Welcome Home with Monique

What is Welcome Home with Monique?

Monique Buchanan, your real estate specialist, talks all things real estate. On this show she covers the processes of buying and selling a home. Welcome Home with Monique informs you on best practices to navigate the housing market so that you can start building your wealth through home equity.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a kunv Studios original program. The

Unknown Speaker 0:03
content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. I know you see me on the radio, but you still don't pay me

Unknown Speaker 0:26
no attention. Good

Unknown Speaker 0:27
morning. This is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. And on this show, I talk all things real estate. Listen. I want to thank you for tuning in. Well, hello, kumv listeners, you know what? I need to change that intro, because I talk all things real estate, but I also talk all things community too, right? I hope you guys are off to a great Saturday. I am so thankful, grateful and humbled that you decided to tune into my little old show. Welcome home with Monique. I am your local and nationwide realtor. Monique Buchanan, now listen, I have a guest on this morning. His whole family is known in this community. They're doing great things, and have been doing great things since you know, daddy, granddaddy, grandmama. Okay, so their name is. It resonates in this city. But before I get to that, I'm gonna introduce you to this gentleman, but remember to tune in and hold on to after he, you know, expresses his news that I'm gonna also be talking about some down payment assistance programs and some real estate stuff. But I wanna let him start the show, because he, like I said, him and his family have been doing great things in this community of Las Vegas for years and years. So once I tell you his name, you'll know what I'm talking about, because listen, I have none other than Mr. Byron goings, all right, Director of Martin Luther King Senior Center, all right. Now, if that last name rings a little bell for you, big bell, that's because his family, once again, has been doing great things, but his sister was just elected as the first black woman mayor of North Las Vegas, and she's been doing great things in that city, and her brother has been doing great things for years and years in the city as well. So welcome Byron. How are you this morning? My

Unknown Speaker 2:10
pleasure. It's a great day to be here at the UNLV, and at 91.5 Well, we

Unknown Speaker 2:15
are so excited to have you. So all of you out there, I don't know if you guys are just tuning in for the first time, but, you know, I put all my business in the streets. That's just who I am. I'm open book, and I think I've shared with you guys that my father has moved in with me. He's 75 years old. He lost my mother about three years ago. They were together 50 years so, you know, I will, I don't know how that feels, but I know that he's very lonely, right? He's looking for someone that he can communicate with, besides somebody like myself, where I'm not, you know, I wasn't raised in the same era, so it hits different when you're talking to somebody that can relate and have the same memories that you have, right? So I have been so blessed to find the Martin Luther King Senior Center, because let me show let me tell y'all. I took him around to a couple but, you know, they weren't nothing like the senior center right there on Martin Luther King. It's very vibrant when you walk in. It's fun. Every time I went in there, me and my father would check it out a couple times before we decided to sign up. Music's playing. People are eating, they're playing dominoes. They're just having a good old FUNKY TIME. And my dad actually said, who's very like to his self. He said, You know what, Monique, I think I could see myself coming here. So thank you so much. Byron, can you tell us about your senior center? You're

Unknown Speaker 3:27
very welcome before you do that, I just want to tell you what happened yesterday. What happened so you left him there. I went over and talked with him. We were getting ready to set up with our we bowling team, and I said, Have you ever done bowling? He looked at me and said, he says, I still play basketball. And I said, you do. So I introduced him to one of our members, who's an avid basketball player, and they sat down and had conversation from there on out, the next thing I looked over, he had a wee bowling wand in his hand, and he was playing the game. So I love that. I had a great time a new member. They embraced him, sat him down, and he's now part of the MLK family,

