solid in my conviction and

Ben: All right.

You're solid on attacking
both for that moment.

Moses and Jeremy's on the, the
thing being above and as much as

I fucking love attack the block.

I mean, the thing is
just the thing, facts,

Emily: attack the block wouldn't
insist without the thing.

And also Keith David

Ben: and Keith David as
professional flame throwers.



Jeremy: Yeah, these, it's so funny
cause these top, these top 15

movies for me are all like, I have
them all ranked as five stars.

Ben: Yeah.

I mean, oh yeah.

And again, easily atop, Keith
David Row alongside Goliath from

Gargoyles and Vice President
Keith David from Saints Row four.

. .
Emily: Yes.


David is in the recent Disney cartoon
Amphibia as the, have you seen that?


I, he is the dad.


Jeremy: haven't watched all of
those, but my, my daughters have,

Emily: he is the daddies.

He's like a giant salamander man.


Ben: I'm like,

Emily, your brain, like, we just
keep healing back the layers and

the deeper we go, the la more lost.

I become,

Emily: I I take that as compliment and I

Ben: know that, that it was meant as,
as you should, it was meant as such.

Jeremy: All right, so that.

Finishes out year two of
progressively horrified.

The only things we haven't ranked
are the TV shows we watched.

We're up to, let's see, 103 total movies.

Don't breathe the owed at the bottom.

Whistle Sound

But our top 10 looks like this.

We have get out, we have the Babadook,
we have the thing of Attack the Block.

Alien us Pray.

Candyman trained to Busan
and neither the living Dead.

Emily: I can fuck with that.

Ben: Tm.

Yes, indeed.

Yes indeed.


Jeremy: Those are 10 incredible movies.


Ben: Oh yeah, you're,
you go with that top 10.

You are having yourself an amazing time.

So when you're listening anything

Jeremy: on this, we've probably already
talked about all of our Dracula movies

and our Cronenberg movies, but those
will be on the thing for next year.

Cuz we started at
Halloween our first year.

So every year we uh, go to
our, our Halloween movies.

We finish out a year.

So next year you'll get to find
out where we rank the flash.


But it has been an amazing
second year with you guys.

We've watched

Ben: so many movies.

Oh, it has been, scary delight all

Emily: throughout and I hope for many
more years of progressively horrified.

Ben: Absolutely.

The, the yes.

Emily: We haven't even talked
about here and we'll go Toro yet.

Ben: We haven't.

It's tons of you guys.

Only in Crimson Peak.

Oh wait.

Of you

Jeremy: guys that I took
something valuable away from.

M Night Shalon is old.

that was, I

Emily: dunno if I wanna be credit.


Jeremy: That was friendship, right?

Ben: Yes.

Friendship was the real we
made, we made it through old.

These are the kind of bonds
you only get from like soldiers

who fought a war together.


Emily: I am very confident about
describing my, or comparing my

experience with the film Old to
p t s D of uh, actual combat.

I kidding.

Ben: Stick in no way minimizes an
incredibly pertinent in bad war thing.

Thing that is war.

Yeah, no, that was very elegantly stated.

It's late.

Emily: We thank you for your service.

Those of you who have actually
seen combat, but you know,

Jeremy: Thank you for, to us talk
about these hundred three movies.


We also

Emily: appreciate you.


We appreciate and all of our
guests we want you on again.

We wanna talk more and we
wanna talk to more people.

If you haven't been a guest and
you wanna be a guest, hit us

up progressively horrified on
to Twitter as prog horror pod.

We're progressively horrified on Patreon.

Is that also prog H pod?

I can't remember.

Jeremy, you do

Jeremy: this part.

This is progressively horrified on

Emily: Patreon.



And look up progressively
horrified on letterbox.

You'll find this uh, we'll
you'll find this list.

Um, I also have a list on letterbox
that is just the spooky movies,

but not including this year.

It's not a complete list yet.

But look at this, the list
that we just talked about.

Look at that one cuz
that was a better one.

Jeremy: And I have one that's all
horror movies by black directors.

So nice that up too.

So there's a lot of 'em, and there's no
guarantee that all of those are good just

because, just because they're on the list.


. It's not a, it's not a good,
it's not a list of good horror

movies by black directors.

It's just No, it's just a, all the
blow, all of the horror movies by

black directors, so I could find, yeah.

So anyway, it's been a ball.

Love you guys.

And until next time, stay horrified.

Emily: We love you too.