Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 / We rundown the top US Olympic athletes, high school is better than middle school, what is an egg flight, Chantel’s pantry problem, shark blanket - ohh ah ah, fetal maternal chimerism, rip sweet valley high, Rexburgers, the case of the Teflon flu, the purse test, and the Cambridge dictionary.

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Wednesday, July 31st. And today on the show, we run down the top US Olympic athletes. High school is better than middle school. True.

What is an egg flight? Chantel's pantry problem. Shark blanket, fetal maternal shimmerism. RIP, sweet valley high. Aw.

Rexburgers, The Case of the Teflon Flu, The Purse Test, and The Cambridge Dictionary. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show.

Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel back in the studio live on your Wednesday. Whoo. The last day of July. It is the last day of July.

Oh, no. July. Well, we can celebrate it today. We don't have to be so sad about it. I know.

You're just sad because it's another month of summer down by? And then I just feel like maybe I didn't take full advantage of it. You know? I feel like, we crammed as much into July as we possibly could. I feel like we coulda crammed in more.

When? There were days. There were days. Okay. Today is National Mutt Day.

These are dogs that are not purebred. They're just mutts. They're the best. We had a mutt. Yeah.

She was the best. Yep. We have a purebred now. She's not the best. Well, she's she's her own thing.

Cuckoo cuckoo. She's just laying on the couch this morning like she owns the place. I don't know what's going on. Place. It is uncommon instrument awareness day.

Now these are, unique musical instruments from all around the world. Maybe you wanna pick up an uncommon instrument and learn to play it. Like, what was that we we knew a woman who had a tongue drum. Is that what it was called? That sounds right.

You know, the big it was like a big round thing. Oh, so cool. And then she played it for us. It was awesome. Couple examples include the jaw harp.

You have one of those. Yeah. The glass harmonica, the stylophone, the these are all interesting ones. The didgeridoo made the list. Oh, didgeridoo.

I wish I could play that. The herty gurdy. See if you can make a didgeridoo noise with your mouth. Good job. Job.

That's, that's about what I got. Good job. It's national avocado day. It's raspberry cake day, which looks like oh, what's that loaf? That cake loaf.

What's that cake loaf? You know that that loaf? Shortcake? Shortcake. Like, angel food?

Yeah. Angel food cake. That's it. Cake loaf. It's jump for jelly beans day.

It is yeah. And World Ranger Day. These are the people that take care of the parks all around the world. World Ranger Day. Park Rangers have to deal with a lot of stupid people.

So Guaranteed. They need to be celebrated today. Yeah. Like the man that we saw in Yellowstone who got his tripod out in the middle of the road to take a picture of a baby bear. Yeah.

Don't do that. Bad idea. Alright. Well, that's what's happening. Okay.

Good morning. Witness day. Yeah. July 31st. There was a poll taken.

You love a good poll. Sure. You love ratings and lists and You are a list lady. So let's, let's get a list. The poll taken was who is the greatest American summer Olympian of all time?

Do you wanna guess? The greatest Summer Olympian give you the top 3. I I know okay. Michael Phelps, tons of medals. Michael Phelps is number 1.

Yes. Usain Bolt. No. Not in the Not in the top 3. Not in the top 3.

Is he in the top 10? I don't know because he doesn't have the top 10. I only have the top well, I could get the I could get others. That's alright. Next?

Let's see. I'm trying to think what other sports do lots of medals. Oh, gymnasts. I know, Simone Biles is Simone Biles is number 2? Yeah.

She is now the leading, female gymnast. Yes. She's got the most at, like, 8 or 9. Correct. And Michael Phillips has, like, 16 or something.

Does it say how many he has? No. Okay. He has lots. No.

And number 3 I don't know. Jesse Owens. Oh, really? No kidding. Way back.

Yeah. 1936 Olympics. Okay. He was a runner. Yeah.

Yes. He was. So we have a swimmer, a gymnast, and a runner. Top 3 summer Olympians. Yeah.

Well, cool. It's cool to see Jesse Owens on a list. I know. Still, like, still on a list. That's cool.

Mary Lou Retton was on the list. A bunch of names. She's a gymnast as well. Right? She is.

And then I don't know a lot of these names. Carl Lewis? I know that name. Is he a runner? Mark Spitz?

I don't I don't know these people. So Carl Lewis is an is an Olympic runner. Yeah. Okay. And then what was the Spitz fella?

Mark, m a r k Yeah. S p I a swimmer. Look at that. There you go. Okay.

So, you know, summer's games are are athletes. Surprising that Usain Bolt isn't on the list, though. But I don't know how many he won. So that's, And, also, isn't he from Jamaica? From Jamaica.

That's right. This was a list of US people. Only Americans. Okay. That's that's why.

That's why. Look at us, knowing our Olympic history. Well, you know, he is an 8 time Olympic gold medalist, Usain Bolt. So 8 gold medals Not from America. But not from America.

Yeah. That's that's why he's not on the list of top US Olympic athletes. That would be He didn't make the call. No. Sorry, Usain.

Jared Cooper. You know him? No. Oh, you shouldn't. He lives in Mobile, Alabama.

Oh, okay. He works for a window washing company in Mobile, Alabama called Alabama? Mobile, Alabama. Called squeegee squad. Alright.

The squeegee squad. On Monday afternoon, he was stuck dangling from the side of the building 450 feet in the air. That's very scary. His equipment malfunctioned when he was cleaning the windows of Alabama's tallest building, the RSA tower. It's 35 stories and 7 140 feet tall, including the spire.

Jared was just below job for me. No. He was just below the 33rd floor when a piece of equipment called the descender locked up. That's probably he's probably in one of those baskets. I think so.