Unknown Speaker 4:04
you know, and we are so thankful he for the first time, you guys, you know this, this is something very special to me, because my father was, you know, down and out for two years. He wouldn't leave the house, and for him to come home yesterday and share stories of what he did, and he told me about how he did the wee bowl, and he thought that was really cool, and it's just it gave me so much hope for him to start his life again, you know, and that's what my mother would have wanted. So I'm so thankful and grateful Byron, but there's so many others out there that are listening that, you know, maybe you lost a spouse, or, you know, you just looking for somewhere to go and feel loved and welcomed. And that's what the Martin Luther King Senior Center is doing for my father and so many others. Yes, that's

Unknown Speaker 4:42
what we do at the center, 55 and older. A lot of socialization, a lot of interaction. We feed every day. I have two chefs. We do the home cooked meal. It's just like coming home. As soon as you walk in the center, you're going to hear the music playing. You're going to see. Folks dancing, interacting, and we just have a melting pot there, great socialization for the what I call the young population, that's right, that are 55 and older and

Unknown Speaker 5:10
vibrant. Yes, and let me share that. That was something that stood out to me as well. When I walked in for the orientation to take my father, I realized that, hey, this looks like America in here. We've got all walks of life in here. Yes, you know what I mean, and I love that. That's something that, you know, I totally embrace all my brothers and sisters. Was it was in there, Hispanic, Asian, Black, White, everybody and loving on each other. Yes, that is true. Americanism. You know what I mean? You

Unknown Speaker 5:35
know what I mean? I love it. You have a diverse membership at the center. We even have a member from the Ukraine, yes, and so we reach international across all spectrums, and that's what it's all about. That's what Dr Martin Luther King was about during his life. I always like to say he helped poor man the rich man had everything he wanted, but it didn't matter your background, your color, even your religious beliefs. We center around great discussions when we talk about Christianity, and we have those that don't believe, but we do panel discussions, and we just put it all out there, in love. All in love, yeah, just like my members say now they're in their fourth quarter of their life, there's nothing to hold back. There you go. So if there's anything that's bothering you, let's put it out on the table and let's talk about it,

Unknown Speaker 6:20
you know. And that's what I love about my mature crowd. They have no problem holding back. They don't hold back at all, not at all, and I appreciate that, you know what I mean. But I love that about you guys. Also, you guys do a lot of giveaways. My dad came home and was saying that you guys were giving away some diabetic shoes. And you guys do a lot more than just feed, entertain. You guys, you know, do so much for the community. Can you touch on that as well?

Unknown Speaker 6:43
That comes from just being at home. My father's 95 fortunately, we lost my mom on May the second. But again, one of the things that I constantly do at the Center is bring resources in, whether it's Medicaid, Medicare, brain health, bereavement, those things we bring to the center. And your dad happened to be there the day that one of our brokers were there, and we had a gentleman there that was providing diabetic shoes to members free. You could even get up to two pair. And so we had a great time. We had some shoe fitting going on. But not only that, we are very entrenched with the Lou Ruvo Brain Institute for Health. Dr Dylan went there as a neurologist who we are getting ready to partner with sessions. One of the things that we know that's important as you age is what happens to the brain. And again, it's just a cycle of life. There's going to be some deterioration, but we want seniors to be able to identify that know what's happening and what action to take to prolong it and to enhance the rest of their lives.

Unknown Speaker 7:47
That's really good. Yes, in fact, my dad suffers a little bit from dementia. He just got diagnosed a little bit with the dementia, and I really appreciated that. He told me when he came home, he said, You know, I walked out, I was going outside, you know, to walk out and and the lady at the door stopped me and said, Hey, your daughter says she gonna come pick you up, you know, yes, so she's she's checking on him, and she's not withholding him from going outside, but she was just making sure she knew where he was going, yes, and making sure everything was good. And he said, Oh no, honey, I'm just going outside to get a little breath fresh air. So she went ahead, let him go, but I appreciated that as his daughter, because, you know, my mother would wander off, and then she would get lost, and she just didn't know where she was.

