Clydesdale Media Podcast

Jamie, Carolyne and Scott get together for the first time since the CrossFit Games this year. We share our thoughts about Lazar Djukic, the 2024 CrossFit Games, the Master CrossFit Games and quick news clips.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

We're back.

The Sunday night CrossFit

Talk crew is back in the house.

After a two-week sabbatical,

unintended but much needed.

But here we are back again to talk.

So before we get into much,

I do want to preface a couple things.

One, I got back from Dallas.

I had a sinus infection.

My doctor is now starting me

from scratch testing everything again.

So they have taken me off

all antihistamines.

so that they can test me for

what I may or may not be allergic to.

So that means that I am

holding back an itchy

throat that could turn into

a cough at any moment.

So I want to start off the show with that.

So please bear with me if

that does happen.

I'll just turn it over to

the ladies if I go into a

full on fit and they can

carry the show from there.

other thing is uh we usually

have a page where we have

lots and lots of notes um

about what we're going to

talk about just kind of

guiding us into a

discussion it doesn't have

like the full discussion

that that isn't here

tonight um I have wrestled

for a week on what I wanted

to say I have no idea

what's going to come out

tonight this is going to be

completely unscripted um we

haven't even really talked this week


we are talking back and forth

throughout the week and it

has been pretty much radio silent.

And so it may all just come

out in one big onto the air tonight.

So buckle up,

hang on tight and we'll see

what happens because who the heck knows.

You know,

I haven't even seen your haircut.

It looks good.




Right before I left,

I usually always right

before like a big event,

get a haircut because when it's like this,

it doesn't take a lot of maintenance.



So it takes away five

minutes in the morning of hair prep.


And you know, you're always rushing.


Um, so yeah.

And anything outside of

CrossFit that you guys have

been doing over the last week or so,

just to kind of get away from it all.


I know I've needed a break here and


So thank goodness the NFL

season starting for me.

I am my Chicago bears have

played preseason games and

I've been able to watch and

they've done so well and

everybody is loving what they're doing.

And that has actually made

me happy this week.

That's good.


um, Lucas starts school on Wednesday.

Absolutely insane.

Starts his senior year.

Um, and tennis has been in full swing.


they actually had a tournament on Friday.

So I had a very busy Friday.

Like I was up at like four

or five 45 in the morning

to get him to breakfast

before their team bus took off.

And we didn't get home till

like 10 30 at night.

So it was over in Caledonia.


little bit South of Grand Rapids.

So our 15 minutes away.

Um, and it was, it was a hot day,

long day.

Um, yeah.

So that was my watch.



you should see my like stress just


It's like almost more

stressful for me sitting

there watching him play

tennis than going out on

the competition floor.

I was a wreck.

I was like, I'm going to throw up.


Lex S, senior, almost done.

How are you feeling?

I don't know.

I'm feeling stressed.

There's just,

it's a lot like with him

going back to school and

tennis already starting and

he still doesn't have his

driver's license.

So I, you know,

I got to drive him to practices,

which cuts some of my days

shorter at the gym than I would like.

Um, so I'm just, I don't know.


I feel like my training's not where I

want it to be, but that's such as life.



Bruce says my daughter's also a senior

this year.

And, uh,

Jay Birch said the first year in 25,

I didn't start school.

Retirement is starting off good.

When do you start Carolyn?

I go back the 28th of August and yeah.

So this week I started looking over.

some stuff for the beginning

of the school year.

Um, but yeah,

I have to be back the 29th of August.

We have a PD day.


and then we have a long weekend for

like the labor, um, Labor Day weekend.

And then we don't start

until I think it's September 3rd,

whatever that Tuesday is.

That's our first day back.

So it'll be basically back for

Tuesday, Wednesday,

and that Wednesday evening,

I'm back to California

again for the NorCal Classic.

So it's like going back for

a few days and then right

back to California.

Holly, on the other end of the spectrum,

just started kindergarten this week.

Those were the days.

So that's a good place to start, Carolyn.

NorCal Classic.

And Crash Crucible are like

the two hot events coming

up in the CrossFit schedule.

I knew at one time you were

considering doing both.

Are they too close together to do both?

Because I've seen some

comments about maybe people

could not do both events.

No, I think you can definitely do both.


Just curious.

I think people will be doing

both or if it's not crash

and nor like they're doing,

let's say water blues,

a sort of SoCal and crash.

Like I think you can do,

you can do multiple it's the off season.

Uh, you could always do, um, you know,

the month,

like the end of October and

November off and then re

pick it back up in December.

Um, yeah, it's, it's no issue.

I saw Jamie post.

You did, uh, some of the crash, uh,


I did – so I was actually going to do,

like, all of them just for funsies,

just to get some intensity and kind of,

you know,

get some feedback of where I stand.

But – so I did Thursday,

I did the deadlift wall ball one,

and then I didn't have –

didn't even make it to the gym on Friday.

And then yesterday I did

Kelsu just to really trash myself.


If everyone knows what that workout is,

a hundred thrusters with

five burpees every minute on the minute.

So I don't know.

I might do the, Oh yeah.

It's a rough one.

I might do the seven rounds

of the Bart muscle up strict dancing,

push up one tomorrow.

It looks like I like that workout.

So I was talking to Haley

and Josh Mario after I

interviewed Haley on Friday

and they were talking about

how well those crash, uh,

workouts are programmed and

they love JR's programming.

And so they actually

incorporated all the

qualifiers into her training.


Because it was a great like

lead up to the Masters games.

Yeah, I agree.

Who's programming?

Is it HWP?