Yeah. Kind of like a pulley type thing. And he got stuck, so he couldn't go up or down. Luckily, he had his phone, so he called 911. Firefighters were there within minutes, but he had plenty of time on his hands while he was sat down there.

So he called his mom. Well, you might as well. She was at work when he called. Okay. Can I talk to Charlotte?

Yeah. Her name is Charlotte. Is it? Get I am just trying to imagine. Hi.

Albertsons in Alabama. Yeah. Albertsons in Alabama. I don't know where she works. Answer the phone.

It doesn't matter where she works. Albertsons in Alabama. I just Albertsons is somewhere. It's like thinking about Hi. Can I speak to Charlotte?

Good afternoon. Comes to the phone, goes, hello. Hey, mom. Well, how's your day? Fine.

I'm just washing produce. Just stocking the shelves. Here's what he told her. He said, hey, mom. I'm stuck up here on a ledge waiting to see if they'll be able to get me down.

She said he was pretty casual about it, so she wasn't too panicked until he sent her a picture. And then she went, bro. Is that what she said? Yeah. She was like, bro, how'd you get up there?

I think initially, she was probably like, yeah. I'm stocking the milk. You interrupted me. And then she saw a picture, and she's like, drops the milk. Yeah.

Everywhere. Bro, you're up too high. Get down. Yeah. You get down from there.

Jared, you get down right now. It took the fire department an hour to hoist him up and get him back down, but he's okay. He's okay. Oh, okay. Oh, god.

He called it just another day, and he said he planned to go back up there on Tuesday to get the job done. They said, take the rest of the day. And he said, okay. But I'll be back tomorrow to get the job done. Hopefully, the equipment works.

Squad. Do you have to get somebody to come out and fix the equipment? Did he fix it? I have no idea. I've given you every piece of information I have Alright.

Including extra information. Right. Like the fact that she doesn't actually work at Albertsons of Alabama. She might. I hope she does.

I don't think there's Albertsons in Alabama. Oh, maybe. Piggly Wiggly. I just like squeegee squad. I hope when they arrived for shifts, they squeegee squad.

Alright job. So I just looked up grocery stores in Alabama. There's only 2. In mobile. Did you look up mobile?

I'm just looking. In in Woodstock, Alabama, there's Foodland Foodland, Winn Dixie. Oh, they still have a Winn Dixie. Browes Market. You said Mobile, Alabama.

Mobile. We gotta figure out where this lady works. It's It's not even probably a grocery store. Publix. They have a Publix.

They have a couple of those. It could be, lots of Winn Dixies, Greer's cash saver. I mean, she probably works at, like, a law office or Mm-mm. Who knows? I don't know.

She works at Winn Dixie. I gotta tell you about Dimitrios. This is this guy's name. Dimitrios Salarias. So let's and there's a lot of you're pronounced.

Solaris. Okay. Solar Solaris. Let's call him by his first name so you don't Dimitrios. Destroy his name anymore.

He recently graduated from Billings Senior High School in Montana. K. While he was a student at Billings High, he created a charity group for his senior project called Limitless Kids. And the goal of Limitless Kids is to bring better opportunities to special needs students in Yellowstone County in Montana. K.

So he graduated from high school, and, his charity group is rolling on. He set a goal to raise $20,000. He reached that number earlier this year and he ended up raising $45,000 for a multipurpose room at the school, which will give special needs students the ability to practice important things like cooking, cleaning, and sewing, which is really cool. That's cool. Yeah.

He said he's not done yet. He's already focused on his next project. He says this is not the end. We're Limitless Kids Montana, and we're looking for the next step, the next big thing to help special needs students in Yellowstone County. That's fantastic.

I think it's awesome. I think the fact that he was able to gather $45,000 for a special needs program at his old school is huge. And he did this for his senior project? Yeah. Yeah.

It was a senior project. He said, I wanna raise $20,000 to help, bring some bigger opportunities to special needs students in Yellowstone County and at my school at Billings High. And, and he was able to do twice and then some Yeah. Of his goal. That's fantastic.

Yeah. I really dig on that. Well to go, Dimitrios. That's a big deal, and that's good news to get you going. A big deal and good news.

Mhmm. Wow. Yeah. A big deal and good news. That's what I just said.

Our daughter just ended middle school and now is going into high school. Yes. She didn't have a terrible middle school years, but they weren't great as most middle school years are. Middle school's hard. She is a little bit nervous about going to high school.

She's brought it up a couple of different times. And as many times as I tried to tell her, listen. High school is so much better than middle school. You're gonna be fine. It's gonna be great.

It's so much better. Right. She doesn't seem to believe me. And no matter who we talk to Everybody says the same. Says the same thing.

Oh. Like, middle school so glad you're done with middle school. Middle school is the worst. Right. She still doesn't believe any of us.

She's gotta go through it her own way. Yeah. She's gonna have her own experience Yeah. Different than your experience or my experience. And then she'll be on the other side of it and go, yeah.

High school was high school Different than middle school. I'm sure it'll still have its challenges. Oh, that's what I told her. I said, here's the thing. In high school, you're able to drive, so you're able to go pick up your friends and do whatever you wanna do.

You're able to hang out later. Means Well right. Right. There's still guardrails. I think that kinda sold her.

She was like, oh, yeah. I can do that. Right. I'm a have a job. You can there's there's like, a whole new world opens up.

Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, it's you're gonna be fine. And I told her, I said, it's not without challenges. Like, you're gonna have your heart's gonna be broken, and you might lose some friends, but you might gain some friends, and you might fall in love, and you might do some really cool stuff.