Unknown Speaker 8:27
Well, he went outside, but he didn't know he was being watched. So I love that, yes, and that's a segment of the population we're focusing on. Now, my dad suffers from dementia as well, but what we found out is that when we integrate folks in dementia with the normal realm of seniors. It actually helps them. I would believe that. So our seniors understand it, like my grandmother say, you just keep living. You're looking at yourself. And so we don't hate on anybody. We just embrace them and bring them into the fold. And that social interaction is one thing that really, really helps dementia. He even functions to the point where people say he doesn't look like he has dementia. And then we try to say, Well, what does dementia look like, right? And we find out that you don't know. You

Unknown Speaker 9:12
really don't. You really don't know, really don't, yeah. So you guys also do bingo nights and and all kinds of you guys take little trips and things like that together

Unknown Speaker 9:20
every Thursday. Today's bingo Thursday.

Unknown Speaker 9:22
Hey, we should have did this.

Unknown Speaker 9:26
Yeah, bingo Thursday. We also do online bingo as well. One of the things that we like to tout is that our seniors are technology savvy, so we have computer classes at the center. That's nice. Tuesday through Thursdays. We have the beginners, the advanced in the intermediates, and part of that is learning how to access platforms like zoom. So we did bingo this morning. We had about 80 members in the center live, but we had about 15 or 20 that were zooming in from their home. And the fun thing about it is, once they win, it takes them about 10 minutes to leave their home come up to the center and they want their products. Eyes.

Unknown Speaker 10:01
I know that's right. Listen, I was praying for that b1 now I need my prize. No, that's awesome. So as a as a daughter or a caregiver for my father, you don't know the relief you're giving me and and you know, just for him to have somewhere to go, and then when he comes home, like I said, he has something to talk to me about, yes, and that's, that's what was missing so much, was all of us are running around. You know, I'm running a real estate business. I'm helping my clients. Then I've got my children, both in grade school. They're coming home and they we all have something to talk about. My husband and my father, he just wouldn't leave the house, and he didn't have anything to talk to his grandbabies about, to me about so now is changing the dynamic of our relationship, because he has his own little life. It's the engagement. It's the engagement being

Unknown Speaker 10:49
and one thing you said is, when he came home, he remembered he did. And a lot of times people say, folks with dementia, they forget, yeah, but when you come up and you're in an environment where you thrive, that that memory tends to recall very often, and so that's why we encourage the caregivers to come up. One of the good things we know is that when the caregivers come up with their dementia client, they're able to get a break as well. So I have caregivers that will play card games while their client is engaged in bingo,

Unknown Speaker 11:19
and it's so so you invite them up, they're able to come out. Oh yes,

Unknown Speaker 11:23
it's so satisfying.

Unknown Speaker 11:25
What is your phone number for the center if you are interested? 70263600641

Unknown Speaker 11:31
more. 702-636-0064

Unknown Speaker 11:35
and what's your address? 2420,

Unknown Speaker 11:37
north. Martin Luther King Boulevard in beautiful North Las Vegas. We're right at the corner of Kerry and Martin Luther King Boulevard. One of the landmarks there is the Martin Luther King Jr statue. Beautiful. Which people come up? It's a landmark. We're taking pictures up there. So if you're ever in the neighborhood, we're located in Building B, right behind the statue. Now,

Unknown Speaker 11:56
do they have to live in North Las Vegas to be able to be a part of this senior center?

Unknown Speaker 12:00
They do not. We have members as far as southern highlands that come older city. It's just a melting pot of seniors that get together.

Unknown Speaker 12:08
That was my favorite part. I love a melting pot because I'm a melting I'm a walking melting pot, and you probably are too.

Unknown Speaker 12:15
And one thing that our seniors like is we take trips. So last year, we were able to take 34 seniors to Atlanta, Georgia for the Martin Luther King experience. We flew them down on the Southwest Airline. Wow. Southwest found out it was the Martin Luther King Jr Senior Center. They put an African American flight crew together for us. Wow. And we flew from Vegas to Atlanta, and we were treated like kings and queens. Oh, that's beautiful.

