Sativa Talk

In this episode we talk about the entertainment industry, our trip to Cali and how CBD has helped DJ Kelly J. I will also give a strain review from G5 Cultivation.

What is Sativa Talk?

We talk about all things cannabis from dispensaries, cultivations, current news & entrepreneurship along with some lifestyle topics to intrigue, inspire and flat out make you laugh! During this series we'll have interviews with some game changers showing you a different perspective discussing the state of Cannabis. Friendly for newbies, vets and people who curious. It's funny, it's blunt, it's real... Sativa Talk Podcast.

You're listening to locally produced programming created in

KUNV Studios on public radio. KUNV 91.5. The content of this program is sponsored by the Sativa Talk podcast. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and More or the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

Hello and welcome to another episode of Sativa Talk Podcast where we have blunt conversations. We like to talk about cannabis, of course, whether you are a vet, newbie, or just curious, we got you covered. And we get into some lifestyle and entrepreneurship as well. We are celebrating episode number eight. Now the umber

the number eight signifies balance. The vibrations of the number eight are similar to the vibrations

of the planet earth. The intensity and power of eight energy can never be underestimated. Eight is also the lucky number of symmetry which symbolizes order. The number 8 represents victory, prosperity, and overcoming. Just like me, I am overcoming this very, it's not stress, I won't claim stress, but it's a lot of moving parts right now happening as I record this episode. And we're going to overcome. Now I have a very special guest in the building. I mean, I have a celebrity in the building excuse me let me get myself together none other than DJ Kelly J. I am NOT a celebrity. I mean stop it. If I was to take a poll. Just not. When you DJ for P Diddy it kind of could count as a celebrity. I guess. Ish. I want to give a shout out to our sponsors, Business Entertainment West. They are in the business of providing entertainment on the West Coast. You can find them on Instagram at bizentwest underscore Vegas and tell them thank you for bringing Angie T back to the airwaves. DJ Kelly J, you know, normally I like to get into some weed news, but I want to kind of talk about strength and whatnot.

Are you a pursuer of cannabis? Slightly. I'm more on the CBD side. I'm heavily on the CBD side. Okay. All right. I use a lot of CBD products. So this this all the knowledge about strains and stuff is like completely new information. Okay, are we doing creams, CBD creams, CBD oils, got the gummies. Yeah, all. Religiously? Yeah, literally all the CBD products. Okay, is this due to you being the being a DJ you have to stand up for so long or is this the aches of life? It's a combination. So some of the topicals are like pain relief but I deal with like really bad anxiety, like really bad anxiety. Wow. So yeah, I usually take like CBD gummies or drink CBD water before certain gigs, sometimes after. Wow. Okay. Hmm. I may have to try that. Because sometimes I, you know, I'm a flower child, so I like to roll and you know, I like that whole process. But sometimes when I go to events, they be like, Oh, what's wrong? Like what? And I look at myself in the mirror and I have this blank high look but people don't know that about me well some people don't and so they're like what's wrong I'm like nothing I'm floating on a cloud right now everything is great but it doesn't look like it so as her friend I can always tell she's fine I'm just in there you know I'm so chill and just like whatever going with the flow of life so hmm I might have to try that. Well I want to give a shout out to a newer strain that came out by G5 cultivation. This is called ice cream cake. This is a beautiful flower. I've trimmed it before. It has like the purple hairs in it. It's a very deep dark flower. For me it helps with sleep. My body definitely feels way more relaxed and before you know it I'm back to sleep. Sometimes you know you wake up in the middle of the night like oh, I really need to get that last little three hours sleep. So it does the job. It's actually very powerful. I like to use a topical oil for like menstrual cramps. So whenever, because I refuse to take Tylenol. So I'll you know rub the cream on there give it about 10-15 minutes and granted it doesn't make it all just disappear but it's manageable. It works pretty well to me. I never had cramps before I had Z and now I'm starting to get them. I'm like oh this is what everybody's been talking about. Are you serious? Never? I never had cramps before Z. So I started using the CBD. Well actually so the cream that I have is CBD and THC. It's a goddess something, Nordic goddess or something. But I started using that for cramps and it works good.

