The Lucas Skrobot Show

As America remembers 20 years since 9-11, the Biden Administration celebrates the successful leaving of Afghanistan with a BANG . . . that killed a Humanitarian AID worker and his family, NOT an ISIS Terrorist. AND New World Order is taking longer that we all would have hoped and surprisingly, not everyone is on board . . . but don't worry with enough brute force we will ensure everyone will compile one way or another.

Show Notes

As America remembers 20 years since 9-11, the Biden Administration celebrates the successful leaving of Afghanistan with a BANG . . .  that killed a Humanitarian AID worker and his family, NOT an ISIS Terrorist.  AND New World Order is taking longer that we all would have hoped and surprisingly, not everyone is on board . . . but don't worry with enough brute force we will ensure everyone will compile one way or another.

Time Stamps

   Intro   00:00
   Afghanistan Flights begin to open   1:27
   US drone strike against Aid worker   2:40
   Complete Failure of America   15:57
   Taliban Swears in new government on 9-11   16:50
   Yeah that makes sense   18:33
   Lock downs till 2070   20:09
   New World Order at risk?   21:46
   Not just Americans who "love liberty"    22:51
    Gotta Accept this New World Order--cause you already have.   24:35
   Example where "good systems" end up used for malevolent actors.   26:10
   UK NOT going to Vax Passports   28:41
   America Vax Mandate   29:44
   Michel Chossudovsky   31:55
   Value for Value   38:47
   Weaver and Loom   39:47
   Closing   43:56

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As America pauses to remember 9 11,
20 years ago, a day, that changed the

course of history all across the globe.

The Biden administration continues
to celebrate their brave and bold

decision to pull out so flawlessly
from Afghanistan, ending a forever

war, and they did it with a big bang
stopping a terrorist attack at the last

moment from striking Kabul airport.


And killing an ISIS K member.

Well, as actually turns out they
didn't strike an ISIS K member.

They struck a humanitarian aid worker
and his family also that new world

order that you have been waiting to
show up, waiting to come and finally

manifest itself across the globe with
its totalitarian or authoritarian regime.

Well, Has some delays as some
problems along the way, but don't

worry because with enough brute
force, we can ensure that everyone

will comply one way or another.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot.

And you're listening to the Lucas
Skrobot show where we uncover purpose,

pursue truth and own the future
episode 256, September 12th, 2021.

And there's some good news, bad
news mix of news, still coming

out of Afghanistan and also from
other areas of the world as the new

world order as they are calling it.

I'm, I'm not even calling it that,
uh, good news or bad news, depending

on what side of the coin you're on is
experiencing some hiccups, which we'll get

into a little bit later on in the show.


The Weaver and loom segment today
is it's especially dear to my heart.

So make sure you stick around for that.

But in Afghanistan, the good news is that
flights are beginning to open up again.

There was a flight that got out from
couple to Qatar and flights are beginning

to operate again between Kabul and
Pakistan, which is great news that the

aircraft is beginning to loosen up again.

Great news, definitely something
worth celebrating, but what is,

what is not worth celebrating
and what is still just horrific.

And we've been covering this since
the day that it happened on the show

about that drone strike that was
against supposedly an ISIS K member

on his way to bomb the airport.


And when, when, if the news first
broke, it was that it was a nicest

came member and then a couple
civilians, including one child.

A couple of days later, we, we came to
find out that it was an ISIS K member.

And then as the car exploded.

It killed a number of civilians, 10
civilians, including seven children.

And Jen, we played a clip with
Jen Saki talking about just this.

And I said, okay, this is a pretty valid
point that if it really wasn't ISIS K

member, that bomb would have gone off in
a crowd of people and would have ended

up killing dozens and dozens of times.

And this is the sad fact of war that
these innocent children, kids, as

young as two, have a two year old kid,
uh, it just horrific to think that

a young child lost its life in this.

You know, as I was talking about it
a couple of weeks ago in this tragedy

that this, this car bomb exploded.

These innocent civilian by standards.

Well, the news broke this week, over
the weekend by the New York times, doing

some incredible investigative journalism.

And I mean that without sarcasm,
they, they uncovered that the ISIS

K terrorist that they struck was not
an ISIS K terrorist member, but was a

humanitarian aid worker and his face.