Just come on. Let's let's leave middle school behind us. Right. We're out. Get ready.

We've got, I mean, almost a month until that starts up. No. It's like a couple of weeks. Is it really? Yeah.

Really. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Okay. How many days?

I don't know how many days. Paper chain time? It could be paper chain time. 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18. 18 days?

I didn't count the weekends. Well, you gotta count the weekends. Well, then I'm really gonna have to do some math. Alright. The point is it's, like, 3 weeks or so.

Yeah. It is. It's 3 weeks. 3 and a half weeks. Alright.

That's fine. You got almost a whole month. Holy moly, though. That goes so fast. Yeah.

It's weird to already be back in like, back to school. School. And we have no more kid. Like, our kid, our baby I know. Is now in high school.

I know. I What happened? Time passages. Your favorite song. That's what happened.

I'll play that for you. Okay. No. Nobody wants to hear that. Nobody wants to hear that.

That's a terrible song. Anyway, that's what's happened. That's it. Time. Crazy.

Our baby. We're old. We we have a a graduate, an almost 20 year old. Ugh. What is happening?

We old? No. No. Of course not. Couldn't be that.

There's this thing on TikTok called egg flights. Everybody's doing these egg flights. Is this that weird deviled egg thing you showed me? It's not just deviled egg. It's just hard boiled egg.

Right. But it looked like deviled egg, but then it was just a hard boiled egg cut in half. And then people are putting weird stuff on them. Yeah. It's just, an idea that you you make a bunch of hard boiled eggs.

You cut them in half, and then you just make each half of an egg individually flavored. So you can try multiple eggs, different things. But why? I don't know. That's why I'm like, why is this a thing?

So, one video that I saw had, like they had done, like, an eggs benedict hard boiled eggs. So they had, like, a like, a ranch seasoning, and then they put, like, little pieces of ham on it, and then they put, like, a small little hollandaise sauce on top of it. And then another egg had a dill pickle and, like, a typical deviled egg. Does this seem like too much work to eat an egg? Yes.

It does. Can't you just hit it with a little salt and pepper and call it a day? Yeah. That's what I like to do. Like, hard boil the egg and just, take a bite?

But this is I feel like this is just another one of those you know, if you're an influencer Okay. This is your job. Are you seeing a lot of these? Yeah. Because I saw 1, and I watched the whole thing, and I went, why are they doing this?

Oh, and then it was in your algorithm. And then it was in my algorithm. Yeah. The first one I saw was a woman. She had she had probably made 5 hard boiled eggs, and then cut them in half, so she had 10.

Different flavors. And then she just kinda grabbed whatever she had in her fridge, and then she was dumping, like, barbecue sauce on 1. Yeah. And the yolk is still in there. It's not mixed or anything.

She just dumped all of the Stuff on top. Stuff on top of it. She threw mayonnaise on top of 1 along with, like, Dijon mustard and then sprinkled pickles on top of it. I'm like, this is Why? A mess.

It looked like a mess. I don't know. I don't know why they're doing it. Excited about it? Yeah.

Are they trying to sell eggs? What are we what's the point? I don't know, Josh. One person had an idea because maybe the the Internet's out of ideas. The Internet's run out of ideas?

So now we're just like us do these egg flight. Boiled eggs. I'm not kidding you. I looked up egg flight on TikTok. Yeah.

Thousands and thousands of videos. Really? Yeah. Different people doing different things. That one has salmon on it.

Now I'm gonna get really good videos for these eggplants. For it. Now they're like, oh, now we know what you want. I know. We're gonna show you all the eggs.

Are you gonna make one? No. You know what I am gonna do? I'll probably just hard boil some eggs and then eat my hard boiled egg Just normal. With some of everything bagel seasoning.

Plus, it's not even, like, close to Easter. It's not like, hey. You got all those hard boiled eggs? Here's an idea. It's like late summer now, and they're like, hey.

Eggs? You like eggs? I got an idea for eggs. Multiple ideas for eggs. Yeah.

Eggs many ways. That's strange. I don't get it. They call it an egg flight. Yep.

Yep. I I can see you're pretty stoked about it. They have organizing containers for literally everything. Like, for the pantry instead? Yeah.

For the pantry, for under your sink, for your bathroom. There's a clear You get, like, really down the wormhole with, with the organization videos. Yeah. Because I want to be organized. Go to The Container Store and order stuff online or whatever.

Here's the thing. Let me tell you the thing. Is the thing taking stuff out of boxes and putting it into other boxes? And that seems silly. That seems like a complete waste of time, and it seems like a complete waste of time.

Like the results? Yes. But do it. No. But, again, it just feels like because those containers aren't cheap.

And so to buy those organization containers, you're out. You're gonna be out so much money. And then I go, okay. So I'm gonna move from this box to this box. Here we go, guys.

And that seems silly. But I'll tell you that Emery does not think it sounds silly, and she's mentioned to me on more than one occasion that she thinks it's very cool. Well, because it looks like a snack bar. So nice, but I just can't I just can't. Look.

I found, I found a whole 32 piece airtight food storage container. So these are the ones you would put, like, you know, there's little little cubes, big tall ones for, like, noodles, all your Right. Different stuff. $47 I know. For 32 pieces.

$50, though. $50 for containers Yeah. When they already come in containers. I understand what you're saying, but if you like the result better, then do it. It just I can't make it make sense in my brain.

I just can't. I think doing it in the fridge is weird because the fridge is like the fridge. Right? Like, the pantry, I kinda understand. You're limited on shelf space.

It would be much better to have everything kind of a uniform size because the the containers are all different. You end up stacking stuff all weird. So I think that's where you'd you'd have a win is in the pantry. Here's what happened. Let me tell you what happened because I did What happened?

