National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Tuesday the 21st of May 2024.
The Welsh Government has announced that a new Bill will see private profit removed from children’s care and people given more control over their healthcare. The Bill was laid in the Senedd yesterday and sets out how the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government will commit to removing private profit from the care of looked-after children.
The Bill will also make a change to direct payments for continuing healthcare, which will allow disabled people and those with long-term health needs to decide for themselves who provides the care they need. Those in need of this care in Wales currently have no say in the matter, as their care needs are arranged by the NHS. The proposed choice is already an option for those receiving social care in Wales.

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will host the NIHR’s HealthTech Research Centre Network from the 1st of September 2024, using a £5m award that will allow it to provide coordination and leadership to local teams developing and evaluating innovative healthcare technology solutions. From the start of last month, 14 HealthTech Research Centres were officially given a share of £42m to drive life-changing research into health and care technologies.
Come autumn, the network will help the 14 HRCs pull in the same direction, while also acting as a conduit for industry and national bodies like NHSE, NICE, and the MHRA. The network will extend across England, boasting a senior leadership team drawn from NHS trusts in Sheffield, Newcastle, Nottingham, Oxford, and Devon.

A £24.6m community diagnostic centre in Leicestershire is one step closer to delivery after planning permission was unanimously granted by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council. With works starting this month, experts believe the new CDC will be up and running by early next year, as NHS Property Services and NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board continue to finalise construction plans.
As a result of the project’s innovative offsite modular construction methods, NHSPS says Hinckley’s CDC will be delivered up to 60% faster and with up to 90% less waste than traditional building methods.
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