Who th this suspicious containers
in his car were water, that he

was bringing home for his family,
because they frequently experienced

water source shortages at his house.

Uh, we're going to play a few clips
from this investigative series.

It is a horrific and shocking, horrific,
and shocking that the Intel got it.


Horrifically wrong that instead
of, instead of striking the correct

target, they killed a humanitarian
aid worker that was hoping to be able

to escape Afghanistan to America.

Instead ended up as a casualty, not
even a casually as, as a worker.

By American grown strikes.

Here's the opening clip
from the New York times.

In one of the final acts of its
20 year war in Afghanistan, the

United States fired a missile
from a drone at a car in combat.

It was parked in the courtyard of
a home and the explosion killed

10 people, including 43 year old
samurai muddy and seven children.

According to his family, they're
all victims for part of my

family, my brother, my nephew, my
children, his father's talking.

It's it's unthinkable w w
get onto the other clips, but

this would not have happened.

This would not have happened.

If America did not wreck recklessly
abandoned the nation record recklessly,

pull out, pull out their military
troops, pull out their armed forces.

Pull out there.

They're there.

Air support to the Afghan military.

The fact that the fact that they didn't
know who this person was in my mind,

and I don't have evidence to back
this up, but you would think that if

they had their assets, their personnel
on the ground, in the embassy, that

they would have had better Intel to
know who was, what, what places this

person was actually traveling to.

And not just relying on
a drone from 35,000 feet.

Or 18,000 feet tracking
everything that was happening.

Th they say that the war is over,
but the shadow war will go on.

So as I said, Previously we
even said on this show, well,

it was a secondary explosion.

They, they had identified that this
was an ISIS K member that this was

a, a good strike that yes, innocent
civilians died, but it saved countless.

More souls and more alive.

So apparently that was wrong.

The procedures were correctly fallen
and it was a righteous strike.

What the military apparently didn't
know, was it muddy was a long time aid

worker who colleagues and family members.

Spent the hours before he died running
office errands and end it his day by

pulling up to his house soon after
his Toyota was hit with a 20 pound

hellfire missile, what was interpreted
as a suspicious moves of a terrorist?

May have just been an
average day in his life.

And it's possible that what the
military saw muddy loading into

his car were water canisters.

He was bringing home to his family,
not explosives using never before

seen security camera footage
of muddy interviews with his

family, coworkers, and witnesses.

We will piece together for the
first time his movements and

the hours before he was killed.

Truly an incredible report where they
track all of his movements of that

day, where they pull security footage
from the NGO, showing him entering

the house of the NGO, showing them.

And his, his colleagues
filling up water bottles.

Uh, one of the, the main points that
the, the us military, the Pentagon quoted

incited was that there was this white
sedan that pulled into a, an unknown

complex, and that's where they saw them
loading up, uh, parcels into the vehicle.

It turned out that that compound was an
NGO, which again, you would think that

if there, if the right infrastructure
was in place, if there wasn't this

chaos that was happening, which was
a direct result of poor leadership,

poor decisions in how the U S military
was going to pull out of Afghani.

Just, uh, just a complete mishandling
of a situation that they would have

known that this, or had the time to
do the research, to send an informant,

to go and search and find out what is
this building and be able to say, oh,

actually this is a known NGO that operates
in this city, not an ISIS Cate safe.

At around 3:38 PM, a colleague moves up
Muddy's car further into the driveway.

A senior us official told us that at
roughly the same time the military saw

Muddy's car pull into an unknown compound,
eight to 12 kilometers Southwest of the

airport that overlaps with the location of
the NGO's office, which we believe is what

the military called an unknown compound.

Again, just a complete
failure of intelligence.

He packed into the home small court yet
AF now, after he leaves at the compound,

he fills up some water bottles, put
those water bottles in the back of his

trunk, him and his colleagues then leave.

He drives his colleagues
to their house and then.

Passes through.

He passes through which it's
important for a later clip about this.

He passes through a section of town
where there was an ISIS K compound, where

there was a, a, a safe house for ISIS.

And then he goes to his house
and this is where the clip.

He backed into the home, small
courtyard children surrounded the car.

According to his brother, brother is
talking and I'll read the subtitles,

says the kids had this habit.

But when my older brother came
home, they jumped in the car

while it was still in there.