I did try to do this a couple of years ago, and I bought some cereal containers. We buy the bag cereal sometimes. Yeah. And the bag cereal didn't all fit in the containers that I bought. And so then I had the box, the organizational box of cereal the bag.

And the bag. And I went, well, what's the point of this? Because it doesn't fit. And now I have the bag, which taking up even more space and the box. I'm taking up double the space now.

I don't know the answer. I'm just trying to tell you. If you wanna do the thing because you like the thing, do the thing. No. I'm not gonna do the thing.

I'm just gonna complain about doing the thing. I I just wanna get cheaper containers. That's all. Because I can't justify spending $50 on containers. But it's 32 containers.

Though. It's just containers. Yeah. It might doesn't make any sense. So guess what?

The pantry's gonna keep looking like a storage space. A container. I know, but that's dumb for me to go, oh, open my box, pour my rice into this container when it already comes in a container. But it's just a flimsy bag that you can't put on the shelf. You got this flimsy bag of rice, but then you also have jasmine rice, basmati rice, white rice, brown rice.

You're gonna need 4 containers just for rice. Exactly. And therein lies the problem, doesn't it? You're gonna need 2 of those things. You gotta be a $100 in.

I'm gonna need more than 2 because then I'm gonna need one for my salt and vinegar chips, one for my barbecue chips, one for my, sour cream and onion chips. Yes. You see what I'm saying? A lot of work. That's what I'm saying.

Quit watching those videos. Just deal with our pantry as it is. Every time you open the pantry, I hear this noise. Well, that's because it's not a pantry at all. Our house is old, so it didn't come with a pantry.

We've made pantry out of a coat closet, and it's small. So every time I open it, I go, there's just not enough space in here. We're doing the best we can with what we have. I know. I got It's a 19 seventies home.

It's fine. I got pantry problems. Oh, what What are we gonna do? Do add on on the house just for more pantry? Yeah.

I'd love that. Yeah. We need a mudroom, a pantry. A mudroom? Yep.

Where? It's you'll figure it out. Next to the garage because it's where you drop all your stuff. That's just the whole house. I know exactly.

It is now. But if we did the add on you see what I'm saying? No. I don't. And then we could use another garage, and we could use bigger don't have that big of a plot of land.

We could use a bigger master bedroom. I've got plans. That's just a whole different house. I know. Your your plan is to move to a different house.

But we can't move because our interest rate is so low. But also moving? Oh, yeah. What? Emery was ordering headphones, and she was looking at different options and doing some different research of her own.

And then she said, what do you think about these, dad? And I said, that's rude. Why didn't you ask me what I thought about it? This was in the car when we were driving, and I couldn't assist because I was driving. And so I just said, hey.

Listen. Because Beck was helping her out in the back seat. They were having a lot of conversation about it. He knows what I've said. I felt very much like he was saying the same things I was gonna say.

Like, no. That looks like a cheap knockoff. You don't want those. That looks like, like, you're gonna get better sound quality for less money if you buy something that isn't some silly name brand, like, actually do some research on sound. But what I found out is it's not about sound.

For a 14 year old girl, almost 15, it's a style thing. It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter if they sound good. Doesn't matter how much it costs. If it matches the trendy style, that's all that matters.

That is all that matters. And so that's what was going on, was there was a I wanna fit in. I wanna be part of the trendy, thing, and so I want this particular set of headphones, and it doesn't matter what input I would have given as long as it was what she wanted to hear. Right. I was offended because she didn't ask me for my opinion on it.

And I said, why don't you, why don't you ask me what I thought about it? And then her response was, shark blanket for 1. Okay. But for real, though. So couple years ago, she saw a blank big trend.

Yeah. A blanket online that you could get that looked like a shark. Yeah. And the you could stick your arms in the armhole and their feet in the feet hole. Yeah.

And that had a hood for your head, and you looked like a shark. I must have ordered 3 different shark boxes. I bet 4 because 3 of them well, the first one was the right material, but the wrong size and the right pattern. It actually had longer legs. You could walk normal in it, and that was the right one but the wrong size.

And so you wanted to send that one back and get a different size. But whatever link changed in purchasing additional shark things, they it got worse and worse in quality. The design was wrong. The feet were stuck together. There was no, like, separation of the leg.

It just got worse and worse to where the the last one that you were like, I'm not buying another one of these to try to fix this. I'm done. You could see through the fabric. And then she's like, this isn't even the right one. And so it was a whole waste.

The whole thing was a waste. Yeah. It was a waste. And I can't even tell you how many times I had to go back to the return area. Well, 3 times.

Take it back, and then I'd have to do the process of, like, scanning the shipment and printing the label. So, yeah, she just over it. She went through that process and went, I don't want a repeat of that, so I'm just gonna ask dad. But I've bought a lot of things before and after that shark blanket that were just fine. Yeah.

So I'm still offended that she didn't ask for my opinion on her order. That's rude. Sorry. Shark blanket. Yeah.

That's that look. Fool me 3 times with one product. I'm I'm done asking you to help. I should just surprise her with this shark blanket, the real one. Except for what is the real one.

And what size? Oh. Not gonna get duped? I should just buy 1 and be like, surprise. Here's the real thing.

Yeah. Birthday's coming. Christmas is on the way. Why not? Just no.

It don't it would have to just be a just because. To make up for the To make up for the the missteps. Listen. And here's the thing. I only ordered what she sent me the link before.

Right. Which was bad links, and so that's why fault. No. For sure. Yeah.

But that's why she's like, I need because you fell for it. You bought from bad links. She sends me a link. I'm like, this isn't it. I do the research.