Unknown Speaker 12:38
I love that. We love it, and we thank Southwest as well. Well that, yes, that was very nice of them to do that and go above and beyond for their seniors. Yes, that's awesome. So we

Unknown Speaker 12:47
travel. We've been to the San Diego Zoo, okay? We spent the night there as well. We've done our boulder cities. We're planning one now. We're looking at Arizona or Washington, DC. We're going to be ambitious right before the New Year, I want to go out there

Unknown Speaker 13:02
to that. I haven't been to DC. I've got to get out there. I want to do that. Yes, I might have to join y'all on that one.

Unknown Speaker 13:08
Come on. We'll put you in as a chaperone. All right. Well, so if you guys are

Unknown Speaker 13:11
just tuning in, I have none other than Byron goings. He is the director of the Martin Luther King Senior Center. You do not have to live in North Las Vegas. You can live anywhere in the city and be a part of this amazing senior center that is Martin Luther King Senior Center. And if you are interested, you can go on the website at

Unknown Speaker 13:29
WWW dot EOB, C, A, P, S, N, v.org, where it's a great day at MLK.

Unknown Speaker 13:35
I love that. It's a great day at MLK. Byron. Thank you so much for what you're doing to the or with the community, and for my father and so many other grandparents and parents alike, I really appreciate you.

Unknown Speaker 13:46
I thank you very much. And behalf of the EOB board, we thank you, and thank you Las Vegas and North Las Vegas,

