The InForm Fitness Podcast

Body fat is stored energy. And the body stores it because it doesn't need it at that moment. So, what you have to try to do is get your body to utilize that fat.  Ther are 3 pillars to enjoy the profound benefits of Power of 10. Adam Zickerman explains the 3 pillars of success here in Episode 9 that will assist you in supercharging your metabolism and increasing your cardiovascular endurance with slow motion, high-intensity strength training. To find an Inform Fitness location nearest you visit If you'd like to ask Adam, Mike or Sheila a question or have a comment regarding the Power of 10. Send us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to  Join Inform Nation and call the show with a comment or question.  The number is 888-983-5020, Ext. 3.  To purchase Adam's book, Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution click this link to visit Amazon: Ilf you would like to produce a podcast of your own just like The Inform Fitness Podcast, please email Tim Edwards at The transcription to this episode is below: 09 Losing Fat Without the Treadmill - Transcript Tim: Hey gang it's Tim from the InForm Fitness podcast. We'll get to the show in about 60 seconds but first I want to save you some money while you adopt the Power of 10 lifestyle. There are three pillars necessary to amplify your success of the Power of 10. Pillar number two is nutrition and our friends at Thrive Market are going to make following this protocol easy and affordable. At Thrive Market you'll find wholesome products that are InForm Fitness friendly at wholesale prices. Their products are much more affordable than the grocery store and they deliver the items right to your door. Plus, with all orders over $49 you get shipping absolutely free. Try it for yourself. Visit Register for free. Start your 30-day free trial and if you're happy with the service and their products you can join the community. It's just a one-time $59.95 fee and most customers save that amount in their first order. Then you can continue to save a bunch of money and grow healthier in the process. Want to save some cash? Simply email me directly at and I will send you your own personal code that will shave 15% off your first order. Thrive Market is on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. Alright. On with the show. Intro: You’re listening to the InForm Fitness podcast, 20 minutes with New York Times, best-selling author, Adam Zickerman and friends. Brought to you by InForm Fitness, life-changing personal training with several locations across the US. Reboot your metabolism and experience the revolutionary Power of 10, the high intensity, slow motion, strength training system that’s so effective, you’d get a week’s worth of exercise in just one 20-minute session, which by no coincidence is about the length of this podcast. So, get ready InForm Nation, your 20 minutes of high-intensity strength training information begins in 3, 2, 1. Tim: InForm Nation, welcome back in. Thanks again for joining us here on the InForm Fitness podcast, 20 minutes with Adam Zickerman and friends. I'm Tim Edwards with the Inbound Podcasting Network and the gangs all here once again. We have Sheila Melody with InForm Fitness in the Los Angeles area, Mike Rogers from New York City and across the hall from Mike is the founder of InForm Fitness, Adam Zickerman. This show will assist you in supercharging your metabolism. It will give you the information that you'll need to increase your cardiovascular endurance, make you leaner and stronger especially if you engage in the principals of pillar number two in the Power of 10, nutrition. And that's exactly what InForm Nation member Hayley did and she lost 35 pounds with this system. Hayley: At one point in my life I was 35 pounds heavier and I was not happy with it. I was depressed and I didn't feel confident and I definitely didn't have the strength that I have now and so I started coming to InForm. My friend told me about it and I came and I have loved it ever since. So, she's had some great success, lost 35 pounds but it took more than just exercise, high-intensity exercise for her to reach that goal. Right, Adam? Oh, yeah. Definitely. I mean, listen, when you're strength training, when you're doing high-intensity exercise, you're definitely helping your cause for sure by raising metabolism a little bit, by controlling the blood sugar a little bit. And we'll get into how that happens. But she definitely had to have changed her diet to lose those 35 pounds. I think it all comes down to another misconception which is that it all has to do with calorie expenditure versus calorie intake. And that's why I think a lot of people think that they have to do a lot of cardio because it's all down to calories. And what we realized, in short, is that that's not true and Adam you can dive a little bit deeper into this but fat regulation has very little to do if any -- to do with calorie expenditures. Isn't that correct? But actually, the body wants those calories back. So, yes it does. The more you increase your activity level, the more it's going to actually increase your appetite. And so the more calories you burn, the body is going to try to reach some homeostasis and slow you down in other ways. You can't fool mother nature. So, activity level to burn calories have been doomed to fail since we started trying and it's not working. People are not losing massive amounts of weight by adding a lot of cardio to their routines. Alright. They're only doing it really by proper nutrition. There's an old YouTube that we saw years ago -- do you remember? There was a couple of personal trainers -- On the treadmill? Yeah. Pizza. It was a couple of personal trainers who -- Eating the pizza. Yeah. On the treadmill. Yeah. One trainer was going to run as fast as he could on the treadmill for as long as it took the other one to eat two slices of pizza and when it was done in eight minutes or whatever, one trainer, he burned 90 calories running and the other one consumed like 900 calories in the same amount of time. And their whole point was you can't out train a bad diet. No matter what. There are a lot of benefits to what you are doing in exercise that can get your metabolism going which will be making a fat burning machine which Adam will go into but what we do know is that it's not just sitting on the treadmill burning calories the whole time. Tim: So, Mike, you just mentioned turning your body into a fat burning machine. And that requires all three of those pillars for the Power of 10. And we'll just reiterate again, of course, high-intensity exercise, nutrition and rest and recovery. So, Adam, if you can, dive in a little bit deeper on how to turn that body into a fat burning machine through nutrition. Adam: Body fat is stored energy. And the body stores it because it doesn't need it at that moment. So, what you have to try to do is get your body to utilize that fat. And the only way your body is going to utilize that fat is if you don't give it anything else besides that. In other words, it's going to go to sugar first. It's easier to metabolize sugar. It's less, you know, less effort in doing it. It's kind of like when you come home and it's cold in the house you just turn on the -- you turn the dial on the thermostat and it gets warmer. But what happens if you didn't get an oil delivery? You know, you don't have any oil. Now you have to do something else. You have to heat the house. So, now