Primordial Path

Unlock the Power Within: Discover the Secrets of Yoga Bandhas

Dive into the ancient practice of Bandhas and unleash your hidden energy potential. Join us on a captivating journey as we unravel the mysteries behind these transformative yoga techniques. From the Brahma granthi to the Vishnu granthi and the Rudra granthi, learn how these knots hold the key to unlocking your spiritual awakening. With expert insights and step-by-step guidance, we'll demystify Jalandhara, Uddiyana, Moola, and the awe-inspiring Maha bandha. Embark on a path of self-discovery and tap into your inner power. Get ready to elevate your yoga practice and experience a profound shift in your energy flow. Tune in now to ignite the fire within and embark on a transformative yogic journey.

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Traditional, energetic practises, for anyone, anywhere.

Hello Hello Hello. Thank you lovey listeners for signing up for the emails. I’m very excited about this new approach. The link to sign up for the email list is in the description of the episode, please join me on this new information adventure. I promise no spam.

Today we will chat about the Bandhas. If you’ve ever been to a yoga class you’ve undoubtedly heard of these. Having been to many a yoga class myself over the years it pains me greatly when a teacher mixes them up or just generally doesn’t understand what it is they are teaching. As a yoga teacher and a yoga teacher trainer, its so important for me to share the correct information so that anyone listening can better understand this topic.

This is a bit more lengthy than usual, so let’s get into it
The word Bandha comes from the Sanskrit language and means "to hold," "to tighten," or "to lock." These definitions show how to physically do the bandha practises and what they do to the pranic or energy body. The goal of the bandhas is to lock the prana or energy, in certain places and direct its flow into the sushumna nadi. The sushumna Nadi is the main energy channel in the body which is an integral part of kundalini and the general flow of energy in the body. The next episode we will talk about the nadis, what they are and what they do! Essentially the sushumna nadi is integral for spiritual awakening.

Bandhas, should not be confused with mudras, although they used to be considered part of mudras. The bandhas were traditionally taught by word of mouth from teacher to student. Both the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the old tantric books talk about both bandhas and mudras. Both mudra and pranayama methods use bandhas a lot. But the way they fit together shows that they are very important on their own. If you’re not sure what a mudra is, don’t panic, all will be revealed in a not to distant episode.
So, before using bandhas in mudra, pranayama, and asana practises, each bandha should be practised and learned on its own to the point where the practitioner has mastered this bandha. When they have been mastered they can all be used together and when this happens in this way, they wake up the psychic powers and can certainly add to other higher yogic practises.

The bandhas work directly on the three granthis, which are psychic knots that stop prana from flowing freely along the sushumna nadi. This, in turn, stops the chakra from opening and the kundalini from rising.

Well then, what are the three granthis knots?
1. Brahma granthi, which is associated with mooladhara and swadhisthana chakras and the instinct to live and the urge to have children. It is also linked to deep, natural knowledge, awareness, and desire.
When brahma granthi is transcended, the kundalini or primal energy is able to rise beyond mooladhara and swadhisthana without being pulled back down by the instinctual patterns of the personality

2. Vishnu Granthi, which is associated with the next two chakras, Manipuri and anahata, This one is linked closely to the physical, emotional and mental aspects of human existence. As well as digestion and metabolism of food.
When Vishnu granthi is transcended we are no longer bound by physical mental and emotional attachments. Our relationships and energy become more universal, rather than being limited by personal preferences.

3. Rudra Granthi, which is associated with vishuddhi and ajna chakras. This granthi heavily influences the intuition. Therefore when we transcend this grant his, the ego is left completely behind.

So how do these relate to the bandhas, and what actually are they!

There are 4 main bandhas, the first three are individual and the forth is the activation of all three together. They are aligned on the physical body to the granthis we just discussed.

Jalandhara bandha or throat lock, aligned with RUDRA GRANTHI
In Sanskrit, the word jalan means "nett", and the word dhara means "stream" or "low." The network of nadis in the neck is controlled by the lock called Jalandhara bandha. The blood vessels and nerves in the neck are how these nadis show up in the body. Water is the second meaning of the word jal: So, Jalandhara Bandha is the throat lock that stops the nectar or fluid from Bindu from going into the digestive fire as it flows down to Vishuddhi.
Jalandhara is taught first because it is easy and relaxing. This bandha can be held for as long as the you can easily hold their breath. With practise, you will be able to hold your breath longer and longer.