One of them would get behind a
wheel and they bring it inside.

Or U S officials said the military fear,
the car would leave again and go into

an even more crowded street or did the
airport itself, the drone operators who

hadn't been watching nobody's home at
all that day, quickly scan the courtyard

and said they saw only one adult male
talking to the driver and no children.

So they haven't been, they
haven't been watching the house.

They've been watching the car all day.

And even though they've been
watching the car all day, this

report says that the U S military
had no idea and had no information

about water bottles in his car.

So here they're most likely kids on
his lap pulling into the driveway,

seen hi to their dad as they come
home from work when a, a health fire.

Falls on their car,
killing them all instantly.

Now the reports again was that this,
there was a secondary explosion

and so they, they looked through th
the New York times went visited the

site multiple times, investigated,
interviewed, took photos and sent

those photos to, to military analysts.

To ask was, does this look like
there's evidence of a secondary

explosion and in the courtyard there's
trees that were, were not damaged.

They're a wall that the car
was directly next to you.

That was not blown out.

There's another cart that was not struck.

That was not true.

The evidence points to the fact
that there was no secondary drones

or secondary explosion implying
that there was nothing in the car.

This is just a pure civilian he's after
the attack, the Pentagon repeatedly

claimed that the missile strikes set off
other explosions and that these likely

killed the civilians in the courtyard.

Significant secondary explosions from the
targeted vehicle indicated the presence

of a substantial amount of explodes.

Uh, material because there
were secondary explosions.

There's a reasonable conclusion to be made
that there was explosives in that vehicle.

Uh, except there wasn't, there were
water bottles in the back of the trunk

water bottles that they even, they
found photos of still being in the

trunk from the, from the, the, the NGO.

Compound that they mystic
for a, an ISIS K base.

There is one final detail visible in
the wreckage containers, identical

to the ones that, oh, my D and his
colleague filled with water and loaded

into his trunk before heading home.

Even though the military said the drone
team watched the car for eight hours on

day, a senior official also said they
weren't aware of any water containers.

Now, this is where it gets incredibly
frustrating was that I guess it gets

incredibly frustrating that they killed
and a completely innocent family, a

family that was an ally of the United
States, a family that was trying to

get to safety, a family that was a
humanitarian aid worker that was feeding.

People in need that was helping people
in that city who weren't refugees

living in intent camps in Kabul.

This was the person that was struck.

And this is the, this is how
America ends and their last final

action, uh, in their 20 year war.

The shadow war will continue that the
drone strikes that over that over the

horizon capabilities will still continue.

But just the next day, after
this drone strike, what happened?

What took place, if you remember
the misaligned that were begun being

shot from somewhere in the city.

Towards the airport, where
were those missiles shot from?

But the morning after the U S killed
MIT, the Islamic state did launch rockets

at the airport from a residential area.

Muddy had driven through the
previous day and the vehicle

they used was a white Toyota.


So they were tracking this, did
they, did they mix up the two white

Toyotas and they attract the wrong.

Is that what happened?

It's this, this whole thing, this,
everything that has happened with

United States in Afghanistan,
especially over the last month.

It is just a complete
failure top to bottom.

Just story after story that I've
heard, just a complete wreck.

There was.

One statement that was saying that
because of the chaos that it was

on the ground, these decisions were
not pushed up to higher ranks of

command, but those decisions were
being made by lower ranking officials.

If there was not that chaos that
was happening on the ground, if

there's done properly and rightly
this would have this should have

and would have never have happened.

Uh, another news enough.

As America mourned and remembered
20 years since nine 11, the Taliban

in Afghanistan and quite poetically
grows their flag in Afghanistan.

Finally announcing and confirming,
swearing into power, the caretaker

government, the new Taliban
government of Afghanistan.

Poetic and ironic statement.

Uh, it doesn't, you
can't, you can't make it.

You can't make something better than that.

20 years later to the day, uh, since
nine 11, the Taliban established their

new government in a poetic moment.

Uh, we were discussing in the previous
episode, if you'd not, if you don't listen

to it yet, Does the Taliban meet the west?

Do they need to really have
an inclusive government?

They don't have any women in there.

Do they need to make provisions for women?

Do they need to do play the, the play,
the song of the west to say the right

things to get on the right panels?