you have to go down, outside, get some firewood, start a fire, get the kindling going, you know, it's effort to actually -- and then it takes time to warm up the house that way because it's not a very efficient way of heating a house. And that's kind of what we're essentially doing when we try to burn fat. We want to try to run out of gas. The easy way of heating a house which is the glucose, the sugar. If you can eliminate that, the body is going to say, hey, there's no sugar. There's no easy gas. I'm going to have to actually work to get my energy right now. And I'm going to have to go to fat for this food. And the body learns to metabolize efficiently the fat by finally telling the DNA to express for the enzymes that it's never had to express for because the person's blood sugar was so high all the time. But now all of the sudden blood sugar drops, now we have to metabolize fat. That needs special enzymes to do that. So, now the body says, hey, DNA we need some, you know, enzymes here that metabolize fat. There's none around. You know, make it ASAP and the body, you know, works as hard as it can to do so but it takes some time. So, there's adjustment period from going from a high sugar diet to a very low sugar diet. It's kind of like going from sea level to high altitude. The body has to adjust to that as well.     So, knowing this, I feel that the diet that we should be generally thinking about or at least as a starting point is reducing sugar in your diet and see how that goes. And there's a lot of hidden sugar in our diets and we don't realize it. Even when we're eating a lot of vegetables and fruits we are getting plenty of sugar. And if you're having more than 50 to 100 grams of sugar a day it's going to be hard for the body to really need to use fat for fuel. It's just the way it is because fat is regulated by hormones and I'm oversimplifying it for sure. But that's a good starting point. Everyone's metabolism is different. Everyone's genetics is different. So, this 50 grams or 100 grams of sugar thing is just a guideline and there might be other considerations. You know, but that's where I usually start. Our obesity epidemic in this country is not because we're [inaudible 08:34] and we're sitting behind computers more. Alright. Our problem is because we are as a society eating way too much sugar, way too much sugar. And it really means to me, depending upon the person, anywhere from 100 grams or less per day of sugar. And that's including fruit sugars and all kinds of sugars. Exactly. So, if you're going to have an apple which is already 20 grams give or take. Wow. Alright. Which is -- who's going to say not to have an apple, you know, I mean, I know weight loss is important so you still have to count those calories as those grams of sugar. So, there's 20. Now you have either 30, you know, 30 to 80 left. So, you just take that into account and when you have your vegetables and your salad, alright and you have some nuts which have carbohydrates in it and maybe you eat some beans. That's plenty of carbohydrates in beans. I mean, that has good protein as well. All of a sudden you're like, oh, boy, that hundred comes up fast. Those hundred grams -- and then nowhere is there room for cake, pizza, bagels, bread. Even yogurts and oatmeals are going to start putting you over the top if you're eating your veggies. [laughs] Mhm [affirmative]. Then if you want to have fruit, I mean there's some people that just don't have the fruit. There are people that are very sensitive to the spikes of sugar and those people to really lose weight really have to go really low on the sugar side. And sometimes that doesn't even work, you know. Adam, you mentioned that high-intensity training helps in controlling blood sugar. Why don't you talk a little bit more about that?     Okay. Well, like I was saying about nutrition by not having a lot of sugar in your diet your body's going to say well there's not that much sugar in my diet I'm going to need fat for the rest of this fuel. Well, in keeping in line with that and helping control that blood sugar, high-intensity strength training does something really cool. When you work out to muscle failure and it's the whole body, you're depleting your muscles of much if not all of its glycogen stores. What are glycogen stores? Glycogen is where the muscles -- is a polymer of glucose. In other words, it's a chain of glucose molecules that is stored in the muscle. And it's stored in the muscle because the muscle needs it right away for fight and flight. So, biology, evolution has kind of made this really nifty system where you can actually store the fuel right there at the muscle site where you need it the most. So, when you exercise and you dump your muscles of all their glycogen. To the body, that is actually having a fight and dumping all your glycogen. Fighting a bear for example. Alright, so when that happens, your body wants to put that sugar back. It wants to put that sugar back. And this is where it gets really cool because in an attempt it's put the sugar back into the muscle after high-intensity exercise. That's another usage for the sugar. That's not going to go into fat store because if your body needs it in a muscle it's going to take whatever carbohydrates you are eating and instead of storing it as fat it's going to actually try to put it back into the muscle. Alright. So, that's just a little bonus. The reason the body wants to put it back, by the way is because -- why is it uncomfortable? Why when you dump glycogen out of the muscle does the body prioritize putting it back? It's kind of like the spare tire in our car. Alright. We don't feel comfortable striving around in a car that doesn't have a spare tire because if you get a flat somewhere in the middle of nowhere you're in trouble. Well, the body says if I don't have any glycogen stored in my muscles and I get into a fight with a bear, I'm going to lose. I'm going to probably lose anyway, glycogen or not. [laughter] You know. The Revenant. Yes. [laughs] Yeah. [inaudible 12:13] Leonardo DiCaprio. So, we're back to that fight or flight response. So, the body is like wants to be prepared for an emergency and it is going to prioritize replacing that glycogen in an attempt to replace that glycogen it's going to keep your blood sugar low. It's going to be taking that sugar out of your blood and putting it into the muscle instead of putting it into fat. But again, you have to eat a low glycemic diet to start with for that to actually have a benefit. So, Adam, you were just saying that how if, you know, your muscles use this the glycogen that is stored when we do this high-intensity workout but if you're not marrying that with a good nutritional diet that has low glycemic, you know, values in it, then how is that different. When you're doing this high-intensity workout and you're not and you're say you're eating a lot of sugar, say you're not really matching it with a good diet. What's the difference? Yeah. I say it's not going to help much if as far as fat loss is concerned. If you're still eating a lot of carbohydrates in your diet because for a average sized male that is fairly well built, you can probably only expect to store maybe 225 grams of glycogen in his muscles. In other words, you don't have to eat too much sugar to replace all that. That's, you know, if you're eating -- a lot of people eat a lot more sugar than that in a day. So, you do this workout. You deplete your muscles of 200 some odd grams of carbohydrates, [laughs] and then you eat a bagel. You just gained it back. So, it's only in conjunction with a low glycemic diet, a low sugar diet that this will actually give you some extra boost for controlling your blood sugar. But in the same breath, are you still productively doing something? Are you still building muscle? Are you still increasing [crosstalk 14:03] but you know -- Oh, yeah. I mean, we're talking specifically about fat loss. Right. I mean again we're trying to control the hormone insulin. Fat is regulated by hormones. Period. Alright. You have to play that right. You have to have the right hormones that you want suppressing the hormones that you don't want. You want insulin to be suppressed. So, the hormones necessary for using fat for food or have free reign to do what they have to do. Sometimes the people start this workout and they're not really prepared yet to go on that proper diet but they're still going to do the workout and maybe it will take them a couple of months to kind of get, you know -- Well, the, yeah the workouts -- The motivation.     