It says presented by HWPO.

What does that mean?

Is that are they programming

the qualifier or is it JR

doing the whole thing?

I guess I was just confused

with the presented by HWPO.

So I watched JR's show where

he released them last Thursday,

and he definitely

programmed the entire Crash

Crucible qualifier himself.

He did have Taylor look at

them and give some feedback.

He had some other people look at them,

but he definitely programmed them.

I think HWPO is just a sponsor,

not necessarily a programmer.



I don't know why he would outsource that.


That is not what he needs to outsource.

Yeah, that's why I was confused.

I was like,

it wouldn't make any sense

because he loves programming.

So I was just confused by

that because I saw it was HWPO.

presented, but yeah,

those are some hard workouts.





we had the hundreds workout last year

at crash and I saw that I

that's the one I was like, I could do,

I like it,

but it's longer than anything

we're going to see at masters.


which we'll probably talk about a

little bit.

So I was like,

that one's not worth me doing.

It's just not even a time.

Don't mean we're going to touch, but


He said that he likes those

long workouts that aren't

necessarily just a

monostructural movements.

So wasn't surprised to see

that first workout with the

four movements at a hundred.

It's like the first, like the,

the row and the dumbbell snatch,

the strong athlete will be

looking at those two,

but then not necessarily

like the next two movements

or the gymnast and cardio

people like the last two movements,

but maybe not as much in the first two.


Back half a workout for sure.


The other thing he talked

about is he was asked like

how many games athletes were coming.

And he said that, you know,

some of the people that he

invited and said they were

coming did better at the

games than they initially anticipated.

And really that this is a

workout for people coming up.

or like trying to come back,

not necessarily for someone

who's already on top and is

currently there.

And he understands that with

like Rogue and the games,

his event is just not big enough to like,

and he understands that and

he's fine with it.


It just gives more people

the opportunity to get some exposure,

which I thought was a

really cool way to put it.


Um, Jeffrey Birchfield is asking,

is Carolyn going to do

trifecta rogue challenge?

I do all the rogue challenges.

So yes, I wouldn't say I'm at my,

like the strongest right now,

but I'll do my best.



What's the trifecta this year?

Is it always the same or is

it always different workouts?


they do different workouts every month.

Um, it's a max strict press,

a max front squat and a max

sumo deadlift.




Is it now in those, is it by body weight?

Like, do you weigh in and it's no,

or there's,

so there's three weight divisions.

Light, I think is 121 and below.


Middle is between 121 and 168, 167.999.

And then above 168 is the heavyweight.

But then within that weight class,

it doesn't matter after that.

And then you have an hour to

do all three and you have to like weigh,

like measure everything.

It takes so long to do a setup.

I did the thousand pound challenge.

years ago and just like

measuring and weighing

every single weight was

like 20 minutes um but yeah

so every every um month

normally it's a different

challenge like there's not

many like crossfit

challenges it's a lot more

uh machine base or

strongman stuff and then

the odd maybe an olympic

lift max or uh power lifting stuff so

All right, well,

let's get into the tough

part of the evening's

conversation that will

hopefully allow us to move

forward and into more discussion later.

But the CrossFit Games

happened last weekend.

For those who... Well,

let me start with this.

The tragic event with Lazar

Jukic happened on day one.

Is there anything that

either of you would like to

say about Lazar or I just

want to give you the

opportunity since we're

here tonight to do that.

I've said on a roundtable

that I knew Lazar.

He was the first interview I

ever did on Morning Chalk

Up with his brother Luca.

It was such a cool interview

because they were both so

giddy because they had made

the games together.

Lazar had refused his

invitation in 2019 because

he felt he wasn't ready.

And then when he made it back again in 21,

he made it with his brother.

And they were so ecstatic about that.

And it will always be a very

fond memory I have.

of Lazar, um, meeting him that way.

And he actually was the

bigger brother and did most

of the talking because Luca

was so giddy about making

the games and giggly and

that Lazar had to do a lot

of the talking and,

and be that big brother.

So, uh, uh,

That's a great memory.

And I've run into him since.

He's always kind,

was always such a great dude.

And it's been tough for me this week.

I'm not going to lie.

It has been when it happened at the games.

My dad died recently.

But when my dad died,

I had my family around me.

When this happened in Texas,

I felt very alone.

It's the first time I didn't

take a travel companion with me.

and um and I and I felt very

lost and alone and I don't

think I dealt with my

feelings well over the

weekend and um so it's

taken me the better part of

a week just to kind of get

through that I did have

some friends step in um

And that helped during the day.

But when you go back to your

hotel at night and you're

there by yourself with your

own thoughts and own stuff,

and it's not about me,

it's just grieving is tough.

The other aspect of that is

my family grieves with laughter.



we want to remember fondly about what

is going on.

And for most of the weekend, um,

it felt like you didn't

have permission to grieve with laughter.


And it, it,

and I don't even know how you

can to describe that.


Grant and Amanda did do that

with me when we were in

spots where we were kind of

by ourselves and alone.

But publicly,

you looked around for

permission to do anything.

And it made it almost

impossible to move forward

from whatever grief you were feeling.

And so...

Again, we're unscripted tonight.

There's nothing down what

we're going to say.

But that's why it's been a

quiet week from us because

it's taken me most of the

week to kind of get through

a lot of this.

So do either of you have anything to say?

It definitely shook Lex and

I when we were watching the

games on the Thursday.

It's something that

like you just don't expect to see,

especially when like, to me,

he was like the favorite to

win the event and they were

so close to the finish line.