Unknown Speaker 13:52
that's right. All right. Well, we're gonna definitely have you on again. We're looking forward to it. All right, thank you. All right, guys, Byron was so amazing. I hope you guys enjoyed that. If you're out there and you're like me, where you have a loved one living with you and and you just want the best for them, and you want them to continue on with life, you know, and just enjoy their last you know, their last years, their golden years, you know, once again, Martin Luther King, Senior Center has been such a blessing to my father. He's He's thoroughly enjoying it. And let me tell you, he's really private. So I was really happy he's really picky and private. Thank you. Martin Luther King, Senior Center, he enjoys it very much. So let's go ahead and transition on into real estate. Listen, I've had clients call me and say, hey, my family in California or here, there and everywhere, told me I should wait another year. Listen, they mean well, but they're speaking from their own market. You live in Las Vegas, you don't live here, there and everywhere. That's like when I went over to Texas to do a deal. I went out there, talked to my Texas agent. Now, here in Las Vegas, we have a very like, we have a shortage of homes period, right? We only have about three weeks of home well, homes for sale. In other words, if we sold all the homes, it would be, you know. Know, three weeks and we'd be out of homes. That's what that means. Now, when I went to Texas and I was looking for a client for some investment property, my agent out there told me, Monique, we have an influx of properties, influx. She said we have about three months worth of homes. Now, what is why does that matter? What does that mean? Monique, that means it's a completely different market, completely different scenarios. Okay? And that goes for if you're on YouTube or you're clicking and Googling things and you're listening to agents. These are agents in other states, more than likely, you know what I mean. So just keep this in mind, if you only have three weeks of inventory, that means that, you know it's not the same as three months. In other words, if you like a home and there's only three weeks of inventory and you like at home, you better go ahead and put your offer in, because more than likely, there's five other people that like that same house. Now, if you're in a three month market, yeah, you could probably risk losing that house, because there's 20 other ones that you might come across because there's an influx of properties. Does that make sense? There's more for you to choose from, as we're here in Vegas, there isn't. So here, let me just wrap it up to this, like I told my client, here's the thing, we have a unique opportunity right now that they have lowered the rates a bit, right? But also the sellers are still giving out closing costs in this market. Okay? They're willing to give out closing costs in this market, maybe in other markets. Maybe they're not. I don't know. I don't know. I'm speaking on the market that I know. So with that being said right now, I have three Buck K UMB, buyers actually, that are coming out of their pocket, less than $100 and we're closing this month on their homes. Okay? You heard me right. No, no. Need to try to rewind. Yes, they're coming out. They're going to come out of their pocket total under $100 one he's gonna come out of his pocket $17 and some change. You heard me right. No, he's not a veteran. You're thinking, oh my goodness, is he a veteran? And, you know, is, I mean, how are you doing this? Monique, well, I'll tell you how we're doing this. And yes, my fellow agents, go ahead and listen up. You know, I'm gonna go ahead and give some free, you know, advice or how to do these things for your clients and help them out. So we're using my down payment assistance programs, right? You only need a 640 credit score, okay? And by the way, you are considered a first time home buyer. If you have been renting any house for three years, I don't care. It does not matter that you have owned in the past. If you do not currently own and have not owned a home, whether it was short sold whatever, for three years you've been renting, you have been a renter for three years, you are considered a first time home buyer. You will qualify, in many cases, for these down payment assistance programs. I need you to have at least a 640 credit score. I need you to be on any job working for two years. It does not matter that you switched jobs three times this year. It does not matter you guys, two years on any job. You are a prime candidate. Now if you're saying, Well, I don't have a 640 credit score, but I do have 401 K savings because I work in the casino or whatever, or I just have savings where I can pay my own down payment. Okay? And just, just to give you somewhat of an idea, let's say that you have 15,000 saved you. You're a good candidate, because you can put that down on your own home of 350, 400,000 so you only need a 600 credit score. You heard me right. You only need a 640 credit score if you're going to utilize one of my down payment assistant programs. What does that mean? That means that my program is gonna pay all of your down payment so you don't have to save it up. Yes, okay. And that is how my clients, three of them right now, as we're speaking right now, real life, flesh and blood, kumv listeners, and they're over there, if they're listening, they're thinking, yeah, they're saying, yeah, she's right. And I'm gonna start bringing them on the show so that it doesn't seem like I'm just, you know, making this stuff up. You guys know me. I'm straight up. I'm, you know, I shoot from the hip. So I told them, hey, you know what? I need to start bringing you guys on so you can come on yourselves and tell your fellow K UMB listeners that this is real. So $17 out of one of their pocket, and the other two are under $100 I don't remember the exact amount, but 17 and some change for one of them. He called, he called about a month and a half ago and said, Monique, I