I go, this is not the right one. I don't do any research. Right. You're like, I'll just buy the thing you sent me. Yeah.

And then what happens? You gotta buy it 4 more times. I know. Yeah. That's why she didn't ask you.

Don't be offended. Understand the situation. That's fine. You can handle this job. This is your parenting job.

Barely comes around and, really, Beck handled it. I just went whatever he said is what I'm gonna say. So listen to him. It was like there were 2 of you. It was perfect.

I was like, yeah. He's saying all the right things. Because he did the research, and he's like, look. I only trust this brand and this brand, and they're the good ones. And I was like, he's he's not lying.

He's doing good. Doing good. Proud moment. I gotta tell you about this thing that, somebody explained to me the other day, and I was like, what? So there's a phenomenon that's called fetal maternal microchimerism, FMM.

And, basically, this occurs during pregnancy when fetal cells pass through the placenta into into the mother's body where they can become permanently embedded in her tissues and blood. K. I don't understand what you're saying. You've said a lot of words, and I'm and I'm I'm following along. Like, I get it, but I don't understand what's happening.

Okay. Basically, babies' d n l DNA and cells live in a mother's blood stream for years after they are born. K. It's called fetal maternal Well, you were talking about this the other day with the kids because you were, like, you were convincing them that you were still connected. Like, part of you is still part of me.

Yeah. I know. It was weird. It was kinda kinda creepy. It's science, bro.

Yeah. So DNA cells stick around Yes. After birth is what you're saying. And they can live in a mother's tissues and or blood. For how long?

Forever. For an undetermined amount of time. Correct. That's wild. I know.

It is so so weird. I mean, it makes sense because you've got another human, like, growing inside there. So that makes a lot of sense that there would be something left behind. But that's a that's kind of an interesting maternal connection thing I know. With, with children, isn't it?

Isn't it? It's cute. Is it? I don't know if that's the word I'd use. I just think it's cool.

Science, man. Science. Science is cool. And how did they find this out? I don't know.

Totally. Right. But I don't know that part of the science. So we're gonna need we're gonna need somebody smarter than me to call and talk about it. I just wanna know that information.

Get your blood drawn or if you're doing a DNA thing or let's say it's a criminal thing. Oh, interesting, isn't it? I'm just trying to say, like, there's signs of multiple DNA in there. Yeah. So what does that mean?

Don't know, Josh. I I don't know. Thank you for all of the information. I'm not a scientist. Okay.

This is the sad news that I just read. What is it? Francine Pascal just passed away. She was 92 years old. She was the creator of a book called Sweet Valley High.

Oh. It was a series of books, and my sister started reading this in the I mean, I was probably a kid. So mid eighties, my sister like it was published 83 to 2003. Oh, really? Published it for quite a while.

Yeah. It was my sister was reading these, and I was like, oh, my sister's so cool. I gotta read these too. And then I read them. I'm like, these are so cool.

It was like high school. Like, these kids in high school. Sweet Valley High. Yeah. And they Yeah.

It was so dramatic. I bet. I loved them. So I I saw this news story, and I said, oh, no. It was great.

There were these book series were focused on twins, Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield. Okay. It was awesome. Of their high school antics. Yes.

And there was tons and tons and tons of sequels of them. This story said that they would age from middle school to college. I never read about them going to college. So that's the Wakefields. I mean, it went on for 20 years.

Oh, that's great. So you can you can go catch up on the Wakefields. There's see, here's the thing. Like, I know it's sad sad news that she's no longer here and able to write more, but she hasn't been writing for 21 years. And she wrote for 20 years, and it still exists.

So you can go read all the Sweet Valley High you want. I bet I still have some. I bet my mom still has those at our house somewhere. You think? Guaranteed.

Maybe not all of them, but I bet there's still some in there. I need to tell my sister. Yeah. You better let her know. I am gonna let her know.

She's gonna be like, no. Is that what she's gonna be like? She'll be like, no. I bet if you just say her name. Don't don't associate it.

Just say, did you hear the the author's name? What's her name? Francine Pascal. If you just say, did you hear Francine Pascal passed away? She's gonna go, who's that?

Yeah. She's she's been like, who? I don't know who that is. And then you're gonna go, no. Yes.

You do. Figure it out. No googling. Figure out who that is until she figures it out. And then she might go, no.

No. That's sweet Valley High. I'm not kidding. These books were awesome. As a middle school reading what my sister was reading, I was like, oh, this is I can't wait till high school.

Was high school anything like Sweet Valley No. Yeah. I didn't think so. Okay. I saw a, something on you know, there's this Facebook group called Life in Idaho Falls.

Yes. And people will comment things on there. So I saw a comment or a post on there that said, what do people in Idaho Falls call themselves? Do we call ourselves? Iffians or Idaho Fallsians?

And then I went, well, this this spans, like, what do you call people in Rexburg? What do you call people in Pocatello? Sure. So what Pocatellians? Pocatellans?

Pokeites? No. I don't think it's that. Rexburgians? Yeah.

What what do we what do we call it? Burgers. Because that feels like yeah. It feels right. Okay.

What about Rexburger? What about Ryrie? Ryrie. Ryriean. Ryrie I think that might be it.

Ryriean? Yeah. That sounds that sounds it. I'm a Ryriean. Proud to be.

A Ryrian. K. How about Rigby Rigbyan? I don't know. I know.

They're tricky. All of them. Saint Anthony in? See what I'm saying? What's going on with these?

Because What do you say? I don't know. But Rexburger seems like the easiest one we were able to come up with, and it's not Rexburger. But that is my favorite one. That is the best one.