And just to, to think on like, just,

I can't even imagine what

it was like for those

athletes that were there, the fans,

the volunteers,

everyone that was there

because like just seeing it online,

like I was visibly like

shook for like a few days and it was,

it was very difficult.


I can't say like I knew him super well,

but I've obviously seen him

at like a lot of the

competitions I've competed

at and he's always been

very nice and smiley and stuff like that.

And I was just always super, um,

excited to see him compete

with his brother.

Like I think seeing, um,

the joy of those two

qualifying this year in the

semifinals was, um,

know you got excited to

watch them finally compete

together like and it was

just it was tragic it was

sad I was angry I was

confused on just everything

happening and yeah just it

had me reflecting on the

fact that like you know it

could be anyone and um I'm

not the strongest swimmer

and like I when I had to

even like swim the mile

with the fins like that one

year in 2021 like I was scared too

in the water and I just

think about like what if no

one was there and I was

panicking too so you just

start reflecting on like

different competitions

you've done in the water

and everything and just

like how it happened it was

yeah I mean it it's it was

hard to watch it's like

yeah it's traumatic yeah

Yeah, I didn't know him personally either.

I've been in the same room

with him at the 22 games

when I was back there with Jim.

He was one of the athletes that... So...

When it was all together,

I would feel like the main

individuals would kind of

go off to their own section

and stay private.

And I'd say three or four

would stay out in the

bigger common area where

your masters and teens were.

And he was always out on

that floor the whole weekend, like around,

nodding, smiling.

Like if you walk by, you know,

like he just, he was a...

very sociable person you

could tell and um yeah

everyone's stories like you

just that you hear you're

like yep that's that dude

like that's exactly how I

picture him how he was when

I walked by um yeah and

It shouldn't matter.

Like he, like it just,

he was an incredible,

incredible person and it

doesn't matter who it was.

It just, it,

it seems extremely tragic and

extremely tragic when you

have a brother there in the

competition with you.

It's I mean, yeah.


the other thing I know about Lazar is

he was a fiery, fiery competitor.



I was in the media pit when

he was getting no-repped on

the front-facing handstand

push-ups with the brick in 22.



and he is losing his mind over

getting the no reps, right?

Because he loved to compete so much.

And last year, you know,

infamously him and Justin

had the bike wreck and the

fire that came out of him there, right?

So there was no right

decision from the moment

that happened to move forward.

But I know in knowing him,

he would want to keep competing, right?

I'm pretty sure he would

want to keep competing just

knowing how he's acted.


and I have no problems with people

saying I cannot compete

further or can or whatever.

But what I'm having a hard

time making sense of at

this point is those that

did go on and compete.

And there I am in Dallas and

I'm watching the whole thing.

At the end of the weekend,

what did we get out of this?

Does any of it mean anything?

I don't know how it came

across on the telecast, but in person,

there were obviously people

that even though they stayed to compete,

could not compete.

So it was hard to do any

kind of analysis over what

you're seeing that we

typically do on this show.

Moritz Fiebig could barely

get to a jog on anything

because he was so crushed.

I can't analyze his work.

There was no doubt that dude

is hurting bad and he's

moving down the floor at

whatever pace he can.

So at the end of the weekend,

do we really have,

and I don't even know the answer to this,

do we really have a fittest on earth?

I mean, I'm of the opinion.

I'll be honest that it

should have been canceled.

If I'm being honest,

like I know I wasn't there

and I don't know what it

was like for those athletes to compete.


I feel like there was maybe there's no

right way,

but there's maybe better ways

to go on with, um, the weekend.

I still would have had like a,

a Memorial and things that

the community can still get together.

but the thought of the

competition was really hard

for me to get behind.

And I was really struggling

to even watch at all

anything because I was just

angry all weekend.

And I mean,

there was athletes that were

not competing.

Like you said,

there's athletes that are competing,

but are visibly crying on the floor.

There's athletes that are

just better able to put

that aside during the three, two, one go.

And I just felt like you couldn't,

you couldn't analyze the competition.

And quite frankly, I didn't want to.

Like, I didn't like watching.

I didn't feel good watching it.

And I just, I'm sure the athletes felt,

you know,

a similar way where they're competing,

but they didn't really feel

very good about it.

And it was just, I don't know, like to me,

like there was no winners.

Like we all lost Lazar that weekend.

And I have a hard time,

saying that even the

programming tested for the

fittest on earth with the

fact that two events are eliminated,

one of the workouts were modified.

And even with that,

I didn't think the test

also was as well-rounded as

we've seen in the past.

I just struggled with so

many factors over the weekend.

Yeah, I just,

I think there were just other ways to...

move forward with the

weekend without putting the

athletes in that position so fast.

Even considering asking, let's say,

Luca's family if they should go on.

To me, that wouldn't even matter.

They're not even thinking about that.

They just lost Lazar.

I just had trouble watching

the competition for sure.

I mean, I think Brent said this, like,

if there was a tragedy when

he was at home,

he would go to the gym and work out.

That's how he would grieve.

And I do think that that holds true.

And I do think the community needed to,

like, come together together.

I can only imagine if it

would have been shut down

and it would have been kind

of radio silent,

how that would have felt

like a gaping hole for the

whole community.


I think in a way we needed to work

through this.

Do I think it was the best

way it played out?

I don't know.

I mean,

I hear there was talks of all kinds

of different, you know,

more of an exhibition.

um but again we can't judge

any of any of the athletes

choices um regardless of

what they chose to do um

and at the end of the day

there was a set of tests

and two people prevailed at

the end the woman's side I

don't think was going to

matter no matter what um

but you know there was an

exciting race at the end of

the men's side and

Carolyn, we said it a couple of weeks ago,

last year's tests were

extremely upper body pulling biased.

to say like these were a

terrible set of tests or it

just wasn't a complete set of tests.