The physical focus is on the back of the throat and the feelings that come with holding your breath.The mental attention is on the throat, or vishuddhi chakra.

In Jalandhara, the neck and throat are tightened, and the chin is made to rest on the chest in the space between the collarbones and at the top of the breastbone. It can be learned by doing Sarvangasana or shoulder stand, and its versions, in which the chin is also pressed against the sternum. The Jalandhara Bandha affects how blood and prana move to and from the heart, glands in the neck and head, and the brain.

Caution: People with cervical spondylosis, high intracranial pressure, vertigo, high blood pressure, or heart problems shouldn't do jalandhara bandha.
Even though the neck lock lowers blood pressure, holding your breath for a long time puts stress on the heart.

Benefits: It squeezes the carotid sinuses, which help the circulatory and breathing systems work properly. Normally, when the body has less oxygen and more carbon dioxide, the heart rate goes up and you breathe more. However, when this happens because of the carotid sinuses, the heart rate goes down and you hold your breath longer.
This practise also helps calm the mind, easing stress, worry, and anger. It leads to meditative states and awakens the throat, which helps keep the thyroid in balance and the metabolism in check.

2. Uddiyana bandha or abdominal lock, aligned with VISHNU GRANTHIS
The word "uddiyana" in Sanskrit means "to rise up" or "to fly upward." This is because the physical lock on the body makes the diaphragm rise up towards the chest.

Uddiyanda is often described as "the stomach lift" because of this. The physical lock can also mean that it helps move prana into sushumna nadi so that it flows up to sahasrara chakra. When the diaphragm moves up, the chest opens up. This place gives a gentle massage to the heart muscles, which makes the heart stronger. You should never try to do Uddiyana Bandha during antara kumbhaka, which is when you stop your breath between the end of inhaling and the start of exhaling. If you do, your heart and lungs will have to work harder.

The physical awareness is on the abdomen and the breath. Manipura chakra is where the inner mind is focused.

Yogis believe that if someone does uddiyana bandha every day, they will become young again.

Caution: This is an advanced bandha that should only be used after you have mastered Jalandhara and Moola.

Benefits: It improves the pancreas and liver and makes them work better. The digestive system is turned on and given a rub. Adrenal glands are balanced and blood circulation is improved. It stimulates the solar plexus chakra - manipura

3. Moola Bandha or root lock, aligned with BRAHMA GRANTHIS
The Sanshrit word moola means “root”. Here it refers to the root of the spine or the perineum where mooladhara chakra, is found. This is also where kundalini and basic energy are held. Moola bandha is a good way to find mooladhara chakra and activate it.

The physical awareness is on the perineal contraction. The spiritual focus is on the ground, or mooladhara chakra.

The area between the anus and the belly button is tightened, pulled back towards the spine, and pushed up towards the diaphragm.

Caution: Moola bandha can make you more active because it boosts your energy. However, it should be avoided during menstruation.

Benefits: It wakes up the muscles in the pelvis and strengthens the genital and urinary systems. It could help with sadness. to get the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies back in sync so that spiritual awareness can happen. It can also be used to turn physical energy into something good for spiritual growth (brahmacharya).

4. Maha bandha, the great lock.
The word for 'great' in Sanskrit is maha. Maha bandha is also known as the "great lock" because it uses all three bandhas at once.

The physical focus is on the perineum, the stomach, and the throat. The mooladhara, manipura, and vishuddhi chakras are the focus of spiritual understanding.

Caution: Don't do this if you have high or low blood pressure, are pregnant, have heart disease, a stroke, a hernia, or an ulcer in your stomach or bowels.

Benefits: Maha bandha makes the other bandhas even better at what they do. It changes how the pineal gland makes hormones and how it controls the whole endocrine system. Every cell in the body comes back to life, and the body stops breaking down and getting older. Before meditation, it makes you think about yourself. When it's done right, it can fully awaken prana in the main chakras.

These are the 4 main bandhas and how they are used. For a beautiful representation of these in action you can watch ashtanghi yogi’s in action as they seemly float through the air during transitions in the primary series. There are plenty of videos on YouTube showing thee. Go check them out and let me know what you think.