I see what you're saying. I mean, the workout, of course is still worth doing. Just because you're not losing fat or you're not willing or if you're not ready to engage in a rather what some people might consider a draconian type of diet. I'd rather be strong and overweight than weak and overweight. I mean, they're going to reap all the benefits that come from being really strong and from maintaining muscle mass and we've talked about all those benefits and we're going to continue to talk about profound benefits of building strength as we get older and maintaining it as we get older. That goes way beyond fat loss. And then when they're ready, let's say they've been working out for like four months and then they finally say okay, I'm really going on this diet now, do you think it will be easier? Well, their metabolism will be a little bit higher obviously. They'll have more muscles. So, probably. [laughs] I think it just means the truth is everyone's very, very different and we see great results very fast. We've heard several testimonials already on this show before and what Adam and I have seen so many hundreds over the years of people losing, you know, 10 pounds to 20 pounds to 70 pounds even up to 150 pounds. Wow. And that readiness if different for everybody. The reality is it's a little bit of a troubleshooting process to get to the bottom of it all. There's a little bit of exercise involved which is high-intensity strength training and there's a lot of nutritional work that's involved. And it's unfortunately it's not an easy thing for most people. And as Adam said, insulin is the primary regulator of our fat but there are so many other factors involved and there's nothing lost in attacking your strength training program immediately. And it's definitely going to have an effect, a positive effect over the course of whatever the journey is for that client. But it's -- the reality is there's nothing that happens quickly. Well, for most people. And it starts I think the usual suspects start with what Adam said is your simple carbs and then your complex carbs and then they can go into other things too depending on where allergies and sensitivities occur. It's a tough topic but an important one. And one that is covered in great detail in Adam's book, Power of 10: The Once-a- Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution. Adam does a terrific job simplifying the information so that it is easy to understand. You'll find easy to follow tables and charts and descriptions in chapter 3, nutrition the second pillar. We invite you to pick it up at an InForm Fitness location or you can order it through Amazon. We have a link available to the book right here in our show notes. We have a lot of interviews lined up for future podcasts. So, we hope that you'll stick around and continue to learn more about the Power of 10 from other experts in the field of fitness. Along with some amazing testimonials like the one we have lined up for you over the next two weeks. We will be talking to InForm Nation member, Joanie Pimentel. She is also a member of the LA-based band, No Small Children. And for a glimpse of Joanie and to sample her music, head over to The reason we'll be talking to Joanie, she lost 118 pounds over two years with the Power of 10, slow motion high-intensity weight training She's a lot of fun with some really great stories and highly inspirational. So, make sure you come back and join us. And to join InForm Nation for yourself and give this workout a try, pop on over to to find a location nearest you. If you would like to ask Adam, Mike or Sheila a question, maybe you have a comment regarding the Power of 10, send us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to You can even give us a call at 888-983-5020, Ext. 3. That's 888-983-5020, Ext. 3 to leave your comment, question or even a suggestion. All feedback is welcome. And speaking of feedback, please leave us a review right here in iTunes or wherever you might be listening and don't forget to subscribe. We really do appreciate you listening to the InForm Fitness podcast. For Adam, Mike and Sheila, I'm Tim Edwards with the Inbound Podcasting Network.  

Show Notes

Body fat is stored energy. And the body stores it because it doesn't need it at that moment. So, what you have to try to do is get your body to utilize that fat.  Ther are 3 pillars to enjoy the profound benefits of Power of 10.
Adam Zickerman explains the 3 pillars of success here in Episode 9 that will assist you in supercharging your metabolism and increasing your cardiovascular endurance with slow motion, high-intensity strength training.
To find an Inform Fitness location nearest you visit
If you'd like to ask Adam, Mike or Sheila a question or have a comment regarding the Power of 10. Send us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to 
Join Inform Nation and call the show with a comment or question.  The number is 888-983-5020, Ext. 3. 
To purchase Adam's book, Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution click this link to visit Amazon:

The transcription to this episode is below:
09 Losing Fat Without the Treadmill - Transcript
Tim: Hey gang it's Tim from the InForm Fitness podcast. We'll get to the show in about 60 seconds but first I want to save you some money while you adopt the Power of 10 lifestyle. There are three pillars necessary to amplify your success of the Power of 10. Pillar number two is nutrition and our friends at Thrive Market are going to make following this protocol easy and affordable. At Thrive Market you'll find wholesome products that are InForm Fitness friendly at wholesale prices. Their products are much more affordable than the grocery store and they deliver the items right to your door. Plus, with all orders over $49 you get shipping absolutely free.
Try it for yourself. Visit Register for free. Start your 30-day free trial and if you're happy with the service and their products you can join the community. It's just a one-time $59.95 fee and most customers save that amount in their first order. Then you can continue to save a bunch of money and grow healthier in the process. Want to save some cash? Simply email me directly at and I will send you your own personal code that will shave 15% off your first order. Thrive Market is on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. Alright. On with the show.