I like it.

Wow, lucky you.


Well, I guess you went through the, I won't say horrors, but you went through the experience of having a child. Whole body change.


Well, now you crazy as a woman now.

Are you losing woman? Nah. So last week I had a I had a NautiBoy DJ come on. As I mentioned last week we are the FUV, Fire Earth and Wind. NautiBoy DJ is fire. Kelly J is earth. I am wind. We did touch on our experience in California and the importance of having contracts and having deposits and things of that sort. So you've been a DJ for what, like 15 years?

This is 14, year 14.

14 years just fighting through it.

So what has been some of your biggest lessons as far as being a DJ? Consistency. Even now, a lot of the bigger gigs that I'm starting to get are coming from just being consistent. People never forgot about me. And it's starting to come back Like as certain people move up they're moving up and they're bringing certain people with them and they're checking to see who's consistent Obviously that LA That LA trip Second lesson is The second lesson is just really just follow through on the legal side. Like even even if somebody seems like they the homie or they got you. Those are the ones that try it. Why is

it? It sucks. It sucks. It sucks so bad. It sucks. Whatever

policies you have. It doesn't matter if it's your homie's cousin or somebody follow through on your policy because people will try you at the worst time. Yeah, yeah and and that's what uh you know kind of concluded that it's kind of like uh you know like regardless you've been in business 14 years I've been doing this for about six years and it's like you know under any other circumstance you wouldn't have accepted it without X Y & Z but because sometimes it's like oh man this is the one like we you get excited about it and you kind of get a little bit more lax about your policies and I'm not gonna lie sometimes it does like pan out because it's the homie but it's like 60% chance it the homies gonna they're gonna do you they're gonna try it every now and it sucks. Boy. Yeah. Because you can't you can't really tell there's not a sign on their head like scammer or it's not on their head. So yeah, it's hard. Yeah. Because we know we had, you know, worked hard and was promoting it was excited about it bought outfits, bought dresses. And, you know, when he hit us with a see you Monday. You ain't gonna never see me again sir. And sure did not see us that night. Did not because we weren't there. Oh my gosh. Yes so okay any other lessons you feel like you've learned as far as the LA experience? That was the biggest one for LA. Yeah. I guess like overall branding is important. Branding and rebranding. So you brand yourself, you stay consistent with your brand. But every now and then you got to rebrand yourself because people are used to your brand. So if people there's there's a difference between being consistent and kind of like being comfortable with how you've been branding yourself and you have to rebrand every few years just so that people are excited to see you again. Yeah, yeah. You know what that's that is the very great point because there are some people who've been doing it for X amount of years and people just kind of put you in their afterthought and it's like oh yeah you still doing that okay that's great but when you rebrand and you refresh and you kind of get back in people's faces a different way they definitely remember you and they say huh interesting. So as you, are you in a rebranding? Are you've you've already done that. So now you're kind of, you know, we're getting on that line until it's time to rebrand brand brand again. This is like a rebranding stage for me. Now, as a few, you know, we're trying to get with that brand looks like I'm starting to see what that brand looks like and then just rebranding seeing where my brand fits in between those two

so and still keeping the integrity of Kelly J because yeah 15 years of what

you've built it you know deserves its own protection so yeah just trying to see what things look like um now but I mean it's panning out besides that

It painted everything else is handy

Everything else is handing out

Well, you have a couple of things you well, you've posted it online so the world can know about it, baby So you've posted some new things that you're gonna be DJing for Yelp. Yeah. Yes. I just got booked for Yelp That gig is actually done until March. I think it's March 25th.

Girl's around the corner.