It is what it is.

I feel like there's always

something every year that

somebody can say,

and he's the fittest of 2024.

James is like, like to me,

it was just like, yeah, like he, he took,

it's not, it's not James's fault.

It's not anyone's fault that

like competed.

Like that's the thing that's tough, right?


it's not their fault that people weren't,

you know,

all at the same capacity to even

take the test.


James was the best at taking it,

followed by Dallin and so forth,

and staying on the female side.

It is what it is.

To me, it was just like, I don't know,

I just had trouble.

We could still work out

through things and do

things as a community,

but to put the competition part,

I feel like, I don't know.

I would have personally

liked to have seen it a different way,

but again, I'm not there.

I'm not those athletes.

I have a lot of respect for

the athletes that decided not to compete,

and I also have respect for

the ones that put Lazar's

name on the floor the whole weekend.

It was not a good scenario either way, but

It's just my personal

opinion and my feelings

towards the competition.


I'm kind of of the belief at this

point that there were a set of tests.

The decision was made to move on.

If you passed all the tests,

you're the fittest on earth.

And this year they had to

deal with something much

bigger than any in years past.

And I will say...

Here I am, I'm grieving for,

for Lazar and then people

that I really love in the

space really did well over the weekend.

And I felt, I felt so bad for them that,

that for like,

they weren't allowed to enjoy it.



James has this personality, like,

and he's so deep-rooted in his faith that,

like, he seemed to enjoy the win.

But, like, my dear friend Emily,

who makes the podium for

the first time in her career,

woman is 34 years old, makes the podium,

and she had an amazing weekend.

And, you know...

they didn't even put their metal.

You guys didn't even see the

award ceremony because they

didn't broadcast it.

Like they,

none of the athletes felt like

they were allowed to put the metal on.


And that's the sad part too, right?

Cause it's not the athletes

like fault and it's, they're put in a bad,

they're put in a bad position.

They were put in a bad position to,

you know,

make the call hours after

whether they are ready to compete or not.


It looks bad if they post

something on social media.

It looks bad if they sell it.

It's just like,

it's very difficult in

those positions for those athletes.

But again,

my heart just goes out to the

Lazar family.

And to me,

that was the most important

thing of the weekend was just, you know,

thinking about him and

finding whatever way people

needed to grieve

i can't judge the way that

everyone did it but like I

know personally I wouldn't

have been able to continue

on um with the competition

yeah and trust me like

lazar has been in my

thoughts for over a week

but I'm trying to find ways

to move forward at this

point not forget not any of

that but just to keep moving forward um

I've heard a lot of things.

These are just some random

thoughts about the weekend.

What got lost in this thing

is there were a lot of cool

improvements from a venue,

a media standpoint,

that everything got swept

under the rug because of what happened.

And it should have been.

It should have been swept under the rug.

But that there were vast

improvements this year.

That arena was gorgeous.

It was very easy to get into.

Security was tight, other than security.

But it was easy to get in and out of.

My Uber dropped me off at the front door,

picked me up at the front door.

Super easy.

they had assigned seats for

media we've never had that

in the past we've always

had to wait an hour in line

to get a seat to get into

the arena to watch anything

um the vendors were open

and there were lots of them

so the lines weren't so

long like they were in um

Madison, Alex said security was tough.

Security was tough,

but they say it's the same security.

They give Taylor Swift the same security.

They give a rodeo.

It's that's just their arena policy.

And security was done by them, not by,

not by CrossFit.


But it was really cool.

The fact that they had

counters on some of the

ergs for the first time ever,

where you could actually physically see.

I don't get why they

couldn't have done that for Chad.

To think that they were

going to eliminate after

the Chad event and cut the

field and you wouldn't even

know where you are in the race.


and to have no strength

events even prior to that,

like there's like a lot of

like head scratchers for me.

My guess is they didn't have,

but I would have liked to

have seen that counter for

Chad because visually that

it had four digits.

So it could have done Chad

even though they cut it to

two 50 with the way they did it.

I don't,

i don't think they had 80

counters I'm with uh andrew

stenn I think they had 10

one per lane uh and used it

in events where they could

uh larry young says um and

I got to meet larry uh

which was awesome um

he liked the venue,

but going back and forth to

vendor village, he gave up on.

And a lot of people did that

because security was so tough.

Every time you entered the either facility,

you had to go through that

checkpoint again.


That's what I heard.

Overarching complaint was lines.


I don't know.

I just saw a lot of it.

As nice as the arena was,

I saw far more comments of

Madison was better.

And they should have never left.

Those are people that are

just angry at everything else.

The seats were not broken down.

They were way more comfortable.

The sight lines were better.

Yeah, but if you can't get in to watch,

does it even matter?

What do you...

you just have to schedule it

or just being closer to the

vendor village and

activities would probably

be easier from the Madison entrance.

There were four major

entrances with probably

three security lines at

each entrance to the main arena.

You had lots of options to go in.

I never stood outside for

the venue longer than 10 minutes.

You have a person, Larry Sane right here,

he stopped going back and

forth because it wasn't worth it.

Now, Vendor Village I heard was bad.


that's not good because you need

Vendor Village to be,

you need that to be extremely accessible.

You need your fans to go back and forth.

Farrington Field was a disaster.

People couldn't even get in.

It looks like a lot of people got in.