Intro: You’re listening to the InForm Fitness podcast, 20 minutes with New York Times, best-selling author, Adam Zickerman and friends. Brought to you by InForm Fitness, life-changing personal training with several locations across the US. Reboot your metabolism and experience the revolutionary Power of 10, the high intensity, slow motion, strength training system that’s so effective, you’d get a week’s worth of exercise in just one 20-minute session, which by no coincidence is about the length of this podcast. So, get ready InForm Nation, your 20 minutes of high-intensity strength training information begins in 3, 2, 1.
Tim: InForm Nation, welcome back in. Thanks again for joining us here on the InForm Fitness podcast, 20 minutes with Adam Zickerman and friends. I'm Tim Edwards with the Inbound Podcasting Network and the gangs all here once again. We have Sheila Melody with InForm Fitness in the Los Angeles area, Mike Rogers from New York City and across the hall from Mike is the founder of InForm Fitness, Adam Zickerman.
This show will assist you in supercharging your metabolism. It will give you the information that you'll need to increase your cardiovascular endurance, make you leaner and stronger especially if you engage in the principals of pillar number two in the Power of 10, nutrition. And that's exactly what InForm Nation member Hayley did and she lost 35 pounds with this system.
Hayley: At one point in my life I was 35 pounds heavier and I was not happy with it. I was depressed and I didn't feel confident and I definitely didn't have the strength that I have now and so I started coming to InForm. My friend told me about it and I came and I have loved it ever since.
So, she's had some great success, lost 35 pounds but it took more than just exercise, high-intensity exercise for her to reach that goal. Right, Adam?
Oh, yeah. Definitely. I mean, listen, when you're strength training, when you're doing high-intensity exercise, you're definitely helping your cause for sure by raising metabolism a little bit, by controlling the blood sugar a little bit. And we'll get into how that happens. But she definitely had to have changed her diet to lose those 35 pounds.
I think it all comes down to another misconception which is that it all has to do with calorie expenditure versus calorie intake. And that's why I think a lot of people think that they have to do a lot of cardio because it's all down to calories. And what we realized, in short, is that that's not true and Adam you can dive a little bit deeper into this but fat regulation has very little to do if any -- to do with calorie expenditures. Isn't that correct?
But actually, the body wants those calories back. So, yes it does. The more you increase your activity level, the more it's going to actually increase your appetite. And so the more calories you burn, the body is going to try to reach some homeostasis and slow you down in other ways. You can't fool mother nature. So, activity level to burn calories have been doomed to fail since we started trying and it's not working. People are not losing massive amounts of weight by adding a lot of cardio to their routines. Alright. They're only doing it really by proper nutrition.
There's an old YouTube that we saw years ago -- do you remember? There was a couple of personal trainers --
On the treadmill? Yeah. Pizza. It was a couple of personal trainers who -- Eating the pizza. Yeah. On the treadmill. Yeah.
One trainer was going to run as fast as he could on the treadmill for as long as it took the other one to eat two slices of pizza and when it was done in eight minutes or whatever, one trainer, he burned 90 calories running and the other one consumed like 900 calories in the same amount of time. And their whole point was you can't out train a bad diet. No matter what. There are a lot of benefits to what you are doing in exercise that can get your metabolism going which will be making a fat burning machine which Adam will go into but what we do know is that it's not just sitting on the treadmill burning calories the whole time.
Tim: So, Mike, you just mentioned turning your body into a fat burning machine. And that requires all three of those pillars for the Power of 10. And we'll just reiterate again, of course, high-intensity exercise, nutrition and rest and recovery. So, Adam, if you can, dive in a little bit deeper on how to turn that body into a fat burning machine through nutrition.
Adam: Body fat is stored energy. And the body stores it because it doesn't need it at that moment. So, what you have to try to do is get your body to utilize that fat. And the only way your body is going to utilize that fat is if you don't give it anything else besides that. In other words, it's going to go to sugar first. It's easier to metabolize sugar. It's less, you know, less effort in doing it. It's kind of like when you come home and it's cold in the house you just turn on the -- you turn the dial on the thermostat and it gets warmer.
But what happens if you didn't get an oil delivery? You know, you don't have any oil. Now you have to do something else. You have to heat the house. So, now you have to go down, outside, get some firewood, start a fire, get the kindling going, you know, it's effort to actually -- and then it takes time to warm up the house that way because it's not a very efficient way of heating a house. And that's kind of what we're essentially doing when we try to burn fat. We want to try to run out of gas.
The easy way of heating a house which is the glucose, the sugar. If you can eliminate that, the body is going to say, hey, there's no sugar. There's no easy gas. I'm going to have to actually work to get my energy right now. And I'm going to have to go to fat for this food. And the body learns to metabolize efficiently the fat by finally telling the DNA to express for the enzymes that it's never had to express for because the person's blood sugar was so high all the time. But now all of the sudden blood sugar drops, now we have to metabolize fat. That needs special enzymes to do that. So, now the body says, hey, DNA we need some, you know, enzymes here that metabolize fat. There's none around. You know, make it ASAP and the body, you know, works as hard as it can to do so but it takes some time. So, there's adjustment period from going from a high sugar diet to a very low sugar diet. It's kind of like going from sea level to high altitude. The body has to adjust to that as well.     
So, knowing this, I feel that the diet that we should be generally thinking about or at least as a starting point is reducing sugar in your diet and see how that goes. And there's a lot of hidden sugar in our diets and we don't realize it. Even when we're eating a lot of vegetables and fruits we are getting plenty of sugar. And if you're having more than 50 to 100 grams of sugar a day it's going to be hard for the body to really need to use fat for fuel. It's just the way it is because fat is regulated by hormones and I'm oversimplifying it for sure. But that's a good starting point. Everyone's metabolism is different. Everyone's genetics is different.
So, this 50 grams or 100 grams of sugar thing is just a guideline and there might be other considerations. You know, but that's where I usually start. Our obesity epidemic in this country is not because we're [inaudible 08:34] and we're sitting behind computers more. Alright. Our problem is because we are as a society eating way too much sugar, way too much sugar. And it really means to me, depending upon the person, anywhere from 100 grams or less per day of sugar.
And that's including fruit sugars and all kinds of sugars.