Or are they going to be sus sufficiently
supplied and allied by Iran and China?

In Russia, do they even need the west?

Well, it's very much not likely.

I don't really think that they do.

It seems that China is moving in
quite nicely to, to find their new

strategic geopolitical position.

Uh, it's just a mess, just a mess.

Yeah, it makes sense in a
post-truth society where we've

exchanged truth for lies and reason
for postmodern irrationality.

The absurd finally makes sense.

This is what is coming out of
new south Wales, Australia.

Australia is just a crazy place.

I always thought of Australia to
be much more conservative in their,

in their political astringents.

Uh, but I was talking to
some friends this week.

And one of the things that was, was
shared that even though that their,

their federal government, their prime
minister is conservative a lot of these

draconian lack, lockdowns, and crazy
rules of contact tracing that were

seen in new south Wales and on the
Eastern half of Australia, which is

quite liberal, it's all been written.

By the liberal governors who are
making these wild wild decisions.

So you don't have one case and the entire.

Province gets locked down 40 cases,
entire provinces get locked down and

having contact Tracy, uh, same with
New Zealand contact tracing, where your

phone is getting buzzed to say, you
know, you need to send us a picture

of your face right now to make sure
that you are who you say you are.

And you're in the location that
you're supposed to be if you're

supposed to be quarantining.

And if you don't do that,
they show up at your door.

Well, here is a, it's actually
a GAF, but here is a, a.

From a new south Wales anchor,
uh, saying just how long these

lockdowns will really last.

Daniel Andrews has announced that
Victoria is locked down, will be extended

until 2017 of the state are done.


Whoa, the lockdown will be extended to
2070 in Victoria while the 2070, ah,

that sounds, that sounds about right
at this, at this rate, at this stage.

I wouldn't be surprised if we continue
to have rolling lockdowns until 20, 70.

Well, she goes on sadly, sadly,
she goes on to correct herself.



No, it won't.

It will not take the laid
back to the beginning.

Take the lead back to the beginning.

Daniel Andrews has announced the
Victoria's lockdown will be extended

until 70% of the state has had at
least one dose of the COVID vaccine.

Uh, whoa, whoa.

That's a good save, but I wouldn't
be surprised if it actually.

At some point does read
lockdowns extended to 2070.

It seems like that is where
those in Australia are going.

If you have one case, uh, the, the
ideal is COVID zero, which is just

an impossible world to live in.

Whereas there's other places.

Like Denmark that have, have
removed all of their restrictions.

As I said, the new world order
is facing some blow back.

It's not going quite as smooth in
some places as maybe they would

have thought, including Denmark,
where there they're saying, Nope, we

have no more restrictions, no more
lockdowns where you're free as a bird.

Uh, As we'll get to, uh, the UK is
taking some very surprising steps that

definitely isn't in alignment with the
new world order that they're talking

about in the Southern hemisphere.

Here's the health minister of new south
Wales talking about this new world order.

Be looking at what contact tracing
looks like in the new world order.

And yes, it will be pubs and clubs.

We'll see if we have a positive
case, their response may

be differently different.

If we know that people
are fully vaccinated.

So we're working through a number
of those, um, issues, but we

will have to reflect and work.

So the audio was a little, a little
fuzzy there, but what she said was.

We have to learn how to do contact
tracing in this new world order.

And yes, we'll, we'll be learning
along the way, but we were going to

get our, our apps all up and running.

We're going to get our contact
tracing all up and running.

We're going to know exactly who you are,
where you are, who you're in contact with.

What, what store you went into
now that shouldn't be too.

It is a shocker.

I think it is a shocker for many.

We, we at least Americans definitely
don't do not like to be tracked and.

It's actually across
Europe, they are protesting.

These draconian lockdowns are
protesting vaccine passports.

It seems like more than in America.

That's probably because in America
it hasn't actually happened.

But over the weekend, tens of
thousands, tens of thousands of

people gathered across Europe to
protest vaccine passports, to protest

the fact that you need an app to.

Deep into the grocery store that you
need an app to go wherever you you

want on a normal day life occasions,
going into the floors, you got a beep

in go into the pub with your buds.

You got to be.

Europe is not having it.

So it's not just that it's not just
an American ideal, and this is what

many people tried to pawn it off
as, oh, it's just, you know, those

Americans, their Liberty loving,
they, they want their own autonomy.