There were a couple of posts people had put, Idaho me's, which makes me That's good. Like that one. Yeah. IAFers, Eagle Rockers. So there were a few, but wrecking I'm trying to figure out what to call.

That post was mostly for Idaho Falls, but then it got me thinking, you know Sure. There's a lot of cities around that. Because as Idahoans, like, that's our whole thing, but you can't Idaho falls in? That's not it. No.

That's not it. Pocatellan. Pocatellan. No. It's not that.

No. I don't know what it is. Why do we have nowhere else in America has this problem. Right? It's just us and beside.

No. No. No. No. I'm sure they all do.

No. No. No one else does. This is exclusive to right here. What could it be?

So, like, Phoenix, Arizona. What do they call themselves? Phoenixians? Arizonans. I think you just go to the state level.

I'm an Idahoan? Yep. Idahoan. That's right. Potatoes.

What? Yeah. No. I know. And fancy pretty rocks.

We got those too. We do. Don't don't forget. We are the gem state I know. Because of all the gems.

I'm trying to figure out what it would Well, maybe we should call ourselves gems instead of Idahoans. We should do that. Oh, I'm a gem. I'm a gem. Yeah.

I like that. Look at me. I'm an Idaho gem. Gym. The gems.

Well, there was an old, rock band called the was fake. It was a fake rock band. The Gems? It was like a From a show? Yeah.

It was a cartoon. Right? There is a Swedish rock band called the Gems. No. Gem.

It was a Oh, Gem, j e m. Yes. Yeah. That's different. Yes.

That was That's a different gem. Yeah. But I remember her. Okay. Good.

We're gonna be the gems. Who are? Punk rock, man. Punk rock? Yeah.

Because Jem, j e m, that TV series from the eighties. Right? She was punk rock. We're the gems. Okay.

That's what you're a gem. Look at you. Have you heard of this thing called Teflon flu? Teflon flu. Teflon flu.

Negative. I have not heard of this. Okay. This is an ailment associated with cooking in a nonstick pan, And these Teflon flu cases are rising, and that's got people asking, how safe is this nonstick cookware? So, do we have Teflon pans?

I don't know I don't know what we have on our pans. Know. I couldn't tell you, honestly, and that's a little frightening. What's happening? I I I don't understand.

Like, what So How do you know if you have it? What are the symptoms? What's it what's it what's it about? It's kind of it's interesting, and it makes me wonder, like, how do they know it's caused from Teflon. You know?

It's basically okay. So the Teflon is got this thing called I'm not even gonna say it. PTFE. It's what they use to coat the nonstick cookware. So overheating the pan so if the pan is left on a burner too long and the pan overheats or goes dry, that's what's calling.

It's got the polymer fume fever is what this is called. Alright. And so patients with the polymer fume fever have a fever, a malaise, which is, like, kind of, like, tired. I feel malaisey. Shortness of breath, chest tightness, and a dry cough a few hours after exposure.

So then this can lead to lung congestion and different things. If you feel like you're experiencing any of these, I recommend going to get some help because these Teflon flu cases are on the rise. There's 267 cases reported last year, the most since 2000. Well, that's I mean, there's a lot a bit. There's there's a lot of people.

I know. Yeah. 200 cases is not I mean, it's more than 1. But have you ever heard of it? No.

Not till just now. Exactly. But just to keep things in perspective Okay. Okay. So it is here's how you can prevent this.

No. Okay. No. Okay. Okay.

So it is here's how you can prevent this. Use a vent hood system due to the smoke point of food and the chemicals used to cook the food. So get make sure you've got Yeah. Ventilation. You should never heat your nonstick pan without something in it.

K. And when you take your thing out of it, remove your pan from the heat. K. Have you ever done that before? I've done that before.

Where you forget that your pan is on the hot thing, and then you go, oh, what is that smell? Teflon flu. Bad. It's bad. If that's I don't know if we have the Teflon thing.

Yes. We do either. I know I know how you can count. Stainless steel, and I know we have that ceramic pan that I use a lot. But I don't know if we have I don't know if the little black frying pans that we have, if those are Teflon or not.

I don't know if they are either. I don't know how you tell. Do a search. How to tell if you have Teflon pants. I bet it says Teflon on it.

And Teflon is the brand name. Right? It's like a it's the brand name. Teflon is the brand name. Visual cues can be a dead giveaway.

Teflon coatings are renowned for their velvety smooth glossy surface. When you run your fingers over it, you'll feel an unmistakable silkiness. The unique nonstick surface is what makes teflon plant pans a joy to cook with and a breeze to clean. They're often black or dark brown. They can also be gray, Teflon pans, clean easy food doesn't stick to them.

Yeah. We know about that. It is also known as PTFE. That is the I told you. Polytetrafluoroethylene Good job, Josh.

Coat them with. That is the long name for Teflon. I told you. They can withstand temperatures up to 500 degrees. I don't know what to tell you.

I don't know. I don't know how you tell. Yeah. Did you search how to tell if you have a if you have a pants? That's exactly right.

What you searched? Yeah. How to tell if you have Teflon pants, and it just said they're silky smooth when you touch them. I don't think that's it. I don't think that's the answer.

Oh, unmistakable silkiness. Teflon. Must be Teflon. Josh, let's say I'm an interviewer and you're an interviewee k. And you're at an interview Yeah.

That would that would make sense. Looking to get a job Oh, okay. That's interesting. Going well Okay. And I say, okay.

Can I see your wallet for a minute? Would you would say why. Would you I just wanna look at it. I just wanna I just need to see. It's part of the interview process.

I just wanna look through it. That's a weird thing. Yeah. Why? Yeah.