Exactly. So, if you're going to have an apple which is already 20 grams give or take.
Alright. Which is -- who's going to say not to have an apple, you know, I mean, I know weight loss is important so you still have to count those calories as those grams of sugar. So, there's 20. Now you have either 30, you know, 30 to 80 left. So, you just take that into account and when you have your vegetables and your salad, alright and you have some nuts which have carbohydrates in it and maybe you eat some beans. That's plenty of carbohydrates in beans. I mean, that has good protein as well. All of a sudden you're like, oh, boy, that hundred comes up fast. Those hundred grams -- and then nowhere is there room for cake, pizza, bagels, bread. Even yogurts and oatmeals are going to start putting you over the top if you're eating your veggies. [laughs]
Mhm [affirmative].
Then if you want to have fruit, I mean there's some people that just don't have the fruit. There are people that are very sensitive to the spikes of sugar and those people to really lose weight really have to go really low on the sugar side. And sometimes that doesn't even work, you know.
Adam, you mentioned that high-intensity training helps in controlling blood sugar. Why don't you talk a little bit more about that?     
Okay. Well, like I was saying about nutrition by not having a lot of sugar in your diet your body's going to say well there's not that much sugar in my diet I'm going to need fat for the rest of this fuel. Well, in keeping in line with that and helping control that blood sugar, high-intensity strength training does something really cool. When you work out to muscle failure and it's the whole body, you're depleting your muscles of much if not all of its glycogen stores. What are glycogen stores? Glycogen is where the muscles -- is a polymer of glucose. In other words, it's a chain of glucose molecules that is stored in the muscle. And it's stored in the muscle because the muscle needs it right away for fight and flight.
So, biology, evolution has kind of made this really nifty system where you can actually store the fuel right there at the muscle site where you need it the most. So, when you exercise and you dump your muscles of all their glycogen. To the body, that is actually having a fight and dumping all your glycogen. Fighting a bear for example. Alright, so when that happens, your body wants to put that sugar back. It wants to put that sugar back. And this is where it gets really cool because in an attempt it's put the sugar back into the muscle after high-intensity exercise. That's another usage for the sugar. That's not going to go into fat store because if your body needs it in a muscle it's going to take whatever carbohydrates you are eating and instead of storing it as fat it's going to actually try to put it back into the muscle.
Alright. So, that's just a little bonus. The reason the body wants to put it back, by the way is because -- why is it uncomfortable? Why when you dump glycogen out of the muscle does the body prioritize putting it back? It's kind of like the spare tire in our car. Alright. We don't feel comfortable striving around in a car that doesn't have a spare tire because if you get a flat somewhere in the middle of nowhere you're in trouble. Well, the body says if I don't have any glycogen stored in my muscles and I get into a fight with a bear, I'm going to lose. I'm going to probably lose anyway, glycogen or not. [laughter] You know.
The Revenant. Yes. [laughs] Yeah. [inaudible 12:13] Leonardo DiCaprio. So, we're back to that fight or flight response.
So, the body is like wants to be prepared for an emergency and it is going to prioritize replacing that glycogen in an attempt to replace that glycogen it's going to keep your blood sugar low. It's going to be taking that sugar out of your blood and putting it into the muscle instead of putting it into fat. But again, you have to eat a low glycemic diet to start with for that to actually have a benefit.
So, Adam, you were just saying that how if, you know, your muscles use this the glycogen that is stored when we do this high-intensity workout but if you're not marrying that with a good nutritional diet that has low glycemic, you know, values in it, then how is that different. When you're doing this high-intensity workout and you're not and you're say you're eating a lot of sugar, say you're not really matching it with a good diet. What's the difference?
Yeah. I say it's not going to help much if as far as fat loss is concerned. If you're still eating a lot of carbohydrates in your diet because for a average sized male that is fairly well built, you can probably only expect to store maybe 225 grams of glycogen in his muscles. In other words, you don't have to eat too much sugar to replace all that. That's, you know, if you're eating -- a lot of people eat a lot more sugar than that in a day. So, you do this workout. You deplete your muscles of 200 some odd grams of carbohydrates, [laughs] and then you eat a bagel. You just gained it back. So, it's only in conjunction with a low glycemic diet, a low sugar diet that this will actually give you some extra boost for controlling your blood sugar.
But in the same breath, are you still productively doing something? Are you still building muscle? Are you still increasing [crosstalk 14:03] but you know --
Oh, yeah. I mean, we're talking specifically about fat loss. Right.
I mean again we're trying to control the hormone insulin. Fat is regulated by hormones. Period. Alright. You have to play that right. You have to have the right hormones that you want suppressing the hormones that you don't want. You want insulin to be suppressed. So, the hormones necessary for using fat for food or have free reign to do what they have to do.
Sometimes the people start this workout and they're not really prepared yet to go on that proper diet but they're still going to do the workout and maybe it will take them a couple of months to kind of get, you know --
Well, the, yeah the workouts -- The motivation.     
I see what you're saying. I mean, the workout, of course is still worth doing. Just because you're not losing fat or you're not willing or if you're not ready to engage in a rather what some people might consider a draconian type of diet. I'd rather be strong and overweight than weak and overweight. I mean, they're going to reap all the benefits that come from being really strong and from maintaining muscle mass and we've talked about all those benefits and we're going to continue to talk about profound benefits of building strength as we get older and maintaining it as we get older. That goes way beyond fat loss.
And then when they're ready, let's say they've been working out for like four months and then they finally say okay, I'm really going on this diet now, do you think it will be easier?
Well, their metabolism will be a little bit higher obviously. They'll have more muscles. So, probably. [laughs]
I think it just means the truth is everyone's very, very different and we see great results very fast. We've heard several testimonials already on this show before and what Adam and I have seen so many hundreds over the years of people losing, you know, 10 pounds to 20 pounds to 70 pounds even up to 150 pounds.