heard your show. I'm only willing to move forward if I truly don't have to come to the table with very much money out of my pocket. And I will be giving him keys this month, me and my team. What next week, I think, on the 18th, giving him keys. No, the 14th, we're closing on his single story home in Spring Valley on the 14th, and he's going to walk in with $17 and some change and get keys to his home because I put him in the down payment assistance program, and I negotiated the rest of the cost from the seller. Happening all the time with me and my team. And I just had a veteran client. We went to escrow yesterday. He called me last month. Okay? He said, I heard your show. You know you're right, as a veteran, and he's only 34 years old. He said, You know what, I'm stationed at Nellis, but you're right, Monique, they give us a credit to rent, but I'm just, I'm gonna do what you said. I'm gonna buy. He said, Because you're right, I can rent out the property if I need to, or I can sell it, you know, down the road when I, you know, get deployed, and I said, Okay, great, let's do it. So he was, you know, he didn't think he was gonna be able to do it. He's like, Oh, I don't know, you know, I don't have high credit, but veterans, you do not need it. I don't know how I'm gonna keep saying it. As a veteran, 600 credit score, that's all you need. So we went into escrow yesterday. I'll be giving him keys on Halloween, which he's so thrilled about. And get this, you guys, he wanted, you know, he's 34, years old. He wanted the prettiest thing out there, honey. He wanted we and we found it. He got the pool. He got the single story in a, you know, great neighborhood. And this house is immaculate. These the people that were selling this home, they did so many upgrades. I mean, we're talking stone walls over the fireplace, beautiful. There was showings lined up for this house. Okay, so if you were in I'm just gonna go ahead and say it, I humbly say this. You have got to have an agent that knows what they're doing and that is confident in what they're doing. And this is a gift that God has given me. And I hate to sound like I'm bragging, but I'm bragging, but I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I go above and beyond for my clients. Okay, so I know he really wants this home. I'm gonna go above and beyond. So I know that he has competition for this home. There was probably five other folks that were going after this house with him, and those people didn't need closing costs. He needed $10,000 worth of closing costs. So what seller is going to take that offer over other people that are not asking for as much closing costs? But you know how we got that done? You guys have heard Anthony Valentino, my lender, right? He is top of the game. Okay? He's vice president of guaranteed rate. So what we do is we call them, we call the listing agent, we call them together as a team united, and we lay it out for that listing agent and their seller on how we have totally vetted this client, because at the end of the day, the seller does not want to accept an offer, whether they're giving more money or not, and possibly fall out of escrow. That is the worst thing for a listing agent or a seller to get to accept an offer that's only going to fall out. So after they talk to me and Anthony, and they see how you know our expertise, they see my expertise. They see Anthony's expertise. They see that we have dotted all i's and cross all T's. That listing agent was blown away. Very few, I don't in fact, I'll just be honest with you, I don't know another agent that does this. We not only double team them with a phone call, Anthony follows that up with a video email, not even just a regular email. I'll just be honest with you, most of my colleagues just and I'm not bashing my colleagues. I've got some great agents out there. They're doing their thing, but we take it above and beyond most. Most realtors will just send over an offer, maybe pick up the phone and have a quick conversation, but that's not what we do over here. That's why his offer was accepted over everybody else that wanted that property, and there was many others that wanted that property was beautiful. It was only on the market one day the agent called me and said, Moni, because of what you and Anthony did, they're willing to let go of a couple $1,000 that was offered to them above and beyond. They're gonna go with your offer because they feel confident that you and Anthony are gonna take this to the finish line. And they're right. We do. We take it all the way because we don't know what no means we work things out, and we're completely transparent, and we work as a team with a listing agent, and we get things done. And that is why, you know, we have been so successful in this business. So I'm happy to say congratulations to my veteran client. He deserves it. He's serving our country right now as we speak, and now he's going to be going home to what he called his dream home. He couldn't thank me enough, and he said he's going to come on the show to let you guys all his hear his story of how this exactly happened. So congratulations. So real quick when you guys call me, I'm just going to do a quick rundown when you call me, I'm going to obviously ask you, Hey, what's your credit score? How many years have you been on the job? Right? Then what's gonna happen is I will send you a five minute quick app. All right, it is a Soft Pool. Does not take any points away from you. You'll feel that out. Then Anthony's gonna give you a call. He's gonna go over all your scenarios of how you can move forward with getting your home, your first home. A lot of you out there think that this can't happen for you, but you would be amazed at how many people I have given keys to that swore up and down this could not happen for them, that they could never become homeowners. In fact, they were told by other lenders and other real estate professionals that they would never buy a home, and they are sitting in homes today. 702984 3700, again. 702-984-3700