Girl, we gonna blink it's gonna be April 6th. I'm so scared. But yeah, so like, I saw the post so somebody posted, you know how people post on Facebook, oh I need a DJ for da da da da. But this particular post was for Yelp. And every, and I looked at the comments, there were like 20 comments, and they all posted my name, because they asked for a female DJ I got a person my name and I was like, whoa, so I messaged Her her comments were private so I couldn't comment on there. So I messaged her directly I sent her like like an introduction introduced myself sent their links and She like you love to book you like a lot of people referred you So they booked me and they sent that payment already, you know The gig is next month the nation's the pain if they ain't got the deposit, baby, they don't got you. They should. You don't have no business making the plan. You're not at the stage of your event where you're ready to book the host and or DJ if

you don't have the deposit.

Facts. Facts.

I felt that in my heart.

So shout out to Yoke.

Yeah. Be DJing for them next month. And then me and the other boy got Juneteenth coming up.

Oh, where you guys going for Juneteenth?

You're actually supposed to be there too. Oh what do we have for June? That's a few event. We're gonna give you guys details. Clearly we need to have a meeting. That is a few event. June team's at the World Market Center again. Oh yeah okay okay I think I had an event already last year and I came like at the very nick of time. Yeah the pictures were cute. Yeah, fire. Yeah, we always think so. Absolutely. Shout out to Dre. Didn't he do our last photo shoot? Yeah, shout out to Dre. And congratulations on his engagement. He just got engaged. Oh, yeah. They're so cute.

So beautiful. I know, right? Black History Month and, you know, a little bit of remnants of Valentine's Day. You know what I'm saying? Love is in the air. So, advice. I know you do a lot of training. You actually have a course here at UNLV where you teach new up and coming DJs on the do's and don'ts and how to DJ. So what is the top one thing you tell them as far as like being a DJ? Just the experience of you and these turntables or are they still called turntables?


Okay. I know because they don't turn I mean you know controllers now yeah controllers okay see that's what I'm saying you can still call them third table okay what are the what are you what's your asterisk like okay above all else don't ever do this I didn't really tell them what to not do I told him what to do well tell him a couple things not to do but the bigger the bigger lessons were what to do and that's really just putting your hours like DJing as a skill you have to put in your hours now I don't know if it is it 10,000 hours or whatever that number is thousand hours you got to put in that thousand hours of practice and even then you got to continue to practice because technology is changing everything every two seconds so once you think you know everything something else is coming up to the forefront and you got to learn something all over again. Quickly. Yeah, like it's really important, especially nowadays as a DJ, like you have to stay on the technology and you got to put in your hours and learn the skills that okay, on the branding side, because there's a branding side to business side slash branding side, you got to know the business. And that's a whole, that's a whole nother class. We don't even go over business too much in this class. We go over the skill set, the basic techniques. We have guest DJs, the top DJs from all over the world that reside in Vegas. They come and they talk to everybody and that's it really. How many classes have you graduated so far?

Two, three, four.

That's amazing.

So how many people would you say?

Okay, so first class is two people. Mm-hmm. Second class is eight people third class. I had two classes I was 24 people fourth class again 24 people look at that. It grew fast Started with two started with two probably walking in like I don't even know Starbucks like wow here And I mean, I think it's a beautiful thing for you to be at a point where you're still growing your own personal brand but still able to reach back and be like hey if you want to get to this level this is what you got to do and you got to be consistent on it. So what is some of your ways to stay on top of the music that's happening because I swear I feel like you get the song before the artist gets the final copy. So that's a good thing about being a part of a coalition like Like the Corps gives us music early.

Oh, okay.

So it's leaked. It's not okay sometimes. But we do get music early from the people that are involved in the Coalition. A lot of them work for record labels. So they're just like, here guys, check this out.

Don't leak it.

But everybody leaks it anyway.

I was about to say, because y'all are being crushed. They're like, Kelly J, what song is that?