And that readiness if different for everybody. The reality is it's a little bit of a troubleshooting process to get to the bottom of it all. There's a little bit of exercise involved which is high-intensity strength training and there's a lot of nutritional work that's involved. And it's unfortunately it's not an easy thing for most people. And as Adam said, insulin is the primary regulator of our fat but there are so many other factors involved and there's nothing lost in attacking your strength training program immediately.
And it's definitely going to have an effect, a positive effect over the course of whatever the journey is for that client. But it's -- the reality is there's nothing that happens quickly. Well, for most people. And it starts I think the usual suspects start with what Adam said is your simple carbs and then your complex carbs and then they can go into other things too depending on where allergies and sensitivities occur. It's a tough topic but an important one.
And one that is covered in great detail in Adam's book, Power of 10: The Once-a- Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution. Adam does a terrific job simplifying the information so that it is easy to understand. You'll find easy to follow tables and charts and descriptions in chapter 3, nutrition the second pillar. We invite you to pick it up at an InForm Fitness location or you can order it through Amazon. We have a link available to the book right here in our show notes.
We have a lot of interviews lined up for future podcasts. So, we hope that you'll stick around and continue to learn more about the Power of 10 from other experts in the field of fitness. Along with some amazing testimonials like the one we have lined up for you over the next two weeks. We will be talking to InForm Nation member, Joanie Pimentel. She is also a member of the LA-based band, No Small Children. And for a glimpse of Joanie and to sample her music, head over to The reason we'll be talking to Joanie, she lost 118 pounds over two years with the Power of 10, slow motion high-intensity weight training She's a lot of fun with some really great stories and highly inspirational. So, make sure you come back and join us.
And to join InForm Nation for yourself and give this workout a try, pop on over to to find a location nearest you. If you would like to ask Adam, Mike or Sheila a question, maybe you have a comment regarding the Power of 10, send us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to You can even give us a call at 888-983-5020, Ext. 3. That's 888-983-5020, Ext. 3 to leave your comment, question or even a suggestion. All feedback is welcome. And speaking of feedback, please leave us a review right here in iTunes or wherever you might be listening and don't forget to subscribe. We really do appreciate you listening to the InForm Fitness podcast. For Adam, Mike and Sheila, I'm Tim Edwards with the Inbound Podcasting Network.

What is The InForm Fitness Podcast?

Now listened to in 100 countries, The InForm Fitness Podcast with Adam Zickerman is a presentation of InForm Fitness Studios, specializing in safe, efficient, High Intensity strength training.
Adam discusses the latest findings in the areas of exercise, nutrition and recovery with leading experts and scientists. We aim to debunk the popular misconceptions and urban myths that are so prevalent in the fields of health and fitness and to replace those sacred cows with scientific-based, up-to-the-minute information on a variety of subjects. The topics covered include exercise protocols and techniques, nutrition, sleep, recovery, the role of genetics in the response to exercise, and much more.

09 Losing Fat Without the Treadmill � Transcript

Tim: Hey gang it's Tim from the InForm Fitness podcast. We'll get to the show in about 60 seconds but first I want to save you some money while you adopt the Power of 10 lifestyle. There are three pillars necessary to amplify your success of the Power of 10. Pillar number two is nutrition and our friends at Thrive Market are going to make following this protocol easy and affordable. At Thrive Market you'll find wholesome products that are InForm Fitness friendly at wholesale prices. Their products are much more affordable than the grocery store and they deliver the items right to your door. Plus, with all orders over $49 you get shipping absolutely free.
Try it for yourself. Visit Register for free. Start your 30-day free trial and if you're happy with the service and their products you can join the community. It's just a one-time $59.95 fee and most customers save that amount in their first order. Then you can continue to save a bunch of money and grow healthier in the process. Want to save some cash? Simply email me directly at and I will send you your own personal code that will shave 15% off your first order. Thrive Market is on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. Alright. On with the show.
Intro: You�re listening to the InForm Fitness podcast, 20 minutes with New York Times, best-selling author, Adam Zickerman and friends. Brought to you by InForm Fitness, life-changing personal training with several locations across the US. Reboot your metabolism and experience the revolutionary Power of 10, the high intensity, slow motion, strength training system that�s so effective, you�d get a week�s worth of exercise in just one 20-minute session, which by no coincidence is about the length of this podcast. So, get ready InForm Nation, your 20 minutes of high-intensity strength training information begins in 3, 2, 1.
Tim: InForm Nation, welcome back in. Thanks again for joining us here on the InForm Fitness podcast, 20 minutes with Adam Zickerman and friends. I'm Tim Edwards with the Inbound Podcasting Network and the gangs all here once again. We have Sheila Melody with InForm Fitness in the Los Angeles area, Mike Rogers from New York City and across the hall from Mike is the founder of InForm Fitness, Adam Zickerman.
This show will assist you in supercharging your metabolism. It will give you the information that you'll need to increase your cardiovascular endurance, make you leaner and stronger especially if you engage in the principals of pillar number two in the Power of 10, nutrition. And that's exactly what InForm Nation member Hayley did and she lost 35 pounds with this system.
Hayley: At one point in my life I was 35 pounds heavier and I was not happy with it. I was depressed and I didn't feel confident and I definitely didn't have the strength that I have now and so I started coming to InForm. My friend told me about it and I came and I have loved it ever since.
So, she's had some great success, lost 35 pounds but it took more than just exercise, high-intensity exercise for her to reach that goal. Right, Adam?
Oh, yeah. Definitely. I mean, listen, when you're strength training, when you're doing high-intensity exercise, you're definitely helping your cause for sure by raising metabolism a little bit, by controlling the blood sugar a little bit. And we'll get into how that happens. But she definitely had to have changed her diet to lose those 35 pounds.
I think it all comes down to another misconception which is that it all has to do with calorie expenditure versus calorie intake. And that's why I think a lot of people think that they have to do a lot of cardio because it's all down to calories. And what we realized, in short, is that that's not true and Adam you can dive a little bit deeper into this but fat regulation has very little to do if any -- to do with calorie expenditures. Isn't that correct?