They were almost full on the one side.

It was not full.

You could see so many open seats.

The home bleachers were almost full.

The visitor ones, the outsides were empty.

But that seats 20,000 people.

We've never had close to

that at any CrossFit event.


I don't even know what I was here.

Uh, uh, Jay Burch.

I got in cross fat said the

line was for vendor village

and the football field main

venue was already great.


The main venue is fine.


I'm telling you,

I've been to Madison a bunch of times.

I would be upset to go back

to that old clunky arena

again after what this was.

The lighting was so much better.

You could actually see people.

My pictures came out way

better than they ever have.

Jay Birch, I was there.

It was pretty full at Farrington Field.

That's good.

So, okay.

So there's that.

Anything else we want to say

about the games before we move on?

I do want to say

All right.

I've debated about saying this all day,

but I'm going to say it now.

The one thing that I've kind

of decided this week is that,

and it's upset me very much,

so I don't know how this is

going to come off,

but when I feel like

there's a lot of people in

this community pushing

whatever their thoughts

were before going into the

CrossFit Games,

after the crossfit games

using lazar's death and

parts of that are really

upsetting me right we don't

know the facts of the case

at this point there are if

you look at the me report

there's already been a

prosecutor assigned to this

case you know that this is

going to go through the

legal system in some way

CrossFit announced that they

are putting Peter Edge and

former Homeland Security

investigator in charge of a

third party report to tell

them what what they did wrong.

There's a lot of facts for us to learn.

One of the big things that

is really upsetting me is

whatever your agenda was

before the CrossFit Games,

and I've had plenty of

agenda on this show.

I've talked about things

that I think CrossFit has

sucked at or that they need to do better.

People are using this

tragedy to push that agenda

that they've always had.

There are legit beef...

From what happened that weekend,

that you could, whatever,

that you could take from

that and move an anger position toward,

I get that.


that's been very upsetting to

me this week.

Because one of the things

that I've always complained

about is that communication

from CrossFit has been horrible.

And during this weekend,

that was on display.

Media had no freaking idea

what was going on at any time.

We had to hear from other

people whether we were moving on or not.

Like if we had a connection

with an athlete or a

connection with... They

didn't even speak to the

third-party media.

Our liaison wasn't even in

the room until Saturday.

And then a week later to say,

we're not doing any more

swim events until further investigation.

You could have said that

Thursday afternoon.


I think there obviously is going to

be some, I mean, in my opinion,

lawsuits and stuff like that right now.

And while they're,

name is on a lot of these competitions,

like they're gonna wanna

figure out what the best, you know,

safety protocols will be

going forward so that it's

consistent with every event.

Cause it's not consistent

right now between every event.

And to go back on your point

of like people using what

happened to push like other agendas.

I mean,

people have their own opinions of

everything, but to me, like,

I'm still angry with what

happened with CrossFit and

it's just like accumulation of things,

I think,

and a buildup of frustration and anger.

And then there's things that

we saw with our own eyes,

like on the video, right?

Like you literally, we know what we saw.

So it's hard to be like, uh,

we're waiting for investigation a,

B and C to get done.


obviously there's a lot more

information missing,

but we still saw a lot to

still make like our own, um,

not opinions, but our own, I guess,

judgment, I guess of it.


And I don't,

I don't know what the answer

is to everyone else or people,

not everyone,

but possibly pushing other things.

Like it just should all just

be about athlete safety,

Lazar's family and how we

can prevent this from ever, ever,

ever happening again,

because in all honesty,

we have been so lucky that this is,

this has not happened before.

When I look back on some of

the competitions that I've

had swimming very early in

the morning for certain,

for certain groups,

not enough people in the

water and you know,

other things like to have

consistency between the

competitions I think can only be good.

And I'm hopeful that, you know,

some positive can come out

of this to protect, um,

the athletes going forward.

And it doesn't mean

eliminating everything.

It doesn't mean swimming

can't come back because

people are like losing

their mind over that.

I don't like swimming can come back,

but I think it's having

consistency between each

comp and some comps will be like, Oh,

we've done it this way.

We've never had anything go wrong.

It doesn't mean because you

have had nothing go wrong,

that your competition has

had the perfect also, um,

protocols because that's

not the case also.

So just to have, you know,

maybe bring in more people,

bring in some experts and

figure out what works best

and to have it consistent,

consistent will be very

important going forward.

In no way am I saying that.

And like,

I understand athletes have the

right to be angry.

Like, like you said before,

you're not a strong swimmer.


would they have gotten me?

Would they have, you know,

like I get the anger there.

And so it's more from other

directions that I'm, you know, and there,

there's two things.


I'm upset that people are using a

man's death to push an

agenda that they've always had.

And I always,

and I also feel like I saw a lot of,

non authentic people this week.

And with that,

I was hurt because some of

those people I never

thought I would see be inauthentic.


one thing lazar always was

was an authentic human and

to use his death in a way

that is inauthentic just

really hurt me and I've

been struggling with all

week yeah so yeah and

there's just been I think

there's been a like with

some of that stuff because

there was lack of

communication there's been

a lot of talk and chat and

chatter here and there without

without names being said.

So then people are just judging people.

And I don't like that at all.


You don't have to say names.

You can go through Instagram

and you can pretty easily

tell who is being inauthentic and not.




So those are the things that

I wanted to bring up.

I think we've covered all

the news from the games.

Anything else you guys want to talk about?

Or we can move on to... I think,

in my hope,

I want to move on to a

competition that may help

us move forward.