Just let me look through it. I just part of the process. So there's no looking through it. It's I have, I have, what do they call these? A thread wallet?

Uh-huh. The little elastic band wallet thing, with the grand tittons on it? Is that what you would do? You would just hold it up? I'd go, here it is.

Would you pass it over to me? Well, I would say, why do you need to see it up? Why do you need to touch my stuff? It's weird. Right?

Yeah. That's weird. I was reading a story, and there was a woman who said that she was in an interview and the boss or the, yeah, the interviewer said, okay. Now I need to look through your purse. And she went, Yeah.

That seems really Weird. Well, that's weird, but also that's an invasion of privacy. And, and why? And why? What's the point?

She handed her purse over, which I'm like, I don't know if I would. And they just turn it upside down and dump it out? No. And I go, oh, what's this for? She said she saw him, like, kinda rifling through it, and then he just quietly, like, handed it back and was like, okay.

What was he looking for? And she went I don't know. Like, was she looking to see how organized I was? Was she looking to see if I had any drugs in there? Was she looking what what was the point of that?

She ended up not getting the job, which was probably better off for her because that's bizarre. And I don't know if I would hand over my purse. So I'm just reading about this. K. It is it is indeed an organizational thing.

What? The what? Yeah. That's bizarre. It's called the purse test, and it it was used during an administrative interview saying it's the best indicator of how organized particularly a woman is.

Yeah. That's real weird. I 1, how well a person's organized purses doesn't necessarily that's not a good indicator of how well they're gonna perform at their job. Right? So I think that's a terrible idea.

And, also, no. You're not gonna look through my purse. Yeah. That's that's a boundary. Like, I feel like that's purse.

No. You go, hey. I need that thing. It's in my purse. And I go, well, here's your whole purse.

Because I'm not digging in there. There's no reason for me to go in there. It's pretty organized. Fine. If you say, hey.

Can you get my wallet? I may go get your wallet out and hand you that, but I'll probably still just bring you the whole purse. Okay. That's fine. Because I can easier for me to go, here you go.

It's like I'm trying to think of something comparable for a man because your wallet is a little bit different. Right? Yeah. I mean, like, all I have here is, like, cards. It's not a key.

Key. Chapstick or lipstick or No. That's in my pocket. Hand sanitizer. I'm just trying to think of any other question you could ask.

You could ask a guy, like, what's your everyday carry? Like, that's like, what do you carry with you every day? Okay. So that would be a pocket knife or I carry a marker and a pen or I carry my keys or a backpack. Yeah.

I like to carry around a backpack with my with my laptop and a few different work things and whatever. I carry around Bluetooth headphones in there and Right. But you still if an interviewer was like, hey. Hand over that backpack. I wanna look through it.

Yeah. You'd still be like, what? Why? No. That's my stuff.

It's strange. You don't get to look through my stuff. Yeah. That's that's a weird interview question. TSA agent?

Yeah. What? What? Am I going on a flight? I don't think so.

Yeah. No. You have a warrant? Start there. If that's kind of the response you had, they'd be like, okay.

Interview process number. My rights. You have a warrant? You see a judge? Come back with a warrant, and then they walk outside the door and shut it.

Call me if I get the job. Yeah. Weirdo. Trying to look through my stuff. It is weird.

That's strange. Yeah. I don't I don't care for that. I don't either. There's gotta be another way to find out if somebody's organized and rifling through their personal stuff.

Yeah. I agree. The Cambridge dictionary added more than 32 a 100 words to this year. Uses the Cambridge dictionary? I don't know.

Who uses a dictionary these days? Well, a lot of people need to. But the Cambridge dictionary Yeah. I'm trying to figure out because what are you used to? Webster's?

Webster's. Like, I couldn't think of the name. I was gonna say Oxford. Is that a thing? The Oxford dictionary?

That sounds like it's a thing. Look it up. Look it up. Most used dictionary. The Oxford English Dictionary I knew it.

Is widely regarded as, and accepted as the authority on the English language. Oh. So the Oxford dotcom, which is a website dictionary, Merriam Webster's dictionary, which is America's most trusted dictionary Oh, okay. According to Merriam Webster. Trust me, guys.

Trust me. But the one you mentioned now, the Cambridge dictionary Yeah. I don't know anything about. Oh. Oh.

Well But go ahead and tell me about it. You. So let me tell you about some of the words that have made it. There's a lot of gen z slang that has made it into the dictionary. Okay.

Ick. The Ick. Alright. Yeah. That gives me an ick.

Yeah. You've heard of this? Yeah. The sudden feeling that you dislike someone or something Yeah. Because of, like Because of something that they do.

If they walk around in wet socks. Ew. That gives me the ick. I have the ick. I used to like Kevin, but when I saw him in that suit, it gave me the ick.

Right. Yeah. Or you could say, like, my partner's new ick is this thing that they do that makes me gross. Yeah. Like, I didn't know when I married this person that they use a fork weird or something.

I don't know. Whatever it is. Okay. Boop is another one. Now that's just when you tap something on the nose.

Yeah. As, like, an affectionate touch. Like, it's a just a playful poke on the nose. Yeah. I'm a boop that nose.

Often accompanied by saying boop. Yep. That's been around forever. But now it's in Now it's official. Cambridge dictionary.

Got it. Okay. How about Face journey? Do you know what face journey is? No.

I feel like I'm on one. It's a series of expressions as they react to something in real time. Uh-huh. Yes. That's that makes sense.

I'm on a face journey. And then there's some gaming terminology like side quest. Okay. That's a good one. But, again, that feels like that I feel like Cambridge is just getting caught up.