But actually, the body wants those calories back. So, yes it does. The more you increase your activity level, the more it's going to actually increase your appetite. And so the more calories you burn, the body is going to try to reach some homeostasis and slow you down in other ways. You can't fool mother nature. So, activity level to burn calories have been doomed to fail since we started trying and it's not working. People are not losing massive amounts of weight by adding a lot of cardio to their routines. Alright. They're only doing it really by proper nutrition.
There's an old YouTube that we saw years ago -- do you remember? There was a couple of personal trainers --
On the treadmill? Yeah. Pizza. It was a couple of personal trainers who -- Eating the pizza. Yeah. On the treadmill. Yeah.
One trainer was going to run as fast as he could on the treadmill for as long as it took the other one to eat two slices of pizza and when it was done in eight minutes or whatever, one trainer, he burned 90 calories running and the other one consumed like 900 calories in the same amount of time. And their whole point was you can't out train a bad diet. No matter what. There are a lot of benefits to what you are doing in exercise that can get your metabolism going which will be making a fat burning machine which Adam will go into but what we do know is that it's not just sitting on the treadmill burning calories the whole time.
Tim: So, Mike, you just mentioned turning your body into a fat burning machine. And that requires all three of those pillars for the Power of 10. And we'll just reiterate again, of course, high-intensity exercise, nutrition and rest and recovery. So, Adam, if you can, dive in a little bit deeper on how to turn that body into a fat burning machine through nutrition.
Adam: Body fat is stored energy. And the body stores it because it doesn't need it at that moment. So, what you have to try to do is get your body to utilize that fat. And the only way your body is going to utilize that fat is if you don't give it anything else besides that. In other words, it's going to go to sugar first. It's easier to metabolize sugar. It's less, you know, less effort in doing it. It's kind of like when you come home and it's cold in the house you just turn on the -- you turn the dial on the thermostat and it gets warmer.
But what happens if you didn't get an oil delivery? You know, you don't have any oil. Now you have to do something else. You have to heat the house. So, now you have to go down, outside, get some firewood, start a fire, get the kindling going, you know, it's effort to actually -- and then it takes time to warm up the house that way because it's not a very efficient way of heating a house. And that's kind of what we're essentially doing when we try to burn fat. We want to try to run out of gas.
The easy way of heating a house which is the glucose, the sugar. If you can eliminate that, the body is going to say, hey, there's no sugar. There's no easy gas. I'm going to have to actually work to get my energy right now. And I'm going to have to go to fat for this food. And the body learns to metabolize efficiently the fat by finally telling the DNA to express for the enzymes that it's never had to express for because the person's blood sugar was so high all the time. But now all of the sudden blood sugar drops, now we have to metabolize fat. That needs special enzymes to do that. So, now the body says, hey, DNA we need some, you know, enzymes here that metabolize fat. There's none around. You know, make it ASAP and the body, you know, works as hard as it can to do so but it takes some time. So, there's adjustment period from going from a high sugar diet to a very low sugar diet. It's kind of like going from sea level to high altitude. The body has to adjust to that as well.� � �
So, knowing this, I feel that the diet that we should be generally thinking about or at least as a starting point is reducing sugar in your diet and see how that goes. And there's a lot of hidden sugar in our diets and we don't realize it. Even when we're eating a lot of vegetables and fruits we are getting plenty of sugar. And if you're having more than 50 to 100 grams of sugar a day it's going to be hard for the body to really need to use fat for fuel. It's just the way it is because fat is regulated by hormones and I'm oversimplifying it for sure. But that's a good starting point. Everyone's metabolism is different. Everyone's genetics is different.
So, this 50 grams or 100 grams of sugar thing is just a guideline and there might be other considerations. You know, but that's where I usually start. Our obesity epidemic in this country is not because we're [inaudible 08:34] and we're sitting behind computers more. Alright. Our problem is because we are as a society eating way too much sugar, way too much sugar. And it really means to me, depending upon the person, anywhere from 100 grams or less per day of sugar.
And that's including fruit sugars and all kinds of sugars.
Exactly. So, if you're going to have an apple which is already 20 grams give or take.
Alright. Which is -- who's going to say not to have an apple, you know, I mean, I know weight loss is important so you still have to count those calories as those grams of sugar. So, there's 20. Now you have either 30, you know, 30 to 80 left. So, you just take that into account and when you have your vegetables and your salad, alright and you have some nuts which have carbohydrates in it and maybe you eat some beans. That's plenty of carbohydrates in beans. I mean, that has good protein as well. All of a sudden you're like, oh, boy, that hundred comes up fast. Those hundred grams -- and then nowhere is there room for cake, pizza, bagels, bread. Even yogurts and oatmeals are going to start putting you over the top if you're eating your veggies. [laughs]
Mhm [affirmative].
Then if you want to have fruit, I mean there's some people that just don't have the fruit. There are people that are very sensitive to the spikes of sugar and those people to really lose weight really have to go really low on the sugar side. And sometimes that doesn't even work, you know.
Adam, you mentioned that high-intensity training helps in controlling blood sugar. Why don't you talk a little bit more about that?� � �
Okay. Well, like I was saying about nutrition by not having a lot of sugar in your diet your body's going to say well there's not that much sugar in my diet I'm going to need fat for the rest of this fuel. Well, in keeping in line with that and helping control that blood sugar, high-intensity strength training does something really cool. When you work out to muscle failure and it's the whole body, you're depleting your muscles of much if not all of its glycogen stores. What are glycogen stores? Glycogen is where the muscles -- is a polymer of glucose. In other words, it's a chain of glucose molecules that is stored in the muscle. And it's stored in the muscle because the muscle needs it right away for fight and flight.
So, biology, evolution has kind of made this really nifty system where you can actually store the fuel right there at the muscle site where you need it the most. So, when you exercise and you dump your muscles of all their glycogen. To the body, that is actually having a fight and dumping all your glycogen. Fighting a bear for example. Alright, so when that happens, your body wants to put that sugar back. It wants to put that sugar back. And this is where it gets really cool because in an attempt it's put the sugar back into the muscle after high-intensity exercise. That's another usage for the sugar. That's not going to go into fat store because if your body needs it in a muscle it's going to take whatever carbohydrates you are eating and instead of storing it as fat it's going to actually try to put it back into the muscle.