A competition that

represents what CrossFit was founded on,

and that is...

to make people healthy late in life,

to be able to play with their grandkids,

to be able to get off the

toilet at the age of 65,

to do those things.

And what the origins of

CrossFit were about.

And that is the Masters

CrossFit Games that are

coming up Labor Day weekend.

Our very own Jamie Latimer

is going to compete.

I saw you got your shirts in.

Have you been able to get

them out to everybody?

I think everyone, Craig's in the chat.

I'm curious if he got his.

I think Holly was here.

Curious if she got hers.

Yeah, I think pretty much there's like,

I still have like 10 at the

gym that people need to

come in and pick up,

but I mailed them all out.

Craig got his.


Take a picture in it, Craig.

Tag me.

I love to see them on people.

With that,

you had a meeting with the organizers.

We did.

We had a 30-minute

informational meeting on Thursday.

I think Tuesday or Wednesday,

we received an athlete

packet with some heat times and

basically a general schedule.

And so it was pretty clear

from that email that there's 10 events.

Um, we have three on Thursday,

two on Friday,

three on Saturday and two on Sunday,

obviously no swimming, um,

all in the convention center.

They did say, because people were asking,

will, will we be going outside?

Do we need to be prepared?

Um, they said there was one event,

probably something like, um,

Like when they did Helena

last year for the individuals, like,

and it got running like a

200 or 400 that we didn't get details,

but he said,

you will run outside the

venue and back in and do

some stuff for four rounds.

So, um,

that's our only exposure to the

outside air that we'll get.

Otherwise we're inside the venue.

The whole weekend,

55 plus only has eight events.

So there's two events that

just the younger age groups have,

whether it's ability, capacity,

just volume tolerance.

One of them is Thursday's

first workout for us.

It's a three-minute workout, so...

get assume what you want

from that um and then yeah

they're kind of short for

my liking we have a two

minute event a three minute

event a five minute event

two eight minute events um

so half of our events are

eight minutes or less and

then we have a 11 12 13 15

and 18 minutes is our

longest event and those are

the cap times not


And yeah,

it could be a four round for time

with 18 minute cap.




I know that when that came out,

you weren't the most

excited friend I've ever

had because you like those long,

long grindy chippers.




I think it's because they

have way too many people.


They confirmed that they did

all the programming.

So I don't know.

I think we all thought maybe

Castro or Boz would have

some say in this and it doesn't appear.

I don't think they got...

Haley asked on the...

Murillo asked on there if

there would be like

handstand ramp or anything

we need to prepare for.

And they said no.

Like they tried to get some stuff.


they said it's going to be very...

bait like everything you can

find in your everyday gym

so again I just feel like

the budget cuts like don't

give us much we just get

what we get and it is what

it is so andrew stan who is

a part of that leadership

group for masters says

crossfit did have input oh

One thing that surprised me, sorry,

going back to the games,

was the similarity with the

team workouts and the

individuals this year were much closer,

I think, than in the past.

So I was wondering maybe the

Masters would have some sort of carryover,

possibly one or two events.

I'd just be curious if we

would see something like that.


I was very curious too.

Like, I mean,

that's why I tried to pay

attention to the

individuals just to glean anything.

Would there be a workout

that we would do like the

Dickies triplet or something like that?

Like, could that be the one we see?


Cause that would be

interesting to see a

trickle like down effect

between all the divisions.

Then there's like a

comparison throughout the ages.


on a certain baseline workout.



And just remember the,

Sean Woodland and Chase

Ingram are calling the Masters games.

So you're getting an A-team

in there calling the stream.

It's not the iPhone 5 from the roof.

It is an actual professional

stream with really good announcers.

Tommy Marquez and Lauren

Khalil are doing the floor stuff,

I believe.

So, yeah.

There's three floors.

I don't know how that will

look broadcast wise.


I don't know if they're out of the

arena or the convention

center or whatever.

Like there's two distinct areas.

I don't know where you're

squeezing in a third,

unless it's like for maybe

that three minute, you know what I mean?

Like something you can just

kind of run through.


So I'm guessing, so one,

it sounds like from what he said,

one of the floors is going

to look like that side floor at MFC,

just lanes.

And then one of the floors

has a large normal rig,

probably your 15 foot rig with ropes.


and then one of the floors has your

smaller A-frame rig.

So one is just going to be

like those lanes, um,

just like at MFC.

So that'll be a,

probably a much smaller area.


It's going to be tough

covering all those floors.


And so like, I'm kind of curious,

does like floor three,

say floor three is the small,

no equipment floor essentially.

Um, does that not get a camera on it?

Does that one not get broadcast?

I don't know.


I don't know.


There's no obstacles, John.


they could do cones versus the stairs

like a zigzag.


You did the rampant crash last year.


Don't, yeah, me.

I saw it.

It wasn't great.

It was the first time you'd

ever attempted it.


I haven't done it since.

What do you know, John?


Is there more leaks in the

masters than the individuals?

If you know, someone else knows,

share with the rest of the class.

Also, that's ridiculous, again,

with the leaks that happen.

But again, not surprised.

I say it every year that there's leaks.


Can I just say one more

positive from the games weekend?

I really enjoyed the 200

meter run inside the arena.


I like that so much better

than an assault runner or

anything like that.

And it visibly or visually,

it looked really good.

So easy to tell who was in first,

who wasn't.


Anytime you can have a, you know,

a foot race and you can see

where you're at.

It's, it always looks good.

now the bumping and the the

rubbing is racing happened

a lot on the men's side for

sure and a little tiny bit

on the women's side yeah um

So we're super excited.