Unknown Speaker 23:22
All right. All right, so even if you have student loan debt, 702-984-3700, okay, so anyways, so we'll get you with Anthony. What's gonna happen then is he's gonna go over everything. He never says no, you might say, not right now. If he says Not right now, he's gonna tell you, I need you to do these following things for the next six months. And he's gonna get you there. And if you say, Well, my credit's just so horrible. And a lot of people think their credit is worse than it is, by the way, if you think that, guess who else is gonna jump? Who's on our team, Mr. Janero and his team is gonna take you by the hand, get your credit there. He has taken my clients from 580, to 750, in 30 days, 30 days, you guys. So there is no excuse. Well, I don't have money. I just told you I got three people that I'm gonna close and give house our keys to with under $100 out of their pocket once again. Guys, I love you. I'm gonna talk to you like you're my play cousins. That window is closing fast. You guys, I will not be always able to do this. I'm not gonna be always able to get you in a down payment assistance program with the rates not that crazy high right now, and negotiate the rest of the funds from the seller. It is not going to always be the case, but the window is closing quickly. So once again, guys, you only need a 640 credit score, all right, if you have savings, 401 K money, Ira, whatever that is, 600 credit score, two years on any job, okay? If this is not for you, it's for somebody that you know. So once again, 702 98 for 3700, be a blessing to somebody that you know wants to own a home, but somebody told them that they couldn't. That's what me and my team are here to do. All right, so we are here to help you get into home ownership and start creating wealth for your own family. If you have a Land Rover, you should not have a landlord. All right, I'm just saying like I told you know, many of you guys listen when you rent you. Paying 100% interest. You're going to, after one year, beg for that $2,500 deposit bag, and you're gonna have to beg. You're gonna have to take video. You know, as an owner of a property, when you're ready to move on, you're gonna move on with equity. Okay, I moved on with $250,000 worth of equity. If I was renting that same house, I would've been begging for my $2,500 deposit bag, but instead, I built wealth for my family, that's all I want for you guys, okay, that's all I want. Is that? Okay? I want to see you win. I want to see your kids win. I want to see legacies. I want to see land and property being left for children. That's what I want for you. That's that's what you guys know. I'm a Christian woman, even the Bible talks about it. Come on. No, come on. Y'all you know. So anyways, I'm here. I love you. I'm just trying to share the great news that you're able to own a home right now. I don't know how long it's gonna last, but I've got three clients right now closing on homes for under $100 out of their pocket. Down Payment Assistance programs. We have them zero down all right, the number is 702. 94 3700 This is Monique. You can and I can help you in all 50 states. And by the way, I am a mentor for new realtors. So if you know any real or new realtors that are out there that are thinking about needing somebody to take them by the hand, sit them down in the seat and show them how to be a blessing to others with you know, through real estate, I'm here for them. 7029 84, 3700 if you're an experienced agent and you're looking for a new brokerage, 702984 3700 Heck, if you're a broker, tired of paying those bills, tired of paying for that brick and mortar, but yet you still want to, you know, have earnings. 7029 84 3700 Monique, you can and I love you guys. There's nothing you can do about it. Okay, guys, on another note, I want to send some love out to a fellow realtor, Sean Robert signs. He is a loving father, proud dad, and he was an adoring grandfather who got his wings early. Okay, he's off to he's a he's went off to heaven. And I'm actually in the middle of a deal right now with the kumv listener. His sister is the agent that I'm working with, and so her family needs prayer now. The family gave me a little note that I'm gonna read off about him. Okay? Sean was a proud father of Jezreel, an adulting Papa for little jeslan, who filled his heart with happiness. He shared a special bond as a godfather to Craig and Amanda, and was friend. It was a friend like no other to Arlene, always bringing laughter and support. Sean was devoted to his parents, taking extra care to make sure they always felt loved and protected and supported. He stepped up as a family rock, you know, just lighting the load for his father and being there for anyone who needed Him, His Spirit shined bright, lighting up every moment, whether it was fishing, sharing a family night or showing off his dance moves. Sean's zest for life, boundless injury or energy. Sorry, you guys, and unconditional love made even the simplest moments feel extraordinary, although he's not with us anymore, His Spirit lives in Catherine, his loving wife and his family and many friends who cherished his infectious smile and kind heart. May he rest in heaven. And I thank you guys, and until I hear from you, Have a blessed weekend. Thank you for listening. Please remember all terms discussed are simply an estimate. My license number is S 1788, 46 my phone number, if you'd like to contact me, is 702-984-3700, you can also find me on YouTube, and please join me tomorrow at my church, Living Word Church on hassle. I'm part of the EXP Realty Group.

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