Alright. So, that's just a little bonus. The reason the body wants to put it back, by the way is because -- why is it uncomfortable? Why when you dump glycogen out of the muscle does the body prioritize putting it back? It's kind of like the spare tire in our car. Alright. We don't feel comfortable striving around in a car that doesn't have a spare tire because if you get a flat somewhere in the middle of nowhere you're in trouble. Well, the body says if I don't have any glycogen stored in my muscles and I get into a fight with a bear, I'm going to lose. I'm going to probably lose anyway, glycogen or not. [laughter] You know.
The Revenant. Yes. [laughs] Yeah. [inaudible 12:13] Leonardo DiCaprio. So, we're back to that fight or flight response.
So, the body is like wants to be prepared for an emergency and it is going to prioritize replacing that glycogen in an attempt to replace that glycogen it's going to keep your blood sugar low. It's going to be taking that sugar out of your blood and putting it into the muscle instead of putting it into fat. But again, you have to eat a low glycemic diet to start with for that to actually have a benefit.
So, Adam, you were just saying that how if, you know, your muscles use this the glycogen that is stored when we do this high-intensity workout but if you're not marrying that with a good nutritional diet that has low glycemic, you know, values in it, then how is that different. When you're doing this high-intensity workout and you're not and you're say you're eating a lot of sugar, say you're not really matching it with a good diet. What's the difference?
Yeah. I say it's not going to help much if as far as fat loss is concerned. If you're still eating a lot of carbohydrates in your diet because for a average sized male that is fairly well built, you can probably only expect to store maybe 225 grams of glycogen in his muscles. In other words, you don't have to eat too much sugar to replace all that. That's, you know, if you're eating -- a lot of people eat a lot more sugar than that in a day. So, you do this workout. You deplete your muscles of 200 some odd grams of carbohydrates, [laughs] and then you eat a bagel. You just gained it back. So, it's only in conjunction with a low glycemic diet, a low sugar diet that this will actually give you some extra boost for controlling your blood sugar.
But in the same breath, are you still productively doing something? Are you still building muscle? Are you still increasing [crosstalk 14:03] but you know --
Oh, yeah. I mean, we're talking specifically about fat loss. Right.
I mean again we're trying to control the hormone insulin. Fat is regulated by hormones. Period. Alright. You have to play that right. You have to have the right hormones that you want suppressing the hormones that you don't want. You want insulin to be suppressed. So, the hormones necessary for using fat for food or have free reign to do what they have to do.
Sometimes the people start this workout and they're not really prepared yet to go on that proper diet but they're still going to do the workout and maybe it will take them a couple of months to kind of get, you know --
Well, the, yeah the workouts -- The motivation.� � �
I see what you're saying. I mean, the workout, of course is still worth doing. Just because you're not losing fat or you're not willing or if you're not ready to engage in a rather what some people might consider a draconian type of diet. I'd rather be strong and overweight than weak and overweight. I mean, they're going to reap all the benefits that come from being really strong and from maintaining muscle mass and we've talked about all those benefits and we're going to continue to talk about profound benefits of building strength as we get older and maintaining it as we get older. That goes way beyond fat loss.
And then when they're ready, let's say they've been working out for like four months and then they finally say okay, I'm really going on this diet now, do you think it will be easier?
Well, their metabolism will be a little bit higher obviously. They'll have more muscles. So, probably. [laughs]
I think it just means the truth is everyone's very, very different and we see great results very fast. We've heard several testimonials already on this show before and what Adam and I have seen so many hundreds over the years of people losing, you know, 10 pounds to 20 pounds to 70 pounds even up to 150 pounds.
And that readiness if different for everybody. The reality is it's a little bit of a troubleshooting process to get to the bottom of it all. There's a little bit of exercise involved which is high-intensity strength training and there's a lot of nutritional work that's involved. And it's unfortunately it's not an easy thing for most people. And as Adam said, insulin is the primary regulator of our fat but there are so many other factors involved and there's nothing lost in attacking your strength training program immediately.
And it's definitely going to have an effect, a positive effect over the course of whatever the journey is for that client. But it's -- the reality is there's nothing that happens quickly. Well, for most people. And it starts I think the usual suspects start with what Adam said is your simple carbs and then your complex carbs and then they can go into other things too depending on where allergies and sensitivities occur. It's a tough topic but an important one.
And one that is covered in great detail in Adam's book, Power of 10: The Once-a- Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution. Adam does a terrific job simplifying the information so that it is easy to understand. You'll find easy to follow tables and charts and descriptions in chapter 3, nutrition the second pillar. We invite you to pick it up at an InForm Fitness location or you can order it through Amazon. We have a link available to the book right here in our show notes.
We have a lot of interviews lined up for future podcasts. So, we hope that you'll stick around and continue to learn more about the Power of 10 from other experts in the field of fitness. Along with some amazing testimonials like the one we have lined up for you over the next two weeks. We will be talking to InForm Nation member, Joanie Pimentel. She is also a member of the LA-based band, No Small Children. And for a glimpse of Joanie and to sample her music, head over to The reason we'll be talking to Joanie, she lost 118 pounds over two years with the Power of 10, slow motion high-intensity weight training She's a lot of fun with some really great stories and highly inspirational. So, make sure you come back and join us.
And to join InForm Nation for yourself and give this workout a try, pop on over to to find a location nearest you. If you would like to ask Adam, Mike or Sheila a question, maybe you have a comment regarding the Power of 10, send us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to You can even give us a call at 888-983-5020, Ext. 3. That's 888-983-5020, Ext. 3 to leave your comment, question or even a suggestion. All feedback is welcome. And speaking of feedback, please leave us a review right here in iTunes or wherever you might be listening and don't forget to subscribe. We really do appreciate you listening to the InForm Fitness podcast. For Adam, Mike and Sheila, I'm Tim Edwards with the Inbound Podcasting Network.