We're going to be there for

the entire weekend.

Hopefully I can get Carolyn

on in the evenings to do

wrap-up shows with me from there.

Jamie will be competing,

so she'll be a little bit busy.

Maybe she'll pop on for five

minutes and just give us an

update of the day.

But we have our team

together for the behind-the-scenes,

which is now officially

going to be myself and

Ellie Hiller will be doing

the interviews in the back.

Jonathan Ortega and my

friend Caitlin Walters will

be doing the video of the floor.

And Holly will be doing all

the stats and graphics for

the behind-the-scenes.


Hoping to put that together.

Still looking for a couple more sponsors,


We'll get some, but yeah,

super excited about that.

And the Masters community is

so excited for it.

And I've had so much fun talking to them.

You are killing it with the interviews.

So much fun.

The bad thing is, you know,

generally when I interview somebody,

we go off the off air and

then we chat for a little bit.


these athletes want to chat Haley

and Josh.

Like I'm like, guys,

I have an interview in like

three minutes.

I've got to go.

Um, but they're just,

they're just the sweetest people, man.

Is Haley going back to crash?

Uh, I don't think so.


I don't think they have masters this


Do they?


They do?

Well, J.R.

asked me if I'm coming back.


Maybe she is.

We didn't really get into it.

They were bragging on J.R.

's programming.


And they're doing all the qualifiers,

so maybe.


But she doesn't feel like

she's really in shape

because she's been a coach

more than an athlete.

Oh, she's working out alongside Haley.

She's incredibly fit.

she said to me that it appears that way,

but there's a lot of stuff

she could not hang with Haley.

And so she, she didn't even try,

but there was stuff that

like Kaylee needed to push on.

And so Haley Maria would

jump in and push her.

Um, but yeah, so we have that coming up.

Um, then one interesting thing I saw, uh,

is rogue is developing an echo rower.

Because they took away the

Easy Bike by making the Echo Bike.

Now they're going to take

away the Easy Rower?

The Easy Bike.

Do you think it's going to

be like the Assault Runner style?

Or the Assault Rower style?

I don't know.

I'm curious.

It's probably just going to

be made so strong that it's


The C2 Rower already is indestructible.

You don't need to mess with a good thing.

They want to take over the world, Pinky.

The gyms are all outfitted with C2 rowers.

That is the standard.

We do not need another piece of equipment.

Gyms have invested thousands

of dollars on 20 plus rowers.

And then you want to throw

in this other piece of equipment?



That's a great point.

All right.


Waterpalooza SoCal has also announced

their partnership with the PFAA.

So they are partnering.

This is not new.

Waterpalooza Miami did that in January.

Now SoCal is doing it for

their competition in September.

That's good.

I mean,

I think more comps will pull them in.

I mean, they're being pretty outspoken.

Rogue needs more money, I guess.


I think it's good for the PFA to be

in talks with competitions

or at least have some sort

of athlete union conversation.

always in talks for stuff

the thing that's very

interesting about our sport

I was talking to lex today

about this is like most of

the unions in sports like

the workouts are known or

the like the the

competition is known but

we're in a in a sport where

stuff is unknown so certain

athletes let's say in the

pfa would have access to

information maybe earlier

than others obviously shares it, um,

with the rest,

but it's just an

interesting difference of

our sport because of the

whole unknown and

conversations that have to

happen with the PFA.

Um, but regardless,

I think it's important to, um,

have athletes that know the movements,

knows the risks involved with, um,

sort of like competitions.

So I think that's a good move by water.

Yeah, I think it's,

it's a good first start.

I think there are ways

around it and what we can

get into this in the off

season when we have a lot

where we can talk about directions,

but you know,

a lot of unions will put

together like a third party

committee where both sides

get to put the members of

that committee together and

to come to an agreement

right so it's not the

actual players or the

owners it's this third

party that comes up with it

or approves it um who

aren't directly involved

but they're elected there

by both sides of the the

negotiating table I didn't

realize that the c2 really

wasn't indestructible

apparently uh wad zombie

has ripped the handle off a

c2 row or twice

That's crazy.

I, before my back injury,

I would move a rower across the floor.

Oh, I've seen it.



I've never broken a rower.


Wads on visa beast.

If he's done that.

Props to you, Nick.

I did snap a,

it's like the little curvy

piece that goes into the handle.

So we just had to replace that one piece.

I did crack one of those ones.

That's because Nick is strong.

All right.

Any last thoughts for tonight?

Ten more sleeps.

Ten more sleeps.

When are you getting down there?

We'll get I'm going to leave

Tuesday morning,

but I think we're going to

stop somewhere.

Nashville ish,

maybe a little before that

sleep there and then get

back up in the morning and

go the rest of the way.

We don't need to be there

before like noon.

We can't check in until four,

and I don't think my

check-in is until later

afternoon at the venue.

Oh, go ahead, Carolyn.

Will they announce any workouts before?

Did they say anything about that?

If they'll release anything

and then did they talk

about the uniforms for you guys?

That's my two questions for you.

Oh, yes.

We are getting workouts

released starting Monday

was the plan most likely.

The first one they're going

to release is the one that

they said would have the running.

So that's probably the first

one we'll hear about.

And they'll probably,

he said they would not announce them all,

probably leave two to, I don't know,

two or three in the secrecy.

So all week we should get a

workout essentially.

And then the, yes, they,

obviously they've heard all

the complaints about the uniforms.

So the solution is that we

can buy more Northern

Spirit apparel if we would like.

We can wear any Northern

Spirit apparel on the floor.

So we can go to the booth and buy more.