Who is that? That's a good song. Yeah we could a lot. I like it though like that's how it's supposed to be like with the DJs. We're supposed to get stuff early and check it out and test it out. I'll tell you what. It's different. Kelly J is probably one of the sweetest DJs because for artists who are like up and coming or just want somebody to check it out or listen to it

she will actually she'll listen to it and she'll play it if she likes it.

I've been trying.

I've been like, Kelly, what is this?

What are we listening to?

That's how I started. Like when I had my first internet radio station, we could not play anything mainstream. So we only play independent artists. That's how I met like so many local artists and up and coming artists. Like that's the foundation of my network is independent artists. So like I always try to show love. You do. Even though they be going crazy.

Now girl.

With the unmixed and mastered songs. Now that's where I draw the line. Like how you gonna give me a song y'all just did five minutes ago.

I don't even want to press play if it's not mixed and mastered. Like just work through it please.


Yeah, cause it's, and a lot of times a song actually has a lot of potential. Like it's like oh this is actually nice if you finish and. It's hard to figure, it's hard to hear that though. Cause you gotta hear what it's supposed to sound like done and that's not fair. I didn't have too many of those I was like you know what I'm gonna send you send this to DJ Killa. Not for me. I got a couple too. Angie D said. Oh god okay. She'll guide you. Block you. So there's a lot of craziness going on in this world now. So with the whole UFO situation, okay, I wanted to say one was in the northern part of Canada, one was in Alaska. Now it's, I believe the number is up to seven and about time y'all hear this part, sorry, and about time you guys hear this broadcast, I don't even know what number we're going to be at. I believe China is responding and being like, well the US had balloons.


Baby, what?

I need to Google what balloon, because the only thing I've seen come out of a balloon is confetti. What kind of balloon is this?

And what do we do about it? We're worried about Rihanna and Super Bowl and Jay-Z, and while those things are nice, what?

What do we do?

It's like snowing and raining in Vegas right now. Are we not concerned? Oh yeah, this weather is trash today. It's Valentine's Day and this is like Colorado weather. It's like it's not fair whatsoever. It was beautiful outside yesterday. It was great. I was like skipping in the grass and like having that moment with nature and today it's snow and rain and hail and yeah the hail in Vegas like I don't care what season it is because everyone's saying that monsoon season it's normal for it to hail it's Vegas like I need people to really just let it sink in that it's Las Vegas we're in a desert so the hail and the snow honestly are not supposed to happen? Well, I mean, it does happen in Mount Charleston, which is like what 80 miles from here. And what is

that? Where does that come from? See, I need a we need a call.

geography slash science.

Don't judge us. We live in our truth right now. So if you got

some information, hit us up. Facebook and Instagram. So what's what's what is something that you haven't quite been able to do yet that you want to do? Just staying on publishing company. I have all the paperwork done for the publishing company. I have no time. Absolutely no time to get it off the ground. Publishing music? Yeah, publishing music for TV, film, commercials. I've been sitting on that for what since the pandemic, paperwork's done. No time.

Now you want to create these things that you just want to bring people on who already have that established and running through your publishing business.

Second part streamline everything through the publishing business. There is so much music out already. There are so many dope artists whose music don't necessarily fit in the nightclub don't necessarily fit on the radio unless it's marketed a different way where it comes back to radio which is what winds up happening with a lot of music that are serviced through publishing companies like once you hear a song like Rihanna's lift me up that's not necessarily a radio song but since they pushed it through the Wakanda forever it came back to radio and then like all the remixes came so like it became a radio song but we need more movement like that And we need movement like that with independent artists And I always wanted to do that when I saw the direction that music was going in and I'm just like I Need to do this publishing company. I need to do this publishing company and I have like no time wait There's a remix to lift me up. Oh, yeah, there's a lot of them I would love to hear that cuz maybe I came yeah

I mean heard it all the way for one good time.

What's the- even the Chris Brown, Under the Influence, there's a remix to that.

That's disrespectful. It doesn't need anything done to it.

It's really disrespectful.

Now I do like the Corey Lay Players.