If you look across Europe, that's
where the protests are happening and

they're happening in Australia too.

And as I said, it's probably
because that is where the.

Mandates are rolling forward with the
green pass and many other systems that

are being put into place across Europe.

Here's another clip from new south
Wales, talking again about contact

tracing and the new world order.

The way it is.

We've got to accept that
this is the new world order.

The prime minister will also be
towards the front of the queue.

I'll be leading by example on that.

Got it.

Let's play that clip
from the beginning again.

That's the way it is.

We've got to accept that
this is the new world order.

That's just the way it is.

We got to accept that this is the new
world order, contact tracing, knowing

exactly where you are when you are.


The reason that we shouldn't be surprised
is because our phones, which many of

us have connected to us at all times.

They already know exactly where we
are and when we are and what we're

doing and everything that we're
buying in everywhere that we have.

It's there now in most countries,
supposedly there is supposed

to be a barrier of privacy.

Europe has really pushed for that privacy,
uh, limiting the amount of cookies and

limiting what app apps can access, what
data apps can access on your phone.

But at the end of the day, if a
government institution or a corporate

institution really wanted to know
where you were when it's not.

Your, your cell phone is pinging the
towers every minute, and they know

your, your geolocation within a few
meters every minute of every day.

And they know every person that you
could have come into contact with that

data is available and it's frequently
used, uh, by private investigators

and investigators, all of them.

So we we've already given up an
extraordinary, extraordinary amount

of Liberty when it comes to the, the
information that's out there because of

the ease of life that, that gives you.

Now I think we, it is possible to live in
a world where we're able to use phones,

where we're, where we are able to have
that ease of communication that ease

of connectedness with, with safeguards
in place so that it can not be used

down the line for malicious intents.

One, one blatantly clear
example of this going back.

Cause so many people say,
well, yes, of course, you know,

someone else could possibly come
and take this data and use it.

Uh, but we're gonna, you know, it's
protected, it's encrypted, even though

the UN was just hacked, even though
so many of these, these systems that

have top of the line security have
been hacked recently, remember that the

pandemic of the cyber attacks, uh, But
the a clear example would be back back

to Afghanistan to bring us back there.

The U S had biometrics on every person at
data profiles and every person to know who

each person was for their own security.

And now who is it in the
hands of, but the Taliban.

So now it doesn't matter what your
document, but your what's your paper

might say, all they have to do is scan
your retina and take, uh, uh, your thumb.

And they, you know exactly who
you are based on that database.

This is the perfect example of systems
that had good intentions falling into

the hands of someone who has evil
intentions to be used against the

very purposes that it was created for.

And this is the, the dangerous, the
real dangerous, not just made up

dangerous, but the real dangers.

People are resisting when it comes
to vaccine passports and when it

comes to mandatory vaccines, that's
another thing we discussed with some

friends over this weekend is okay.

Whether, whether the vaccine is
effective or ineffective, if that's

not the question, the question is,
should these be governmentally mandate?

Should they be forced upon
people with no other options.

Should you be strapped down and have
to have it jabbed into your arm?

Or you are a second tier citizen,
many people in the world are

saying, no, they're resisting that.

And for good reason, and
here's a piece of great news.

The UK.

Is now resisting and saying,
actually we are not going to

move to vaccine passports.

Here's the health secretary
for the UK on the BBC.

We just shouldn't be doing
things for the sake of it, or

because others are doing it.

We should look at every
possible intervention properly.

So you asked about vaccine passport.

So I think it's fairly, I
think most people are probably

instinctively double like the idea.

I mean, I, I've never liked the idea
of saying to people, you must show

your papers for something to do.

You know, what, what do you suggest
an everyday activity, but we were

right to, you know, to properly
look at it, to look at the evidence.

Well, what I can say is that we've looked
at it properly and once we should keep

it in reserve as a potential option, I'm
pleased to say that we will not be going

ahead with plans for vaccine passports.

That's amazing news for the
UK that they're not going

ahead with vaccine passports.

No, he did say we're going to keep
it in the backpack back pocket.

And in the last 18 months, if we've
learned anything, the there's a whole

lot of flip-flopping that can go on.

Including in America, where before
Biden has stated, there's no way

that we're mandating vaccines.