But it is mandatory for every event.

And you said you had 10 events?

And three uniforms?

Or was it more?

Yeah, I believe it's three.

Because it wasn't even

enough for each day.

Like it wasn't even four outfits.


Three outfits.

Do you have laundry?

No, I don't.

I have a sink.

I mean,

at least if you're going to

acknowledge that,

at least give like a 50%

off coupon for the Northern

Spirit booth or something.

Just be like, you know,

we're trying to do what we can.

Here's a discount to get

some more apparel items.

There's just a lot of you

and that was our budget.

And I would at least respect that.

Just to be like, well,

come spend more money.

I mean, it's frustrating.

Everything about this seems

like a money grab.

Lex says having to buy more is ridiculous.


Or, like, my... And I didn't speak up,

so it is kind of... It's

not fair of me to say this now, really.

But, like...

I would if if you're

acknowledging there isn't enough uniforms,

but you want it to look good,

like at least pick your

like primetime events and just say, hey,

are your your evening event Thursday,

Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

You have to be on the floor

in northern spirit.

Like those are the four

events you must wear.

And we ask that you can for

the other events as much as possible.

But we acknowledge that, you know,

some stuff might be dirty and,

but just pick the,

pick the like main events

that like are going to

showcase our sport the most

and that are your prime

time hours on YouTube.

I don't know.

That would be my solution, but I get it.

Andrew Sten says,

that's on Northern Spirit and CrossFit,

not Legends.

I know that for us to be on the floor,

we have to be doing behind the scenes.

For our people on the floor,

we have to be in Northern Spirit.

So hopefully they supply us

with at least some.

You'll probably get more than us.

We'll find out.

We also lost our ice bath sponsor,

so there's no ice baths.

Who was the ice bath sponsor?

I think Chili Goat.

And the other information we

got was that they currently

don't have any,

like a Rosti isn't coming.

They're working on getting somebody,

so hopefully we do.

But yeah.

You guys are the ones that

need it the most.

I know.

All the tape, all the everything,

the foam rolls.

I see Masters of the Games on day one,

half of you guys have all

taped up shoulders and knees.



Yeah, I'm actually,

it sounds like all they're going to do,


Jason Grubb has offered to bring in, like,

I think he has a few tubs.

And so, like, those will be available.

But that's,

you're talking 500 plus

athletes using three or four tubs.

Like, yeah.

I thought Jay Burch was

talking about duct tape, binding twine.

Oh, I was thinking the metal, like,


I was thinking the stuff to

hold the athlete together.

I'm just kidding.

All right.

Well, we're, we're heading out,

I think Tuesday evening.


As far as we can so that we

can be there for check-in

to start the behind the scenes check-in.

And I think Ortega is going

to be there sometime that

day and Caitlin will be

there sometime that day.

So yeah,

we should get rolling right about then.

But yes, super excited about that.

Super excited to meet all

these people I've met

online over the last month

and a half to get to meet them in person.

But, you know,

I was really upset about the

40 in the lower divisions

when it first came out.

But some of the people I've

talked to are in that 40th

position and they're the coolest people.

Yeah, I'm sure they are.

Uh, so Lex is asking,

what's your plan for

releasing content behind the scenes?


I'm going to put it behind a paywall.


Like subscribe.

If I ever would do that,

it would just be for like a day or two.


Uh, but the, actually the,

the plan is to release,

to have an episode for every event.

and for check-in so it

should be an 11 episode

behind the scenes and one

for each event and then it

the one being three minutes

we may have to tweak that a

bit but around that's the

kind of the gist and I'm

hoping to do one a week

minimum after we get back oh my gosh

What about the bad timing of

the CrossFit trailer coming

out the week after this year's games?

Someone needs fired.

It was free.

They didn't pay for it.


My goal is to like get some

good stuff at check in and

start working on that Wednesday night.

Cause I'll have some time.

Are you doing it all by yourself,

like putting everything

together or are you working

with one of your people

that are going there?

So I think Ortega and I are

going to do all the editing.

He's going to do all the workout stuff.

I'm going to do all the

interview stuff and then

we'll combine it into.

That's the agreement I've made with him.

so anyway we can work on

that check-in one which

would be episode one I can

start working on it

wednesday night because

I'll have time because

chicken doesn't go that

late and then just start

piecing together stuff and

then uh and then when I get

home that I can start

working on episode two is

kind of the plan so episode

one the week after and then

just start going

at at least one a week it

might be more than that if

we can get on a good roll

so but yeah super excited

about it and and I know

like holly's super fast at

the graphics the

leaderboards and stuff

she'll put all that in

there um so but we have a

lot of age groups to cover so it's

It's going to be crazy.

Have I sent you the heat sheet?


You need to separate

yourself between the 55

plus and the 35 to 54.



You need two of you is what I'm saying.



um with that make sure yeah

everybody hit that like

button subscribe to the

channel hit the notifier

you all you know all the

things um because we're

back we'll be doing these

every week hopefully we'll

have a better script going

forward um but next week

we'll be less than a week

away we'll be like three

days away from masters

games um and teenagers and teens yeah

and teens yeah and then

we've got adaptive after

that with socal the same

weekend uh and so we have

that then almost

immediately into rogue so

things get crazy over the

next few weeks uh and

hopefully that helps us all

move forward so thank you

everybody for listening to

us tonight sorry if we rambled a bit

But, again, like,

subscribe to the channel.

We love you all.

Thank you so much for always

supporting the show because we love you,

and we love that you're

here every week with us.

With that,

we will see everybody next time

on Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

Bye, guys.