He sounds like the chipmunk. Okay, yeah, the Players remix sounds dope. But yeah, like a lot of remixes are coming back like strong on the radio, which is really cool.

That is cool.


You ever thought about doing something like that?

Yes, so since we're at UNLV, we actually have Red Fest coming up in March. March 3rd, 2nd? 2nd and 3rd? Don't quote me on that. But I'm starting to do a lot more things with the athletics department. Shout out to Sin City Thrilla, aka Alex. He is the director over the music at the UNLV games, the men's and women's games. We decided to do like an anthem, high energy trumpets, as much high energy as you can think for an anthem, but I'm combining all of the top Vegas artists songs. So if I ever heard a Vegas song from a Vegas artist, and it sounds anthomy I'm grabbing it and I'm putting it together and we're making one anthem like one mashup yeah that's gonna be played at the majority of the games oh wow I feel like y'all gonna need somebody to somebody's voice over that to kind of I got you I'm saying stuff. She is a rapper. I do want to have one song that's my dream. I don't care I'll take the one hit wonder just give me one good tune and I'll wear that out. All you need is one song. I'm down for it. So um let me see we talked about business we talked about DJing, you mentioned your boothing. How does that does that affect your romantic life? Because you know you're a DJ so that means you're gonna be out late. Baby don't wait up and making time for that

during the day because when well you don't really sleep so I guess you have

time. Girl it helps that he's already in entertainment and I've tried I've tried dating outside of the industry, because dating inside the industry is so complicated. But dating outside of the industry is even more complicated, because you have to explain your life to somebody that does not that isn't a part of it. Like, it's hard. Why he got to be around baby, that's my coworker. Like what? It's hard. So like, it works out like, it's not perfect, but we're good.

We're good.

As long as you're happy, girl. Let me ask you this, being in this game for 15 years, there's a lot of ups and downs, and what does she say, he say, we say. What's one of the craziest things you've heard about yourself that was just respectfully not true, but funny? What could be funny or whatever?

I've heard this often, though.

I've heard people say I was stuck up. Wow. I'm like, I'm the calmest person ever. Um, well, I'm not sure.

You literally will befriend too many if you ask me.

If you ask me.

I've heard so many people say I was stuck up, but I don't, like not too much has cycled back to me besides that really.

Is this, they normally tell you this after they actually got to know you like oh, I thought you were stuck up when I first met you.

I'm like dang, like how did we get here then?

Right. It's weird.

Okay, well don't feel need to overcompensate and come up because girl somebody's speaking. Kelly say that's your friend. Y'all sit over there. That ain't my friend. Oh, I'm sorry for telling the truth.

Okay. She ain't sorry. She ain't sorry, she ain't sorry at all. So you have weekly, monthly events here in Las Vegas, so let us know how we can support and find you. Absolutely, got Crush every Thursday with King Smash, got Mary Poser every Saturday with NGT. Everything else is just the it changes every week besides the residency at MGM SAO. So I'm actually at the very front of the MGM lobby Thursday Friday and Sundays during the day and then the rest of the month I'm just everywhere so if you want to try to follow me you can try I don't know if you can actually do it but you could try all the public events that I DJ are posted on my social media at DJ Kelly J on everything okay okay I was gonna say how can people follow you and you gave that okay so I'm gonna wrap this thing up. I want to give a thank you again for the Business Entertainment West for the sponsorship. If anyone would like a mention or sponsorship you can reach out at AngieT.onAir at Thank you to Wesley in the sound room. Appreciate you for holding us down. If you would like to run this episode back or you missed any previous episodes you can search Sativa Talk Podcast on Spotify, Google Play, Amazon Music, Audible, Podcast Addict and of course UNLV's website just search for the podcast. My Instagram is Angie T underscore on air or Facebook Angie Thompson. I want to send my love and appreciation to you guys for tuning

in and I'll see you next week. in and I'll see you next week.


Transcribed with Cockatoo