We're not going to mandate vaccines.

And what happens over the past past
weekend, he decides to mandate vaccines

for, or the last week to mandate
vaccines for any private company with

more than a hundred employees, that
they are forced to be vaccinated.

And for any.

Employees of the executive branch of
the government he's mandating vaccines.

And that does not include
Congress and the Senate.

There's no mandate there for those who
are working in the other branches of

government for, but for the executive
branch and for private companies

with over a hundred employees.

Mandating vaccines, where they said,
we're not going to have that mandate.

Why are they doing that?

Well, because they want to enforce,
they want to force vaccination

numbers to Bryce, even though America.

I was reading one article that in
America, they have about 80% herd immunity

in America, according to blood bank.

So blood banks have been testing
their blood, and they're seeing

that there's an 80% herd immunity.

Now that is a combination of
course, between natural immunity and

immunity from, uh, from the vaccines.

But the Biden administration
is still wanting to put.

For more and more vaccines.

So you have to ask yourself when it,
when it comes to this new world order,

of course, a lot of people talk about it.

Uh, the matrix is coming out
again, um, in, in this is a total

tangent, but the matrix is coming
out with a fourth movie app timing

at the end of this year, 12 22 21.

And it seems like a lot of that
narrative, even in the previews have.

For the matrix is really reflecting
on what's been happening right now in

the world with this new world order
that is being pushed upon the world.

That's that whether it manifests
or not to what degree or not?

I don't know, but here's a very
short clip by Michelle he's we've

played some clips of his before.

Uh, he he's very much into talking
about that, you know, the new world

order and the globalists that are
looking to, and the bankers who are

looking to, to control the world
for their own, uh, maniacal gains.

Here's a quick, a quick segment, uh, of
him talking about if this, if this is just

an, an operation or being used, As not
letting a good crisis go to her waste.

If this crisis is being used, who
would be the players who would have

caused this COVID costars two, the
novella virus to turn it into an event

that they could shut down and shut
her at the entire global economy.

When there's only a few
hundred cases worldwide.

Because it was not COVID
that killed the economy.

It was not COVID that caused the globe
to shut down for millions to fall into,

to poverty and malnutrition and the chaos
that we've seen over the last year and a

half going on two years, it was not COVID,
but it was the global response to that.

And here's Michelle.

But bear in mind.

Uh, this is an act on the part
of the financial establishment to

create absolute chaos at the level
of national economies worldwide.

Uh, it, it is, um, it led
to mass unemployment, uh,

bankruptcies, uh, extreme poverty.

Uh, and it also led to the wiping out of
the small and medium sized enterprises

and also set the important sectors
of real CA what me might call real

capitalism while also wiped out, or
at least precipitated into bankruptcy.

I'm talking about the airlines,
I'm talking about the hotel

chains and so on without dwelling
on this, on, on this important.

Um, process, I should mention that this
action is unprecedented and it's not

nothing to do with protecting people,
uh, you know, against the pendant.

There was no evidence that the
pandemic was serious enough to

justify these fast sweeping measures.

When you close down your economy at the
same time, you closed down your public

health sector and create havoc in regards
to the delivery of health services.

This was a deliberate, um, it was
a deliberate action of economic

warfare and it was applied worldwide.

And it was, it was consistent with, uh,
previous periods of, of macro economic

reform under IMF world bank, auspices,
us foreign policy regime change,

and so on every single country with,
well, with some exceptions accepted

to close down the economy with a view.

To saving lives and
that is the biggest lie.

It welded.

And with that as countries decided,
okay, we're going to go along with this.

We're going to, we're not going to
be the one caught without a chair.

Musical chairs is taking
place on a global scale.

Everyone's shutting down their borders.

Every leader, every governor,
every politician saying, I

don't want my, I don't know.

To hang for this.

I don't want my neck to
be on the line for this.

I'm going to play it safe.

I'm going to do what everyone else
is doing because Hey, at least then

no one can point the finger and
say you made the wrong decision.

You made the wrong decision in keeping the
borders open or keeping the economy open.

You're putting countless lives at risk.

And when there's mass fear
created by mass media, it is.

Easy for the public to be rallied
into such a frenzy of fear that

it causes such a visceral response
from the public against politicians.

So that they're forced to go along
with these mandates, do with this,

with this global orchestration,
which then led to collapse.