Okay. And speed run. Yeah. Both of those have been around for a very long time. Speed run?

And side quest. Well well, I know what a side quest is. It's like a offshoot of your main story. That's correct. What about speed run?

What does that mean? That's when you see how fast you can beat the game. A game. Yeah. Mhmm.

Mhmm. Oh, guess what else was added? What else? It's not even really a word. It's a anagram.

I y k y k. If you know, you know. Yeah. But it's made it into the dictionary. Into the Cambridge dictionary.

Rude. Well, look. It's not America's most trusted. I know. But So because that would be self proclaimed by Merriam Webster.

Cambridge this is the Cambridge University, dictionary, by the way. Yeah. And Cambridge is pretty highfalutin'. Is it? Yeah.

Okay. It's not like I was gonna say something like a least trusted college, but I got nothing because I don't wanna offend any colleges. Who uses the Cambridge dictionary? It says it's ideal for anyone preparing for advanced level Cambridge exams. There you go.

So if you're going to Cambridge, now you know that's who it applies to. And you're gonna be using words like the ick. Yeah. I I bet that already exists in the Oxford and the Merriam Webster. I'm gonna ask.

I'm gonna start asking people. Name the first dictionary you can think of, and I'm gonna see what everyone's top one answer. Cambridge is 0 people. I'm gonna take a poll off. But here's the deal with the Cambridge dictionary.

It gives a more practical explanation along with an example of how to use the word in the sentence. So that's something that apparently not all dictionaries do, but I thought they did. I also thought they did that. Maybe they don't. Maybe they don't give you maybe online they do, but in print form, maybe they don't.

I don't know. Beatrice. Are they still printing dictionaries? I hope not. Is that a thing?

We still doing this? I don't know. Printing dictionaries is ick. It gives me the ick for sure. Classy 97.

It's Josh and Chantel, your would you rather this or that question of the day. Oh, would you wear would you rather have to wear your bathing suit every day in the summer? You're talking like my swim trunks? Yep. K.

They're pretty cool. They got dinosaurs on them. I'm not mad about them. But you have to wear it every day. No shirt.

Why no shirt? Because that's not how you go to the pool, is it? Sometimes. No. Sometimes I walk into the pool, and then I take my shirt off when I get in there.

Yeah. That's how you have to go. No shirt. Sometimes. Swim trunks only.

Alright. Or Wear a snorkel on your head all day Yes. Every day. I'm not gonna wander around with snorkel. You'd have to take it out to talk, you know, the little mouthpiece?

No. I would just be flopping there hooked to the goggles. No. No. Yeah.

Yeah. It's in your mouth unless you have to talk, and then you have to spit it out. You're making weird rules. What are you taking? I'm taking the snorkel.

I know you would, snorkel head. Weird. You just wear your bathing suit around. Yeah. I don't even like wearing my bathing suit at the pool.

I know. Get out of here. I'm not wearing it around all day. All day, every day, all summer. No.

Yeah. Yours doesn't have cool pink dinosaurs on them. Well and because I'm a big boy. I have pink dinosaurs all over my swimsuit. You're a big boy.

Snorkel. I'm going snorkel head for the win. Yeah. And then if somebody asks me a question, I have to go spit out my snorkel mouthpiece and go, let me Yeah. That's right.

And then put it back. Yeah. But I can't use my hands to put it back. I have to find it with my mouth. You know?

No. No one does that. Yeah. No one does that. I would do that.

That's awful. It's a great way to keep people from talking to you. I don't wanna watch her try to get that snorkel back, so made that mistake once. Has to be a question. Go on.

Go on. No. Figure it out myself. I'll just keep looking till I find it because that's all I'd be asking you. Where'd you where'd you move that?

I'll just keep looking. I'll find it eventually. Snorkel head. It's Josh and Chantel with your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Something to help today be a little better today than yesterday.

That's the thing. What is it? It's the idea. Go out with friends tonight, but Please. Create outrageous made up back stories of who you are and what you do.

Oh, fun. Yeah. Be goofy and outrageous with your friends. That's the idea. I once went to the fair with a friend, and we pretended that we were from Scotland, I think it was.

Scotland or Ireland. I don't remember. Horrible accents? They were awful. Yeah.

No one believed me. Yeah. Sure you are. I never see you around these parts ever. Weird girl.

Go out with your friends tonight. Create outrageous made up backstories of who you are and what you do. It's kind of a fun one. It's just so fun. Yeah.

I like it. Wear a costume maybe even. Just, you know, because you can. Why not? Silly.

Just be silly. That's right. Silly. They do say, you could do an accent if you want. You can.

Like, an English accent. And it's even better if you do it poorly. Okay. Do a do a poorly done English accent. Want me to say?

I gotta have something to say. Anything. Go out with your friends. That was the same voice. What?

Go out with your friends. What? It has to be I have to do it like a a it has to be something from a movie. Okay. I can't think of a movie.

Alright. The only thing I can think of is, Harry, no you can't. No. You can't. No, Harry.

You can't. He's going to sacrifice himself. Harry Potter. That's a terrible thing. Harry Potter.

Harry Potter. Alright. What's up? K. Well, that was neat.

That was fun. But you're better today than yesterday daily challenge. That's gonna do it for us. Have a great rest of your Wednesday. We'll be back tomorrow morning.

Bright and early with you, 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97. Now available as a podcast as well everywhere you get podcasts or at our website riverbendmediagroup.com. On demand as they say. On demand.

That means you can listen when it's convenient for you. You want, however many times you want. Wanna listen to it now. Well, you can. Go.

It's my podcast, and I want it now. Yeah. Alright. Have a great day. See you.

Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.