Of of economies and governments, which
then leads to governments having to

get bought out by private industry.

So now the privatization of public
sectors, the privatization of entire

governments, where they now owe
millions, billions of dollars to those

who have bailed them out to help keep
their economies afloat, to help give

aid to people who are out of jobs.

The amount of currency that was printed
world wide in the last 18 months,

astonishing the place that we are going as
a globe, all because there was, there was

an agenda to rewrite and, and shift the.

The new world order the world order
and the way that the world fits in

forms and whether, you know, to what
extent of, of conspiracy theory you

want to, or don't want to take it.

That is what has happened.

That is what it is, what has happened.

We can look across the globe and we say
we are in a completely different world.

The way that humans fundamentally think
and engage with one another has changed.


Thankfully, there are some places
that have completely resisted this.

There are some places that
are, are staying completely.

There are back to business as usual.

In fact, most of America it's
back to business as usual,

and that's a great thing.

And so I do hope that the UK continues
to take steps forward like this,

that saying actually, we're not
going to do a vaccine passport.

And I do hope that, uh,
America turns, turns away from

draconian authoritarian rule.

This is a value for value podcast.

Uh, thank you for all of you
who support the show on a

weekly or even monthly basis.

Thousands of people turn to the
show every month to help them

understand how to see the world.

Because if we can see the world
rightly then we can walk in it rightly.

And that enables us to uncover our
purpose and to own our futures.

So if you would like to.

Uh, executive producer of the show.

You can go to our website, Lucas and he can give

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Finally, don't go away.

We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver and loom a
part of the show where we take ancient

wisdom and we weave it in with our
everyday lives so that we can own

our future and weave our destinies.

I don't know about you, but I often.

Have moments in my life where, where
I evaluate, how am I spending my time?

Am I fulfilling my purpose?

Am I fulfilling my days?

Rightly am I spending my days?

Rightly am I, am I giving the correct
proportion to the right things?

Hasn't want to get in these places,
which is, you know, every Tuesday,

every week, I'm in this place of, you
know, seeking and evaluating my life

and wanting to make sure that I'm
pouring my life resources into the right

areas, that I'm fulfilling my purpose
that really am owning the future.

That I'm really am making an impact on the
world around me, because I'm a millennial,

probably like you, who wants to.

Make an impact.

You wants to leave an imprint on the
world, around us with all of that.

There's one question I frequently come
across in my mind, which is if I die

and everything that I do falls apart
the next day, if I build an empire, if

I build whatever it is, my dream is,
if I build a successful company and the

day after I die, it all falls apart.

Was I successful?

Was that a successful endeavor?

Did I spend my life wisely this
weekend as I was having some time

with some, some friends and we were
discussing this, uh, uh, a friend

shared with me, he said, he said this.

He said, build, I am paraphrasing.

Changing what he said.

He said it in more sentences and boiling
it down to something simple, which is

build people, not empires, build people,
not empires when, and it just struck me

as such a profound way that if you build
people, if you take your time in your

life resources, even if you're building
a company, even if you're you're, you're

running operations on a day-to-day basis.

Even if you're, you're chasing your
dreams, whatever those might be.

But if you, if you are building people
in that, in your everyday interactions

and engagements that at the end of
your life, you will have, you will be

successful in that every, if everything
falls apart in the next moment after you.

You would have invested your life
resources into people, into serving

others, into caring for others, into
building others up rather than building

your own empire, rather than building
your own name or your fame, rather

than building an amazing system.

An amazing system that could last
for generations and generations.

But if we don't invest into the people.

And nothing will.

Go on.

Nothing will truly be passed on.

And so, as I've reflected on that,
I've thought to myself, you know,

that's what, that's what I want.

I want to be a person that builds people.

Even through this show.

I hope that you are built up and
encouraged from this that you have, uh,

uh, that I'm able to build you up in
the small measure this week, whether

it's through laughing at something.

Being enraged at this, uh, horrific,
horrific drone strike that killed a

family, or whether it's helping you see
the world in a slightly different light

so that you would go out this week.

Build people up rather than
just building your own empire.

Well, that's all for today's show.

Go out this week, share this episode with
a friend because that's how you can help

build people and that will uncover your
purpose and enable you to own your future.